Structural-context approach in the pedagogical research
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-91-100
In the existential aspect, the modern world is characterized as BANI-world (Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, Incomprehensible).The reasons for this characterization are the factors of rapid obsolescence of specific knowledge, the accelerated change in the technological structure of society, the risks of environmental, energy and epidemic crises, the emergence of artificial intelligence and trainable neural networks, the large consequences of small (at first glance) events in science and public life. In such circumstances, there is a tendency to move from pragmatic pedagogy to analytical pedagogy, which contributes to the formation of conceptual pedagogical thinking. It differs from the standard-performing one in that it is aimed at a deep understanding of the meaning and essence of the fundamental principles of planning and implementing the ideas of scientific research. This path requires the development of the methodological apparatus of general pedagogy and its application in dissertation research. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the system-contextual approach in the study of pedagogical processes and educational technologies in the changing world. The source materials for the review of literature in pedagogical periodicals and in open access to the Internet were the abstracts of dissertation research along with publications in the field of the theory of pedagogical systems, forms of contextual education, environmental and other approaches in pedagogy, the theory of systems and research methods. The paper uses methods of comparative comparison of the content of publications and frequency analysis of the use of terms in them using the online open access service “Semantic text analysis online, seo-analysis of text”. A model of the pedagogical system, the dominant of which is the control unit, is proposed, which allows us to consider the system as educational. The system-contextual approach, conceptually integrating the theoretical model of the pedagogical system, the forms of contextual learning and the environmental approach in pedagogy, has been substantiated. It is concluded that a full-fledged analysis in pedagogical research requires the use of a system-contextual approach in complementary consideration of pedagogical processes of various scales and levels in inseparable connection with the context in which the processes are implemented.
Keywords: pedagogical system, contextual learning, environmental approach, pedagogical design, educational system context, open pedagogy
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 91 — 100
Downloads: 277