Culture shock and the problem of linguocultural adaptation of students in a foreign-language environmen
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-2-101-109
Globalization processes in the economy, the strengthening of political and cultural ties between states, the spread of the Internet and distance learning technologies, which marked the 21st century, contributed to the rapid growth of international academic mobility. In this regard, the issue of overcoming cultural shock and the problem of linguocultural adaptation of foreign students in a foreign language environment becomes especially relevant. To identify the difficulties that affect the process of linguocultural adaptation in the Russian-speaking educational environment, we conducted an online survey of foreign students studying at Tyumen State University (Tyumen). According to the results of the survey, the majority of foreign students has never heard of the theory of culture shock, but all the respondents we interviewed have experienced it to a greater or lesser extent. Among the main problems, the respondents mentioned the language barrier, problems of socialization, new climate conditions, unfamiliar food, etc. In such case overcoming the language barrier directly influences the effectiveness of the educational process. The peculiarities of the grammatical system of the Russian language, the auditory perception of Russian speech, word stress rules, fast speaking rate of native speakers, articulation of some sounds, semantic differences between synonyms present the most difficult issues for foreign students learning the Russian language. The research findings show that in order to adapt successfully to the foreign language environment it is necessary to know verbal and nonverbal means of communication and to use them correctly according to the situation or context, to have a positive attitude towards the interaction with native speakers, to strive to know the host culture better and avoid stereotyping, to be aware of the values and norms of the host society, to be tolerant towards the cultural identity of another ethnic group. In general, foreign students studying in Russia see the positive results of overcoming culture shock and characterise cross-cultural adaptation as invaluable experience which fostered personal growth and unleashed their full potential, gave them an excellent opportunity to acquire new knowledge and competencies.
Keywords: culture shock, linguocultural adaptation, foreign students, language barrier, cultural distance
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 101 — 109
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