Communicative behavior of the author’s linguistic personality and its discursive conditionality (based on the work of V. V. Mayakovsky)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-4-16-23
Modern cognitive-discursive linguistics focuses on the study of discursive personality. Interest in the study of the communicative behavior of a linguistic personality is due to the general turn of modern linguistics to the problem of “language and man”; The focus of linguists is on issues of communicative organization and communicative behavior of native speakers of different types of languages. The article examines the relationship between the communicative behavior of the author’s linguistic personality and its discursive conditioning. The initial parameter in the description of a linguistic personality is a speech work, therefore the linguistic personality of the author in the texts he creates and the discourses reflected in them are examined. Current trends in text research indicate a growing interest in not only the internal structure and linguistic characteristics of texts, but also their social and communicative role. This provides the opportunity for a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of textual material as a means of communication and a product of the linguistic activity of a particular person. In this regard, the study of the author’s linguistic personality in the context of textual manifestations within a certain discourse represents a pressing problem in modern linguistics. Discourse analysis allows you to integrate a wide range of factors, including cognitive, psychological and pragmatic, into the study of linguistic personality. A linguistic personality manifests its belonging to a specific ethnic group, professional field, age and gender identity in discursive practices. Discourse serves as a platform for the manifestation of emotional states, which play a significant role in the organization of communicative interaction. The linguistic personality in the texts he projects uses various communicative strategies, which represent a complex of speech actions taken in order to achieve a certain communicative result. Their implementation is carried out through the use of various communication tactics. A person who participates in discourses of various types and displays specific tendencies in his communicative and speech behavior in them is considered polydiscursive. The author of the texts actively participates in the development of various discourses, and through them specific tendencies of his communicative behavior appear, revealing the unique features of his polydiscursive linguistic personality.
Keywords: communicative behavior, linguistic personality of the author, polydiscursive linguistic personality, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 16 — 23
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