The concept of “creation” and the means of its implementation in lyrics of Y. D. Levitansky
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-4-59-67
The article is devoted to the analysis of the verbalisation of the concept of creativity in the poetry of the outstanding Russian poet of the second half of the twentieth century Y. D. Levitansky. Poems from the poet’s early collections “Leaves are Flying” (1956), “Sides of the World” (1959) and “Earthly Sky” (1963) are considered as the research material. The choice of these poetic texts is due to their insufficient study, as well as the desire to consider in more detail the initial period of Levitansky’s work, important for understanding his work as a whole. In order to achieve the set goal, the study uses the method of solid sampling, observation, semantic-stylistic and contextual analyses. It was established that creativity in the author’s perception appears as a complex process of self-expression, requiring inspiration, diligence and harmony with nature. Y. D. Levitansky describes the analysis of the poet’s inner conflicts, the balance between emotions and reason, as well as the opposition of the author’s individuality and stereotypes in creativity. Emphasis is made on the complex emotions experienced by the poet at the beginning of the creative process. The study reveals the linguistic means representing the concept of creativity: the use of metaphors, epithets and antithesis to convey the internal contradictions and experiences of the poet; repetition of words and phrases to enhance the emotional impact of the text, as well as the use of oxymorons and rhetorical questions to express the complexity and contradictory nature of the creative process. As the study has shown, for Y. D. Levitansky creativity is an integral part of his essence, a way of self-expression and search for meaning in life. The author sees creativity as a source of pain and experience, as well as deep satisfaction. The poet sees creativity as a serious and exciting process that requires complete dedication and concentration, but at the same time brings joy and expectation of something important and meaningful. For Y. D. Levitansky, creativity is an exploration of the inner world, where pencil and paper act as tools to reveal the depths of the human soul.
Keywords: concept “creativity”, interpretation, world picture, lyrics, Y. D. Levitansky
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 59 — 67
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