The content of the concept of “creativity” and the means of its verbalization in N. A. Zabolotsky’s lyrics of different years
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-4-68-74
N. A. Zabolotsky’s worldview remains insufficiently studied. Among the key concepts of interest for the study of the author’s idiosyncrasy, the concept of “creativity” can be distinguished. An important part in the analysis of the poet’s conceptual sphere is the identification of the lexical structure, content and representation of the concept of “creativity” in the poet’s lyrics of different years. The goal of the work is to identify the features of the structure and ways of representing the concept of “creativity” in N. A. Zabolotsky’s lyrics in different periods of the poet’s work. The research uses the continuous sampling method, conceptual analysis, biographical, comparative, contextual, semantic and stylistic. The article presents the results of a study of N. A. Zabolotsky’s poems from 1926 to 1958, which used the direct nominee of the concept “creativity” and associatively and semantically related lexemes. Using the methodology of modeling intertextual associative-semantic parts allowed us to identify the features of the content of the concept of “creativity” and its lexical embodiment in the communicative and activity aspect. The study was conducted in line with the communicative style. As a result of the analysis of N. A. Zabolotsky’s poems from different years, the features of the content and lexical embodiment of one of the key concepts of the poet’s lyrics – “creativity” in the dynamics of the author’s poetic activity were determined. The nominee of the concept is rarely represented in the author’s poetic texts, but is verbalized through multiple textual associations, for example: “singing”, “art”, “music”, “poetry”, etc. In the early period of the poet’s work, the nature of his perception of the surrounding reality is reflected in the content of the concept of “creativity”. In the author’s collections “Urban Columns” and “Mixed Columns” N. A. Zabolotsky, depicting the “inverted” and absurd world of the NEP era, creates a specific version of the understanding of the concept of “creativity”, which differs from the interpretation of the concept in late lyrics. The later lyrical works of N. A. Zabolotsky reflect a more familiar understanding of the concept of “creativity” for the reader. His philosophical views was changed. Some events of the poet’s personal life affect the author’s worldview, reflected in the content and means of representation of the concept under consideration. In the late period, Zabolotsky’s creativity is often associated with nature, which is the inspiration, reflection or independent creator of a particular type of art. The analysis of N. A. Zabolotsky’s lyrical works from different years made it possible to identify and formulate the features of the content and lexical embodiment of the concept of “creativity” in poems from 1926 to 1958. The results are important for the study of the evolution of the author’s poetic worldview.
Keywords: concept, artistic concept, keyword, associative semantic field, stylistic device
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 68 — 74
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