Phraseological picture of the world of students in the system of secondary vocational education: cognitive research
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2024-4-103-110
Ideas about the world are objectified in phraseological units reflecting universal human values that are acquired over time growing up and entering adulthood. The article raises the issue of the formation of a phraseological picture of the world among students in educational institutions of secondary vocational education in Russia. There is a difference between the formed phraseological pictures of the world of students on the basis of nine/ten grades of basic general education and students in higher educational institutions. The phraseological pictures of the world of Russian-speaking and foreign-speaking students are compared. The influence of age, level of education and life experience on the breadth of phraseological units used in speech is noted. It is proved that the formation of a picture of the world depends not only on the family and the social environment in which a person grew up and was brought up, but also on his skills and desires to explore this world. The main factors influencing the formation of concepts of phraseological pictures of the world are determined. Based on the interpretation of phraseological units by students, a conclusion is made about the evolution of the language.
Keywords: phraseological units, phraseological picture of the world, сognitive linguistics
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 103 — 110
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