Features of the writer Tatiana Meiko`s communicative style in an interview
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2025-1-63-70
The study of the media discourse of public linguistic personalities belongs to the relevant areas of modern linguistics. Of particular interest is the analysis of interviews with the participation of the writer as a creative personality with a special worldview and the ability to focus on the mass addressee. The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of the communicative style of the creative media linguistic personality of the writer based on his speech behavior in interviews. The article analyzes the material of 4 interviews in 2013-2023 with the participation of Tatyana Efremovna Meiko, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia. The research was carried out in line with communicative stylistics using the theory of regularity developed within the framework of this direction and using methods of discursive analysis, semantic-stylistic, contextual analysis and experiment based on a survey of informants. It is established that in the interview T. Meiko reveals herself as a creative, emotional, passionate person, constantly on the lookout, able to support young writers by sharing his experience. In interviews, the author often uses communicative strategies of influence, self-presentation, positive attitude, openness, and trust. This is reflected in the verbal and non-verbal behavior of the individual, including phonation features, gestures and facial expressions. It is revealed that the writer in public media communication is characterized by a figurative metaphorical style, which manifests itself in the use of vivid regulatory means (metaphors, epithets, comparisons), as well as stylistic techniques of repetition, contrast, rhetorical questions and exclamations. Of the regulatory strategies in the writer’s discourse, strong explicit regulatory strategies of a mixed sequential-convergent type prevail in terms of uniformity / heterogeneity of the regulatory tools used, performing one function. The experiment on the recognition of the writer and his perception as a person and participant in the interview showed that most of the participants in the experiment know Tatiana Meiko and assess her as a creative person, open to positive communication, capable of emotionally influencing the recipient. The theory of regularity makes it possible to reveal the individual author’s peculiarities of the communicative style of the writer’s public linguistic personality, to identify communication strategies characteristic of it, as well as various means and methods of effective influence on the addressee.
Keywords: communicative style, public linguistic personality, interview, communicative style, theory of regularity
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Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 63 — 70
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