Dynamics of some indicators of biological activity in peat native and recultivated sites of lowland marsh ecosystem
In peat soil number of the microorganisms assimilating organic and mineral forms of nitrogen, their parity, production СО2, correlating with number of given microorganisms, a cellulose mineralization are defined by a number of factors: a hydrothermal mode, presence of nutrients in the form of NPK and spontaneously present at peat N-NH3, a competition from plants at assimilation of nutrients. Results of definition of number of microorganisms methods of direct consideration under a microscope and crops on nutrient mediums have the alternative character, confirming opinion that number of microorganisms not always reflects their activity. Higher indicators of biological activity in residual peat under grown up cereal grasses, in comparison with a native soil, testify to an intensification in it of destructive processes
Keywords: biological activity, low-lying marsh ecosystem, microorganisms, assimilating organic forms of nitrogen, assimilating mineral forms of nitrogen, cellulose-decomposing, defined to straight microscoping, dynamics СО2, mineralization of organic substance
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Issue: 1, 2009
Rubric: Biology
Pages: 95 — 101
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