# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4451 | The article deals with the forming conditions of discursive and projective competence of future teachers. It shows the actuality and importance of formation of such professional quality as discursive and projective competence. Pedagogical conditions under which the formation of discursive-projective competence will be most effective are identified and described. Keywords: discursive and projective competence, pedagogical conditions, humanitarian educational environment, reflection, interactive | 1081 | |||||
4452 | The article explores contradictions in bioethics and biomedicine in respect of trial subjects on the eample of animals and artificially created beings (genetically modified animals, interspecific hybrids, chimeras). The importance of rethinking the problem of standing and status of the discussed beings as philosophical and anthropological, as well as in ethical and legal dimensions of contemporary culture is actualised. Investigations were carried out with the support of RFH grant № 12-03-00198. Keywords: bioethics, biomedicine, animagl, hybrides, chimeras, trial subject protection, principles of bioethics, animals in experiment | 1081 | |||||
4453 | In the article the problem of identity is represented as a complex concept, combined with mental health. Individuality is seen as a complex concept, combined with the mental health as a manifestation of individuality, the image of I. Ascertaining experiment was conducted to identify the level of development of gender identity, the selflevel and the level of internality of boys – teenagers and girls – teenagers. There was presented the analysis of the research level of internality of teenagers and their self-attitude, their impact on gender identity. There was identified the correlation between gender identity and the self-attitude and gender identity and the level of internality of boys and girls – teenagers. It is proved that the gender experience of psychological research can be extremely useful, opening up new scientific and practical research prospects. It determines social and psychological criteria problems at the present stage in the relationship with mental health. The scientific novelty is presented in consideration of the formation of gender identity in relation to the mental health of adolescents. The hypothesis of our study presented in this article is as follows: the level of internality and the level of selfattitude the level of gender identity. Thus, there was revealed the relationship between gender identity, self-attitude and gender identity and the level of internality separately for teenage boys and for teanage girls, then the results were compared with each other. Keywords: mental health, adolescent gender identity, micro-social-environmental factors, self-esteem, socialization of adolescents | 1081 | |||||
4454 | The paper presents the well-reasoned viewpoint on the modern strategy and resources for developing career guidance practice in Tomsk Region for pupils with pedagogical abilities and motivation for teaching activity. The authors specify the historical and pedagogical preconditions of the career guidance system development in commitment to teaching profession. The project initiative of Tomsk State Pedagogical University which reflects the organisational and methodical mechanisms of the suggested strategy realisation is described. The authors indicate the experience and prospects for the project implementation. Keywords: human resources of the regional education system, teaching profession, career guidance for pupils motivated for teaching activity | 1081 | |||||
4455 | The article analyzes figurative words and expressions that show the metaphorical character of dishes. The analysis is based on the theory of figurative language and combines the semasiological and cognitive approaches to the description of figurative language units that implement conceptual metaphorical and metonymic models through the system of their meanings. The motivating names for figurative words and expressions are 52 units including diminutives and word-formation: bottle, fork, spoon, mixer, bowl, knife, pepper, glass, plate, cup, etc. These names motivate 225 figurative lexical and phraseological units: “bochka” (very fat person), “kuvshinka” (waterlily), “kak myska” (about round and convex shape of something), “proyti kak nozh skvoz’ maslo” (easily, without difficulty), etc. Described figurative words and expressions represent metaphorical projection from the source-sphere “Dishes” to the 9 target-spheres (“Person”, “Artifacts”, “Nature facts”, “Social phenomena”, “Space” and others) associated with the figurative characteristic of the physical and non-material world, each of which is described in the article in detail. The greatest number of figurative words and expressions denote the phenomenon of reference to the following areas: “Person” (80 units), “Artifacts” (62 units), “Social phenomena” (46 units), “Nature facts” (16 units). The final part of the article is devoted to the lexicographic description of figurative vocabulary that reflects metaphorization of dishes in the Russian language and includes examples of dictionary entries. Keywords: metaphorical picture of the world, figurative words and phraseology, food metaphor, metaphorical model, figurative representation, dictionary | 1081 | |||||
4456 | The article deals with the topical problem of influence of media texts of public informational and media language personality on mass addressee subject to pragmatically significant factors of text organization: the author, the topic, the title, the emotional tone, the usage of linguistic and non-linguistic means. The study was carried out on the basis of experiments using a scaling technique with the involvement of a focus group of informants-humanitarians aged from 20 to 50 years. The research material is the posts of different subjects in L. Ulitskaya’s blog and the texts of newspaper article and fragments of M. Veller’s program “Just think!” on the radio “Echo of Moscow”. The initial idea was that the text and its structure reflect the peculiarities of the author’s language personality, and informants’ reception and detection of invariant of data, which we obtained on the basis of the survey, allow to reveal regularities in mechanism of influence of the texts and their elements on the reader’s cognitive activity. It was determined that estimation by collective addressee of variety of speech behavior of public language personality in different genres of media discourse depends on clarity, intelligibility, perspicuity, logicality of information, topical character of subject, emotion and usage of language means of different styles. Substandard vocabulary, which is used in media texts of topical subjects, doesn’t rise to rejection if addressee feels the same emotion, but on the contrary enlarges the pragmatics of speech messages. Excessive subjective modality of public language personality in covering different social themes does not always correspond to a collective addressee, who is focused on stereotypes and restraint in relation to the utterance. The influence of media text depends to a large degree on the informational field of the author’s language personality and his emotion, though the subject of speech messages and the choice of certain genres by the public language personality are of great importance too. Keywords: public language personality, media discourse, pragmatics of media text, receptive experiment | 1081 | |||||
4457 | The relevance of studying the translation heritage of N. M. Karamzin consists in his inseparability from the whole work of the great figure of Russian culture. The task of the proposed article is an attempt to generalize the presentation of all translations of Karamzin as a cultural cosmos, which contains dozens of authors, countries and the main continents. He was engaged in translation for over twenty years (he translated about 300 texts), constantly referring not only to European literature, but also to Asian, African and American cultures. The «world-wide responsiveness» of Karamzin as a writer and an interpreter was formed already in the «Moscow Journal» (1791-1792), the edition of a new type taking into consideration the experience of European periodicals. To carry out the novelty Karamzin used the translations thoroughly picked up and correlating with the original pieces. Thanks to the ambivalent role of a writer and a translator Karamzin was able to create an author journal aimed at the maintaining sentimentalism. In the «Messenger of Europe» (1802–1803) by N. M. Karamzin the translations helped to form not only a literary part, but also a section of Politics. Long before the genesis of the concept of «globalism», Karamzin had made an attempt to perceive the world in its unity. He was encouraged by his trip to Europe, personal acquaintance and contacts with the eminent representatives of European culture as well as by his intense translation activity. Keywords: ttranslation activity, European literature, Asian, African and American cultures, cultural cosmos | 1081 | |||||
4458 | . | 1080 | |||||
4459 | . | 1080 | |||||
4460 | The article investigates the contents and mechanism of rational combination of public and collective interests in the sphere of science-innovation activity. | 1080 | |||||
4461 | Types and characteristic features of environmental rent payments connected with mining operations are determined in the article. It is made with the account of existing legislation of Russian Federation. The author pointed out the shortcomings of legal rent control in environment paying. Possible ways of improvement the system of payments in environmental rent are offered. | 1080 | |||||
4462 | Now the problem of use of peat as litter is actual as in Russia and abroad. Application of peat as litter is one of the most valuable agriculture utilization of peat. Peat of a low degree of decomposition as a litter has a number of advantages in comparison with wood shavings, sawdust and straw. The peat litter possesses a high moisture capacity and gas absorbing ability, small heat conductivity, antiseptic properties. High water- and gas absorbing ability allows utilizing manure and drains of cattle-breeding farms, integrated poultry farms, keeps the nutrients necessary for cultivation of agricultural crops. Using of a peat litter one can receive peat manure - the valuable organic fertilizer used in field husbandry. Productivity of animals and birds also raises, working conditions improve. We studied the fractional composition and size characteristic of raw material for litter, water absorbing ability of different fractions, pressing peat of a low degree of decomposition. Researches in the field of manufacturing and using of a peat litter continue. Keywords: peat litter, water absorbing ability, fractional composition of raw material, size characteristic, the pressing peat of a low degree of decomposition | 1080 | |||||
4463 | The article conciders with the ethnocultural aspect of literary education in the schools of the Republic of Khakasia. In this article the importance of the use of the ethnocultural aspect in teaching of literature in the national school is presented. Keywords: ethnocultural, methodology, principles, dialogue, world building | 1080 | |||||
4464 | The author offers methodical instructions to work on the professional focused development of radio engineering creativity in a comprehensive school. The methodical operational experience of com-prehensive schools teachers of Yakutsk is described in the article. Keywords: vocational guidance, radio engineering creativity, magazine the register book, a development diary, a pupil portfolio. | 1080 | |||||
4465 | This paper focuses on the role of the intermediate (conditional) space for the time and space organization of the modernist novel “Iokasta’s Dream” by S. Bogdanova. The existence of this space is shown to be very important not only for revealing the character, but for plot-building of the whole novel. Keywords: modern literature, modernism, myth, Oedipus, artistic space, plot | 1080 | |||||
4466 | The aim of modernization of Russian education is the creation of mechanisms for sustainable development of the system and improving the quality of education. The most important resource to improve the quality of general and pedagogical education in Russia is to create a system of continuous interaction of university and school. Keywords: modernization of Russian education, the interaction of university and school, professional development of teachers, system of additional education | 1080 | |||||
4467 | In the article shows special features of physics as disciplines and special feature of its teaching and study. It reveals the connection of physics with disciplines in the technical directions, the need for the introduction of new courses on the innovation directions of scientific studies. It is indicated that the weak training of school students in physics and mathematics does not make possible to master the materials of higher educational courses. For formation of the competences of the graduates of technical institute of higher education in accordance with the needs of the labor market for technical universities it is necessary to come running to different methods of raising the standard of knowledge on these disciplines Keywords: special feature of physics as disciplines, new courses, competences of graduates, need of the labor market | 1080 | |||||
4468 | The article opens the content of the concept “traditional ecological knowledgeо of the indigenous people that reflects the relation of the person to the nature. The main attention is focused on methodology of their inclusion in a context of ecological education of the higher school. Keywords: national and cultural traditions, traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous people, educational process | 1080 | |||||
4469 | The complex of volunteers’ training for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi in Tomsk training center of Tomsk Polytechnic University the module of first aid is included. This is connected with the fact that when there is such a big event so there are a number of potential threats to health and life as athletes so spectators, service staff, volunteers and local residents. In Tomsk State Pedagogical University the training technique has been developed. This method includes theoretical knowledge and practical skills. As a result of volunteers’ training their knowledge and skills in first aid in emergencies were improved. Keywords: Olympic and Paralympic Games, volunteers, emergencies, first aid, method of training | 1080 | |||||
4470 | The articles considers the essential characteristics of emotional concept as a didactic unit of the content of teaching a foreign language emotive communication. The article reveals the didactic potential of cognitive forms of representation of emotional concept in the formation and development of emotive competence at the lessons of foreign language. Keywords: emotional concept, emotional communication, emotional competence, emotional foreign world picture | 1080 | |||||
4471 | Expansion of professional communication, business talks with foreign partners, work with the technical documentation in a foreign language, the importance of the traineeships abroad require more use of foreign language in the training of future engineers. Therefore, the subject “Foreign Language” has a special place, because it should provide not only the language itself, but the country’s culture and language, and by comparison it may overshadow the peculiarities of national culture and acquaint with universal values. In other words, foreign language should contribute to the education of students enrolled in non-language majors, in the context of intercultural dialogue. This, in its turn requires knowledge of norms and traditions of communication of people-native speakers, that is all that is meant by communication behavior as part of the national culture. Knowledge of the rules and traditions of communication allows the participants of the speech act, belonging to different national cultures, adequately perceive and understand each other, which contributes to intercultural communication. Keywords: language preparation, intercultural communications, culture of dialogue, national-cultural component | 1080 | |||||
4472 | The contemporary approaches to the definition of “professional position of a teacher” concept are considered in the present article. The author reveals its essence according to the requirements of Federal governmental educational standards of higher pedagogical education for training sector 050100 “Pedagogical education”. The author describes the model of step-by-step development of the professional position during the period of studying at higher educational establishment by defining the cognitive, creative, action and reflexive components of “professional position”. The author characterizes potential opportunities of student’s contest of pedagogical skills in future teacher’s professional position development. In the present article the author examines the process of student’s step-by-step preparation to participation in this contest, the content of contest’s nominations in accordance with structural components of future teacher’s professional position. The contest of pedagogical skills is one of the components of educational system of Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University. This contest has been held at university for 15 years. Its results appear in stable professional position of young teachers – former contestants. The features of arrangement of education process in accordance with Russian education modernization are represented in this article. Keywords: position, personal position, pedagogical position, professional position of a teacher, components of professional position, contest of pedagogical skills | 1080 | |||||
4473 | One of the principal differences between the Federal state educational standard (FSES) of the second generation is its focus not only on achieving the subject learning outcomes. Requirements to results of development of the basic General educational programs include all groups of results: specific, interdisciplinary, personal. One of the tools to achieve these results are universal educational actions, the mastery of which, according to the Federal state educational standard is the most important task of education. The article considers the problem of formation of universal educational actions in the framework of a unified educational area “Mathematics and Informatics”. It is proposed to consider two types of universal educational actions: overlapping and complementary to each other. Keywords: Federal state educational standard, universal educational actions, mathematics, computer science | 1080 | |||||
4474 | Pragmatics of speech behavior of public language personality subject to its individual and personal peculiarities in conditions of media communication is not still examined enough. According to this fact in the aspect of influence on mass audience individual and typical linguistic and extra linguistic peculiarities of media discourses of public language personalities of an actress Tatyana Dogileva and film director Vladimir Khotinenko as the members of radio show “Dithyramb” on radio “Echo of Moscow” were considered in the article. Comparative and contrastive analysis allowed to determine some important in the aspect of influence on collective addressee typical and individual gender peculiarities, psychological (temperament, character), social (dependence on status), professional and some speech peculiarities (preference on the level of language means, which reflect specificity of human mentality). For researching of media discourse influence of individual and personal factors of language personalities on mass addressee contextdependent and semantic and stylistic analysis of questions and comments before broadcasting and comments after broadcasting, and analysis of regulative means and structures have been used. Connection of pragmatics of public language personalities’ media discourse with their informational field have been revealed. It was determined that first of all the content of language personality’s message is important, though form of expression also matters. The common factors, which are important for media discourse of creative public language personality’s influence according to the research, are the following: high level of media discourse emotionality as a reflection of not only gender peculiarities, but even cognitive style, that is connected with figurative and metaphoric reality perception used for creative persons. With such variety of regulative means used by language personalities, repetition in aggregate with other means and structures dominates (comparison, parcelling, rhetorical questions, etc). Some individual and personal peculiarities of media discourse may increase influence effect and at the same time reduce it. The results are of interest for theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of the text. Keywords: language personality, media discourse, informational field of personality, individual and personal factors of influence | 1080 | |||||
4475 | In the article we identify the most important milestones in the history of the study of literary ability. Further, we present the points of view of both international and Russian authors, which reflect scientific approaches to studying phenomenology and structure of literary abilities. Literary ability is defined as a set of special abilities that enable to implement creative literary activities successfully. We show that the literary ability is a complex psychological construct, which covers various sides of a writer’s personality. Biographical, analytical and experimental research of various authors convincingly demonstrated ambiguity, broad variability of components of literary ability and their structural differences. Definite individual structure of literary ability is specific for creative individuality. The structure depends on the availability of components and the degree of their development. Components of literary and creative abilities are a complex mental construct which performs as effect of generalizing intellectual activity. The activity preforms by means of language and is formed during the literary creative activity. The personal characteristics of the subject and individual psychological characteristics of mental processes do not determine the presence or absence of literary ability. The characteristics are the structural components of literary ability. Keywords: capacity, literary ability, literary talent, literary creativity, literary activities, psychology of creativity, identity of the writer, writer | 1080 | |||||
4476 | . | 1079 | |||||
4477 | Kolov A. Yu. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 23-25 | 1079 | |||||
4478 | The article is devoted to the problem of rationality as one of theoretical instruments of studying customer behavior, company behavior, resource owners, from classical economics to modern developments. A. Smith's hypothesis of the economic man and the concept of rational behavior and rational expectations in the post-classical economic science are presented. | 1079 | |||||
4479 | The distinctive features of the latitudinal-zonal distribution of fresh-water mollusks in the water basins of Western, Middle and North-Eastern Siberia are discussed. The species composition of mollusks occurring in the various types of basins of every region is reported, moreover, the Pulmanata-to-Branchiata ratio is considered. As based on the biotopic features and malacofauna composition, a series of present-day ecological - zoogeographical complexes is distinguished and the species composition of malacofauna is reported. By pooling data on the current composition and distribution of the ecological - zoogeographical complexes of mollusks, the ecological - zoogeographical regionalization of North-Siberia basins has been updated. | 1079 | |||||
4480 | The importance of Good Governance in the coun¬try's development process was emphasized by the World Bank, which also pointed out four main princi¬ples of Good Governance. In this article, the author focuses at the present conditions of Kazakhstan's Governance and whether it goes along with the prin¬ciples of Good Governance announced by the World Bank. One of the main outcomes of the analysis of Kazakhstan's Governance is the instability of the pub¬lic sector management, in particular, of the bureaucratic apparatus; a quite sufficient financial accountability; and legislation being at the development stage. Trans¬parency and information are improving. However, in order to build the real Good Governance the Republic of Kazakhstan needs time. And, to become a democ¬racy, Kazakhstan should promote political competition in a real sense. | 1079 | |||||
4481 | The urgent questions connected to organization of profile training at 10-11 classes of common school are considered. The system concept of natural science education for classes of a humanitarian structure basing on psychology - didactic approach in training is offered | 1079 | |||||
4482 | The article represents the analysis of innovations’ of the 1920–30ies years impact on the economy, on the changing of the cultural paradigm of the Middle Ob Selkup. The innovations influenced the core spheres of the culture of the ethnos – its life-supporting, economical and social spheres. The interconnection of the spheres contributed to the full penetration of the innovations into the culture of the Middle Ob Selkup. It is correct to state that the process of shifting the values and cardinal change in the structure and the elements of the Selkup culture started between the 1920 –30ies years. Keywords: ethnos, traditional culture, household activity, transformation of the culture, innovations in the household | 1079 | |||||
4483 | The article presents theoretical-methodological and methodical bases of the author’s elective course “Ecological responsibility of the citizen of Russia” which is an important condition of realization of methodical system on students’ formation of ecological responsibility in geography education. Keywords: geography, ecological responsibility, elective course, approaches, individuality focused problems, responsible affairs. | 1079 | |||||
4484 | The article presents the results of phenomenological and typological analysis of case-study technology influence on the quality of participants’ collaborative activity and their involvement in educational process. The relation between the involvement degree and the quality of communication of its participants has been revealed. The article is of interest to specialists in the field of psychology, pedagogy, methods of teaching professional foreign language. Keywords: case-study technology, personal, emotional, subject involvement, the quality of communication, collaborative activity | 1079 | |||||
4485 | The article gives the versions and myths made by outstanding representatives of religious and philosophical thought and the poets of Silver Century about life and death of Lermontov; analyzes and systematizes their understanding of the tragedy – the death of the poet, identifies common places in their views on the poet (brevity of his life, incompleteness of literary fate and the uncertainty about the religious fate, hypothetical continuation of the poet’s life). A view on a duel as a suicide. The Silver Age of Russian literature is the religious quest, known as the “God-seeking”. Writers, thinkers and religious philosophers have argued individual's right to seek God, to “religious identity” (I. A. Ilyin). They talked in detail about the religious way of consciousness. For them an integral part of their religious understanding of life and the world became Lermontov, whose works gave answers to their excruciating questions. No less attractive and mysterious was the fate of the poet. Religious and philosophical themes of Lermontov’s works and their literary criticism of religious philosophers can serve as a methodological basis for the study of the value of religion in the artistic conception of the world of the poet and is of interest in the historical and functional aspects. This method is predominant in the article. | 1079 | |||||
4486 | The QED ground state is studied for a four component Dirac fermion with the topological Chern-Simons term in 1+2 dimension. The Lagrangian for a massless Dirac fermion has the parity and the chiral symmetries. Spontaneous breaking of these symmetries can be found by evaluating the vacuum expectation values for fermion and anti-fermion pairs. We introduce approximate vertex functions and calculate the expectation values by solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation. We observe a smaller gauge dependence for the Ball-Chiu vertex function. Keywords: 1+2 dimensional QED, Schwinger-Dyson equation, Chern-Simons term | 1079 | |||||
4487 | The relevance of the article is determined by the need to develop environmental education and coordinate its various directions through creating the regional systems of continuous environmental education. Nowadays, despite a large number of works of such authors as A. N. Zakhlebny, E. N. Dzyatkovskaya, S. V. Alekseev, N. M. Mamedov and others devoted to the subject under study, an integral system of continuous environmental education has not yet been developed. The aim of our work is to specify this problem within the framework of environmental and chemical education and to single out its goals and objectives for various educational levels (school – institutions of additional education – technical college – advanced training courses). Certain elements of the continuous regional system of environmental and chemical education were first realized in the Republic of Bashkortostan. In particular, the ecological character of the school course of Chemistry within the regional component of education was obtained, the continuity of the Bachelor and Master degree programs in the technical university was achieved, the students’ project activities on various levels of environmental and chemical education were effectively integrated. It is shown that the interaction of higher educational institutions, schools and institutions of additional education for children, all in all make the objective results of schoolchildren better and contribute to their early professional orientation. The directions of the activities for school teachers’ refresher courses in the sphere of ecological and chemical education were determined; the functions of the scientific and educational ecological center that coordinates the environmental education in the Republic of Bashkortostan, were defined. Keywords: ecological and chemical education, regional system of continuous ecological and chemical education, problems of ecological and chemical education on different levels, ecological orientation of the school course of Chemistry, continuity of the programs of | 1079 | |||||
4488 | Zagrevskaya A. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 47-48 . | 1078 | |||||
4489 | . | 1078 | |||||
4490 | . | 1078 | |||||
4491 | Klochkov V. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 47-48 . | 1078 | |||||
4492 | Urazaeva T. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 92-92 . | 1078 | |||||
4493 | . | 1078 | |||||
4494 | Some problems of a modern state of the theory of the molecule structures surveyed. The concepts about a method of molecular orbitals and most important parameters are given: electronic density, order of bonds, index of free valence. The possibilities of modern quantum-chemical calculations are shown. | 1078 | |||||
4495 | Research gasdynamics and thermoexchanges tasks in areas with varied geometry has the important scientific - practical value in connection with that similar tasks are widely distributed both in technological processes of the industry, and in sphere of operation of rocket engineering. In article as an example start of a rocket from shaft is considered. It is interesting and a bright example of a task in which questions of construction of an effective settlement grid are integrated, thermoexchanges processes, gasdynamics and aerodynamics | 1078 | |||||
4496 | Psychological and pedagogical influence of study of local lore on process of socialization of the person is presented on the basis of the developed characteristic of functions of study of local lore work which organized in educational establishment in educational objectives. Obtaining by pupils of the information on features of local society, progress of criticality of their judgments, skill to be guided in the environment, desire to participate in its transformation – these and other educational values are laid in study of local lore. Keywords: socialization, educational, a function of «remove mask» , rough and stimulating functions of study of local lore, «strong» and «weak» sides of object. | 1078 | |||||
4497 | In this article as an alternative approach in the aspect of fundamentalization of mathematical education the author suggests a new methodological concept, tools and scheme of study functions on the decrease and increase, based on the classification of points in domain of a function. We give suggestions and guidelines of practical implementation of the new approach in the study of mathematics in universities and schools. Keywords: methods of teaching mathematics; increase, decrease and constant functions; fundamentalization mathematical education. | 1078 | |||||
4498 | The paper presents the theoretical justification of the pedagogical system model of professional reparative and preventive training for teachers of physical training. The implementation technology is disclosed in the selected five stages. The assessment of efficiency of the model and the technology is made in the following criteria: health saving; sport and athletic performance; formation of the value-building capacity; building motivation in sport and physical culture. Keywords: pedagogical system, professional reparative and preventive training, model, technology, assessment of efficiency | 1078 | |||||
4499 | The article is the result of theoretical study of the secondary naming onomasiological characteristics resulting in making up a lexical-semantic group that embraces all the lexemes naming the main character in the story “The Lovely Lady” by D. G. Lawrence. Learning the onomasiological processes of the secondary naming can explain why the reader feels the whole narration as very expressive. Keywords: onomasiology, lexical naming, secondary naming, expressive function | 1078 | |||||
4500 | This article is devoted to research of historical and biographical play “Lyceum’s student” by A. Platonov. In this play, the author showed conditions of great poet’s “birth” in Russia, gathered personages with apparent violation of chronology of events, organized actions with the help of definite motives. Keywords: historical-biographical play, drama action, motive, association, intertextuality, receptive base | 1078 |