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2851 | The article is about a peculiarity of education technologies used for citizenship education. Special attention is paid to acceptability of education technologies first of all dealing with a powerful value oriented part of citizenship education. It is proved that citizenship educational technologies must be based on principles of personal oriented education, that teachers of citizenship education might reach a success using active and interactive methods of education only. The main principles of personal oriented education and the most widespread active and interactive methods of education are described in the article. Keywords: citizenship education, education technologies, democratic civic consciousness, active and interactive methods of education | 1150 | |||||
2852 | The problems of goals setting in a variety of studies devoted to the teachers training in the system of on-going pedagogic education, as well as the phased goal system planning of ethno regional training, are examined in the article. The succession and continuity in setting goals of pre-specialized, specialized, professional and postgraduate stages of training are shown. The justification of the necessity to focus on one target training results for schoolchildren, students and teachers in accordance with their individual needs, abilities, considering ethno regional peculiarities, is carried out. Keywords: ethno regional training, goal, system of continuous pedagogical training, the purpose of training teachers in ethno regional system of continuous teacher education | 1150 | |||||
2853 | The paper presents a simulation of the relaxation of a metal nanoparticle with Morse interatomic interaction potential, allowing to obtain a realistic (observed in the experiment) equilibrium shape of supported and free nanoparticles. Simulation is performed on a simple cubic lattice. To describe the interatomic interaction the was used the paired Morse potential. Keywords: equilibrium shape of the nanoparticle, the lattice model, Monte Carlo calculation, the Morse potential | 1150 | |||||
2854 | The article revealed the problem of the educational process in technical universities, the lack of teachers, curators, academic groups of teacher education to work with students orphans. It provides the analysis of the number of employees in technical colleges of the Siberian region of the teaching staff with technical, classic and teacher education. It introduced in the educational process with the students orphaned technical college developed, sciencebased program “Curator-teacherо for the training of teachers, supervisors involved in managing the process of educating students for the orphans of successful adaptation to the educational environment through the organization of the theory and practice of athletic activities. Keywords: adaptation, curator, program, physical activity, student-orphan | 1150 | |||||
2855 | The article deals with the usage of teaching tests at the different stages of studying English by medical students to prepare for control testing. We compared the results of control testing received by the students using training test with those of students not using them. We investigated three kinds of tests: thematic, intermediate and final. Statistical parameters of tests meet the classical criteria. To analyze the impact of training test in detail, we compared the results of students according to their initial level of knowledge. It was shown that training tests influence positively the effectiveness of teaching. The results of investigation were confirmed statistically. Keywords: Training test, testing, teaching testing, statistical methods | 1150 | |||||
2856 | This article analyzes the process of formation of the Russian scientific and pedagogical school at Professorial Institute of Dorpat. The author deals with the concept “scientific and pedagogical school” in the historical context of the first half of the 19th century as a special system of professors’ training for Russian universities. A special attention is paid to research activities of students of Professorial Institute, development of their skills of independent work and organization forms of practical training with students. The content of this training included both mastering the basics of research activities under the guidance of experienced mentor-professors, diving into it, and mastering effective forms of teaching their science, methods of initiation of students to it and developing their interest to scientific and pedagogical activities, desire to be engaged in it. Significant place in the article is devoted to the analysis of successive links in the chain of mentors-professors – Professorial Institute’ graduates – their students. Keywords: Professorial Institute of Dorpat, scientific school, scientific and pedagogical school, succession, research activities, professors of Russian universities in 19th century | 1150 | |||||
2857 | The article examines the views of populist A. Prugavin on the sectarianism as a part of the society in the Russian Empire in the last third of the XIX century. The research works of the author on these problems are analyzed. Classification of religious organizations in the Russian Empire is represented in these research works. The author considers that A. Prugavin came to a conclusion that the adherents of different sects could not be considered the alien elements in the Russian society. He believed that religious movements did not represent danger to the state in the Russian Empire. Keywords: A. Prugavin, populism, sectarianism, religious communities, the Orthodox Church | 1150 | |||||
2858 | The paper presents the results of research on the study of the course of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations in the context of the competency approach to training future math teachers. As is known, models of real processes can be described in the language of mathematics, including by means of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. Ability to create such mathematical models and work with them is an integral part of the human culture. Thereby it is necessary to search for new approaches to the training of maths teachers, aimed at the formation of ideas about the role of models and modeling. In this connection the course of differential equations is essential means in attracting students to research work and for the formation of professional competence of the future teacher of mathematics. The course of differential equations plays a fundamental role in the professional training of mathematics teacher in terms of understanding the gist of the application and the practical orientation of teaching mathematics, mastery of the method of mathematical modeling. The course of differential equations and its methods give another tool for knowledge of the world, which allows to create a scientific understanding of the real physical space. The results presented in the paper allow us to conclude, that the involvement of students in research work in the framework of the course of differential equations not only promotes the overall development and professional training of the future teacher of mathematics, but also getting completely new results are important in the modern theory of differential equations and theoretical physics. Keywords: professional training of future maths teacher, professional competence, differential equations | 1150 | |||||
2859 | Introduction. The novella by Evgeni Vodolazkin “Close Friends» hasn’t yet attracted close attention of literary critics. In our opinion, an important role in the novella is played by the historic, literary and culturological context which has not become an object of special research. The analysis of intertextuality will allow us to reveal a wider problematics of the work than that shown in plot logic. The aim of the work is to investigate the artistic and thematic originality of the novella “Close Friends”. Material and methods. The paper uses comparative, contrastive, historical and cultural methods. As a theoretical base, works of Russian and foreign literary critics were used. Results and discussion. Intertextuality and historical and cultural context are the basic ways of disclosing the problematics of the novella. The works mentioned in the text (“Death in Venice” by T. Mann, “The Sorrows of Young Werther” by J. W. Goethe, etc.), elements of ceremonial games (initiation) help to understand what is happening in the consciousness of the hero and which experiences become defining for him. Allusion plan of the novella allows us to find deeper sense and to correlate the problematics of “Close Friends” with a certain literary context in the everyday actions of characters. Conclusion. In the work, we can define several levels of narration: symbolical, historical and that of everyday. At the everyday level, Ernestina’s behaviour and actions are illogical and inconsistent: while demanding to keep the oath from the friends, she breaks it, being guided by the not realised desires and physiological requirements. At the symbolical level, Ernestina is the carrier of secret knowledge, and her actions are dictated by the aspiration to preserve the family, procreate, which turns her into the embodiment of creating forces of nature. Ralf is a carrier of historical knowledge and, consequently, comprehension of historical guilt of Germany towards Russian people. The fulfilment of the childhood oath protects him from the chaos of life, fills the life with sense. The final reunion of the dead and alive on the cemetery – on the locus of the sharpest historical and cultural experiences – symbolises the unity and continuity of the generations resisting to the disaster of separation, and, consequently – overcoming the disintegration, destruction. Keywords: the novella story “Close friends”, Evgeny Vodolazkin, modern Russian literature, literary context | 1150 | |||||
2860 | Introduction. In the 21st century, all the languages of the world undergo radical changes in its lexical composition. Due to the need to nominate new concepts, phenomena and objects in the process of cognition and development of a constantly changing world, the lexical fund of languages is enriched by the emergence of new vocabulary, among which there are a lot of slang words. Youth jargon is an interesting language phenomenon both in Russian and in Chinese, which is developing almost simultaneously in two completely different language systems and linguistic cultures. Material and methods. The author analyzes the ways of replenishing the lexical fund of Russian and Chinese youth slang in a comparative aspect, taking into account the factor of cognitive mechanisms dependence of meaning generation within the framework of the slang fragment of the national world picture. The study is carried out on the basis of the material of the author’s dictionary files, as well as data from lexicographic sources based on the methodology of contextual, contrastive-comparative analysis, as well as word-formation modeling. Results and discussion. The most productive ways of enriching the corpus of youth vocabulary in both languages are revealed. This is metaphorization, affixation, foreign borrowing. At the same time, unlike Russian youth jargon, in the Chinese language, such methods as abbreviation and homophony reveal a greater specific gravity and linguocultural specifics in the formation of new slang units. The Chinese youth sociolect also reveals specifics when adapting foreign borrowings. These differences are due to the typological features of the Chinese language and the originality of the linguistic picture of the world of modern Chinese youth. Conclusion. The results obtained in the course of the study allow us to talk about the combined action within the framework of the slang subsystems of the Russian and Chinese languages as universal trends in the field of word production, and ways specific to each language to implement these trends. Ways to replenish youth jargon in a particular linguistic culture are determined by the conceptual content of its corresponding fragment. Keywords: Russian youth jargon, Chinese youth jargon, ways to replenish youth jargon, the national picture of the world, national linguistic culture | 1150 | |||||
2861 | The article considered contents of notion «economic culture», revealled mechanisms of influence of economic culture at the social-economic life of society. There are chosen functions of the economic culture. Specific lines of teacher economic culture are shown. Criterions and factors for the evaluation of economic culture condition formation are designed. | 1149 | |||||
2862 | The author of the paper enters into polemics with the opinion which has become basic in studying Piatonov's creative work that A. Platonov in his novel «Chevengur» as well as in other works is critisizing socialism and collective farming. As a result of scrupulous analysis of the writer's texts, the author comes to the conclusion, that his artistic thought of the mature period is correlated with the idea of the noosphere according to academician Vernnadsky. | 1149 | |||||
2863 | The article is devoted to the problems of state sup¬port to small business under the modern conditions of its activation and the acceptance of a series of laws that activate the regulation of small business. | 1149 | |||||
2864 | The topic under consideration is important for describing the peculiarities of finite verb form derivation in Ket. The paper offers extensive data on pairs of iterative verb and their non-iterative correspondents in Ket. The analysis of the morphological structure of these pairs allows to unify and present a limited list of regular derivational patterns employed in the language for iterative verb formation. The author singles out three basic derivational operations on the one hand, and three basic meanings for the derivational category, named iterativity, on the other hand. A descriptive scheme in the form of equation is devised for coding groups of formal markers used for iterative verb formation in Ket. The outcome of this research is categorizing of all known to the author strategies applied to iterative formation according to the three basic derivational operations. | 1149 | |||||
2865 | The article is devoted to the interesting phenomenon of Russian cultural life prevalent in the middle of the XIX century, received the name «georgesandism». This term means penetration of the ideas, characters, plots of George Sand’s novels into Russian culture, public consciousness and a love life. The French writer was perceived first of all as a destroyer of Christian and church ideas of «sanctity» and indestructibility of the marriage. The most debatable novels from the point of view of their plot and characters are considered. The early mythological image of George Sand as a «seducer», and «morally depraved person», which was created first of all by «masculine» reception in Russia of 1830’s, is investigated. | 1149 | |||||
2866 | In the research the author considers pedagogical problem of the development of future teachers as subjects in the system of education, the importance of this problem decision for higher pedagogical institution is underlined. It is asserted that only subjects can extrapolate the leaching experience in higher institution into modeling experience of the school educational area system. The aim of higher education - the spiritual-moral development of future teachers - is realized as the result of understanding by students the strategic aim, in practice of modeling of their behavior, both in educational and socio-cultural area. The mechanism of transferring of substantial-educational and world outlook objective into professional-pedagogical objectives is considered here. | 1149 | |||||
2867 | This paper is about new development in the field of the decision of calculating problems of physics. The decision of a problem is carried out in program development «System of visual modeling and the decision of problems». The basic stages and rules of work in system allowing to describe (to simulate) a problem and to solve one are described. Advantages of the system, in opinion of authors, are problems’ structure modeling as graphic notations and the numerical methods using a method of componental circuits built-in the program. The advantages allow to concentrate directly on modeling and the decision of problems, instead of its numerical performance. | 1149 | |||||
2868 | Valuation of the phytomass, mortmass and net primary production with tree in mire of ecosystems in middle taiga West Siberia Keywords: Mire, West Siberia, biological productivity, clean primary product | 1149 | |||||
2869 | The article presents the approaches to the solving of the problem of disadaptation in the conditions of psychological support of institutes of higher education and identification of the factors of crisis conditions origins of the students. Keywords: psychic health of students, psychicoadaptive and psychicodisadaptive conditions, abnormal individual reactions | 1149 | |||||
2870 | The article analyses general historical and pedagogical tendencies of development of municipal educational systems in Russia, rural educational systems specific character, tendencies in realization of accessibility ideas, quality and efficiency in the process of structural complex changes in 2002–2009, tendencies in the process of forming of educational establishments’ nets inside the complex project of education modernization (Tomsk region). Keywords: general historical and pedagogical tendencies of municipal educational systems’ development in Russia, rural educational systems’ specific character, tendencies of realization of ideas of modernization. | 1149 | |||||
2871 | In specialist training the diagnostics is considered to be an immanent component. The rapid diagnostics in the training of specialists provides feed-back between the faculty and students. The diagnostics quality largely determines the effectiveness of the educational process. The level of diagnostic component depends on the data, criteria, methods and tools used and also on specialists’ qualifications. The level of a diagnostic component is in dependence from used parameters and criteria, methods, toolkit, qualification of experts. | 1149 | |||||
2872 | In the article the author analyzes features of civil-law responsibility, administrative responsibility, a disciplinary responsibility and a liability for their use for counteraction to neglect of the duties of the persons who perform administrative functions in the organizations. Keywords: Legal responsibility, efficiency of sanctions, administrative negligence | 1149 | |||||
2873 | The paper presents the conceptual model of transformations of philosophical images of science. The informationsynergetic modification of phenomenological approach is the base of generalizing the variations of the understanding the reasons of such transformations. It is revealed the functions, forms and general sense of this process. Keywords: philosophical image of science, transformation, reasons, phenomenology, the information-synergetic approach | 1149 | |||||
2874 | The article considers the question of information-communication technologies elective courses introduction to students of an agricultural profile as the important component influencing their professional competence. It is offered the elective course “ICT in professional work”, which will acquaint students where and how effectively to use information- communication technologies in professional work. Keywords: information-communication technologies, agricultural branch, elective course, competence approach, professional work | 1149 | |||||
2875 | The article presents experimental data on the effect of lithium hexafluorophosphate and ultradispers pezokeramik powders based on lead zirconate titanate on blood parameters in rats with long-term chronic exposure. The development revealed depression of quantitative parameters of blood after the application of lithium hexafluoride, disorganization of surface architectonics of erythrocytes under the influence of ultrafine powders of lead zirconate titanate. Keywords: erythrocytes, reticulocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, hexafluorophosphate lithium soot pezokeramiki lead zirconate titanate | 1149 | |||||
2876 | The means of expressing the sacral component of religious-art constituent of perception category in the English language are described. The contextual analysis shows the peculiarities of the structure of the given category and the specific features of its components. Keywords: category, concept, perception, sacral component, religious-art constituent, semantics, sin, sacral space, icon | 1149 | |||||
2877 | The article considers the problems of moral education in modern society from the perspective of studies of approaches of social and pedagogical support of deviant teenagers. Keywords: moral education, deviant teenagers, modern problems of education | 1149 | |||||
2878 | The article deals with innovative educational models of school education in the kingdom of Sweden, gives the short analyses of reasons of their effectiveness in the development of the Swedish system of compulsory education, proves the reasons of possible usage of the experience of the countries, most successful in the sphere of compulsory education, in the reformation and development of the school education in Russia; concludes the idea of potential application of the Swedish experience in the innovative educational models’ implementation in the process of the development (modernization) of the systems of school education in the Russian Federation. Keywords: innovative educational model, reformation (modernization) of the system of education, critical creative moment, pedagogical technologies, interactive educational process, content and language integrated learning | 1149 | |||||
2879 | The article examines the branding of tourism recreation clusters, the importance of creation of the Tourism information centers and the role of them in forming of regional clusters development. Keywords: Tourism information centers, place branding, tourism recreation clusters, tourism recreation cluster | 1149 | |||||
2880 | The article deals with the analysis of the activities of evacuation centers as a vital link of evacuation mechanism that took the brunt of the work on the population relocation from frontline areas to the West Siberian rear area. Keywords: evacuation centers, evacuation, the Great Patriotic War, evacuation mechanism | 1149 | |||||
2881 | The article deals with the formation of Rokossovsky's identity that occurred through identifications with significant others (primarily with parents and ordinary hardworking people during his biographical experiences, and also with «the characters of his favourite books» as they are perceived). These others may be divided into benign such that Konstantin aspired to their characteristics, values and beliefs (a process of idealistic-identification), or malign when he wished to dissociate from their characteristics. The article shows that Rokossovsky’s identity is formed predominantly by a choice of certain characteristics. The construction of an individual sense of self is achieved by personal choices regarding who and what to associate with. Rokossovsky’s identity is defined as the totality of his self-construal, in which he expresses the continuity between how the charismatic people were in the past and how Rokossovsky construes himself as he aspires to be in the future. This article also directs attention to Rokossovsky's impact on his solders. Keywords: Rokossovsky, identity, experience, biographical, characteristics, impact, values and beliefs, Konstantin, identification, solders, aspire | 1149 | |||||
2882 | The article deals with the Russian customers’ types with the specific features, peculiar to each type. General peculiarities, which represent modern Russian mentality and can be used to distinguish Russian customers from those of Europe and the USA, are considered too. These are, first of all, the large income-contrast between wealthy minority and poor majority of Russian population (there is a distinct stratification of Russian society), priority of material wellbeing and the lack of trust to advertising. These peculiarities are considered in the context of the marketing communication barriers, which occur in process of marketing message recognition by customers. There are five consequentially occurring barriers: attention; understanding; trusting; remembering and first actions. We analyze them in three aspects: 1) the influence of four factors, which characterize the marketing message, showing its quality and efficiency (these are form, contents, technical facilities and organization of the massage); 2) the influence of Russian customers’ peculiarities, which determine the smooth or hard coming of marketing message over this or that barrier of marketing communications; 3) making the set of marketing communication instruments, which could be most effective to overcome each barrier. As the result, we conclude that the stratification of Russian society into wealthy minority and poor majority is now the most actual peculiarity, which influence passing the four (of five) existing barriers and determines the set of marketing communication instruments for overcoming each of them. Keywords: marketing communication complex, customer peculiarities, marketing communication barriers, attention, understanding, trusting, remembering, first actions | 1149 | |||||
2883 | . | 1148 | |||||
2884 | In this article you will find the information about the matter of anthropological ideas in professional pedagogical education. Three aspects are under study: anthropological consciousness; anthropological technology and spiritual relationship in the system of teachers' training. Anthropological consciousness is based upon integral conceptual study of human nature. It arises either through the system of anthropology or through the process of modeling a human as integral formation. Integral study of human nature permits to understand the integral culture through studying the courses of a series «Study of Human Nature». This system is worked out by the author of this article and is defended in the author's thesis for a Doctor's degree «Theory and Practice of Courses of a Series» Study of Human Nature» in Pedagogical Education structure» (Yaroslavl - Tomsk, 1999). | 1148 | |||||
2885 | It is established that under pressureless filtering throughthe fiberous polypropilen the purification process is the more effective the less is the initial concentration of pollution this material is prevailing other materials in its mechenical, chemical resistance and sorbtional capasity. The maximal degree of purification is acheived 85.7% for Cu, 88.5% for Fe, 68% for suspension, 86.3% for oil products, 46.3% for Zn, 71.4% for phosphates. | 1148 | |||||
2886 | The article reviews the main conceptual items of national education development doctrine. It supposed to supply consolidation of advanced forces around education - circles of politicians, governers, teachers and scientists. Education in this case will be means of regional social system development. The doctrine includes economical, political, ethnoidentificational, social and governmental aspects and mechanisms of educational system development. | 1148 | |||||
2887 | Coordination of Activities (Teaching-Learning, Menegering and Scientific Support Activity) is the main point of the article. It presents the 5 interdependent levels of Teacher's and Teaches' Trainers professional skills. The Activity Analysis is also aspecial point of concern. The idea of Children-Adult Academies gives the example of a new model of co-organization of Students'. Teachers', Teachers Trainers' Activites. Problem solving and Project Forms of Activity are the most preferable ways of working with large grous of people in Education. | 1148 | |||||
2888 | The results of the infrared reflectivity measurements comparatively performed on the oxygen-chain-equal¬ized polycrystalline pair-samples of YBa2Cu30B4,x, are reported. The samples were prepared from the full/ empty oxygen-chain [Cu,OJ^/[Cu,0stoichiome-try end terms which where for a long time equilibrated under vacuum at a low temperature and were order-stabilized in the appropriate temperature-composition domain of existence of Oil and OIII superstructures. The single crystal IR-active phonon modes were ex¬tracted from the reflectivity data for the ceramic sam¬ples in the generalized effective medium approxima¬tion for the frequency-dependent dielectric permittivi¬ty. Then the fitted values of c-oriented IR-active pho¬non frequencies were interpreted within the framework of a lattice-dynamics transferable shell-model. The evidences of a phonon reconstruction related to the existence of the high-ordered oxygen-vacancy order¬ing superstructures OII and OIII in the oxygen-chain-equalized polycrystalline pair-samples of YBa2Cu306 are given. | 1148 | |||||
2889 | The article presents some results of the research, particularly when and why the training of history teachers was stopped in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, when and why the historical education was restored in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute. The author focuses on the process of student competitive seiecticn for a newiy opened history department, the description of the chairs teaching staff, the organization of the teaching process and scientific work. The narrative stops on the date when the History department was reorganized to the History Faculty. | 1148 | |||||
2890 | The article underlines the necessity of peculiarities in organizing the pedagogical-educational process among the children of preschool age in minor ethnic groups of the North of Tomsk region. The authors define general trends of real¬izing ethnological approach; disclose specifics of the con¬crete objectives, achievement which will assist formation of ethnic self-consciousness, revival of traditional culture. Keywords: - | 1148 | |||||
2891 | The article analyses a possibility to use the stem-building suffix -ein- in the function of the definite article in the gothic language. This suffix is based on the Indo-European pronominal root that used to have a demonstrative meaning (Jener-Deixis). Further use of the suffix -n- as a marker of relation to something resulted in its development into a marker of a constant, typical feature of a thing or a being that made them definite. The meaning of definiteness expressed by the suffix is revealed if one compares the use of abstract nouns derived from the same root and belonging to different declension types in the gothic language. | 1148 | |||||
2892 | The poem «A cool and mild breath is coming from the iake,,,» («C oзepa вeeт npoxлaда...» (1854)) by Ph.l. Tyutchev, a translation of an extract from F. Shilier's «William Tells, is compared with the original. The differences are viewed as an explication of two different pictures of the world, The author of the article formulates the regularities forming the system unity of Ph.l. Tyutchev's poetry. | 1148 | |||||
2893 | The article considers the problem of forming critical and system thought of students in teaching physics. The realization of research method of teaching is presented by the methods on the basis of experimental tasks of research character. The examples of its realization in educational process are given | 1148 | |||||
2894 | In the issue the main time in the development of organ culture in Russia is considered at the end of 19th and first half of 20th centuries and connected with creative life of A.F. Hedike. Hedike’s personality is characterized as a composer, performer, teacher and as a founder of modern Russian organ school | 1148 | |||||
2895 | The given article deals with categorization as one of the most important processes of human cogitation in terms of the category of age. The given category can be represented as the correlation «core - periphery». The core consists of the upper and basic levels of the category of age and the periphery comprises the lower level. Keywords: categorization, the category of age, the hierarchy of categories, the correlation «core - periphery», age categories, functional semantic field, semantic category, notional categories | 1148 | |||||
2896 | The technique of modelling of transients in cardiovascular system in experiments on laboratory animals is described. Keywords: physiological experiment, cardiovascular system, transients | 1148 | |||||
2897 | The article presents the results of gender and age features of primary students' cognitive sphere development investigation. The author displays the personality cognitive sphere as systemic hierarchal arranged formation. It is stated that the personality cognitive sphere is a fundamental component of a person's psychic device. The personality cognitive sphere development is determined by natural intuitive and information and operation basic determinants directions, it is also determined by gender and age individual psychological personal properties Keywords: cognitive sphere of a personality, determinants of cognitive development, gender and age features | 1148 | |||||
2898 | The article is devoted the functioning analysis regulative structures color type in a poetry of I. Severyanina. Various inds of regulative structures in which the mechanism of aesthetic actualisation color denominations is considered are allocated. Keywords: regulative structures color type, color denominations, aesthetic actualisation | 1148 | |||||
2899 | In the article the originality of aesthetic actualisation of the concept the city of Tomsk in regional poetry comes to light. The author allocates four directions of associative-semantic expansion of the concept: topological, anthropological, cultural-historical and mythological. It is possible to consider that the basic tendency of realisation of the concept in the regional poetic discourse is a mythologization of the image of the city by means of use of laudatory rhetoricians. Keywords: aesthetic actualisation of concept, a regional poetic discourse, directions of associative-semantic expansion | 1148 | |||||
2900 | The article deals with the peculiarities of using the names of English and Russian money units for creating measuring valuation. Much attention is paid to the figurative meanings of the names of coins and banknotes in the English and Russian languages. Keywords: Division of the substance into fragments and information into bits, category, lexical-semantic field, metaphor, cognitive valuation | 1148 |