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2851 | The article deals with the problem of vitality of Tuvinian language as a language of minority, which is functi oning, in close contact with Russian. The analysis of subjective and objective assessment of Tuvinean language vitality is given with the help of psycholinguistic experiment which has been taken in the Usinsk Valley settlements placed on the south of Krasnoyarsk region. Keywords: language of minority, language of majority, vitality, language situation, language policy, language shift, psycholinguistic experiment | 1160 | |||||
2852 | This article discusses the technological aspects of teaching methods that take into account when English Foreign Language teaching at Tomsk Polytechnic University. The paper presents an analysis of educational technology concepts, pedagogical technologies, technology of teaching, technology in teaching, educational technology, based on publications of Russian and foreign researchers. In addition, the author emphasizes the importance of the ideas by J. A. Comenius on the learning process technologizing. Keywords: pedagogical technologies, technology of teaching, technology in teaching, educational technology | 1160 | |||||
2853 | The article deals with the present situation, problems and way-outs of educational system of special children in Tomsk region in the variety of its components: special, integrative and inclusive types of education are explored. Special attention is paid to distance learning as an important form of education being realized in different types of educational institutes. Keywords: children with special needs, handicapped children, special education, integrative education, inclusive education, distance learning, Tomsk region | 1160 | |||||
2854 | The article deals with the Russian customers’ types with the specific features, peculiar to each type. General peculiarities, which represent modern Russian mentality and can be used to distinguish Russian customers from those of Europe and the USA, are considered too. These are, first of all, the large income-contrast between wealthy minority and poor majority of Russian population (there is a distinct stratification of Russian society), priority of material wellbeing and the lack of trust to advertising. These peculiarities are considered in the context of the marketing communication barriers, which occur in process of marketing message recognition by customers. There are five consequentially occurring barriers: attention; understanding; trusting; remembering and first actions. We analyze them in three aspects: 1) the influence of four factors, which characterize the marketing message, showing its quality and efficiency (these are form, contents, technical facilities and organization of the massage); 2) the influence of Russian customers’ peculiarities, which determine the smooth or hard coming of marketing message over this or that barrier of marketing communications; 3) making the set of marketing communication instruments, which could be most effective to overcome each barrier. As the result, we conclude that the stratification of Russian society into wealthy minority and poor majority is now the most actual peculiarity, which influence passing the four (of five) existing barriers and determines the set of marketing communication instruments for overcoming each of them. Keywords: marketing communication complex, customer peculiarities, marketing communication barriers, attention, understanding, trusting, remembering, first actions | 1160 | |||||
2855 | The article reviewes the problem of scientific selection of the content of teaching physics in the present conditions of training engineersof innovative type. Discusses development of motivation in students and innovative thinking as a means of execution of the target species of educational innovation activity of students. Gives the example of the modification of the known tasks performed independently by the students as a part of the project. On this basis, the concept of the educational potential of standard tasks is introdused. Educational potential is a combination of the resources for transformation of the tasks into the projects to produce important results. Gives the scheme of the Van der Graaf generator, developed by the students from improvised materials, discusses the results of a survey of students to find ou their attitude toward the project implementation activities. For example, we compare students' predictions to what they report before having seen the demonstration, discuss the answers both right after the demonstration and several weeks later. Keywords: teaching physics, innovation thinking, motivation of students, problems in electrodynamics | 1160 | |||||
2856 | Mastering the skills of proper, meaningful, logical, rich and expressive speech is fundamental to the child’s personality formation and its development has its own arsenal of methodological means used in elementary school, where the most important is learning to write essays. This type of work is aimed at improving monologue speech of children, enrichment of practical experience of their speech activity and formation on this basis of communicative-speech skills. The article reveals the peculiarities of work on various types of essays, which are widespread in the practice of primary school teachers. These are the essays on paintings, on personal observations, on the books read. The methodical aspects of working on a narrative composition on a series of paintings and one picture, as well as a description of a landscape picture, are presented. The characteristic is given of the activities of the teachers on the organization of observations of primary school children with the purpose of accumulation and selection of material for the subsequent writing of essays. The types of exercises that you can use when preparing children to write essays based on personal observations are listed. Specificity of learning to write reviews about a book you’ve read, and the features of work on types of feedback in primary school is given. The sequence of the work on writing the essays in the second and third classes is characterized. This article is addressed to primary school teachers and can also be useful to teachers of higher educational institutions and educational organizations of additional professional education, students of pedagogical universities, methodologists of primary education. Keywords: composition, types of essays, primary school teacher, junior schoolchild | 1160 | |||||
2857 | The article considered contents of notion «economic culture», revealled mechanisms of influence of economic culture at the social-economic life of society. There are chosen functions of the economic culture. Specific lines of teacher economic culture are shown. Criterions and factors for the evaluation of economic culture condition formation are designed. | 1159 | |||||
2858 | The author of the paper enters into polemics with the opinion which has become basic in studying Piatonov's creative work that A. Platonov in his novel «Chevengur» as well as in other works is critisizing socialism and collective farming. As a result of scrupulous analysis of the writer's texts, the author comes to the conclusion, that his artistic thought of the mature period is correlated with the idea of the noosphere according to academician Vernnadsky. | 1159 | |||||
2859 | The article reviews the main conceptual items of national education development doctrine. It supposed to supply consolidation of advanced forces around education - circles of politicians, governers, teachers and scientists. Education in this case will be means of regional social system development. The doctrine includes economical, political, ethnoidentificational, social and governmental aspects and mechanisms of educational system development. | 1159 | |||||
2860 | The structure and possibilities of a program complex are submitted. The mathematical model and a calculation technique of parameters of spatial currents on parallel computing systems in areas with irregular geometry are offered. The physical pictures of currents about the closed curvilinear surfaces, burning granules of fuel are submitted. The questions of modeling of air movement in territory of city building and admixture distribution from sources of pollution in a ground layer of an atmosphere are considered. | 1159 | |||||
2861 | Gas flow through porous media is characterized by large vortex structures and large friction coefficients, resulting in an extensive momentum and interphase energy exchange between gas and the solid phase. The model used for flow in porous regions is at once both a generalization of the Navier-Stokes equations and of Darcy's law commonly used for flows in porous regions. The model retains both advection and diffusion terms and so can be used where such effects are important. In deriving the continium equations, it assumed that 'infinitecimal' control volumes and surfaces are large relative to the interstitutal spacing of the porous medium, through small relative to the scales that we wish to resolve. Thus, given control cells and control surfaces are assumed to contain both solid and gas regions. Based on this model, an efficient numerical technique has been developed and a numerical algorithm has been produced to study the processes in the porous medium channel. | 1159 | |||||
2862 | The article depicts the methods of multiple-discipline presentation of school education content and shows advantages of its usage in school education. To prepare the future teachers for its usage in school process the author suggests to change the teaching methods of the additional professional training unit. These methods in the author’s opinion should be essentially different from those of similar subjects for non-pedagogical specialities. | 1159 | |||||
2863 | Basic properties of even (odd) supermanifoids endowed with a connection respecting a given symplectic structure are studied. Such supermanifoids can be considered as generalization of Fedosov manifolds to the supersymmetric case. | 1159 | |||||
2864 | In the article the author attempts to analyze the phenomenon of " deja vu " from phenomenological viewpoint. By means of analysis of relations of dream and vigil the author reveals the clarity of the cognitive composition of " deja vu ". Through explication of the phenomenon the author shows the internal structure of consciousness of time | 1159 | |||||
2865 | This paper deals with the results of scientific conference devoted to the well known philosophy and pedagogy S.I.Gessen’s memory. Some modern forms of the postgraduates research training in Tomsk government pedagogical university are presented. Keywords: scientific conference, education philosophy, pedagogy, school of young scientist, modern education | 1159 | |||||
2866 | The article presents the results of gender and age features of primary students' cognitive sphere development investigation. The author displays the personality cognitive sphere as systemic hierarchal arranged formation. It is stated that the personality cognitive sphere is a fundamental component of a person's psychic device. The personality cognitive sphere development is determined by natural intuitive and information and operation basic determinants directions, it is also determined by gender and age individual psychological personal properties Keywords: cognitive sphere of a personality, determinants of cognitive development, gender and age features | 1159 | |||||
2867 | In the article the author shows that awareness of uniqueness of each of culture is a condition for acknowledgment of equivalence of all cultures. This statement points to tolerant relations between cultures. Keywords: cultural-historic type, Russian culture, mentality of culture | 1159 | |||||
2868 | The article presents the approaches to the solving of the problem of disadaptation in the conditions of psychological support of institutes of higher education and identification of the factors of crisis conditions origins of the students. Keywords: psychic health of students, psychicoadaptive and psychicodisadaptive conditions, abnormal individual reactions | 1159 | |||||
2869 | The article considers the question of information-communication technologies elective courses introduction to students of an agricultural profile as the important component influencing their professional competence. It is offered the elective course “ICT in professional work”, which will acquaint students where and how effectively to use information- communication technologies in professional work. Keywords: information-communication technologies, agricultural branch, elective course, competence approach, professional work | 1159 | |||||
2870 | This article deals with the analysis of the meaning of content-tolerance components. The article illustrates reasons for the content extracurricular activities as a top priority to build a model of tolerance formation among adolescents. Keywords: tolerance, adolescence, extracurricular activity | 1159 | |||||
2871 | The article revealed the problem of the educational process in technical universities, the lack of teachers, curators, academic groups of teacher education to work with students orphans. It provides the analysis of the number of employees in technical colleges of the Siberian region of the teaching staff with technical, classic and teacher education. It introduced in the educational process with the students orphaned technical college developed, sciencebased program “Curator-teacherо for the training of teachers, supervisors involved in managing the process of educating students for the orphans of successful adaptation to the educational environment through the organization of the theory and practice of athletic activities. Keywords: adaptation, curator, program, physical activity, student-orphan | 1159 | |||||
2872 | The article proves modern museum of science and technology to be a multistructural and multifunctional institute, which is developing and using the wide range of traditional and up-to-date forms of museum and pedagogical activities serving for educational and leisure purposes. Keywords: museum of science and technology, museum and pedagogical activities, forms of museum and pedagogical activities | 1159 | |||||
2873 | This article is devoted to the analysis of functions of metaphors in the structure of a narrative. Modern understanding of such concepts as discourse metaphor and metaphorical subtexts are being described. A hypotheses that the metaphorical fields play the integrating role being the bridge between referent and communical sides of the narrative is being suggested. The analysis of the ways of metaphorical indexation of a narrative strategy is based on B. Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago. Narrative strategy is regarded as a kind of interaction between the subject, object and adressee of discourse. B. Pasternak's novel implements the strategy of 'revelation' bearing such important characteristics as narrator being an impersonal one, the story being a 'quest for the sence', convergent position of a reader being programmed. This communication model is expressed not only at the levels of plot events and themes, but also by using specific metaphorical fields. This article deals with the particular subtext of 'cover and revelation' which is represented in the text of the novel by images of fabric, threads, sewing, knitting that can be found in descriptions of many different plot events and characters. Conclusion is drawn that the narration in the novel is a 'cover' for poetry and, contrawise, Zhivago's poems depend of the narrative events. Keywords: narratology, narrative, narrative strategy, metaphor, metaphorical index, Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago, subtext of | 1159 | |||||
2874 | The article shows the specifics of the functioning of economic concepts of the media, carried out by an intermediary between reality as a mass audience and as a powerful tool for influencing readers’ minds. Mass-media not only inform readers, but frequently refract, transform events and facts, allocate with their varied assessments, impose this or that vector of their perception and interpretation. One of the ways of similar transformation of validity in mediadiscourse is metaphor. The object of the research is one of the most meaningful concepts of economic area – concept «inflation», the subject – a specific character of its metaphorical representation in the Russian mediadiscourse of XXI century. As the material of mediatexts’ research (2000-2015), presented in newspaper subcorpus the National corpus of Russian Language have served. During the analysis anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, naturemorphic, military, sports, mechanistic metaphorical models were revealed and described, their role in creation of an image of inflation in consciousness of ordinary native speakers was established, the pragmatic potential of the given models was established, the assessments of inflation shaped by mass-media are revealed. The analysis has shown, that at the given economic stage inflation in Russia is estimated by national massmedia mainly negatively, confirming this metaphorical representation of this concept, as well as its contextual environment. Inflation is metaphorically characterized as a certain subject or object, impeding to normal functioning of a society. It may be a gluttonous essence, «eating» savings of citizens with extreme speed, an invincible soldier beating the poor, a sprinter who starts at high speed and carries away behind itself the prices, a dispersed mechanism which is practically not responding to levers constraining it, destructive elements. Thus, such properties of inflation as uncontrolled, destructive influence on economy, are underlined by the need for serious economic transformations to overcome inflation. Keywords: conceptual metaphor, metaphorical model, concept, media discourse, inflation | 1159 | |||||
2875 | The research concerns the problems of applying textbooks with online components in the organization of selfguided work of students learning foreign languages at non-linguistic universities under modern conditions. We believe that the competences described in the Federal State Standard of Higher Education can not be fully developed in students lacking the necessary knowledge of a foreign language after finishing their secondary education. One more relevant problem arises here, the one of the equalization of the initial level of students’ language skills. The institutions of higher education used to solve this problem by running a correction course, but due to the reduction in the amount of contact hours, we believe it is advisable to organize such work outside the classroom. Such changes will require a careful choice of textbooks. Therefore, we suggest applying a model of work with English textbooks having online components in the organization of students’ self-guided work. We analyze the results of the experiment aimed at the approbation of the technique in question and illustrate them by the statistical data obtained by testing the experimental and control groups. We prove that most language skills improve considerably due to the use of computer learning. Moreover, this pedagogical technique contributes to growing motivation and results in developing necessary competences prescribed by the State standard. Keywords: higher school, educational process, foreign language teaching, competence approach, online learning, self-guided work, model of applying online component | 1159 | |||||
2876 | The article deals with the issue of changing the type of educational communication in modern education. The modern communicational landscape of education has been defined: the aspect of communication is regarded as one of the factors of education development. The communicative aspect defines the way learners deal with knowledge, acquire their individual educational experience, shape their culture of thinking. The authors emphasize the issue of searching for new approaches towards organizing educational communication by a teacher according to the objectives defined by the modern landscape of education. The article presents the results of an educational experiment that light upon the issue of defining and designing new communicative scenario for a teacher in class. The analysis of the experiment draws upon the phenomenological description of the case of communication organized in a university class. On the basis of the analysis of the experiment case and the experiment transcript, the authors define three possible communicative scenarios for a teacher: the didactic scenario (the traditional one: a teacher is the source and the regulator of communication in class), the ‘teacher is out’ scenario (a teacher leaves the front stage of a class through rejecting his / her traditional communicational functions), and the blended scenario (a teacher as a co-participant of communication). Keywords: educational communication, communicative interaction, communicative landscape in education, communicative scenario in class | 1159 | |||||
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2879 | Using AdS/CFT correspondence we found the conformal anomaly from d3 and dS gauged supergravity with single scalar (dilaton) and the arbitrary scalar potential on AdS-like scalar-gravitational background. Such dilatonic gravity action describes the special RG flows in extended gauged SG when scalers lie in one-dimensional submanifold of complete scalars space. This dilaton-dependent conformal anomaly corresponds to dual non-conformal (gauge) QFT with account of radiative corrections and (or) masses. The attempt to define c-function away of conformity is presented. | 1158 | |||||
2880 | The article discloses the content and methods of economic education in a pedagogical university as a very important educational direction under modern conditions in Russia. | 1158 | |||||
2881 | The calculations clearly show that the calculated by B3LYP/II and B3LYP/3-21G* 35CI frequencies correlate with the experimental values are the same. On the other hand the QCC values calculated with use of the pseudo potential for the central atoms provided much lower than the experimental ones. At the same time the QCC values of the central atoms calculated by B3LYP/3-21G* were well correlated with experimental values. The ZPE corrected complexation energies of the SbCI5L complexes do not upgrade the binding energies towards the experimental Gutmann's donor numbers. The donor-acceptor bonds for all complexes have a high degree of ionic character. The Wiberg bond order values determine of the detection of the metal-ligand bond orbitals with the exception of niobium complexes by NBO approach. The value of Wiberg bond order must be not lesser than 0.3. The donor-acceptor interactions of main-group elements such as Sb and Sn described in terms of the sp hybridization just as these interactions of transition metal elements mean sd hybridization. | 1158 | |||||
2882 | It is established that under pressureless filtering throughthe fiberous polypropilen the purification process is the more effective the less is the initial concentration of pollution this material is prevailing other materials in its mechenical, chemical resistance and sorbtional capasity. The maximal degree of purification is acheived 85.7% for Cu, 88.5% for Fe, 68% for suspension, 86.3% for oil products, 46.3% for Zn, 71.4% for phosphates. | 1158 | |||||
2883 | The article gives the critical analysis of biomorphoiogical terminology that is used in modern botany. Different approaches to the plant life form as a key term in biomorphology that are taken in different Russian and Western European research schools are discussed. On the base of the icritical analysis, expediency of physiognomic approach to the definition of plant life form is shown. | 1158 | |||||
2884 | The topic under consideration is important for describing the peculiarities of finite verb form derivation in Ket. The paper offers extensive data on pairs of iterative verb and their non-iterative correspondents in Ket. The analysis of the morphological structure of these pairs allows to unify and present a limited list of regular derivational patterns employed in the language for iterative verb formation. The author singles out three basic derivational operations on the one hand, and three basic meanings for the derivational category, named iterativity, on the other hand. A descriptive scheme in the form of equation is devised for coding groups of formal markers used for iterative verb formation in Ket. The outcome of this research is categorizing of all known to the author strategies applied to iterative formation according to the three basic derivational operations. | 1158 | |||||
2885 | The article is devoted to the interesting phenomenon of Russian cultural life prevalent in the middle of the XIX century, received the name «georgesandism». This term means penetration of the ideas, characters, plots of George Sand’s novels into Russian culture, public consciousness and a love life. The French writer was perceived first of all as a destroyer of Christian and church ideas of «sanctity» and indestructibility of the marriage. The most debatable novels from the point of view of their plot and characters are considered. The early mythological image of George Sand as a «seducer», and «morally depraved person», which was created first of all by «masculine» reception in Russia of 1830’s, is investigated. | 1158 | |||||
2886 | The paper presents the method of problem-active approach to teaching physics in school, which is performed on the basis of system of tasks. The method gives the possibility to make the teaching more active, to develop students, to give deep and lasting knowledge on the subject. The method is based on introducing into teaching special types of tasks: a task – trajectory, a task – dotted line, a task – vector, the performance of which helps to involve students in independent search for new information, skills and competences. Students’ activity gradually becomes more and more independent. The paper is meant for physics teachers, would-be teachers. | 1158 | |||||
2887 | The article deals with the different types of communicative conditionality of word-formation processes: the correlation of word-formation with the formal aspects of textual structure and the conceptual development of national discourse. | 1158 | |||||
2888 | This article is dedicated to questions of the development of the system of continuous pedagogical formation in Russia and defines the role of the research activity of teachers as the subjects of its professional-personal formation | 1158 | |||||
2889 | It is designed original methods of the study of surfaces bogs. The dynamics of surfaces is connected with spottiness of upper layer of mires. The fluctuation to surfaces depends on amount of water, growing мха and his motion. This fluctuation can be not simultaneous, with the other value of the amplitude in the other area of the mire Keywords: Oligotriphic marsh, aerobic layer, mechanical displacement, stereofotogrammetic method, moisture | 1158 | |||||
2890 | The technique of modelling of transients in cardiovascular system in experiments on laboratory animals is described. Keywords: physiological experiment, cardiovascular system, transients | 1158 | |||||
2891 | In specialist training the diagnostics is considered to be an immanent component. The rapid diagnostics in the training of specialists provides feed-back between the faculty and students. The diagnostics quality largely determines the effectiveness of the educational process. The level of diagnostic component depends on the data, criteria, methods and tools used and also on specialists’ qualifications. The level of a diagnostic component is in dependence from used parameters and criteria, methods, toolkit, qualification of experts. | 1158 | |||||
2892 | The issues of modeling theory as applied to the field of didactics and teaching foreign language problem-oriented professional in the course of speaking a foreign language in high school non-linguistic. As an information framework for foreign-language job-speaking and listening using a series of didactic models of dialogue. Keywords: professional foreign language speaking, training interaction, didactic model of interaction | 1158 | |||||
2893 | This article shows the dynamics of the formation of “prenatal psychological entity” within the system of “Mother and Child” at every stage of pregnancy. The features of the formation of “prenatal psychological community” of pregnant women with a different course of pregnancy, marked differences in the stages of the passage of pregnant women with normal physiological course of pregnancy and the threat of interruption. Keywords: “prenatal psychological community”, systemic tumor, co-existentia, “healthy pregnancy” | 1158 | |||||
2894 | The paper analyses characteristics of upbringing children left without parental care in a rural orphanage. The author demonstrates specific organization of the educational process of children groups of different ages. Keywords: mixed-age group, peculiarities of the upbringing of orphans, rural orphanage | 1158 | |||||
2895 | The paper presents the conceptual model of transformations of philosophical images of science. The informationsynergetic modification of phenomenological approach is the base of generalizing the variations of the understanding the reasons of such transformations. It is revealed the functions, forms and general sense of this process. Keywords: philosophical image of science, transformation, reasons, phenomenology, the information-synergetic approach | 1158 | |||||
2896 | The role of mathematics in professional competence of psychologists is determined, the definition of professional mathematical competence of psychologists is given and the structure of this competence is offered. Also the pedagogical conditions facilitating its qualitative formation in the educational process in university are investigated. Keywords: professional mathematical competence, competence structure, stages of competence formation, pedagogical conditions | 1158 | |||||
2897 | The article provides data on distribution of the bleak in the lower Tom, its portion on number in catches on various sites of this ecosystem. Morphological features of this species (the sizes and structure of scales, meristic and morphometric signs), spawning terms, indicators of reproductive ability, structure of population of the bleak for a row of years (2003–2013) are considered. Keywords: structure, population, morphology, bleak | 1158 | |||||
2898 | Methods of oil-associated gas utilization important for oil producing companies in Russia are being examined in this article. Methods of application and product usage efficiency are analyzed. The performed analysis allowed to outline the main benefits and drawbacks of introduced methods and determine the most attractive way of utilization depending on various characteristics and certain conditions of oil fields (the size, the remoteness of the field, the depth of bedding, the level of infrustructure etc.). The usage of new methods of oil-associated gas utilization analysed in this article allows to increase oil production output much faster, solves the problem of effective CO2 usage at oil fields, which is highly important in modern conditions of oil and oil-associated gas production and usage. Keywords: oil field, oil-associated gas, utilization methods, production output | 1158 | |||||
2899 | The article deals with the impact of Kierkegaard’s ideas on Thornton Wilder’s philosophical novels. Far from being the only major influence, this impact helps to make clear certain ideological points in the writer’s works and cannot be underestimated. After discovering Kierkegaard’s works in his early youth, Thornton Wilder kept returning to them during all his life. As a result, Kierkegaard’s philosophical ideas managed to find their way into most of Wilder’s novels, though the writer didn’t simply illustrate them with his own examples but made them an integral part of his own world, blending them with his own ideas, and entering into some controversy with them in his later works. At different stages of his writing career Wilder gave special attention to different aspects of Kierkegaard’s philosophy. The concept of faith was central to his early books, from The Cabala to Heaven’s My Destination; the concept of freedom became important in his mature works, The Ides of March in particular; while his last novels, The Eighth Day and Theophilus North, developed the idea of creative evolution. Keywords: Thornton Wilder, Søren Kierkegaard, philosophical influence, philosophical novel, knight of faith, road to faith, existentialism, existential sphere, aesthetic stage, ethical stage, religious stage, freedom, creativity | 1158 | |||||
2900 | The article considers the problem of development of visual-tactile perception of the visually impaired younger schoolchildren in the process of learning sensory standards at mathematics lessons during the preparation period. Shows a series of tests aimed at identifying the level of tactile perception, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results. Consequently, the emphasis in relation to the standards must be made on mastering by students of the shape and size of the subject through the use of visual-tactile perceptions. Indicates the direction of the formation of sensory standards. Describes the best practices for working with sensory standards of shapes and sizes at mathematics lessons. Keywords: visual-haptic perception, sensory standards of shapes and sizes, visually impaired younger schoolchildren, cultureof tactile examination | 1158 |