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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3751 | The article examines the role of explication of the evaluating attitude in the „star” interview. The evaluation category is an integral part of the linguistic view of the world. A man’s relation to the world and other people is the relation of active interaction with the world around and purposeful transformation of the world according to his values. The intentional features of “star” interview aimed at maximum disclosure of the interlocutor’s personality, as well as at the identification of his value conceptions are described in the work. The evaluation of the agent’s life experience and his social status form the basis for choosing value orientations – ideological, aesthetic, moral grounds for evaluating the world around. Therefore, it could be argued that the evaluation expresses the objective and subjective relation of the agent of speech to the designated one. The characteristic of structure and components of evaluation is given. The emotionalevaluative state of the agent requires special linguistic forms of his objectification. Examples of language verbalization of the evaluation in the “star” interview are given. The choice of the means depends on speaker’s interpretation of this or that fact and his evaluation of this or that object’s act. The research has shown that the modern language has a variety of phonetic, lexical, grammatical, phraseological means for adequate expression of the emotionally-valued relations to the agent of the utterance. As a rule, there is a close interaction of linguistic means of various levels. Keywords: “star” interview, evaluation, structure of evaluation, components of evaluation, the emotionalevaluative replies, language verbalization of the evaluation | 986 | |||||
3752 | Now there is a great emphasis on situating metaphor studies within broad, comprehensive models of human cognition, communication, and culture. As any language is anthropocentric, and in any language, there are metaphors that perceive objects, animate or inanimate, as persons. Metaphors ascribing human characteristics to non-human entities are defined anthropomorphic and can be viewed as a formula NATURE IS MAN, where we have NATURE for the target domain, and MAN for the source domain. In literary texts the anthropomorphic metaphor is considered as one of the most productive metaphor type due to the author’s subjective perception of the surrounding world. The ubiquity of the anthropomorphic metaphor demonstrates that the key metaphorical schema NATURE IS MAN can be broken down into lower–level, specific schemas bringing to the various aspects of the concept MAN (appearance, traits of character, feelings, aural perception, intellectual functions, physical activities, age, body etc.) and the concept NATURE (natural objects and phenomena, seasons, times of day etc.). The present paper is aimed at showing generating power of the basic metaphor «SPRING IS A WOMAN» in Shukshin’s writings. The corpus of original metaphorical expressions as the examples for the analysis illustrates the modeling potential of the anthropomorphic metaphor. Created by the culture and embedded in the literary texts by the author it is used to perform, and present new dimensions of the picture of the world. Keywords: anthropomorphic metaphor, basic metaphor, modeling of the world, literary text, spring, woman | 986 | |||||
3753 | The article examines the issue of Italian painting reception in the creativity of V.F. Odoevsky at the levels of images, motives, allusions. This issue is associated with pictorial art as a challenge for Odoevsky. Italian art in his prose is connected with a creator’s destiny: his …, insanity, unrealized … Art and creativity express chaotic and irrational part of the human nature, forming opposition with philosophy. The image of Italian Madonna is interpreted as an aesthetic and etic ideal of beauty. Odoevsky’s perception in this aspect corresponds with perception of the Lubomudry in general. This idea of perfection reflected in the images of wise and beautiful women playing the role of Muse. In aesthetic conception of Vackenroder the same image creates ties between art and religion. Madonna is identified in short stories “Vicenzio and Cecilia”, “The improvisator”, in stories “Silphide” and “Black glove”. Odoevsky uses ideas of German romanticists and Zhukovsky, but reconsiders them. For example, Cecilia embodies not only beauty, but also spiritual independence. The picture with Madonna in “The improvisator” expresses motive of beauty damaged by analysis and rationality. In the image of Siphide Odoevsky combines features of Venus, the divine of love and beauty painted by Botticelli, and Cristian Madonna. “Black glove” demonstrates absence of Madonna (line of Maria) in modern world. In conclusion, interpretation of Madonna’s image is included in Italian text system of the Lubomudry. However, Odoevsky adds to this text individual features typical of his philosophical prose. Keywords: the Lubomudry, Russian romanticism, Italian text, the image of Madonna | 986 | |||||
3754 | The article is devoted to precedent statements and peculiarities of their semantics and functioning in glossy press. The author gives the following definition of precedent statements: units of language known to the most members of a definite lingvocultural community. The following source domains of precedent statements are analyzed: cinema, literature, folklore, art, music, phraseology, proverbs and set expressions. Popular women glossy magazines such as Elle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Glamour proved to be a valuable language material. Precedent statements can occur in different sections of magazines: fashion, beauty, design, relations between men and women, travelling, health. The thorough analysis shows that cinema and literature are the most important and frequent source domains for precedent phenomena. Precedent statements could be transformed, especially in the headlines of the articles. The author distinguishes the following types of transformation peculiar to precedent units in glossy press: modification and addition of the component. The phenomenon of precedent sign is analyzed. Due to huge expansion of the Internet different computer, mathematical, graphic and commercial signs can function in precedent texts. Readers know such signs and recognize them easily. The comparative study of English and Russian precedent phenomena gives reliable linguistic data. The author concludes that understanding of precedent statements is extremely important for deciphering of the information contained in journalistic texts. Keywords: precedence, precedent statement, precedent sign, semantics, text, meaning, glossy press, source domain | 986 | |||||
3755 | Beginning with a brief survey of the latest developments in the field of phonosemantics the article looks into psychological basis of sound iconism by investigating the reactions of Russian speakers to English sound-iconic words. The experiment with the use of the Lexical Decision method is described and the results are tabled. The subjects – 90 Russian learners of English at different proficiency levels – were asked to identify as words or non-words stimuli of three types: a) sound-iconic English words, b) non-iconic (neutral) English words and c) quasi-words. All stimuli were presented visually in random sequences in a compressed time frame. The criteria for selecting the stimuli were thoroughly elaborated. The results of the experiment show a statistically veritable delay in identifying the sound-iconic stimuli as words. It remained constant, regardless of the English language proficiency level of the participants. Presumably, the cognitive complexity of the task increased because of a certain interference between the two ways of information processing: abstract-conceptual and sensory-symbolic. This influenced the speed and accuracy of word recognition. Another factor leading to errors might stem from the fact that the sound forms of the English visual stimuli, as they were reproduced by the subjects in their inner speech, did not coincide with their associations in Russian, which made them «think twice» before answering. Keywords: sound-iconism, lexical decision, psychosemantics, phonosemantics, Russian-English bilinguals, visual perception | 986 | |||||
3756 | Introduction. During the last years of the last century the conceptual sphere “the world of plants” got the attention of linguists. In many of their works, linguists analyse phytometaphor in comparison between two languages. The purpose of this article is to describe the semantic-pragmatical use of phytometaphor in Shalamov’s work The Kolyma Tales and the possibility if its translation in the Italian language. Material and methods. By examining the Italian word “piantone” (orderly) this article focuses on the particular case in which there is not a phytometaphor in the original text but it is present in the translated text. The study proceeds with the analysis of the main characteristics of the figurative sense of this word in both languages and the translators’ motivation in the use of it. Results and discussion. One important feature of Shalamov’s prose is the use of anthropomorphic details in the description of nature. After analyzing the first cycle of stories, we can divide the author’s used phytometaphors into four categories: 1) plant products used as a kind of currency; 2) the external characteristics of a person; 3) likening plants to animals; 4) the internal characteristics of a person. It is important to underline, that in other cases phytometaphor is not used in the original text but it is used in the translated text. After the linguistic analysis of the material (Russian, Italian and French dictionaries and corpora) it is possible to say that the word “piantone” with the meaning of soldier is not an Italian national and specific word but is a calc from French. Conclusion. According to the detailed analysis of the dictionaries and considering the peculiarities of V. Shalamov’s artistic style, the author concludes that the use of this phytometaphor is in line with the general trend of the use of metaphorical vocabulary by V. Shalamov in The Kolyma Tales. Keywords: phytometaphor, phytonym, Shalamov, the Italian language, the Russian language, translation | 986 | |||||
3757 | Bryukhantseva I. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 20-24 . | 985 | |||||
3758 | . | 985 | |||||
3759 | The standard model of the program of the economical and social development of the subject of the Russian Federation was worked out by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation according to the instructions of the Russian government with an aim to improve the process of elaboration, confirmation and realization of the programs concerning the economical and social development of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The standard model has the form of a recommendation and it is built to provide the methodological unity of regional programs and their agreement with the state strategy of the economical and social development. | 985 | |||||
3760 | In this article the author deals with the problems of gathering, working over and sale of wildings, the ques¬tion of manufacturing and technical re-armament and the regime of factories' use that Work Over Wildings. | 985 | |||||
3761 | In this article is proved, that the way of vision of an own body determines world-outlook. In consciousness of the modern man the vision of the body is stratified on habitual vision, on vision of a body in social reality and on erotic vision. Therefore reality of the world is stratified and modern man loses integrity. | 985 | |||||
3762 | Issues of AND-OR trees, used to build enumeration algorithms and objects generation, are considered within the article. Properties and algorithms of AND-OR trees listed are described in detail. Analysis is conducted to view the possibilities to apply AND-OR trees for context-restricted grammar(s). A method is offered to refer to build the algorithms of context-restricted grammar(s) enumeration. An example is examined to build enumeration algorithm as applied to arithmetic expressions | 985 | |||||
3763 | The problem of the data storage and processing in the regional telemedicine system is considered. The conclusion is drawn that the medical data ought to be regarded as semi-structured one. The XML-containers are proposed to be used for their storage and processing. The basic advantages of the semi-structured approach with the XML-container utilizations for the storage of the various medical parameters are shown | 985 | |||||
3764 | The article has the summarized materials of the experimental work on organizing the problem teaching in higher education. The article contains the ways of the planning of educational process at physics lessons at the “Technology and Professional Pedagogical Education” Department. The results of the experiment on testing and installation the problem teaching technology are presented. The author of the article is Nikitina Elena Urievna the assistant of the chair of physics of the Biysk State Pedagogical University named after V. M. Shukshin, the post-gradient student of the chair of pedagogy | 985 | |||||
3765 | The article analyzes different kinds of mineral rent, which are the economic basis for the essential payments for man-caused deposits development. It also analyzes differentiation of rents depending on the kind of product obtained. The differential rent which occurs due to different conditions of man-cause. deposit development should be correlated with the classification of these deposits | 985 | |||||
3766 | In the article the analytical survey of the current state and development prospects of labor-market and labor power in Russia is represented; the principal directions of modernization of Russian basic vocational education in the context of students’ training for professional and social adaptation in the labor-market are highlighted | 985 | |||||
3767 | The present article is devoted to the problem of training a pedagogic university students to conduct research activity in their prospective professional sphere. The notion of «a student research activity» is defined. Organizing-methodic conditions making for forming and developing research activity of would-be-teachers are exposed. Keywords: research activity, professional-pedagogic competence, creative potential, educational technology, professional training | 985 | |||||
3768 | Oriental combat sports is the unique system which has philosophical base as its basis and includes psychological and spiritual aspects. The basic categories of system of fighting arts are traditional, innovative, traditional-innovative system of preparation, physical, mental, tehnico-tactical preparation, competence of a trainer, competence of a fighter, aiming at high result, philosophical base, own terminology (or language), harmony. The article defines new, earlier not investigated categories of the system of oriental combat sports by means of the theory of dynamic information systems. Keywords: philosophy, harmony, fighting art, system of preparation, competence | 985 | |||||
3769 | The article is about the semantic development of the German word «mal» from Old High German to Modern German. We also show the conditions of the homonymy development within the word family of this lexeme. Keywords: semantic, word family, etymology, Germanic languages, German, homonymy | 985 | |||||
3770 | The article is the result of comparative study of the non-canonical two-place predicates in Russian and Inkeri Finnish. The aim of the research was to reveal the board between transitive and intransitive structures of two-place predicates in both languages, to single out natural classes of predicates according to the way of marking their arguments and to fi nd the common semantic features of the members of these classes. Keywords: Inkeri Finnish, Russian, canonical two-place predicates, non-canonical two-place predicates, canonical transitive construction | 985 | |||||
3771 | The article is devoted to the study of ancient literature in odorologic aspect. The author focuses on examples of verbalization in the stench of ancient texts. Observed overall incidence and dynamics of these episodes, interpreted the chronological transformation of the negative meanings olfactory. Keywords: olfactory, odorologics, poetics odors, old Russian literature | 985 | |||||
3772 | The article considers the role of education for a person, shows the relationship between individuals and the interests of the state in educational sphere. The orientation of new knowledge, forming and values of human influence through the prism of the economic system is revealed and the matter of education in the process of the individual’s inclusion in the structure of economic relations is defined. Keywords: knowledge-based economy, personality, education, homo economicus, economic interests | 985 | |||||
3773 | . | 985 | |||||
3774 | The article is devoted to the analysis of associative-semantic correlation oil – food significant in the Russian poetry of a revolutionary time. It is proved that concept oil inclusion in a discourse of the Russian poetry becomes one of the significant elements of updating of a lingvocultural code of an era towards technicism and a mechanicism peculiar to modernist and vanguard art consciousness in the 10ies – 20ies of the 20th century. Keywords: stylistic-discursive evolution, Russian poetic discourse | 985 | |||||
3775 | The article analyses the social contradictions as the causes and consequences of migration in the modern world, models of migration policy, features the policy of multiculturalism and political correctness in the EU and the U.S. that reduce the tolerance level in the society. The author concludes that the modern social contradictions of migration contributing to the formation extremism and terrorism based on fanaticism. Keywords: social contradictions, migration, fanaticism, economic crisis, multiculturalism, political correctness | 985 | |||||
3776 | In the process of the historical and pedagogical analysis of theories and concepts of additional professional education the main stages of formation of network model of the personified and individualized professional development of educators are discovered and analyzed. Keywords: andragogical approach, theoretical grounds of formation of network models of professional development | 985 | |||||
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3778 | The article covers special features of functioning of continuous education in Russia, the influence of institutional environment on the development of human resources in health care. Based on the analysis of the research data, the significance of the Institute of continuous education in the development of the socio-economic system is detemined. Keywords: human resources, system of continuous education, institutional conditions, transaction costs | 985 | |||||
3779 | The article discusses the phenomenon of the precedent world which is apprehended by the author as a special kind of media concept. This perception is due to a media revolution generated global change of the specifics of existence of different communication parameters, including precedential. By analyzing the elements of Vladimir Vysotsky’s precedent world, the researcher comes to a conclusion about the presence of basic properties of media concept in the precedent world, functioning in the media space, such as the life cycle and the world creating potential and just as every element of the precedent world is perceived as a means of implementing the semantic-axiological balance wheel law. Keywords: precedential, precedent world, media discource, media concept, Vladimir Vysotsky | 985 | |||||
3780 | The article deals with necessity of university complexes establishment which allows to form innovative infrastructure and create educational programs to the needs of the real economy and its science-based, high-technology sector. The phenomenon of the university complex involves establishing creative environment for real innovation process combined with the training of a new generation personnel with innovative skills. Managers, professors, scholars, Ph.D. candidates, students, representatives of companies and project organizations who are included in the environment use innovative thinking in all professional and personal processes. Countries with developed economy prove that advantages of innovation-based development are increasing competitive advantage of national economy and settle social and economic issues. Shows the experience of the university complex establishment in several Siberian regions as a model of interaction between labor market and education market in the processes of labour force reproduction for industry. For universities responding to regional challenges means moving to the role of the active subject of formation and implementation of regional economy, including: formation of regional strategy of socioeconomic development; formation and realization of large investment projects on the basis of private-public partnership; scientific-educational outcomes supply for the region (innovation projects and project teams for their implementation), etc. University, which is developed according to the model of the university complex, responds to the challenges of modern socio-economic development of the region. Therefore the university complex is a vital institutional mechanism which is provided with priorities, objectives, projects and resources. Keywords: innovative thinking, market for services, labour force reproduction, university complex, effective training | 985 | |||||
3781 | The article deals with the development and different approaches to civic education in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. During all the human history every society aimed at development of civic competences, knowledge among young generations. Nowadays these intensions (more about democratic citizenship) changed into increasing problem, demanding more attention, tightly connected with democratic processes. In different schools of Great Britain there is a program of introduction to the subjects connected with the development of civic competences. The fact of formalizing the subject in England reflects the growing concern among British young people’s attitudes to the civil society, their participation in the political life of the country, and is perceived as an important event in the history of education in the UK. However, the understanding of citizenship, education and cultural identity changes in accordance with the region, and that becomes the reason for different aims and approaches to civic education in Britain. The article presents the peculiarities in understanding of the terms “civic education” and “citizenship” in different countries of the UK. It is concluded that the understanding of these concepts affects the contents, the denomination and methods of teaching the subject of civic orientation in the school system. Aspects of civic education are firmly entrenched in government programs of primary, secondary and higher education, which constantly transform with the changes at different levels of the society. The UK has also these peculiarities and inside the Commonwealth approaches, the names and methods of civic education vary. The differences are due only to the territorial factor and the factor of experience, but, in general, the concept of civic education is a complex and versatile. Keywords: civic education, school, Great Britain, democracy | 985 | |||||
3782 | An issue of activity of Krasnoyarsk school of law during the Great Patriotic War is considered on the basis mainly of archive materials. The theme of legal education during the war period did not receive adequate coverage in the scientific literature. The works are basically of review nature and many aspects of the problem remain unexplored. It is shown that the war directly affected the school’s life. The school building was transferred to the military department for flats of military men and classes had to be given in the premises of the hostel. Military and military medical business played a large role in the learning process. As a result the majority of alumni after graduation from the school became prepared military specialists. At the beginning of the war the people’s commissariat of justice of the RSFSR assigned the task for the school to prepare as many graduated lawyers as possible. As a result if in 1942 19 people graduated from the school, then in 1943 – 54 people. Mass enrolment of cadets caused discipline problems. In 1942-43 academic year students missed 4339 hours, 2048 of them are for good reasons. There were 82 tardies for classes. 20 people were subjected to administrative penalties for absenteeism and tardiness. The fight against misconduct was conducted by party and Komsomol organizations of students. Graduates of the school worked both in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region and beyond, for example in the Primorye Territory, Urals, Ukraine. In 1944 with the revival of legal education in liberated territories capital funds were transferred exactly there. As a result Krasnoyarsk school of law among others was closed. Keywords: Krasnoyarsk Region, the Great Patriotic War, Krasnoyarsk Law School, legal education in the USSR, judicial authorities | 985 | |||||
3783 | The manifestation of the links between philosophy and linguistics in ancient China through the nominative aspect is considered - the first stage of the work of thinking on the formation of linguistic knowledge. The results of critical analysis of scientific literature, their coverage from the point of view of the stated problem, the results of introspective analysis, elements of the lexicographic analysis of dictionaries are presented. The dynamics of the interaction of epistemological, axiological and pragmatic components of nomination processes as linguistic realizations of the resulting directions of philosophical reflections of Ancient China is revealed. In this article we understand culture in accordance with the definition of V. Z. Demyankov as a set of nationally conditioned standards and patterns of behavior. In this case, a clear boundary is drawn between culture and civilization. Civilization in this article is characterized as a matrix of supranational standards and patterns of human behavior. According to the opinion of the prominent orientalist V. M. Alpatov, due to the factual nature of the lexical-semantic system, the names of objects, phenomena, processes, relations, etc. are the supporting framework of the system of relations of each national culture and reflect its related, imperious, structural and economic, etc. traditions. In this case, the direction and strength of the epistemological, axiological and pragmatic vectors of the nomination process determines the worldview factor, i.е. the sum of philosophical views on the world order. The pragmatic factor serves to fulfill the functions of criticality and veracity of the resulting artifact of linguistic knowledge - the name. Keywords: nomination, linguistic knowledge, worldview, pragmatics, hieroglyph, daojiao, fanze | 985 | |||||
3784 | The article deals with the problem of the specific character of the translator’s knowledge of language and culture. A review of the relevant literature has shown that translation is a unique mode of language use which is significantly different from ordinary communication in a foreign language. The author introduces the concept of “problem awareness” as one of the key characteristics of the translator’s lingua-cultural knowledge. Problem awareness is essential in translation which involves switching between languages. It is understood as the awareness of the linguistic factors causing breakdowns in code-switching in translation, as well as the ability to deal with such problems. These linguistic factors include idioms and proverbs/sayings, translator’s false friends, culture-specific concepts, geographical names and confusing words similar in form, meaning or use. Each linguistic factor is described and its ability to interfere with the process of code-switching is explained. Based on these facts a list of relevant skills and psychological characteristics is presented for each group of linguistic means. The author then provides guidelines for ensuring a targeted approach to the teaching of the above-mentioned linguistic means. These recommendations also include a description of the types of activities which are especially relevant in the context of teaching foreign languages to trainee translators. Keywords: translation, code-switching, translator’s false friends, culture-specific concepts, idioms | 985 | |||||
3785 | This article is devoted to the methodological and practical approaches to developing and implementing the electronic portfolios for learners as part of the electronic educational environment for managing the learning process. Based on the modern model of education in the pedagogical university, as well as on the federal state standard, the main sections of the system of the students’ electronic portfolio have been formulated, which describe the main educational, scientific and other achievements of the students. In addition, the functional capabilities of the software implementation of an example of the electronic portfolio, software architecture and the methodological approaches to working with the system have been substantiated. The application of the students’ electronic portfolios allows us to quickly obtain the information about the status of the main parameters of student activities and to stimulate them in different areas of the activities. The electronic portfolio contains the following main categories of users: students, dean’s staff and system administrators. Students contribute the main data array (achievements of different types), and employees of the dean’s office can view a list of students’ portfolios. The created e-portfolio system allowed teachers, TSPU staff and the departments of the university to form a picture of students’ achievements in the different fields of the activities, which is enough completed for analysis and decision making, and on the basis of information stored in the system, to assign scholarships of different levels as well as to calculate rating indicators, and, thus, to indirectly monitor the learning process. Keywords: electronic portfolio, educational achievements, educational process | 985 | |||||
3786 | Introduction. A brief bibliography, the main milestones of the creative path of Vasily Shkvarkin are given. The history of the plays and publications of the play “Alien Child” is recreated. Aim and objectives. The purposes of this paper is to review the reactions of Soviet criticism to the performances of the comedy «Alien Child» by V. Shkvarkin and to study the meaning that the play had for Soviet dramaturgy of its time. Materials and research methods. The research methodology is based on the historical-typological and hermeneutic approaches. Results and discussion. The study revealed the significance of the role played by the play “Alien Child” in the development of the Soviet comedy. It is shown that the reviews published in the newspaper “Pravda” to a large extent determined further critical discussion of the comedy framework. Conclusion. The performances of «Alien Child» were a huge success with the audience and were hotly discussed in the press. Regional authors in their assessments, follow the text of a review by Rosenthal, published in the «Pravda» newspaper. The piece by Shkvarkin was one of the most important modern comedies, so the “Alien Child” was estimated in a press within the framework of soviet drama in general. The simplicity of the plot of «Alien Child» was perceived in a positive way. Shkvarkin’s play was rated as funny, “sincere” and “warm”. Most reviewers noted in the «Alien Child» both entertaining and moral-like functions. Shkvarkin’s comedy was perceived as a very confident and significant, if not without some flaws, a step towards the development of Soviet comedy. Criticism appreciated the optimistic picture of the future that inspired the audience to work hard for the sake of a happy tomorrow. The same few claims were made to it: some unsuccessful puns and several unfinished plot moves and characters. It was perceived as a very confident and significant, though not devoid of in general insignificant flaws, step towards the development of the Soviet comedy. The artistic merits of “Alien Child” led critics to speculations about the tasks of comedies in the Soviet state. Keywords: V. V. Shkvarkin, Soviet literature, comedy, Soviet dramaturgy, “Alien Child”, theater criticism | 985 | |||||
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3788 | . | 984 | |||||
3789 | Belyayeva V. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 48-50 . | 984 | |||||
3790 | The problem of diagnostics of schoolchildren's educa¬tional progress is a pedagogical and social problem. School is preparing students for their future self-dependent life. And the quality of training is vitally impor¬tant for pupils, parents, teachers and the state as well. Therefore the question of diagnostics is argent as exactly diagnostics can allow to control the process of learning and teaching. The present article is dedicated to the subject of reali¬zation diagnostics in the cognitive field of personality's development. Diagnostics of quality of knowledge has to be built on estimation evaluation of educational results expressed in the specially formed school activities. And indices should be organized on the basic of op¬erational structure of the activities, which is to be carried out to the rapid assimilation of knowledge. | 984 | |||||
3791 | The article is devoted to the unsufficiently studied problem in German linguistics related to the choice of syntactic subordination in the quantitative word combinations with the second component expanded by an adjective (participle) Nquant+AdjN and eine Art +AdjN. The material analysed has shown that despite recommendations of classic grammar reference books to choose co-ordination as a type of subordination for the syntactic structure of these constructions, the genitive and prepositional subordination still exists and is the most widely used one. Moreover, the hypothesis that the syntactic organization of these constructions is determined by the grammatical characteristics of their components has been confirmed. | 984 | |||||
3792 | In the present work the morphologic-syntactical way of expressing possession category in the Khanty and the Tartar languages is studied on the examples when possessor is in the singular and plural forms and possessum is in the singular form | 984 | |||||
3793 | The article is devoted to personal peculiarities of senior students having deviations in their educational activity and behaviour. Intellectual education is often more valuable for them than physical exercises and sports activity as their involving in physical training and sports is low | 984 | |||||
3794 | Berezina N. A. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2008. Issue 4 (78). P. 87-89 - Keywords: keywords_eng | 984 | |||||
3795 | The psychological problems of training of future pedagogical specialists are regarded in the article. The correlation of such notions as «creative thinking», «creative abilities» and «creative activity» is analyzed. The creative work of future pedagogical specialists is considered on the base of empiric material. The notion «professional competence» is also regarded. The role of creative work is analyzed while the formation and development of professional competence of future pedagogical specialists at the theoretical and empiric levels. Keywords: creative abilities, creative thinking, creative activity, creative work, professional competence | 984 | |||||
3796 | The concept of Home, which is traditional for Russian literature and culture, is explored in the context of «Seminary Sketches» by N. G. Pomyalovsky and «The Shkid Republic» by G. Belykh and L. Panteleev. The Seminary (Bursa) in «Seminary Sketches» by N. G. Pomyalovsky has attributes of an Anti-Home-Hell, in which its inhabitants perish. By contrast to this, a character of the state-owned house Shkid in «The Shkid Republic» by G. Belykh and L. Panteleev idtransforms from «Republic», Home-State to Home-Nest which gives its pupils a better start in life. Keywords: living space, home, anti-home, homelessness, home-nest, home-state | 984 | |||||
3797 | The aim of the article is to clarify social and political standing of Daniel, the metropolitan of Moscow in the first half of 16th century. The author comes to conclusion that Daniel’s cooperation with state authorities was mainly induced and did not have a global character. Keywords: Russian state, the Russian Orthodox Church, history, 16th century | 984 | |||||
3798 | The article characterizes the state of public education in Russia in the middle of 19th century. It shows the attitude of government and society to the problem of teachers’ training for public schools. It reflects the process of forming the main normative documents regulating the activities of government teachers’ seminaries in the period of 60–80ies years of the 19th century. Keywords: West-Siberian educational district, Teachers’ Seminary, pedagogical education | 984 | |||||
3799 | The article сontains the analysis of advisory verbal means used by the representatives of Russian and American socio-cultures through the social pragmatic factors of social status, age and social distance between communicators. The results of the research show that Russian speakers use imperatives when there are null, official or inofficial relationships between the interlocutors who may have any social status and be of any age. In contrast to that American speakers use imperatives if they give advice to a person who is of the same or lower status and is of the same age or younger. In case the advice is given to a person who is of higher status and older, American speakers prefer assertives. Keywords: contrastive pragmatics, socio-pragmatic factors, directive speech acts, pre-sequenced advice, performative utterances | 984 | |||||
3800 | Methods of laser ektacytometry and spectrophotometry revealed that the increase in intracellular calcium ion concentration causes a decrease in deformability and a reduction in human erythrocytes. Keywords: erythrocytes, Ca2+-dependent potassium permeability, deformability | 984 |