# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2601 | The article is devoted to problems of the development of teachers’ qualification examination holding procedure instituted by 2011. Keywords: certification, qualification examination, holding procedure | 1171 | |||||
2602 | This article represents a sociological analysis of values in different status youth groups in Novosibirsk. It was held as a result of comparative sociological research between the students of higher and secondary education. The article examines similarity and difference in the system of values in these status groups, the role of family values on a total valuable scale is also revealed in it. Keywords: the youth of megalopolis, status group, values, family, marriage | 1171 | |||||
2603 | This article focuses on an important problem of forming ethnic-aesthetic culture of students. The situation in the cultural and social life in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century has problems of personal development as part of the problems of vocational education at the university. It includes the concept of methodological aspects of the process at the university. In characterizing the individual student with the classical university formed ethnic-aesthetic culture there are following criteria: cultural issues of university education, ethnic identity, ethnic-aesthetic professional competence and productive-creative orientation of the individual. | 1171 | |||||
2604 | The article examines key moments in the history of adult education in the public libraries of the USA with the account of the socio-cultural, economic, political history of the country, development of theory and practice of adult education. Examples of realization of educational programs for adults, as well as directions and forms of the provision of public libraries of educational services and opportunities for the adult population at different historical periods. Keywords: adult education, andragogy, library of the USA, library service of adults, nonformal education | 1171 | |||||
2605 | An educational project is regarded as a form of organizing joint activity making it possible to solve present-day problems of higher education. Within this form students manifest their individuality, realize the personal resources the possess. To achieve the specified educational goals, dialogue is used in the organization of the educational project. Dialogue helps to organise activity at each stage of project development. Keywords: dialogue, educational workshop, subjectivity, activity with a meaning | 1171 | |||||
2606 | In the work scientific and methodical bases of the elective course “Experience of Creative Activity in Geography Teachingо are presented. The value of this course in formation of professional motivation of future teacher of geography is shown. Features of teaching of a course for students of a correspondence department are reflected. The pedagogical conditions promoting effective teaching of this course are allocated. Keywords: professional motivation, experience of creative activity, elective course, future teacher, pedagogical conditions, professional self-development | 1171 | |||||
2607 | The state and private initiatives directed to the increase of financial literacy of citizens are being solved in different ways in many countries. For Russia an appeal to the international experience in improving financial literacy is very topical. The greatest interest represents foreign experience of those countries in which programs on financial literacy have proved the efficiency. The information-educational products directed to the increase of financial literacy of the population, are considered on an example of the USA and Poland, having interesting approaches and methodical materials. In the USA the projects and programs directed to increase of level of financial literacy of the population, are financed basically by a private sector with support of the state and public initiatives. Financial education in the USA is based on partnership of the organisations of all patterns of ownership and all levels of the power. In Poland state financing of such programs prevails. And the Central bank of the country is their initiator. Educational programs are constructed on the private-state partnership with consolidated financing of events for financial literacy. World experience is useful to Russia from the point of view of the organizational aspects, use of various techniques and educational resources. Keywords: world experience of financial formation, financial literacy, educational programs and projects, educational materials | 1171 | |||||
2608 | At present linguistics is connected very closely to cultural studies. A language is explored in connection with the history and culture of the people who speak the language. To study a language means not only just study a language but also to understand another people, nation and humankind as a whole. The article concerns the concept of “stone” in the Chinese linguaculture. The research is made with the data of linguistic experiment conducted in the city of Shenyang, PRC among native Chinese speakers. The respondents were found among teachers and students of Shenyang Polytechnic University, aged from 18 to 60 years old. The questions studied by the experiment concern with Chinese linguaculture, the image of stone and some set expressions of Chinese language which contain “stone”. The results of the experiment are depicted in the article. Keywords: linguaculture, Chinese linguaculture, stone’s image, set expression | 1171 | |||||
2609 | The phraseological meaning is a specific semantic category, characterized by an integral transference of meaning based fully or partially on the meanings of the components of the unit. This results in its complex structure which is of special scientific interest. The article focuses on the components of the phraseological meaning, states their specific features and correlation and offers the methodology of semantic analysis. It is a multistep process that considers all the constituents of the phraseological meaning: motivation, imagery component, inner form, denotative component, connotation and cultural component (studied by A. V. Kunin, V. N. Teliya, N. F. Alefirenko and others). The inner form reveals the way the phraseological meaning is formed and creates phraseological imagery. Motivation is a means of expressing the inner form. Metaphorical, metonymical or metaphtonymical transference of meaning forms the inner form of the unit. Phraseological semantics includes the grammatical meaning and the phraseological meaning proper. We single out several structural models of the latter, based on a number of combinations of the denotative macrocomponent (its identifying and characterizing parts) and stylistic, intensive, emotional and/or evaluative components of connotation. The cultural component can be a part of either denotation or connotation or both. The results can be applied in studying semantic peculiarities of different groups of phraseological units, with reference to their national specificity. Keywords: semantics, phraseological unit, phraseological meaning, motivation, imagery component, inner from, connotation | 1171 | |||||
2610 | Introduction. Social networks are currently a platform not only for interpersonal, but also for professional communication. Due to the importance of the communicative aspect for medical activity, doctors support this trend. Thus, the implementation of the doctor’s self-presentation strategy in the social network requires scientific justification. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the research is to identify and analyze the communicative tactics and verbal means of implementing the doctor’s self-presentation strategy in the social network. Material and methods. The research material was the doctor’s media texts of the social network Instagram, created in the genre of network media post-presentation. The reason for choosing the material is the popularity of using the social network for personal and institutional communication on the Internet. The methodological basis of the research is the discursive and communicative-pragmatic approaches to the analysis of the text. Results and discussion. A post on a social network is a communicative event and has three levels of analysis: text, discursive practice, and social practice. The communicative interaction of a doctor and a “mass patient” is formed under the influence of media discourse into an independent discursive practice – medical blogging. Medical communication in the process of public functioning on the Internet reveals the features of mass media, marketing and personalityoriented discourses. The communicative-pragmatic analysis of media texts allowed us to reveal communicative tactics of label communication, communication of information about education, appeals to the profession through images of “I am a doctor” and “I am an expert in the field of medicine”, transfer of subjective information, actualization of devotion to the profession, accentuation of negative information, and ability to overcome difficulties. The linguistic analysis demonstrated the use of typical language means, characteristic of Internet communication. Conclusion. Analysis of the communicative tactics of the doctor’s self-presentation strategy allows us to conclude that the media text of the Instagram social network has a high potential in creating an attractive image of a representative of the medical community. The status of a medical blogger allows a doctor to use communicative tactics of media communication to form a positive professional image in the knowledge of a mass audience. Keywords: media text, social networks, Internet communication, medical communication, image, self-presentation, Instagram | 1171 | |||||
2611 | . | 1170 | |||||
2612 | Kalinin I. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 37-38 . | 1170 | |||||
2613 | Baydak Alexandra V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 52-56 . | 1170 | |||||
2614 | Ramkhe N. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 3-7 . | 1170 | |||||
2615 | The article is dedicated to the problem of perception and interpretation of the text of belle-iettres. An attempt has been made to analyze some peculiarities of the lexical usage of the word image «garden» in B. Pasternak's poetic text from a new point of view (in the functional pragmatic aspect). The analysis has been carried out on the basis of the collection of poems «isn't it Time for Birds to Sing» from the third book of poems «Life is My Sister» (1922). | 1170 | |||||
2616 | The article considers the influence of physical load on magnetic activity among sportsmen and people with low physical activity. According to the sensitivity to magnetic field people could be divided into three groups: persons with high sensitivity, low sensitivity and persons with average sensitivity. | 1170 | |||||
2617 | The article deals with the problem of text formation peculiarity in the sphere of scientific activity, and mainly with the question of the dynamics of new and former knowledge representation in scientific discourse. Scientific knowledge is treated as a unit of sense structure analysis of text. Former and new knowledge are regarded as components of scientific knowledge, their dialectical unity makes a certain mechanism of scientific text building. It is also given an extralinguistical motivation of the fact, of knowledge components alternation. | 1170 | |||||
2618 | Prevalence of depressive specter psychological symptoms in sanatorium-resort institution analyzed in the article. Rate of depressive specter disorders total 18.7%, number of distressed persons who has marked depressive symptoms aggregated 64.7% among vacationers who visited to the psychological service of the sanatorium. Practically all vacationers with depressive disorders or symptoms had somatic disease in a combination with stressful life events. At the majority of clients of sanatorium depressive disorders began without acute external reasons, but quality of chronic stressful life events determined the content of depressive experiences. | 1170 | |||||
2619 | The development of agricultural industry cannot be successful without solution of issues for providing this branch with qualified personnel. A rural school undoubtedly can and should become one of the potential resource for renewal of the labor-power for this branch of industry. Such a school should introduce a new organizational system of education for pupils and adults in agricultural profiles. This system should inherit all good conceptions of routine education, and the main focus should be made on the principle of integration. The meaning of the notion “integration” is defined more precisely in the the article, and theoretical foundations of integration of general and professional education, as well as forms and ways of its realization in rural areas are being revealed. | 1170 | |||||
2620 | This article deals with the genesis and the historical development of the unique higher educational structure – the Faculty of Additional (Optional) Professions. The faculty has been functioning since 1960s and is one of not many faculties in Russia in the Tomsk State Pedagogical University being a powerful resourse of the University | 1170 | |||||
2621 | In its article analysed the tale "Dragon" E. Shvarts's and "Iron mystery" D. Andreev's as a variants of a conditional drama which is based on mythological plots and which examines the phenomenon of the totalitarian state. Its views the philosophy and psychology of power in respect to character system (the dragon - the philistine - the hero), from a perspective of collision features and a similarity of transparent motives. Keywords: tail, mystery, mythological plot, conditional forms of the drama, satire, philosophy of power | 1170 | |||||
2622 | The article presents the scientific analysis of the published translations of the Chinese treatises: “Dao-de-Jing” [Tao Te Ching], “Han Fej-tzy”, “Shen-tzy”, “Art of war”. It reveals the principles of theory of management described in them which could serve as components in the development of professional administrative thinking of heads. Keywords: management, principles of personnel management, Chinese treatises: “Dao-de-Jing” [Tao Te Ching], “Han Fej-tzy”, “Art of war” | 1170 | |||||
2623 | The article is devoted to organization of specialized education by means of online education in rural ungraded schools. Online education means flexible combination of independent cognitive activity of students with the help of different sources of information, online and regular interaction with the leading teacher of the course and group work. Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, online education. | 1170 | |||||
2624 | The paper focuses on analyzing Nabokov’s translation principles aimed at recreating esthetic unity of the literary work in connection with the reception of the original text in the English speaking culture. Keywords: poetic translation, functional principle, lyrics, stylistic devices | 1170 | |||||
2625 | The debating point about the time of origin of professional pedagogical education in Russia and the problem of development of national model of pedagogical staff training in the 1st quarter of the 19th century are considered. Keywords: history of education, pedagogical staff training, teachers’ institute, pedagogical institute, normal school | 1170 | |||||
2626 | The article is devoted to the problem of subject-spatial environment creation, which aims at forming various types of a child’s activity. Special attention is paid to pedagogical modelling of the subject environment. Keywords: activity, subject-spatial environment, terms of stimulating child’s activity | 1170 | |||||
2627 | The article is written in the context of linguistic and cultural studies and the German “island” dialectology. It focuses on identifying features of the concept “family”, which are objectifi ed in the folk discourse of the Russian Germans. Keywords: linguistic culture, german dialect, concept and its features | 1170 | |||||
2628 | The category of interdiscourse is examined in the article. Special attention is paid to the means of explicit and implicit information transfer in polycode texts, interrelation of different types of information encoded in polycode texts to reach maximum impact on the recipient. As a means of presentation of information there is considered media discourse and polycode texts that are the content of this discourse. Keywords: discourse, interdiscourse, polycode text, precedent text, text pragmatics, media discourse | 1170 | |||||
2629 | The article presents the analysis of the concept essence “tolerance” in different sciences. Offers different classifications of tolerance. Of greatest interest to the study is the concept of “pedagogical tolerance”. It is proved, that the сoncept “pedagogical tolerance” can be represented as integrative characteristics of specialist of professional sphere “Man-Man”. The concept “pedagogical tolerance” can be regarded also as a kind of professional tolerance. Pedagogical tolerance is manifested in the implementation of pedagogical functions: organizational, educational, informational, controlling et al. They are necessary for the specialists of this professional sphere, for the successful implementation of their professional tasks. This allows to discover the essence of concept “pedagogical tolerance” as an interdisciplinary phenomenon. Keywords: tolerance, pedagogical tolerance, interdisciplinary phenomenon | 1170 | |||||
2630 | Key peculiarities of literal prose translations of I. A. Krylov’s fables by well-known English slavist and interpreter W. R. S. Ralston are discussed in the article. The book Krilof and his Fables, first issued in 1869, enjoyed a great success and added a considerable contribution to propaganda of Russian culture in England. Lexical, syntactical, and stylistic features of the English texts, as well as difficult for translation cases of rendering of realities and proper names are studied. An attempt to explain the author’s choice of literal (exact) translation against the background of free Russian-English interpretations of the time is provided from the historical point of view. The article shows, that literal prose translation of Russian verse, however condemned as imperfect by modern translatology, was a successful and necessary step in its time, aimed at introducing a famous Russian writer to English readers. Ralston’s attempt was even more significant considering the traditional attitude of British authors to regard the fable as literary genre not just prone to, but also welcoming free interpretational transformations. Objectively lacking idiom, imagery and humour of the original, prose versions of Ralston, nevertheless, retrieved at least the true idea of the original fables contents and provided the readers with reliable image of Russian life and folklore. Keywords: literal prose translation, W. R. S. Ralston, stylistics o the text, fables, I. A. Krylov | 1170 | |||||
2631 | Kafanova Ol'ga Bodovna . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 53-59 . | 1169 | |||||
2632 | Golubenko T. Ya. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 17-21 . | 1169 | |||||
2633 | Some ways and prerequisites for active humanitarian development of both the personality and school are consid¬ered in this article. Much attention is given to internal spiri¬tual-moral reorientation of the teacher's personality. The importance of educational contents changing and the use of bio lectio method in general educational process as basic conditions of humanization of school are shown herein. | 1169 | |||||
2634 | In this article there described one of the ways of form¬ing esthetical individuality by means of musical culture. The forming of esthetical individuality is an active process, which is happening in the society by means of unity of individuum and art's works. The highest aim of music-esthetical upbringing is beautiful individuality, which has a complicated social-psychological structure. Its upbringing is being realized by social-psychological mechanism of esthetical catharsis. The process of catharsistic musical perception is being analyzed in student's concert audito¬rium. | 1169 | |||||
2635 | The reviewer points out that the author of the work is cardinally revising the boundaries and the essense of the notion «epic dramas. She is giving the first systematic investigation within the framework of the Russian tradition to dramas thoroughly forgotten (by S. Tretjakov), quite new (by G Gorm, O. Brodsky, B, Aksjenov, V, Maksimov) and well known, which former interpretation cannot be accepted nowadays (by M. Gorky, К Trenev) | 1169 | |||||
2636 | The article considers Apollon Grigorjev's creative work where the complex of moral and esthetic and artistic ide¬as connected with the influence of George Sand was re¬flected. Ap.Grigorjev accepted a new philosophy of love and marriage directed at the revision of traditional no¬tions of «sin», «moral degradation» and «adultery». It is pointed out that the formation of Ap. Grigorjev's princi¬ples of «the organic critics», including the feeling of co¬ordinating sincerity, moral and high artistic value was in¬fluenced by George Sand's novelistics. | 1169 | |||||
2637 | The article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of values, content, and methods of one of four traditional spiritual Russian practices - Buddhism. Philosophical ideas of liberation are considered here as well as original understanding of life and nature, laying in the basis of Buddhism pedagogical tradition. In the article pedagogical interpretation of Buddhism methods (concentration in inner life, special diet, limitation, meditation etc. are regarded. The article Is of interest for scientists, psychologists, philosophers, teachers and students of higher pedagogical educational establishments. | 1169 | |||||
2638 | In the article the author presents the results of the experiments in which we observe a new type of fundamental interaction – spin-spin action at a distance. The latter presents a non-electromagnetic action at a distance between the spins which is in the pseudo- scalar field. On the base of the experiments the author provides assessment to the magnitude of interaction constant | 1169 | |||||
2639 | It is considered in the psychological anthropology that a person passes consecutively through a number of degrees of the development of the subjectivity, each of them expresses the corresponding mode of the subjective reality: the individual, the subject, the personality, the universum. The analysis of the inner structure and the contextual side of the games, consecutively changing each other during the period of preschool age – elementary producing, mode-roling, plot-roling, a game with rules and producing game in details – allows to suppose that every kind of game, being the leading at the definite stage of the age development, initially supposes the satiation of the leading form of existing of a child. The other forms of existing are not leveled, but harmonically co-exist with the generalized modus, and they are in a special subordinational relations, fulfilling the accompanying function. | 1169 | |||||
2640 | This article deals with the description of a new object of pedagogical research - critical thinking in a system of higher legal education. The article presents the actual practice of critical thinking formation. The definition of critical thinking is given in the article | 1169 | |||||
2641 | The article considers euristic possibilities of synerqetics in the analysis of the problem of objective premises of freedom. Nowadays the ideas and principles of synerqetics form the scientific and world outlook picture, where a subject is a basic element. The principle of freedom and the idea of the subject’s presence in this picture are used as methodological premises in the analysis of freedom problem in the context of universal self-organization mechanisms. | 1169 | |||||
2642 | The article deals with the issues of students` information culture formation in distance learning, which are regarded to be not only as technical but also as humanitarian ones. The authors define pedagogical principles which may be used as background in modern courses of distance learning in higher institutions | 1169 | |||||
2643 | The article is devoted to the violence in the family. As an example the author takes one of the families living in Tomsk. In this family the objects of violence is a ten year old boy. The author defines the goal to bring this problem up to date, to consider it in different aspects. Keywords: violence in family, crisis centre, social aspect, legal aspect, pedagogic aspect, research aspect, Board of under-ages affaires and their rights protection, administrative infraction | 1169 | |||||
2644 | The complex model of HKE for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive school has got a specific difference from the previous models, because it satisfies the specific educational needs for children with weak health (bronchial asthma), health keeping and strengthening with high educational results such as training level, general and high-quality school results. Besides this model develops the culture of pupils to take care of their own health. The collaboration of teachers, psychologists, physicians and parents provides the effective health support for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive schools. Keywords: health keeping education, sanatorium classes, health keeping area, area of personal development of pupils, the complex of diagnostical medical and sanitation measures | 1169 | |||||
2645 | The article considers the urgency, value, purposes, problems, directions, forms and methods of patriotic education of Russian schoolboys. It proves the pedagogical program of patriotic education of modern schoolboys. The contents and results of realization of the program of patriotic education are presented. Keywords: education, patriotism, patriotic education of schoolboys | 1169 | |||||
2646 | The article is devoted to the civic education in Australia, its establishment and development, it describes different stages of the transformation of its idea on the basis of ethnical diversity of Australian society and difference in attitudes to the system of education and its role in different historical periods and in different parts of Australia. It is devoted to the analysis of the social demands and their influence on the school policy in general, and on the policy of civic education. Keywords: bilingual society, civic education, democratic society, moral education, multicultural society, interrelated education | 1169 | |||||
2647 | The article deals with preparation of future teachers of informatics, mathematics, and specialists in the field of information systems at Pedagogical University in the sphere of computational geometry. The subject is fundamental component of informatics domain and its amplification by “Elements of computational geometry” teaching. The components of methods of computational geometry elements teaching in terms of pedagogical institute are stated. Keywords: fundamental/fundamental nature, computer science, methods of teaching, computational geometry | 1169 | |||||
2648 | This work considers one of the possible approaches to the organization of educational process using point-rating system for assessing the quality of education, which is focused on the development of the creative students’ abilities. Keywords: point-rating system, quality of training, training module, current rating, milestone rating, final rating, creative initiative rating. | 1169 | |||||
2649 | This article is devoted to description of one of the key concepts in the German folk linguistic culture – the concept “house”. The investigation results of the individual’s oral discourse – the representative of the Russian Germans of Tomsk region are expounded. Lexical objectification of the main features within the mentioned concept is detected. Keywords: dialect linguistic personality, German dialect, linguistic culture, concept and its features | 1169 | |||||
2650 | The article analyzes the conditions for the provision of affordable education for children with special educational needs in the rural municipality of the educational system. Based on these data the authors suggested formation of inclusive education program in the municipal educational system that should create conditions for ensuring the availability and quality of education for children with special educational needs. Keywords: available education, inclusive education, children with special educational needs, municipal educational system | 1169 |