# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2601 | The article deals with the problem of text formation peculiarity in the sphere of scientific activity, and mainly with the question of the dynamics of new and former knowledge representation in scientific discourse. Scientific knowledge is treated as a unit of sense structure analysis of text. Former and new knowledge are regarded as components of scientific knowledge, their dialectical unity makes a certain mechanism of scientific text building. It is also given an extralinguistical motivation of the fact, of knowledge components alternation. | 1172 | |||||
2602 | The development of agricultural industry cannot be successful without solution of issues for providing this branch with qualified personnel. A rural school undoubtedly can and should become one of the potential resource for renewal of the labor-power for this branch of industry. Such a school should introduce a new organizational system of education for pupils and adults in agricultural profiles. This system should inherit all good conceptions of routine education, and the main focus should be made on the principle of integration. The meaning of the notion “integration” is defined more precisely in the the article, and theoretical foundations of integration of general and professional education, as well as forms and ways of its realization in rural areas are being revealed. | 1172 | |||||
2603 | The content of the article relates to one of the communicative stylistics aspects which is formed under the influence of pragmatics and is directed at the theory of regulating. The latter consists of analysis of reader’s cognitive activity by means of text in respect to author’s idiostyle. | 1172 | |||||
2604 | We might conclude that consonantal markers are characteristic of nouns of all three genders, therefore they didn’t relate to the grammatical category of gender, which was formed later. As the markers are rather old, the original meaning of them was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness. Generation of the grammatical gender was connected with vowel markers. | 1172 | |||||
2605 | This article deals with the components of the time cycle in the Khanty world perception, that is micro- and macro-cycles (day-and-night/ annual cycle); their interaction and interdependence of the solar and lunar calendar systems are investigated. | 1172 | |||||
2606 | Planar multilayer waveguides structures are considered. The dispersion equation for calculating of the effective refractive indexes and lateral distribution of electric field of the light is obtained in the case of waveguide layer with parabolic distribution of refractive index. This equa¬tion can be used for optimization of the optical parame¬ters of the integrated electron devices. | 1172 | |||||
2607 | The present paper is dedicated to the problem of psychological and educational preparation of Teacher Training Higher Schools students based on the analysis of various approaches to studying disadaptation of children and teen-agers. Disadaptation is understood as the whole complex of signs, giving evidence concerning the discrepancy between the mutual activities of man and the surrounding world. While dividing disadaptation into several types, it is taken into account that this phenomenon may appear in different degrees of intensivity, in different variants and can be caused by various things. The training of students depends on the purposeful choice of knowledge and skills, as well as the use of necessary information with the aim of correction of the personality of disadapted children and teen-agers. | 1172 | |||||
2608 | The author analyses complicity institute in the Russian Criminal law and the question does this institute appreciate danger of crimes which were committed by participation of several persons. | 1172 | |||||
2609 | The article reveals at philosophical level the concept of "modeling" and "model", and also considers pedagogical methods of theoretical research in a sports science as the most actual now | 1172 | |||||
2610 | The article deals with the issues of students` information culture formation in distance learning, which are regarded to be not only as technical but also as humanitarian ones. The authors define pedagogical principles which may be used as background in modern courses of distance learning in higher institutions | 1172 | |||||
2611 | The article is devoted to actual problem of modern evening education - to the development of cognitive interest in allowing pupils to bring them to actively participate in productive work, to develop their individual ability, to improve the performance of pupils. The author analyzes the state of the problem, the solutions proposed by the introduction of the general process of learning methods, taking into account the interests of pupils. Keywords: cognitive interest, individual abilities, motivation, formation of knowledge, labour activity skill | 1172 | |||||
2612 | The article considers the relations of parents (father and mother ) to children with support of a teenager’s (boy and girl) privacy. The authors reveal types of parents’ influence on the parameters of a teenager’s privacy. Keywords: privacy, sovereignty, teenager, parents’ relation, privacy support | 1172 | |||||
2613 | This article is devoted to the devices for creating humour in Chekhov’s prose. The examined devices have been chosen regarding to the problem of quotations and of a “borrowed” word in Chekhov’s works. The quotations for this analysis have been chosen from the works by Shakespeare, Krylov, Griboedov and Gogol. Keywords: Chekhov, “borrowed” word, quotation, Shakespeare, Krylov, Griboedov, Gogol, humorous | 1172 | |||||
2614 | The debating point about the time of origin of professional pedagogical education in Russia and the problem of development of national model of pedagogical staff training in the 1st quarter of the 19th century are considered. Keywords: history of education, pedagogical staff training, teachers’ institute, pedagogical institute, normal school | 1172 | |||||
2615 | The paper, based on data of three languages of the same language family, but with different sociolinguistic status, demonstrates that the development of the language is determined mainly by sociolinguistic factors. Most of these factors are unique for each of the Chukchi-Koryak languages (and that is why the results are different) and one important factor is similar: bilingualism of native speakers and the impact of the Russian language. In the fi eld of grammar the infl uence of the Russian language is hidden from direct observation, and is expressed in development of forms and constructions with corresponences in Russian, and in removal of non-congruent ones. Keywords: language change, language contact, sociolinguistics, analytic, synthetic, localization, purpose constructions | 1172 | |||||
2616 | This article focuses on an important problem of forming ethnic-aesthetic culture of students. The situation in the cultural and social life in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century has problems of personal development as part of the problems of vocational education at the university. It includes the concept of methodological aspects of the process at the university. In characterizing the individual student with the classical university formed ethnic-aesthetic culture there are following criteria: cultural issues of university education, ethnic identity, ethnic-aesthetic professional competence and productive-creative orientation of the individual. | 1172 | |||||
2617 | At present linguistics is connected very closely to cultural studies. A language is explored in connection with the history and culture of the people who speak the language. To study a language means not only just study a language but also to understand another people, nation and humankind as a whole. The article concerns the concept of “stone” in the Chinese linguaculture. The research is made with the data of linguistic experiment conducted in the city of Shenyang, PRC among native Chinese speakers. The respondents were found among teachers and students of Shenyang Polytechnic University, aged from 18 to 60 years old. The questions studied by the experiment concern with Chinese linguaculture, the image of stone and some set expressions of Chinese language which contain “stone”. The results of the experiment are depicted in the article. Keywords: linguaculture, Chinese linguaculture, stone’s image, set expression | 1172 | |||||
2618 | Key peculiarities of literal prose translations of I. A. Krylov’s fables by well-known English slavist and interpreter W. R. S. Ralston are discussed in the article. The book Krilof and his Fables, first issued in 1869, enjoyed a great success and added a considerable contribution to propaganda of Russian culture in England. Lexical, syntactical, and stylistic features of the English texts, as well as difficult for translation cases of rendering of realities and proper names are studied. An attempt to explain the author’s choice of literal (exact) translation against the background of free Russian-English interpretations of the time is provided from the historical point of view. The article shows, that literal prose translation of Russian verse, however condemned as imperfect by modern translatology, was a successful and necessary step in its time, aimed at introducing a famous Russian writer to English readers. Ralston’s attempt was even more significant considering the traditional attitude of British authors to regard the fable as literary genre not just prone to, but also welcoming free interpretational transformations. Objectively lacking idiom, imagery and humour of the original, prose versions of Ralston, nevertheless, retrieved at least the true idea of the original fables contents and provided the readers with reliable image of Russian life and folklore. Keywords: literal prose translation, W. R. S. Ralston, stylistics o the text, fables, I. A. Krylov | 1172 | |||||
2619 | Now there is a great emphasis on situating metaphor studies within broad, comprehensive models of human cognition, communication, and culture. As any language is anthropocentric, and in any language, there are metaphors that perceive objects, animate or inanimate, as persons. Metaphors ascribing human characteristics to non-human entities are defined anthropomorphic and can be viewed as a formula NATURE IS MAN, where we have NATURE for the target domain, and MAN for the source domain. In literary texts the anthropomorphic metaphor is considered as one of the most productive metaphor type due to the author’s subjective perception of the surrounding world. The ubiquity of the anthropomorphic metaphor demonstrates that the key metaphorical schema NATURE IS MAN can be broken down into lower–level, specific schemas bringing to the various aspects of the concept MAN (appearance, traits of character, feelings, aural perception, intellectual functions, physical activities, age, body etc.) and the concept NATURE (natural objects and phenomena, seasons, times of day etc.). The present paper is aimed at showing generating power of the basic metaphor «SPRING IS A WOMAN» in Shukshin’s writings. The corpus of original metaphorical expressions as the examples for the analysis illustrates the modeling potential of the anthropomorphic metaphor. Created by the culture and embedded in the literary texts by the author it is used to perform, and present new dimensions of the picture of the world. Keywords: anthropomorphic metaphor, basic metaphor, modeling of the world, literary text, spring, woman | 1172 | |||||
2620 | Introduction. The achromatic color terms and methods of their word-formation in different linguistic cultures - Kazakh, Altai, Russian are compared and analyzed. Adjectives that naming color are an important feature of describing differences in the objects of the surrounding world which effects a person’s perception and emotional state. The system of word-formation of color names, characteristic for the languages under consideration, is a set of nominative units that are diverse in terms of structure. The subject of research is achromatic color vocabulary in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. The aim of the work is to consider the methods of word formation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages and to determine the general and specific features of word formation. For the first time, a comparative analysis of the derivation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages was carried out. Among the methods of research is a comparative one. Results and discussion. The lexico-semantic field of color has a high degree of organization. Although color terms belong to different parts of speech, adjectives belong to the most significant group. The main emphasis is on the grammatical features of adjectives in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian. Color adjectives of the analyzed languages belong to the group of qualitative adjectives perceived by the senses, from which a comparative degree is formed. Morphological way of word formation is the basic one in the formation of color designation and color names in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. This formed a whole series of parametric values of the sufficiency or insufficiency of color, the degree of intensity and color saturation (high or low), the gradation of signs. The morphological way of word-formation of color descriptions involves the formation of color terms with the help of derivational affixes. This way of forming adjectives is most productive in the languages. It is the most prospective and dominant way of word-production of color adjectives. Other methods of word formation are considered; they are composing, partial or complete reduplication, the use of qualifiers, pair words, and comparative constructions with color components. Color designation comparisons were revealed similarity and difference in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages. Conclusion. The word-formative analysis of color adjectives make it possible to conclude that the Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages have a fairly extensive word-formation potential in terms of the possibility of expanding and enriching the lexico-semantic group of color-values. Keywords: color semantics, color designation, achromatic color, word formation, affixation, degree of comparison, comparative analysis | 1172 | |||||
2621 | Kafanova Ol'ga Bodovna . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 53-59 . | 1171 | |||||
2622 | The modern stage of historical development is very intensive now. In the first place of human activity there appeares a creative process of comprehending the world of culture. New terms and conceptions are appearing for analysing culture, «Reminicence» is one term among them. | 1171 | |||||
2623 | The article considers the actuality of the problem of ad¬ministrative resources use of an educational exhibition in the system of management of regional system development of general education, peculiarities and conditions of man¬agement, orientated to consideration, mastering and use of the indicated resources. Keywords: - | 1171 | |||||
2624 | This article surveys contemporary Russian thoughts about probability of civic society evolution in Russia and presents two different ways of solving this prob¬lem. The first way presents «anti-cultural» theories thatsay - civic society have to be formed by western pat¬terns. The second way is based on «cultural» theo¬ries. It was divided by two concepts. The representa¬tives of the first way deny ability of civic society evolu¬tion in Russia, because civic society is based on wes¬tern traditions. Others try to combine different points and say - civic society have to be based on western countries' experience maintaining own historical-cul¬tural peculiarities | 1171 | |||||
2625 | It is considered in the psychological anthropology that a person passes consecutively through a number of degrees of the development of the subjectivity, each of them expresses the corresponding mode of the subjective reality: the individual, the subject, the personality, the universum. The analysis of the inner structure and the contextual side of the games, consecutively changing each other during the period of preschool age – elementary producing, mode-roling, plot-roling, a game with rules and producing game in details – allows to suppose that every kind of game, being the leading at the definite stage of the age development, initially supposes the satiation of the leading form of existing of a child. The other forms of existing are not leveled, but harmonically co-exist with the generalized modus, and they are in a special subordinational relations, fulfilling the accompanying function. | 1171 | |||||
2626 | Prevalence of depressive specter psychological symptoms in sanatorium-resort institution analyzed in the article. Rate of depressive specter disorders total 18.7%, number of distressed persons who has marked depressive symptoms aggregated 64.7% among vacationers who visited to the psychological service of the sanatorium. Practically all vacationers with depressive disorders or symptoms had somatic disease in a combination with stressful life events. At the majority of clients of sanatorium depressive disorders began without acute external reasons, but quality of chronic stressful life events determined the content of depressive experiences. | 1171 | |||||
2627 | This article deals with the genesis and the historical development of the unique higher educational structure – the Faculty of Additional (Optional) Professions. The faculty has been functioning since 1960s and is one of not many faculties in Russia in the Tomsk State Pedagogical University being a powerful resourse of the University | 1171 | |||||
2628 | Lingo-cultural paradigm in the modern linguistics allows new insights into the language-culture relations. The paper deals with the youth culture analysis, concentrating on protest as one of the youth culture basic characteristics. Various manifestations of protest are studied on the basis of the names of contemporary British and American music bands. Thorough etymological, derivational, definitional, quantitative analyses of the group names as well as lingo-cultural commentary allowed investigating the forms youth protest takes. | 1171 | |||||
2629 | The complex model of HKE for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive school has got a specific difference from the previous models, because it satisfies the specific educational needs for children with weak health (bronchial asthma), health keeping and strengthening with high educational results such as training level, general and high-quality school results. Besides this model develops the culture of pupils to take care of their own health. The collaboration of teachers, psychologists, physicians and parents provides the effective health support for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive schools. Keywords: health keeping education, sanatorium classes, health keeping area, area of personal development of pupils, the complex of diagnostical medical and sanitation measures | 1171 | |||||
2630 | The article presents the scientific analysis of the published translations of the Chinese treatises: “Dao-de-Jing” [Tao Te Ching], “Han Fej-tzy”, “Shen-tzy”, “Art of war”. It reveals the principles of theory of management described in them which could serve as components in the development of professional administrative thinking of heads. Keywords: management, principles of personnel management, Chinese treatises: “Dao-de-Jing” [Tao Te Ching], “Han Fej-tzy”, “Art of war” | 1171 | |||||
2631 | The article deals with preparation of future teachers of informatics, mathematics, and specialists in the field of information systems at Pedagogical University in the sphere of computational geometry. The subject is fundamental component of informatics domain and its amplification by “Elements of computational geometry” teaching. The components of methods of computational geometry elements teaching in terms of pedagogical institute are stated. Keywords: fundamental/fundamental nature, computer science, methods of teaching, computational geometry | 1171 | |||||
2632 | The article is devoted to organization of specialized education by means of online education in rural ungraded schools. Online education means flexible combination of independent cognitive activity of students with the help of different sources of information, online and regular interaction with the leading teacher of the course and group work. Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, online education. | 1171 | |||||
2633 | The article deals with the description of the system of training of professionally oriented communication in Russian for foreign students of art faculties. The effectiveness of the complex tasks and exercises, including training texts, are based on materials of artistic specialty, confirmed by the experimental data. Using the proposed system of work can significantly improve the development of communicative competence in professional communication. Keywords: professionally oriented communication, communicative competence, lexical minimum, educational text, lexis for special purposes, stereotyped expression, independent work. | 1171 | |||||
2634 | In the article the model of a native speaker, requirement to a language conscious personality and stages of its development are discussed. Three stages model of language conscious personality of graduate-linguist is represented. Keywords: stages of a language conscious personality development, forming of a second language conscious personality, communicative personality, model of a native speaker, three stages model of language conscious personality, anthropocentrism method. | 1171 | |||||
2635 | The article deals with content, specific management competence of the teacher at rural school Keywords: content, management competence of teacher at rural school | 1171 | |||||
2636 | The article is devoted to problems of the development of teachers’ qualification examination holding procedure instituted by 2011. Keywords: certification, qualification examination, holding procedure | 1171 | |||||
2637 | Laser diagnostics of droplets sprayed by centrifugal atomizer was carried out by the small-angle scattering method. Solution of aerosol optics inverse problem was used for define the distribution function of droplet size in the sprayed liquid by the centrifugal atomizer. Keywords: particle size distribution, small-angle scattering method, laser, photodetector, atomizer | 1171 | |||||
2638 | The article represents an attempt at academic understanding of interconnection between the teacher’s personality potential and spiritual values within the framework of the present-day system of education. Keywords: spiritual values, teacher’s personality potential | 1171 | |||||
2639 | The category of interdiscourse is examined in the article. Special attention is paid to the means of explicit and implicit information transfer in polycode texts, interrelation of different types of information encoded in polycode texts to reach maximum impact on the recipient. As a means of presentation of information there is considered media discourse and polycode texts that are the content of this discourse. Keywords: discourse, interdiscourse, polycode text, precedent text, text pragmatics, media discourse | 1171 | |||||
2640 | 1171 | ||||||
2641 | The article presents the analysis of the concept essence “tolerance” in different sciences. Offers different classifications of tolerance. Of greatest interest to the study is the concept of “pedagogical tolerance”. It is proved, that the сoncept “pedagogical tolerance” can be represented as integrative characteristics of specialist of professional sphere “Man-Man”. The concept “pedagogical tolerance” can be regarded also as a kind of professional tolerance. Pedagogical tolerance is manifested in the implementation of pedagogical functions: organizational, educational, informational, controlling et al. They are necessary for the specialists of this professional sphere, for the successful implementation of their professional tasks. This allows to discover the essence of concept “pedagogical tolerance” as an interdisciplinary phenomenon. Keywords: tolerance, pedagogical tolerance, interdisciplinary phenomenon | 1171 | |||||
2642 | . | 1170 | |||||
2643 | Golubenko T. Ya. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 17-21 . | 1170 | |||||
2644 | Ramkhe N. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 3-7 . | 1170 | |||||
2645 | In this article there described one of the ways of form¬ing esthetical individuality by means of musical culture. The forming of esthetical individuality is an active process, which is happening in the society by means of unity of individuum and art's works. The highest aim of music-esthetical upbringing is beautiful individuality, which has a complicated social-psychological structure. Its upbringing is being realized by social-psychological mechanism of esthetical catharsis. The process of catharsistic musical perception is being analyzed in student's concert audito¬rium. | 1170 | |||||
2646 | The reviewer points out that the author of the work is cardinally revising the boundaries and the essense of the notion «epic dramas. She is giving the first systematic investigation within the framework of the Russian tradition to dramas thoroughly forgotten (by S. Tretjakov), quite new (by G Gorm, O. Brodsky, B, Aksjenov, V, Maksimov) and well known, which former interpretation cannot be accepted nowadays (by M. Gorky, К Trenev) | 1170 | |||||
2647 | The article is dedicated to the problem of perception and interpretation of the text of belle-iettres. An attempt has been made to analyze some peculiarities of the lexical usage of the word image «garden» in B. Pasternak's poetic text from a new point of view (in the functional pragmatic aspect). The analysis has been carried out on the basis of the collection of poems «isn't it Time for Birds to Sing» from the third book of poems «Life is My Sister» (1922). | 1170 | |||||
2648 | The problem of search of paradigm of professional orientation of a PR-specialist is disclosed in the article, as well as the most critical objectives of PR - activity. This article acquaints the reader with the American conception of 4 PR-patterns by J. Grunig and the «classical» European conception of PR-activity. The article expresses the author's opinion on this problem and is of interest from the point of view of PR-self- identification in Russia both in theoretical and practical ways. | 1170 | |||||
2649 | The article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of values, content, and methods of one of four traditional spiritual Russian practices - Buddhism. Philosophical ideas of liberation are considered here as well as original understanding of life and nature, laying in the basis of Buddhism pedagogical tradition. In the article pedagogical interpretation of Buddhism methods (concentration in inner life, special diet, limitation, meditation etc. are regarded. The article Is of interest for scientists, psychologists, philosophers, teachers and students of higher pedagogical educational establishments. | 1170 | |||||
2650 | This article deals with the description of a new object of pedagogical research - critical thinking in a system of higher legal education. The article presents the actual practice of critical thinking formation. The definition of critical thinking is given in the article | 1170 |