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2601 | The article considers the urgency, value, purposes, problems, directions, forms and methods of patriotic education of Russian schoolboys. It proves the pedagogical program of patriotic education of modern schoolboys. The contents and results of realization of the program of patriotic education are presented. Keywords: education, patriotism, patriotic education of schoolboys | 1179 | |||||
2602 | The article considers the relations of parents (father and mother ) to children with support of a teenager’s (boy and girl) privacy. The authors reveal types of parents’ influence on the parameters of a teenager’s privacy. Keywords: privacy, sovereignty, teenager, parents’ relation, privacy support | 1179 | |||||
2603 | In the present article the constructional, predicative functions and the factor of open predication are revealed. The author offers to use the formula of open predication for research of predication compression in the texts of different functional styles. The given research covers the problem of the probabilistic frequency of predicative and semipredicative constructions in different texts. Keywords: predication, constructional and predicative functions, semicomposite sentences, factor of open predication, one level and interlevel expansion, predicative unit compression, paradigmatization, propositional meaning, average probability | 1179 | |||||
2604 | This article is devoted to the devices for creating humour in Chekhov’s prose. The examined devices have been chosen regarding to the problem of quotations and of a “borrowed” word in Chekhov’s works. The quotations for this analysis have been chosen from the works by Shakespeare, Krylov, Griboedov and Gogol. Keywords: Chekhov, “borrowed” word, quotation, Shakespeare, Krylov, Griboedov, Gogol, humorous | 1179 | |||||
2605 | The debating point about the time of origin of professional pedagogical education in Russia and the problem of development of national model of pedagogical staff training in the 1st quarter of the 19th century are considered. Keywords: history of education, pedagogical staff training, teachers’ institute, pedagogical institute, normal school | 1179 | |||||
2606 | On the basis of information-synergetic approach (I. V. Melik-Gaykazyan) on the generation of information as the process of choosing option «out of chaos» justified the efficiency criterion of philosophical solutions to the problems caused by the pace of scientific and technological development. These problems are characteristic: they are deprived of the genesis of the evidence, their condition has a strong instability, their decision is unprecedented and requires quick action. From the standpoint of understanding the creative chaos of informational efficiency criterion set by the ratio of brevity and originality justify the choice of options, overcoming the state of instability. On the example of Ecology and Bioethics discussed the effectiveness of philosophical decisions. The paper presents some results of the project RFBR № 11-06-00160 “Criteria for self-organizing information systems” and grounded in the draft statement of the problem RFH № 12-03-00198 “Bioethics as a form of self-consciousness of modern culture”. Keywords: criterion, efficiency, information, creativity, chaos, effectiveness of philosophical decisions, scientific and technical problem, ecology problem, the problem of bioethics | 1179 | |||||
2607 | In anglophone historiography the modernization in prepetrine Muscovy is considered as the result of the military reforms and the external influences. The sources of such effects were located in the West as well as in the East. The “military revolution” has been recognized as an important aspect of the historical transformation of the state and society. It has identified the development of the fiscal-military state. Whereas the process of the new military technologies translation went out from Europe, the Ottoman Empire and the Golden Horde passed out the autocratic political model “of the Service State” and the concept of the fiscal policy. In the estimates of foreign authors pre-Petrine military reforms were effective enough, but they have increased social and cultural gap between Europe and Russia. Keywords: modernization theory, military revolution theory, pre-petrine Muscovy, modern historiography | 1179 | |||||
2608 | The paper concerns general criteria of education quality and specifi c criteria for postgraduate pedagogical education. The real system of postgraduate pedagogical education in St. Petersburg is analyzed according to the chosen criteria. Perspective directions of increase of the postgraduate pedagogical education quality are proposed. Keywords: quality of education, postgraduate pedagogical education, andragogic principles, teacher's methodological culture. | 1179 | |||||
2609 | In the paper various interpretations and functioning of the pedagogical concepts competence and competency are considered. Our investigations of professional competence of the teacher have shown that in the modern educational paradigm there are four senses, put in the meaning of the given concept: pragmatic, educational, general pedagogical and personality senses. At the end we concluded that in most general view competence of the teacher in modern educational paradigm integrates cognitive (knowledge), operational (methods of activity and readiness for activity realization) and axiological (availability of certain values) aspects. Keywords: educational paradigm, competence, competency, teacher, cognitive, operational and axiological aspects of competence | 1179 | |||||
2610 | This article deals with the training solid geometry in the classes of physical and mathematical profile in the context of students’ mathematical thinking. See author’s system-oriented problems mastering the mathematical activity. The majority of the problems have been instructed, solution ideas and answers. Keywords: mathematical thinking, mathematical activity, physical and mathematical profile, solid geometry, problem | 1179 | |||||
2611 | In the article changes in the way of masculine representation, manifested in the figure of Peter I, in comparison with the typical standards, adopted in the pre-Petrine Russia and in contemporary Europe, is considered. Effects of these changes on the nobility, as well as forms of communication of their distribution to the general styling of the Petrine reforms, is observed. Keywords: Petrine era, gender, masculinity, elite | 1179 | |||||
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2613 | The syntactic aspect of advertising texts, namely the pragmatic sentence types (Searle) are presented. One of the most common types that have not received a complex generalization of its functional and semantic features is question pattern. An attempt to analyze its structural features on the example of advertising texts in English printed media is made. Keywords: advertisement, pragmatics, question, speech act, question pattern | 1179 | |||||
2614 | At present linguistics is connected very closely to cultural studies. A language is explored in connection with the history and culture of the people who speak the language. To study a language means not only just study a language but also to understand another people, nation and humankind as a whole. The article concerns the concept of “stone” in the Chinese linguaculture. The research is made with the data of linguistic experiment conducted in the city of Shenyang, PRC among native Chinese speakers. The respondents were found among teachers and students of Shenyang Polytechnic University, aged from 18 to 60 years old. The questions studied by the experiment concern with Chinese linguaculture, the image of stone and some set expressions of Chinese language which contain “stone”. The results of the experiment are depicted in the article. Keywords: linguaculture, Chinese linguaculture, stone’s image, set expression | 1179 | |||||
2615 | The verbs denoting independent movement on a firm surface in the Taz, central and southern dialects of the Selkup language are considered. In the dialects of the Selkup language the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion is represented by a significant amount of the verbs describing various ways of the movement, its nature, general orientation against the speaker, conditions in which this movement occurs, etc. There is a relatively little number of polysemantic verbs among the verbs of movement in the dialects of the Selkup language and the number of meanings of verbs is insignificant as well. Most Selkup verbs of motion (60 %) are monosemantic, about 60 % of meanings do not repeat, i.e. they are peculiar to one verb of motion. In the Selkup lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion the synonymic relations are poorly developed in comparison with Russian in spite of the fact that among the verbs of motion in the Selkup language the synonymy is more developed than in other lexico-semantic groups of the studied language. The verb qənqo is the central element of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the Taz dialect of the Selkup language. The semantics of this verb does not include the description of conditions in which the movement occurs, its direction, way and mode. The verbs čāǯįgu and kwangu are the central elements of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language. Description of the general direction of the movement (making nearer or farther) and orientation in space is the most essential thing for the Selkup verbs of motion. There are several specifics of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the dialects of the Selkup language: existence of the space-oriented verbs; the verbs denoting movements in space made by means of certain devices / vehicles; almost full incompatibility of the verbs of motion with the abstract nouns and nouns denoting objects, incapable of the independent movement. The movement and the ability to the movement is a marker of animateness, on the basis of this marker representatives of the Selkup ethnos differentiate animated and inanimate, i.e. alive and dead. Everything that moves is animated. Keywords: verbs of motion, verbs of movement, movement direction, the Selkup language | 1179 | |||||
2616 | Introduction. The achromatic color terms and methods of their word-formation in different linguistic cultures - Kazakh, Altai, Russian are compared and analyzed. Adjectives that naming color are an important feature of describing differences in the objects of the surrounding world which effects a person’s perception and emotional state. The system of word-formation of color names, characteristic for the languages under consideration, is a set of nominative units that are diverse in terms of structure. The subject of research is achromatic color vocabulary in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. The aim of the work is to consider the methods of word formation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages and to determine the general and specific features of word formation. For the first time, a comparative analysis of the derivation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages was carried out. Among the methods of research is a comparative one. Results and discussion. The lexico-semantic field of color has a high degree of organization. Although color terms belong to different parts of speech, adjectives belong to the most significant group. The main emphasis is on the grammatical features of adjectives in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian. Color adjectives of the analyzed languages belong to the group of qualitative adjectives perceived by the senses, from which a comparative degree is formed. Morphological way of word formation is the basic one in the formation of color designation and color names in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. This formed a whole series of parametric values of the sufficiency or insufficiency of color, the degree of intensity and color saturation (high or low), the gradation of signs. The morphological way of word-formation of color descriptions involves the formation of color terms with the help of derivational affixes. This way of forming adjectives is most productive in the languages. It is the most prospective and dominant way of word-production of color adjectives. Other methods of word formation are considered; they are composing, partial or complete reduplication, the use of qualifiers, pair words, and comparative constructions with color components. Color designation comparisons were revealed similarity and difference in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages. Conclusion. The word-formative analysis of color adjectives make it possible to conclude that the Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages have a fairly extensive word-formation potential in terms of the possibility of expanding and enriching the lexico-semantic group of color-values. Keywords: color semantics, color designation, achromatic color, word formation, affixation, degree of comparison, comparative analysis | 1179 | |||||
2617 | Kafanova Ol'ga Bodovna . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 53-59 . | 1178 | |||||
2618 | Baydak Alexandra V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 52-56 . | 1178 | |||||
2619 | In this article there described one of the ways of form¬ing esthetical individuality by means of musical culture. The forming of esthetical individuality is an active process, which is happening in the society by means of unity of individuum and art's works. The highest aim of music-esthetical upbringing is beautiful individuality, which has a complicated social-psychological structure. Its upbringing is being realized by social-psychological mechanism of esthetical catharsis. The process of catharsistic musical perception is being analyzed in student's concert audito¬rium. | 1178 | |||||
2620 | The article of Seiiwanoff F.A. with the title «Atasphere» examines two opposite characteristics of the culture. The first of them is the quality of intellect and perfection of the human activity in the culture; the second one is the stupidity, evil and imperfection. The author shows that the second quality of the human nature builds the Atasphere and plays the same role as noosphere but it has the opposite meaning and significance. | 1178 | |||||
2621 | The problem of search of paradigm of professional orientation of a PR-specialist is disclosed in the article, as well as the most critical objectives of PR - activity. This article acquaints the reader with the American conception of 4 PR-patterns by J. Grunig and the «classical» European conception of PR-activity. The article expresses the author's opinion on this problem and is of interest from the point of view of PR-self- identification in Russia both in theoretical and practical ways. | 1178 | |||||
2622 | The article is devoted to the problems of state sup¬port to small business under the modern conditions of its activation and the acceptance of a series of laws that activate the regulation of small business. | 1178 | |||||
2623 | The article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of values, content, and methods of one of four traditional spiritual Russian practices - Buddhism. Philosophical ideas of liberation are considered here as well as original understanding of life and nature, laying in the basis of Buddhism pedagogical tradition. In the article pedagogical interpretation of Buddhism methods (concentration in inner life, special diet, limitation, meditation etc. are regarded. The article Is of interest for scientists, psychologists, philosophers, teachers and students of higher pedagogical educational establishments. | 1178 | |||||
2624 | The article deals with the development of French university - the most democratic and dynamic structure of the country's educational system, which occupies the leading positions in the world education. It manages lo Keep centuries-old academic and cultural traditions as well. | 1178 | |||||
2625 | The development of agricultural industry cannot be successful without solution of issues for providing this branch with qualified personnel. A rural school undoubtedly can and should become one of the potential resource for renewal of the labor-power for this branch of industry. Such a school should introduce a new organizational system of education for pupils and adults in agricultural profiles. This system should inherit all good conceptions of routine education, and the main focus should be made on the principle of integration. The meaning of the notion “integration” is defined more precisely in the the article, and theoretical foundations of integration of general and professional education, as well as forms and ways of its realization in rural areas are being revealed. | 1178 | |||||
2626 | In this рареr, by the example of stage-by-stage development of foster care we tried to reveal the efficiency of this form of placement of children in family since it realizes the legislative demands of everything being done in the best interests of children and the right of children, who are in a difficult life situation or left without parental charge, to be placed in a family. | 1178 | |||||
2627 | Musical ability to influence on people has been forming throughout centuries. Research in the field of ancient art and music origin proved the fact that musical language has formed as one of the informational connection means. Through the evolutionary process in the interaction artistic and exartistic intercourse, music is developing, first -as the means of understanding, second as unity, and finally as people’ communicative relations. Resemblance of the speech and music, proximity of speech function and musical intonation gives transmission possibility of speaking experience to perceive musical compositions. If language acquisition is provided in the form of intercourse we can come to the conclusion that musical compositions can be used as speaking teaching means. | 1178 | |||||
2628 | Bases of process of interaction of a mill of a milling cutter with a peat deposit are stated. Data on the software realizing this algorithm are given. Results of computer experiments with use of this software are presented. Keywords: mill, a knife of a mill, accommodation of knifes on a mill | 1178 | |||||
2629 | The article considers developing of information culture of a future teacher of informatics by way of specially organized teaching activity. The actuality of the introduction of the special course ‘The base of the teacher’s information culture’ into the educational process is accentuated in the article. The demands for successful introduction of the course are formulated. The approbation of the course is organized in the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute. The results are presented in the article. Keywords: information culture, professional bibliographical culture, special course, thematic plan, approbation, efficiency, dynamics | 1178 | |||||
2630 | The article is devoted to actual problem of modern evening education - to the development of cognitive interest in allowing pupils to bring them to actively participate in productive work, to develop their individual ability, to improve the performance of pupils. The author analyzes the state of the problem, the solutions proposed by the introduction of the general process of learning methods, taking into account the interests of pupils. Keywords: cognitive interest, individual abilities, motivation, formation of knowledge, labour activity skill | 1178 | |||||
2631 | Researches of the chromosomal organisation and polymorphism of inversion of Far East malarial mosquito A. sinensis Wiedemann a complex «hyrcanus» were carried out in Primorye Territory. During work the chromosomal map of a kind is made, marker disks are noted. Wide intraspecific chromosomal polymorphism on all parts of autosome is revealed. The analysis of polymorphism of inversion in different points of catching of larvae in the south of Primorye Territory has revealed various level of a variety of the chromosomal variants, correlating with degree of remoteness biotopes from sea coast. The greatest polymorphism is established in population in a distance from the sea (settlement Sibirtsevo); the least is in vicinities of Vladivostok; variability has intermediate character in population of mosquitoes of state Artem. Keywords: malarial mosquitoes, karyotype, polymorphism of inversion, homozygote, heterozygote, autosome, population, genetic structure | 1178 | |||||
2632 | In clause the stylistic nature epistolary of the discurs as specific form of speech dialogue is investigated. As base the rule about an accessory «classical» epistolary of the text to written colloquial discurs is put forward. The thesis about ability of the letters as special genre is proved to function in discurs of different types, saving thus the invariant attributes. Keywords: functional stylistics, sphere of the communications, functional style, epistolary the discurs, epistolary the text, epistolary the style, epistolary the genre | 1178 | |||||
2633 | The paper characterizes natural landscape - the habitat of the Tomsk Tatars’. The author explores local geographical terms coding forestlands and their elements. Keywords: landscape, landscape lexicon, geographical terms, taiga forests | 1178 | |||||
2634 | The article is devoted to organization of specialized education by means of online education in rural ungraded schools. Online education means flexible combination of independent cognitive activity of students with the help of different sources of information, online and regular interaction with the leading teacher of the course and group work. Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, online education. | 1178 | |||||
2635 | The article deals with the description of the system of training of professionally oriented communication in Russian for foreign students of art faculties. The effectiveness of the complex tasks and exercises, including training texts, are based on materials of artistic specialty, confirmed by the experimental data. Using the proposed system of work can significantly improve the development of communicative competence in professional communication. Keywords: professionally oriented communication, communicative competence, lexical minimum, educational text, lexis for special purposes, stereotyped expression, independent work. | 1178 | |||||
2636 | The plot of the novel by V. V. Nabokov “Ada, or Ardor: a Family chronicle” represents a complex combination of motives both Russian, and the European literature. The special place in the plot structure is occupied with the motives borrowed by V. V. Nabokov from the literature of romanticism; among loan sources products R. Shatobrian (“Rene”) are allocated. In the article the problem of functioning of motives of the literature of romanticism in structure of the postmodernist novel by V. V. Nabokov is discussed. Keywords: plot, V. V. Nabokov, Russian literature of the 20th century | 1178 | |||||
2637 | The specific nomination tendencies peculiar to professional-slangy component of medicine language are considered in this article on the base of the conceptual sphere “sick man/patient”. Linguistic facts connected with the enrichment of nomination fund and with the occasional character of nomination processes in the non-codified modification of medicine language are revealed. Keywords: medicine language, non-codified modification of medicine language, professional-slangy vocabulary and phraseology, nomination processes | 1178 | |||||
2638 | The article is devoted to methodological the analysis of philosophical statement of the problem of integration of scientific and religious cognitions in psychology presented in the work by S. Frank “Man’s Soul”. The critical investigation of the solution received as a result of phenomenological study of the problem shows its incompleteness and limitedness, mostly in the ontological aspect, and the necessity of development of the cognitive aspect of holistic knowledge in psychology based on the principles of the onto-anthropological approach. Keywords: the problem of integration in psychology, philosophical psychology, holistic knowledge, ontognosiological approach, intuitive comprehension, onto-anthropological | 1178 | |||||
2639 | This article represents a sociological analysis of values in different status youth groups in Novosibirsk. It was held as a result of comparative sociological research between the students of higher and secondary education. The article examines similarity and difference in the system of values in these status groups, the role of family values on a total valuable scale is also revealed in it. Keywords: the youth of megalopolis, status group, values, family, marriage | 1178 | |||||
2640 | The article is written in the context of linguistic and cultural studies and the German “island” dialectology. It focuses on identifying features of the concept “family”, which are objectifi ed in the folk discourse of the Russian Germans. Keywords: linguistic culture, german dialect, concept and its features | 1178 | |||||
2641 | The article deals with the “Mode” concept as a model of linguistic structured knowledge projection of German ethnicity and as a component of its linguistic view of the world. With the help of language-based methods the structure of this conceptual model is described and the originality of its content that reflects cultural and historical stereotypes of German ethnicity is demonstrated. Keywords: concept, fashion, linguistic view of the world, cognitive view of the world, kernel, interpretation field, key lexeme | 1178 | |||||
2642 | In the work scientific and methodical bases of the elective course “Experience of Creative Activity in Geography Teachingо are presented. The value of this course in formation of professional motivation of future teacher of geography is shown. Features of teaching of a course for students of a correspondence department are reflected. The pedagogical conditions promoting effective teaching of this course are allocated. Keywords: professional motivation, experience of creative activity, elective course, future teacher, pedagogical conditions, professional self-development | 1178 | |||||
2643 | The article considers the key to communication studies and a number of other sciences, the concept of “code of cooperation” as a means of implementing the communication, communication, knowledge translation, expression evaluation. It is about the visual and natural language communication as two codes that differ based on the absence / presence of the properties of linearity and consistency deployment in space and time and analyzed in relation aspects of their functional and pragmatic properties, as well as the specificity of interaction in various spheres of social and interpersonal communication. Particularly emphasized affecting the function of visual language, high performance implementation of which is achieved due to the availability of a huge perception and interpretive capabilities. To justify the need to study the visual language is important to recognize formulated within the framework of psychological science position on the importance of the visual code of perception, which found ample evidence in practice (eg, in the course of implementation, the techniques of art therapy, receiving visualization work with people belonging to visual personal psycho). Visual (lateral) kind of thinking, secreted by some scientists as a distinct type of appeal to the possibility understanding of information through the creation of non-linear visual images, in some cases, more ductile and moving than words – a linear unit of verbal series. The emergence of visual language as an interdisciplinary concepts and the growing interest in it among scientists from different fields of scientific knowledge is determined by the powerful influence of the modern information environment exerted on the minds of the media / user as a result of the introduction of the everyday life of the latest information and cognitive technologies. As an example of the close interaction of visual and verbal codes is actually seen the phenomenon of creolized speech product that combines elements of a visual and verbal code. For empirical research base are taken the commercial advertising texts. Keywords: communication, communication code, visual language, the nonlinear visual image, natural language, creolized text, advertising text as creolized variety of text | 1178 | |||||
2644 | The article reviewes the problem of scientific selection of the content of teaching physics in the present conditions of training engineersof innovative type. Discusses development of motivation in students and innovative thinking as a means of execution of the target species of educational innovation activity of students. Gives the example of the modification of the known tasks performed independently by the students as a part of the project. On this basis, the concept of the educational potential of standard tasks is introdused. Educational potential is a combination of the resources for transformation of the tasks into the projects to produce important results. Gives the scheme of the Van der Graaf generator, developed by the students from improvised materials, discusses the results of a survey of students to find ou their attitude toward the project implementation activities. For example, we compare students' predictions to what they report before having seen the demonstration, discuss the answers both right after the demonstration and several weeks later. Keywords: teaching physics, innovation thinking, motivation of students, problems in electrodynamics | 1178 | |||||
2645 | The article presents the analysis of the concept essence “tolerance” in different sciences. Offers different classifications of tolerance. Of greatest interest to the study is the concept of “pedagogical tolerance”. It is proved, that the сoncept “pedagogical tolerance” can be represented as integrative characteristics of specialist of professional sphere “Man-Man”. The concept “pedagogical tolerance” can be regarded also as a kind of professional tolerance. Pedagogical tolerance is manifested in the implementation of pedagogical functions: organizational, educational, informational, controlling et al. They are necessary for the specialists of this professional sphere, for the successful implementation of their professional tasks. This allows to discover the essence of concept “pedagogical tolerance” as an interdisciplinary phenomenon. Keywords: tolerance, pedagogical tolerance, interdisciplinary phenomenon | 1178 | |||||
2646 | The phraseological meaning is a specific semantic category, characterized by an integral transference of meaning based fully or partially on the meanings of the components of the unit. This results in its complex structure which is of special scientific interest. The article focuses on the components of the phraseological meaning, states their specific features and correlation and offers the methodology of semantic analysis. It is a multistep process that considers all the constituents of the phraseological meaning: motivation, imagery component, inner form, denotative component, connotation and cultural component (studied by A. V. Kunin, V. N. Teliya, N. F. Alefirenko and others). The inner form reveals the way the phraseological meaning is formed and creates phraseological imagery. Motivation is a means of expressing the inner form. Metaphorical, metonymical or metaphtonymical transference of meaning forms the inner form of the unit. Phraseological semantics includes the grammatical meaning and the phraseological meaning proper. We single out several structural models of the latter, based on a number of combinations of the denotative macrocomponent (its identifying and characterizing parts) and stylistic, intensive, emotional and/or evaluative components of connotation. The cultural component can be a part of either denotation or connotation or both. The results can be applied in studying semantic peculiarities of different groups of phraseological units, with reference to their national specificity. Keywords: semantics, phraseological unit, phraseological meaning, motivation, imagery component, inner from, connotation | 1178 | |||||
2647 | The article shows the specifics of the functioning of economic concepts of the media, carried out by an intermediary between reality as a mass audience and as a powerful tool for influencing readers’ minds. Mass-media not only inform readers, but frequently refract, transform events and facts, allocate with their varied assessments, impose this or that vector of their perception and interpretation. One of the ways of similar transformation of validity in mediadiscourse is metaphor. The object of the research is one of the most meaningful concepts of economic area – concept «inflation», the subject – a specific character of its metaphorical representation in the Russian mediadiscourse of XXI century. As the material of mediatexts’ research (2000-2015), presented in newspaper subcorpus the National corpus of Russian Language have served. During the analysis anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, naturemorphic, military, sports, mechanistic metaphorical models were revealed and described, their role in creation of an image of inflation in consciousness of ordinary native speakers was established, the pragmatic potential of the given models was established, the assessments of inflation shaped by mass-media are revealed. The analysis has shown, that at the given economic stage inflation in Russia is estimated by national massmedia mainly negatively, confirming this metaphorical representation of this concept, as well as its contextual environment. Inflation is metaphorically characterized as a certain subject or object, impeding to normal functioning of a society. It may be a gluttonous essence, «eating» savings of citizens with extreme speed, an invincible soldier beating the poor, a sprinter who starts at high speed and carries away behind itself the prices, a dispersed mechanism which is practically not responding to levers constraining it, destructive elements. Thus, such properties of inflation as uncontrolled, destructive influence on economy, are underlined by the need for serious economic transformations to overcome inflation. Keywords: conceptual metaphor, metaphorical model, concept, media discourse, inflation | 1178 | |||||
2648 | Introduction. The novella by Evgeni Vodolazkin “Close Friends» hasn’t yet attracted close attention of literary critics. In our opinion, an important role in the novella is played by the historic, literary and culturological context which has not become an object of special research. The analysis of intertextuality will allow us to reveal a wider problematics of the work than that shown in plot logic. The aim of the work is to investigate the artistic and thematic originality of the novella “Close Friends”. Material and methods. The paper uses comparative, contrastive, historical and cultural methods. As a theoretical base, works of Russian and foreign literary critics were used. Results and discussion. Intertextuality and historical and cultural context are the basic ways of disclosing the problematics of the novella. The works mentioned in the text (“Death in Venice” by T. Mann, “The Sorrows of Young Werther” by J. W. Goethe, etc.), elements of ceremonial games (initiation) help to understand what is happening in the consciousness of the hero and which experiences become defining for him. Allusion plan of the novella allows us to find deeper sense and to correlate the problematics of “Close Friends” with a certain literary context in the everyday actions of characters. Conclusion. In the work, we can define several levels of narration: symbolical, historical and that of everyday. At the everyday level, Ernestina’s behaviour and actions are illogical and inconsistent: while demanding to keep the oath from the friends, she breaks it, being guided by the not realised desires and physiological requirements. At the symbolical level, Ernestina is the carrier of secret knowledge, and her actions are dictated by the aspiration to preserve the family, procreate, which turns her into the embodiment of creating forces of nature. Ralf is a carrier of historical knowledge and, consequently, comprehension of historical guilt of Germany towards Russian people. The fulfilment of the childhood oath protects him from the chaos of life, fills the life with sense. The final reunion of the dead and alive on the cemetery – on the locus of the sharpest historical and cultural experiences – symbolises the unity and continuity of the generations resisting to the disaster of separation, and, consequently – overcoming the disintegration, destruction. Keywords: the novella story “Close friends”, Evgeny Vodolazkin, modern Russian literature, literary context | 1178 | |||||
2649 | The article considers the influence of physical load on magnetic activity among sportsmen and people with low physical activity. According to the sensitivity to magnetic field people could be divided into three groups: persons with high sensitivity, low sensitivity and persons with average sensitivity. | 1177 | |||||
2650 | The content of the article relates to one of the communicative stylistics aspects which is formed under the influence of pragmatics and is directed at the theory of regulating. The latter consists of analysis of reader’s cognitive activity by means of text in respect to author’s idiostyle. | 1177 |