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2601 | The article is dedicated to one of the most dynamic phenomenon in the modern Russian folk dialects – formal variation of the word. Comparison results of the material wordshell modifi cation features in individual and usual language of Siberian accent carriers are given herein. Keywords: old Siberian residents speech, individual and collective lexicon, word formal variation | 1187 | |||||
2602 | This article deals with the training solid geometry in the classes of physical and mathematical profile in the context of students’ mathematical thinking. See author’s system-oriented problems mastering the mathematical activity. The majority of the problems have been instructed, solution ideas and answers. Keywords: mathematical thinking, mathematical activity, physical and mathematical profile, solid geometry, problem | 1187 | |||||
2603 | The category of interdiscourse is examined in the article. Special attention is paid to the means of explicit and implicit information transfer in polycode texts, interrelation of different types of information encoded in polycode texts to reach maximum impact on the recipient. As a means of presentation of information there is considered media discourse and polycode texts that are the content of this discourse. Keywords: discourse, interdiscourse, polycode text, precedent text, text pragmatics, media discourse | 1187 | |||||
2604 | At present linguistics is connected very closely to cultural studies. A language is explored in connection with the history and culture of the people who speak the language. To study a language means not only just study a language but also to understand another people, nation and humankind as a whole. The article concerns the concept of “stone” in the Chinese linguaculture. The research is made with the data of linguistic experiment conducted in the city of Shenyang, PRC among native Chinese speakers. The respondents were found among teachers and students of Shenyang Polytechnic University, aged from 18 to 60 years old. The questions studied by the experiment concern with Chinese linguaculture, the image of stone and some set expressions of Chinese language which contain “stone”. The results of the experiment are depicted in the article. Keywords: linguaculture, Chinese linguaculture, stone’s image, set expression | 1187 | |||||
2605 | The rapidly changing social reality which researchers characterize as a situation of social uncertainty, determines the challenges, problems and opportunities of the youth’s living space. The lack of clear guidelines for the future, the reassessment of the values of the older generation, serious functional changes in the family institution, the increasing influence of the mass information media and the Internet space, actualize the need for targeted educational interaction of social institutions with young people. In the work on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis, the concept of “modern youth” is specified, and a description of the content of this concept in changing social reality is proposed. The article describes the situation of uncertainty as an opportunity for the development and actualization of the social potential of young people, the manifestation of an active and responsible position of a young person in various interrelated living spatial circumstances. Three groups of problems that define the living space of younger generation and are formed in the situation of uncertainty are presented: the organization of the educational space of educational organizations that promotes the realization of the potential of the young man as a subject of his own life; use of the opportunities of society and its transformation into an educational space; effective interaction of social institutions in the education of youth. The complex of organizational (development of the socio-cultural infrastructure of the region, the use of a set of psychological and pedagogical methods aimed at creating an experience of positive behavior and adequate self-esteem, teaching young people to techniques and procedures for self-realization and social security of the individual, the use of a set of psychological and pedagogical techniques aimed at forming the experience of positive behavior and adequate self-estimation among youth), pedagogical (pedagogical support for social facilitation of the activities of the teacher, the orientation toward success and achievement, providing each young man the with the opportunity of his role, position, form of participation in activities, etc.), psychological (correspondence of content and methods of work to the characteristics of different age categories of youth, stage of life, strengthening of the positive attitude to themselves and their future for youth, stage of life and professional plans of youth), socio-cultural conditions for young talents and the development of creative potential of youth; creation of conditions for access of city residents to information resources; development and support of youth initiatives; creation of conditions for employment by amateur art creativity, maintenance of amateur creative initiative and social and cultural activity of youth), ensuring the effectiveness of the process of socialization of young people at the present stage. Keywords: youth, young people’s living space, social uncertainty, social institutions, responsibility | 1187 | |||||
2606 | The article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of values, content, and methods of one of four traditional spiritual Russian practices - Buddhism. Philosophical ideas of liberation are considered here as well as original understanding of life and nature, laying in the basis of Buddhism pedagogical tradition. In the article pedagogical interpretation of Buddhism methods (concentration in inner life, special diet, limitation, meditation etc. are regarded. The article Is of interest for scientists, psychologists, philosophers, teachers and students of higher pedagogical educational establishments. | 1186 | |||||
2607 | Two different approaches are currently available for the analysis of the behaviour of the solid particles in flows. These are termed the Eulerian and Langrangian. In the Lagrangian method on the trajectories of the individual size fractions are evaluated by solving time dependent ordinary differential equations. In the Eulerian approach on the other hand, partial differential equations for the conservation of mass and momentum are written for each of the particle’s fractions, which are solved together with the equation of the liquid flow. Even in the simplest hydrocyclone model, there are two phases present, namely liquid, and monosized particles. Since particles of different diameters move with different velocity, each additional particle size represents an additional phase. An algebraic slip approach was used, with three momentum equations solved for the mixture, and relative moment of each fractions take into account in the conservations equations, in an iterative manner. The relative velocities between the particles and liquid in the hydrocyclone are evaluated by consideration of the dynamic force balance on the particle itself. The consequence of the mass conservation for the all fractions in a turbulent flow is the equation of turbulent diffusion of particles for each particle fraction mass concentration (Euler description form). The method of the determination of the diffusion coefficient of the solid phases is considered. Results allow to draw a conclusion that given formula well describes turbulent transport of solid phase flow and can be used for numerical modelling multiphase flows | 1186 | |||||
2608 | We review the Palatini formulation of the higher-derivative gravity of the L(R) form and its applications in cosmology. | 1186 | |||||
2609 | Article is dedicated to questions of the organization of patriotic training in the contemporary general education school on the basis of environmental approach. By the author is presented the experimental complex model of the medium of patriotic training, purpose of which is shaping in students and their nearest environment (teachers, parents) of high patriotic consciousness, feeling of faithfulness to its fatherland | 1186 | |||||
2610 | The article considers the basic questions of the theory and practice of formation of military-professional motivation among cadets of military high schools of communication. Substantive provisions and results of realization of the program of formation of military-professional motivation among cadets of military high schools of communication are presented. Keywords: motivation, formation of military-professional motivation, cadets, military high schools of communication | 1186 | |||||
2611 | The article considers the relations of parents (father and mother ) to children with support of a teenager’s (boy and girl) privacy. The authors reveal types of parents’ influence on the parameters of a teenager’s privacy. Keywords: privacy, sovereignty, teenager, parents’ relation, privacy support | 1186 | |||||
2612 | In the article the regularity of semantic derivations and origin of such category of words as adjectives, negative particles, pronouns, and postpositions in Selkup are given. The research is based on the names of mythic ancestors worshiped by the members of the Selkup nation. Morphemic division of the lexemes let define their possible initial meaning. The fact that the names of mythic ancestors are tabooed led to the process of euphemisation. Keywords: the Selkup language, genonymum, euphemism, taboo, semantics, symbolism | 1186 | |||||
2613 | The article describes major areas of activities for teachers to obtain information and communication means to organize their professional development efforts in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: distant education, ungraded school, educational and methodical sets. | 1186 | |||||
2614 | The metropolitan space in prose by M. Zhukova and related basic motifs (motif teaching and testing; motif temptations of secular life) are investigated in the article. This is where the country girl gets first lesson in life, experience (often negative) that does not pass without a trace. Keywords: St. Petersburg, dance, masquerade, gaming, education | 1186 | |||||
2615 | The article is about the semantic development of the German word «mal» from Old High German to Modern German. We also show the conditions of the homonymy development within the word family of this lexeme. Keywords: semantic, word family, etymology, Germanic languages, German, homonymy | 1186 | |||||
2616 | This article describes the dynamics of general education in the West Siberian educational district at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the XX centuries. It shows the analysis of state primary and secondary education, and it also presents statistical data. Keywords: primary education, secondary education, Western Siberia educational district | 1186 | |||||
2617 | This paper focuses on adjectives describing texture and topological properties of surfaces (e. g., “smooth”, “fl at”, “coarse”, etc.) in three Uralic languages – Erzya, Udmurt, and Estonian. I analyze the distinctive semantic parameters and the main types of metaphorical uses. Areas of further typological research into this lexical group are outlined – both within the Uralic family and in a broader typological prospect. Keywords: semantics, lexical typology, surface properties, Uralic languages | 1186 | |||||
2618 | An educational project is regarded as a form of organizing joint activity making it possible to solve present-day problems of higher education. Within this form students manifest their individuality, realize the personal resources the possess. To achieve the specified educational goals, dialogue is used in the organization of the educational project. Dialogue helps to organise activity at each stage of project development. Keywords: dialogue, educational workshop, subjectivity, activity with a meaning | 1186 | |||||
2619 | The article deals with the “Mode” concept as a model of linguistic structured knowledge projection of German ethnicity and as a component of its linguistic view of the world. With the help of language-based methods the structure of this conceptual model is described and the originality of its content that reflects cultural and historical stereotypes of German ethnicity is demonstrated. Keywords: concept, fashion, linguistic view of the world, cognitive view of the world, kernel, interpretation field, key lexeme | 1186 | |||||
2620 | In the article changes in the way of masculine representation, manifested in the figure of Peter I, in comparison with the typical standards, adopted in the pre-Petrine Russia and in contemporary Europe, is considered. Effects of these changes on the nobility, as well as forms of communication of their distribution to the general styling of the Petrine reforms, is observed. Keywords: Petrine era, gender, masculinity, elite | 1186 | |||||
2621 | The article reviewes the problem of scientific selection of the content of teaching physics in the present conditions of training engineersof innovative type. Discusses development of motivation in students and innovative thinking as a means of execution of the target species of educational innovation activity of students. Gives the example of the modification of the known tasks performed independently by the students as a part of the project. On this basis, the concept of the educational potential of standard tasks is introdused. Educational potential is a combination of the resources for transformation of the tasks into the projects to produce important results. Gives the scheme of the Van der Graaf generator, developed by the students from improvised materials, discusses the results of a survey of students to find ou their attitude toward the project implementation activities. For example, we compare students' predictions to what they report before having seen the demonstration, discuss the answers both right after the demonstration and several weeks later. Keywords: teaching physics, innovation thinking, motivation of students, problems in electrodynamics | 1186 | |||||
2622 | The article is devoted to one of the key derivations of Russian culture of language – concept “Family”. It provides a complete and coherent analysis of dictionary definitions of the name of this concept. Published in XIX–XXI dictionaries of Russian language are served as a source of practical material. Material of dictionaries allowed to reconsrtuct the usual model of the name of concept “Family”. The article also describes the first observations about the specificity of Russian concept in the background of correlative concepts. The article concluded that the word “family”, having unbranched semantic structure has undergone semantic changes and gradually became a polysemant. Over time it has developed the metaphorical and metonymic meanings. As a term the word came into use in the natural and language sciences. Keywords: lexicographical explanation of representative of concept, analysis of definitions of the word “Family” in semantic terms | 1186 | |||||
2623 | The phraseological meaning is a specific semantic category, characterized by an integral transference of meaning based fully or partially on the meanings of the components of the unit. This results in its complex structure which is of special scientific interest. The article focuses on the components of the phraseological meaning, states their specific features and correlation and offers the methodology of semantic analysis. It is a multistep process that considers all the constituents of the phraseological meaning: motivation, imagery component, inner form, denotative component, connotation and cultural component (studied by A. V. Kunin, V. N. Teliya, N. F. Alefirenko and others). The inner form reveals the way the phraseological meaning is formed and creates phraseological imagery. Motivation is a means of expressing the inner form. Metaphorical, metonymical or metaphtonymical transference of meaning forms the inner form of the unit. Phraseological semantics includes the grammatical meaning and the phraseological meaning proper. We single out several structural models of the latter, based on a number of combinations of the denotative macrocomponent (its identifying and characterizing parts) and stylistic, intensive, emotional and/or evaluative components of connotation. The cultural component can be a part of either denotation or connotation or both. The results can be applied in studying semantic peculiarities of different groups of phraseological units, with reference to their national specificity. Keywords: semantics, phraseological unit, phraseological meaning, motivation, imagery component, inner from, connotation | 1186 | |||||
2624 | The verbs denoting independent movement on a firm surface in the Taz, central and southern dialects of the Selkup language are considered. In the dialects of the Selkup language the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion is represented by a significant amount of the verbs describing various ways of the movement, its nature, general orientation against the speaker, conditions in which this movement occurs, etc. There is a relatively little number of polysemantic verbs among the verbs of movement in the dialects of the Selkup language and the number of meanings of verbs is insignificant as well. Most Selkup verbs of motion (60 %) are monosemantic, about 60 % of meanings do not repeat, i.e. they are peculiar to one verb of motion. In the Selkup lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion the synonymic relations are poorly developed in comparison with Russian in spite of the fact that among the verbs of motion in the Selkup language the synonymy is more developed than in other lexico-semantic groups of the studied language. The verb qənqo is the central element of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the Taz dialect of the Selkup language. The semantics of this verb does not include the description of conditions in which the movement occurs, its direction, way and mode. The verbs čāǯįgu and kwangu are the central elements of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language. Description of the general direction of the movement (making nearer or farther) and orientation in space is the most essential thing for the Selkup verbs of motion. There are several specifics of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the dialects of the Selkup language: existence of the space-oriented verbs; the verbs denoting movements in space made by means of certain devices / vehicles; almost full incompatibility of the verbs of motion with the abstract nouns and nouns denoting objects, incapable of the independent movement. The movement and the ability to the movement is a marker of animateness, on the basis of this marker representatives of the Selkup ethnos differentiate animated and inanimate, i.e. alive and dead. Everything that moves is animated. Keywords: verbs of motion, verbs of movement, movement direction, the Selkup language | 1186 | |||||
2625 | The article shows the specifics of the functioning of economic concepts of the media, carried out by an intermediary between reality as a mass audience and as a powerful tool for influencing readers’ minds. Mass-media not only inform readers, but frequently refract, transform events and facts, allocate with their varied assessments, impose this or that vector of their perception and interpretation. One of the ways of similar transformation of validity in mediadiscourse is metaphor. The object of the research is one of the most meaningful concepts of economic area – concept «inflation», the subject – a specific character of its metaphorical representation in the Russian mediadiscourse of XXI century. As the material of mediatexts’ research (2000-2015), presented in newspaper subcorpus the National corpus of Russian Language have served. During the analysis anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, naturemorphic, military, sports, mechanistic metaphorical models were revealed and described, their role in creation of an image of inflation in consciousness of ordinary native speakers was established, the pragmatic potential of the given models was established, the assessments of inflation shaped by mass-media are revealed. The analysis has shown, that at the given economic stage inflation in Russia is estimated by national massmedia mainly negatively, confirming this metaphorical representation of this concept, as well as its contextual environment. Inflation is metaphorically characterized as a certain subject or object, impeding to normal functioning of a society. It may be a gluttonous essence, «eating» savings of citizens with extreme speed, an invincible soldier beating the poor, a sprinter who starts at high speed and carries away behind itself the prices, a dispersed mechanism which is practically not responding to levers constraining it, destructive elements. Thus, such properties of inflation as uncontrolled, destructive influence on economy, are underlined by the need for serious economic transformations to overcome inflation. Keywords: conceptual metaphor, metaphorical model, concept, media discourse, inflation | 1186 | |||||
2626 | Category of uncertainty, expressed in any language, is implemented by various means. Some languages have special means, while others use informal indicators.The Russian language belongs to the languages having no article, and consequently, the absence of morphological indicators of this category in the Russian language makes it difficult for native speakers of the Persian language learners of Russian. As a result, there are considerable difficulties in understanding the meaning of certainty and uncertainty in Russian. This necessitates a comparative analysis of the means and ways of expressing the category of uncertainty in the Russian and Persian languages. This study focuses on the description of the means of expression of the indifferent uncertainty in the Russian language and ways of transmission of its semantic shades in the Persian language taking into account the specifics of the expression of the category of uncertainty in the Persian language. Keywords: certainty, uncertainty, category, indifferent uncertainty, article, the Russian language, the Persian language | 1186 | |||||
2627 | Introduction. Currently, within the world market of higher education, the number of foreign students admitted each year is one of the main indicators of a successful university. Therefore, it is important to study cultural adaptation of foreign students during the course of their education at Russian universities. There is a growing need for new methods of training that stimulate individual adaptation. Project activities as part of teaching Russian as a foreign language proved to be the most effective method of socio-cultural adaptation. The study examined specific problems and peculiarities related to the process of adaptation of foreign students during the course of their education. The language barrier was identified as the main difficulty. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the feasibility of project activities implemented in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The goal of these activities was to improve social and cultural adaptation of foreign students and to demonstrate how positive results were obtained during the experiment. Materials and methods. The study was based on personality-oriented, systematic and dialogue-and-activity approaches. Common scientific methods used were: questioning, comparative analysis, synthesis and generalization. The main methodology was project-based learning. Results and discussion. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the application of the method of project training in the course of Russian as a foreign language in the framework of a long-term practice-oriented project for the formation of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students at the II certification level. The specificity of project training in the conditions of formation of social and cultural adaptation of foreign students is defined. The scientific idea of project training in the field of Russian as a foreign language is concretized. The study reviewed a group of factors affecting the process of adaptation. Adaptation, as applied to the educational environment of a university, is defined as a diverse process resulting from many factors such as: admissions, development and personality growth of foreign students within the educational space. The study investigated the basic concepts of project-based learning and proved the efficiency of project activities during the course of studying Russian as a foreign language. The practice oriented project “We are in Russia” was presented as an examples of the tools used in the process of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students. The study showed that the program of the project is successful in encouraging foreign students to further study in Russian at a Russian university. Moreover, the program proved useful in helping foreign students who already spoke Russian at certificate levels 1 and 2 adapt better. The necessity of including project activities in the educational process of this category of students was substantiated. The study expands our scientific understanding of the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. It also offers teachers of Russian language an opportunity to choose the correct tools in order to facilitate adaptation within a changing educational environment, and also serves as the basis for further research in the field of professional training of teachers of Russian as a foreign language. Publication materials provide teachers of Russian as a foreign language an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the potential and diversity of project-based training practices while adapting to the conditions of a specific educational institution. Conclusion. The proposed method is aimed at eliminating the negative effects of the external environment while allowing the individual to adapt to the changing social environment. It also plays an important social and adaptive role in the life of foreign students. Thus, the project methodology was conceived as an interactive activity, which allowed us to obtain personality-significant expertise, and was defined as the most effective way of learning Russian as a foreign language. Keywords: adaptation process, sociocultural environment, language barrier, communicative activity approach, project activity, project training method, educational project, project group, practice-oriented project on Russian as a foreign language | 1186 | |||||
2628 | Kalinin I. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 37-38 . | 1185 | |||||
2629 | The article of Seiiwanoff F.A. with the title «Atasphere» examines two opposite characteristics of the culture. The first of them is the quality of intellect and perfection of the human activity in the culture; the second one is the stupidity, evil and imperfection. The author shows that the second quality of the human nature builds the Atasphere and plays the same role as noosphere but it has the opposite meaning and significance. | 1185 | |||||
2630 | The results of the infrared reflectivity measurements comparatively performed on the oxygen-chain-equal¬ized polycrystalline pair-samples of YBa2Cu30B4,x, are reported. The samples were prepared from the full/ empty oxygen-chain [Cu,OJ^/[Cu,0stoichiome-try end terms which where for a long time equilibrated under vacuum at a low temperature and were order-stabilized in the appropriate temperature-composition domain of existence of Oil and OIII superstructures. The single crystal IR-active phonon modes were ex¬tracted from the reflectivity data for the ceramic sam¬ples in the generalized effective medium approxima¬tion for the frequency-dependent dielectric permittivi¬ty. Then the fitted values of c-oriented IR-active pho¬non frequencies were interpreted within the framework of a lattice-dynamics transferable shell-model. The evidences of a phonon reconstruction related to the existence of the high-ordered oxygen-vacancy order¬ing superstructures OII and OIII in the oxygen-chain-equalized polycrystalline pair-samples of YBa2Cu306 are given. | 1185 | |||||
2631 | The article considers the influence of physical load on magnetic activity among sportsmen and people with low physical activity. According to the sensitivity to magnetic field people could be divided into three groups: persons with high sensitivity, low sensitivity and persons with average sensitivity. | 1185 | |||||
2632 | 1185 | ||||||
2633 | The article deals with the analysis of the role of a tax unit at enterprise, its tasks, aims and general questions. The notions and general principles are realized in the article, also and the author showed the importance of the taxation planning for the enterprises. | 1185 | |||||
2634 | The article is devoted to demographic situation in Russia. It allows formulating more precisely the basic problems of development of domestic economy. Studying prospects of development of Russian economy is especially important in view of its introduction into WTO by the end of 2005. | 1185 | |||||
2635 | The article considers euristic possibilities of synerqetics in the analysis of the problem of objective premises of freedom. Nowadays the ideas and principles of synerqetics form the scientific and world outlook picture, where a subject is a basic element. The principle of freedom and the idea of the subject’s presence in this picture are used as methodological premises in the analysis of freedom problem in the context of universal self-organization mechanisms. | 1185 | |||||
2636 | This article examines a sword as a phenomenon of culture. Also there are investigations of the perception of symbolism of a sword and its cultural functions in the contemporaneity and also an opportunity of modeling of behavior of the individual Keywords: sword as a phenomenon of culture, sword symbolism, cultural functions of a sword, modeling of an individual behavior, information-synergetic approach | 1185 | |||||
2637 | The article considers the urgency, value, purposes, problems, directions, forms and methods of patriotic education of Russian schoolboys. It proves the pedagogical program of patriotic education of modern schoolboys. The contents and results of realization of the program of patriotic education are presented. Keywords: education, patriotism, patriotic education of schoolboys | 1185 | |||||
2638 | In the present article the constructional, predicative functions and the factor of open predication are revealed. The author offers to use the formula of open predication for research of predication compression in the texts of different functional styles. The given research covers the problem of the probabilistic frequency of predicative and semipredicative constructions in different texts. Keywords: predication, constructional and predicative functions, semicomposite sentences, factor of open predication, one level and interlevel expansion, predicative unit compression, paradigmatization, propositional meaning, average probability | 1185 | |||||
2639 | This paper is the result of a study major issues related to the functioning of the system of voluntary certification of services and personnel in the field of housing and communal services in Russia. These goals, objectives, principles and objects of voluntary certification. Keywords: voluntary certification services, housing and communal services, housing services, service users, objectives, goals, objects, principles, standards, quality of service | 1185 | |||||
2640 | The article is devoted to methodological the analysis of philosophical statement of the problem of integration of scientific and religious cognitions in psychology presented in the work by S. Frank “Man’s Soul”. The critical investigation of the solution received as a result of phenomenological study of the problem shows its incompleteness and limitedness, mostly in the ontological aspect, and the necessity of development of the cognitive aspect of holistic knowledge in psychology based on the principles of the onto-anthropological approach. Keywords: the problem of integration in psychology, philosophical psychology, holistic knowledge, ontognosiological approach, intuitive comprehension, onto-anthropological | 1185 | |||||
2641 | Laser diagnostics of droplets sprayed by centrifugal atomizer was carried out by the small-angle scattering method. Solution of aerosol optics inverse problem was used for define the distribution function of droplet size in the sprayed liquid by the centrifugal atomizer. Keywords: particle size distribution, small-angle scattering method, laser, photodetector, atomizer | 1185 | |||||
2642 | The article is devoted to the problem of subject-spatial environment creation, which aims at forming various types of a child’s activity. Special attention is paid to pedagogical modelling of the subject environment. Keywords: activity, subject-spatial environment, terms of stimulating child’s activity | 1185 | |||||
2643 | The article represents an attempt at academic understanding of interconnection between the teacher’s personality potential and spiritual values within the framework of the present-day system of education. Keywords: spiritual values, teacher’s personality potential | 1185 | |||||
2644 | In the work scientific and methodical bases of the elective course “Experience of Creative Activity in Geography Teachingо are presented. The value of this course in formation of professional motivation of future teacher of geography is shown. Features of teaching of a course for students of a correspondence department are reflected. The pedagogical conditions promoting effective teaching of this course are allocated. Keywords: professional motivation, experience of creative activity, elective course, future teacher, pedagogical conditions, professional self-development | 1185 | |||||
2645 | The article deals with the features of training of future teachers of history, social science and law at the level of social control formed by modern school. The author identified a number of problems associated with the implementation of the new requirements on teachers training at a pedagogic university based on the analysis of normative documents regulating the educational process in the system of secondary and higher pedagogic education (primarily SES and FSES), research in the area of personality formation of the modern teacher through the university elective course, a survey of teachers, students, scholars and personal practice. Keywords: teacher training, state educational standard, federal state educational standard, the university system of training, higher pedagogic education | 1185 | |||||
2646 | This article introduces the information about the absolute age of the relict bog, situated in the poligonal bogs zone (in the south of Gydan peninsula). It is established that this bog isn’t «relic», because it was formed in Holocene. The comparison of peat accumulation of this bog and of oligotrophic bogs was organized and some particular qualities of peat accumulation in the evolution of «relict» peatlands were identified. Also the article presents the botanical composition of the peat deposit of the object of study. The comparison of the Holocene climatic variations on Russian Plane and in Western Siberia for the oligotrophic bogs zone is considered. It is proved that for the reconstruction of climatic variations for the «relict» peat deposit in the Far North regions it’s necessary to consider the inertness of cryogenic processes. Keywords: relict peatlands, poligonal bog, oligotrophic bog, absolute age, Holocene paleoclimate, peat accumulation, peat deposit, permafrost zone, botanical composition | 1185 | |||||
2647 | The article is relevant for planning the Museum of science and technology in Tomsk. It is being created by Tomsk scientific community – higher education institutions, academic institutes, research-and-production enterprises and the museum staff. The existing in Russia network of museums of the space profile is characterized by the insufficiency of authentic samples of space technology, low visitors' activity, lack of an interactive space. This article proposes a new classification of museums of the space profile in Russia, based on the criteria of historicism, objectivity and memoriality: 1) astronautics Museum; 2 museums of the special space objects, such as space launch sites and courts of space communications; 3) museums of space industry enterprises; 4) museums of higher education institutions conducting space scientific research and training of future cosmonauts; 5) memorial museums. To improve the efficiency of the work of the Russian museums of space profile if requires architectural improvements and modernization, as well as interactive acquisition for authentic examples of space technology. Keywords: classification, museum space profile, historicism, objectivity, memorial, interactivity | 1185 | |||||
2648 | This article discusses the value-sense sphere of mother. Motherhood is one of the urgent problems of contemporary Russian society. Evolutionary purpose of women is the birth and upbringing of children. This article reflects the problem of inner peace mother, her value-semantic framework. It represents the theoretical literature review of research on the issues under study. Showes the results of the study of value and sense sphere of mothers. Determines the core values of mothers and childless women. Analyzes the differences of value-semantic sphere of mother and childless women. Mothers revealed significantly greater percentage of respondents experiencing fear and loneliness of losing loved ones, compared to childless women. Mother is a cultural and moral model for your child. For mothers sense-forming factor is the value of family life. Childless women have a wider range of values, that is more diverse and multidirectional than that of mothers’. Keywords: motherhood, maternal position, values, family, woman, mother, childless woman | 1185 | |||||
2649 | The paper deals with the header structures of political articles, which include euphemisms and are taken from contemporary French newspapers. Considering the tense political situation in the world, euphemistic titles in the articles on political topics become increasingly relevant. They provide a smoothing effect of the emotional impact on the political discourse. Mass media titles and headers serve to partially reveal the text’s information and make a certain impact on the reader. Euphemism is considered as a word used for the sake of decency and discretion, to avoid mentioning unpleasant or shocking reality. As used in the press language, euphemisms render negative referents in terms of information. Their task is to modify the situation through a process of denomination and alleviative processing. Headers of political articles are classified by the type of negative revaluation of referents: understatement, axiological neutralization, improvement. Understatement in the French-language journalism is often implemented through euphemisms formed by meiosis, because they contain inherently weak negative denotation. Axiological neutralization contributes to veiling the true situation. Titles of articles are included in the policy framework shaped euphemistic statements, which make reality less dramatic, and are an essential component of the text itself. They embody a certain judgment about the current political situation. Authors neutralize the negative characteristics contained in the original concept, causing less dramatic reality that promotes the manipulation of mass consciousness. When using the improvement technique, negative formulation gives way to a more positive. Thus, the euphemisms substitute for unwanted words or expressions, which could cause a backlash in a particular situation, for the ones with a neutral connotation. Keywords: political discourse, euphemisms, meiosis, meiotic euphemisms, negative referent, understatement, axiological neutralization, improvement | 1185 | |||||
2650 | The article considers the development of the future educators training concept, based on the actual value and goal orientations in the development of the continuous pedagogical education. The article describes the value-attitude constituent and theoretical content of the concept. The practical content of the concept represents the processes of pedagogical support of the students’ activities within the integrated educational space of higher pedagogical, general and additional education systems. Such processes include pedagogical probation which comprises educational and work experience internships for the pedagogical higher education institution students. The internships are supervised by the mentors from among the leading educators who work at different levels of educational system. The theory and practice of situation and context based learning and subject-to-subject approach are taken as a basis for educational processes developed within the pedagogical concept. This provides the active involvement of future teachers in professional and quasi-professional situations and in solution of the problems arising within the situations. The creation of the integrated educational space is aimed at the support of a wide range of practice oriented forms and kinds of activities of future teachers in process of performing by them their professional tasks. The creation of such space in educational process of higher education institution is provided by the work of the Center for Additional Physical, Mathematical and Natural Science Education. Further perspectives of the research are connected with the construction of the practical content as a component of the discussed educational concept and the study of the concept’s verification results, which would allow to develop a full and substantiated understanding of the process and results of the pedagogical support in the training of pedagogical university students with the use of the potential of higher, general and additional education integration. Keywords: pedagogical concept, continuous pedagogical education, professional standards of pedagogical activity, practice based approach, pedagogical support, training of future teachers | 1185 |