# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2601 | This article examines a sword as a phenomenon of culture. Also there are investigations of the perception of symbolism of a sword and its cultural functions in the contemporaneity and also an opportunity of modeling of behavior of the individual Keywords: sword as a phenomenon of culture, sword symbolism, cultural functions of a sword, modeling of an individual behavior, information-synergetic approach | 1191 | |||||
2602 | In this article a new approach to folklore classification, based on action is applied towards four texts collected by Steinitz in 1936 and published in Russian translation by N.V. Lukina in 1990. Keywords: khanty, classification, folklore, plot, action, text | 1191 | |||||
2603 | The article covers the problems of organization of educational process, different ways of organization and development of cognitive activity of pupils on the basis of ethno pedagogy. The article also includes a brief analysis of the level of children’s abstract thinking development. Ethno pedagogical aspects of physical processes are revealed on the examples of studying certain themes of physics course. Authors pay attention to the factors of ethno pedagogy such as nature, oratory, national games, traditions, ideals, ethnic art. Keywords: keywords_eng | 1191 | |||||
2604 | The complex model of HKE for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive school has got a specific difference from the previous models, because it satisfies the specific educational needs for children with weak health (bronchial asthma), health keeping and strengthening with high educational results such as training level, general and high-quality school results. Besides this model develops the culture of pupils to take care of their own health. The collaboration of teachers, psychologists, physicians and parents provides the effective health support for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive schools. Keywords: health keeping education, sanatorium classes, health keeping area, area of personal development of pupils, the complex of diagnostical medical and sanitation measures | 1191 | |||||
2605 | The article considers various approaches to the definition of the concepts «image of the world», «professional image of the world» are considered. The author takes up the problem of formation of a professional world’s image by the students learning on defectological profile in pedagogical higher schools. Keywords: «image of the world», «professional image of the world», components of a professional image of the world, formation of a professional image of the world | 1191 | |||||
2606 | A quantitative estimation of components of biological cycle is given. Identified reserves of phytomasse mortmass and net primary production of mountain fen Gorno-Altai in the Eshtykеl. Revealed the strong influence of permafrost on biological processes mountain fen. Stock vegetable substances either fen Altai close to stocks Tundra bogs. Reserve live phytomass is 4143 g/m2, and net primary production - 1285±142 g/m2 per year. Keywords: mountain fen, net primary production, stocks ofphytomass, mortmass, carbon cycle | 1191 | |||||
2607 | This article describes the dynamics of general education in the West Siberian educational district at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the XX centuries. It shows the analysis of state primary and secondary education, and it also presents statistical data. Keywords: primary education, secondary education, Western Siberia educational district | 1191 | |||||
2608 | In anglophone historiography the modernization in prepetrine Muscovy is considered as the result of the military reforms and the external influences. The sources of such effects were located in the West as well as in the East. The “military revolution” has been recognized as an important aspect of the historical transformation of the state and society. It has identified the development of the fiscal-military state. Whereas the process of the new military technologies translation went out from Europe, the Ottoman Empire and the Golden Horde passed out the autocratic political model “of the Service State” and the concept of the fiscal policy. In the estimates of foreign authors pre-Petrine military reforms were effective enough, but they have increased social and cultural gap between Europe and Russia. Keywords: modernization theory, military revolution theory, pre-petrine Muscovy, modern historiography | 1191 | |||||
2609 | The means of expressing the sacral component of religious-art constituent of perception category in the English language are described. The contextual analysis shows the peculiarities of the structure of the given category and the specific features of its components. Keywords: category, concept, perception, sacral component, religious-art constituent, semantics, sin, sacral space, icon | 1191 | |||||
2610 | In the article changes in the way of masculine representation, manifested in the figure of Peter I, in comparison with the typical standards, adopted in the pre-Petrine Russia and in contemporary Europe, is considered. Effects of these changes on the nobility, as well as forms of communication of their distribution to the general styling of the Petrine reforms, is observed. Keywords: Petrine era, gender, masculinity, elite | 1191 | |||||
2611 | The article deals with the features of training of future teachers of history, social science and law at the level of social control formed by modern school. The author identified a number of problems associated with the implementation of the new requirements on teachers training at a pedagogic university based on the analysis of normative documents regulating the educational process in the system of secondary and higher pedagogic education (primarily SES and FSES), research in the area of personality formation of the modern teacher through the university elective course, a survey of teachers, students, scholars and personal practice. Keywords: teacher training, state educational standard, federal state educational standard, the university system of training, higher pedagogic education | 1191 | |||||
2612 | The phraseological meaning is a specific semantic category, characterized by an integral transference of meaning based fully or partially on the meanings of the components of the unit. This results in its complex structure which is of special scientific interest. The article focuses on the components of the phraseological meaning, states their specific features and correlation and offers the methodology of semantic analysis. It is a multistep process that considers all the constituents of the phraseological meaning: motivation, imagery component, inner form, denotative component, connotation and cultural component (studied by A. V. Kunin, V. N. Teliya, N. F. Alefirenko and others). The inner form reveals the way the phraseological meaning is formed and creates phraseological imagery. Motivation is a means of expressing the inner form. Metaphorical, metonymical or metaphtonymical transference of meaning forms the inner form of the unit. Phraseological semantics includes the grammatical meaning and the phraseological meaning proper. We single out several structural models of the latter, based on a number of combinations of the denotative macrocomponent (its identifying and characterizing parts) and stylistic, intensive, emotional and/or evaluative components of connotation. The cultural component can be a part of either denotation or connotation or both. The results can be applied in studying semantic peculiarities of different groups of phraseological units, with reference to their national specificity. Keywords: semantics, phraseological unit, phraseological meaning, motivation, imagery component, inner from, connotation | 1191 | |||||
2613 | Introduction. The achromatic color terms and methods of their word-formation in different linguistic cultures - Kazakh, Altai, Russian are compared and analyzed. Adjectives that naming color are an important feature of describing differences in the objects of the surrounding world which effects a person’s perception and emotional state. The system of word-formation of color names, characteristic for the languages under consideration, is a set of nominative units that are diverse in terms of structure. The subject of research is achromatic color vocabulary in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. The aim of the work is to consider the methods of word formation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages and to determine the general and specific features of word formation. For the first time, a comparative analysis of the derivation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages was carried out. Among the methods of research is a comparative one. Results and discussion. The lexico-semantic field of color has a high degree of organization. Although color terms belong to different parts of speech, adjectives belong to the most significant group. The main emphasis is on the grammatical features of adjectives in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian. Color adjectives of the analyzed languages belong to the group of qualitative adjectives perceived by the senses, from which a comparative degree is formed. Morphological way of word formation is the basic one in the formation of color designation and color names in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. This formed a whole series of parametric values of the sufficiency or insufficiency of color, the degree of intensity and color saturation (high or low), the gradation of signs. The morphological way of word-formation of color descriptions involves the formation of color terms with the help of derivational affixes. This way of forming adjectives is most productive in the languages. It is the most prospective and dominant way of word-production of color adjectives. Other methods of word formation are considered; they are composing, partial or complete reduplication, the use of qualifiers, pair words, and comparative constructions with color components. Color designation comparisons were revealed similarity and difference in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages. Conclusion. The word-formative analysis of color adjectives make it possible to conclude that the Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages have a fairly extensive word-formation potential in terms of the possibility of expanding and enriching the lexico-semantic group of color-values. Keywords: color semantics, color designation, achromatic color, word formation, affixation, degree of comparison, comparative analysis | 1191 | |||||
2614 | The main tendencies of forming the professor corps of the Tomsk State University in 1917-1945 are considered in the given paper. They are proletarianization of the teaching staff, ide¬ological conciliation with the Soviet power, awarding ranks and academic degrees without defending theses; promotion, planning in training scientific staff. The work was performed due to financial support of RGNF (project Na 00-03-00239). | 1190 | |||||
2615 | In this article there described one of the ways of form¬ing esthetical individuality by means of musical culture. The forming of esthetical individuality is an active process, which is happening in the society by means of unity of individuum and art's works. The highest aim of music-esthetical upbringing is beautiful individuality, which has a complicated social-psychological structure. Its upbringing is being realized by social-psychological mechanism of esthetical catharsis. The process of catharsistic musical perception is being analyzed in student's concert audito¬rium. | 1190 | |||||
2616 | The article considered contents of notion «economic culture», revealled mechanisms of influence of economic culture at the social-economic life of society. There are chosen functions of the economic culture. Specific lines of teacher economic culture are shown. Criterions and factors for the evaluation of economic culture condition formation are designed. | 1190 | |||||
2617 | The article considers the influence of physical load on magnetic activity among sportsmen and people with low physical activity. According to the sensitivity to magnetic field people could be divided into three groups: persons with high sensitivity, low sensitivity and persons with average sensitivity. | 1190 | |||||
2618 | The various types of water basins, i. e. river, accessory, marsh and continental ones, are considered as biotopes for fresh-water mollusks of North-Siberia. For each of the above basin types the qualitative and qualitative composition of mollusks is reported and the most widely spread species are indicated. Regarding the biotopes and environmental factors involved, rheo-, stagno- and eurybionts are found to predominate among the fresh-water mollusks of Northern Siberia. The adaptation of mollusks to certain environmental factors of the water basins and their distribution in the biotopes because of these factors are considered. | 1190 | |||||
2619 | In the article V.A. Zhukovsky’s mostly unpublished and uninvestigated notebooks of the 1840-s are considered. The material is analyzed in comparison to aesthetic and religious – philosophical searches of the writer and accordingly from this point of view Zhukovsky’s evolutions as a prosaic. The special attention is paid to the tendency of synthesis of the philosophical, aesthetic, religious principles and hence to that of cyclization, clearly shown in late Zhukovsky’s notebooks and reflecting feature of an aesthetics and poetics of his prose of 1830-s – 1840-s as a whole. | 1190 | |||||
2620 | The research material, connected with the evaluation of the formation of the attitude of the students of the Faculty of Physical Culture concerning the measures of rehabilitation and preventive measures in the structure of the duties of the experts of different profiles and specialties is represented in the present article. | 1190 | |||||
2621 | Two different approaches are currently available for the analysis of the behaviour of the solid particles in flows. These are termed the Eulerian and Langrangian. In the Lagrangian method on the trajectories of the individual size fractions are evaluated by solving time dependent ordinary differential equations. In the Eulerian approach on the other hand, partial differential equations for the conservation of mass and momentum are written for each of the particle’s fractions, which are solved together with the equation of the liquid flow. Even in the simplest hydrocyclone model, there are two phases present, namely liquid, and monosized particles. Since particles of different diameters move with different velocity, each additional particle size represents an additional phase. An algebraic slip approach was used, with three momentum equations solved for the mixture, and relative moment of each fractions take into account in the conservations equations, in an iterative manner. The relative velocities between the particles and liquid in the hydrocyclone are evaluated by consideration of the dynamic force balance on the particle itself. The consequence of the mass conservation for the all fractions in a turbulent flow is the equation of turbulent diffusion of particles for each particle fraction mass concentration (Euler description form). The method of the determination of the diffusion coefficient of the solid phases is considered. Results allow to draw a conclusion that given formula well describes turbulent transport of solid phase flow and can be used for numerical modelling multiphase flows | 1190 | |||||
2622 | The article considers euristic possibilities of synerqetics in the analysis of the problem of objective premises of freedom. Nowadays the ideas and principles of synerqetics form the scientific and world outlook picture, where a subject is a basic element. The principle of freedom and the idea of the subject’s presence in this picture are used as methodological premises in the analysis of freedom problem in the context of universal self-organization mechanisms. | 1190 | |||||
2623 | The present article is devoted to the research of social and cultural reasons of delinquent behavior of the underage which defines the breaking-up of the norms, as the standard of behavior in general. It signifies the change of the treatment of the society towards the mechanisms of the purposeful socialization, the youth is influenced by. | 1190 | |||||
2624 | The author analyses complicity institute in the Russian Criminal law and the question does this institute appreciate danger of crimes which were committed by participation of several persons. | 1190 | |||||
2625 | The article is devoted to very important problem of ethical knowledge – methodical explanation of phenomenon of ethics as a universal regulator of relationships in social, natural and spirit world. | 1190 | |||||
2626 | The article deals with the issues of students` information culture formation in distance learning, which are regarded to be not only as technical but also as humanitarian ones. The authors define pedagogical principles which may be used as background in modern courses of distance learning in higher institutions | 1190 | |||||
2627 | This article is devoted to the analysis of the work of social charitable organizations in Western Siberia before the revolution. It gives the characteristics of social organizations and reveals the meaning for development of education in Siberia | 1190 | |||||
2628 | The author of the article conducts the analysis of discurse of four epochs (the second half of the XX century), which, anyhow, present in our lives in the from of texts, mental reflections, ascriptions and other social artifacts. The Main milestones for social-philosophical analysis in genesis of studied phenomenon become periods "sixties", "seventies", "eighties" and "nineties" years of Russia | 1190 | |||||
2629 | The investigations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were performed for three different peat-moorsh soils - Czarna Wies, Otoczne and Kwatera 17 located in the Biebrza River Valley in Poland. Each considered soils were utilized as meadow. Soil samples were taken from two depths: 5-10 cm and 50-80 cm. IAA, total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in peat moorsh soils from these samples were analysed. The significant differences in the concentrations of IAA, TOC, and DOC between two investigated depths of among peat moorsh samples were observed. The measured concentrations of total organic carbon in the considered soils ranged from 37.2 to 45.6 %. Generally, the decrease of IAA, total organic carbon, however, increase of DOC concentration with depth of profiles was observed. The contents of dissolved organic carbon in the soils ranged from 5.3 to 19.4%. The quantities of IAA decreased simultaneously with TOC values and with the increasing depth of the soil profiles. The highest contents of IAA was determined in high layers of moorshes and ranged from 110,1 to 128,7 µg kg-1 dry mass. However the concentrations of IAA in deeper layers were lower and ranged from 69,3 to 87,1 µg kg-1 dry mass. Keywords: Peat, chemical characteristics, organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, indole-acetic acid. | 1190 | |||||
2630 | The motives of activity are generated by the available requirements, thus new requirements arise under the influence of the developed structure of motives, having generated, these new requirements induce new informative motivation. Keywords: a motivational direction, memory, thinking, motivation, informative motives, social motives, positive motivation, an estimation | 1190 | |||||
2631 | The article deals with the functions of those types of promotion, which aesthetically staticize an image of the recipient in Anna Akhmatova’s early works. The types of promotion most typical for the author are revealed in this work. Keywords: addressee, esthetic actualization, types of extensions, stylistic methods | 1190 | |||||
2632 | The article is devoted to organization of specialized education by means of online education in rural ungraded schools. Online education means flexible combination of independent cognitive activity of students with the help of different sources of information, online and regular interaction with the leading teacher of the course and group work. Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, online education. | 1190 | |||||
2633 | The article describes major areas of activities for teachers to obtain information and communication means to organize their professional development efforts in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: distant education, ungraded school, educational and methodical sets. | 1190 | |||||
2634 | This article is devoted to description of one of the key concepts in the German folk linguistic culture – the concept “house”. The investigation results of the individual’s oral discourse – the representative of the Russian Germans of Tomsk region are expounded. Lexical objectification of the main features within the mentioned concept is detected. Keywords: dialect linguistic personality, German dialect, linguistic culture, concept and its features | 1190 | |||||
2635 | The plot of the novel by V. V. Nabokov “Ada, or Ardor: a Family chronicle” represents a complex combination of motives both Russian, and the European literature. The special place in the plot structure is occupied with the motives borrowed by V. V. Nabokov from the literature of romanticism; among loan sources products R. Shatobrian (“Rene”) are allocated. In the article the problem of functioning of motives of the literature of romanticism in structure of the postmodernist novel by V. V. Nabokov is discussed. Keywords: plot, V. V. Nabokov, Russian literature of the 20th century | 1190 | |||||
2636 | The article is devoted to the problem of subject-spatial environment creation, which aims at forming various types of a child’s activity. Special attention is paid to pedagogical modelling of the subject environment. Keywords: activity, subject-spatial environment, terms of stimulating child’s activity | 1190 | |||||
2637 | In the paper various interpretations and functioning of the pedagogical concepts competence and competency are considered. Our investigations of professional competence of the teacher have shown that in the modern educational paradigm there are four senses, put in the meaning of the given concept: pragmatic, educational, general pedagogical and personality senses. At the end we concluded that in most general view competence of the teacher in modern educational paradigm integrates cognitive (knowledge), operational (methods of activity and readiness for activity realization) and axiological (availability of certain values) aspects. Keywords: educational paradigm, competence, competency, teacher, cognitive, operational and axiological aspects of competence | 1190 | |||||
2638 | The article deals with the analysis of the activities of evacuation centers as a vital link of evacuation mechanism that took the brunt of the work on the population relocation from frontline areas to the West Siberian rear area. Keywords: evacuation centers, evacuation, the Great Patriotic War, evacuation mechanism | 1190 | |||||
2639 | The article reviewes the problem of scientific selection of the content of teaching physics in the present conditions of training engineersof innovative type. Discusses development of motivation in students and innovative thinking as a means of execution of the target species of educational innovation activity of students. Gives the example of the modification of the known tasks performed independently by the students as a part of the project. On this basis, the concept of the educational potential of standard tasks is introdused. Educational potential is a combination of the resources for transformation of the tasks into the projects to produce important results. Gives the scheme of the Van der Graaf generator, developed by the students from improvised materials, discusses the results of a survey of students to find ou their attitude toward the project implementation activities. For example, we compare students' predictions to what they report before having seen the demonstration, discuss the answers both right after the demonstration and several weeks later. Keywords: teaching physics, innovation thinking, motivation of students, problems in electrodynamics | 1190 | |||||
2640 | The article represents the morphosyntactic analysis of somonims of the Selkup language. The undertaken research corresponds to the relevant problems of modern linguistics consisting in the need of documentation and description of the languages which are under the threat of disappearance. In spite of the fact that the Selkup language has been an object of researches for many years and it has been studied in different aspects, the morphosyntactic structure of somatic vocabulary of the Selkup language has not been exposed to the system analysis yet. Somatic vocabulary of the Selkup language is represented by several types of morphosyntactic structures: simple words; compound words with coordinative and subordinative types of linking of stems; phrases. Simple somonims are frequently used in possessive form of the third person singular. It is attached possession. Simple somonims can rarely add other suffixes. In somatic vocabulary only one case of shifting of the simple somonim to another part of speech has been revealed. The components of compound words and phrases are mostly nouns and adjectives. The subordination is expressed either by the possessive form of the third person singular or by the genitive case. The second component can be represented by any other part of speech. Keywords: the Selkup language, somatic vocabulary, morphosyntax, simple words, compound words, phrases | 1190 | |||||
2641 | Introduction. A brief bibliography, the main milestones of the creative path of Vasily Shkvarkin are given. The history of the plays and publications of the play “Alien Child” is recreated. Aim and objectives. The purposes of this paper is to review the reactions of Soviet criticism to the performances of the comedy «Alien Child» by V. Shkvarkin and to study the meaning that the play had for Soviet dramaturgy of its time. Materials and research methods. The research methodology is based on the historical-typological and hermeneutic approaches. Results and discussion. The study revealed the significance of the role played by the play “Alien Child” in the development of the Soviet comedy. It is shown that the reviews published in the newspaper “Pravda” to a large extent determined further critical discussion of the comedy framework. Conclusion. The performances of «Alien Child» were a huge success with the audience and were hotly discussed in the press. Regional authors in their assessments, follow the text of a review by Rosenthal, published in the «Pravda» newspaper. The piece by Shkvarkin was one of the most important modern comedies, so the “Alien Child” was estimated in a press within the framework of soviet drama in general. The simplicity of the plot of «Alien Child» was perceived in a positive way. Shkvarkin’s play was rated as funny, “sincere” and “warm”. Most reviewers noted in the «Alien Child» both entertaining and moral-like functions. Shkvarkin’s comedy was perceived as a very confident and significant, if not without some flaws, a step towards the development of Soviet comedy. Criticism appreciated the optimistic picture of the future that inspired the audience to work hard for the sake of a happy tomorrow. The same few claims were made to it: some unsuccessful puns and several unfinished plot moves and characters. It was perceived as a very confident and significant, though not devoid of in general insignificant flaws, step towards the development of the Soviet comedy. The artistic merits of “Alien Child” led critics to speculations about the tasks of comedies in the Soviet state. Keywords: V. V. Shkvarkin, Soviet literature, comedy, Soviet dramaturgy, “Alien Child”, theater criticism | 1190 | |||||
2642 | . | 1189 | |||||
2643 | The article considers Apollon Grigorjev's creative work where the complex of moral and esthetic and artistic ide¬as connected with the influence of George Sand was re¬flected. Ap.Grigorjev accepted a new philosophy of love and marriage directed at the revision of traditional no¬tions of «sin», «moral degradation» and «adultery». It is pointed out that the formation of Ap. Grigorjev's princi¬ples of «the organic critics», including the feeling of co¬ordinating sincerity, moral and high artistic value was in¬fluenced by George Sand's novelistics. | 1189 | |||||
2644 | The article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of values, content, and methods of one of four traditional spiritual Russian practices - Buddhism. Philosophical ideas of liberation are considered here as well as original understanding of life and nature, laying in the basis of Buddhism pedagogical tradition. In the article pedagogical interpretation of Buddhism methods (concentration in inner life, special diet, limitation, meditation etc. are regarded. The article Is of interest for scientists, psychologists, philosophers, teachers and students of higher pedagogical educational establishments. | 1189 | |||||
2645 | We review the several models of the dark energy, which may generate the accelerated expansion of the present universe. We also discuss the the Big Rip singularity, which may occur when the equation of the state parameter w is less than -1. We show that the quantum correction would be very important near the singularity. | 1189 | |||||
2646 | In language two tendencies with different directions constantly take place: a tendency to destruction of homonym pairs and tendency to appearance of pairs. The process of appearance of homonyms seems to be accidental but the process of elimination of homonyms – regular. | 1189 | |||||
2647 | The given approach to the problem acts as a way of self-reflection upon social sciences. This promotes successful institutionalisation and emancipation of social research from the pressure of methodology of natural sciences. It allows posing the question of basis and nature of social phenomena in a new manner, and also defining problems of the central categories of social humanitarian cognition, which are connected with traditional oppositions: society – personality, rational – sensual, real - visible. There is a methodological model, which can facilitate interdisciplinary communication of social humanitarian sciences; and there are heuristic possibilities and conditions of creating a relevant methodological project, proposed in the work. | 1189 | |||||
2648 | The article reflects problems of the scientific investigations defended in the Dissertation Council D 212.266.02 at Tomsk State Pedagogical University (opened since 2003) for PhD in the field 09.00.08 Philosophy of a science and technique. The Dissertation Council became the first regional scientific department which was authorized to hold scientific defeats for PhD in the following fields: 09.00.08 Philosophy of a science and technique (philosophical sciences) and 09.00.13 Religious studies, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture (philosophical sciences) Keywords: Dissertaion Board D 212.266.02, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, speciality 09.00.08 Philosophy of Science and Technics (philosophical sciences), speciality 09.00.13 Religious studies, Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture (philosophical sc | 1189 | |||||
2649 | In article the communicative nature of creativity is considered: its paradoxicality, ambivalence, interaction of oppositional phenomena. The communicative perspective allows to realize a holistic principle of research of variety of creativity in psychological practices and the vital world of the person, group, society, culture. Keywords: creativity, the communications, opposition, the person, sense, culture, education, practice | 1189 | |||||
2650 | The article considers the basic questions of the theory and practice of formation of military-professional motivation among cadets of military high schools of communication. Substantive provisions and results of realization of the program of formation of military-professional motivation among cadets of military high schools of communication are presented. Keywords: motivation, formation of military-professional motivation, cadets, military high schools of communication | 1189 |