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3001 | The article “The Study of Students Peculiarities as the Basis of Individual-Oriented Physical Training of Students at Nonspecialised Higher Education Institutions” is devoted to the analysis of the results of the study of students peculiarities, their attitude to physical training and the role of this kind of training in the life and professional activity of a person, young people’s needs, their interests, aims in life and the values shared, the peculiarities and preferable types and forms of spending spare time in order to use the results obtained to increase the effectiveness and quality of physical training of future specialists. Keywords: students, physical training, values, questioning methods, sampling | 1144 | |||||
3002 | The article presents analysis of the title motif «gnezdo» in the novel «Home of the Gentry» by I. Turgenev. On the assumption of the opposite image «gnezdyshko» here are given some observations and conclusions concerning its own meanings, connected with Turgenev's philosophical and world-view conception. Keywords: I. Turgenev, the novel «Home of the Gentry», Parisian topos, Russian national life's conception, Turgenev's existential conception | 1144 | |||||
3003 | The essence of frame technology is revealed in the given article, also its efficiency and productivity are considered. This system allows students to develop cognitive activity, independent way of thinking and creative abilities. In addition, the technology changes base of the educational pedagogical ambience itself by filling it with the spirit of cooperation and development of the individual. Keywords: frame technology, frame scheme, model of knowledge, slots | 1144 | |||||
3004 | The issues of modeling theory as applied to the field of didactics and teaching foreign language problem-oriented professional in the course of speaking a foreign language in high school non-linguistic. As an information framework for foreign-language job-speaking and listening using a series of didactic models of dialogue. Keywords: professional foreign language speaking, training interaction, didactic model of interaction | 1144 | |||||
3005 | The article gives the review of the existing approaches to examining comparisons both in linguistics as a whole and in the language of fiction. Enrichment of artistic impression realizes by reflection sensitive- visual form of real world in a human mind through comparison, with consider in gender aspect. This way helps discover number of additional signs in gender concepts by rapprochement with different things (characteristics, phenomena, etc.). Keywords: analysis of literary text, individual style, comparison, image, gender markers | 1144 | |||||
3006 | In the article presents one of the ways of problem solving of junior schoolchildren’s personality development in terms of the new educational standard on the base of author’s conceptions and teaching aids. Keywords: personality development, formation of personality qualities, forming education, psychological training, lessons of self-perfection | 1144 | |||||
3007 | The article under consideration is the result of the research in the field of English numeral word-forming processes taking place in modern English grammar concerning their morphological status, whether the numerals should be referred to the nominative or functional parts of speech. The ground for this research is the fact that they are treated in quite contradictory ways by the native English-speaking linguists headed by Sir Randolph Quirk and Russian Anglicists. Keywords: word-building or word-forming processes, word-forming model, the English numeral morphological status, nominal and functional parts of speech, open-class and close-class words, determiner | 1144 | |||||
3008 | This article is the result of study of the problem of theoretical investigations of pedagogical conditions of scientific and humanistic knowledge integration of humanity students. Methodological aspects of scientific and humanistic knowledge integration are considered in this article. Also the theoretical aspects of formation of integrated worldview are described. Keywords: integration, humanization, methodology, scientific education, synergy, conceptions of natural science | 1144 | |||||
3009 | In the article the role of educational setting in achievement of acme in modern welfare conditions is considered; results of research of the basic spheres of ability to live of students, their valuable orientations of university, and also feature of vital prospect of development of the person of the student are analyzed. Keywords: educational space, an image of the future, vital values, vital prospect | 1144 | |||||
3010 | This paper describes the results of the comprehensive analysis of the essential characteristics of self-education in various periods of development of science, including in the information society. Keywords: self-education, the genesis of science development | 1144 | |||||
3011 | The article raises the problems of legal computerization in the conditions of forming common legal information space in Russia, which provides all sections of society and each individual citizen with legal information. It is noted that legal computerization opens new possibilities for improving the organization of legal activity. The data of sociological research done by the author, show that the new information technologies based on the use of personal computers and telecommunication means are not applied in modern legal practice in time. It is also noted that the solution of these problems can be achieved on the basis of information orientation of higher law education, multilevel and multicomponent system of training specialists according to information culture model. This model reveals the role of the disciplines “Computer Science” and “Law Computer Science” due to which new forms of training are developed and trends to forming open education, using new technical devices and improving methods of teaching are secured. Keywords: education: higher education: computer education: computerization: private educational institution | 1144 | |||||
3012 | On the basis of the analysis of theoretical aspects of a studied problem, organizational conditions of formation of professional competence of the teacher of modern higher education institution, as an essential element of system of postgraduate preparation are offered. Keywords: organizational conditions, principles of training of teachers, administrative conditions, material conditions, personnel conditions | 1144 | |||||
3013 | The article examines the methodology of teaching World Englishes. The author determines the concept of familiarization and analyses the developed practice-oriented methodology of introduction to World Englishes. The author points out that it is necessary for students of linguistic universities to be aware of different varieties of English in order to raise their professional language level. Keywords: World Englishes, Indian English, familiarization, practice-oriented cource, methodology of familiarization | 1144 | |||||
3014 | This paper analyzes the information on resettlement of eushtinian tatars in XVII–XVIII centuries. The main sources are public documents. Available data describe the resettlement area of eushtinians on Tomsk Ob region in this period. Eushtinians are first mentioned in the book of Herberstein in 1526 under the name “Grustintzi”. According to sources, the main inhabitation area of eushtinians in XVII – XVIII centuries was the area adjacent to Tom river from Tomsk to the mouth of Shegarka river. Territory of eushtinian landholding reached the Ob river. Eushtinian tatar can be divided into different groups, each of which occupies its territory, differs from others in antropological type, employment and social status. It identified archaeological sites of the late medieval which created by eushtinians. Keywords: tatars, turks, tomsk tatars, eushtinians, history, archeology | 1144 | |||||
3015 | The study characterizes modern methods of reflexive training in higher school education. The results of the conducted empirical study on using cinquain in training in higher school education are presented here. The list of competences which depend on development of reflective abilities of students was selected from the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of preparation “Special (defectological) education”. The work identifies the deficits of the reflexive development of students on the basis of cinquain as control-evaluative tool for implementation of assessment and self-assessment of mastered professional knowledge, skills and competencies at different stages of the studying of section of the academic discipline. The paper reveals possibilities of organization of reflexive activity of future defectology bachelors at speech therapy class. The study shows the features of using of cinquain as the main teaching method allowing you to activate the mechanism of reflexion in the context of professional pedagogical studying. Keywords: competency approach, reflexive methods, reflexive abilities of students, cinquain, professional pedagogical thinking, professional activity of bachelors-defectologists | 1144 | |||||
3016 | The epistolary forms which entered a context of “The Moscow magazine” and “The Bulletin of Europe” are considered as an embodiment of the concept of N. M. Karamzin – the publisher, as a reprezentant of his creative method. N. M. Karamzin actively develops poetics of the private, friendly letter in the journalistic and publishing practice, thus the poetics of epistolary publications in Karamzin magazines is conformable to poetics of his private letters. In magazines, also as well as in private letters, estimates and judgments of the publisher, his image itself organize reader’s perception, play a sample role, immerse in the Karamzin sphere of spiritual and intellectual aspirations. The letter as a plot forming element of Karamzin magazines allowed their publisher to come into direct contact with the reader, and “someone else’s” letters became remarks in the dialogue organized by the publisher, a reason for publishing reflections. The letter becomes an ideal form of creation of the addressee – the reader of the magazine as in it the behavioural standard is formed. Certain dynamics of epistolary poetics from “The Moscow magazine” to “the Bulletin of Europe” is noted. The conclusion is that the epistolary is the major esthetic category, it in many respects causes deep internal unity of editions of N. M. Karamzin. Keywords: epistolary form, magazine, N. M. Karamzin, “The Moscow magazine”, “Bulletin of Europe” | 1144 | |||||
3017 | Churikov V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 56-57 . | 1143 | |||||
3018 | As it is stated in the article the common logic base is absent in the modern theory of knowledge. The author analyzes the reasons of such situation in the theory of knowledge. As a logic beginning of the development of the theory of knowledge is suggested to use a category «authority» by the author. | 1143 | |||||
3019 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of the creative potential of students with the help of such methods as completing a questionnaire, doing tests, estimation of teachers as experts. Various indices such as availability of free time of for students of state and non-state establishments are compared, the author comes to the conclusion that creative potential induces are lowered in the senior courses of a state higher educational establishment. | 1143 | |||||
3020 | In the article regional problems of economic devel¬opment on the example of Novgorod Oblast are con¬sidered. It investigates mechanisms of forming a com¬petitive regional economy, and ways of activating the regional investment process. | 1143 | |||||
3021 | It is shown that in broadband transistor amplifiers with minimum-phase two-port compensation networks, a non-minimum-phase shift of transistor does not signifi¬cantly influences phase and transient responses. Thus, the design of amplifiers with desired phase and transient responses can be reduced to providing a suitable ampli¬tude-frequency characteristic, as in the case of mini¬mum-phase circuits. The design examples of ultra-wideband amplifiers with prescribed phase and transient responses are presented. | 1143 | |||||
3022 | The article traces the dynamics of the change of functions of music, concerning the language on early stages of the western culture development. It shows how the localization of the concept-expressing function of music into the sphere of every-day speech and art takes place as the language change and the graphic means of fixating language expressions appear | 1143 | |||||
3023 | The article covers the problems of teaching physics to schoolchildren and students of technical universities associated with transformations in Russian society and educational system of Russia, and possible ways of their partial solution Keywords: fundamentalization education, systematic approach, training systems | 1143 | |||||
3024 | The article deals with actual trends of efficiency diagnostics of rural municipal educational systems modernization and pedagogical conditions of its realization, which research actuality is conditioned by the necessity of forming rural education development mechanisms: area nets, including modern models of schools (including incomplete and scanty schools), realizing modern educational programs using innovational educational techniques (technologies); models and techniques (technologies) of preparing teachers for rural area and raising the level of their skill Keywords: efficiency diagnostics of municipal educational system modernization | 1143 | |||||
3025 | The article considers the motivations and attitudes of students to physical exercises of physical culture, the methodological basis for optimizing of physical education and the possibilities of person-centered training of students on the subject of physical culture. Keywords: motivation, optimization of physical education, student-centered learning | 1143 | |||||
3026 | The inquiry of the administrative institutions about statistical data for public management created conditions for the development of the system of statistical service and control. The organization and operation of regional statistical services of West Siberia in the second half of the 19th century had their own peculiarities and specificity. The administrative and territorial principle of statistical data integration promoted the development of the collaterally subordinated mechanism of the statistical execution phase. For the purpose of timely performance of statistical data in the region of interest the statistical system was formed as government statistical institution and periodically functioning organization. Keywords: regional statistic system, state administration, statistic committee, West Siberia, statistic correspondent, history | 1143 | |||||
3027 | The article discloses characteristics of speech self-education activity. The author of the article expounds questions of organization of activity of students speech self-education; describes the didactic psychological, pedagogical and organizational conditions necessary for successful speech self-education. Keywords: activity of speech self-education, structure of speech self-education activity, conditions of arrangements of speech self-education. | 1143 | |||||
3028 | The article deals with the poetic text in the context of cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics. The sense of the poetic text is presented as a result of the complex interconceptual interactions. There is an overview of some of the artistic (poetic) concept structural typologies. It is proposed the valence model of artistic (poetic) concept, which allows us to represent the interaction between conceptual elements in such cognitive structures as metaphor, metonymy, symbol. Keywords: artistic concept, poetic concept, the valence model, a poetic picture of the world, text, cognitive poetics. | 1143 | |||||
3029 | Oxygen and carbon isotope content of Lake Siritkul sediments, accumulated during 11000–5000 14С yr. B.P. was studied. There was revealed coincidence of pollen-zones and climatic stages determined on the basis of isotopic analyses. The assumption of connection between atmospheric precipitation, evaporation and isotopic content of carbon and oxygen was confirmed with the help of pollen analysis. Keywords: Holocene, lake sediments, stable isotopes of carbon, oxygen isotopes ratio, pollen analysis | 1143 | |||||
3030 | In the work a short review of history of formation and development of the Tomsk scientific and educational complex is presented. The role of Tomsk science in economic development of Siberia, in cultural development of region, and also in general for the country modernisational processes is considered. Keywords: Tomsk, Siberia, science, higher education | 1143 | |||||
3031 | The article proposed the idea of creating a special course based on actual problems of modern physics, based on the consideration of physical reality from the standpoint of the three categories. The material can be used in the study of general physics in education departments. Keywords: special course, physical interpretation, paradigm, physical outlook, geometric world view, a relational view of the world | 1143 | |||||
3032 | 270 teachers of city schools, 54 teachers of rural schools, 105 teachers correctional schools and special correctional boarding schools were examined. The data on the prevalence of violation of adaptation in this group were obtained. The level of anxiety, the severity of burnout syndrome and quality of life were studied. The programs of prevention of burnout syndrome were offered. Keywords: educators, violation of adaptation, quality of life, burnout syndrome, anxiety, correction and inclusive education | 1143 | |||||
3033 | The article considers the issues of education for children aged 12–16 to basics of robotics. The value of knowledge of basics in physics, mathematics, computer science and technology in the course of robot creation are shown. It reveals the need for linkage, when designing a robot, for students between mechanical, electronic and software components on the construction of various types of robots. It defines the knowledge and skills to be acquired by the student for a qualitative studying of basics of robotics. Keywords: robot, robotics, mechanics, electronics, design, training, ability | 1143 | |||||
3034 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of the lack of textual solutions that meet the emotional needs of modern students in school visual space. Texts in the educational space of schools are a flexible, multifunctional tool with which one can not only make the school more attractive, but also is able to conduct dialogue with students and their families. This dialogue is aimed to form loyalty to the rules of interaction between the individual and society, norms of environmental behavior and disposition of their resources, respect for other people; subjective position in educational activity. Materials and methods. The materials of the study were photos and videos of visual environment elements of modern Russian schools. The main method used in the process of researching text-based solutions in the space of educational institutions is qualitative and quantitative analysis. In some cases, the subject of analysis was not only images, but also texts. The article proposes a classification of visual solutions used in the school space (8 types of texts) and describes the method of group interviews as a tool for studying school visual solutions. Fixation and attribution of school texts was carried out in collaboration with students - teenagers. Results and discussion. The study reveals the content, style and authorship of interior design elements in modern Russian school. The article substantiates the possibility of using the process of creating “school texts” for the development of “flexible skills” of students. The modern visual environment of the Russian school is largely focused on the “preservation” of the traditional school structure, which provides a formalized perception of the school as a place where “educational activities are organized”, and the life and development of a person’s personality does not occur. Conclusion. To develop and implement these solutions, it makes sense to combine the efforts of specialists in the field of design, pedagogy, ergonomic psychology, philology and linguistics. The results of the study indicate a shortage of professional solutions in the design of modern school space. The article suggests ways to overcome these deficits in the framework of interaction between participants in the educational process. Keywords: visual text solutions, text design, school space design, educational environment | 1143 | |||||
3035 | Andrenov N. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 25-27 . | 1142 | |||||
3036 | The article is devoted to the critical theme of research. The author considers the aspect devoted to the formation of children's abilities and skills in speech communication as well as development of their communicative activity. Accord¬ing to the author's opinion these realities make the basis for the personality's universal education and later on give op¬portunities to realize creative potential of the personality. Keywords: - | 1142 | |||||
3037 | The article covers the theoretical basis of the models of the artistic space and analysis of the meaning and principles of the space construction in women's prose of the 19th century (based on A. Panayeva's literary works). | 1142 | |||||
3038 | The article is devoted to the analysis of two concepts - coffee and tea. The concept tea is chosen by the British as an icon of British culture. The concept coffee is not included into the classification of cultural symbols. We analyze the probable reasons why the concept coffee cannot be considered an icon, a cultural symbol. | 1142 | |||||
3039 | The present article is devoted to the problems of forming the institutional model of the justice belonging to the reconstruction period within the system of the juvenile justice; research of the social and cultural resources of the society, necessary for its effective functioning. | 1142 | |||||
3040 | This paper focuses on the analysis of media technologies used by mass communication media for the beginning of information war. Ethnic and nation conflicts are considered in the perspective of construction theory of society as initiated in the frames of information space. | 1142 | |||||
3041 | In this article some aspects of organization of pedagogues activity evaluation are considered in context of theory evaluation. Content of system, active, competence and quality approaches with account of evaluation activity is presented. One of possible version of step-by-step organization evaluation activity in primary professional education (PPE) is developed. Keywords: system, activity, competence, quality control, evaluation, evaluation activity | 1142 | |||||
3042 | More than 100 nicknames of famous Russian politicians and officials are analyzed in the aspect of language game theory. The motives of language play wide spread in the up-to-date Russian informal language are revealed. Keywords: сommunicative space, carnivalization of language, language play, nicknames | 1142 | |||||
3043 | This article is a prolongation of a complex research of the notional category of abstractedness/concreteness on the materials of the Selkup language. The article deals with the questions of the semantic structure of nouns in connection with typology of derivative meanings. Keywords: word of wide meaning, word of combined meaning, participation, digitization | 1142 | |||||
3044 | The article is the result of an experimental study of the structure of the teacher-philologist competence Keywords: teacher’s culture of speech, psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher, professional competence, teaching communication, nonverbal ability, professional competence, professional culture of the teacher | 1142 | |||||
3045 | In the present paper the connection of Pfaff’s equations with Lie transformations is considered. The averaging method in the restricted three-body problem based on Lie transformations in Pfaff’s space is proposed. The efficiency of such an algorithm for the problem of asymptotic integration in dynamics is discussed for the case where the solutions of the problem require a great number of approximations. Keywords: perturbation theory, averaging method, Lie transformations, Pfaff’s equations, restricted three-body problem, satellites dynamics. | 1142 | |||||
3046 | The article deals with the professional problem of formation competence pedagogical university students in extracurricular activities, variants of the complex organization of extracurricular work for the formation of future teachers ready for professional work at schools of different levels and profiles as well as children of different social status and education. Keywords: student extracurricular activity, field work, competence, olympiad movement, volunteer, professional future teachers training | 1142 | |||||
3047 | The competence of vocational training is considered as the main purposes in realisation of the federal state educational standards. In the construction of the competent model of vocational training of the graduate they are as the integrating beginning. The realisation competent models on the basis of communication and integration of subject matters into preparation of the music teacher analyses the question on the maintenance and features of the given processes. Keywords: competent model, communication of disciplines, integration of disciplines | 1142 | |||||
3048 | Here are considered the methods of teaching foreign language professionally oriented communication of the nonlinguistic university lecturers. For effective implementation of the goals and educational process objectives as a whole and of each stage in a particular training interaction is based on the consistent implementation of the principles underlying modern methods of language teaching. In particular, there were defined the following specific characteristics in teaching foreign language professionally oriented communication of the non-linguistic specialties lecturers as absolute and variable. Keywords: adult learners, English language teaching methodology, specific characteristics. professionallyoriented foreign language, communication | 1142 | |||||
3049 | The article discusses the creation of e-learning courses. Using data based on personal, national and international experience, the author shows that the creation of digital resources is an important stage of e-learning formats promotion in educational practice of educational institutions. Proposed algorithm for creating e-learning course includes five stages: the selection or creation of educational content for its presentation in electronic form; definition of e-learning course model and its central figure according to didactic and methodological principles of e-learning; choice of tools used to create the digital content; choice of course management system or any other platform for remote placement of content and development of a new type of interaction. It is noted that taking into account the specifics of creating electronic training courses significantly reduces the effort required to develop them, allowing you to achieve uniformity of training courses alongside with maintaining the individuality of the teacher and the specifics of the subject. Keywords: E-learning, electronic educational resources, information and communication technology, education, e-learning didactics | 1142 | |||||
3050 | The article deals with necessity of university complexes establishment which allows to form innovative infrastructure and create educational programs to the needs of the real economy and its science-based, high-technology sector. The phenomenon of the university complex involves establishing creative environment for real innovation process combined with the training of a new generation personnel with innovative skills. Managers, professors, scholars, Ph.D. candidates, students, representatives of companies and project organizations who are included in the environment use innovative thinking in all professional and personal processes. Countries with developed economy prove that advantages of innovation-based development are increasing competitive advantage of national economy and settle social and economic issues. Shows the experience of the university complex establishment in several Siberian regions as a model of interaction between labor market and education market in the processes of labour force reproduction for industry. For universities responding to regional challenges means moving to the role of the active subject of formation and implementation of regional economy, including: formation of regional strategy of socioeconomic development; formation and realization of large investment projects on the basis of private-public partnership; scientific-educational outcomes supply for the region (innovation projects and project teams for their implementation), etc. University, which is developed according to the model of the university complex, responds to the challenges of modern socio-economic development of the region. Therefore the university complex is a vital institutional mechanism which is provided with priorities, objectives, projects and resources. Keywords: innovative thinking, market for services, labour force reproduction, university complex, effective training | 1142 |