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451 | The question of the national problem in Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the period of the first ten years of its existence is analyzed by the author. When analyzing these documents the author proves that the Academy had the power which were ready and able to fight for the nation science in spite of luck of Russian scientists in the Academy. | 1390 | |||||
452 | This article analyses the impact of globalization on many dimensions of language interaction between peoples of different cultural backgrounds. Language development trends are highlighted and principles of development of the constructive cultural and language policy are discussed. The main features of the linguistic dimension of globalization are considered as well as possible approaches to timely and adequately meet the challenges of globalization. | 1390 | |||||
453 | In the article questions of the organization of design activity in the elementary school are examined. The authors represent the stages of design activity, show the characteristic properties of this activity as the subject activity of the child, i.e., of activity in the private venture. Stages are reinforced by the concrete content based on example of one of the projects in the rural school. | 1390 | |||||
454 | Khanty have their own special names for things of every day life and special words to signify articles referring to women and men. For lack of furniture, hanty have a lot of primitive, but functional things such as bag, basket etc. Keywords: traditional objects, women's objects, men's objects, every day objects, specific number of things | 1390 | |||||
455 | In the article the analysis of national and international literature and practice is executed on rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled people by means of physical training and sport. Keywords: disabled person, rehabilitation, social adaptation, adaptive physical training, adaptive sport | 1390 | |||||
456 | The article considers the phenomenon of human visual perception asymmetry being an Individual characteristic of his personality. It is said about the interrelations between separate structural indexes of intelligence and personality’s will. The concept “monodominating features of outstanding asymmetry men” is introduced that enables to describe such of them which are determined by functional brain asymmetry and are revealed in human activity. | 1389 | |||||
457 | Value content of education is seen in two aspects: the first one as a value programme of social system; and the second aspect as value bases of educational process. Value paradigms of education concur with the basic moral programmes described within the “ethical square”. This fact is illustrated with classical literature creations. The author states that educational process may be both disciplinary and perfectionistic. Moreover, perfectionism as an educational programme follows the disciplinary one Keywords: value, education (moral training), perfectionism, agapism, utilitarianism, hedonism, sublimation, deviation, discipline, axiological analysis | 1389 | |||||
458 | The group structure of organic substance of mountain peat from different depths of peat lands (Republic Altai) is investigated. By a method of Inspeat are allocated humic acids, the characteristic of functional structure humic acids of peat according to IR-spectroscopy are given. Keywords: group composition, organic substances of peat, humic acids, IR-spectroscopy method, functional groups | 1388 | |||||
459 | The article dwells on the genesis of critical reception of Harriet Beecher-Stowe's novel «Uncle Tom's cabin» and reveals the changes in it's perception during different periods of Russian history. Keywords: Russian criticism and literature study, American literature | 1387 | |||||
460 | The article defines activity of a preschool educational institution based on a marketing approach. The analysis of work of the marketing division being a structural subdivision of an educational institution conducting research and experimental work in the marketing was carried out. Besides, the article describes the main areas of activity of the marketing division (working out a long-term development strategy of a preschool educational institution, searching for active social partners in the neighborhood, crafting an image of the educational institution among parents and pedagogical society of the city, raising the ranking of the educational institution), and stages of implementation of the marketing research and its subject. Keywords: marketing, marketing division, creative task groups, marketing research, SWOT-analysis. | 1387 | |||||
461 | There is still no consensus in the criminalistics literature on the place of forensic situational investigation in the current classification and on its right to independent existence. The purpose of this article is to describe the existing points of view about the nature of forensic situational investigation and to determine the author’s position on its object, subject and tasks. Keywords: forensic investigation, scientific discussions, object, subject and tasks of forensic situational investigation | 1387 | |||||
462 | The necessity of improving the quality control of the educational process is considered in the framework of the project activity. There are stages of project activities and instruments to create a model of the internal evaluation of the quality of the educational process. Keywords: educational process, quality education, quality management of educational process, project | 1387 | |||||
463 | The article deals with generalizing the results of theoretical and experimental research on the problem of personality subjectness and contains a historical insight into the study of the problem as well as existing contradictions in terminology and key components of subjective genesis. Keywords: subjectness of personality, reflected subjectness, subjectness of group, subjective genesis | 1387 | |||||
464 | The article classifies rural few complement schools (Tomsk region), bases didactic structure peculiarities of such educational establishments (forming contents of education on the basis of themes, complexity; technological complex of different-age education) Keywords: classification ofruralfew complement school, different-age contents ofeducation, technological complex of different-age education | 1386 | |||||
465 | The article analyses the choice of the meaning of life orientations of persons with different attitude to themselves. In the article the approaches to the definition of self-attitude are revealed, the characteristics of the types of self-attitude are defined, the life position of the person having a positive, negative and conflict modality of self-attitude is considered. Keywords: self-attitude, a personality sense, life orientations | 1386 | |||||
466 | This article contain historical and methodological review of CH4, CO2 and CO emission from West Siberian wetlands. Special attention is given to the problem of spatial and temporal heterogeneity of gas flux which associated with daily and seasonal ecosystem dynamics and waterlogged landscape patterns. Different estimations of regional gases fluxes are analyzed. Keywords: carbon balance, methane, carbon dioxide, wetlands, Western Siberia | 1386 | |||||
467 | A multivariate statistical (correlation, factor, cluster, discriminant and variance) analysis of the quality of entrants in a set of Russian pedagogical universities on the basis of entrance tests in 2010 revealed a highly significant negative correlation between the equity of applicants accepted on a competitive exam score and the target set. There was constructed a high-quality twelvefold cluster model of pedagogical universities in three-dimensional factor space reflecting entrance tests, allowing the group to provide teacher training universities, homogeneous set of factor indicators. Keywords: multidimensional statistical (correlative, factor, cluster, discriminant and dispersing) analysis, rating, entrance tests | 1386 | |||||
468 | The appeal to cultural traditions of the ancient world allows to understand a question of genesis of the European classical philosophy and to reveal features of the developing philosophical outlook. The central problem of research is the analysis to the mythological picture of the world which is the cornerstone of the Egyptian thinking that allows to create the idea of the developed concept of the person and the world at the time of Ancient Egypt. During research of the various empirical material opening the features of outlook in Ancient Egypt were applied the dialectic method promoting consideration of a thing in unity and a variety of its properties, the semiotics analysis and system approach allowing to consider outlook of Egyptians as some integrity, open for changes. As a result of generalization of archaeological and ethnographic material of the Ancient world, conclusions that specifics of outlook of Ancient Egypt is the hedonism were drawn, symbolism as principle of outlook, development of specific system of social ideals, formation of idea of the value of the personality as spiritual identity, statement of a cult fine (informal). Keywords: prephilosophy, mythological worldview, image of the world, symbol creation, language, art, culture | 1386 | |||||
469 | The main values of life, which were formed throughout human existence, are undergoing significant changes in modern social society. The moral crisis that emerged as a new anti-social phenomenon in the late 20th century, is changing the outlook of the youth, placing material values on priority positions. Spirituality and morality go to a secondary plan. And as a result there is a deformation of the family, birth relations, marriage bonds, child-parent relations are collapsing. Family traditions intended for formation and preservation of the family integrity, are lost. The word “tradition” itself (translated from Latin tratitio as “transfer”) means historically established and passed down from generation to generation customs, norms, laws, orders, rules of conduct. Creating a family, the birth of children are no longer the main foundations of life of modern man. The traditional patriarchal system is replaced by the new formations: single parent family, cohabitation of men and women. Members of such a family will not be able to form a correct representation of the younger generation not only about universal values, including what is dear to everyone: man, homeland, peace, friendship, work, education, culture. They can’t also formulate the concept of “family values”. Family values are something that matters to everyone. Most families identified for themselves the same moral principles of love, loyalty, trust, succession of generations. The family institute loses its significance, and the problem of its preservation must be solved at the state level – to teach the young people to responsibly and consciously treat the fact of creating and preserving the family, reviving and maintaining its value. Keywords: family, family values, human values, parent-child relationships, morality, spirituality, social society, family tradition, moral crisis, institution of the family | 1386 | |||||
470 | An adverse ecological hygienic situation in Tomsk region is reflected in the dynamics of the incidence and disability indicators within 1991-2003 years. The common disease incidence is increased by 31,8 %. The number of people with a chronic pathology is increased by 54,2 %. The medical examination in 2002 revealed that 60,3 % of children at the age of 0 – 18 years have deviations in the state of health. An increase in the number of consumptive children by 30 % causes a particular alarm. In early 2004, 53 371 invalids were registered in the region. Among them, 62,3 % of townsmen and 37,7 % of villagers. An increase in the number of invalids of 1 and 2 groups is indicative of the worsening of the population health. The main reason of the disability is the group “systemic disease”. The cardiovascular diseases take first place, cancer diseases take second place, trauma and poisoning consequences take third place, diseases of bones and muscles take fourth place, and tuberculosis takes fifth place. The level of the children disability is increased by 24,6 %. The congenital anomalies take first place in the city, whereas the children mental disorders are in the lead in the village. | 1385 | |||||
471 | The author discovers the similarity of poetic structures and deep semantic contexts of different writers’ books on the level of plotlines and composition, satiric touches and characters | 1385 | |||||
472 | On the basis of the analysis of a modern condition of vocational training and research of a level professionalisation thinking of the future teachers the new approach to the organization of training of the students, combining different strategy of training is offered: cognitively focused, activity focused, personal focused, in accordance with the stages of the expert professionalisation. Keywords: Is professional-pedagogical thinking, professionalisation thinking, structure of professional thinking of the teacher, stereotypes of thinking, activity the approach in professionalisation thinking. | 1385 | |||||
473 | Introducing of innovations in the work of a pre-school educational institution is an important condition for optimization and reforming of the preschool education system, as well as creation of a favorable domain-specific and developing environment for personal enhancement of every child. Innovations in the system of preschool education are aimed at selection of educational contents, planning of individual programs of children development, and formation of their creativity. The article defines a specific preschool educational institution that is being under development, which involves forecasting, long-term planning, special activity for innovation introduction, creating an experimental platform on the basis of the educational institution. Keywords: innovations, educational institution image, innovation management, project activity in the system of preschool education, experiment, experimental platform | 1385 | |||||
474 | This paper is the result of a theoretical study of the concept of “professional competence of the individual” and “communicative competence of the individual”. It examines the psycho-pedagogical approach to the personality and activities of the university teacher, based on the competence model of education. Keywords: competence, professional competence, communicative competence, pedagogical skills, personality | 1385 | |||||
475 | In the article the author reconstructs the thematic group of military words of the West European origin for the Tomsk colloquial speech of the XVII-th century using the data of the extant papers of business letter and analyses the nominations in historical-etymological aspect against a background of military vocabulary of the Turkic Mongolian origin. | 1384 | |||||
476 | The article considers creation and developing processes of the defended industry in Omsk and Tyumen region in the years of The Great Patriotic War. The controlling mechanisms of the defended industry are uncovered. The author pays special attention to the problems of plants’ development of the military-industrial complex. The scientific research was done with the use a of archive materials which were confidential before. Keywords: the defended industry, the military-industrial complex, the Great Patriotic War, Omsk, Tyumen, Zavodoukovsk. | 1384 | |||||
477 | The purpose of research was study polymorphism of genes of serotonin exchange and revealing of features of motivations in a condition of mental adaptation and dezadaptation. We study polymorphic variants of genes 5-HTR2A and 5-HTT and features of motivations at mentally healthy persons and at patients with neurotic, stress-related disorders. Keywords: genes of serotonin exchange, motivations, mental adaptation and dezadaptation | 1384 | |||||
478 | The concept interpretation “information competence the teacher of biology” is described in the article. Components are revealed and the structure of information competence of the teacher of biology is presented. Keywords: information competence, structure of information competence, components of information competence. | 1384 | |||||
479 | The present article is dedicated to the research of the speech act of disagreement from the point of view of the lexico-semantic orientation. The author also investigates the syntactical and intonational means that can represent the intention of disagreement in the Russian language. Keywords: pragmatics, speech act, negation, linguistic means of expression of disagreement, cue-stimulus, cue-response | 1384 | |||||
480 | The article deals with some peculiarities of techniques and tactics to meet a ball with the supply and implementation of a forwarding stroke. To standardize conditions there was used an automatic catapult. It is shown that the accuracy of the strike is correlated to the time of take-off player, the time to perform a jump attack, the number of the seen elements of the content of the game problems. Based on these results, there was developed a set of exercises to improve sports skills of volleyball forwards. Keywords: volleyball, exercise, forward strike, fitness equipment | 1384 | |||||
481 | Redaktsiya . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 74-74 . | 1383 | |||||
482 | The article is devoted to the problem of tolerance, its philosophical, sociological and psychological analysis; the evolution of this notion is traced. The widely known disproportion between the means of understanding and defining of tolerance and constantly growing number of empirical evidence which explain the mechanisms of origin of such phenomenon as tolerance | 1383 | |||||
483 | By 27 apparently healthy youth and 29 girl teen-age was investigated the interrelation of intellectual measure and accuracy of time perception with high frequency of electrical brain activity – gamma-rhythm. Connection of intellectual measure and accuracy time perception with level of cortical interaction on frequency gamma-rhythm activity and fazes of interaction between gamma-rhythm and low frequency composes of EEG was discovered. Keywords: intellect, gamma activity, low frequency rhythm EEG, cortical interaction, fazes connection, time perception | 1383 | |||||
484 | The paper deals with the history of Palestine over the period of the British mandate from 1922 till 1948, analysis of the relationship between Palestinian Arabs and Zionists, description of the socio-political and economic situation in the country, revelation of the role of the mandate-holder (Britain), contributed to a great extent to the partition of Palestine and the formation of Israel as a separate state. The object of research is Palestine during the creation of the post-colonial system of international relations after the First World War; the subject is the political and economic situation in Palestine in the period of the British mandate. The theoretical significance of the research is that it reveals the origins of the continuing Arab-Jewish conflict which has a destabilizing effect on the situation in the region and touches the geopolitical interests of leading political players. The analysis of the political and economic situation allows to identify the following causes contributing to the still ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict: (1) the dual character of the policies of the mandate-holder who is not interested in the creation of an independent Arab state in Palestine; (2) the growing economic dependence and impoverishment of Palestinian Arabs against the background of unlimited buying up the agricultural lands by the Zionist funds; (3) political disorganization and disunity of the Arab population, the absence of formed political forces able to defend the interests of the Arab people of Palestine; (4) the increasing influence of Zionists and of their organizations in Palestine; (5) a growing number of Jewish immigrants and the intensive erection of Jewish settlements in the territories belonging to the Palestinian Arabs. Keywords: British mandate, Palestine, Israel, Zionism, Arab-Israeli conflict | 1383 | |||||
485 | The author of article considers the important and many-sided theme, rather actual for modern Russia – Russian idea. In article sights of domestic philosophers XIX–XX on this problem are investigated. Definitions of Russian idea of N.A. Berdjaev, I.A. Iljin, N.O. Lossky, G.P. Fedotov and others are resulted. Russian idea is the historiosophical problem concerning Russia and Russian people as the main subject of Russian idea. The author not only especially stops on prophetical sights of outstanding thinkers concerning threat to the future of Russia. He brings to a focus to constructive and real forecasts, which will help to deduce the country from crisis, to save it from disintegration during the post communistic period. The author has tried to designate some intrinsic composed Russian idea that keeps the world outlook conceptual value for a modern Russian society. | 1382 | |||||
486 | In this article the author analyses the concept of the picture of the world and its meaning in the person’s life. Spirituality is looked at in two aspects: spirituality as the unit of soul and spirit and as the subjective inner world of the person. The author also analyses the concept of spirituality in the works of Russian philosophers and in home and foreign psychology. Special attention is drawn to interconnection and integration of soul and spirituality. And their specific character and interconnection allows the author to speak about archetypical basis of Russian soul. Of special interest is the author’s approach to spirituality as the manifestation of love. The analysis of the inner picture of the world as the spiritual world which forms the outside world is produced. | 1382 | |||||
487 | In the last decade of the XXth Century the national intelligentsia of Northern people began an active struggle for maintenance and revival of ancient ethnic traditions. The employees of scientific institutions, studying the traditional decorative art and the modern tendencies of its development played an important role in this struggle. They also took an active part in practical activity, connected with the development of folk crafts. | 1382 | |||||
488 | The article gives analysis of the most important models of communication and its ranking in the frames of information-synergetic approach. The research is supported by grant RFBR № 04-06-80192 | 1382 | |||||
489 | This article discusses self-injurious victim behavior. It selects the species and describes the types of adolescents with self-destructive behaviors. The author considers the dependence of suicidal motivation with aссentuate of personality and willed disorder. Keywords: self-injurious victim behavior, adolescence, self-inflicted violence, willed disorder, aссentuate personality | 1382 | |||||
490 | The article is dedicated to research of international experience of monetary union’s creation and expansion. It explored the main advantages and unsolved problems in the European monetary union’s policy. Keywords: regional integration, stages of integrations, monetary zones, monetary groupings, monetary union, national currency devaluation | 1382 | |||||
491 | The article considers the issue of global migration as a social phenomena specific for the process of globalization that transformed national social stratifications into parts of unique global social structure eligible by international differentiation of labour. The conclusion is that labour migration as a form of social contradiction stipulated by way of social production creates internal tension for national systems of capitalistic centres. Keywords: labour migration, migration, global social structure, social contradiction, interethnic tension | 1382 | |||||
492 | The paper describes classification of the types of uncertainty. The proposed situation of uncertainty is constructed on the basis of specifics of teachers’ professional development and their professional pedagogical activity. Keywords: situation of uncertainty, the uncertainty types of situations of uncertainty in professional pedagogical activity | 1382 | |||||
493 | The history of learning freshwater of molluscs of Siberia is considered. The items of information on a modern species composition of molluscums and their allocation on provinces of Siberia are reduced. Keywords: freshwater molluscs, allocation, province, zoogeography | 1381 | |||||
494 | The article reviews the experience of state support of small and medium-sized business in Tomsk region, positive aspects and problems are identified and some suggestions are given for possible improvement of the infrastructure and the measures taken by regional authorities to promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region. Keywords: small and medium-sized business, infrastructure, areas and tools of small and medium-sized businesses support in Tomsk region | 1381 | |||||
495 | The analysis of "dialogic language" theory of art underlying the concept of synthetism of E.I. Zamyatin allows delimiting it from genetically and formally close to it symbolist and vanguard concepts of synthesis. "Neorealism" of Zamyatin is considered in the wide cultural context of the epoch. | 1380 | |||||
496 | The progress of melioration peat bogs from agriculture and problems of science research are shown in the work Keywords: Peatlands, land reclamation, history, criteria of the estimation | 1380 | |||||
497 | With the help of questionnaire DOTS of A.Tomas at the big number of respondents (more than 3000) different age (from 16 till 75 years) the degree of display of 13 features of temperament (general activity, approach, mood, sensitivity, intensity, отвлекаемость, a rhythm of dream, a rhythm of meal, a rhythm of habits, persistence and flexibility of behaviour) has been investigated. Four types of age dynamics of features of temperament are described: 1) progressing increase in a degree of display of this or that feature; 2) progressing decrease in the corresponding size; 3) increase in a parameter at mature age and decrease in an old age; and 4) change of a parameter only at older persons. The opinion expresses, that these features are determined, natural morfo-functional changes in a brain and in an organism as a whole, connected to processes of the general ageing an organism. Keywords: features of temperament, age dynamics, types of changes | 1380 | |||||
498 | The article explains the concepts of «learner autonomy», «metacognitive strategies», «podcast». The author offers the model of developing learner autonomy skill while teaching the students of nonlinguistic specialties a foreign language with podcasts. Keywords: learner autonomy, foreign language teaching, metacognitive strategies, podcast. | 1380 | |||||
499 | The article presents the system-conceptual consideration of the interaction of artistic and religious consciousness in the synthesis of the genre of modern literature, such as traveling pilgrim. Understanding the cycle track AN Muraviev topical issues in the aspect of theoretical and historical poetics allows us to introduce in the context of the research strategy for the analysis and interpretation of literary works with a religious modus of artistic-oriented review of the specific manifest in these type of the worldview. Keywords: Russian literature, art space, art consciousness, pilgrimage, literature of travel | 1380 | |||||
500 | The article presents the analysis of meaning of research activity of schoolchildren in the learning process, the experience of physical teachers of Tomsk for organization research activities of schoolchildren and perspectives. Keywords: researching activity, functions and results, organization at main and profile school | 1380 |