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1 | The problem of gender peculiarities of speech aggressiveness is regarded on associative, textual, and dialogic levels. It is underlined that the speech aggressiveness has specific peculiarities connected with various psychological mechanisms of speech functioning, language consciousness, and individual peculiarities of speech codes of a language personality. It is concluded that the degree of the manifestation and the form of the speech aggressiveness is conditioned by sociocultural factors. The object of the research presented below is the peculiarity of masculine and feminine aggressive discourse represented in oral and written speech of a man. | 1288 | ||||
2 | There are studied microsocial stressful influences on 140 patients with forming personality disorders at 12–18 years ago. The term “gender role” is connected with degree of the person takes and follows the forms of the behaviour, the culture ordered to him or her. There are discussed the problem of “gender identity”, “gender stereotypes”, influence microsocial environment on forming behavioural disorders. Essence of the deviating behaviour on gender level is considered as serious interpersonal conflict, being hindrance to organizations spiritual space of personality. The violations of sexual identity (masculinity-felinity) in sphere deviating behaviour, non-acceptance sexual roles are enough slim indicator in sphere deviating behaviour of teenagers. | 1425 | ||||
3 | Paper is devoted to development of a problematics of student’s crises, their interdisciplinary analysis from positions medic-psychological preventology mental health. The theoretical aspect of development of a problem includes the analysis of phenomenology and psychosocial and existential roots of crisis, a role of personal resources and psychological mechanisms совладания in overcoming crisis, a role of crisis in spiritual development and transformation of the person. The practical aspect is presented by definition of main principles and priority strategy of the psychological help to the students experiencing crisis, in structure organized in educational space of high school of psychological service | 1187 | ||||
4 | In work content, directions and methods of research of mental health of students are presented. The research model of translation of theoretical conceptual model of primary preventive maintenance of mental health of students in a direction of the prevention of pathogenic development of existential crises in empirical which is designed as a medical-psychological problem is presented. Principles and methods of the psychological help to the students experiencing crisis are defined | 1187 | ||||
5 | In work the conceptual device of the complex program of preservation of health of participants of the pedagogical process, consisting of three parts is defined: 1) a substantiation of a choice of priority directions in the field of the prevention of a mental pathology, definition of the purposes and problems; 2) a complex of the actions directed on forecasting of psychiatric and narcological situations, protection and strengthening of mental health of the certain contingents of the population, revealing of factors at separate (нозологических) forms of a pathology; 3) a scientific substantiation of ways of formation, maintenance and strengthening of mental health | 1153 | ||||
6 | Research of a phenomenon and diagnostics of existential crisis conditions is carried out; psychosocial and existential roots of crisis are revealed; psychological and psychotherapeutic aspects experience of existential crisis; principles and methods of the psychological help to the persons experiencing crisis are certain; the interrelation of existential crisis and suicide tendencies is established at a depressive background of mood; the role in overcoming crisis of personal resources and psychological is certain | 1120 | ||||
7 | In the article the realized research on the revealing of pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in professionalization and stabilization of mental health of teacher-graduates, existential dialogue as the psychological criterion of readiness for selfdevelopment and innovative activity in the morden conditions of education is discussed. Selfmonitoring in the context of the realized research is considered as the begining of reflection over existential sense of pedagogical profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of educational identity can be organized in the conditions of engineering of educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements of balintovskiy sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management of educational process, quality of education, selfmonitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 1107 | ||||
8 | In the research the regularities, charactarizing the influence of personal, organizational and social factors on socio-psychological adaptation of a student in the university, by the example of Tomsk state pedagogical university. Keywords: educational identity, existential crisis, professional self-determination, mental health | 1276 | ||||
9 | In the article the problem of recessionary condition in the process of formation of students' professional identity in the view of mental health stabilization is represented. Crisis situation is represented as the possibility of exhibition of personal creative ability, the factor of professional and personal formation, the period for development of basic sociogenic potentiality. Keywords: professional choice, educational identity, crisis, mental health, educational process | 1214 | ||||
10 | The article presents analysis of efficiency of escort model in the structure of psychological service of university as a method of projecting of prophylactic education space on psychological criteria. Keywords: psychological escort of educational process, stress, health, adaptation, crisis | 1265 | ||||
11 | The article presents the approaches to the solving of the problem of disadaptation in the conditions of psychological support of institutes of higher education and identification of the factors of crisis conditions origins of the students. Keywords: psychic health of students, psychicoadaptive and psychicodisadaptive conditions, abnormal individual reactions | 1156 | ||||
12 | In this article, the author proposes the concept of organizing of the service of medical and psychological support at higher school based on specialized medical institution. Complexes of therapeutic and prophylactic, diagnostic and psychotherapeutic interventions. Keywords: state of maladjustment, psychotherapeutic methods, service of medical and psychological support of the educational process at higher school | 1110 | ||||
13 | This article discusses the causes and factors of crises of identity, diagnostic criteria for student status acmeological identity crisis, the crisis, factors contributing to the favorable course and a positive out of acmeological identity crisis. Keywords: acmeological identity crisis, university students, pedagogical conditions for overcoming the crisis of identity. | 1105 | ||||
14 | Improving the effectiveness of training, rehabilitation and social adaptation is realized through interagency of agencies. The author draws attention to the most productive forms of interdepartmental cooperation, defi nes the functions of the organizations involved in it. Modular structuring of institutions, according to the author, allows a systematic approach to the problem of organizing access to education for children with special educational needs. Keywords: children with special educational needs, accessible education, inclusive education, interagency cooperation, module. | 1250 | ||||
15 | The analysis of formation of special competencies of the future teacher is presented in this article. The author’s technique of formation of special professional competencies of the future teacher (law teacher) is described. It is done in the frame of the task’s technique with the use of information and communications technology. Keywords: professional qualifi cations, special competencies of the future teacher, author’s technique of formation of special competencies of the future teacher | 1075 | ||||
16 | The process of personal and professional formation of students includes teaching and educational component. There is a significant difference in the formation of professional identity of students of full-time and part-time offices. The use of a personalized approach to the organization of the educational process extramural students contributes to the quality of the training of future teachers, professionals. Keywords: self-monitoring, personalized education, crisis professional self-identity education, teaching and learning process | 1056 | ||||
17 | The article considers the problems of moral education in modern society from the perspective of studies of approaches of social and pedagogical support of deviant teenagers. Keywords: moral education, deviant teenagers, modern problems of education | 1153 | ||||
18 | This paper gives an overview of the theoretical foundations of personological approach as the basis of psychological and pedagogical study of personality in the ontogeny of the various stages of its formation and selfdetermination in the pedagogical and social-psychological perspective. Keywords: personological approach, personality structure, ontogeny, the constitution, the formation of personality | 1095 | ||||
19 | The identity acmeological crisis of students includes an educational component. There were identified: positive and negative experience within the crisis. There was also identified a variety of psychological recovery from the crisis of the first year of study at the university: the constructive and destructive way out of the crisis. Keywords: acmeological identity crisis, positive experience of the crisis, negative experience during the crisis, the constructive and destructive exit from the crisis, crisis of professional self-identity of the educational criteria | 1025 | ||||
20 | This paper deals with the problem of aggression and deviant behaviour among adolescents on the epistemological level, and from the perspective of the moral education of the individual in modern society. An attempt was made to consider deviant behaviour from the perspective of orthodox psychology. Keywords: deviant behaviour, teenage aggression, education, morality | 1202 | ||||
21 | The article provides a psychological analysis of the professional and personal reaction specificity of the rescuers; thesaurus provides the basic concepts and definitions. The article demonstrates the medical-psychological aspect of psycho-emotional experiences of emergencies and their consequences, as well as the preservation of mental health of professional rescuers. Keywords: stress, risk, extreme states, mental health | 1225 | ||||
22 | The formation of the picture ofmaladjustment of adolescents, the complex of unfavourable microsocial conditions have shown a certain dependence on the clinical and dynamic variant of personal bias or stages. The authors justified the adequacy of personological approach and based on its integrated programs of psycho-diagnostics and prevention, that will substantially optimize corrective, therapeutic, rehabilitative measures and increase their effectiveness. Keywords: maladjustment, deviant behavior of adolescents, micro social-environmental factors, psychological testing, personological approach | 1339 | ||||
23 | The clinical analysis of influence of a chronic emotional pressure in the conditions of professional activity on development of post-traumatic stressful frustration is given. Adequacy of application of personological approach lies in consultation of persons of the stressor professions. Keywords: stress, mental adaptation, post-traumatic stressful frustration, psychological conflict, personological consultation | 1096 | ||||
24 | The article presents the problem of existential experiences of the developing personality. A theoretical overview of research terminological analysis is made. The notion of existential crisis of identity in ontogeny, reconstructed in the space of self-determination is analised. Keywords: Identity, existential crisis, developing person, ontogeny | 1054 | ||||
25 | The article considers the problem of improving the quality of teacher training to correctional work with children with disabilities in the cognitive component and the criterion of social intellect. The question of becoming a professional identity is studied in terms of creating a reference model of the expert system as professionally important qualities, abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for successful implementation. One of the main problems is the lack of education and lack of preparedness of specialists, in particular, clinical psychologists and educators. The study revealed that the majority of the ezamined is characterized by an average level of social intellect, and a high level of readiness for the second year of studies reaches a very small number of students. Teachers-psychologists are only half ready to correctional work with children with disabilities according to the criterion of social intelligence, because a cognitive component of psychological readiness corresponds to values of low and intermediate level. Keywords: cognitive component, professional training, social intellect | 1059 | ||||
26 | In the article the problem of identity is represented as a complex concept, combined with mental health. Individuality is seen as a complex concept, combined with the mental health as a manifestation of individuality, the image of I. Ascertaining experiment was conducted to identify the level of development of gender identity, the selflevel and the level of internality of boys – teenagers and girls – teenagers. There was presented the analysis of the research level of internality of teenagers and their self-attitude, their impact on gender identity. There was identified the correlation between gender identity and the self-attitude and gender identity and the level of internality of boys and girls – teenagers. It is proved that the gender experience of psychological research can be extremely useful, opening up new scientific and practical research prospects. It determines social and psychological criteria problems at the present stage in the relationship with mental health. The scientific novelty is presented in consideration of the formation of gender identity in relation to the mental health of adolescents. The hypothesis of our study presented in this article is as follows: the level of internality and the level of selfattitude the level of gender identity. Thus, there was revealed the relationship between gender identity, self-attitude and gender identity and the level of internality separately for teenage boys and for teanage girls, then the results were compared with each other. Keywords: mental health, adolescent gender identity, micro-social-environmental factors, self-esteem, socialization of adolescents | 1088 | ||||
27 | The article discusses a study conducted to identify pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in the professionalisation and stabilization of mental health of graduates and educators, as well as existential dialogue as a psychological test of readiness for self-development and innovation in the current situation of education. Self-monitoring in the context of the study is considered as the beginning of reflection on the existential meaning of the teaching profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of the educational identity can be organized in terms of designing the educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements Balint sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management, quality education, self-monitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 978 | ||||
28 | Assessment of the quality of teacher education and professional development of the teacher is seen as the process of mastering the teaching activities and personal growth, which involves the study of methods of mastering the teaching activities and conditions of their development. Especially urgent this problem is for the graduates, as in this situation, many of them found the educational crisis of identity, doubts about the professional choice and the need of professional self-determination. According to the authors, the self-monitoring procedure can make a contribution to the practice of dialogue, subject-subject relations in the modern educational process, quality control of pedagogical knowledge through the development of professional self-determination of graduates. Self-monitoring models the reflection situation, allows to determine ist place and role in the work of the graduate on his teaching experience, to stimulate the development of his professional and psychological culture Keywords: education, management, quality of teaching, dialogue, teacher, graduate, self-monitoring | 1076 | ||||
29 | The article deals with the specifics of psychosocial, cognitive and physical development of children of primary school age in relation to mental health. The main objectives of the proposed study are to establish a clear picture of the modern younger schoolchild in ontogeny in the system of theoretical concepts and empirical knowledge; the formation of a holistic approach to mental health, a special way of thinking, defined by the guiding principles of domestic and foreign psychology, modern understanding of the basic categories of developmental psychology on the segment of primary school age. Presented psychodiagnostic study of younger schoolchildren of their mental development based on the biopsychosocial approach. The result of which the data leads to the conclusion that the process of adaptation of first-graders to school depends on the characteristics of emotional and volitional and personal spheres, that is the basis of mental health. Keywords: primary school age, mental health, adaptation, ontogenesis | 1109 | ||||
30 | In the article the problem of adolescent development is presented as a complex concept, combined with the mental health of individuals in general, and social health of society as a whole. In this context, the author presents his view on the problem of the pathogenesis, classification (taxonomy), structure, clinical dynamics and outcomes of psychogenic formations of adolescents. Provides the analysis of the current state of a multidisciplinary approach to the study of mental health and correction of the adolescent population. Defined social and psychological criteria for the problem at present stage in relation to mental health. Systematized the directions of a complex approach to the psycho-prophylaxis as a problem of global, state nature, because the health of individual microsocial groups, the health of different regions of the country makes the mental health of the whole nation – as the basis for the security of the future prosperity of Russia. Keywords: mental health, social orphanhood, micro-social-environmental factors, socialization of adolescents | 877 | ||||
31 | The article presents a theoretical study of the problem of deviant behavior in relation to the style of child-parent relations. The article is a continuation of the long-term study of the problems of aggression in the teenage environment, the role of the family and family education in the formation of the personality, of the pedagogical and psychological support of the developing personality. The social and vital necessity of people to join and maintain a close relationship is discussed. Proceeding from the statement of J.D. Meyers that: «Social addiction in childhood contributes to the strengthening of our human connections», «linking with inseverable ties of children and their caregivers, social attachment acts as a powerful impetus to survival» discusses the attachment types: safe, avoiding, anxious-ambivalent. It is concluded that it is difficult to overestimate the importance of child-parent relations for the adaptation of the child in society and his ability to establish contacts with other people. At the same time, one should not draw conclusions about the formation of adaptive and communicative skills of the child, when assessing the type of attachment based only on the maternal style. However, avoiding attachment leads to the formation of aggressive, shy, and rejected children, which contributes to the development of various deviations. Keywords: family education style, child-parent relations, aggressive behavior, psychological and pedagogical conditions | 1025 | ||||
32 | The article analyzes the problem of qualitative preparation and professional self-determination of graduates - future teachers in the context of self-monitoring of educational identity. Most higher educational organizations take into account, to varying degrees, new innovative educational technologies. The humanistic approach in education is relevant to the subject-subject paradigm, the transition to which is possible through the development and formation of subject positions of students, transferring them from passive consumers of information to actively and consciously acting participants in the educational process, subjects of educational activity. «Quality» is a fundamental parameter of any kind of activity and is now considered as one of the most important categories of philosophy and a term actively used in the modern economy. This process in the pedagogical system has specific features. Thus, the expert evaluation of the management of the quality of the pedagogical process, referring to the administrative language, refers to the internal audit of the content of education in a pedagogical university. Improving the quality of education also involves solving important methodological problems in the management of the quality of teacher education, which include the solution of the psychological and pedagogical problem of professional self-determination and educational identity. According to the authors, the self-monitoring procedure can complement the practice of developing subject-subject relations in the modern educational process, in the management of the quality of pedagogical education through the development of professional self-determination of graduate students. Keywords: education, management, teaching profession, self-monitoring, identity, quality of education | 996 |