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1 | In the article «About new possibilities for the methodological synthesis by the studying of the powerful structures of the early Middle Ages» the author sets the methodology for searching cf social structures (among them - powerful structure). This methodology is used by the medievists of the french «School «Annais» and is connected with reorientation to the subjective analysis factors - personality and mentality. The author brings it out as transition from the macrolevei to the microlevel of searches. This search direction becomes priority in the modern native historiography too. | 918 | ||||
2 | In article some aspects of influence of Peter the Great’s reforms on transformation of gender relations in XVIII-th century Russia are shined. It is widely known, that Peter I has appreciably changed a social standing of Russian women, thus the contents of these changes was not unequivocal, that is connected both with features of Russian cultural tradition, and with characteristic features of the person of the tsar – reformer. One of the major consequences of Peter the Great’s epoch is the long period of female board in Russia. The author of article makes attempt to clear the reasons and features of this phenomenon. | 1198 | ||||
3 | This article is devoted to the analysis of transformation of a governor’s image in Russia at Peter the Great’s reign. On the material of American historiography the sources of Russian imperious mythologems pecularities in a context of previous development and in comparison with West European authority traditions are considered. | 1154 | ||||
4 | In the article changes of the Russian governors gender roles in result of Peter the Great transformations with accent on an image of the tsar-reformer are analyzed. The author also aspires to reveal sources of the long female board period of the XVIIIth century in Russia. | 1035 | ||||
5 | Some theoretical and practical aspects of imposture problem in Russia are discussed on the material of 17th – first quarter of 18th century. Among sources there are unpublished archival materials. Keywords: imposture, czar power, charisma, crisis | 992 | ||||
6 | In the article the problem of the typology of political regimes in modern times is considered. With the comparative historical approach we single out the specifics of the Russian autocracy as opposed to absolutism, and from oriental despotism. Keywords: absolutism, autocracy, despotism, political regime, modern times | 1635 | ||||
7 | In the article, with the involvement of previously unpublished archival materials, some aspects of daily life of professional entertainments at the court of Peter I: buffoons and dwarves are investigated. Keywords: Petrine era, courtyard of the monarch, the laughter culture, buffoons | 1030 | ||||
8 | The article deals with the first form of implementation of European education, introduced by Peter I – Russian students sending abroad. It gives the opinion on the effectiveness of this policy, as expressed by his contemporaries, and researchers. The author assesses the learning outcomes “volunteersо from the point of view of their influence on the course of modernization processes in Russia New time. The author views the results of “volunteersо learning in terms of its influence on the course of modernization processes in Russia in modern times. The author used previously unpublished archival material. Keywords: Petrine era, education, reforms, modernization, elite | 968 | ||||
9 | In the article changes in the way of masculine representation, manifested in the figure of Peter I, in comparison with the typical standards, adopted in the pre-Petrine Russia and in contemporary Europe, is considered. Effects of these changes on the nobility, as well as forms of communication of their distribution to the general styling of the Petrine reforms, is observed. Keywords: Petrine era, gender, masculinity, elite | 993 | ||||
10 | The article deals with the problem of revision of the views and interpretations of the Russian history “hot” topics, based on non-scientific political and emotional factors, which is one of the manifestations of the society historical consciousness crisis. Particular attention is given to reduction of the level of critical attitude towards historical information caused by the spread of the Internet. On the example of the character of Ivan the Terrible it shows the necessity and possibility of findings’ verification in a situation of insufficient source base by successive application of historical-comparative method. Identifies the main methodological criteria to select objects and data sources for historical-comparative study. Keywords: early modern times, Ivan IV the Terrible, monarchy, historiography, historical-comparative method | 860 | ||||
11 | The article attempts to identify the meaning of mock weddings and funerals which were the important part of the festive culture of the Petrine era and did not find a consistent explanation in historiography. For the analysis of historical material the author draws M. M. Bakhtin’s culturological nature theory of carnival and B. A. Uspenskiy’s theory of anti-behavior, as well as laughter concepts, lying at the intersection of cultural studies and psychology. Interdisciplinary and comparative-historical approaches allows to highlight in Peter’s amusements the characteristics of both Russian and European holiday traditions, creatively transformed by the tsar-reformer. Proposed the assumption that the elements of carnival, “adsorbed” by the baroque culture, was performed for Peter’s psyche a compensatory function, helping to cope with the stresses, related with the disturbance of cultural norms in the course of reform activities. Keywords: Peter I, early modern time, interdisciplinary approach, carnival culture, anti-behavior, laughter | 905 | ||||
12 | This article focuses on the analysis of organization and content matter of student competition on History as part of the Siberian rounds of the XIII and XIV All-Russian student competitions on History among pedagogical universities held in 2016–2017 hosted by Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The authors analyze particular aspects connected with organizing academic Olympiads for bachelor’s and master’s degree students majoring in “Pedagogical Education”. A two-aspect format (comprising both theoretical and practical components) has been considered as appropriate for organizing academic Olympiads. The theoretical component is based on the tasks which allow to reveal the abilities of doing cognitive activities, the level of historical consciousness of potential teachers while the practical component involved methodological assignments which assess the abilities to apply academic performance in real educational process as well as the abilities to put into practice professional competences connected with History teachers’ pedagogical work. The forms of carrying out of various competitions (intellectual games, brainstorming, discussions, tasks on complex analysis of the historical source, section of creative methodical tasks, creation of the exhibition concept, essay contest) are described, criteria of their estimation is analyzed, the characteristic peculiarities of each competitive task are revealed. For the first time at the student competition in 2016, a new form was tested as a training session (an open lesson) with 7–8 classes schoolchildren participating. The introduction of this form into the student competitions is natural and relevant for development of student competitions movement in pedagogical universities of Russia. Moreover, the paper presents the data describing participants’ performance in particular activities; this may contribute to enhancing the efficiency of organizing academic olympiads in History, updating the technologies as well as improving the process of training participants for such kinds of events. Keywords: subject competition, history, content structure, evaluation criteria, open lesson, pedagogical professionalization, identification of talented youth | 853 |