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1 | This article is devoted of studying social-psychological problems of organ children and their parents in adopted families, living in countryside conditions. In terms of complex diagnostics reveal important factors, which defined a success of social-psychological adaptation of adopted children. Keywords: social-psychological adaptation of adopted children, adopted children, adopted families | 2498 | ||||
2 | The article illustrates that the awareness and attitude of teenagers with cerebral paralysis is mainly defined by the level of their subjectness. The higher the level of the subjectness of teenagers with cerebral paralysis is, the more adequate their view of their defect, the existing limitations and the available possibilities is. Keywords: health, teenager, subjectness. | 1261 | ||||
3 | The article deals with generalizing the results of theoretical and experimental research on the problem of personality subjectness and contains a historical insight into the study of the problem as well as existing contradictions in terminology and key components of subjective genesis. Keywords: subjectness of personality, reflected subjectness, subjectness of group, subjective genesis | 1382 | ||||
4 | This paper deals with the problem of aggression and deviant behaviour among adolescents on the epistemological level, and from the perspective of the moral education of the individual in modern society. An attempt was made to consider deviant behaviour from the perspective of orthodox psychology. Keywords: deviant behaviour, teenage aggression, education, morality | 1203 | ||||
5 | The formation of the picture ofmaladjustment of adolescents, the complex of unfavourable microsocial conditions have shown a certain dependence on the clinical and dynamic variant of personal bias or stages. The authors justified the adequacy of personological approach and based on its integrated programs of psycho-diagnostics and prevention, that will substantially optimize corrective, therapeutic, rehabilitative measures and increase their effectiveness. Keywords: maladjustment, deviant behavior of adolescents, micro social-environmental factors, psychological testing, personological approach | 1340 | ||||
6 | The article considers the psychological readiness of psychology students for professional work in the framework of inclusive education. As a basic framework was adopted model of psychological readiness of F. M. Rekesheva, including cognitive, emotional and motivational-value components. The criterion for determining the level of preparedness for professional work psychology students was the degree of formation of its components. The study revealed that the majority of psychology students of the second year are not psychologically prepared for professional work in an inclusive environment, as the level of development of the studied components corresponds to low and middle values. The obtained results of the study indicate the need to strengthen the practice-oriented component in the preparation of students planning profession in terms of inclusive education. Keywords: psychological readiness of students, professional activity, inclusive education | 1175 | ||||
7 | The article presents the results of an empirical study on the development of attention of younger schoolchildren with the general underdevelopment of speech (ONR) of IV level enrolled in a comprehensive school. In the course of the study primary school children with ONR of IV level revealed fast exhaustion of attention and inability of prolonged concentration. This category of children is characterized by the reduction of the overall health and severe fatigue at the end of the assignment. In addition, younger students with ONR of IV level had individual difficulties when switching from one job to another. The author considered the average group indices of concentration and stability of attention in the time, recorded their decline by the middle and the end of the implementation of the proposed tasks. Cyclical fluctuations in attention is noticeable from the increase or drop in the number of processed characters and dynamics errors. These findings reveal younger students’ with ONR of IV level peculiarities of attention, which, in turn, are the cause of underperformance in educational activity. Keywords: attention, general underdevelopment of speech (ONR), junior high school students | 2600 | ||||
8 | The article describes the methodological approach of reproductive behavior of women, which is studies as a systemic structural-level education, having an internal organization. Study of mutual of individual elements of the structure of reproductive behavior allows you to plan ways of reproductive health of woman; identify psychological mechanisms of finding a mate, as it is often called in modern European literature, “a partner for long-term relationships”; explore the variety of forms of human sexual behavior; explore matrimonial behavior; consider the maternal function of the modern woman; understand the mechanisms of deviant forms of maternal behavior and develop effective methods for their correction. Reproductive behavior, considered as the sex social function, aimed at procreation, has a narrower context – the maternal function. The maternal function is represented by a biological parent function level (the instinct of procreation), personal and social (family and ethno-cultural characteristics of upbringing and education of the child, social requirements and installation). These levels compete in the process of becoming a personality, because they are stereotypes of behavior – the so-called maternal instinct. Keywords: personality, reproductive behavior, maternal function, structure, woman, marriage, family, reproduction, installation, motives, needs | 2628 | ||||
9 | The article presents the results of a comparative study of social competence of adolescents with normal mental development and their peers with learning disabilities (mental retardation). The study found that three of the four subtests as described in J. Guilford and M. Sullivan (“Stories with the completion”, “Verbal expression”, “Stories with the supplement”) adolescents of two groups show the same type of results. So, according to the sub-tests “Stories with the completion” and “Verbal expression” most adolescents have an average level of social intelligence, according to the subtests “Stories with the supplement” – below average. According the subtest “Group of the expression” adolescents with a normal level had an average level of social intelligence and adolescents with mental retardation – below average. Using the scale of A. M. Prihozhan it was found that adolescents with normal mental development have normative regulatory social competence. Adolescents with mental retardation show a lag in the development of social competence. And this is most clearly seen in the subscales: “Self confidence” and “Interest in social life”». Using the techniques of Thomas it was found that in conditions of normal psychological development of adolescents prevail two tactics of behavior in conflict situations: competition and cooperation. Adolescents with mental retardation in conflict situations use mixed styles of passive behavior: avoidance and adaptation. Keywords: social development, social competence, adolescent, mental retardation | 2516 |