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1 | Contemporary Teacher: Training, Experience, Competence | 1234 | ||||
2 | The paper presents the intermediate results of research for working out a system of psychological pedagogical means for diagnostics of students’ successfulness (academic as well as intellectual). As the central pivot for the whole system there was chosen a set of test situations, which allow to perform computer analysis of students’ activity in the process of solving test problems. To estimate the successfulness of this activity we make use of one of the methods of system analysis, namely – the method of hierarchy analysis. | 1248 | ||||
3 | At present the problem of changing quality of education is very urgent. It’s necessary to work out a new conceptual scheme of measuring the system of students’ intellectual abilities and of the qualities which constitute their competence. The project-research activity which is realized in a process of study, helps, on the one hand, to develop competence, methodic and research culture of students, giving the possibility to show one’s knowledge and to get appraisal of one’s achievements. On the other hand, this project-research activity becomes the means of finding out and monitoring interests and capabilities of each student at math lessons. | 1235 | ||||
4 | At this article the authors analyses the problems installation of modern technologies to physical fundamental education and they suggests the way of combination the traditions and innovations technologies at the process organization elective courses | 1133 | ||||
5 | Methods for development of skill of self-supervising in study activity at lessons in Physics are suggested. A variety of methods are considered which allow the students to verify the obtained results. The methods are classified into number of groups dependent on approach. A number of problems as examples, along with a particular method of self-control are invented | 1054 | ||||
6 | The article considers the problems of formation of conceptual experience of students by teaching mathematics. Revelation of typical mistakes and the causes of their origins allow to make conclusion that regularities of conceptual experience structure are not always taken into consideration during the process of teaching mathematics. Analysis of researches in the filed of psychology gives an opportunity to develop a model of structure and functioning of conceptual experience. This model is the basis of development of educational texts and mathematics tasks for the students of school Keywords: conceptual thinking, ways of information encoding, cognitive schemes, semantic structures, metacognitive experience | 1140 | ||||
7 | The article deals with the concept of self-education activities of pupils, the mechanisms of self-organization of students in mathematics in ungraded rural school Keywords: self-educational activities, mathematics, ungraded schools | 1383 | ||||
8 | The article analyses types of questions forming prerequisites for pupils' creative thinking development. Necessity of using guest ions providing different levels of understanding and promoting pupils' creative thinking development is based on the study of definite themes in school mathematics course in 5-6th forms Keywords: question, creative thinking development, mathematics, few complement school | 1084 | ||||
9 | Taking into consideration the analysis of the models of teaching children of different ages some ways of organization of education process at ungraded schools are suggested in this article. Keywords: different-age teaching, ungraded school, content of education. | 1276 | ||||
10 | In this article the authors recommend teachers of physics to use different technologies taking into consideration peculiarities of teaching pupils at different types of schools. Keywords: physics, teaching, schools of different types, different technologies and methods. | 1324 | ||||
11 | The article deals with the problem of training future teachers of mathematics. It focuses on the development of methodological culture of the teacher and the skills to design educational texts. The article describes the organization of lessons with students. It contains examples of tasks. Keywords: methodological culture of teacher, educational text, methodological skills, intellectual education | 1131 | ||||
12 | In this article there is analysis containing texts of tasks in physics textbooks for 7th form. There revealed features of tasks, and the way they meet the requirements for learning outcomes. Keywords: analysis containing, texts of tasks, physics textbooks, results of learning | 1050 | ||||
13 | The article is devoted to the project of education in the development of universal educational actions. On the example of studying the theme “Sequence” there are various types of educational texts, which are directed to development of the project activities of the students at the lessons of mathematics. Keywords: method of projects at mathematics lessons, educational texts, regulatory, cognitive and communicative universal educational actions | 1282 | ||||
14 | The article deals with the problem of designing the content of mathematical education, which realizes requirements of the federal state educational standard of the general education and promotes control of results of the training directed on formation of universal educational actions. The approach to creation of the special educational tasks promoting formation of universal educational actions of pupils in the 5–6 grades is offered. This system of tasks is used for self-checking, intermediate and total control of formation of universal educational actions. Keywords: universal educational actions, subject and metasubject results of training, levels of formation of universal educational actions | 1165 | ||||
15 | The article identifies the preconditions, leading destinations of the methodological base for creating a modern system of additional vocational teacher education in the emerging network society. Keywords: adult education, methodological approaches, pedagogical conditions of andragogical approach realization | 1075 | ||||
16 | The article suggests a solution of the problem of increase of motivation to study physics and the development of social skills relevant to students of a non-central school on the basis of the lesson-projects system. Keywords: system of lesson-projects, social skills, increase of motivation | 1007 | ||||
17 | Today’s school objectives to teach students to learn suppose developing of internal motivation among students. The priority motives of students of juvenile age are as follows: interest in the new; aspiration to fulfill one’s potential; necessity to understand the training material; significance of the studied material for improvement of personal experience. The content of mathematics education plays an important role in the search for the means of internal motivation of training activity. At the same time not only training skills but also ways of cognitive activity should act as the content of education. The unit of the content of education is a teaching text. It is the teaching text that can initiate active motivated intellectual activity of students. But not every teaching text can act as the factor of motivation of training activity. It should be a teaching text based on a psychodactical approach which would allow to identify the types of teaching texts that create the conditions for motivating training activities at its different stages. The study showed that the texts for students of grades 5 to 9, aimed at enriching the various forms of students’ mental experience (cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive, emotional-evaluative), make it possible to motivate students’ training activities at different stages. For example, such types of texts as «text as an encoding of information», «text as motivation», «text as an assessment and choice of features of the concept», «text as establishing links between concepts», «text as a programme», «text as means of self-monitoring», «text as a choice of mode of operation», «text as a choice of cognitive position», etc. guide students in their cognitive activities at the current stage of the development of school mathematical education. Keywords: motivation of school activity, mental experience, training texts | 1231 | ||||
18 | Studies in the field of pedagogy, psychology and techniques of teaching mathematics show that the success of future mathematics teachers largely depends on how much they possess the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of the patterns of students’ mental (intellectual and personal) development they possess and the ability to apply this knowledge. In particular, knowledge of the basics of intellectual upbringing of students can help in solving the problems of modern school mathematics education. Such a problem statement of vocational training of future mathematics teachers involves the organization of training, in which psychological, didactic, methodological and mathematical knowledge is integrated, that is a psychodynamic approach to learning is implemented. The Department of Mathematics, Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics of Tomsk State Pedagogical University developed one of the ways for implementing this approach. It includes the development and integration of such disciplines as “Methods of Teaching Mathematics”, “Intellectual Upbringing”, “Modern Models for Teaching Mathematics”, “Developing Technologies in Teaching Mathematics” and other. The integration is carried out through the implementation of the following psychological and pedagogical requirements: the knowledge of conceptual theories of training, foundations of intellectual upbringing in particular; formation of a reflexive experience; formation of text competence; the development of an open cognitive position. The main educational strategy is the project activity strategy through case studies, as well as the extensive use of contextual learning. To implement this strategy, various types of learning activities are used that update the psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge of the future mathematics teachers about certain cognitive processes, create conditions for students to learn to identify and compare texts with certain psychodidactic functions, to create the author’s text in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical requirements for modern education. Keywords: psychodidactics, intellectual upbringing, reflexive experience, text competence, open cognitive position | 1039 | ||||
19 | Introduction. The content of school subjects is the most important factor in the intellectual development of students. Accordingly, the question arises about the requirements for a modern textbook in the framework of the psychodidactic approach. The aim of the article is to develop a typology of developing educational texts aimed at enriching various forms of mental experience of students. Material and methods. The study was based on the analysis of the psychological characteristics of the intellectual education of students in the framework of the psychodidactic approach, based on the psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the polyfunctionality of modern educational mathematics materials. Results and discussion. The concept of developing educational text is introduced. The specificity of developing educational texts lies in the fact that they, being a projection of the structure of scientific mathematical knowledge, at the same time, firstly, ensure the formation of the main components of a student’s mental experience (including cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive and intentional experience) and, secondly, create conditions for the manifestation and formation of individual cognitive styles of students. Such an educational text should be built as some multidimensional semantic space (hypertext), its structure, along with its “core” (certain subject information), includes context and subtext. The typology of developing educational texts (the study of school mathematics) developed on the basis of the ontological theory of intelligence is presented. Examples of educational texts of different types in the course of mathematics of the basic school are given. Conclusion. The implementation of a complex of developing educational texts creates conditions for increasing the level of understanding of educational mathematical material and the growth of intellectual resources of students by enriching the main components of their mental (mental) experience – cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive, intentional (emotional-evaluative). Keywords: learning, school mathematics, psychodidactics, developing educational text, mental (cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive, intentional) experience, intellectual development | 1075 | ||||
20 | The problem of organizing mathematics teaching that promotes understanding of information, particularly mathematical information, has always been in the focus of attention of specialists from different fields of knowledge. There are different types of understanding: understanding-recognition, understanding-hypothesis, understandingunification. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of understanding include motivation to understand information; active position of the subject in working with information; taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of notional thinking; the presence of context to convey the semantic load of information; the use of different ways of coding information, including subject experience and metaphors; actualization and development of general intellectual skills. Knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of understanding learning information significantly increases the methodical culture of the teacher, allows him to think methodically, constructing the content of education and selecting teaching methods. When training a future teacher of mathematics, it is necessary to pay attention to the problem of constructing developmental educational texts that promote understanding of mathematical information. Constructing developmental educational texts is an integral methodological unit, which allows to demonstrate such methodological skills as understanding the problems arising in the study of educational material, identifying the psychological and pedagogical reasons for their occurrence, predicting possible ways of preventing arising difficulties, realizing the need to improve existing approaches to teaching,the search for psychological and pedagogical foundations of methodological activity, analysis of existing practices of constructing educational texts from the point of view of their possibility in the formation of learning actions that promote understanding, development of author’s materials, analysis and discussion of the obtained results, adjustment of methodical activity. The results of the conducted research with students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics have shown that the development of methodical thinking is influenced by the actualization, reconstruction and enrichment of professional experience of working with mathematical information from the point of view of psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching learning material, as well as familiarization of future teachers with productive teaching practices aimed at understanding learning information. The conducted research allows us to conclude that purposeful teaching of general problems of teaching mathematics from the point of view of psychodidactic approach increases methodical culture of future teachers of mathematics and contributes to the development of methodical thinking. Keywords: methodical thinking, understanding of educational material, psychodidactic approach to teaching mathematics, developing educational texts | 490 |