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1 | In this paper the process of development of the class of modal verbs in German on the background of the reconstruction of all the mood system and its reorientation from the internal to the external objective modality is considered. The development of the semantics of modal verbs as means of expressing of internal modality is analysed the data of Old-, Middle- and Early-New-High German languages taken as an example. | 1195 | ||||
2 | The article deals with the process of the development of the modal verb mцgen in German, based on the materials of Gothic, Old, Middle and Early New High German languages; the text’s frequency is calculated, the analysis of the contexts promoting the development of new values is carried out, mechanisms of the semantic changes happening in the development of preterite-present verb into the modal verb are defined. Keywords: modal verb, text frequency, context-induced reinterpretation, bridging context, switch context | 1055 | ||||
3 | The article deals with the semantics of preterite-present verbs in Gothic; the text’s frequency is calculated, the analysis of the contexts promoting the development of new values is carried out, mechanisms of the semantic changes happening in the development of preterite-present verbs into the modal verbs are defined. Keywords: preterite-present verbs, text’s frequency, context-induced reinterpretation, bridging context, switch context | 1093 | ||||
4 | This article is written in the diachronic approach and is devoted to the development of modal semantics of possibility. The comparative analysis of formation of the modal verbs expressing various shades of modality of potentiality is based on Gothic, Old and Middle High German texts. On the basis of this analysis and the use of statistical methods of research the process of decategorization – transition of the functions of expression of possibility from morphological category, i. e. moods, to lexical-grammatical means, i. e. preterite-present verbs – was shown. The use of the lexical-grammatical means allows to express the potential internal modality more differentially. Keywords: modality of possibility; Gothic, Old, Middle High German; preterite-present verbs; optative; decategorization; the verbs kцnnen and dьrfen | 956 | ||||
5 | The article focusses on the means of expression of modality of potentiality and wish in Gothic and a tendency that developed in its system has been determined. The tendency shows the function of expressing the meanings of possibility, necessity and wish from grammatical means, i. e. moods, transferring to the lexical ones, i. e. verbs. To explain this process, the “weakest” parts of the modal subsystem of Gothic are being established. They are involved in changes: these are optative, imperative and preterite-present verbs. The analysis of various “shades” of meaning of potentiality and wish, verbalised by the contemporary lexical and grammatical means allowed to establish semantic relations of variability between grammatical and lexical means as well as within the former ones thus it allowed to define the status of preterit-present verbs involved in the process of appearing modal verbs in Gothic as means expressing the internal modality. Keywords: preterite-present verbs, optative, imperative, possibility, necessity, wish, variability, internal modality | 1067 | ||||
6 | The research of means verbalizing the modal semantics, and in particular of modal verbs remains urgent in modern linguistics as they express modal values of the possibility and need which are ones of the most important in the cognitive and communicative relation. In its turn, cognitive and communicative needs of society remain variable and that causes semantic function extension of the language means, which are constantly to respond to the needs of society noted above. In this regard the semantics studying of the verb müssen is especially significant. The purpose of the research presented in this article is to reveal specifics and to define the mechanisms of the past and current semantic changes of the verb müssen that have ensured its development as a modal verb according to cognitive and communicative needs of the German society. To that effect the original Old, Middle, Early New and New High German texts were studied. In the selected examples from the given texts by means of the method of semantic interpretation and using the method of contextual analysis the meanings of preterite-present verb müssen functioning as modal verb in the correspondent periods of the development of German language were determined. Due to the consistent usage of the method of comparison and collation in the process of analysis of the meanings their similarities and differences were determined. For more detailed reflection on the transformation development tendency in the semantics of the verb müssen appearing in modal function the methods of mathematical statistics were also used. As a result of the conducted research semantic peculiarities of the verb müssen functioning in various periods of German were specified and the mechanism of the past and current changes is defined. The basic semantic transformation mechanism of the verb müssen into both modal objective and, from Early New High German, into modal subjective semantic is context-induced reinterpretation. Keywords: müssen, subjective modality, objective modality, necessity, probability, context-induced reinterpretation | 1144 | ||||
7 | At the present stage of education development the problem of application of Information and Communication Technologies, and Internet technologies in particular, to the educational process becomes more urgent. It happens, as the use of these technologies is now the key factor in the process of the overall globalization and informatization. The purpose of the research presented in this article is to reveal methodical potential of complex Blog and Podcast technologies application to English language teaching on the middle stage of instruction for the speech competence development. These technologies possess great methodical potential, and their complex application serves as an effective way of ability enhancement in all types of speech skills (of reading, writing, listening and speaking). It is also conductive to the speech competence development, which is the basic component of communicative competence, the main goal of foreign language acquisition. Application of Blog and Podcast technologies to foreign language teaching makes it possible for teachers to model alternative educational strategies, considering students’ psychological characteristics. It also enables teachers to introduce a fresh note into educational process, maintaining and raising a motivation level by that as most materials are quite of teenagers’ current interest and are able to engage learners into various kinds of conversation. Keywords: Internet technologies, speech competence, Blog technology, Podcast technology | 1460 | ||||
8 | Introduction. Achieving qualitatively new results in the system of general education requires introducing more effective approaches to the management of the entire educational process and the specific educational organization. As a tool for the development of an educational institution, this paper considers the methodology of project management which allows, in a vertically built management system of an educational organization, expansion of its horizontal branches to achieve more active involvement of teachers in co-management. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to describe a model for project methodology integration into the school administration system based on the technology of management of ethnocultural projects in an educational organization. Materials and methods. The authors rely on scientific works in the field of project management and project management in education and several regulatory documents relevant to this area. The synthesis of data obtained by the documentary analysis of scientific literature and the experience of the educational organization enabled the authors to show the specifics of including project management in the project management system in the educational sphere and reveal its potential for the development of educational systems in general. Results and discussion. A comparative analysis of system models for managing an educational organization has shown the significant advantage of flexible management systems due to their “adaptability” to changes in the external environment and more efficient management of the internal environment. The optimal management has a matrix structure. It is focused on the development of interaction between different services. Pronounced horizontal lines in the management model, while maintaining vertical integration, allow timely and organic regulation of processes at various levels. In this study, the experience of inclusion of project management in the linear-functional model of school management is analyzed, using as an example, ethnocultural projects of the MBEI (municipal budget educational institution) pre-gymnasium “Kristina” in the city of Tomsk. Conclusion. The proposed model of project management in an educational organization can be applied in any educational organization. The reliability of scientific results and the validity of the conclusions of this study are informed by modern achievements of research knowledge, as well as positive practical experience of introducing the elements of a flexible management system into the activities of the specific educational organization. Keywords: educational organization management, project management methodology, ethnocultural projects | 741 |