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1 | The influence of the light correcting films of various compositions on vital activity of sprouts of cabbage was researched. For this purpose the technique of comparative trials was completed. The technique consists in cultivation of sprouts of cabbage in hothouses by a size 1x1x0,6 m, covered by different films with a control of plant's metrics. Is shown, that usage of films with various physical properties renders considerable influence on metrics index under them of cabbage's sprouts. The composition of the light correcting Alms permitting of cabbage's sprouts in a closed ground in locale of Western Siberia without padding heating and lighting and to reduce period of cultivation on 10-15 of days is defined. | 952 | ||||
2 | On the example of cultivation of sprout cabbage of a kind «Nadezhda» in the summer period influencing of meteorological conditions 1999-2003 years to productivity of correction light films for protection closed soil is investigated. With usage of techniques of biological testing of films is rotined, that challenging influencing to growth and development of plants («polysvetany» effect) correction light films render only at enough favorable temperature and light meteorological conditions, giving considerable effects of increase of biomass of spout and economic productivity of horse radish. At a decrease of mean temperatures on 5-7 °C or increase of temperatures on 8-10 °C from optimum for cultivation of plants and long-term period of dense cloud cover during realization of experiment in conditions of closed soil without an auxiliary illumination and heating «polysvetany» effect is not watched. Reproduction of effect in region of risky agriculture (Tomsk) in the indicated term is reached 40% in most unfavorable for an agriculture spring period and 75 % in the summer period | 987 | ||||
3 | The technique of definition of influencing of features of photophysical characteristics of correction light films on growth and development in conditions of closed soil of a summer horse radish of a kind “Ladushka” – biological testing of correction light films is designed. The technique is encompass bayed definition of a number of a number morphometry, biochemical parameters, economic productivity of plants at their cultivation in the summer period in conditions of a closed soil under correction light films. Considerable, up to double and more, the changes of economic productivity of culture under correction light films as contrasted to not by modified polyethylene films of the same technological parameters, indicate high response of plants to changes of a spectral components of electromagnetic radiation created by correction light films. The technique allows getting the information about features of influencing of different photophysical characteristics of correction light films on growth and development of plants in the summer period and it is addition to design earlier to technique of biological testing of correction light films in the spring period at cultivation of sprout of a cabbage | 999 | ||||
4 | The incorporative effects of luminescent red radiation of low intensity, generated by correcting light polyethylene films and redundant ultraviolet-A radiation on morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Henh. of wild-type Ler and two light mutants hy3 and hy4 deficient in synthesis phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1 accordingly were investigated. Wild-type plants, cultivated under these correcting light films have no any changes in its development, while hy4 mutant exhibits increased development process and growth. Lethal effect of UV-A radiation was noted in the process of growing hy3 mutant, especially in the initial stage of true leaves development. Results from studies indicate regulatory interaction of low intensity red luminescent radiation and redundant ultraviolet-A radiation on stimulation and inhibition of plants growth and productivity | 942 | ||||
5 | We studied the influence of UV radiations of low intensity on the morphogenesis, accumulation of photosynthetic pigments and synthesis of ascorbic acid Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Wild type Ler and a mutant hy4, having infringement in synthesis cry1. Light adaptation of plants to their irradiation UV light is shown at the initial stage of the ontogenesis through synthesis and accumulation of ascorbic acid, change of dynamics of level of photosynthetic pigments. It is reflected in inhibition reactions of grows, in the slowed down development of reproductive bodies of plants and in lengthening of terms of vegetation. Among plants Ler these processes lead to decrease in real seed efficiency, among plants hy4, having infringements in synthesis cry1, changes is not revealed. The assumption is made, that the basic role in the course of adaptation to action of UV radiation of low intensity carry out not only photosynthetic pigments, but photoregulation pigments. Keywords: arabidopsis thaliana, wild type Ler, a mutant hy4, UV radiation of low intensity, morphogenesis, efficiency, photosynthetic pigments, ascorbic acid | 1192 | ||||
6 | The article studied the influence of luminiscent radiation of photoluminescent films on augmentation of productivity of plants in a greenhouses, and also the reflected, absorbed and dissipated solar light photoluminophore particles in films. It is experimentally erected, that the basic contribution to augmentation of productivity of plants to a greenhouses under photoluminescent films imports the luminescent radiance generated by films. Productivity also is spotted by a relation getting on a plant direct and a diffused light. Keywords: a greenhouse, a solar light, a photoluminescent film, luminescent radiation, productivity | 1094 | ||||
7 | Productivity of Lactuca sativa, variety Moskovsky parnikovy growing in protected cultivation under fluorescent film luminescent with maximum of 615 nanometers is studied in dynamics. Change of conditions of plant cultivation by fluorescent film promotes accelerated growth, development and productivity improvement of Lactuca sativa relative to plants growing under unmodified film. Increase in productivity of Lactuca sativa in 1.5 times under fluorescent films is determined by increase in ratio IAA/ABA and decrease in content of АA in plants, and also conjugated with change of enzymatic activity of aboriginal soil microflora. Keywords: Lactuca sativa, protected cultivation, fluorescent films, productivity, hormones, ascorbic acid, soil microflora | 1017 | ||||
8 | Change of plants productivity of family Solanaceae in the conditions of protected cultivation under fluorescent polyethylene films was studied. A number of general laws of plants productivity change of different varieties of Lycopersincon ecsulentum, Capsicum annuum and Solanum melongena was revealed. It has been found experimentally that increase of their productivity under fluorescent films is connected with intensive reproductive organs development, accompanied by formation of better quality fruits, and increase of plants vegetation at the average by 14 days. Keywords: protected cultivation, fluorescent film, family Solanaceae, productivity | 1085 | ||||
9 | The article deals with the effect of long-wave ultraviolet (UVA) radiation in the low-intensity white light (BS) on morphogenesis, hormonal balance, the content of photosynthetic pigments (SAF) and ascorbic acid (AA) Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. wild-type and mutant Ler hy4, having irregularities in the synthesis of cryptochrome 1 (CRY1). The plants of both lines inhibition of growth processes and reducing the real seed production in response to the additional exposure to UV-A light was associated with a change in the balance of endogenous hormones - decrease in the amount of indole acid (IAA), and increased levels of abscisic acid (ABA), change the content of FAK and AK. On the basis of differences in the dynamics of seed production plants has been suggested the possible involvement of the photoreceptor CRY1 in regulating morphogenesis of plants to UV-A light of low intensity. Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana Ler, hy4, UV-A radiation, endogenous hormones, photosynthetic pigments, ascorbic acid, morphogenesis, seed production | 962 | ||||
10 | The article deals with the diversity of tree plants of the agrobiological station (ABS), Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) as of October 2012. There was presented taxonomic composition, chronological spectrum and other vital forms of trees ABS TSPU. Keywords: tree species, species diversity, life form, chorological analysis | 934 | ||||
11 | The authors studied the species composition of the trees of the mixed birch and pine forests of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) practice base in the village of Kireevsk Kozhevnikovsky district of Tomsk region. As of 2014 defined taxonomic and chorological composition of plants, installed the types of life forms of trees according to ecological and morphological classification and position and method of regeneration buds. In the study area, there are 22 species of trees belonging to 17 genera and 11 families. The department Gymnospermae is represented by 1 family, 4 genera and 4 species, department Angiospermae – 10 families, 14 genera and 18 species. According to the rhythm of the foliage development domination belongs to the deciduous trees form, fanerofity od Eurasian geographical group. Keywords: tree plants, species diversity, the type of life form, taxonomic composition, chorological analysis | 865 | ||||
12 | The article presents the study of the species diversity of trees growing in the teacher’s square of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. It contains biomorphological, taxonomic and chorological tree analysis, as well as an assessment of their relationship to anthropogenic impact. Angiosperms trees are presented by 5 families, 5 genera and 6 species, gymnosperms – 1 family, 5 genera and 6 species, of which 6 species are apophytes, 5 species are adventes. The dominant species in the square are Betula pendula Roth., Pinus sibirica Du Tour, Acer tataricum L., Populus balsamifera L. The most common species of woody plants are those of Eurasian geographical group. The rhythm of the foliage development deciduous trees prevail. Keywords: woody plants, taxonomic composition, chorological composition, life form advety, apophytes | 958 |