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1 | The Institute of Applied Informatics of Tomsk State Pedagogical University has created and tested a hardwaresoftware complex for conducting educational activities for distant training. Keywords: distance education, information technology, open-source software | 1027 | ||||
2 | This article deals with the automation of activities of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU). A review of the information systems developed and implemented in different departments at TSPU is conducted, including describing the information systems implemented in the research and development department, the editorial offices of scientific journals, the office of admissions, the document control center, and the department of student affairs. Basic information flows between the automated systems are described, and interfaces of their interactions are analyzed. The introduction of innovations in the University management system on the basis of modern information technologies is one of the most promising approaches, which will allow us to create advantages in today’s highly competitive educational environment. On the basis of the analysis performed, the main directions of activities for technical services and laboratories on the perfection and complex completion of the University’s information systems are revealed with the purpose of their further integration. Actual problems in the field of applying information technologies in the information systems of the University and ways to solve them are considered, as well as the directions for future work of the Institute of Applied Informatics are outlined. Keywords: automation control systems, document automation, data exchange interfaces, information system | 1232 | ||||
3 | Information development covers all stages of education. There are various ways of using information technologies. Multimedia equipment, training videos, electronic books and notebooks are the primary tools used in distance education that make it interesting and effective. Web conferences, online seminars and webinars belong to the communicative direction of teaching, the relevance of which is confirmed by the growing number of distance education online. In this article the main approaches of online classes organization are considered, a model of the technological platform for webinars is created. As a result, the problem of creating a technological platform for webinars is solved and presented as a web service «», that makes it easy and affordable to conduct online meetings with any number of users. Keywords: distance education, webinars, macro webinar, open-source software, BigBlueButton, Moment Video Server | 1104 | ||||
4 | Introduction. In the modern world, human life is impossible to imagine without the use of various digital resources. The transition to the digital economy dictates new needs associated with modern equipment and software, primarily with the training of competitive personnel for the future digital economy, on which Russia’s positioning and opportunities in the global economic market depend. The competencies of young professionals that were in demand a few years ago and seemed promising, for example, confident use of a computer, now seem basic. In an ever-changing world, it is important to start training future specialists for the digital economy in a timely manner, since retraining and training of personnel will require large time resources. In this case, there is an acute question of teaching staff who would be able to start the process of training young professionals. The role of such personnel is played by school teachers, on whom the quality of training of future personnel depends, and consequently, the speed of the country’s transition to full digitalization of all spheres of life. To train future staff, teachers need to master new competencies and needs that are dictated by modern society and the labor market. Thus, the issue of comprehensive retraining and advanced training of school teachers is acute. Material and methods. The author substantiates the development and implementation of a professional development course for teachers, briefly describes the sections, significance and methods of implementing the course. Results and discussion. Developed and conducted a professional development course for teachers dedicated to digital educational resources in the framework of the project “Digital Educational Environment”. Conclusion. Teachers who have successfully completed advanced training courses acquire new skills and improve their previous competencies in the field of digital educational resources, which allows teachers to revise the usual teaching methods, make the learning model more flexible and individual for each student. And also start training for life in the era of digitalization and the digital economy. Keywords: digital technologies, digitalization of education, courses for teachers, national projects, digital environment, digital resources | 968 | ||||
5 | In the process of formation of the modern system of Russian education, one of the most urgent problems is the problem of staffing complex structural changes in this sphere of society. In a multicultural context and the modern educational paradigm, the most important issue is the preparation of a school teacher. The article systematizes scientific knowledge about modern educational outcomes (hard-skills, soft-skills, self-skills), provides a rationale for the concepts of over-subject and personal skills. Separate innovative ideas in the field of organization of the educational process in modern universities are systematized: –skills), in the vertical plane – subject-specialized and professional skills (hard-skills); V-model of higher education, aimed at creating conditions for the formation of creative specialists with the skills of continuous self-development (self-skills); 2) elements of methods for the formation of soft-skills among students, including those related to various methods of motivation, organization of the communication process, the use of specialized teaching aids, emotional intelligence skills, etc. a process aimed at developing various educational outcomes for students (hard-skills, soft-skills, self-skills), etc. Based on the experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, the article proposes a substantiation of the process of forming the professional and personal skills of students of a pedagogical university by means of a reflexive-activity approach as a theoretical basis for designing mechanisms that ensure the development (self-development) of the potential of a subject capable of self-determination. It seems logical to develop the personal skills of students in terms of their striving for the emergence of the determination of their own position in any problem situation. Keywords: education, future teacher training, self-skills, self-determination | 525 |