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1 | The knowledge of the historical process of the development of the concept of differentiation education for understanding the essence and practical importance of the system of education in regional conditions. The fact, that differentiation education is primordially connected with the problem of self-determination of the rising generation, is illustrated by the examples of the concrete historical stages in the development of the system of education in Russia. | 1584 | ||||
2 | The article presents a description of natural, climatic, environmental, socio-economic peculiarities of Altai Republic and regards their influence on forming of the educational sphere of the region. The particular features of Altai Republic (multi-national composition and low density of population, predominance of agricultural production, adverse weather and climate conditions, environmental problems, high variety of ethnic and religious traditions etc.) make a considerable impact on forming the republic's social basis. | 1082 | ||||
3 | The University is training a competent educational specialist with a high level of general and professional culture with knowledge of fundamental concepts of methodology, theory of education and management, with a systematic understanding of the pedagogical problems aimed at a creation of a future teacher’s individual style of pedagogical activity. It is also the basis of the trainee’s future success in professional activity. | 1078 | ||||
4 | The article describes results of comprehensive analysis of the essential characteristics of self-education at different stages of development of science, including those in the information society. Keywords: self-education, the genesis of science | 1063 | ||||
5 | This paper describes the results of the comprehensive analysis of the essential characteristics of self-education in various periods of development of science, including in the information society. Keywords: self-education, the genesis of science development | 944 | ||||
6 | The article examines the question of motivation of professional self-development of teachers in the use of interactive technologies, disclosed the system of preparation of the teacher for the use of the interactive dialogue in training activities, summarize the experience of Gorno-Altaisk State University on activization of educational process of the University through training of teachers. Keywords: education, motivation, teacher, self-development, interactive technologies, and educational resources | 1283 | ||||
7 | Modern approaches to formation of a professional orientation of future specialist of an education system are considered. On the basis of the analysis of features and synthesis of the data contained in pedagogical researches of the latest years, the author revealed and developed new approaches to formation of a professional orientation of the mathematics teacher. Features of vocational training are analyzed, perspective methodological approaches to training of future teacher are offered. Keywords: education, system, formation, teacher, professional orientation, development, interactive technologies | 956 | ||||
8 | The article considers the problem of development of metasubject universal educational actions of students of the general school. The authors of the article see the solution of a debatable question in the detailed characteristic of the concept “universal educational actions” which is based on a complex of scientific and pedagogical judgements of an etiology of this term, its close connection with other concepts, influence of age features of school students on the process of formation and development of universal educational actions. The main goal of realization of Fedaral State Educational Standard is the achievement of the planned educational results expressed by the concept of universal educational actions. As this term is key, the authors of the publication carry out a complex analysis of its contents, including historical aspects which are the cornerstone of emergence of the phenomena, and also open the field of its application. The analysis of pedagogical literature has shown that many domestic and foreign scientists-researchers in the field of pedagogics were engaged in studying of the concepts “activity”, “educational activity”, “educational actions”, “doctrine”, “educational culture” in the 30th years of the 20th century. Actively have dealt with the issues of the developing training in the 60th years of the last century. Along with variety of the existing definitions, the authors of the article reveal the contradiction which mentions the accuracy and definiteness of use of the concept “educational actions” in practice. The term “universal educational actions” is used at different stages of general education (primary, basic) generally for the characteristic of metasubject educational results though a set of these results at each step is different and is characterized by psychological and age features of students. According to the authors of the article, “universal educational actions” is a complex of educational methods of behavior of the pupils consisting of planning of a trajectory of achievement of educational results, the analysis of their parameters, the choice of the ways of achievement, monitoring the gained experience and its comparison with the expected result answering the educational purpose, diagnostics of the reasons of a discrepancy with “standard” and also correction and designing of new knowledge. Keywords: Educational results, educational activity, educational actions, the leading kind of activity, ability to study | 1186 | ||||
9 | The article considers one of the actual problems of modern school education – the formation of a graphic culture of teachers, which in modern conditions is the process of mastering the graphic language, the skills of operating graphic information and the ability to use graphic culture in different areas of educational activity. Different approaches of scientists and teachers to the problem are analyzed, the main contradictions confirming the formulation of the problem of the formation of graphic culture of schoolchildren are determined. The authors identify one of the ways to form the quality of the student under study – the use of art-technological design as a means of forming graphic culture of students. As the main activity, the project activity is considered as an innovative component that contributes to the accumulation of graphic information and the development of graphic skills of students. The article provides the analysis of the conceptual and terminological apparatus-the concepts of “project”, “design”, “project activity”, “creative activity”, “creative project”. The results of the initial survey actualizing the necessity of forming the studied quality are presented. Discusses the art-technological design, its nature, definition. The use of art technology in the educational space as a means of forming a graphic culture of schoolchildren is focused on expanding the level of cognitive activity, the development of creative abilities and awakening to in-depth study of subjects. Keywords: learning, technology, graphic culture, and graphic language, art technology, education, information culture, art and technological design of the art technology | 1058 |