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551 | The relationships, which exist between cognitive articulation, conceptual differentiation and formally-dynamic characteristics of individuality, are described and analysed in the article. The influence of sex on quantitative and qualitative structure of interrelations of cognitive styles with temperament is ascertained empirically. The hypothetical reasons and psychological mechanisms, which determine correlations of parameters of cognitive styles and temperamental attributes in men and women, are discussed. Keywords: field-dependence-independence, analyticity-abstraction, temperament, gender differences, correlation | 1367 | |||||
552 | Initiation and activity are considered to be the basic part of forming young people social responsibility, their attitude to life’s work (socio-political, civil, socioeconomical, educational, sociocultural, etc). Keywords: activity, initiation, social responsibility. | 1367 | |||||
553 | The article is based on theoretical and practical study of the influence of means of adaptive pedagogy on social development of the personality of the younger student. In the article attention is focused on urgencies of the adaptive model of school in modern conditions. Features of application of means of adaptive pedagogy in the course of physical training are considered. Keywords: social development of the person, younger students, comprehensive school, adaptive school, adaptive pedagogy, physical training | 1367 | |||||
554 | The author examines the effects of modern communication means in development of the Russian language. The phenomena, observed in the speech of Internet users, are considered in the context of two opposite and interrelated trends to formalization and deformalization. Keywords: Russian language, modern trends, Internet, communication | 1367 | |||||
555 | In the article the estimation of economic efficiency of transfer of business process of activity of the organization on outsourcing is considered. As a base model of estimation of economic efficiency the author offers indistinctinterval methods. In the article the example of estimation of economic efficiency of transfer of accounting of small enterprise on the outsourcing, the mathematical apparatus of the theory of indistinct sets based on use is resulted. Keywords: economic system, economic efficiency, the process approach, criterion, indistinct numbers, outsourcing, business process, an estimation | 1366 | |||||
556 | The author considers, how the fundamental oppositions “body – soul”, “flesh – spirit”, “matter – consciousness” in conditions of metempsyhoosis in A. I. Slapovsky’s adventure story “I – not I” reveals. The review total for boundary of the 20–21st of centuries of “scientific” consideration of the problem “soul – body” corresponds to the art concepts, postmodernist and surrealistic under the form, but social under the maintenance. The art-philosophical plan of Slapovsky reveals against similar art decisions. Keywords: modern prose, A. I. Slapovsky, “I – not I”, psychologism, metempsyhoosis, the adventure (a picaresque) romance, opposition “soul – a body”, actual art | 1366 | |||||
557 | The given article contains the results of the detailed investigation of psychological peculiarities of children personalities of forced migrant families (on the North Caucasus region pattern) by means of the complex of supplementing each other diagnostic methods. The investigation is carried out on the base of the Center of psychological and pedagogical assistance for the children of refugees and forced migrants of the Republic of Adygea. The article gives classification of the children under case study, worked out by the author according to the experiment results. The article is of interest for social workers, psychologists and other specialists working with children as well as for researchers studying children-refugees interaction problems. | 1365 | |||||
558 | The article explores the global and local factors influencing on the educational setting of the region. The author comes to the conclusion that pedagogical education in this period became authoritative and recognized by society not only due to the results of professional activity of pedagogues but also because of the quantitative and qualitative increase of the Siberian teaching staff that appeared to be one the most socially active professional groups. Keywords: Western Siberia, education, pedagogical education, socio-cultural factors, educational setting | 1365 | |||||
559 | The article investigates the interference influence of the native and the first foreign language in the study of the second foreign language, including Russian as a Foreign Language. Interference is considered and described with the highlighting of its kinds as a multidimensional phenomenon, which manifests itself at all the levels of the language system and different aspects of speech. Analysis and synthesis of the information contained in the scientific literature, allows the author to identify and propose her own system of key factors contributing to the solution of the disputed issue of the predominant source of interference in terms of multilingualism which determines the conditions of language studying nowadays. Keywords: interference, influence, degree, foreign language, the norm | 1365 | |||||
560 | In the article, that is in the form of review, modern conceptions of left-handers phenomenon are being examined from the neuropsychological point of view developed in cognitive psychology; science views on the character of this phenomenon are being analyzed; issues related to psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of children with genetic left-handed phenotype are being discussed. Keywords: cerebral hemispheres asymmetry, bilateral brain organization, true left-handers, false left-handers, development peculiarities of children with left-handed phenotype | 1364 | |||||
561 | This article is an abstract of development of historical urbanity of Siberia (from its inception in the 17th century, to the modern stage). Based on theoretical analysis of historical literature there has been analyzed and systematized issue of historiographical framework in the article, proposed a new model of it’s periodization. Also there are identified some promising areas within the framework of this topic whose development has a great relevance for historical scholarship. Keywords: urbanity, development’s stages of the historical urbanity of Siberia, social life of townsfolk, municipal self-government | 1364 | |||||
562 | Philosophy traditionally has been interesting such phenomenon as religion. In this articles we give general representation of religion as transform phenomenon, to indicate the social context of such transformation and define criterion of analysis of religion from social structure point of view. In the second part of this article we give shot introduction to the religious transformation by Christianity. | 1363 | |||||
563 | In article some aspects of influence of Peter the Great’s reforms on transformation of gender relations in XVIII-th century Russia are shined. It is widely known, that Peter I has appreciably changed a social standing of Russian women, thus the contents of these changes was not unequivocal, that is connected both with features of Russian cultural tradition, and with characteristic features of the person of the tsar – reformer. One of the major consequences of Peter the Great’s epoch is the long period of female board in Russia. The author of article makes attempt to clear the reasons and features of this phenomenon. | 1363 | |||||
564 | Motor activity is the natural requirement for the balanced development of a human organism. If a person in his childhood has limited possibilities for motor activity, his mental and physical dispositions are not properly developed. The harmonization of motor activity and professional establishment of a young person studying at the University assumes great importance. Working out modern forms and pedagogical technologies of stimulation of the motor activity of students at the University is the topical concern of teachers and physical education specialists. Keywords: Motor activity, integrative technology, students, model, process of physical education, pedagogical blocks. | 1363 | |||||
565 | The article provides empirical evidence on the values and aspects of their implementation in women undergoing mid-life crisis. It analyses psychological conditions of structural transformation of mid-life crisis in women. Keywords: midlife crisis, women, self-actualization, values, and the scope of implementation, positive transformation, image of the world, way of life | 1363 | |||||
566 | Rezanova Z. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 82-83 . | 1362 | |||||
567 | The article deals with peculiarities of usage of foreign origin units of language in a text of fiction. The ways of text expressiveness creation by means of foreign units were examined | 1362 | |||||
568 | To perform evaluation in logistical systems the complex of techniques and parameters is required. Methods of valuation of logistics costs are a substantial part of this complex. Existing approaches to the account of expenses do not allow to allocate and control many essential kinds of logistics costs completely. It results in understating totals of expenses and wrongful management decisions | 1362 | |||||
569 | The present article reviews the issues of improvement of quality of the pedagogical and psychological research in conception of praxeology and riskology; 2 levels of teacher's research activity are distinguished. In the opinion of the author, the main mechanism of improvement of the quality of the pedagog's research work is creation of risk mitigation program of the pedagog's research activity. Keywords: research activity, praxeology, riskology, risks ofpedagog's research work, risk mitigation program | 1362 | |||||
570 | The development of the world technological progress, the population increase, irrational use of the Earth’s natural resources have led to the emergence of serious problems in the sphere of ecology, therefore in particular, the preservation of natural environment of the society has became one of the most important issues for mankind. The emergence of the ecological discourse is referred to the number of symbolic culture phenomena and it is closely related to the formation of ecological consciousness. The communicative space of the ecological discourse is the interaction of legislative (legal) discourse, scientific, political, advertising ecological discourse, academic (teaching) ecological discourse, ecological media discourse. The ecological discourse is characterized by the polyphonic characteristic inclusions of social, pharmaceutical, chemical, technical, agricultural (agrarian), medical, veterinary, religious discourses. This discourse belongs to a mixed type of discourse, that have the features of institutional and personal discourses. The ecological discourse is a complex discursive, multi-dimensional, diverse construction, that can be attributed to the hybrid, polycode discourses. The French national ecological discourse is a part of the global environmental discourse. The characteristic features of the ecological discourse are professionality, termhood, scientificity, accuracy, clarity, cliché character, communication skills, creativity, sense of duty, argumentativeness, alertness, an emotional component, associativity, polyappealability. The complex discursive nature of the ecological discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: ecology, discourse, environmental protection, environmental problems, speech genre | 1362 | |||||
571 | In clause theoretical development of problems of the social state in works of the German doctor of the right, the sociologist and economist Lorentz von Stein (1815-1890)which is the pioneer and classic of the European model “state of social assistance” is discussed. The scientific heritage, especially development of the social doctrine of a society , exactly the basic conclusion about its evolution in a social direction, take the important place in the European and international political ideas, exceeding the bounds of a concrete research object, and space and time of his epoch. The urgency of a theme is caused by a modern active discussion of prospects of paradigms change of the European model of the social state from « the state of the social assistance» to « the state of investments», but appeals of refusing the archaic social policy, which leads to “excessive social expenses” do not find unanimous support. Moreover, it is very important for the post Soviet countries to study origins of “social states”, because the scientific development of a problem only is in the process of beginning. | 1361 | |||||
572 | In the article “The forming of the informative and communicative competences at the lessons of physics” the methods of forming of the informative and communicative competences at the physics lessons in the process of organizing the project work with the students. On topic material generalization are proposed. The obligatory way of students’ activity is the use of the computer on different stage of preparing the generalizing materials and during the presentation of the work results. Keywords: informative and communicative competences, competence, computer, presentation, motivation, results, work of the group, information | 1361 | |||||
573 | The article focuses on general and specific skills necessary for engineering specialists to comprehend ESP audio texts, linguistic problems they encounter, and ways of dealing with those problems. Keywords: English for specific purposes, foreign language communication, specific auditive skills, tasks | 1361 | |||||
574 | In the article the author proves urgency in realization of the principle of situativeness in teaching communication in connection with methodic «insolvency» of traditional subject-concerning vocabulary and up-to-date necessity of speech situations in studying process. | 1360 | |||||
575 | The article is devoted to the problem of such social phenomenon as orphanhood. It deals with different cultures and the developed approaches to the decision of the given problem to different historical epochs (since the most ancient times and up to now). In the article the historical experience which has been accumulated by the mankind in this point in question is analyzed. Keywords: orphanhood, children-orphans, children’s shelters, orphaned establishments, strategy of education of children-orphans | 1360 | |||||
576 | In this article the early lyrics of the poet of the Russian emigrant Nikolay Otsup is analyzed. On the material of the debut collection “Hail” the motive of the poet and poetry and the concept of creativity of N. Otsup are considered. Keywords: literature of the Russian Abroad, lyric poet N. Otsup, motive of the poet and poetry, poetic concept | 1360 | |||||
577 | The tendency to linguistic economy resulted in the enormous amount of abbreviations. Their number is increasingly growing in medical science. Being short and capacious these lexical units are hard to be perceived and translated. Professional translation is early sought in all fields. But it’s the most urgent in medicine for it must be based on the accuracy of information, accuracy and competence of professional operations as well as the feeling of high responsibility of each professional in a definite field of practical science.Thus a demand for the study, regulation and adequate translation of abbreviated terms has aroused. It contributes to the professional medical communication. This article is devoted to the study of acronyms and homoacronyms used in current medical literature. The study is done in the line of nominative and cognitive investigation. The method of continuous sampling of medical acronyms and homoacronyms from medical scientific articles and dictionaries as well as the method of structural, typological and semantic analysis. As a result of English periodical medical publications and specialized dictionaries review the authors have identified several categories of acronyms and homoacronyms. The article presents an original classification of these lexical units and reviews the means of their translation. Performed typological analysis allows to single out eleven categories of medical acronyms and homoacronyms. The largest groups consist of the abbreviations which include names of anatomical structures, symptoms and syndromes. Keywords: abbreviation, acronym, homoacronym, medical terminology, medical discourse | 1359 | |||||
578 | Social pedagogic in Russia was officially founded in 1989. and that's why it is a new sphere of scientific and practical activity. The appearance of social pedagogic here in Russia is conditioned by the crisis of the whole social system. However social pedagogic wasn't begun with the zero, it has deep historical roots, traditions in Russia. For many years different models of social, legal, psychology-pedagogical and different others prospects of help to people especially to children were worked out Form, Subject and methods of social upbringing of the rising generation of different categories of children were improved theoretical foundation of this scientific branch was laid. This article will elucidate the stages of formation of the social pedagogic in Russia. | 1358 | |||||
579 | The article presents some theoretical and practical aspects of using the compe-tence approach in the innovation course «Developing aesthetics of art expressiveness» in elementary school. The author demonstrates some results of introduction of this course into practice. Keywords: competence, aesthetics competence, developing aesthetic, creative self-expression, art expressiveness | 1358 | |||||
580 | The article dwells on the adoption as one of the most preferable form of child care in the USA. In addition the adoption origin, development and legalization of its procedure from colonial times till nowadays are analyzed under the social and historical approach. The main features of legal and ethic aspects of adoption in the USA are examined in the article. Keywords: adoption, orphans, children without parent’s care, the USA, legislation | 1358 | |||||
581 | The article considers subject – specialized competences among the graduates of institutes of higher education on speciality “pedagogy and psychology” on the basis of the analysis of Russian literature on the aspects of competence approach in the sphere of education. For the estimation of subject – specialized competences of graduates the questionnaire of estimation of the requirements of the heads to the graduates of institutes of higher education is offered. Carrying out of monitoring of the level of formation of subject – specialized competences is necessary upon the termination of training. Success of development of professional – pedagogical competence of the future teacher – psychologist depends on the application of modern methods of education stimulating independent activity of a student. Keywords: the competence, the competence approach, subject-oriented competences, educational process, maintenance of quality of education, quality of preparation of experts | 1358 | |||||
582 | The article is based on the data of the author’s fi eld-work (1987–2001) and different written sources. Khanty place names are considered as a source of ethnic and cultural information on the examples of direct and indirect nominations, connected with the Khanty everyday life’s realities and household items. Keywords: Khanty, traditional culture, place names, special features of nomination, ethnic and cultural information in toponymy. | 1358 | |||||
583 | International students, who get into a different cultural and historical setting, are in contact with the history, culture and traditions of the country through the study of language, which, on the one hand, is their means of communication, on the other hand, are the most important source of information about the country. Using excursions to cultural centres (museums, exhibitions, walking around the city, historical sites) of Tula and Tula region contributes to a more close contact of international students with Russian environment. Keywords: the communicative competence, social and cultural background, national and regional component | 1358 | |||||
584 | The article studies the tendencies of the development of Russian industry, associated with its clustering. The courses of clustering of the Russian economy in the framework of the dominant models of economic policy implemented in market economy countries are being analyzed. Modern types of clusters, most appropriate for the development of Russian industry are offered. Keywords: cluster, competitiveness, innovation development, economic growth, clustering, scientific innovation | 1358 | |||||
585 | In the present article the key notions and categories of the communicative stylistics of the text are defined and systematized. On the basis of shem the peculiarities of the linguistic trend under studu are found out against the background of other stylistic studies (structural - typologi¬cal, functional - typological and functional - stylistic). | 1357 | |||||
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587 | The article deals with the actual trends of municipal educational systems’ and nets’ development, which research actuality is conditioned by the objective tendencies in Russian education development: increasing of state and society demands to the activity of rural municipal educational systems in the field of quality, effectiveness and accessibility of educational service; necessity of forming of rural education development mechanisms: area nets, including modern models of schools ( including incomplete and scanty schools), realizing modern educational programs using innovational educational techniques (technologies); models and techniques (technologies) of preparing teachers for rural area and raising the level of their skill. Keywords: regional municipal educational system, municipal educational nets’ classification | 1357 | |||||
588 | The article contains different points of view of Russian scientists regarding the reasons of English words incorporation into the Russian everyday language space. A comparative analysis of the penetration degree of English loan words into the Russian everyday language is presented. A psycholinguistic experiment is conducted in two groups (students and teachers), using the method of subjective definitions and free association method. It showed differences in the under- standing of the Anglicisms of the thematic groups “Music”, “Information technology”, “Soft and computer games”. The respondents were to find the synonyms and give the definitions to the proposed words. The analysis showed that the first group of respondents had understanding of the represented thematic groups by 70%, the second group showed lower results - 56%. The obtained results demonstrated that the respondents of the first group interact less with such areas as modern music, software and computer games. The absence of the need to use these words in the speech explains the low entry percentage of studied English loan-words into the everyday language. The results of the experiment showed that the incorporation of Anglicisms into the Russian everyday language space is a natural and irreversible process connected with the needs of contemporary people to use words that denote new concepts, objects and phenomena in speech. Keywords: Anglicism, English loan-words, incorporation, Russian everyday language space, intercultural interaction | 1357 | |||||
589 | Analyzing "Musorny Veter" and other works by A. Platonov in the article ""Musorny Veter" by A. Platonov: the debate with R. Decarte", K.A. Barsht comes to the conclusion that a writer-philosopher perceives the human consciousness as the "substance-energy" of self-developing matter, the main function of which is to produce, accumulate and distribute the energy of "thought-love" as one of the most valuable types of energy filling of Cosmos. | 1356 | |||||
590 | The article discusses the problem of integrating separate competencies of a modern engineer into a coherent system, which is regarded as professional competence. A literature review shows that there exist different definitions of this notion and different competences are included in its structure. The role of the foreign language professional communicative competence in this system has been determined. The author suggests that the foreign language professional communicative competence of an engineer should be regarded as a complicated integrative concept including professional and communicative skills. Professional competence is described as an integral part of the foreign language communicative competence of an engineer because professional communication is hardly possible without professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, it should be formed together with linguistic, sociocultural, strategic and discourse competences. The idea of the present article is that professional competence of an engineer manifests itself in the process of communication through these competences. The distribution of professional skills over traditional constituents of foreign language communicative competence is presented. This proves that the discipline “Foreign Language” has a potential for developing professional skills of engineering students. Taking integrative nature of the target competence into account in the process of teaching and learning is a condition of successful implementation of competency-based approach in higher education. Keywords: engineer, competence, foreign language, higher education, professional communication | 1356 | |||||
591 | The article presents an insight into the linguistic notion of “abstract noun” based on the philosophical interpretation of abstraction processes. It reveals how the linguistic category of figurativeness is related to the abstract noun and specifies the place of abstract nouns in the lexical hierarchy. Also the hypothesis of heterogeneity in the class of abstract nouns is examined and peculiar features of two groups of abstract nouns are given. | 1355 | |||||
592 | The paper presents experimental data on the methane fluxes from West Siberian tundra mires in summer and winter periods. The possibility of the methane adsorption by the snow cover is discussed. The regional flux from the whole region is estimated with the «standard model» Bc7 as 0.16 MtСH4/year that accounts for around 5 % of the total West Siberian mires methane emission. Keywords: methane emission, snow cover adsorption, regional flux, tundra, West Siberia | 1355 | |||||
593 | N. R. Erdman’s early comedy scripts are analyzed in the context of his works of the 1920s. Erdman’s early screenwriting as well as his plays was based upon contemporary social problems. Later on Erdman began to avoid depicting present-day reality and creating pure comedies. However, his late scripts don’t only contain comic and satirical elements, they are truly based upon them – as well as “The Warrant”, “The Suicide” and Erdman’s early scripts are. Keywords: Erdman, scripts, film comedy, Mariengof, Mass | 1355 | |||||
594 | In the article, the epistemological analysis of M. Polanyi`s concept of personal knowledge is carried out on basis of modern philosophical approaches (phenomenological, system and embodied cognition). Polanyi`s general scheme, which concerns the structure of consciousness, is considered. Specific influence of bodily nature of human being upon his/her cognitive activity and the interconnection of body and mind are investigated. Besides that relations between the objective and subjective aspects of knowledge in personal knowledge are studied. The role of subconscious and irrational factors of personal knowledge in cognitive processes (especially in creative activities, in functioning of intuition) of the subject is revealed. Keywords: personal knowledge, tacit knowledge, focal awareness, subsidiary awareness, phenomenological approach, system approach, embodied cognition approach, subjective, objective, emotion, intuition, creation | 1355 | |||||
595 | There have been analyzed the materials of the whole year round calculation of birds which were carried out within the limits of the administrative territory of the town of Lesosibirsk in Krasnoyarsk region from 2002 to 2005 (years) in four locations. With the help of classification of the regulated objects there were exposed the season periods of bird population in each location according to years and on the average for each location during all years of observation. According to the results of their comparison 7 general periods are determined and it is given their short quantitative characteristics. It is ascertained that according to years the number of seasons is more stable in taiga forests and in built up locations Keywords: . | 1354 | |||||
596 | In the article the linguistic analysis of the factual material, connected with the cult of mythic ancestors, i.e. gods, spirits, is presented. Reconstruction of the fragments of mythic worldview shows the way of formation of the Selkup world perception and its reflection in the language. The inner organization of the ethnos is based on cult objects. Tribal self-designations are connected with them. Keywords: mythic ancestor, intellectual culture, worldview, word morphemic structure | 1354 | |||||
597 | The article discusses the need for substitution of traditional educational paradigm for modern one, more democratic, diverse and productive from the standpoint of society interests, which essence largely determines solidity, integrity and focus on satisfying individual interests; the aim of vocational education is to implement person-centered approach to learning, optimize educational process, prepare competitive specialist. Keywords: new educational paradigm, student-cantered approach, innovation, higher vocational education, axiology, humane education | 1354 | |||||
598 | The article deals with characteristics of peculiarities of the professional activity infl uencing the beginnings of the negative mental condition development by police offi cers. Emotion conditions, fatigue, stress, that arise during the work of the offi cer, adversely affect effi ciency of professional activities. Special demands are raised by mental health of offi cers during pursuance of offi cial duties. Taking into account requirement and condition of the professional activity positions of law enforcement offi cial apply to diffi cult and extreme types of professional activity. Keywords: professional activity, mental condition, effi ciency of professional activities, emotion condition, fatigue, stress | 1354 | |||||
599 | In this article there is given an explanation of urgency in studying gender competence development of children at preschool and junior school according to the concept of social development of L. V. Kolomiychenko; there is presented a plan and description of the stages of the research in studying gender competence development of the junior school and senior school children, the components of gender competence of children at preschool and junior school are specified; gender competence is considered as the result of successive gender education of the preschool and junior school children. Keywords: gender education, gender competence, components and criteria of gender competence | 1354 | |||||
600 | In the given article the Russian bank associations and the unions are considered, the purposes and problems of their activity, the role for national economy are in detail studied. The received results specify in a considerable role of bank associations and the unions both for regions, and for Russia as a whole. They represent itself as defenders of banks, intermediaries between the government, the Central bank, foreign countries and innovators. Keywords: Bank association, the bank union, the credit organization, the Сentral bank, economy, a role | 1353 |