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3901 | The article is devoted to the creation of Conception of information technology of legal education in higher schools. The author considers the aims, purposes, content and principal directions of information technology of legal education. Keywords: conception of information technology of legal education, informative-communicative technology, electronic educational resources, packages of applied programmer | 1123 | |||||
3902 | The article discusses the goals, results and prospects of scientific conference «Systems and Models: Limits of Interpretation». It is formulated the problem of education caused by the lack of adequate diagnostics of educational technologies. The research is supported by grant RFBR № 10-06-00313. | 1123 | |||||
3903 | The article is devoted to the approaches to the integration of e-learning with traditional training tools for school Mathematics, based on example of e-educational complex in mathematics for primary school; it describes in detail the structure of electronic complex. Keywords: school textbook with a new type of computer support, e-education complex in mathematics. | 1123 | |||||
3904 | The article сontains the analysis of advisory verbal means used by the representatives of Russian and American socio-cultures through the social pragmatic factors of social status, age and social distance between communicators. The results of the research show that Russian speakers use imperatives when there are null, official or inofficial relationships between the interlocutors who may have any social status and be of any age. In contrast to that American speakers use imperatives if they give advice to a person who is of the same or lower status and is of the same age or younger. In case the advice is given to a person who is of higher status and older, American speakers prefer assertives. Keywords: contrastive pragmatics, socio-pragmatic factors, directive speech acts, pre-sequenced advice, performative utterances | 1123 | |||||
3905 | In the paper we depict the process of forming the national myth about revival of sinful woman in the Russian literature of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. The three stages are examined in series. The first is the creation of the myth based on the “initial” motive about Jesus the Christ and Mary Magdalene and realized embodied in the traditional model “male redeemer/female victim” in the works by N. V. Gogol’, N. A. Nekrasov, N. G. Chernyshevsky (the 30–60s). The second is the myth’s destruction in the works by A. I. Levitov, A. P. Chekhov (the 60–80s of the nineteenth century). And finally, the third is creation of the neomyth about female redeemer in the works by F. M. Dostoevsky and L. Andreev. Keywords: Russian literature, myth, neomyth, women in literature | 1123 | |||||
3906 | In this article, the author proposes the concept of organizing of the service of medical and psychological support at higher school based on specialized medical institution. Complexes of therapeutic and prophylactic, diagnostic and psychotherapeutic interventions. Keywords: state of maladjustment, psychotherapeutic methods, service of medical and psychological support of the educational process at higher school | 1123 | |||||
3907 | The article contains description of the Russian sign language expression markers of possibility and necessity. The Russian sign language modal forms are compared with modality expression in the Russian language. Keywords: Russian sign language, RSL, possibility, necessity, modality | 1123 | |||||
3908 | The problems of development of the system of certification of the teaching staff in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. During this period, at the legislative level degree system was developed, as well as the procedure for awarding them. The paper also attempts to understand the historical experience of the formation of the national system of training of the teaching staff. Keywords: certification, degree, graduation, PhD, Master and Doctor | 1123 | |||||
3909 | Multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the most important strategy, and one of the main directions of development of the state. The author examines the nature of multilingual education, the reasons that led to its actualization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the problems of functioning of languages in the context of the development of modern language person. The article describes the new language education priorities and principles of formation of the language identity in the multilingual educational environment of Kazakhstan, comparing different points of view on this issue. The author concludes that in the context of a new state of the multi-ethnic society as the Republic of Kazakhstan, issues of formation of the language identity of particular relevance. Keywords: multilingual, language identity, language situation, multi-cultural environment, multilingual education | 1123 | |||||
3910 | The paper presents the results of involvement of future mathematics and physics teachers in independent scientific research activity in conditions of realization of competence approach. In the case of such approach the competence is a general capability which is checked and created in activities. It is based on knowledge and allows the person to establish connection between the system of actions for successful problem solution. During the educational process, the formation of elements of competencies at implementation of curriculum is carried out by means of maintenance of the studied subject. The course of the differential equations has great opportunities for forming of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics and physics, however the existing education guidance, according to the theory of differential equations, are obviously not oriented to form the competencies. Besides modern development of technology, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, economics and other sciences is impossible without the use of differential equations. The solutions of Clairaut-type equations with a special right-hand part found in the paper are a new result in the theory of partial differential equations. In turn the organization of independent scientific research in the framework of the course of differential equations promotes the main goal of professional competencies of future mathematics and physics teachers, namely forming the professional competencies being ready to use theoretical and practical knowledge in science and education. Keywords: differential equations, professional competencies | 1123 | |||||
3911 | The article reveals results of the onomasiological approach to analyze corpora of Tomsk realionims elaborated in Russian. This article covers issues of a great importance such as onomasiology as a study of designations where linguistics forms can stand for a given concept, idea, and object, theoretical components of an onomasiological approach to categorize required vocabulary segments. Moreover, the research also considers various realia classifications elaborated since 1950s that are crucial for modern linguistics and widely spread. The article anticipates detailed and careful examination of such classifications and criteria of their formation and elaboration to select the basic one. In accordance with the research, the most reliable classification has been selected and applied during systematization and categorization. In such a manner, an onomasiological approach and the one realia classification specified in the article became the basis to systemize realionims associated with Tomsk and Tomsk Region in compliance with corresponding classification groups. Furthermore, the article defines thematic content of realionims` corpora dedicated to Tomsk and Tomsk Region. Thus, the article reveals statistic data and quantitative parameters of lexical groups that have been selected by continuous sampling method, analyzed and systemized by means of an onomasiological approach and realia classification selected during research. Keywords: onomasiological approach, Tomsk realionims, realionims corpora, thematic groups, classification of realionims, hard-to-translate endemic units, parallelization of corporas of different languages | 1123 | |||||
3912 | In the article the authors touched on one of the topical issues of defectological education: improving motivation to self-correction and self-control among children with severe speech disorders. For children with severe speech disorders the corrective-speech process at kindergarten speech therapy center lasts 2–3 years. During this time it is necessary to help children to correct the defects of the entire system of language: aspects of pronunciation, lexical and grammatical side, of coherent speech. The necessity of examination and formation of a stable motivation for corrective speech work is caused by the low level of interest of senior preschool children with severe speech disorders to speech therapy classes, because they require perseverance from the child, and this quality appears later. The authors identified three stages of diagnostics, necessary for a comprehensive examination of children with severe speech disorders. Stage 1 – speech diagnostics, stage 2 – study of children’s motivation, stage 3 – parents’ questioning to identify the child’s interests. The attention is focused on the stage of studying of motivation for speech therapy classes, with the aim of identifying conditions for the formation of stable motivation of children with severe speech disorders. The diagnostic parameters of the motivational component are demonstrated, their connection with speech therapy tasks is specified. Keywords: speech disorder, motivation, interest in speech therapy sessions, diagnostics of motivation | 1123 | |||||
3913 | This text is about the problem of reading. How can we read epitaph? Keep out seriously philosophical notice about that and keep sincerity at the same time. Besides this text tells us about the writing problem. How do we write when we are writing epitaph? I think, writing is much close to making-up (and creating image). I describe some figures and structures of this kind of writing and discuss the ethical problem relevant to philosophical aspects of this idea. | 1122 | |||||
3914 | Delivery and undelivery streams in the pipelines are inspected jointly. A transformation of a component staff, accounting prehistorical process, is looked trough the borders of unbalanced scheme of phase transition with the formation of liquid and drops in a pore. The results of numeral experiment of phase pressure distribution, phase speed and boarder position of liquid and gas section in a pipeline in the time of multicomponent emission have been brought here. | 1122 | |||||
3915 | In the article the questions of the formation and re¬alization of the society's economic culture are accoun¬ted. The author considers the goals and tasks of eco¬nomic education in connection with the change of the economic scientific paradigm. | 1122 | |||||
3916 | In the article by L.A. Dyrkova the concept of national revival of Russia suggested by A.I. Solzhenitsyn is investigated. In the article, special attention is paid to constructive and real strategy of national development which, according to the writer, will help to lift the country from crisis during the post communistic period. | 1122 | |||||
3917 | The article is devoted to the problems of Additional Pedagogical Department’s foundation and development. These departments were a social movement and a powerful resource in upbringing of students all over the country at the beginning of the 60–80-s | 1122 | |||||
3918 | . Keywords: . | 1122 | |||||
3919 | This article reveals the approach to the problem solving of satisfaction of requirements of corporate clients to quality of educational services. The author suggests her variant of the professional development on the basis of corporate model «School - Teachers' training institution - PD-system», which provides continuity, individualization, practice-oriented character of additional professional education program of professional development. Keywords: corporate model, projective activity, professional developments, satisfaction of clients of educational services, additional professional education program ofprofessional development | 1122 | |||||
3920 | The article presents the basis for correspondence between the theories of management and directions of nonlinear dynamics. The role of collective dreams in the formation of the asymptotic dynamics of the organization goals is discussed. On the basis of the model of generating information the hierarchy of goals of the nonlinear dynamics of complex open systems is revealed and the option of ordering modern theories of management is offered. Keywords: attractive management, the information-synergetic approach, models of information process, communications processes, nonlinear dynamics, dynamic forms of sign, phase area, attractor, operator, collective dream, modern management theory | 1122 | |||||
3921 | Article reveals the history of an investigation of the atmospheric electricity in Tomsk. We review first presentation of native people in Siberia about lightning, first scientific investigations of atmospheric electricity in Tomsk State University. We describe modern investigations of thunderstorm activity in Tomsk Polytechnic University and Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: atmospheric electricity, thunderstorm activity, lightning flash counters | 1122 | |||||
3922 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of the professional competence. The analysis is aimed at revealing key competences which determine a content of the foreign language component. The author suggests applying a foreign language professional-communicative competence as effective means for foreign language refresher courses. Keywords: retraining, structure, professional competence, competence, foreign language professionalcommunicative competence, cross-cultural professional communication | 1122 | |||||
3923 | The article is devoted to analisis results of the 1-st youth scientific school with international participation “synchronism and diachrony: modern paradigmes and modern conceptions” on the subject “Evolution of forms of existential consciousness in culture: synchronism and diachrony”. Keywords: existential consciousness, “frontier situation”, reflection, genesis, synthesis, dialogue, author, epoch, discourse, ethnic identity, artistic consciousness, narrative culture, poetic, genre, religious culture, cinema | 1122 | |||||
3924 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of the stereotypes of perception of Bretons and Breton language by the French society. The special attention in the article is focused to the description of the comic effect created at the mention of one of the markers of Breton cultural identity. The author gives examples from the various works, confirming the existence of steady stereotypes of perception of Brittany. It also covers autostereotypes – a vision of the Breton identity and the Breton character by Bretons. Keywords: Brittany, the ethnic humour, the formation and evolution of stereotypes, the cultural identity | 1122 | |||||
3925 | Two antropological strategies (selfness and perichoresis) represented in the Christian culture are comparatively analyzed. It is claimed that these anthropological strategies are conceivable only in the personalistic paradigm, according to which a person a self-identical reality, a “center” capable of “anthropological openness” perceived as constitutive disconnection – forming person's constitution, person's identity structure as an anthropological topos, made with the sum of person's communicative acts. Keywords: person, human, Christian culture, anthropological strategies, synergy anthropology, anthropological opening | 1122 | |||||
3926 | The article describes the activity of the Tomsk pioneer headquarters. It was a children’s self-governed organization, which was founded in 1969 by a prominent young pioneer leader and teacher Oleg Pirozhkov. The headquarters lasted till 1989 and achieved considerable success in training of young pioneer activists, who were able to overcome excessive formalities of “official” children’s movement. The headquarters also produced a great number of educational structures, which left their mark in the history of Tomsk society. Activist’s headquarters, formed of self-organization that were innovative to the Soviet period, were not aimed at ideological education of young people, now there is the reason why their practices are of great interest to the students, postgraduates, professors, scholars, young pioneer leaders, specialists in youth policy, teachers and the reading public. Keywords: Tomsk pioneer headquarters, Oleg Pirozhkov, history of pedagogy, out-of-school pedagogy, extratraining education | 1122 | |||||
3927 | The establishment of an information society led to the massive use of modern gadgets and led to the fact that children have difficulty in direct communication, adaptation, especially in an unfamiliar environment, as well as contributes to the deterioration of children’s health, due to sedentary lifestyles. The leading role in the process of formation of the valuable relation to the world, to himself and to other people belongs to a secondary school. In the modern educational space to solve these problems optimally is possible not separately within the institution, but in the form of networking. Stakeholders create social and educational environment for a more successful social adaptation of the individual student. One of the effective means that children get from tourism and regional studies is the socialization and preservation of health. The authors present the mechanism of leading educational institutions’ networking: Municipal autonomous educational institution of secondary school number 28 in Tomsk and municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of childhood and youth house “Our harbor” Tomsk. As part of the networking was created an innovative platform of municipal tourist and regional studies, which is being implemented under the conditions of socio-pedagogical project “Formation of socially-adapted person taught with the help of the tourist and local lore activity in conditions of an integrated socio-educational developing environment of general and supplementary education”. We present two authors’ models: the model of socio-educational developing environment for the formation of socially-adapted person enrolled in the secondary school № 28 and childhood and youth house “Our Harbour” and the model of formation of socially-adapted person in the conditions of socio-educational developing environment. The article also puts forward a system of monitoring research. Keywords: networking, socio-pedagogical project, extracurricular activities, tourist and regional studies, integrated developing environment, model of educational environment, model of social adaptation of personality | 1122 | |||||
3928 | The article puts forward a model of studying a n artistic image in national poetic linguoculture. The model comprises three levels: сharacter-contextual, linguopoetic and conceptual. Each of the levels offers research into different layers of the image. The first level aims at describing character repertoire of the image, the second level focuses on its linguostylistic characteristics and the third level provides research into its conceptual content. Application of the model contributes to understanding of a literary image as a complex phenomenon – a projection of three semiotic systems: poetics, language and culture. Thus, each of the model layers is characterized by its own methods of research. Contextual analysis is a dominant method of research on the first level. At this stage of analysis major focus is given to constructing contextual setting of the image. Thus, the following structure of integrated imagological context is proposed in the article. Names of characters and their second naming varieties constitute its nuclear zone, speech portraits represent its central zone and a peripheral area comprises narrative portraits. Quantitative and linguostylistic analyses dominate on the second level of imagological research. At this stage the analysis is split in two parts: research into lexical specifics of imagological contexts and its stylistic peculiarities. A conceptual analysis is used on the third level of imagological research and it aims at establishing links and means of connecting the image to national culture through a notion of linguocultural concept. Keywords: artistic image, character, imagological contexts, linguostylistics, consept, imagological conceptual space | 1122 | |||||
3929 | The existing foreign recommendations and international principles of educational programs design and management do not have adaptations for Russia. As a result, there is a need to create uniform principles of educational programs and learning outcomes for the international cooperation, the roadmaps implementation of the leading universities and achievement indicators in the world rankings. In addition, the sphere of information technology is the most rapidly evolving and has a number of features that do not allow students to study all existing technologies, development environments, etc. In this connection, the author identified promising areas of education (such as the development of domestic hardware platforms and equipment; Information Security; the development of mobile applications; design, development, implementation and support of information systems; parallel and distributed computing; design, creation and implementation of converged systems; software engineering; the development of decision support and data management systems; the creation of artificial intelligence, intelligent systems) and their content; offered the principles of formation of actual educational programs (that includes consistency, continuity, flexibility, etc.); as well as formulated specifications and additional competences of IT-graduates, necessary for educational programs design. Integrated use of the proposed solutions allowed: to strengthen existing relations with foreign partners and to expand the scope of international cooperation in the implementation of joint educational programs, research projects and grants; to change the conditions of learning, making them more flexible and adaptable to the constant changes in the professional environment; to make cooperation with employers stronger. Keywords: information technology industry, competences, unified educational space | 1122 | |||||
3930 | The availability of historical sources is the basis that significantly increases the objectivity of the study. Such historical documents are significant when studying political parties within the framework of modern Russian history, in order to avoid excessive politicization of judgments. Studying of history of creation and functioning of «parties in power» is directly connected with involvement in scientific turnover of regulations, data of archival funds, periodicals, propaganda materials and others. It allows to expand the range of information on this problem, creates conditions for carrying out the system analysis of activities of data of the organizations in the specific region. Analyzing conditions of the source base of work, it is necessary to state that insufficient representation in archival funds of the documents which are handed over by political parties and the politized movements became the main problem of the use of sources. Nevertheless, it would be desirable to note that this lack was met by the complex use of other groups of sources, at the same time the basis of source base owing to specifics of an object and an object of research was constituted by periodicals materials. In general the provided source base is sufficient for the solution of effective objectives and tasks both in quantitative sense, and in high-quality representativeness of the provided materials. Keywords: party in power, historical sources, documents of political parties, periodicals, memoirs literature, reference media | 1122 | |||||
3931 | The study was performed in line with the theory of intertextuality and one of the areas of communicative stylistics of a literary text – the theory of regulativity. The study of the dialogic nature of literary text is of interest in connection with the modern anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics. Intertextuality, reflecting the author’s dialogue not only with readers but also with the poets-forerunners to the modern writer masters of artistic expression, extends the semantics of poetic works and determines their semantic deployment in the consciousness of the perceiver of the text of the addressee. The article presents the typology of regulative strategies of O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts including intertexts (intertextual structures), important for the complete decoding of the author’s intention. The work is based on the material of poetic texts from the collection «Stone». The peculiarities of the regulatory strategies that update the intertexts in this collection include: systemic reproduction; prevalence of strategies of explicit type; dominance of strong regulatory strategies; use of intertexts as a means of regulativity; consistent performance of aesthetic information; complex application of various intertexts by the poet (plots-intertexts, regulative models of the intertextual type); intertextual links with the main stages of Western European culture and the culture of the silver age. Proved that O.E. Mandelstam uses intertextuality as one of the important way of controlling cognitive readers’ activity by the author. Regulative strategies of intertextual type, based on the use of various intertexts, were considered from the point of view of proportion and aesthetic way of presenting information, the homogeneity / heterogeneity of the dominant means of regulativity, depending on the regulatory power of the text, according to the methods of regulatively. The data obtained are of interest for the detection of idiostyle of the poet. Keywords: poetic text, regulativity, regulative strategies, types of regulative strategies, intertextuality, intertext | 1122 | |||||
3932 | The manifestation of the links between philosophy and linguistics in ancient China through the nominative aspect is considered - the first stage of the work of thinking on the formation of linguistic knowledge. The results of critical analysis of scientific literature, their coverage from the point of view of the stated problem, the results of introspective analysis, elements of the lexicographic analysis of dictionaries are presented. The dynamics of the interaction of epistemological, axiological and pragmatic components of nomination processes as linguistic realizations of the resulting directions of philosophical reflections of Ancient China is revealed. In this article we understand culture in accordance with the definition of V. Z. Demyankov as a set of nationally conditioned standards and patterns of behavior. In this case, a clear boundary is drawn between culture and civilization. Civilization in this article is characterized as a matrix of supranational standards and patterns of human behavior. According to the opinion of the prominent orientalist V. M. Alpatov, due to the factual nature of the lexical-semantic system, the names of objects, phenomena, processes, relations, etc. are the supporting framework of the system of relations of each national culture and reflect its related, imperious, structural and economic, etc. traditions. In this case, the direction and strength of the epistemological, axiological and pragmatic vectors of the nomination process determines the worldview factor, i.е. the sum of philosophical views on the world order. The pragmatic factor serves to fulfill the functions of criticality and veracity of the resulting artifact of linguistic knowledge - the name. Keywords: nomination, linguistic knowledge, worldview, pragmatics, hieroglyph, daojiao, fanze | 1122 | |||||
3933 | In the article the issues of penitentiary staff training during the first years of the Soviet government are revealed. These issues are of concern for research as one of the underworked topics in native science. The author focuses on the events connected with it, on historical and pedagogical experience, trials and errors of pioneers of Soviet penitentiary staff training system. Chronological boundaries of the article are determined by the major events of Russian history, which were highly influential on the process of professional penitentiary staff training. The lowest boundary begins in October 1917 with inauguration of Bolshevik regime. The highest is connected with the Second Congress of penitentiary affairs officials of the RSFSR held from November to December 1924, after the agreements of which systematic solutions of the issues of Soviet penitentiary staff training became possible since the second half of 1920s. The first agreements of the government during the first years of Bolshevik regime concerning penitentiary personnel policy and shifting penitentiary priorities are revealed. The central place in the article is devoted to the revealing of external and domestic factors undermining the professional penitentiary staff training and having a negative impact on the possibilities of penitentiary personnel policy in that period. The conclusion about the role of the first educational endeavors’ of Soviet government in foundation of the Soviet system of penitentiary staff training is stated. Keywords: history of education, personnel policy, penitentiary staff, professional training | 1122 | |||||
3934 | The article represents the insufficiently studied up-to-date issue of Diversity Pedagogics, expanding its theoretical essence and its historical–cultural Russian origin. It deals with two main approaches to conception of Diversity Pedagogics in contemporary science. The first approach is considered in a context of a certain assignment for school, composed by society to solve up-to-date related problems. The second one represents a broader view on inclusive education that is beyond of creating essential conditions for teaching children with special needs. In terms of analysis of Diversity Pedagogics genesis in Russian history the two main directions of its evolutional development are emphasized: cultural diversity (differences according cultural, national, religious characteristics) and individual diversity (children in a difficult life situation and children with special needs). The cultural origin of diversity is properly researched, and it leads to conclusion that cultural diversity phenomenon contains its own Russian roots and distinctive characteristics that are traced back in Russian Pedagogics, in its applied and theoretical aspects, arrhythmic circulated in different types of world outlook, reflecting the culture-specific elements, cultural-historical processes and folk orthodox religious traditions in teaching. Keywords: Diversity Pedagogics, inclusive education, tolerance, cultural diversity, Russian education history | 1122 | |||||
3935 | Mikhaylichenko Yu. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 11-13 . | 1121 | |||||
3936 | Soboleva A. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 32-34 . | 1121 | |||||
3937 | The role of popular educational societies of naturalists and doctors at the Tomsk Imperial University, Siberian engineers, the Tomsk Department of the Russian Technical Society, legal society, the society of studying Siberia is represented in the paper in development of cultural processes in the Tomsk prov-ince in the period of XIX-XX centuries. | 1121 | |||||
3938 | The paper deals with one of the most poorly studied problems of history of the Altai attached village. According to the author's opinion about the problem of the peasants classification, application of the cluster method of k-averages seems to be the most effective one in combination with theoretical direc¬tives of studying tie life of a peasant. | 1121 | |||||
3939 | In the article education as a branch of national economy and its regional features are reviewed. This forms the basis for determining the specific character of the regional eco¬nomic interest in this sphere. | 1121 | |||||
3940 | In the article the authour considers functioning of the French language, national structure of characters, motives of war, captivity, death, the category of reason and the purpose as components of the Tolstoy’s «Text of the Enemy»; interprets moral and metaphysical values of these and other elements of this text. | 1121 | |||||
3941 | The article presents the author’s experience in acquainting non-Russian speaking students majoring in philology with orthodox spiritual culture. The author resorts to biblical texts, popular spiritual literature, folklore texts on the topic, namely proverbs, sayings, phraseological units pertaining to the sphere of ‘popular religion’. The author highlights methodological concerns relevant to the issue, discusses teaching techniques to be used in class, develops criteria for choosing study material, and presents sample tasks on using folklore material in class and during out-of-class activities | 1121 | |||||
3942 | The question about significance of correspondence between Elagina and Zhukovsky for understanding of development patterns of moral, philosophical and aesthetic thought of the first half of 19th century and peculiarities of Zhukovsky's romanticism is put on a new archival material. The problem of a spatial conception in letters by Elagina is viewed in philosophical and aesthetic aspects. | 1121 | |||||
3943 | - | 1121 | |||||
3944 | The article touches upon the problem of the Russian litera¬ture individuality, and one of its essential parts - Russian phi¬losophical prose of the first half of the 19th century — in particular. It discloses the peculiarities of the Russian philosophical thinking. | 1121 | |||||
3945 | In this article the intention of giving short characteristics of origin, establishment and development of Internal Troops of Russia’s Interior is undertaken; the author gave an assessment of carrying out of service and combat tasks by the Internal Troops in modern conditions of fighting with International terrorism. | 1121 | |||||
3946 | The article presents the work experience of the department of improvement of professional skills and retraining teachers and lecturers on the basis of competent approach “education on order,” advance education and network cooperation | 1121 | |||||
3947 | In article it is described the question of increasing quality engineering education is Considered (Examinned) (item; clause) by means discovered model of the educational process. In (To; At) this model is included(switched on; listed) in addition external(outward; front-end) objective information, algorithm of the transformation to external(outward; front-end) information in(to; at) opened problems(tasks) and technology инновационного designing, which(who) is based on (upon; in; to; for; at; per; for) "Function-стоимостном analysis(test)" and "Theories of the decision of the invention problems(tasks)". Keywords: formation, technology, development, model, invention activity, opened задачные of the system | 1121 | |||||
3948 | In this article the author analyzes the potential of the establishments of an additional education in professional guidance sphere. The historical-pedagogical analysis is spent on materials of «pedagogical classes» which work now within the limits of an additional education. The author traces changes of purpose and problems in the activities of pedagogical classes throughout the XX-th century, characterises their work during the different historical periods and shows pedagogical classes as the important means of professional counselling. Keywords: additional education, pedagogical class, vocational counselling, pedagogics | 1121 | |||||
3949 | The article reveals the necessity and the content of the innovative-educational designing in the higher school. The algorithm of actions of the innovative-educational process’s subjects is given. The technology of innovation’s designing in the higher school is described. Keywords: innovation activity of institute of high education, pedagogical monitoring, innovations | 1121 | |||||
3950 | The article is devoted to the problems of organization of specialized education in rural schools as the main condition for the availability and quality of education, as well as to the staffing process professional work – models of tutors. Keywords: tutor, specialized education, education, rural ungraded schools, quality of education, access to education. | 1121 |