# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3901 | Soboleva A. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 32-34 . | 1125 | |||||
3902 | The article «The meaning building aspects of the religious mentality* is the first authors attempt to approach to the analysis of the main meaning building aspects of the religious mentality as the ground of the mentality in general and confirmation of the culture building role for religious knowledge on every existence levels. | 1125 | |||||
3903 | In the article the questions of the formation and re¬alization of the society's economic culture are accoun¬ted. The author considers the goals and tasks of eco¬nomic education in connection with the change of the economic scientific paradigm. | 1125 | |||||
3904 | In the article on the material of early stories by V.T. Narezhny included in the cycle «Slavic evenings» (1809–1826) the formation of the romantic concept of the person in Russian prose of the beginning of the XIX century is considered. The special attention is paid to transformation in the context of pre-romantic systems of values of educational Narezhny’s representation about human nature. In the work it is traced, as the new attitude of charcters (feeling of spiritual independence and aspiration to assert it) changes traditional norms of plot’s composition and brings to the forefront the social-psychological conflicts connected with the problem of alienation of the charceter. | 1125 | |||||
3905 | There are different ways of the property repartition. Till 1995 the basic was privatization, subsequently on the foreground methods of buying up and shares buying up, bankruptcies, including custom-made, intracorporate conflicts and wars have left. Now the increasing value gets such quite civilized repartition method as merges and absorption. In development process property repartition methods changed from wild and force methods to market methods. | 1125 | |||||
3906 | Описание инвестиций в человека на базе концепции жизненного цикла | 1125 | |||||
3907 | This article reveals the approach to the problem solving of satisfaction of requirements of corporate clients to quality of educational services. The author suggests her variant of the professional development on the basis of corporate model «School - Teachers' training institution - PD-system», which provides continuity, individualization, practice-oriented character of additional professional education program of professional development. Keywords: corporate model, projective activity, professional developments, satisfaction of clients of educational services, additional professional education program ofprofessional development | 1125 | |||||
3908 | The article discusses the goals, results and prospects of scientific conference «Systems and Models: Limits of Interpretation». It is formulated the problem of education caused by the lack of adequate diagnostics of educational technologies. The research is supported by grant RFBR № 10-06-00313. | 1125 | |||||
3909 | . | 1125 | |||||
3910 | Article reveals the history of an investigation of the atmospheric electricity in Tomsk. We review first presentation of native people in Siberia about lightning, first scientific investigations of atmospheric electricity in Tomsk State University. We describe modern investigations of thunderstorm activity in Tomsk Polytechnic University and Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: atmospheric electricity, thunderstorm activity, lightning flash counters | 1125 | |||||
3911 | The article is devoted to the approaches to the integration of e-learning with traditional training tools for school Mathematics, based on example of e-educational complex in mathematics for primary school; it describes in detail the structure of electronic complex. Keywords: school textbook with a new type of computer support, e-education complex in mathematics. | 1125 | |||||
3912 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of the professional competence. The analysis is aimed at revealing key competences which determine a content of the foreign language component. The author suggests applying a foreign language professional-communicative competence as effective means for foreign language refresher courses. Keywords: retraining, structure, professional competence, competence, foreign language professionalcommunicative competence, cross-cultural professional communication | 1125 | |||||
3913 | The authors demonstrates specificity influence of type of forest of Betula pendula Roth. on occurrence degree in plantations of pathological agent Inonotus obliquus (Pers.) Pil. Keywords: Inonotus obliquus (Pers.) Pil., Betula pendula Roth., type of forest, frequency of occurrence, yield class | 1125 | |||||
3914 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of the stereotypes of perception of Bretons and Breton language by the French society. The special attention in the article is focused to the description of the comic effect created at the mention of one of the markers of Breton cultural identity. The author gives examples from the various works, confirming the existence of steady stereotypes of perception of Brittany. It also covers autostereotypes – a vision of the Breton identity and the Breton character by Bretons. Keywords: Brittany, the ethnic humour, the formation and evolution of stereotypes, the cultural identity | 1125 | |||||
3915 | The problem of realization of the state policy in formation of Russian legal culture of citizens is considered in the article. The insufficient number of hours for the studies of the subject “Law” in educational institutions is discovered. On the base of the research, the author proposes to introduce the discipline “Law” for the elementary and basic general education. Keywords: sense of justice, legal education, legal culture, discipline “Law” | 1125 | |||||
3916 | In the modern educational process the question of effective pedagogical accompaniment is topical. Effective student accompaniment in forming of readiness for marriage and family relations should be implemented on the basis of organizational and pedagogical models. In the article the authors attempted to structure a system of pedagogical accompaniment and develop a model of preparing students for marriage and family relations. Keywords: pedagogical accompaniment, students, readiness for marriage and family relations | 1125 | |||||
3917 | The article is devoted to the analysis of Biographical essays, presented in the Book of memory of students, teachers and employees of Tomsk State Pedagogical University-participants of the great patriotic war (1941–1945). Containing the first volume of 450 historical biographies constitute a significant database to store personal information, and for the reconstruction of the social group of students of the Siberian Pedagogical University. Students TGPI in 1930–1950 (on the example of the great patriotic war) was a social group characterized by the following features: 1) proportion of natives of the European part of the USSR, with the predominance of the Siberian contingent; 2) great predominance of peasant component in the social structure of students; 3) in the national composition of the student body was dominated by the Russians; 4) average age of students for admission to the University was 24 years; 5) 40% of the students have teaching experience; 6) mixed structure of preliminary education; 7) proportion of invalids of the great patriotic war; 8) influence of psychological factors on learning motivation. Memory book as a database has a large research capacity for reconstruction of individual, group, institution of higher learning, the Russian system of education, the history of intellectuals. Keywords: Book of memory, biographical sketch, the great patriotic war (1941–1945), veteran students, reconstruction of the social group of students | 1125 | |||||
3918 | Social integration of visually impaired people in the community is a complex and time-consuming task, especially with regard to children and adolescents. Resolving of this issue involves complex innovative research, bringing together medical, social, educational workers, specialists in adaptive physical culture and sport, recreation and so on. The importance of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports for adolescents with different degrees of visual pathology and visual impairment can not be overstated. As it is known, in recent years the Paralympic Movement, in which people with different visual impairments can take part in sports competitions, has been actively developing. Goalball, as Paralympic sport is as accessible as possible for persons with severe pathology of eyesight, regardless of age and gender. Goalball Sport can be included in comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents with visual deprivation. Keywords: Adaptive sports, adaptive physical education, comprehensive rehabilitation, visual deprivation, goalball, General physical training, social adaptation and integration | 1125 | |||||
3919 | Multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the most important strategy, and one of the main directions of development of the state. The author examines the nature of multilingual education, the reasons that led to its actualization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the problems of functioning of languages in the context of the development of modern language person. The article describes the new language education priorities and principles of formation of the language identity in the multilingual educational environment of Kazakhstan, comparing different points of view on this issue. The author concludes that in the context of a new state of the multi-ethnic society as the Republic of Kazakhstan, issues of formation of the language identity of particular relevance. Keywords: multilingual, language identity, language situation, multi-cultural environment, multilingual education | 1125 | |||||
3920 | The paper presents the results of involvement of future mathematics and physics teachers in independent scientific research activity in conditions of realization of competence approach. In the case of such approach the competence is a general capability which is checked and created in activities. It is based on knowledge and allows the person to establish connection between the system of actions for successful problem solution. During the educational process, the formation of elements of competencies at implementation of curriculum is carried out by means of maintenance of the studied subject. The course of the differential equations has great opportunities for forming of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics and physics, however the existing education guidance, according to the theory of differential equations, are obviously not oriented to form the competencies. Besides modern development of technology, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, economics and other sciences is impossible without the use of differential equations. The solutions of Clairaut-type equations with a special right-hand part found in the paper are a new result in the theory of partial differential equations. In turn the organization of independent scientific research in the framework of the course of differential equations promotes the main goal of professional competencies of future mathematics and physics teachers, namely forming the professional competencies being ready to use theoretical and practical knowledge in science and education. Keywords: differential equations, professional competencies | 1125 | |||||
3921 | The article reveals results of the onomasiological approach to analyze corpora of Tomsk realionims elaborated in Russian. This article covers issues of a great importance such as onomasiology as a study of designations where linguistics forms can stand for a given concept, idea, and object, theoretical components of an onomasiological approach to categorize required vocabulary segments. Moreover, the research also considers various realia classifications elaborated since 1950s that are crucial for modern linguistics and widely spread. The article anticipates detailed and careful examination of such classifications and criteria of their formation and elaboration to select the basic one. In accordance with the research, the most reliable classification has been selected and applied during systematization and categorization. In such a manner, an onomasiological approach and the one realia classification specified in the article became the basis to systemize realionims associated with Tomsk and Tomsk Region in compliance with corresponding classification groups. Furthermore, the article defines thematic content of realionims` corpora dedicated to Tomsk and Tomsk Region. Thus, the article reveals statistic data and quantitative parameters of lexical groups that have been selected by continuous sampling method, analyzed and systemized by means of an onomasiological approach and realia classification selected during research. Keywords: onomasiological approach, Tomsk realionims, realionims corpora, thematic groups, classification of realionims, hard-to-translate endemic units, parallelization of corporas of different languages | 1125 | |||||
3922 | Eremin L. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 7 (16). P. 64-65 . | 1124 | |||||
3923 | The paper deals with one of the most poorly studied problems of history of the Altai attached village. According to the author's opinion about the problem of the peasants classification, application of the cluster method of k-averages seems to be the most effective one in combination with theoretical direc¬tives of studying tie life of a peasant. | 1124 | |||||
3924 | In the article education as a branch of national economy and its regional features are reviewed. This forms the basis for determining the specific character of the regional eco¬nomic interest in this sphere. | 1124 | |||||
3925 | Delivery and undelivery streams in the pipelines are inspected jointly. A transformation of a component staff, accounting prehistorical process, is looked trough the borders of unbalanced scheme of phase transition with the formation of liquid and drops in a pore. The results of numeral experiment of phase pressure distribution, phase speed and boarder position of liquid and gas section in a pipeline in the time of multicomponent emission have been brought here. | 1124 | |||||
3926 | In the article by L.A. Dyrkova the concept of national revival of Russia suggested by A.I. Solzhenitsyn is investigated. In the article, special attention is paid to constructive and real strategy of national development which, according to the writer, will help to lift the country from crisis during the post communistic period. | 1124 | |||||
3927 | A new point of view on study of a phenomenon of the unfinished text is submitted here. The author finds out tools and patterns of "intra-guildian" reception in Pushkin's unfinished fragments. The chosen aspect allows to show potential of the unfinished text, provoking the creative reader to complete the text as a co-author. Besides, the fragment represents art dominants of every receptionist style. | 1124 | |||||
3928 | The article touches upon the problem of the Russian litera¬ture individuality, and one of its essential parts - Russian phi¬losophical prose of the first half of the 19th century — in particular. It discloses the peculiarities of the Russian philosophical thinking. | 1124 | |||||
3929 | The article deals with the research of regulative potential of comparison in lexical structure of Z. Gippius poetic texts. In the author’s poetry regulative possibilities of comparative constructions depend on explication of features of fiction realia assimilation in lexical microstructure, their quantity and meaning, predomination of type of notional relations within the frames of comparative construction (intensification, addition, contrast), trope conjugation with the other regulative means in lexical text structure. The comparison in Z. Gippius poetry is examined as dominating regulative means of great importance for verbalization of clue concepts of the author’s poetic concept sphere. | 1124 | |||||
3930 | The problem stated in this article is highly critical in our opinion. It is determined by the fact that currently the society is facing the situation when our young generation due to the absence of events positively influencing on them is included in the “life of robbery, violence and alcoholic abuse”, how terrible it could sound. At-risk children represent a serious danger. That’s why the author of the paper suggests solving the problem of children with deviant behavior through attracting them to physical and sports activities | 1124 | |||||
3931 | The article is devoted to the question of the composition teacher-specialist’s model taking into consideration modern requirements of higher education. The author presents the main positions of the problem researched by such well-known scientists as: V.A. Slastenin, E.I. Issaev, G.B. Skok | 1124 | |||||
3932 | The article presents the work experience of the department of improvement of professional skills and retraining teachers and lecturers on the basis of competent approach “education on order,” advance education and network cooperation | 1124 | |||||
3933 | In this article the author analyzes the potential of the establishments of an additional education in professional guidance sphere. The historical-pedagogical analysis is spent on materials of «pedagogical classes» which work now within the limits of an additional education. The author traces changes of purpose and problems in the activities of pedagogical classes throughout the XX-th century, characterises their work during the different historical periods and shows pedagogical classes as the important means of professional counselling. Keywords: additional education, pedagogical class, vocational counselling, pedagogics | 1124 | |||||
3934 | On the analogy of ideal continent concepts, spatial distribution of high-mountainous landscapes of temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia depending on altitude and climate aridity is analyzed. Keywords: high-mountain, landscape, vegetation | 1124 | |||||
3935 | The article is devoted to the creation of Conception of information technology of legal education in higher schools. The author considers the aims, purposes, content and principal directions of information technology of legal education. Keywords: conception of information technology of legal education, informative-communicative technology, electronic educational resources, packages of applied programmer | 1124 | |||||
3936 | The article presents the basis for correspondence between the theories of management and directions of nonlinear dynamics. The role of collective dreams in the formation of the asymptotic dynamics of the organization goals is discussed. On the basis of the model of generating information the hierarchy of goals of the nonlinear dynamics of complex open systems is revealed and the option of ordering modern theories of management is offered. Keywords: attractive management, the information-synergetic approach, models of information process, communications processes, nonlinear dynamics, dynamic forms of sign, phase area, attractor, operator, collective dream, modern management theory | 1124 | |||||
3937 | The paper discusses the cases of code-switching in Eastern Khanty in the context of sociolinguistic situation of its speakers. The author of the paper attempts to distinguish the examples of language contact and language shift in Vasyugan Khanty. Keywords: Eastern Khanty, language contact, language shift, code-switching | 1124 | |||||
3938 | The article is devoted to the problems of organization of specialized education in rural schools as the main condition for the availability and quality of education, as well as to the staffing process professional work – models of tutors. Keywords: tutor, specialized education, education, rural ungraded schools, quality of education, access to education. | 1124 | |||||
3939 | The problem of creation of pedagogical conditions of development of patriotic consciousness at history lessons is considered. The idea of the model of creation of situations of self-determination and consciousness of the relation to the native place, compatriots and to oneself as a representative of the fatherland is proved in the article. The author comes to the conclusions about the reflexion role in creation of pedagogical conditions for students in their personal process of comprehension, understanding oneself as patriot. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, self-determination, consciousness, a reflexion, patriotic values. | 1124 | |||||
3940 | The article demonstrates the current situation in education and some theoretical and methodical aspects of teaching foreign language personally-oriented communication that promotes the dialogue of cultures, the international integration of education in Russia and other countries and thus becoming professionals with great possibilities. Keywords: international integration, foreign language communication | 1124 | |||||
3941 | Effective forms of educational activity are design and research activity of students. In the article the general and distinctive characteristics of these concepts are allocated; the expediency of inclusion of such forms of activity into process of mathematics studying of teenagers is proved; the experience of the organization of the project “Creation of the training table on the subject “Divisibility Signs” with pupils of the sixth grade is described; the bilateral analysis of efficiency of each stage of design activity of students is provided: from the teacher and from students (on the basis of their questionnaires). Keywords: system and activity approach, design activity of students, research activity of students, competences | 1124 | |||||
3942 | The article investigates the concept of the word-name “Familie” in a diachronic perspective. On the basis of German etymological dictionaries the origin and the semantic development of the word is analysed. Keywords: German language, concept, key word etymology, semantic change | 1124 | |||||
3943 | This article covers the questions of monitioring the quality of students’ knowledge results in Russian professional education in a context of reforming of the whole system of higher education in Russia. We show some problems connected with the control and evaluation practice and present some ways to solve the allocated problems, such as studying the questions of the control of students’ knowledge results in professional education in the context of his historical formation and development. Keywords: education at a vocational school, quality of education, monitoring of university students’ knowledge | 1124 | |||||
3944 | Two antropological strategies (selfness and perichoresis) represented in the Christian culture are comparatively analyzed. It is claimed that these anthropological strategies are conceivable only in the personalistic paradigm, according to which a person a self-identical reality, a “center” capable of “anthropological openness” perceived as constitutive disconnection – forming person's constitution, person's identity structure as an anthropological topos, made with the sum of person's communicative acts. Keywords: person, human, Christian culture, anthropological strategies, synergy anthropology, anthropological opening | 1124 | |||||
3945 | The establishment of an information society led to the massive use of modern gadgets and led to the fact that children have difficulty in direct communication, adaptation, especially in an unfamiliar environment, as well as contributes to the deterioration of children’s health, due to sedentary lifestyles. The leading role in the process of formation of the valuable relation to the world, to himself and to other people belongs to a secondary school. In the modern educational space to solve these problems optimally is possible not separately within the institution, but in the form of networking. Stakeholders create social and educational environment for a more successful social adaptation of the individual student. One of the effective means that children get from tourism and regional studies is the socialization and preservation of health. The authors present the mechanism of leading educational institutions’ networking: Municipal autonomous educational institution of secondary school number 28 in Tomsk and municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of childhood and youth house “Our harbor” Tomsk. As part of the networking was created an innovative platform of municipal tourist and regional studies, which is being implemented under the conditions of socio-pedagogical project “Formation of socially-adapted person taught with the help of the tourist and local lore activity in conditions of an integrated socio-educational developing environment of general and supplementary education”. We present two authors’ models: the model of socio-educational developing environment for the formation of socially-adapted person enrolled in the secondary school № 28 and childhood and youth house “Our Harbour” and the model of formation of socially-adapted person in the conditions of socio-educational developing environment. The article also puts forward a system of monitoring research. Keywords: networking, socio-pedagogical project, extracurricular activities, tourist and regional studies, integrated developing environment, model of educational environment, model of social adaptation of personality | 1124 | |||||
3946 | The article puts forward a model of studying a n artistic image in national poetic linguoculture. The model comprises three levels: сharacter-contextual, linguopoetic and conceptual. Each of the levels offers research into different layers of the image. The first level aims at describing character repertoire of the image, the second level focuses on its linguostylistic characteristics and the third level provides research into its conceptual content. Application of the model contributes to understanding of a literary image as a complex phenomenon – a projection of three semiotic systems: poetics, language and culture. Thus, each of the model layers is characterized by its own methods of research. Contextual analysis is a dominant method of research on the first level. At this stage of analysis major focus is given to constructing contextual setting of the image. Thus, the following structure of integrated imagological context is proposed in the article. Names of characters and their second naming varieties constitute its nuclear zone, speech portraits represent its central zone and a peripheral area comprises narrative portraits. Quantitative and linguostylistic analyses dominate on the second level of imagological research. At this stage the analysis is split in two parts: research into lexical specifics of imagological contexts and its stylistic peculiarities. A conceptual analysis is used on the third level of imagological research and it aims at establishing links and means of connecting the image to national culture through a notion of linguocultural concept. Keywords: artistic image, character, imagological contexts, linguostylistics, consept, imagological conceptual space | 1124 | |||||
3947 | In the article the issues of penitentiary staff training during the first years of the Soviet government are revealed. These issues are of concern for research as one of the underworked topics in native science. The author focuses on the events connected with it, on historical and pedagogical experience, trials and errors of pioneers of Soviet penitentiary staff training system. Chronological boundaries of the article are determined by the major events of Russian history, which were highly influential on the process of professional penitentiary staff training. The lowest boundary begins in October 1917 with inauguration of Bolshevik regime. The highest is connected with the Second Congress of penitentiary affairs officials of the RSFSR held from November to December 1924, after the agreements of which systematic solutions of the issues of Soviet penitentiary staff training became possible since the second half of 1920s. The first agreements of the government during the first years of Bolshevik regime concerning penitentiary personnel policy and shifting penitentiary priorities are revealed. The central place in the article is devoted to the revealing of external and domestic factors undermining the professional penitentiary staff training and having a negative impact on the possibilities of penitentiary personnel policy in that period. The conclusion about the role of the first educational endeavors’ of Soviet government in foundation of the Soviet system of penitentiary staff training is stated. Keywords: history of education, personnel policy, penitentiary staff, professional training | 1124 | |||||
3948 | The paper discusses the compositional semantics of adjective-noun combinations like fake gun. Compositionality appears to be one of the most cognitively basic principles guiding semantic research. This study argues the claim of formal semantics that the meaning of an expression is a function of the meanings of its parts and of the way they are syntactically combined. The article adduces support for the claim that the meaning of the whole cannot be predicted from the meanings of the parts and the way they are put together. The investigation makes an attempt to find the relations between formally integrated linguistic structure and conceptually integrated structures. The adjective fake is seen as privative for which an instance of the adjective + noun combination is never an instance of the noun alone. Complexes with fake entail the negation of the noun modified by fake. The paper accounts for the meaning of adjective-noun combinations in terms of conceptual integration. Within the framework of mental spaces theory the adjective fake prompts for a specific complex mapping scheme and emerges a novel conceptual blend. In terms of conceptual blending the adjective fake calls for two input spaces with a disanalogy connector such that an element in one place is real, but in the other is not. The article highlights combinatorial possibilities of fake. Of particular concern is the issue that the appropriate use of fake requires the activation of an appropriate frame. Keywords: compositionality, adjective meaning, lexical semantics, emergent structure, blend, mental spaces, cognitive domain, complex concept | 1124 | |||||
3949 | Mikhaylichenko Yu. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 11-13 . | 1123 | |||||
3950 | Gorbunova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 19-21 . | 1123 |