# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3901 | In the article the syntactic properties of adverbial participles in the Komi language are considered, identified and reflected in various sources: the papers of the linguists from the XIX century, the results of my own research. In addition to the circumstances and the secondary predicate, adverbial participle in the Komi language can be an element of the complex verbal predicate, a constituent of the predicate, of the principal member of mononuclear sentence. Performing modus function, adverbial participles act as introductory words and word-combinations. Russian language effects the formation of relative (syntactic words) units (postpositions, conjunctions) in the literary Komi language. Keywords: adverbial participle, circumstance, predicate, introductory words, syntactic words, restrictiveemphatic turn, contacting languages | 1133 | |||||
3902 | There are the data of the study of rural students’ adaptation to studying at the university (in total – 252 people, of whom 144 – rural, 108 – urban students). The aim of the study was to determine the adaptive abilities to educational activity, motivation to learning and interpersonal interaction. It is revealed that the majority of rural students has less degree of adaptation to studying at universities. The article presents the description of pedagogical conditions for increasing the adaptation of rural students of the Far North to study at university. Realization of the program on the creation of pedagogical conditions for successful adaptation could reduce the number of rural students who faced difficulties in learning at 8 %. There was noticed a positive dynamics in the area of skills and abilities of learning activity (at 24 %). The intrinsic (positive) motivation of post-secondary studies also had positive dynamics (16 %), and communication skills increased by 16 %. Keywords: adaptation, rural student, adaptation program, pedagogical conditions | 1133 | |||||
3903 | The article substantiates the need for a project competence in teacher’s personal resource. It is noted that fixed in the federal state educational standard of higher education requirements for students’ project competencies involve the selection of adequate to the content of these requirements methods of pedagogical work on their formation. The paper reconstructs the experience of developing the project competence of philology students in the process of organizing educational events in the practice of collaboration between tertiary and secondary educational institutions. An empirical model of such interaction, the joint production of innovative developments, has been revealed using humanitarian research methods. Educational precedent gives grounds to say that the position exhibiting the project competence of students, can be formed in the active development of their content through educational events; means of formation of competence – participation in the trial-search activities of different content: educational-project in the framework of the lesson laboratory; design and research within the presentation at the conference. Keywords: project competence, interaction, educational event, joint production | 1133 | |||||
3904 | Soboleva A. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 32-34 . | 1132 | |||||
3905 | The results of cooperation of the Tomsk museum of regional studies with school Ni 12 are represented in the given paper. The program of long-term cooperation since 1998 includes museum lessons, methodical and information support of special courses, optional courses, circles for studying literary history and economy. | 1132 | |||||
3906 | In the article on the material of early stories by V.T. Narezhny included in the cycle «Slavic evenings» (1809–1826) the formation of the romantic concept of the person in Russian prose of the beginning of the XIX century is considered. The special attention is paid to transformation in the context of pre-romantic systems of values of educational Narezhny’s representation about human nature. In the work it is traced, as the new attitude of charcters (feeling of spiritual independence and aspiration to assert it) changes traditional norms of plot’s composition and brings to the forefront the social-psychological conflicts connected with the problem of alienation of the charceter. | 1132 | |||||
3907 | There are different ways of the property repartition. Till 1995 the basic was privatization, subsequently on the foreground methods of buying up and shares buying up, bankruptcies, including custom-made, intracorporate conflicts and wars have left. Now the increasing value gets such quite civilized repartition method as merges and absorption. In development process property repartition methods changed from wild and force methods to market methods. | 1132 | |||||
3908 | In the article on the basis of the analysis of archival sources and historical literature the measures of the Soviet bodies of authority 1920–1930 on preparation of the pedagogical staff for the Altai national schools are shown. The questions of organization of teacher’s rates, opening of a technical school, national faculties of workers are considered. The materials about training of the representetives of Gorno Altai in universities of the country are given. | 1132 | |||||
3909 | The article analyzes a number of works of the American researchers about transition of Russia to the market. These works are the attempts to give an objective estimation to changes in the economy of our state. Their estimations are various – from negative to moderated ones | 1132 | |||||
3910 | In article it is shown that dynamics of solar activity makes more essential impact on psychophysiological functions of girls, than boys. Keywords: environment, solar activity, organism reaction, intellectual working capacity | 1132 | |||||
3911 | The article dwells on the topic of patriotism as the issue of philosophy, philology and public sciences. The empirical sociological research, which was done in 2010 in Saratov region, regarding studying the patriotism level of the modern student youth, is represented in the article. Keywords: patriotism, extremism, student youth, sociological research, Saratov region. | 1132 | |||||
3912 | In author’s opinion on the ancient history of the Northwestern and central Northern Caucasus was closely linked with Indo-European migrations from Central Europe in the second half of the 3rd – beginning of the 2nd centuries B.C. The first migrants to this region consisted of the mixed groups of Indo-Europeans and non-Indo-Europeans that can be corresponded to the Tocharians (Afanasievo culture) and formed pre-Maikop cultural horizon with the horse-head scepters. The second stream of the European population that reached the Caucasus included the “Ancient Europeans” (AE – ancestors of the Slavs, the Germans, the Balts, the Celts, the Italics), and the Anatolians as well. The dolmens under the barrows in the Northwestern Caucasus were left by them. The archaeological equivalents of AE groups settled in the central part of the Northern Caucasus are the kurgan burials of the Kuban-Terek culture that dated from 3rd -2nd centuries BC. Thus the history of the Ancient Caucasus in 3rd century B.C can be regarded as a part of the IndoEuropean history of Europe. Keywords: Northern Caucasus, Eneolithic, horse-head scepters, Bronze Age, Novosvobodnaya-Klady dolmens, kurgan burials, Kuban-Terek culture of 3-2nd centuries., Indo-European homelands and migrations | 1132 | |||||
3913 | The article is devoted to analisis results of the 1-st youth scientific school with international participation “synchronism and diachrony: modern paradigmes and modern conceptions” on the subject “Evolution of forms of existential consciousness in culture: synchronism and diachrony”. Keywords: existential consciousness, “frontier situation”, reflection, genesis, synthesis, dialogue, author, epoch, discourse, ethnic identity, artistic consciousness, narrative culture, poetic, genre, religious culture, cinema | 1132 | |||||
3914 | A review of grounds, determining the synthetic structure of understanding is presented in the paper. The problem of knowledge principles and their competence never lost their relevance. The syncretism of the studied reality model gives reasons to believe that exactly retential-protential factors and its constituent are the basic elements both for a world picture and for a world structured. The retential and protential conditionality of the world model is formed by the world phenomenon. Keywords: intersubjectivity, understanding, retentiality, protentiality, E. Gusserl, model, V. Solovyov | 1132 | |||||
3915 | The article deals with the effect of long-wave ultraviolet (UVA) radiation in the low-intensity white light (BS) on morphogenesis, hormonal balance, the content of photosynthetic pigments (SAF) and ascorbic acid (AA) Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. wild-type and mutant Ler hy4, having irregularities in the synthesis of cryptochrome 1 (CRY1). The plants of both lines inhibition of growth processes and reducing the real seed production in response to the additional exposure to UV-A light was associated with a change in the balance of endogenous hormones - decrease in the amount of indole acid (IAA), and increased levels of abscisic acid (ABA), change the content of FAK and AK. On the basis of differences in the dynamics of seed production plants has been suggested the possible involvement of the photoreceptor CRY1 in regulating morphogenesis of plants to UV-A light of low intensity. Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana Ler, hy4, UV-A radiation, endogenous hormones, photosynthetic pigments, ascorbic acid, morphogenesis, seed production | 1132 | |||||
3916 | The article deals with the species composition and structure of the population inversion of malarial mosquitoes in Central Europe: Germany, Poland, Belarus. In the studied samples there were revealed two species Anopheles: A. messeae and A. maculipennis. There was set inversion polymorphism and XL-3R-shoulders polytene chromosomes of A. messeae. The authors discuss regularities of the composition and the frequency of the inversion of options depending on the region of Europe and the characteristics of local environmental factors habitats. Keywords: malarial mosquitoes, karyotype, inversion, homozygote, heterozygote | 1132 | |||||
3917 | Universal commerce that appeared in Russia in XIX century reached its fullest flower in Soviet period both in cities and countries. In 1920’s GUM (State Department Store, from Russian Gosudarstvenniy Universalniy Magazin) became a symbol of NEP. After a bright period of activities in 1920’s Tyumen branch of GUM reappeared in 1930’s in the form of state and cooperative trading organizations. By the end of 1930’s state department stores that started their activity as one of the forms of trading organizations became the best form of Soviet trading. The article describes the main periods of this evolution, draws reader’s attention to the managerial decisions in trading sphere, the analysis of the activity of the Tyumen branch of GUM and the reasons of its liquidation. Much attention is given to the difficulties of the development of the state trading in the provincial Tyumen in 1930’s, the author defines forms and methods of state universal commerce and analyses the role of advertisement in this process. The results of the research show that by the end of 1930’s state commerce already had leading position in the city in context of command and administration system establishment. This period was essential in shaping the principles of Soviet universal commerce. Keywords: department store, retail trade, raw materials trade fair, bureau of rationalization and invention, charity, Moscow GUM affair | 1132 | |||||
3918 | In the article the issues of penitentiary staff training during the first years of the Soviet government are revealed. These issues are of concern for research as one of the underworked topics in native science. The author focuses on the events connected with it, on historical and pedagogical experience, trials and errors of pioneers of Soviet penitentiary staff training system. Chronological boundaries of the article are determined by the major events of Russian history, which were highly influential on the process of professional penitentiary staff training. The lowest boundary begins in October 1917 with inauguration of Bolshevik regime. The highest is connected with the Second Congress of penitentiary affairs officials of the RSFSR held from November to December 1924, after the agreements of which systematic solutions of the issues of Soviet penitentiary staff training became possible since the second half of 1920s. The first agreements of the government during the first years of Bolshevik regime concerning penitentiary personnel policy and shifting penitentiary priorities are revealed. The central place in the article is devoted to the revealing of external and domestic factors undermining the professional penitentiary staff training and having a negative impact on the possibilities of penitentiary personnel policy in that period. The conclusion about the role of the first educational endeavors’ of Soviet government in foundation of the Soviet system of penitentiary staff training is stated. Keywords: history of education, personnel policy, penitentiary staff, professional training | 1132 | |||||
3919 | In the article the authors touched on one of the topical issues of defectological education: improving motivation to self-correction and self-control among children with severe speech disorders. For children with severe speech disorders the corrective-speech process at kindergarten speech therapy center lasts 2–3 years. During this time it is necessary to help children to correct the defects of the entire system of language: aspects of pronunciation, lexical and grammatical side, of coherent speech. The necessity of examination and formation of a stable motivation for corrective speech work is caused by the low level of interest of senior preschool children with severe speech disorders to speech therapy classes, because they require perseverance from the child, and this quality appears later. The authors identified three stages of diagnostics, necessary for a comprehensive examination of children with severe speech disorders. Stage 1 – speech diagnostics, stage 2 – study of children’s motivation, stage 3 – parents’ questioning to identify the child’s interests. The attention is focused on the stage of studying of motivation for speech therapy classes, with the aim of identifying conditions for the formation of stable motivation of children with severe speech disorders. The diagnostic parameters of the motivational component are demonstrated, their connection with speech therapy tasks is specified. Keywords: speech disorder, motivation, interest in speech therapy sessions, diagnostics of motivation | 1132 | |||||
3920 | The article represents the insufficiently studied up-to-date issue of Diversity Pedagogics, expanding its theoretical essence and its historical–cultural Russian origin. It deals with two main approaches to conception of Diversity Pedagogics in contemporary science. The first approach is considered in a context of a certain assignment for school, composed by society to solve up-to-date related problems. The second one represents a broader view on inclusive education that is beyond of creating essential conditions for teaching children with special needs. In terms of analysis of Diversity Pedagogics genesis in Russian history the two main directions of its evolutional development are emphasized: cultural diversity (differences according cultural, national, religious characteristics) and individual diversity (children in a difficult life situation and children with special needs). The cultural origin of diversity is properly researched, and it leads to conclusion that cultural diversity phenomenon contains its own Russian roots and distinctive characteristics that are traced back in Russian Pedagogics, in its applied and theoretical aspects, arrhythmic circulated in different types of world outlook, reflecting the culture-specific elements, cultural-historical processes and folk orthodox religious traditions in teaching. Keywords: Diversity Pedagogics, inclusive education, tolerance, cultural diversity, Russian education history | 1132 | |||||
3921 | Redaktsiya . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 78-78 . | 1131 | |||||
3922 | Vajda Edward D. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 36-37 . | 1131 | |||||
3923 | . | 1131 | |||||
3924 | Knyazkov A. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 29-31 . | 1131 | |||||
3925 | Beginning from water systems and soils, all series connection links of this chain can be viewed as deposition or oozing mediums in relation to toxic devices or linkages, in which there is a dynamic balance realized in system uptake - eduction or uptake - accumulation -eduction. | 1131 | |||||
3926 | The article is devoted to the question of the composition teacher-specialist’s model taking into consideration modern requirements of higher education. The author presents the main positions of the problem researched by such well-known scientists as: V.A. Slastenin, E.I. Issaev, G.B. Skok | 1131 | |||||
3927 | The article is devoted to the problems of Additional Pedagogical Department’s foundation and development. These departments were a social movement and a powerful resource in upbringing of students all over the country at the beginning of the 60–80-s | 1131 | |||||
3928 | The article is devoted to the creation of Conception of information technology of legal education in higher schools. The author considers the aims, purposes, content and principal directions of information technology of legal education. Keywords: conception of information technology of legal education, informative-communicative technology, electronic educational resources, packages of applied programmer | 1131 | |||||
3929 | The article discusses the goals, results and prospects of scientific conference «Systems and Models: Limits of Interpretation». It is formulated the problem of education caused by the lack of adequate diagnostics of educational technologies. The research is supported by grant RFBR № 10-06-00313. | 1131 | |||||
3930 | The article is devoted to the approaches to the integration of e-learning with traditional training tools for school Mathematics, based on example of e-educational complex in mathematics for primary school; it describes in detail the structure of electronic complex. Keywords: school textbook with a new type of computer support, e-education complex in mathematics. | 1131 | |||||
3931 | The problem of creation of pedagogical conditions of development of patriotic consciousness at history lessons is considered. The idea of the model of creation of situations of self-determination and consciousness of the relation to the native place, compatriots and to oneself as a representative of the fatherland is proved in the article. The author comes to the conclusions about the reflexion role in creation of pedagogical conditions for students in their personal process of comprehension, understanding oneself as patriot. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, self-determination, consciousness, a reflexion, patriotic values. | 1131 | |||||
3932 | In the article characteristic of reflexive competence in teacher’s professional activity is given. The author emphasizes on forming this competence among students. The contents of the main structural component of reflexive competence of the future teachers’ preschool education are: cognitive, operational and personal. The conditions of their development during professional training are suggested. Keywords: professional competence, reflexive competence of the preschool teacher, reflection, self-development | 1131 | |||||
3933 | In this article, the author proposes the concept of organizing of the service of medical and psychological support at higher school based on specialized medical institution. Complexes of therapeutic and prophylactic, diagnostic and psychotherapeutic interventions. Keywords: state of maladjustment, psychotherapeutic methods, service of medical and psychological support of the educational process at higher school | 1131 | |||||
3934 | The article contains description of the Russian sign language expression markers of possibility and necessity. The Russian sign language modal forms are compared with modality expression in the Russian language. Keywords: Russian sign language, RSL, possibility, necessity, modality | 1131 | |||||
3935 | The results of research of structural and substantial characteristics of the image of the professional future are presented in the article. There are defined specific features for each stage of higher school education (1 course, the 3rd course, the 6th course) dominating notion categories in the image of the professional future. It shows the transformation of the content of the image of the professional future of students in the higher school training. It disclosed the content of the activity and emotional components of the image of the professional future of students, taking into account the stages of professional development. It defines significant professional quality, resources and potentials in personal and professional development of students, specific to the respondents for each course. Keywords: image of the professional future, emotional and activity components of the image of the professional future, meaning forming motives, professional qualities, medicine students | 1131 | |||||
3936 | The article is devoted to the different points of view on the phenomenon of deceived expectations. On the example of the M.I. Tsvetaeva’s poem the author reveals regulatory opportunities of deceived expectations. Besides, the author pays attention to its role in the semantic development of poetic text and in the formation of its emotional tone. Keywords: regulatory function of the text, regulatory opportunities, regulatory structure, the type of extension, deceived expectations | 1131 | |||||
3937 | The article describes the process of teaching students aimed at the foreign communicative competence development by means of the problem-solving tasks system. The stages and the results of the experiment research are presented in detail. The effectiveness of the tested system of problem-solving tasks in the process of the students’ foreign communicative competence development is experimentally proved. Keywords: foreign communicative competence, problem-solving task, experiment, results, effectiveness | 1131 | |||||
3938 | Multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the most important strategy, and one of the main directions of development of the state. The author examines the nature of multilingual education, the reasons that led to its actualization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the problems of functioning of languages in the context of the development of modern language person. The article describes the new language education priorities and principles of formation of the language identity in the multilingual educational environment of Kazakhstan, comparing different points of view on this issue. The author concludes that in the context of a new state of the multi-ethnic society as the Republic of Kazakhstan, issues of formation of the language identity of particular relevance. Keywords: multilingual, language identity, language situation, multi-cultural environment, multilingual education | 1131 | |||||
3939 | The article reveals results of the onomasiological approach to analyze corpora of Tomsk realionims elaborated in Russian. This article covers issues of a great importance such as onomasiology as a study of designations where linguistics forms can stand for a given concept, idea, and object, theoretical components of an onomasiological approach to categorize required vocabulary segments. Moreover, the research also considers various realia classifications elaborated since 1950s that are crucial for modern linguistics and widely spread. The article anticipates detailed and careful examination of such classifications and criteria of their formation and elaboration to select the basic one. In accordance with the research, the most reliable classification has been selected and applied during systematization and categorization. In such a manner, an onomasiological approach and the one realia classification specified in the article became the basis to systemize realionims associated with Tomsk and Tomsk Region in compliance with corresponding classification groups. Furthermore, the article defines thematic content of realionims` corpora dedicated to Tomsk and Tomsk Region. Thus, the article reveals statistic data and quantitative parameters of lexical groups that have been selected by continuous sampling method, analyzed and systemized by means of an onomasiological approach and realia classification selected during research. Keywords: onomasiological approach, Tomsk realionims, realionims corpora, thematic groups, classification of realionims, hard-to-translate endemic units, parallelization of corporas of different languages | 1131 | |||||
3940 | The article is devoted to revealing poorly studied cognitive mechanisms of color naming in Russian and Chinese on the basis of lexicographic and Internet sources, and the national corpus of the Russian and Chinese languages. Derivative secondary colorants denoting tertiary chromatic colors have been analyzed. Cognitive color naming models related to the cognitive macro model “color plant” have been identified. This allows us to conclude that the color picture of the world reflects diverse experience of man’s knowledge of the plant world in all its forms. Ways of replenishing the color naming system of this type have been defined. The color naming systems in the Russian and Chinese languages with respect to the type of cognitive modeling being analyzed are basically the same. The authors have found out universal cognitive color naming models of Russian and Chinese, among which the most productive ones are the models “color flower”, “color fruit of the plant”, which indicates the similarity of thought processes realizing color naming. National features of the color picture of the world are manifested in the presence of specific nominations of color shades in both languages. These nominations reflect cultural characteristics of Russian and Chinese native speakers as well as peculiarities of the color semantics of interlingual equivalents in the languages. Quantitative and qualitative differences of Russian and Chinese derived color lexical units confirm the idea that the color naming is the reflection of the natural and cultural space of the ethnos. Keywords: cognitive modeling, color naming, coloration, Russian, Chinese | 1131 | |||||
3941 | . | 1130 | |||||
3942 | Blinova Olga Iosifovna . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 3-5 . | 1130 | |||||
3943 | Eremin L. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 7 (16). P. 64-65 . | 1130 | |||||
3944 | Worded main positions of the concept of the thermodynamic method of the study of the surrounding united World - material and spiritual. Method expects use of approaches of the thermodynamics classical and statistical, thermodynamicses complex openned nonlinear systems (sinergy). Multiple examples illustrate an using a method to processes an material, alive nature and phenomenas social. Method is approved in the course of occupations with pupilies senior classes, humanitarian students of the university of the Russia Academy of formation and students a physicist-technical facalty Tomsk state university. | 1130 | |||||
3945 | Ugdyzhekova O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 25-28 . | 1130 | |||||
3946 | This text is about the problem of reading. How can we read epitaph? Keep out seriously philosophical notice about that and keep sincerity at the same time. Besides this text tells us about the writing problem. How do we write when we are writing epitaph? I think, writing is much close to making-up (and creating image). I describe some figures and structures of this kind of writing and discuss the ethical problem relevant to philosophical aspects of this idea. | 1130 | |||||
3947 | In this article the intention of giving short characteristics of origin, establishment and development of Internal Troops of Russia’s Interior is undertaken; the author gave an assessment of carrying out of service and combat tasks by the Internal Troops in modern conditions of fighting with International terrorism. | 1130 | |||||
3948 | In the article the author analyses approaches to an estimation of reliability of the subject of professional work. The urgency of development of model of an estimation of professional reliability of the teacher on the basis of the system organization of self-control proves. Criteria of an estimation of professional reliability are allocated: integrity and interrelation of structural components of self-control. The algorithm of a quantitative estimation of professional reliability of the teacher is described | 1130 | |||||
3949 | For Western Siberia is studied For the first time specific structure and zooplankton distribution in various types of marsh reservoirs of pool of an average current of the river Chulym. It is established that each type of marsh reservoirs is characterised by a certain set of the general specific structure and characteristic kinds of a zooplankton. For reservoirs of moor of transitive type 13 characteristic kinds of a zooplankton, for back moor – 39 and for the river reservoirs connected with bogs – 22 kinds are established. For the first time for fauna of Russia 7 kinds, and for Western Siberia – 11 kinds are established. Keywords: zooplankton, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda, moor of transitive, back moor, evribiont | 1130 | |||||
3950 | The author of the article presents experimental results which show that activation and maintenance of the condition with heightened interhemispheric interaction in brain enriches intellectual capacities of a person. Keywords: activation, brain, interhemispherical communication, intellectual capacities | 1130 |