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3901 | The article considers religious-cult topolexemes of the Selkup language. Cult lexemes as componential parts of toponyms are analyzed. The paper reveals possible reason for making a place sacred. The author researches mythological concepts of the Selkups. The fragment of the linguistic worldview is reconstructed. Keywords: endangered languages of Siberia, Selkup ethnos, the Selkup language, topolexemes, hydronyms, religious-cult lexis, mythology, worldview | 1141 | |||||
3902 | Development of the system of public service requires special attention to the problem of the morality of civil servants. Moral reliability and responsibility is a core of social and axiological potential of the civil servants. The effective instruments of development of moral culture of the civil servants are programs of additional professional education. The article submits the data of empirical researches of the author on the opportunities of additional professional education for realization of social and axiological potential of civil servants. The presented training program of civil servants “Ethics of public service” is modular in nature and in terms of methodology, based on the principle of polysubjectivity. Keywords: additional professional education, ethics of public service, moral culture of civil servants, responsibility, social and axiological potential, value orientations | 1141 | |||||
3903 | The paper presents the results of involvement of future mathematics and physics teachers in independent scientific research activity in conditions of realization of competence approach. In the case of such approach the competence is a general capability which is checked and created in activities. It is based on knowledge and allows the person to establish connection between the system of actions for successful problem solution. During the educational process, the formation of elements of competencies at implementation of curriculum is carried out by means of maintenance of the studied subject. The course of the differential equations has great opportunities for forming of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics and physics, however the existing education guidance, according to the theory of differential equations, are obviously not oriented to form the competencies. Besides modern development of technology, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, economics and other sciences is impossible without the use of differential equations. The solutions of Clairaut-type equations with a special right-hand part found in the paper are a new result in the theory of partial differential equations. In turn the organization of independent scientific research in the framework of the course of differential equations promotes the main goal of professional competencies of future mathematics and physics teachers, namely forming the professional competencies being ready to use theoretical and practical knowledge in science and education. Keywords: differential equations, professional competencies | 1141 | |||||
3904 | The article deals with basic periods of formation and development of communicative stylistics of text, which has been growing at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University since 1992 at the department of modern Russian and stylistics (from the end of 2017 the department of the Russian language). Peculiarities of this scientific school and factors that defined its dynamics in scientific context of linguistics at the end of XX – beginning of XXI century are described in the article. In the light of the ideas of the communicative paradigm of linguistic knowledge, in the nineties and early 2000s, the achievements of related sciences are formed that fall under the traditional and functional stylistics, functional lexicology and the theory of the communicative text: the main directions of the communicative stylistics of the text: on the verge of linguistic pragmatics – the regulative theory, on the verge of psycholinguistics – theory of text associations, on the verge of philological hermeneutics – the theory of semantic expansion of the text. Each of these areas of communicative stylistics is aimed at researching the effectiveness of dialogue between the author and the reader with the use of text. The main is the systemic and active approach to the text as a form of communication and the phenomenon of idiostyle of the language personality, which is “left” outside the text. Ideas of communicative and active approach to the text, which are realized in works of this trend, were called for the methods of teaching the Russian language. The basic periods of communicative stylistics of text development are due to new tendencies in language and speech research, connected to extension of units of analysis and to intensification of cognitive and discursive aspects of textual activity, expansion of empirical base of researches, that includes at the beginning of XXI century poetic, advertising, epistolary, media discourses. Cognitive and media vector of development is typical for modern communicative stylistics of text. It is obvious that there is the necessity of further expansion of empirical material associated with genre and style variety of up-to-date media communication, elaboration of typology of informational and media language personalities, research of cognitive aspects of their idiostyle as well as perfection of methods of different types of texts’ analysis in perspective. Keywords: communicative stylistics, regulative theory, theory of textual associations, theory of semantic expansion of text, tendencies and periods of scientific school development, text, language personality, idiostyle | 1141 | |||||
3905 | The article is devoted to revealing poorly studied cognitive mechanisms of color naming in Russian and Chinese on the basis of lexicographic and Internet sources, and the national corpus of the Russian and Chinese languages. Derivative secondary colorants denoting tertiary chromatic colors have been analyzed. Cognitive color naming models related to the cognitive macro model “color plant” have been identified. This allows us to conclude that the color picture of the world reflects diverse experience of man’s knowledge of the plant world in all its forms. Ways of replenishing the color naming system of this type have been defined. The color naming systems in the Russian and Chinese languages with respect to the type of cognitive modeling being analyzed are basically the same. The authors have found out universal cognitive color naming models of Russian and Chinese, among which the most productive ones are the models “color flower”, “color fruit of the plant”, which indicates the similarity of thought processes realizing color naming. National features of the color picture of the world are manifested in the presence of specific nominations of color shades in both languages. These nominations reflect cultural characteristics of Russian and Chinese native speakers as well as peculiarities of the color semantics of interlingual equivalents in the languages. Quantitative and qualitative differences of Russian and Chinese derived color lexical units confirm the idea that the color naming is the reflection of the natural and cultural space of the ethnos. Keywords: cognitive modeling, color naming, coloration, Russian, Chinese | 1141 | |||||
3906 | Introduction. The issues of communication between the author, the character and the reader in the artistic world of this or that writer remain relevant. The scientific tradition of the study of narratives and the modern literary concepts that complement it (for example, the poetics of personalism) have established that the author is present in his work both narratively and structurally; The author is the creator of the artistic world and at the same time the narrator about it. The author’s subject is manifested through the subject organization of the work, as well as through a storytelling event. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to analyze the compositional speech structure of Svetlana Lavrova’s works addressed to a child reader, to consider the category of “author-hero-reader” categories, to establish the connection of the narrative structure with the author’s artistic world and axiology. Materials and research methods. It is revealed that in the artistic world of S. Lavrova various methods of narration and various forms of manifestation of the author’s subject are used: from a personality-neutral narrator to a personalized narrator. The complexity of the subject organization, the multiplicity of points of view in the artistic world of S. Lavrova are designed to create the most complete and accurate picture of reality. The saturation of the works of S. Lavrova with references, allusions, reminiscences to works included in the circle of children’s and youthful reading actualizes the mechanism of the language game and contributes to the formation of communication between the author and the reader. Results and discussion. As a result, it was found that the most important structural principle of the creation of the artistic world of S. Lavrova is the juxtaposition of outof-place things, the coexistence of the real and the fantastic, the rejection of credibility, but the desire for vitality. Emphasizing the conscious formation of the text by the author creates such a type of narration in which the boundaries between the world of the author and the world of characters, as well as between the world of characters and the world of the reader, are mobile and permeable. Metapathing creates the effect of complete creative freedom of the author, causes a feeling of inner unpredictability and contributes to the formation of game poetics. Conclusion. In the works of S. Lavrova, the world surrounding the child is depicted as internally coherent, harmonious, of absolute value, and the involvement of the child reader in it contributes to understanding oneself and one’s place in the world. Keywords: literature of the region, literature for children and adolescents, literary narratives, author, hero, reader, narrator, point of view, subject organization of a literary work | 1141 | |||||
3907 | Abstract Introduction. The study is devoted to the historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of gamification. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient level of substantiation of both the concept itself and its content, the features of the application of the leading ideas of this theory in education. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the features of the formation of the leading provisions of the theory of gamification in Russian pedagogical science (1992–2021). Material and methods. Methodological guidelines at various stages of the research were the main provisions of the dialectical approach, the systematic approach in historical and pedagogical research. The theoretical study was carried out on a set of publications of the scientific electronic library (www.elibrary.ru), published in 1992–2021. Research methods – theoretical: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical literature on the problem under study; logical-historical and systemic Results and discussion. In the course of the research, we came to the conclusion that gamification is a modern pedagogical category “describing the use of approaches in teaching, characteristic of computer games”, whose use provides motivation for participants in the educational process in the ecosystem of an educational organization, contributes to their optimal interaction, personal and professional development by means of special game methods. The formation of the theory of gamification in education in Russia was carried out within a number of stages. At the first stage of the development of the theory of gamification “Formation of ideas about gamification in Russian pedagogical science” (2010–2015), first of all, the scattered data on the origin of the phenomenon itself were generalized and formalized, the theoretical prerequisites for its occurrence were described, attempts were made to substantiate the concept and features of the phenomenon gamification, presents some materials on the process of gamification and its specific application in various areas of human life, including education. At the second stage, “Formation of the leading areas of study of the phenomenon of gamification in Russia” (2016–2019), certain leading methodological and theoretical foundations were identified, the foundation was laid for substantiating the concepts of organizing the educational process using elements of gamification in higher education, the tasks of gamification for organizations were formulated general and additional education of children. The third stage “Formation and systematization of the leading ideas of the theory of gamification” (2020 to date) is characterized by the quantitative accumulation of scientific knowledge about the phenomenon, the formation of its elements at the theoretical and methodological level, and the creation of elements of a modern technological product. Conclusion. At present, a new stage is entering in the formation of this phenomenon, which allows at a qualitatively new level to substantiate the content of gamification as a modern educational technology, which makes it possible to organize a networked educational process in online and offline modes at a fundamentally new level. Keywords: gamification, digitalization of Russian education, features, stages of formation | 1141 | |||||
3908 | Mikhaylichenko Yu. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 11-13 . | 1140 | |||||
3909 | . | 1140 | |||||
3910 | Miroshnikov S. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 61-62 . | 1140 | |||||
3911 | The article reveals categorical opposition of logic and a language. The language and logic appear as two different Interacting moments which organize the text. Its imply principles of expression and understanding. The language is directly phenomenal and it is a source of expression as such. Logic lets us understand the sense of the language and return that naive expression to that inner sense. Mind is mainly logical order and it leads spontaneity of the language to the conceptual and categorical unity. Art is mainly lingual phenomenon and replaces clear and unity of logic by a play of expressive lingual relations. Speech is a sphere of logic dialectical synthesis of logic and the language principles. A settled language is energically melted by speech whereas speech is penetrated with logic so that logical connections of the language are created there. This living language creation in its logic points is a specific feature of art. Art is improvising thinking related directly to internal phenomenality of sense. | 1140 | |||||
3912 | In the article on the material of early stories by V.T. Narezhny included in the cycle «Slavic evenings» (1809–1826) the formation of the romantic concept of the person in Russian prose of the beginning of the XIX century is considered. The special attention is paid to transformation in the context of pre-romantic systems of values of educational Narezhny’s representation about human nature. In the work it is traced, as the new attitude of charcters (feeling of spiritual independence and aspiration to assert it) changes traditional norms of plot’s composition and brings to the forefront the social-psychological conflicts connected with the problem of alienation of the charceter. | 1140 | |||||
3913 | Diagrams of heneycosan-palmitin acid and heneycosan-stearin acid systems are investigated using differential scanning calorymetry. Phase equilibrium diagrams are discussed | 1140 | |||||
3914 | This article is dedicated to the comparison of the interpretations of the phenomenon of world by Husserl and Heidegger | 1140 | |||||
3915 | The article deals with the structure of an electronic portfolio of the department at a higher school as an innovative mechanism, enabling to encourage academic staff of a higher school aimed at establishing an innovative lifestyle system of higher learning which is to improve the quality of the educational services provided. Keywords: informatization of education, innovative pedagogical technologies, electronic portfolio of a chair, education quality | 1140 | |||||
3916 | The article contains description of the Russian sign language expression markers of possibility and necessity. The Russian sign language modal forms are compared with modality expression in the Russian language. Keywords: Russian sign language, RSL, possibility, necessity, modality | 1140 | |||||
3917 | Relationship between changes of biodiversity with oxygen content in atmosphere and mass of carbon-hydrogen stratum in the Phanerozoic is studied. Dynamics of biodiversity is represented by the cyclical changes of species diversity of sea animals in the Phanerozoic. Information about changes of sea animal biodiversity in the Phanerozoic was taken from Sepkosky database. The relationship between cyclical changes of oxygen content in atmosphere, mass of carbon-hydrogen stratum and changes of sea animal biodiversity in the Phanerozoic is revealed on base of temporal sets analysis of the above mentioned quantities. The revealed relationships were proved by correlation calculations. Keywords: Phanerozoic, biodiversity, number of sea animals species, oxygen in atmosphere, carbon-hydrogen stratum of lithosphere | 1140 | |||||
3918 | The article offers a model of social support of gifted children in physics, ensuring academic mobility of students. We consider the structure, the elements of the model, the classification of forms of mobility, testing in the framework of the activities of the Center of additional education at the pedagogical university in Tomsk. Keywords: gifted children, social-pedagogical support, academic mobility, physical and mathematical education, pedagogical university, model | 1140 | |||||
3919 | The article presents the results of the special pedagogical study developing upon totals of more general studies in the field of reasons of the transformation of philosophical images of science. The author clears up features of method of formation of the image of science appearing under the influence of existentialist criticism of scientific discourse. It was offered some arguments of the author’s variant of the teaching the relations between scientism and anti-scientism within the framework of course of philosophy. That variant is supported by the competency-based approach to training of students in the direction “Pedagogical education”. Keywords: existentialism, transformation of philosophical image of science, method of formation of the image of science, scientific discourse, scientism, anti-scientism | 1140 | |||||
3920 | Statistics of cases of the child abuse proves that the domestic violence has become as common as the street violence. Hundreds of children are injured by their own parents. Specialists in rehabilitation centers and school psychologists in their work with children, affected by domestic violence in the family, use all possible methods and forms of behavior correction and rehabilitation of such children. Collective creative activity is one of the forms of correctional and rehabilitation work with children affected by domestic violence in the family. At venue of MAI (Municipial Autonomous Institution) PCSA (Prevention Centre and Social Adaptation) “Family” (Tomsk) a group of children from among the victims of the domestic violence was formed. Parents and children, entering “the group of risk”, were proposed to unite with the creative team of children with disabilities, at the result of which the creative inclusive group “Kolosok” was formed. The tasks of the group are to create conditions for reducing aggression and anxiety in children/a child; to teach children/a child to build and maintain relationships in the family, to show feelings and emotions for the purpose intended, to develop empathy through the close communication in society. The results of the diagnostic test showed that anxiety and aggressiveness decreased; composition and staging tales contributed to the development and expansion of the vocabulary, and the manufacture of handicrafts from the improvised and natural materials developed the outlook; the relationship between mothers and children became warmer because joint activities allowed them to spend time together as often as possible, to be in the same business, to get to know each other better. Keywords: home violence, correctional and rehabilitation work with children, collective creative activity, inclusive group | 1140 | |||||
3921 | Modern Tomsk author Tatyana Efremovna Meyko writes in the genre of philosophical stories, continuing the tradition of Hans Christian Andersen, Konstantin Ushinsky, Arkadiy Gaidar, Valentin Kataev. The fairytale “Zernyshko” is considered as a phenomenon of “common” literature that is aimed on the one hand at an adult and on the other hand at a child. On the level of plot the tale is clear to children. Rich intertextual formation (allusions to mythology, the Bible, folklore and literature) is designed for the understanding of the problem of choice of life for more prepared readers. The ways of creating images of characters (names, characteristics of speech, their relationship with the world, transmitted via spatial characteristics) are analyzed in this article. In the spatial organization of tales the opposition “top – bottom” is important and the way is the topos. The hero of the tale is able to overcome obstacles, to look for answers to questions, to move forward. Using references to the Bible, world literature, Т. Meyko connects the image of the grain with the semantics of eternal renewal, the triumph of life over death. Т. Meyko uses the techniques of attracting attention of the listener (issues treatment), typical tales formula. In addition, she imbues the text with poetic metaphors, which gives the narrative a lyrical tone. Keywords: modern children’s literature, Siberian literature, prosaic short story, philosophic-poetical fairy tale, T. Meyko | 1140 | |||||
3922 | The article presents a discussion analysis of the project of the Concept of school philological education and the Concepts of teaching the Russian language and literature. Analyzes accentual positions of scientists, methodologists, practitioners, teachers, highlights critical points. The documents are presented through the prism of goal-setting of the values of education in general and arts education in particular. Describes the declared approaches, the didactic unit and vectors of development. Discusses academic aspects of school literary education, questions of succession, cultural and interdisciplinary integration. Presentes and describes the structural components of documents in a comparative manner and characterizes in discussional form. There is strengthening of the actual science, not peculiar to the documents of this kind before (in particular the concept of «linguistic personality in the cultural-linguistic field of the nation», «the language of the aesthetic ideal», «intuitive assimilation of the laws of language», etc.). Considers the basic vectors of the сoncept of teaching the Russian language and literature, including the concept of the school philological education (among them: working with the linguistic deformations, the knowledge of language as a symbolic system and a social phenomenon, the regulatory formats and the variety of speech activity recorded by the correlates between the existing legal, regulatory and instructional materials, and conceptual directions of the development). Keywords: Concept of the school philological education, Concept of teaching Russian language and literature, teaching methodology, didactic units | 1140 | |||||
3923 | The article represents the insufficiently studied up-to-date issue of Diversity Pedagogics, expanding its theoretical essence and its historical–cultural Russian origin. It deals with two main approaches to conception of Diversity Pedagogics in contemporary science. The first approach is considered in a context of a certain assignment for school, composed by society to solve up-to-date related problems. The second one represents a broader view on inclusive education that is beyond of creating essential conditions for teaching children with special needs. In terms of analysis of Diversity Pedagogics genesis in Russian history the two main directions of its evolutional development are emphasized: cultural diversity (differences according cultural, national, religious characteristics) and individual diversity (children in a difficult life situation and children with special needs). The cultural origin of diversity is properly researched, and it leads to conclusion that cultural diversity phenomenon contains its own Russian roots and distinctive characteristics that are traced back in Russian Pedagogics, in its applied and theoretical aspects, arrhythmic circulated in different types of world outlook, reflecting the culture-specific elements, cultural-historical processes and folk orthodox religious traditions in teaching. Keywords: Diversity Pedagogics, inclusive education, tolerance, cultural diversity, Russian education history | 1140 | |||||
3924 | Rezun M. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 59-63 . | 1139 | |||||
3925 | In the article the process of formation of the genre model of an aesthetic manifest – fragment in V.A. Zhukovsky’s works of the 1810s and A.S. Pushkin’s of the first half of the1820-s is investigated. The material for supervision was poetic-aesthetic Zhukovsky’s manifests and letters, and Pushkin’s letters of the period of the southern reference. The prospect of full realization of the genre form of the fragment opens in late Pushkin’s works of the 1830-s and Zhukovsky’s of the 1840-s, in the poetic and prosaic works with a genre subtitle «Fragment». | 1139 | |||||
3926 | In article given the problem of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of mathematical abilities of pupils in a context of its formation in conditions of in qualification improvement system of professional skills is considered, the tasks of course preparation within the limits of which the teacher creatively realizes the potential and solves problems of professional development are defined. The basic directions and the factors influencing on the condition of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of pupils abilities are analyzed and the structurization of system of readiness elements is offered | 1139 | |||||
3927 | Article reveals the history of an investigation of the atmospheric electricity in Tomsk. We review first presentation of native people in Siberia about lightning, first scientific investigations of atmospheric electricity in Tomsk State University. We describe modern investigations of thunderstorm activity in Tomsk Polytechnic University and Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: atmospheric electricity, thunderstorm activity, lightning flash counters | 1139 | |||||
3928 | The problem of creation of pedagogical conditions of development of patriotic consciousness at history lessons is considered. The idea of the model of creation of situations of self-determination and consciousness of the relation to the native place, compatriots and to oneself as a representative of the fatherland is proved in the article. The author comes to the conclusions about the reflexion role in creation of pedagogical conditions for students in their personal process of comprehension, understanding oneself as patriot. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, self-determination, consciousness, a reflexion, patriotic values. | 1139 | |||||
3929 | It is proved that when 8 fermions associated with the supersymmetries broken by the AdS4 x CP3 superbackground are gauged away by using the k-symmetry corresponding equations obtained by variation of the AdS4 x CP3 superstring action are contained in the set of fermionic equations of the OSp(4j6)=(SO(1; 3) x U(3)) sigma-model. Keywords: AdS4 x CP3 superstring, OSp(4j6)=(SO(1; 3) x U(3)) sigma-model, osp(4j6) superalgebra, equations of motion | 1139 | |||||
3930 | In this work properties and the mechanism of a dissipation of energy of elastic fluctuations of MnCu of alloys with the maintenance of Mn Keywords: dissipative properties, dislocation, elasticity module, alloys, structure | 1139 | |||||
3931 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of the stereotypes of perception of Bretons and Breton language by the French society. The special attention in the article is focused to the description of the comic effect created at the mention of one of the markers of Breton cultural identity. The author gives examples from the various works, confirming the existence of steady stereotypes of perception of Brittany. It also covers autostereotypes – a vision of the Breton identity and the Breton character by Bretons. Keywords: Brittany, the ethnic humour, the formation and evolution of stereotypes, the cultural identity | 1139 | |||||
3932 | The article presents the author's view of the goal as an important factor of the higher education quality, which reflects the tendencies of development of educational needs of the individual, society and state. The goal defines the development strategy of educational institutions in the future years, as well as it is directed on achievement of personal, meta-subject and object education results. Keywords: quality of education, goal, educational needs, professional activity, characteristics of the goal | 1139 | |||||
3933 | The article is dedicated to the relevance of promotion of information and communication technologies in the educational process, benefits of using them as well as the idea that blended learning is an innovative form of teaching methods. Also the article deals with the issue of compatibility of full-time division and e-learning education, advantages and disadvantages of both forms and the additional opportunities of blended learning for students of nonlinguistic specialties. The extension of the methods and techniques for teachers and the learners with the help of educational internet-resources (hotlist, multimedia scrapbook, treasure hunt, subject sampler and web quest), technologies Web 2.0 (blog, wiki, podcast) in combination with the full-time division in teaching foreign languages to students of non- linguistic specialties is offered to advance motivation of students. Forms of organization of the Internet communication (synchronous and asynchronous) and the purposes of their use for teaching foreign languages are described. Keywords: information technology, e-learning, blended learning, student motivation, learning foreign languages | 1139 | |||||
3934 | The article analyzes the methods of representation of gender awareness of the women authors based on the novel by L. Ulitskaya “demonstrates the methods of their detection and systematization. Based on the analysis of different types of imagery and formed in the text of the novel aesthetic integrity makes an attempt to reconstruct the gender-oriented ethical concept of the author. Identified during the analysis techniques are representative of the “feminine” type letters, because they have the appropriate symbolic content. For example, the machismo manifests itself in the motif of the “cast”, “objective”, feminine declares itself by the motive of the special life “order”. Acting in the process of writing as the translators of the consciousness of the authoress, engaged in the search for her own identity and in the expression of her own social preferences, the revealed motifs also represent various gender behaviors. Thus, specifically manifested in the character of correlation of the signifier and signified complexes, male and female elements manifest themselves primarily in different value orientations in relation to reality. Keywords: gender, discourse, female subjectivity, ironic way, renomination, structure, feminine letter | 1139 | |||||
3935 | Multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the most important strategy, and one of the main directions of development of the state. The author examines the nature of multilingual education, the reasons that led to its actualization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the problems of functioning of languages in the context of the development of modern language person. The article describes the new language education priorities and principles of formation of the language identity in the multilingual educational environment of Kazakhstan, comparing different points of view on this issue. The author concludes that in the context of a new state of the multi-ethnic society as the Republic of Kazakhstan, issues of formation of the language identity of particular relevance. Keywords: multilingual, language identity, language situation, multi-cultural environment, multilingual education | 1139 | |||||
3936 | The article is devoted to the research of autobiographical miniature stories of the modern writer Angelika Sumbayeva. Classical works (M. Bakhtin, L. Ginzburg etc.) give the ideas of typological signs of poetics of autobiographical prose of the childhood which are observed in A. Sumbayeva’s prose: psychologism, retrospective view, lyrical modality of the narration caused by the attitude of the storyteller towards the hero. At the same time the volume of a miniature causes features of A. Sumbayeva’s prose: laconicism of descriptions, accuracy in selection of details; transfer of psychological state through nuance, details. The article alalyses in detail the cycle of the stories published in 2010 in the magazine for children “A Yellow Caterpillar” and built according to calendar chronology (winter, spring, summer). In miniature stories the features of art space come to light (including, the use of attributive features of the Siberian region, its climatic originality), functions of gesture, nuance, phrases in the transfer of a psychological portrait of characters, narrative techniques which form the author’s attitude towards the autobiographical character (for example, use of the narration in third person, but transfer of attitude of the child associating reality with the fantastic world through the direct speech). In miniatures there is an image of the natural world of Siberia in general, and the autobiographical image appears as typical, given in circumstances, recognizable, familiar to the Siberian reader. Miniatures of Angelica Sumbayeva recreate the world of childhood as a harmonious, open to the new, capable to take a miracle to transform the ordinary into the world of fairy tales. Keywords: children’s and youth literature, Siberian writers and poets, A. Sumbaeva, autobiographical prose about childhood | 1139 | |||||
3937 | The article dwells on the essence of the problem of the pedagogical activity formationin in the preparation of students in the pedagogical institution. The most essential factor of the pedagogical activity formation is educational events. The influence is defined as the process, and the mechanisms of influence as its device, structural characteristics and conditions of its realization. The following mechanisms of influence of educational events were singled out: spatio-temporal, informative, and procedural. Characteristics of the mechanisms of influence were also presented. A spatio-temporal mechanism of influence gives an “alive” spatio-temporal continuum in which an educational event takes place. An informative mechanism of influence of educational events consists in changing the idea of pedagogical institution students about the subjectivity of pedagogical activity, production of value-semantic relationship, discovery of a pedagogical activity personal sense. The procedural mechanism presupposes the ways to realize the influence of educational events. Educational designing and personal student’s operation in mutual activity are presented as means. The basic condition of educational events’ influence on the pedagogical activity formation – involving students of the pedagogical institution into educational events – is singled out. Qualitative changes in students’ preparation are considered as the basic results of the mechanisms of the influence of educational events on the formation of pedagogical activity: disclosing personal senses of pedagogical activity and personal experience of the student in joint activities. Keywords: pedagogical activity, pedagogical activity formation, educational event, influence, mechanisms of influence | 1139 | |||||
3938 | Vajda Edward D. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 36-37 . | 1138 | |||||
3939 | Pashkova G. G. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 32-33 | 1138 | |||||
3940 | The paper deals with one of the most poorly studied problems of history of the Altai attached village. According to the author's opinion about the problem of the peasants classification, application of the cluster method of k-averages seems to be the most effective one in combination with theoretical direc¬tives of studying tie life of a peasant. | 1138 | |||||
3941 | In the article the authour considers functioning of the French language, national structure of characters, motives of war, captivity, death, the category of reason and the purpose as components of the Tolstoy’s «Text of the Enemy»; interprets moral and metaphysical values of these and other elements of this text. | 1138 | |||||
3942 | An "Indian" direction in works by Daniil Andreev is elaborated. As it is shown that the categories of oriental culture become the base of the metaphysical conception of a human. D. Andreev is guided by the Indian outlook, solving the problems of human's origin, the meaning of his existence and the nature of ego. | 1138 | |||||
3943 | The article is dedicated to the problem of personnel motivation. An example of motivation system develop¬ment through the composition method is described. As initial parameters for system development the assess¬ment center results have been taken. | 1138 | |||||
3944 | In this article the intention of giving short characteristics of origin, establishment and development of Internal Troops of Russia’s Interior is undertaken; the author gave an assessment of carrying out of service and combat tasks by the Internal Troops in modern conditions of fighting with International terrorism. | 1138 | |||||
3945 | The paper represents mechanisms of transition the molecules of the solvent and ions under influence gradient of the pressure, the temperature, concentration of the dissolved salts and electroosmos in peat, as well as accompanying processes of the ion exchange and change the structure of the material Keywords: Peat deposit, water solution, high molecular substances, mass transit, ion exchange processes, temperature | 1138 | |||||
3946 | The article discusses the goals, results and prospects of scientific conference «Systems and Models: Limits of Interpretation». It is formulated the problem of education caused by the lack of adequate diagnostics of educational technologies. The research is supported by grant RFBR № 10-06-00313. | 1138 | |||||
3947 | The article raises problems of young man planning a future family life. The theoretical approach to the study of family perspectives of personality in terms of values and meaning, emotional and cognitive components. The authors present the results of research of specifics of family prospects of young men. | 1138 | |||||
3948 | In terms of transformation of Russian economy the scientific view of investment sphere process has been changing. The requirements for fixed assets renovation have been changing too. There is a direct connection between investments and qualitative changes of means of productions, between the growth of Russian firms competitiveness, overcoming the crisis processes and the beginning of a new stage in its development. That’s why the leading place in the research of fixed assets renovation should be taken by figuring out of its peculiarities, describing the content and its subject and object as well. Keywords: economy, subjects, relations, renovation, fixed assets | 1138 | |||||
3949 | In the frames of the article there is an attempt to clarify certain provisions of the concept of a viable identity, developed by M. P. Gurjanova, in relation to rural ungraded schools. Keywords: organization of educational process in rural ungraded schools, different-age children teams, teamwork, interpersonal communication | 1138 | |||||
3950 | The article is based on the archive material dated as back as 1920–1930s. The central point of attention is the mechanisms of the cultural change among Selkup people at the critical time for the Russian economy. It was found out that the fi shing traditions and customs of the Selkup population underwent material change because of the new social and economic relations that appeared at the time. As a result of the changes the Selkup economy integrated greatly in the economy of the Soviet society. | 1138 |