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1 | The writers demonstrate an urgency of laboratory activities for teaching the integrated course «Natural sciences». The important functions of laboratory activities are that they can be used as a means of train¬ing and as a means and method of knowledge of a surrounding world. During the fulfillment of laboratory activities the integrated knowledge of the nature, synthetic submission, the knowledge about the laws and reciprocal relationships existing in a surrounding world is reshaped. Such knowledge gets reshaped while teaching the integrated natural science courses. The laboratory activities for such courses differ as they are complex (integrated), that is demonstrating an investigated phenomenon or process from different aspects -physical, chemical, biological. The outcomes of testing, demonstrating the necessity of usage of laboratory activities, distinguishing the contents and methods of fulfillment, forms of organization and so on are adduced. | 1194 | ||||
2 | The article describes the results of the didactic method «Increase of didactics units» (UDE). This method can be wide¬ly used in different areas of pedagogics and individual tech¬niques. The author has used the ideas of UDE in construct¬ing and teaching of the integrated course «Natural sciences» in 10 classes of a humanitarian profile. One of the primary goals of the given approach is the development of system type of intellection. According to the main states of the UDE theory the studied material should be given in large units, since integrated knowledge is more systematic and clear, than separate elements. Therefore all contents of the course of natural sciences for 10-th class were divided into three large units representing integrated groups of the related units of the subject contents. Except the enlargement of didactic meth¬ods of teaching, the extended exercises that accustom pupils to the active methods of learning are also used. These exer¬cises must take into account specific features of psyche and different types of mind. In studying process of the integrated course of natural sciences the schemes, characters, refer¬ence signals, visual means are used. Thus, whenever possi¬ble, all code systems of the person's psychology - verbal, visual, sign, acoustic can be used. The similar approach in¬creases systematic character of knowledge that gives an impulse to their further development and extention. Keywords: - | 1038 | ||||
3 | In the article the role of natural sciences in formation of value reference points of youth in a learning process is pointed. For implementation of such approach the ideas of the world famous modern scientists E. Fromm, D. Bom, A. Maslou, B. Gershunsky and also author's own concept will be used. The teachers of natural sciences disciplines of high schools and secondary schools can use the conclusions of the given article. | 1137 | ||||
4 | The article presents he results of definition of teaching efficiency the integrated course of natural sciences in 10 classes. This course combines theoretical knowledge with complex laboratory works. The testing was carried out on the questions that have word-outlook orientation, which were studied in the section of natural sciences course «The Structure of the Universe on large scale». In the process of testing results analysis the graphic methods of results representation, statistical processing of the received data by Pirson criterion (criterion of 6-square) were used. These results indicate the formation of theoretical generalizations, and the formation of initial scientific and world-outlook ideas among the pupils of experimental classes, while among the schoolchildren of control classes these ideas practically have not been changed. On the basis of the received data the conclusion is made that the subject of natural sciences in the 10 classes due to its integrative character, organic combination of the theory and laboratory works contributes to the effective formation of modern world outlook of the pupils. | 1040 | ||||
5 | The role of processes of supervision in knowledge Natural sciences Laws of a nature were theoretically investigated by a wide rejoin of the modern psychologists and pedagogical. The author of article, basing on theoretical development of the given question, experimentally carries out the given process at study of a rate “Natural sciences» in classes of a humanitarian structure. The analysis of results brought in the article, shows, that the correctly organized supervision of Natural sciences of processes, raises quality of knowledge about a structure of the environmental world | 1204 | ||||
6 | The article of Skripko Z.A. is devoted of differentiation approach in training of natural science disciplines. As a substantiation of such approach there are scientific researches of gender pedagogics undertake. The author offers the own approach in designing the educational texts of a rate “Natural sciences” for humanitarian profile classes | 1206 | ||||
7 | The questions of formation of life values and orientations during education are considered in the article of Z.A. Skripko. The author addresses to historical development of axiology, and gives special attention to the analysis of formation of moral orientations for the youth during training of natural sciences. | 1222 | ||||
8 | The urgent questions connected to organization of profile training at 10-11 classes of common school are considered. The system concept of natural science education for classes of a humanitarian structure basing on psychology - didactic approach in training is offered | 966 | ||||
9 | In the article are resulted some kinds of independent activity of learning in classes of a humanitarian structure at lessons of natural sciences in 10 class are proved. The influence of various kinds of independent work on increase of motivation of study natural science is shown | 1030 | ||||
10 | In the article of Skripko Z.A., Serebrennikova A.S., Sedjukevich O.P. «Use of figuratively-sign presentation during studying to physics at modern school» is considered a role of figurative - sign presentation and its modern interpretation, the role of figurative - sign presentation is described during training to physics of pupils in classes of a humanitarian structure. Experimental data testifying are resulted, that pupils of a humanitarian and natural-science structure prefer various kinds of presentation. In this connection authors have developed integration tables in which various kinds of presentation are used at what studying or natural phenomena | 1034 | ||||
11 | In Skripko Z.A., Filatovoj N.O.'s article value of structurization of the educational information is considered during training to physics in conditions of profile training. It is shown, that the information of a natural-science material should be structured in view of the purposes and tasks of a subject, and also psychological features of pupils. Examples of the various approach to led structurization of the same teaching material in classes humanitarian and natural-science structures | 979 | ||||
12 | In the article the role of natural-science knowledge for the pupils receiving trades of socially-humanitarian orientation in the system of initial vocational training is considered. Valid characteristics of a future professional which are important for hte experts of the majority of trades are considered. The accent on specific professional tasks which are necessary for solving for the experts receiving initial vocational training on specialities, demanding active dialogue, interaction with a lot of people and the organizations of their activity (in system the person-person) is done. Keywords: initial vocational training, trades of socially-humanitarian orientation, natural-science outlook, natural sciences | 1389 | ||||
13 | In the article the necessity and opportunity of purposeful formation of scientific outlook at lessons of physics are shown. The complex of methodical approaches to formation of scientific and moral components of modern scientific outlook is offered. Keywords: outlook, moral component, lesson of physics, electromagnetic treatment, personal-significant attitude | 1004 | ||||
14 | In article questions of the organization of independent work of the pupils receiving trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation are considered. Considering psycho-physiological features of the given pupils, are offered principles of selection of kinds and contents of independent work at their training to the physics. Keywords: trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation, independent work, kinds of independent work, motivation. | 969 | ||||
15 | In article the approach in estimate knowledge which is productive during the present period when there is a transition on competence methods of training is considered. The method combining a traditional mark estimation of knowledge of pupils and an estimation subject competence of pupils on an example of studying physics is offered. Keywords: n estimation of knowledge, the competence of subjects, methods of training, elements of the analysis. | 986 | ||||
16 | In the article questions of formation of moral reference points of the person of the students receiving initial vocational education are discussed. Unlike traditional use for this purpose of out-of-class work, opportunities of development of moral positions of the person at lessons of physics are considered in the article. Keywords: social competence, moral positions | 968 | ||||
17 | The article considers the role of knowledge in the competence approach. A method of knowledge assessment, which is productive in the present period, when the transition to competence, methods of teaching. It is considered an example of the use of teaching tasks in the formation of methodological knowledge undergraduate students of physics education. Keywords: formation and evaluation of knowledge, methods of teaching, methodical tasks | 1035 | ||||
18 | The article deals with the formation of universal educational activities of students who, according to the federal state education standards of general education, are one of the main objectives of school education. Experimental results on the formation of universal educational activities at physics lessons by joint solution of tasks and competency of laboratory work are dealt with in the article. Keywords: universal educational actions, ability to study, situational problems | 1049 | ||||
19 | In the article the need of formation of professional competence of the teacher for development of universal educational actions of school students is considered. Communication between these categories, possibility of their formation in the course of performance of laboratory works on physics is shown. Keywords: professional competence of the teacher, universal educational actions of school students, competencebased tasks | 1005 | ||||
20 | The article deals with the problems of methodical techniques and quantitative methods of diagnostics of determination of formation of future physics teachers’ professional competence. Keywords: professional competence; quantitative characteristics of communicative, organizational, worldview and information competence | 870 | ||||
21 | In the article the author describes the mechanism of using professional probations as a specially organized action, which is an effective method of training of social teachers in higher school at the undergraduate and graduate levels to meet the challenges of self-determination in the choice of specialization in the context of acme-directed professionalization. The results of directed, systematic, phased-organized inclusion of future social teachers in professional probations are forming students’ professional competencies, the development of motivation to achieve high results in educational and professional activities, self-determination in specialization, planning professional selfdevelopment. The author shows how to use professional probations during continuous professionalization of social teachers at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Keywords: professional probation, professional training of social teachers, professionalization | 772 | ||||
22 | Due to the changed priorities of education, the study of the processes of obtaining and transformation of the information by students is relevant. The article discusses the issue of working with the information, which is the basis of knowledge, which, in turn, is the basis for the formation of competencies. The provision of definitions of information is the most important for the learning process. It is shown that when presenting information it is necessary to take into account the psychophysical characteristics of the individual. Discusses the circulation of information in the process of its presentation, as well as the process of encoding information during its transfer from teacher to student. The process of „recoding“ signals is complicated by the fact that, as you know, according to the teachings of I. P. Pavlov about the higher nervous activity, the person perceives the world through the 1-St and 2-nd signal systems. The first signal system provides perception of the world at the level of perception, the second signal system provides perception of the world at the conceptual level. The average person have these systems operating synchronously. The authors experimentally demonstrated the predominance of one of the signal systems in perception of the objects by the scientific staff of humanitarian and natural science faculties. According to the results of this experiment, interesting conclusions were drawn. Using elements of information theory, highlight the actual aspects, to which it is necessary to pay attention in the teaching of natural science disciplines. Thus, the authors believe that in the pedagogical process it is necessary to pay special attention to the ways of information selection, to take into account the value of information for certain categories of students, to consider ways of fixing unconditional and conditional information. The issues of the transformation (recoding) of information in the learning process, the necessity of taking account of psychophysiological type of students assimilating the information. The article will be of interest to the teachers of the natural sciences of university and secondary schools. Keywords: knowledge, information, value of information, recoding information | 793 |