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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2551 | Modern approaches to formation of a professional orientation of future specialist of an education system are considered. On the basis of the analysis of features and synthesis of the data contained in pedagogical researches of the latest years, the author revealed and developed new approaches to formation of a professional orientation of the mathematics teacher. Features of vocational training are analyzed, perspective methodological approaches to training of future teacher are offered. Keywords: education, system, formation, teacher, professional orientation, development, interactive technologies | 1075 | |||||
2552 | The article attempts to identify some problems affecting the results of the state attestation. Central to them, by right, is the final composition, since it, on the one hand, is aimed at testing general speech competencies, on the other hand, on the specific knowledge and skills of the graduate. The theme of the task is considered to be the reason for additional emotional experiences of the students. For the first time, according to the personal approach, handwriting is regarded as one of the conditions for the successful graduation of the graduates. The paper discusses the difficulties of transition from one type of state attestation to another and formulates some methodological aspects that contribute to their resolution. Particular attention is paid to the general emotional background, constantly created around the complexity of the final structural part of the control and measuring materials. The conducted experiment allows us to analyze the causes of errors made by students in the assignment fulfillment, to highlight their psychological and pedagogical aspects. Not only negative results are considered, but positive dynamics in training are also traced. The influence of the period of preparation for the Unified State Exam on the progress and success of students is traced. In conclusion we are talking about the need for different approaches to prepare students for the state attestation. Keywords: final examination, composition, emotions, handwriting, academic performance | 1075 | |||||
2553 | In today’s social interaction it is widely represented the sphere of conflict communication, which is a reflection of the existence in the society of a stable tendency to understanding the aggression as the permissible norms of hostile demonstrations, potentially punishable act inappropriately interpreted the notions of freedom and personal responsibility. Careful attention of scientists focused on the study of network communication in various forms of embodiment of its genre, in particular, - the correspondence of many social network users. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics of communicative behavior of linguistic identity focused on the implementation of hostile manipulative strategies in relation to others in the network correspondence. Such linguistic identity is defined as the conflict on the basis of a number of parameters, of which the key factor is in favor of communicative intention. In particular, it comes to speech and means to achieve them in a communicative activity of a troll as a carrier of the type of conflict. The essence of trolling - communicative actions of a troll - consists in placing provocative messages on the network in order to create conflict situations. Trolling can have different manifestations, from a «harmless» for the participants in the communication of a verbal clash about certain events and / or individuals, to «hard» forms associated with causing moral harm to the interaction of participants. A motivating base of actions in the network can be the troll’s desire for emotional satisfaction from spilling out negative emotions against other communicators, aggressive and hostile manipulations, shocks. Troll promotes creation of provocation incitement in the communicative field by moving from discussion of social issues to personality of interaction participants. Such course of action, of course, entails a response. Troll can be seen in groups, discussing a variety of topics and issues and contemporary life. However, this discussion speaks only about the reason for a troll to «catch» and then, from the replica to the replica to deploy negative-emotional «onslaught» on the interlocutors. A natural result of becoming a failure in communication or its complete cessation. The specificity of the troll’s network behavior allows us to talk about its potential responsibility in the field of ethical and legal relations. This is facilitated by the factors: firstly, the deployment of manipulative trolling actions for specific network participants’ correspondence; secondly, active use in speech of stylistically reduced and obscene words, performing the function of invective. Given the above, it can be argued that the 6l. Keywords: linguistic personality of conflict type, electronic genre, electronic epistolary text, network correspondence, troll, trolling, verbal aggression | 1075 | |||||
2554 | Introduction. This article deals with the theoretic issues of the Kazakh linguistics. In spite of short history of studying the Kazakh language (it began to be studied since only the second part of the 19th century), this time was enough to the Kazakh linguistic tradition to form and to develop. However, the work characterizing the main features of the formation of this tradition has not been carried out until today. The aim of the article is to describe peculiarities of formation of the Kazakh linguistic tradition. Material and methods. The work being carried out is based on the results of a theoretical analysis of the characteristics of other linguistic traditions. Since the object of study is not the language itself, but the methods of its research, structural contrastive analysis is given to the main place among other methods. Results and discussion. Conducted analysis has demonstrated that the Arabic writing system which was used for the Kazakh texts at the 19th century made some linguists to analyze some spheres of the Kazakh language (for example, its system of consonants) in terms of the Arabic linguistic tradition. However, the main part of the theory of the Kazakh linguistics is formed under the influence of the European linguistic tradition because its researchers were educated according to the last one. The principles and approaches of the European linguistic tradition were transferred to the Kazakh language, thanks to which the Kazakh linguistic tradition was able to quickly and qualitatively develop in a relatively short period of time. However, applying of the European linguistics approaches to analyzing some of the language elements has led to forming erratic concepts conflicting with the language nature. Some of the modern linguists claim that some of the existing concepts need to be reviewed according to the peculiarities of an exploring language. Conclusion. This article contains a unique analysis of the main peculiarities of the Kazakh linguistic tradition including the level of its independence, reasons of its formation, its language basis, inherent approach to exploring language, ways of understanding the standard, the way of language description, the scope of the language system exploration, the type of description and ways of phonetics, morphology and syntax descriptions. In this article, the results of research in various spheres of Kazakh linguistics are united in a single tradition. The results of the study are useful for lectures on comparative typology and Turkology. Keywords: linguistic tradition, historical aspects, the Kazakh language, European linguistics, Arabic linguistics, missionary work | 1075 | |||||
2555 | Introduction. The need for the search of the new strategies of the foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities defines the researchers’ attention to the use of the Internet-memes as an effective means stimulating the students` interest to language learning. The aim of the article is to present theoretical and practical justification of the possibilities of Internet-memes use for development of non-linguistic university students` motivation to learning the foreign language. Material and methods. The research is based on the analysis of literature on creolized texts use in teaching, organizing the students’ language work with memes, defining the constituents of non-linguistic university students` motivation to English learning. In the result the set of classes facilitating the development of the students` motivation to language learning was designed and the methodical experiment aimed at implementation of the solutions under the consideration was carried out. Internet-memes selected in accordance with teaching content on the discipline are used as the material. Results and discussion. The algorithm of organizing students’ work with memes that includes motivational and perceptional, reproductive and practical, creative and transformational stages is outlined; versatile methodical apparatus of the process implementation is presented. The author notes the aspects of organization of the students’ work with memes as well as its motivational opportunities. The set of English classes oriented on using memes in the developing students’ motivation to language learning is presented. The examples of the exercises organizing the students’ work with a certain meme are given. The article presents criterial and diagnostic apparatus to evaluate students’ motivational level to English learning and the results proving the suggested solutions efficiency. Conclusion. The memes’ variety, free access, relevance to modern tendencies make them a powerful tool motivating students to deep language learning. Systematically organized students’ activity with memes contributes to the development of their foreign language skills. Keywords: foreign language, non-linguistic university students, Internet-memes, creolized texts, motivation to English learning | 1075 | |||||
2556 | This issue contains the analysis of condition of ecolo¬gist consciousness in humanitarian culture on the border of millennium. While analyzing was founded the role of ecologist consciousness in forming of ecocentric and bio-centric type of personality. This type of personality is ori¬entated to everybody's realization of his role in solution of global problems, including ecologists. | 1074 | |||||
2557 | The obtained data of morphofunctional condition and blood hormone levels of rats thyroid glands under 5 days exposure of hypokinezia, cold and their combination are presented. It was established that cold exposure in combination with hypokinezia gave rise to compromising reaction of thyroid gland, when there were elements of reaction to both hypokinezia and cold. Some of follicles in central gland,s zone were in condition of great functional stress, but the rest of part (it was more than 2 volume) was in deep depression of synthesis and secretion. So considerable deficiency of thyroid hormones in organism appeared and it lead to heavy breach of metabolism, weakening of the mechanisms of thermoregulation and even to the death of some rats at the end of the experiment. | 1074 | |||||
2558 | In this article the author analyses the problem of formation and development of the value-need sphere of a self-realizing personality in the conditions of the social and economic reforms in Russia. In accordance with the hypothetical model of a self-actualizing personality the dynamics of its value-need sphere are considered, starting from student age to the approach of creative maturity. The results of the experimental and psychological research of possible dynamics of the value-need sphere of a personality in the process of realizing its creative potential, as well as its links with behavioural characteristics, defining the style of its behaviour, are discussed. Representative samples of students of junior and senior courses, students of posgraduate education and the professorial and teaching staff of Tomsk universities were used as the object of research. | 1074 | |||||
2559 | The article gives an analysis of peculiarities of art in Murmansk region at the end of the XIX-th and at the beginning of the XX-th centuries. Local and area connections have been recognized. Ethnical forms of cultures have been compared. The author thinks that the studied stage of development of the creative type of the cultures was characterized by their introduction in a different cultural environment. There was a whole pleiad of artists, writers and scientists who played an innovating role in the art development of the region. | 1074 | |||||
2560 | The persons of keen intellect are public and cultural property of society. The development and conservation of intelligence are chief task of university educationIs raised the question about specificity of intellectual efficiency at various levels of intellectual development. The psychological ambiguity of high and superhigh values IQ with selection of the factors promoting and handicapping intellectual efficiency of the persons with a high level of development of psychometric intellect is shown. | 1074 | |||||
2561 | In the article of Skripko Z.A., Serebrennikova A.S., Sedjukevich O.P. «Use of figuratively-sign presentation during studying to physics at modern school» is considered a role of figurative - sign presentation and its modern interpretation, the role of figurative - sign presentation is described during training to physics of pupils in classes of a humanitarian structure. Experimental data testifying are resulted, that pupils of a humanitarian and natural-science structure prefer various kinds of presentation. In this connection authors have developed integration tables in which various kinds of presentation are used at what studying or natural phenomena | 1074 | |||||
2562 | The investigations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were performed for three different peat-moorsh soils - Czarna Wies, Otoczne and Kwatera 17 located in the Biebrza River Valley in Poland. Each considered soils were utilized as meadow. Soil samples were taken from two depths: 5-10 cm and 50-80 cm. IAA, total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in peat moorsh soils from these samples were analysed. The significant differences in the concentrations of IAA, TOC, and DOC between two investigated depths of among peat moorsh samples were observed. The measured concentrations of total organic carbon in the considered soils ranged from 37.2 to 45.6 %. Generally, the decrease of IAA, total organic carbon, however, increase of DOC concentration with depth of profiles was observed. The contents of dissolved organic carbon in the soils ranged from 5.3 to 19.4%. The quantities of IAA decreased simultaneously with TOC values and with the increasing depth of the soil profiles. The highest contents of IAA was determined in high layers of moorshes and ranged from 110,1 to 128,7 µg kg-1 dry mass. However the concentrations of IAA in deeper layers were lower and ranged from 69,3 to 87,1 µg kg-1 dry mass. Keywords: Peat, chemical characteristics, organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, indole-acetic acid. | 1074 | |||||
2563 | The concepts of Home and Homelessness, which are traditional for Russian literature and culture, are explored in the context of «Seminary Sketches» by N.G. Pomyalovsky. The “Seminary Sketches” central characters of Home and Anti-Home, the embodiment of which is the Seminary (Bursa), were the subject of reflection. Special emphasis was placed on an analysis of contraposition of Home as secure private space and Anti-Home as alien and dangerous one. Keywords: N.G. Pomyalovsky, “Seminary Sketches”, home, anti-home, homelessness | 1074 | |||||
2564 | The paper addresses the problem of occupational mobility of future professionals, as well as the issue of forming a professional interest as the first stage of formation of occupational mobility. Keywords: occupational mobility, a mobile specialist, professional interests | 1074 | |||||
2565 | The paper presents the results of the analysis of the morphosyntactic components expressing the Path semantic component in the translational motion event which are referred to as directional verbal satellites following L. Talmy’s typology. The attempt has been made to characterize the Ket language using Talmy’s typologies of lexicalization patterns, as well as D. Slobin’s typology of the expression of motion events. The conclusion has been drawn that Ket belongs to satellite-framed languages (in L. Talmy’s typology), and to high-path-salient but low-manner-salient languages (in D. Slobin’s typology); the verb root characteristically does not confl ate the semantic components, but expresses only the Motion component. Keywords: Ket language, locative situation of translational motion, directional verb satellites, L. Talmy’s typologies of lexicalization patterns, satellite-framed languages, D. Slobin’s typology of motion events | 1074 | |||||
2566 | In this article with special reference to the verb subsystem of the German language the expediency of applying the differentiative method of describing morphological categories in linguistic prognostics has been justifi ed, since it provides the means of revealing productive categories and thus determining the prospects of the development of a morphological subsystem. Keywords: unifi cation and differentiation methods of description, morphological categories, syncretism, homonymy, hierarchy of categories, productivity | 1074 | |||||
2567 | This research is devoted to features of a newspaper style (category of social evaluation). Valery Nemirov’s works (newspaper “Kuznetsky rabochy”, Novokuznetsk) are materials for analysis. Methods and means representing social evaluation are described in the article. Keywords: a newspaper style, artistic social and political essays, an author, social evaluation | 1074 | |||||
2568 | In the article the problem of formation and development of research activity of students – future teachers in the conditions of realization of the environmental approach is considered. The student research activity concept is given. The technology of designing of the scientifically educational environment in pedagogical higher school is described. Keywords: research activity, scientific and educational environment, pedagogical designing, educational technology | 1074 | |||||
2569 | The authors consider the nature and components of health-technologies, including in terms of improving physical training techniques. The article emphasizes the importance of polysubject approach in improving the organization of work with younger students. Keywords: Preservation and strengthening of health, health-saving technologies, fitness component polysubject approach | 1074 | |||||
2570 | The article proves modern museum of science and technology to be a multistructural and multifunctional institute, which is developing and using the wide range of traditional and up-to-date forms of museum and pedagogical activities serving for educational and leisure purposes. Keywords: museum of science and technology, museum and pedagogical activities, forms of museum and pedagogical activities | 1074 | |||||
2571 | The article analyses problems of language training for students, who plan to take part in international academic mobility programs. The article considers language training programs in leading universities of Russia, aims and courses intensity. The article suggests the ways of increasing language training level through special educational forms and methods. Keywords: international academic mobility, exchange programs, language training, joint educational programs, the level of foreign language proficiency | 1074 | |||||
2572 | The given article is devoted to the issues of teaching the scientific style of oral speech at a technical university. Based on many years of experience of working with student, graduate students, postgraduate students of Tomsk Polytechnic University, the authors propose the universal (independent of the scientific direction of students) content and form of teaching the scientific style of oral speech at the university. It is recommended to include the following topics to the course content of oral scientific speech: “The report as a genre of oral scientific speech”, “Elocution”, “The structure of the presentation of a scientific report”, “Presentation of a scientific report”, “Rules for scientific debate”. An “advanced lecture”, training and game are offered as the forms of classroom work, which allow to form the necessary knowledge basis of the principles of scientific oral communication; to develop skills; to stimulate students’ activity; to give students the opportunity to gain experience. This article contains examples of the use of the given forms of classroom work with the selected content. Keywords: native language, competence-based approach, scientific oral speech, studying at a technical university, the content and form of teaching, advanced lecture, training, game | 1074 | |||||
2573 | The paper is devoted to one of unique artifacts of the Bronze Age – the mirror. These artifacts have been found in Tomsky and Elovsky II grave fields in the Tomsk Ob Region. The Elovsky II grave field contains 370 graves of the Andronovo and Elovo cultures, but mirrors have been found only in 12 graves. They belong to two groups: diskshaped and square mirrors. The paper analyzes the positions of mirrors in graves and persons to whom they were placed. As concluded, they were rarely placed to men, more often to women and children. In addition, the analysis of grave goods shows that children graves are especially rich in artifacts. This is typical of some burial grounds of the Bronze Age discovered in different areas. Mirrors had several functions: it was used as a fashion accessory, as an amulet, and as a symbol of belonging to elite and authority. Over a long period of time (the Bronze and Iron ages), mirrors had different functions in different areas and archaeological cultures. Keywords: archaeology, archaeological culture, metal mirrors, ritual, magic, cult, human settlements, grave field | 1074 | |||||
2574 | Pankin V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 40-41 . | 1073 | |||||
2575 | The article of Seiiwanoff F.A. with the title «Atasphere» examines two opposite characteristics of the culture. The first of them is the quality of intellect and perfection of the human activity in the culture; the second one is the stupidity, evil and imperfection. The author shows that the second quality of the human nature builds the Atasphere and plays the same role as noosphere but it has the opposite meaning and significance. | 1073 | |||||
2576 | The content of the article relates to one of the communicative stylistics aspects which is formed under the influence of pragmatics and is directed at the theory of regulating. The latter consists of analysis of reader’s cognitive activity by means of text in respect to author’s idiostyle. | 1073 | |||||
2577 | The article gives an observation of critical estimations of works by L.M. Leonov of the 1920th years made by the representatives of the first wave of Russian literary emigration, such as G. Adamovich, M. Slonim, F. Stepun. | 1073 | |||||
2578 | The article is devoted to the analysis of two concepts - coffee and tea. The concept tea is chosen by the British as an icon of British culture. The concept coffee is not included into the classification of cultural symbols. We analyze the probable reasons why the concept coffee cannot be considered an icon, a cultural symbol. | 1073 | |||||
2579 | The article is devoted to the problem of self-education of the teacher in theory and practice. Not aspiring the task of formulating a new definition, the authors define their attitude to an existing theoretical situation in this area of pedagogy, considering technological aspect of self-education of the teacher | 1073 | |||||
2580 | The article considers the motivations and attitudes of students to physical exercises of physical culture, the methodological basis for optimizing of physical education and the possibilities of person-centered training of students on the subject of physical culture. Keywords: motivation, optimization of physical education, student-centered learning | 1073 | |||||
2581 | The article considers the relations of parents (father and mother ) to children with support of a teenager’s (boy and girl) privacy. The authors reveal types of parents’ influence on the parameters of a teenager’s privacy. Keywords: privacy, sovereignty, teenager, parents’ relation, privacy support | 1073 | |||||
2582 | The article is devoted to monitoring consideration as one of factors of quality maintenance of expert’s professional skill improvement. Monitoring is described from the view point of educational process components. Keywords: improvement of experts professional skill, quality, monitoring of educational process | 1073 | |||||
2583 | The words denoting meteorological phenomena are analysed in the paper. Some words are marked by consonantal stem-building suffixes which indicated active/animate nouns in Proto-Indoeuropean. A lot of these words belong to a vowel declension in Gothic that is connected with the change of the attitude to the world and the loss of an animate meaning. Despite this, etymological, morphological and lexico-semantic analysis proves that the words of this lexicosemantic group related to the active class in the past and meteorological/ atmospheric phenomena were accepted as animate by ancient Indo-Europeans. Keywords: Meteorological phenomena, stem-building suffixes, lexico-semantic combinatory, activity/animateness, ancient Germans | 1073 | |||||
2584 | The article deals with content, specific management competence of the teacher at rural school Keywords: content, management competence of teacher at rural school | 1073 | |||||
2585 | The article is dedicated to one of the most dynamic phenomenon in the modern Russian folk dialects – formal variation of the word. Comparison results of the material wordshell modifi cation features in individual and usual language of Siberian accent carriers are given herein. Keywords: old Siberian residents speech, individual and collective lexicon, word formal variation | 1073 | |||||
2586 | The question brought up in this article for the first time is the necessity to consider the imagination and recollection of the structural and semantic category in the modern Russian language. There is a definition to this structuralsemantic category. The studied multilevel linguistic means of expressing semantics of the imagination and recollection are described, the prospects for the research are determined. Keywords: there is a structural-semantic category of the modern Russian language; lexical and phraseological, morphological and syntactic means of expressing the imagination and recollection | 1073 | |||||
2587 | This article is devoted to the efficient realization of the set: “Art therapy in teaching” in the program “Teacher’s health in Krasnoyarsk region”. There is a description of the used methods and results, which were reached during the research. Keywords: health, public health, health program, art-therapy, art-therapy classes | 1073 | |||||
2588 | The category of interdiscourse is examined in the article. Special attention is paid to the means of explicit and implicit information transfer in polycode texts, interrelation of different types of information encoded in polycode texts to reach maximum impact on the recipient. As a means of presentation of information there is considered media discourse and polycode texts that are the content of this discourse. Keywords: discourse, interdiscourse, polycode text, precedent text, text pragmatics, media discourse | 1073 | |||||
2589 | The article revealed the problem of the educational process in technical universities, the lack of teachers, curators, academic groups of teacher education to work with students orphans. It provides the analysis of the number of employees in technical colleges of the Siberian region of the teaching staff with technical, classic and teacher education. It introduced in the educational process with the students orphaned technical college developed, sciencebased program “Curator-teacherо for the training of teachers, supervisors involved in managing the process of educating students for the orphans of successful adaptation to the educational environment through the organization of the theory and practice of athletic activities. Keywords: adaptation, curator, program, physical activity, student-orphan | 1073 | |||||
2590 | The article deals with the formation of Rokossovsky's identity that occurred through identifications with significant others (primarily with parents and ordinary hardworking people during his biographical experiences, and also with «the characters of his favourite books» as they are perceived). These others may be divided into benign such that Konstantin aspired to their characteristics, values and beliefs (a process of idealistic-identification), or malign when he wished to dissociate from their characteristics. The article shows that Rokossovsky’s identity is formed predominantly by a choice of certain characteristics. The construction of an individual sense of self is achieved by personal choices regarding who and what to associate with. Rokossovsky’s identity is defined as the totality of his self-construal, in which he expresses the continuity between how the charismatic people were in the past and how Rokossovsky construes himself as he aspires to be in the future. This article also directs attention to Rokossovsky's impact on his solders. Keywords: Rokossovsky, identity, experience, biographical, characteristics, impact, values and beliefs, Konstantin, identification, solders, aspire | 1073 | |||||
2591 | The research urgency is caused by the necessity of revealing the environmental factors that stimulate the formation of play competencies of children of preschool age. The purpose of the article is to identify meaningful saturation and potential of the home play environment and preschool education institution in terms of formation of senior preschoolers’ play skills. The methods of the problem research are participant observation and a survey, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the environmental factors of formation of play competence in preschool years. The authors present structural organization of play competence in senior preschool age, when the need for play is most significant. This need leads to the development of the ability to take on the role, to formulate a game goal, to put the game problem and a number of indicators of behavioral, cognitive and emotional-evaluative components. The article analyzes the specifics of the home play environment and the environment of the preschool educational organization and their role in the formation of play competencies in senior preschoolers. The materials of the article can be used in the practice of preschool organizations, in the activity of training and improving the professional qualifications of teachers of preschool organizations, in the practice of family education. Keywords: children of senior preschool age, play, play environment, play competencies, need for play | 1073 | |||||
2592 | The article is devoted to the research of the system of Dostoyevsky’s pedagogical ideas realized in the text of “A Writer`s Diary”. As a statement of the problem, the writer’s pedagogical ideas are analyzed in the context of artistic, aesthetic, moral, philosophical and social problems which are comprehended in the monomagazine and have distinct focus to activization of a value position of the reader. The complex of the pedagogical ideas of Dostoyevsky in the context of insufficient study of “The diary of the writer” acquire the status of a current scientific and methodological problem, to the study of which the science of Dostoyevsky in a format of integral monologic research did not apply. In the system of pedagogical dominants of Dostoyevsky, the following are distinguished: family, public education (environment, school, teacher’s image) and spirituality. Considering a person as a spiritual-corporal creature, the writer shows the importance of creation of conditions of the personal value choice which should be provided by the concerned involvement of adults, creation of the “soil” in the form of family space, spiritual imperatives of the Russian culture and traditions of the Russian people. Education in Dostoyevsky’s concept represents dialogical process of spiritual communication of the persons-subjects, capable of understanding and acceptance, mutual moral perfection. The analysis of the pedagogical ideas of Dostoyevsky is also significant for the national educational policy not only in the field of teaching Russian and literature, but also for the practical solution of questions of spiritual and moral upbringing and education. Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, “A Writer`s Diary”, author, values, Orthodoxy, Russian culture, spiritual and moral education, moral, consciousness, childhood, “casual family”, dialogue, people, parents, teacher, subject, Strategy of development of education in the Ru | 1073 | |||||
2593 | . | 1072 | |||||
2594 | . | 1072 | |||||
2595 | Shepel T. V. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 13-19 | 1072 | |||||
2596 | The author of this article explores the structure of the national economy from the systemic position. The national economy is introduced as a hierarchy of components: (person - the first elements of economy - firms and the state). The article contains a new view of the functions of the state, market, economic efficiency and optimum. The author be¬lieves that in social sciences it is necessary to return to nat¬ural science's definition of the economic order. | 1072 | |||||
2597 | The possibility of convenient preparative methods of synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of foehn set by the way of arylating olefins with halogenarils in the presence of palladium salts and following photochemical dehydrocyclization of 1,2-dyarilethenes are explored. The conditions of receiving of 3, 4, 5-nuclear carbons with different position of substituents with good preparative outputs are found. The prospects of method for synthesis of hydrocarbons of foehn set is shown. | 1072 | |||||
2598 | This article is about evolution of American president’s views on problem of organization of world nation association in period between two World Wars. Modification of ideological maintenance of his foreign policy program is found. The place of liberal-idealistic lines in his theoretical intention and foreign policy initiative are showed | 1072 | |||||
2599 | Musical ability to influence on people has been forming throughout centuries. Research in the field of ancient art and music origin proved the fact that musical language has formed as one of the informational connection means. Through the evolutionary process in the interaction artistic and exartistic intercourse, music is developing, first -as the means of understanding, second as unity, and finally as people’ communicative relations. Resemblance of the speech and music, proximity of speech function and musical intonation gives transmission possibility of speaking experience to perceive musical compositions. If language acquisition is provided in the form of intercourse we can come to the conclusion that musical compositions can be used as speaking teaching means. | 1072 | |||||
2600 | The general directions of ecology safe and efficient peat use in Russia agriculture have been considered. It has been proved of most expedient way of rational use of peat and conservation of resources in agricultures is the peat-log development for agrophytocenosises. The high efficiency of peat utilization as compost and peat substrate production has been showed Keywords: Peat, agriculture, fertility, fertilizer, compost. | 1072 |