# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1651 | Translation is not only a speech act but also an act of cross-cultural communication. Translation is determined by the system and norm at least of two languages and two cultures. The conflict between the cultures in translation is overcome by making the strategy based on principles and rules, background knowledge, skills and habits. These knowledge and skills are taught in creative linguasociocultural environment which maximum is near by the natural foreign environment. Thus, the author’s main attention has been focussed on working out in greater detail the system of skills. Then it is shown how these skills are practically taught in Japanese linguasociocultural environment (on the example of tea ceremony and other national, historical, geographical, religious and cultural realities). Keywords: creative linguasociocultural environment, background knowledge, skills and habits, abilities, equivalence, adequacy, strategy, Japanese, tea ceremony, lingua franca | 1214 | |||||
1652 | The article shows the results of study and the reasons of creation and evolution of regional management of the mountain industry of Russia in the Urals and Siberian region in the 18th century are analyzed. It is proved that together with the formation of Russian mountain manufactures there was a formation and perfection of management, principles and management methods. It led to formation of four-stage structure: Collegium of Mining (Berg-kollegia) – Chancellor’s Office – Mountain administration – Factory office. Keywords: mountain industry, industrial complex, mountain factories, mountain management. | 1214 | |||||
1653 | The article includes analysis of clothes change motive and its main functions in “Peter I” novel by A. N. Tolstoy. This motive plays an important part in the development of the plot, in the revelation of the nature and the acts of the characters. The author of the work appealed to deferent episodes of the novel, where there are such functions of clothes change motive as socio-cultural, political and psychological, and uncovered their special features. Keywords: Peter`s I epoch, clothes change motive, costume, costume details, clothes, “poteshnyy” (lit. “fun”) world of Peter I, functions of clothes change | 1214 | |||||
1654 | In the article semantic aspects of the concepts of “technician” and “information technology” within modern humanitarian knowledge are revealed. Special attention is paid to the concept of technological determinism. The role of the concept of the technological determinism in understanding of modern processes in the society, science and the technician is revealed. Keywords: scientifi c and technical progress, the technician, information technology, technological determinism | 1214 | |||||
1655 | The process of agriculture credit formation was reviewed in Tomsk Guberniya in pre-revolutionary period. The major forms and mechanisms of agriculture credit have been shown. The importance of credit for infrastructure development of Tomsk Guberniya agriculture has been revealed. Keywords: State bank, inspection of small loan, agricultural credit, credit cooperation, credit cooperation unions, agriculture infrastructure | 1214 | |||||
1656 | The article presents a model of pedagogical support of professional self-determination of senior students based on the competence approach. The model is based on the interaction of three equivalent structural elements: educational environment, teachers, students. Effectiveness of the model is tested experimentally on the basis of school № 13 in Tomsk. Practical importance are developed in the framework of the research program “Principles of socialization”, “Fundamentals of design”, manual “Active forms of vocational guidance in preprofile and school education”, “Introduction to the design”. Keywords: Educational support, vocational self-competence approach, professional self-competence | 1214 | |||||
1657 | The article considers the functions of euphemisms in the English language within the framework of the political discourse. The context analysis reveals specificity of the means of expression of euphemia in English: lexemes, collocations. Keywords: political communication, political discourse, euphemisms, functions | 1214 | |||||
1658 | The article is devoted to the problem of folklore plot representation. The author analyzes the plot “three stolen princesses”. The above mentioned plot is regarded to be one of the most ancient and frequent not only in folklore but also in the world literature. The description of this plot according the Aarne-Thompson classification is the following: the hero is of supernatural origin and strengths, with two extraordinary companions he comes to a house in the woods, the hero follows the monster through a hole into the lower world, he conquers several monsters and rescues three maidens, he presents a ring and marries one of the princesses. The peculiarities of this plot representation are analyzed in Russian folk tales and Selkup fairy tales. In most Russian folk tales all episodes of the plot are described: the hero travels from place to place, fights with monsters and finally finds his bride whom he marries. On the contrary, in Selkup fairy tales this plot is usually shown in a simplified form. Alongside with “three stolen princesses” plot several other plots are represented in Selkup fairy tales: “magic runaway” plot, “magic ring/object” plot, “a dragon slayer” plot, etc. Complex composition and mixture of different plots is a characteristic feature of Selkup prose folklore. The author comes to the conclusion that Selkup folklore is a complex linguistic phenomenon influenced by folklore traditions of neighbouring ethnic groups. Comparative folklore studies provide important information about plot origin and ancient ethnic worldviews. Keywords: folklore, “three stolen princesses” plot, composition, motive, episode, character, Russian folk tales, Selkup fairy tales | 1214 | |||||
1659 | The article deals with effectiveness of using non-traditional means within the third hour of physical education in schools, actualizes the need of searching and using new means previously not used, especially the means of parkour with the aim of correction of motivation of schoolchildren to physical education, especially in teenage period. In this period, there are significant changes in the emotional and volitional sphere of schoolchildren. Parkour allows them to be bold and at the same time to express themselves. A well-organized learning process allows to implement these internal requirements while minimizing possible risks. The authors described experimental method of application of means of parkour, and the results of its implementation in the educational process. Presented and described changes in motivation indices, indicators of physical fitness, as well as changes in the motivational structure of the schoolchildren who participated in the experiment. Based on the results of the study were made the conclusions about the advisability of continuing the use of means of parkour at the lessons of physical education. Since the theme of the use of parkour means during the lessons of physical training has not been studied yet in the Russian Federation, the findings are of theoretical and practical significance for its further development and use. Keywords: motive, motivation, physical education, parkour, school, third hour, schoolchildren | 1214 | |||||
1660 | The article reveals the basis for the methods of physical training with applying the elements of programming for the students that have some deviation in the state of health. It considers programming of the content of physical training lessons with the target group of students. | 1213 | |||||
1661 | The technology of diagnostic solutions constructing in weakly structural problem fields is proposed. This technology includes synthesis of derived diagnostic solutions metastructure. The construction of the diagnostic solutions is realized the method of local geometry, limited sorting, of design trees. The selection is depend on availability and simplicity of using systems realizing these methods. The synthesis of diagnostic solutions metastructure is greatly topically for knowledge base construction demanding introducing concepts, metanotions and semantic ratios on the base of knowledge fragment set about problem field. Application of the technology of diagnostic solutions constructing allows to construct adequate of problem fields | 1213 | |||||
1662 | Politics as a sphere of human activity is realized through political communication, which is characrerized by a special system of lexical means, namely political vocabulary. In this work we aim at undertaking semantic analysis of political lexis, classifying and describing its constituents | 1213 | |||||
1663 | In the work we present the model of reflection holo¬graphic grating formation in photopolymers at two wave mixing and small contrast, optional non linearity of pho-topolymerization and optional ratio of polymerization and diffusion mechanisms of record. It have been shown essential space-time transformation of amplitude -phase profile of first harmonic and diffraction properties of reflection holographic grating. | 1213 | |||||
1664 | The paper presents brief results on the methane emission research for the wetlands of West Siberia. These results include the discovery of new acidophilic methanogenic and methanotrophic microorganisms. Some partial problems for further research are pointed out Keywords: Methanogenesis, West Siberia, methanogenic microorganisms, methanotrophic microorganisms, methane emission. | 1213 | |||||
1665 | To start with, in this article the problems of a teaching activity and its realization and formation are described. Then the styles of pedagogical work are mentioned. Furthermore, some conditions of the formation of the positive style and the influence of the reflexion on this process are mentioned. All in all, the styles of self-reflexion are given. Keywords: continuous pedagogical education, professional formation of the teacher, self-reflexion | 1213 | |||||
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1667 | The scientific revolution of the end 19th – beginning 20th century had a great importance on the formation of Platonov’s world-view. Especially it refers to the Einshtein’s Theory of Relativity and the connected with it polemics about “the ethereal wind”. Platonov studied these conceptions in the beginning of 1920-s as a student of the physical and mathematical faculty, then he was interested in this matter like a philosopher and a man of letters. The article depicts some ways of reflection for these two theories in Platonov’s stories. Keywords: creativity A. Platonov, poetic language, the substance of existence the theory of relativity, theory of the ether, quantum, the electron, the gravity, radio the evolution, time and the space | 1213 | |||||
1668 | In the article there is an attempt to designate and solve the following problems: 1) the analysis of the conceptual bases of teaching methods of mathematics to students of humanitarian degree programmes, 2) understanding of current issues related to the introduction of the federal state educational standards of the third generation. Keywords: subject “Mathematics” for students of humanitarian degree programmes, the federal state educational standard of the third generation, mentality | 1213 | |||||
1669 | The article grows out of theoretical study of possibilities of a museum in civil education of children-orphans and generalizations of experience of a museum complex of the Vologda children’s home named after of V. A. Gavrilina. Keywords: museum, children-orphans, museum complex, civil education | 1213 | |||||
1670 | The article deals with the problem of displaying communicative abilities in orphanages. The analysis of communicative skills of teenagers brought up in families and orphanages is presented. On basis of research the conclusion about the features of teenagers communication and their communicative skills is made. Keywords: communication, orphans, deprivation, communicative skills, communicative abilities, teenager, juvenile age | 1213 | |||||
1671 | The article deals with the theoretical issues of distant learning. It describes the approach to online teaching schoolchildren that is used by ISEDT RAS Science and Education Center of Economics and Information Technologies, specifies the types of organizational and methodological support for educational process. Keywords: distance teaching, economic education, online teaching, organizational and methodological support, ISEDT RAS SEC Economic Internet School | 1213 | |||||
1672 | The article deals with studying the notions “stereotype”, “ethnocultural stereotype” and “national cultural stereotype” in cultural linguistics. The juxtaposition of archetypically meaningful stereotypes of two cultures is made as a result of linguocultural comparative analysis of phraseological units containing gastronomical terms, which have been singled out in the Russian and French languages. The general (universal) and specific (unique) stereotypes reflecting peculiarities of Russian and French cultures are determined. Keywords: stereotype, ethnocultural stereotype, phraseological units, gastronomical terms, comparative analysis, universal stereotypes, unique stereotypes, the Russian language, the French language | 1213 | |||||
1673 | The article describes excursus of using of metaphor in pedagogy in the late 20th century – in the early 21st century and its perspectives. The capabilities of metaphor as methodological means for solving some educational problems are in low demand. In this regard the understanding of pedagogical capabilities of metaphor seems to be promising at the level of technologies, methodical steps of their using. The author of the article differentiates the most used terms “pedagogic metaphor” (A. F. Zakirova and others) and “didactic metaphor” (M. A. Akhmetov, Ye. A. Musenova, D. Trunov, A. A. Pligin, V. E. Pugach, E. N. Dzatkovskaya and others) in publications. The functions of metaphor are determined. The article considers the classification of didactic metaphors. It discusses promising directions of using of pedagogic and didactic metaphor. The object of the article is to describe demand and perspectives of using of pedagogic and didactic metaphors in pedagogy. Keywords: metaphor, pedagogic metaphor, didactic metaphor, transdisciplinary knowledge | 1213 | |||||
1674 | The microflora of researched peat deposits was diverse. On botanical structure the Taganskoe deposit concerns to the tree-sedge, Rojnevskoe - to hipn-sedge. Dependence between number of microorganisms and botanical structure of peats was not established. | 1212 | |||||
1675 | The engineering and ecological education is regarded from the point of view of philosophical systematization according to the five principal directions taking the peculiarities of the Siberian region into account. | 1212 | |||||
1676 | Asoyan A. A. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2004. Issue 3 (40). P. 129-121 - | 1212 | |||||
1677 | The article describes bronze artifacts made in Siberian Scythian beast style. All pieces came from Tomsk Ob region and date back to V–III centuries B.C. These artifacts reflect similarity in outlook of the population Tomsk Ob region with the population of the Scythian world. | 1212 | |||||
1678 | The article is devotee to the problem of adaptation of a child to pre-school educational establishment. The authors suggest some preventive measures to avoid complications appearing during the period of adaptation, and also present the results of their application. | 1212 | |||||
1679 | In the Yeniseian languages modifying words are distinguished as a single class, in which items display similar functional (they attribute nouns and verbs) and have the same morphological characteristics (they are non-inflected in the attributive function and inflected in the predicative function). The class of modifying words is represented by three big semantic groups: temporal, local and qualitative modifiers. The article will provide a classification of qualitative modifiers in the Yeniseian languages: Ket, Jugh and Kott. | 1212 | |||||
1680 | In the article we will examine the way of goods evaluation by potential customers. It is well known that to promote some goods the creators must design original, highly associative and expressive trade names. It was determined that suggestion is realized through different stylistic devices which help to obtain trade names picturesqueness and expressivity. | 1212 | |||||
1681 | For the first time full morphological description of all age stages of new species of malarial mosquitoes of the Maculipennis Complex - Anopheles artemievi Gordeev et al., 2004 are represented. Peculiar features which help to identify An. artemievi in sympatric zones from another member of Complex - Anopheles messeae Fall., 1926, - are given | 1212 | |||||
1682 | The article presents the materials of sociological research carried out among the student youth of Novosibirsk. The author considers the problem of the formation of reproductive purposes of megapolis youth and analyzes the factors determining them. Special attention is given to understanding of the reasons of disagreement of the desired and expected number of children. The article also considers the role of family in the formation of reproductive purposes that is especially important at the contemporary stage of society development. | 1212 | |||||
1683 | There are different factors not only in the educational system but in the society in whole which influence professional development of future specialists. University has the leading role in this educational process. This development will be more complete if the university’s staff is fully aware of the objectives of professional education, the organization of the educational process, the content of different kinds of students’ activities and the integration of forms and methods of integration of the youth. Keywords: the university’s educational space, education of students, professional development, pedagogical culture, student’s culture, professional test, specific and nonspecific components of student’s educational, personalityprogress direction of education, socie | 1212 | |||||
1684 | The article is devoted to characterization of invariant and varied in relation to the Western countries historical and educational trends of complex changes in education in Russia in the late 20th – early 21st century. Keywords: modernization of education, specific effects of modernization in Russia. | 1212 | |||||
1685 | In article a possibility different folklore forms, semantics and pragmatics which ages provides wholeness to nations are analyzed. Features of health conserving of folklore forms, as maternal folklore (the lullaby and others), magic fairy tale and speech equipping of the baby play are defined. The author offered possibility of the issue of the pragmatics of the maternal folklore. Keywords: folklore, maternal folklore, «postfolklore», culture of health, health conserving characteristic folklore forms. | 1212 | |||||
1686 | The article deals with the use of proverbs in the texts of descriptive and communicative types. Some texts help to expose the primary intention which has been put into every proverb while others contribute to revealing the psychological condition of a person with the help of proverbs. Keywords: proverb, intention, speech situation, indicator, psychological condition | 1212 | |||||
1687 | The article raises questions of content and methodological foundations of economic analysis; it considers different points of view of scientists on this issue. An own view of information support the transition to innovative development of Russia with the help of system analysis in business economy and the external environment, which includes elements of economic research analysis. Keywords: economic analysis, financial analysis, management analysis, differentiation, integration | 1212 | |||||
1688 | The article analyzes the main indications of crisis of education in contemporary Russia, its coordinates and history. The author comes to the conclusion that politicized Soviet pedagogy played a mobilizing role. It is noted that it is necessary to overcome crisis phenomena in pedagogy and improve the educational doctrine on the basis of higher school traditions rather than on the basis of radical change. The author has put forward an idea to renounce the notion “monitoring efficiency” by changing it to the notion “monitoring of higher institutions’ activity” which would conform to Article 101 of Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation”. The author has stated general principles of the conception to overcome the present crisis. Keywords: crisis of education, mobilizing role of Soviet pedagogy, non-state sector of higher education, monitoring of higher institutions’ activity, conception to overcome the crisis | 1212 | |||||
1689 | The article raises the issues of contemporary anthropology in the view of perspectives of Christian idea about a man as an image of God. These are the problems of correlation of natural unconsciousness and conscious comprehension in a human creature. And as a part, this is a question of the base of the mutual influence, the problems of a plurality and contradictions of modalities of consciousness. We put forward the question about possibilities of Christian discourse on a human nature and his capacities in the aspect of the perspectives in contemporary anthropology. In the issue the versions and the arguments of understanding the nature of a man as an image of God are analyses in a key of Christian doctrines. We propose as a methodological approach the idea about some modus, some planes of unified structure and nature of human consciousness. In these planes it performs as an Image and a reflection of the World (in the form of reason), an Image and comprehension of God (in the modus of existential self-renewal and mystic transgression), and an Image and a reception of a event and process of world-creation (in the modus of aesthetic perception and poetic creation) synchronically. Theoretical perspectives and implications of this approach are estimated both for philosophical anthropology, and for theological exegesis on conflict of primordial man, fallen man and salvaged man. Keywords: anthropology, theology, root cause, consciousness, sense-creation, self-assertiveness, self-renewal, self- replenishment | 1212 | |||||
1690 | The article suggests the results of comparative analysis of modern means of programming (programming languages, SCDB, CASE means). The expert estimation of these means opportunities and speed of their development is given. The characteristic features of adaptive training in the field of programming are enumerated. The principles of creation of corresponding methodical provision are formulated: system types, classification on specialization of software and levels of their studying, self-sufficiency (a case provision), development, modality. | 1211 | |||||
1691 | This article is dedicated to discription of the speciality of mentality of the people from China, India y Islamic countries and its reflection in the folc music of this countries and also in the world classic musical culture. | 1211 | |||||
1692 | This paper deals with dark and phantom energy in the tachyon and sub-quantum models tor dark energy. We obtain that the simplest condition for such a regime to occur in these scenarios Is that the scalar field be Wick rotated to imaginary values which correspond to an axionic field classically. By introducing analytical expressions for the scale factor or the Hubble parameter that satisfy all constraint equations of the used models we show that such models describe universes which develop a big rip singularity in the finite future. | 1211 | |||||
1693 | The threat of violence has become one of the dominanting factors of children’s social life. Sometimes a child can help himself. So conflict as a form of a person’s activity promotes reflexion of any problem situation and selection of means of solving the problem. Nowadays there is much statistics in science literature about Minimal Brain Disfunction (MBD) which occurs at early. Most discussed questions are connected with hyperactivity of children and arguments of chronic Brain’s syndrome in general, manifestation of children’s encephalophatis, etc. (B. Lebedev, J.I. Barashnev, E.M. Mastjukova). Inspite of many researches connected with this subject, the conflict actions of children with MBD are to be investigated and analyzed in future. | 1211 | |||||
1694 | The end of this century is characterized by a tendency to unification. Great number of social, economic and political contacts results into cultural and linguistic interaction. This work is devoted to the problem of interrelation of culture and language under the influence of cultural contacts. | 1211 | |||||
1695 | The article shows peculiarities of the state-juristic regulation of the industrial production in Western Siberia in the second half of the XVIIIth and the first half of the XIXth centuries. It points out the state policy, oriented to the stimulation of developing industry, and did not always assume encouragement of the private enterprise. It appears in limitation of the merchants’ rights on purchase of serf workers, in giving monopolistic rights to the nobility so as to participate in some kinds of industrial production, and in keeping preemptive rights in for landowners to explore the excavation of the earth. It notes also that especial role in modernization of the Russian economy in Western Siberia belonged to the state and the Cabinet’s industry. | 1211 | |||||
1696 | The article is devoted to the problem of the dialogue between the Russian state and the church in the interpretation of N.M.Karamzin. The author pays special attention to the most considerable of his work «The history of the Russian state». The church is сconsidered as not only the important element of the system, but as the institute of the civil society | 1211 | |||||
1697 | Chetina E. M. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 8 (71). P. 152-153 - | 1211 | |||||
1698 | The article gives the analysis of changes in aims, tasks and contents of methodical training of future elementary school teacher. This analysis is conditioned by appearing and changing of methods of teaching as a science, by the needs of contemporary society in a mobile and competent specialist who is able to create his activities on the basis of research as a method of cognition. Keywords: methods of teaching, the stages of methods of teaching, contents of methodical training, methodical activities, methodical thinking, methodical skills, research activities, research competence | 1211 | |||||
1699 | The article proves the elements of the author’s methods of teaching art in ungraded schools to meet the requirements of draft standards of the second generation. Keywords: universal training activities, methods of teaching art. | 1211 | |||||
1700 | The main idea of younger generation education in Russia is the creation of common educational space on the basis of modernization of approaches, priorities and modern educational and psychological techniques. Special attention is given to spiritual and moral upbringing which has to integrate all the educational process: academic, non-academic and development works. Joint project venture of teachers and pupils of village schools is the most actual form of modern education in which parties of educational process are given an opportunity for the most complete selfactualization. Keywords: upbringing, educational process, academic, non-academic, development works | 1211 |