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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4101 | Basic properties of radiation of the atomic chains excited by a channeling particle are considered. Using a very simple two-dimensional model of a crystal lattice we have shown that the main part of this radiation is generated on the frequency of oscillations of a channeling particle between the crystal planes, shifted by the Doppler effect. Angular distribution of the radiation of the chain of oscillating atoms is sharply peaked in the direction of the velocity of channeling particle because of coherence of the fields, produced by individual atoms. Keywords: radiation, channeling particle, crystal lattice, angular distribution, coherence | 983 | |||||
4102 | 1. Цапенко И. П. Роль иммиграции в экономике развитых стран. URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2005/0207/analit01.php 2. Малахов В. С. Зачем России мультикультурализм? URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2004/0151/analit04.php 3. Мигранты: социальная адаптация и конфликты: мат-лы междунар. круглого стола (Ин-т Европы РАН, 27 апр. 2007 г.) / [отв. ред. М. В. Каргалова]. М.: Ин-т Европы РАН: Рус. Сувенир, 2007. 118 с. 4. Малахов В. С. Национальные государства перед лицом культурного плюрализма // Логос: философско-литературный журнал. 2006. № 2 (53). С. 84–93. 5. Иноземцев В. Л. Иммиграция: новая проблема нового столетия. URL: http://www.archipelag.ru/agenda/povestka/povestka-immigration/polemika-antropotok/inozemsev-novata-problema/?Version=forprint 6. Ким В. В. Социальные противоречия в «зеркале» миграции как фактор возникновения фанатизма // Вестн. Томского гос. пед. ун-та (Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin). 2013. Вып. 5 (133). С. 122–128. 7. Уткин А. И. Глобализация: процесс и осмысление. М.: Логос, 2002. 254 с. 8. Нарочницкая Е. А. Национальный фактор в эпоху глобализации. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/srez/etnos/nacionalnyj_faktor_v_epohu_globalizacii_chast_1_diskussii_o_budushhem_nacij_i_globalizacii_nekotoryje_metodologicheskije_voprosy_2010-01-05.htm 9. Гринин Л. Е. Глобализация и национальный суверенитет // История и современность. 2005. № 13. С. 6–31. 10. Лопухина Т. В. Европейский дом: добро пожаловать – вход закрыт. URL: http://www.archipelag.ru/agenda/povestka/povestka-immigration/europa-dis/europa_dom/ 11. Молодикова И. Н. Без иммиграции Европе не обойтись. URL: http://www.polit.ru/article/2006/04/28/demoscope243/ 12. Молодикова И. Н. Основные этапы и методы управления трудовой миграцией в западноевропейских странах. URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/center/fmcenter/tr_mol.html 13. Захаров С. В., Сурков С. В. Миграция и рождаемость. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=43570 14. Понамарева А. М. Мусульмане Европы: прогрессирующий фактор страха // Индекс безопасности. 2007. № 3. С. 61–79. 15. Лебедева Н. М. Теоретические подходы к исследованию взаимных установок и стратегий межкультурного взаимодействия мигрантов и населения России. URL: http://www.hse.ru/data/2010/03/27/1217654121/Lebedeva_PerspAnalyzeAttit&InteractStrat.pdf 16. Щербакова Е. М. Международная миграция: тенденции и перспективы. URL: http://www.perspektivy.info/srez/val/mezhdunarodnaja_migracija_tendencii_i_perspektivy_2009-12-04.htm 17. Цапенко И. П. Движущие силы международной миграции населения. URL: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2008/0315/analit02.php 18. Варюхина Н. Н. Управление иммиграционными процессами в Европейском союзе: опыт Германии. URL: http://www.mgimo.ru/fi leserver/books/rami4konvent/t9-varyukhina.pdf 19. Глухова А. В. Социокультурный конфликт как фактор современного политического процесса // Логос. 2005. № 4 (49). С. 201–215. 20. Наумкин В. В. Мусульманская диаспора на Западе: дифференциация, конвергенция, гибридизация? URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=86098 21. Кондратьева Т. С. Диаспоры в современном мире: эволюция явления и понятия. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=48886 Keywords: the historiography of our country, Western Europe, modern immigration processes, globalization | 983 | |||||
4103 | The article presents the author's view of the goal as an important factor of the higher education quality, which reflects the tendencies of development of educational needs of the individual, society and state. The goal defines the development strategy of educational institutions in the future years, as well as it is directed on achievement of personal, meta-subject and object education results. Keywords: quality of education, goal, educational needs, professional activity, characteristics of the goal | 983 | |||||
4104 | At Tomsk State Pedagogical University the third year operates the center for physics, mathematics and science Education. The main activities of the centre are connected with the complementary education of students and teachers. The article considers the forms of participation of students in the activities of the centre and the importance of this interaction for the formation of competence of future teachers. Keywords: training of students of pedagogical university, building professional experience, students’ work with schoolchildren, formation of pedagogical skills | 983 | |||||
4105 | The establishment of an information society led to the massive use of modern gadgets and led to the fact that children have difficulty in direct communication, adaptation, especially in an unfamiliar environment, as well as contributes to the deterioration of children’s health, due to sedentary lifestyles. The leading role in the process of formation of the valuable relation to the world, to himself and to other people belongs to a secondary school. In the modern educational space to solve these problems optimally is possible not separately within the institution, but in the form of networking. Stakeholders create social and educational environment for a more successful social adaptation of the individual student. One of the effective means that children get from tourism and regional studies is the socialization and preservation of health. The authors present the mechanism of leading educational institutions’ networking: Municipal autonomous educational institution of secondary school number 28 in Tomsk and municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of childhood and youth house “Our harbor” Tomsk. As part of the networking was created an innovative platform of municipal tourist and regional studies, which is being implemented under the conditions of socio-pedagogical project “Formation of socially-adapted person taught with the help of the tourist and local lore activity in conditions of an integrated socio-educational developing environment of general and supplementary education”. We present two authors’ models: the model of socio-educational developing environment for the formation of socially-adapted person enrolled in the secondary school № 28 and childhood and youth house “Our Harbour” and the model of formation of socially-adapted person in the conditions of socio-educational developing environment. The article also puts forward a system of monitoring research. Keywords: networking, socio-pedagogical project, extracurricular activities, tourist and regional studies, integrated developing environment, model of educational environment, model of social adaptation of personality | 983 | |||||
4106 | The article represents the analysis of the nominations of the top and back of a head in the Selkup dialects. The research objective is to reveal the inner meanings of the studied lexemes and find out cultural value of the parts of the body that they denote. The object of the investigation is the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting top and back of a head in the Selkup language.The author has collected and classified the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting the considered parts of the head in the Selkup language. The paper gives the etymological review of the somonyms ket. sumba ‘top of a head’, ‘back of a head’ and ket. nukku ‘back of a head’, whereas the somonym taz. par ‘back of a head’ was considered from semantic point of view. Linguistic analysis of ket. sumba and ket. nukku which both denote ‘back of a head’ revealed that they refer to different parts of the back of a head. Also the mythological materials describing the studied parts of the head were analyzed. The results show that the somonyms ket. sumba, ket. nukku and taz. par have different cultural meanings and value. The nomination taz. par integrates the idea of interconnection of physical and spiritual worlds, the terms ket. sumba and ket. nukku comprise information about the Selkups’ apprehension of the Universe. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, nominations of the top of the head, nominations of the back of the head, linguocultural analysis | 983 | |||||
4107 | The article considers the material and technical support service of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army during the fighting near Lake Khasan from July 29 to August 11, 1938, in particular, the chronology of the transport service activities and the problems in organizing the delivery of ammunition, food, engineering materials and other materials necessary for combat operations. The problem of material support of troops is closely examined in the key of the Soviet-Finnish war and the Great Patriotic War. At the same time, little attention is paid to previous conflicts: the conflict on the Chinese Eastern railway, fighting at Lake Khasan and the conflict on the Khalkhin-Gol river, although they had a significant impact on the structure of the material support service. In 1939 the final Field Charter of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army was adopted, in which the main functions of combat and material support services were registered. The purpose of this article is to study the actions of the transport service from various points of view: from the organization of the delivery of ammunition to the organization of roads to the site of the fights. Before the start of the fighting, the only road reached Novo-Kievskoe village (since 1936, Kraskino), but it was also washed away by downpours going in the region at this time of the year. There was no land road from Novo-Kievskoye to Lake Khasan; it was built after the end of the fighting. The organization of material support in the area of Lake Khasan showed the resilience and readiness of Soviet people to resist foreign aggression, but at the same time it revealed significant shortcomings that existed in one form or another until the middle of the Great Patriotic War, which shows that despite the appearance of errors, nobody took proper measures to eliminate them. Keywords: fighting near Lake Khasan, Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, material support, transport service, Red Banner Far Eastern front | 983 | |||||
4108 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of the lack of textual solutions that meet the emotional needs of modern students in school visual space. Texts in the educational space of schools are a flexible, multifunctional tool with which one can not only make the school more attractive, but also is able to conduct dialogue with students and their families. This dialogue is aimed to form loyalty to the rules of interaction between the individual and society, norms of environmental behavior and disposition of their resources, respect for other people; subjective position in educational activity. Materials and methods. The materials of the study were photos and videos of visual environment elements of modern Russian schools. The main method used in the process of researching text-based solutions in the space of educational institutions is qualitative and quantitative analysis. In some cases, the subject of analysis was not only images, but also texts. The article proposes a classification of visual solutions used in the school space (8 types of texts) and describes the method of group interviews as a tool for studying school visual solutions. Fixation and attribution of school texts was carried out in collaboration with students - teenagers. Results and discussion. The study reveals the content, style and authorship of interior design elements in modern Russian school. The article substantiates the possibility of using the process of creating “school texts” for the development of “flexible skills” of students. The modern visual environment of the Russian school is largely focused on the “preservation” of the traditional school structure, which provides a formalized perception of the school as a place where “educational activities are organized”, and the life and development of a person’s personality does not occur. Conclusion. To develop and implement these solutions, it makes sense to combine the efforts of specialists in the field of design, pedagogy, ergonomic psychology, philology and linguistics. The results of the study indicate a shortage of professional solutions in the design of modern school space. The article suggests ways to overcome these deficits in the framework of interaction between participants in the educational process. Keywords: visual text solutions, text design, school space design, educational environment | 983 | |||||
4109 | . | 982 | |||||
4110 | Vorobyev N. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 15-19 . | 982 | |||||
4111 | Petrova V. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 72-75 . | 982 | |||||
4112 | . | 982 | |||||
4113 | Urazaeva T. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 92-92 . | 982 | |||||
4114 | In the article the issues of constructing a professional career of students as well as the questions of students' motivation development in the process of learning and production activities are examined. | 982 | |||||
4115 | The tendency of world progress leads to only for¬mation of innovation economy. It can be the best de¬velopment way for Russia. As the priority heading, scientific-educational complex formed on an innova¬tion inlands is realization this model and the most cardinal factors of economic growth and regional de¬velopment. One of these years underrating this condition can result in displacing of Russia from high-technological products market and impossibility of rise in the life le¬vel above the contemporary standards and ensuring of state security. | 982 | |||||
4116 | This article contents the description of innovation aspect in Russian high education, the goals and ways of its realization. | 982 | |||||
4117 | In the present work are revealing 10 types of the circulating processes on the basis of the genetic approach to classification of synoptic processes for Tomsk area. Five processes among them concern to cyclone types, three processes relate to the clear anticyclone type and the last two belong to small - gradient fields. Also, is shown the influence of each type of synoptic processes in the forming of the precipitation, both on the areas and at the each station | 982 | |||||
4118 | North Carolina is home to the third largest biotechnology industry in the United States. With over 200 companies involved in manufacturing, research, testing or services and growing at a rate of 12 % per year, this North Carolina industry is aggressively expanding its biotechnology efforts in all domains: pharmaceuticals, agriculture, environment, foods and energy. The North Carolina Department of Commerce along with other state and regional entities are developing strategies to attract new companies into the state, especially its rural regions. In order to meet the workforce needs, the education sector is being funded and mobilized for development of new courses, programs and facilities. This paper will discuss comprehensive regional and statewide initiatives to increase biotechnology education at North Carolina secondary schools, community colleges and universities in order to meet the present and future needs of the North Carolina biotechnology sector | 982 | |||||
4119 | Innovation designing technology have been applied into usage of engineers and vocational education pedagogues training. The leading activity category of this technology was inventive activity. Special developed technology may be used for inventive activity education. Successfulness of the student inventive activity is based on the heuristic technology. The developed technology experimental research results are resumed in this article. | 982 | |||||
4120 | Psychological and pedagogical influence of study of local lore on process of socialization of the person is presented on the basis of the developed characteristic of functions of study of local lore work which organized in educational establishment in educational objectives. Obtaining by pupils of the information on features of local society, progress of criticality of their judgments, skill to be guided in the environment, desire to participate in its transformation – these and other educational values are laid in study of local lore. Keywords: socialization, educational, a function of «remove mask» , rough and stimulating functions of study of local lore, «strong» and «weak» sides of object. | 982 | |||||
4121 | In article questions of the organization of independent work of the pupils receiving trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation are considered. Considering psycho-physiological features of the given pupils, are offered principles of selection of kinds and contents of independent work at their training to the physics. Keywords: trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation, independent work, kinds of independent work, motivation. | 982 | |||||
4122 | On the basis of the study of ontogeny and ontomorphogeny characteristics of the shrubby liana Atragene sibirica L. possible ways of woody lianas transformation to herbage in evolution are exhibited. The obtained data confirm the conception of the two directions of lianas ways of transformation of woody plants to the herbage through the lianas life forms; both to the biomorphs with creepers and to the plants with orthotropic oblong rosellate bines. Keywords: ontogeny, ontomorphogeny, ontobiomorph, evolution of plant life form | 982 | |||||
4123 | In this work we investigate the structure of the effective action for a simplest model of the higher spin fields, free massless spin-3 field theory in anti-de Sitter space. We calculate the divergence of the effective action in the one-loop approximation, which in 4-dimensional space can be reduced to finding De Witt’s coefficients. Keywords: quantization, effective action, one-loop approximation, higher spins, De Witt’s coefficients | 982 | |||||
4124 | The aim of modernization of Russian education is the creation of mechanisms for sustainable development of the system and improving the quality of education. The most important resource to improve the quality of general and pedagogical education in Russia is to create a system of continuous interaction of university and school. Keywords: modernization of Russian education, the interaction of university and school, professional development of teachers, system of additional education | 982 | |||||
4125 | . | 982 | |||||
4126 | This article discusses the theoretical and methodological tools for implementation of network software professionals in social, cultural and tourism services. The author defi nes the concept: education strategies of network teaching interaction, distance learning, knowledge-networking products, professional sphere of personal, educational communication as a system that distinguishes its structural, functional and integrative aspects. Keywords: teaching communication, level of competence, functional competence, corporate competence, knowledge- technology and business culture | 982 | |||||
4127 | The article deals with development of exercises complex for teaching pre-translation analysis of professional texts to non-linguists. It represents the research results in this fi eld and its experimental approbation. Keywords: pre-translation text analysis, exercises complex, speech, training and orientation exercises | 982 | |||||
4128 | The problem of the relativistic theory of the electromagnetic orbital and spin angular momenta of the charge radiation is considered. It is obtained that the total power of the eld spin angular momentum radiation is proportional to the Thomas precession and corresponds to the force eld momentum of radiation. Keywords: electromagnetic eld, spin, angular momentum, radiation, torque | 982 | |||||
4129 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of levels in adult education. The analysis is aimed at revealing key features, which determine models of adult education, peculiarities of English language courses for adult learners. The author suggests a classification for English language courses as an effective means for acquiring the maximum level in English language learning. Keywords: lifelong education, adult education, system of education, course structure | 982 | |||||
4130 | The article examines the process of birth of Shakespeare's tradition in the Russian dramaturgy and its influence on the principles of plotcomposing and genreforming of the Russian tragedy. For the first time, A. P. Sumarokov, the founder of the Russian dramatic art system, appeals to Shakespear and lays the foundation of the tradition to orient the Russian historic drama art to the Shakesperian theatre. Historical substratum of his tragedy “The Pretender Dimitri”, the formation of artistic principles of historicism, structural interpenetration of the genre canons of tragedy and comedy turned out closer not to the traditions of the French classic theater and drama but to the English Shakespearian drama. Keywords: dramaturgy, tragedy, plot, “the epoch of the time of troubles”, Sumarokov, impostor | 982 | |||||
4131 | Each ethnos has its own ideas of the world and the system of worldly space structuring that allows orienting in space. The idea of the three-part structure of the world including the Upper, Middle and Lower Worlds is common for many nations as well as the idea of existence of vertical and horizontal projections of the universe. In mythology the Upper World is connected with the highest gods. It is located over people. The Middle World is the place inhabited by people and animals. The Lower World is associated with the world of evil spirits and the dead. It is located under the ground or water. Ethnographic and linguistic material demonstrates coexistence of vertical and horizontal world projections in the Selkup worldview and presence of only the vertical world projection in the Russian one. The Middle World being according to the ancient beliefs the world for people and animals is the most significantly objectivized both in the Selkup and the Russian languages. The analysis of linguistic and ethnographic material allowed revealing essential differences in the Selkup and Russian ways of worldly space structuring. The circular type of space structuring is typical for the Russian ethnos as the representative of the farming culture. There is the house and householding buildings on the fenced territory in the center of the Russian worldly space, the next concentric circle includes the settlement, the second concentric circle consists of the fields and pastures having an important economic value, the third concentric circle includes forest grounds, the fourth is represented by the distant spaces. People feel the most familiar with the next and the second concentric circles and less familiar with the third and fourth concentric circles. The representatives of the Selkup ethnos orient in surrounding space relying on focal points by specification of their arrangement relative to each other. The focal points are a river, a forest and a house. Keywords: space, Selkup, Russian, mental map, focal point, comparison | 982 | |||||
4132 | The article describes and analyses the Russian educational paradigms in the context of their historical shifts in relation to the objectives, content of education, representatives of major educational concepts and pedagogical technologies. Two historically developed in Russia educational paradigms are considered: traditional and humanistic. Analyzed traditional pedagogical concepts and pedagogical models of contemporary humanistic paradigm of Russian education: student-oriented, competence-based, subjective-personal, personal-oriented network and sense-activity. Presented the goals, objectives, content, benefits and drawbacks of the existing and further developed by the Russian scientists pedagogical concepts of the XX–XXI centuries. Traced and justified the historical transition from traditional to humanistic educational paradigm. The necessity of the consideration and integration of traditional methods and technologies of Russian education that have proven efficiency in the formation of conceptual-cognitive thinking necessary for student-centered development, education and training of the individual is shown. As a result of the the content-historical analysis, the article presents positive aspects and shortcomings of traditional knowledge-centered paradigm and outlines the main difficulties of the implementation of modern humanistic educational paradigm within the framework of existing educational models. The authors came to the conclusion about the necessity of harmonization of technologies, concepts, and assessment of results according to the tenets of the two main (traditional and humanistic) historical Russian educational paradigms. Keywords: education, educational paradigms, Russian education, pedagogical technologies | 982 | |||||
4133 | Nowadays language education is undergoing serious anthropocentric transformations. Teachers, who creatively process foreign experience, conduct a deep search for activity-oriented methodologies, including a maximum of interactive forms of instruction in the lesson. One of the most effective among them is theatricality. We view theatricality as a highly effective pedagogical resource that generates the communicative and discursive multicompetences, motivating students, fomenting their socialization and increasing the attractiveness for them of a foreign language lesson. Dramatizing practice implements pedagogical activity approach. Theatrical episode is a kind of public speaking, which develops various subspecies of human intellect. In theatre plays, everything is important: words, voice, speech tempo, timbre, pause, glance, gesture, movement, body language. It is very important working with gestures, obligatory in theatre situation, because traditional lesson blocks gestures’ aspect. The student learns to impress play-partners and feel this impact as some kind of a psychological victory over oneself. A specific contact with others on professional subjects occurs. Students see themselves forced to develop certain proper tactics contacting and influencing the others. It is very necessary in life and profession. Students learn to control mood and attitude among classmates, overcoming their fears; train spontaneity and ease in speech; acquire skill of public speaking and critical skills verbal interaction. Keywords: competence approach, theatricality, dramatization, personal formation, pedagogical interaction, socialization, professional communication | 982 | |||||
4134 | The article examines the feasibility of applying the project method in institutions of the municipal social services, based on the characteristics of the various population groups in need of social services, analyzes the problems of organizational, personnel, methodological and material support of project activities, presents the positive aspects of using the project method in the work of institutions of social service of the population with individuals and families in difficult life situations. Describes the work of the specialists of municipal institutions of social service with children and families to solve their socialization problems, which is carried out through socio-pedagogical support of concerned citizens and providing them with socio-educational services. Presents the definition of municipal social services, which is understood as the network of state and municipal institutions located in the territory of the municipality and are engaged in social service of citizens in accordance with applicable law. Presents characteristics of socialpedagogical activity of the specialists of municipal institutions of social service as one of the main tools of interaction with minors and families in difficult life situations. Specifies the main contradiction of using this tool in practice: elimination of the institute of social pedagogues in institutions of social protection in accordance with applicable legislation on social services for citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as the lack of normative embodied technologies of socio-pedagogical work in the area. Shows the expediency of the use of the method of sociopedagogical design in solving problems of socially vulnerable layers of the population. The main object of this work is the development and implementation of preventive work in the sphere of ill-treatment of children and violations of their rights, all forms of violence against the person, bad habits and socially dangerous diseases and the development of the overall outlook, the organization of leisure and health activities that will lead to a significant increase in the number of professional ideas and public initiatives to improve the activities of municipal institutions of social service to provide social services to the interested persons. Keywords: city social network; municipal social services; project; design; project activities; prevention; sociopedagogical technology; socio-pedagogical design; institutions of social protection of the population | 982 | |||||
4135 | The article is devoted to the explanation of the actuality and innovation of the issues of complex linguistic study of Laowai network jargon – the language of Russian expats in China Internet communication. On the background studies of the Russian language in Eastern countries and Russian-Chinese frontier, discusses the history of the issue. The author proves the uniqueness as compared to the historically previous and compared to other contemporary bilingual (e.g. English-Russian), the situation of interaction between Russian and Chinese cultures in the discourse of virtual Russian Diaspora. The expats have no plans for assimilation in new community and the situation of a balanced linguistic partnerships between typologically radically different languages with approximately equal reputational status determine the specifics and dynamics of the reception of the Chinese language and culture. Chinese ksenonims in laowai substandart have a dual functionality. On the one hand, they, being jargon lexical substrate, perform all inherent in the jargon vocabulary of functions: identification, password, evaluative, expressive, creative. On the other hand, being other cultures lexical substrate, they are the main guides to the world of language, which has secondary cultural orientation, language, turned into the area of foreign language culture. A comprehensive analysis of the language network communication of Russian expats in China has great potential from the perspective of Internet linguistics and discourse studies, contact and comparative linguistics, cultural linguistics and intercultural communication, studies of the Russian language abroad and jargon studies. Keywords: the language of Russian expats in China, laowai network jargon, the language situation, the Russian and Chinese linguistic culture, ksenonym | 982 | |||||
4136 | Introduction. The influence of modern media on the worldview and behavioral attitudes of society remains poorly understood. Behavioral norms, broadcast in the format of talk shows, are the basis for evaluative statements, are correlated with the values of different types. The dialectical relations of the components of the axiological complex determine the feasibility of their joint consideration. The goal is to identify and describe behavioral norms, assessments of a person and the values of society represented in one of the programs of the talk show “Live with Andrey Malakhov”. Material and methods. Linguoaxiological analysis is a semantic analysis of units of different language levels and categories of discursive nature, aimed at identifying normative and estimated values in the field of human behavior. The stages of the analysis are the identification of typical means of expressing these values and the formation on their basis of a factual basis for research, the classification of statements according to their relation to certain types of values, the reconstruction of relevant behavioral norms, the interpretation of the results taking into account information about the features of the talk show format. Results and discussion. Along with the lexical and phraseological units of the language, estimated and normative values are regularly expressed by markers of deontic modality, grammatical means of enlarging the scale of the situation, lexical and grammatical indicators of deviation from the norm; moreover, in their translation involved knowledge. Utility-material prevail in the repertoire of values. Behavioral norms correlate with traditional values of different social groups and post-Soviet values. The influence of the transmission format on the presentation of axiological meanings lies in the relational (from the negative) presentation of the norms of behavior and in the level of their generality, in a strict balance of sign ratings, in the prevalence of personal values over social, utilitarianmaterial – over spiritual. A methodology for describing the axiological complex “behavioral norms, assessments of a person and the values of socie-ty”, presented in a media text imitating a discussion about a socially significant problem, is proposed and tested. Conclusion. The findings correlate with the results obtained in works in other humanitarian areas. Due to the presuppositive nature of the norm semantics, its linguistic reconstruction presupposes attention to non-specialized language means, as well as discursive phenomena. Keywords: talk shows, value, assessment, behavioral norm, linguo-axiological analysis | 982 | |||||
4137 | Zarubina O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 5-6 . | 981 | |||||
4138 | The experience of common ecology teaching for engineering and humanitary faculties and divisions in Tomsk polytechnical university have been summarized. | 981 | |||||
4139 | In connection with the subject under study, method and tasks of philosophy of education, the paper treats the stages of development of a new branch of humanities -«pedagogic anthropology» definition of the subject and special qualities within the frames of complex human study, the author pays special attention to cultural philoso¬phical aspect of pedagogical anthropology. In particular an ideal model of a personality of a school-graduate is recon structed, which may serve as a mirror of a teacher's model, as well as of the whole of educational process; the principrel characteristic of a key principle in pedagogic anthropology and culturoaethetic principle is presented. | 981 | |||||
4140 | The article suggests the analysis of the basic directions of realization of modernization programs of pedagogical gen¬eral education, in particular rural educational system. On the basis of modern historical-pedagogical analysis the article describes practice-oriented technology of education as mech¬anism of staff-providing of modernization of rural school. Keywords: - | 981 | |||||
4141 | One of the most significant factors of conservation and quality improvement in Banking System of the Russian Federation is an existence of statistics of financial and credit relationships, which corresponds to present economic terms and requirements in international practice. Current reporting needs to be totally changed due to the redundancy on the one hand and lack of several important evaluative indexes on the other hand. It must be organized with consideration of growth of supervision efficiency of Bank of Russia and efficiency of other commercial banks in general. It is recommended to build the new system of statistical indexes of credit institutions on the base of methods of International Standards Principles of Financial Reporting, which will lead to reduction of amount of statistical supervision forms, improvement of information types, their composition and period of their presentation. | 981 | |||||
4142 | The author sums up his experience and illustrates the research material, which enables to provide professional training in the organization, to evaluate the efficiency and results of education. The author suggests a set in in the form of block-scheme of sub process "Training and education of personnel", diagnostic methods and assessment of education effect and also practical recommendations for improving of economic output from education. | 981 | |||||
4143 | This article is devoted to analysis of dependence of perception of inner form of the compound word from linguistic and extra linguistic conditions. The compound Russian and English lexemes were served as the material of the research, which forming the same notions. It was necessary to distribute them into groups using the same principle of classification. As a rule, taxonomies are built on the intralingual material independently of the tier which is meant. Specification of our research encloses in application of another type of classification. We examine structural features of compound lexical units locating into the same linguistic space. The purposes of our research have required formatting the classification of the selected material basing on specification of the inner form. | 981 | |||||
4144 | Monitoring of educational achievements of pupils is the important making part of large-scale experiment. The information on preparation of pupils on different subjects characterizes efficiency of spent experiment. To receive the objective information on preparation of learning experimental schools, for example, on physics it is impossible. That in conditions of experiment to receive this information, monitoring educational achievements of pupils on subjects at experimental schools is necessary | 981 | |||||
4145 | This article is a prolongation of a complex research of the notional category of abstractedness/concreteness by the example of the Selcup language. The article deals with the questions of the analogical transfers of denominations. Keywords: metonymy, semantic conglomeration, associative, concrete, abstract | 981 | |||||
4146 | Conceptual diagnostics version of socio-cultural systems in the spectrum of variations of the impacts of new technologies is presented. The models of information processes as methodological grounds of diagnosis are discussed. Keywords: the information-synergetic approach, models of information process, nonlinear dynamics, operator, occasion-in-actuality, occasion-in-reality | 981 | |||||
4147 | The author analyses the criteria of assesment of interactive competence skills which show how the students specializing in economics can act as «the author», «the listener» and «the expert». Keywords: interactive competence, integral subjective personal quality, reflexion and self-reflexion. | 981 | |||||
4148 | The article deals with issues of moral and environmental values of the educator. An effective condition for the development of these values is a technology developed and implemented by the author studies in educational practice. Keywords: educational technology, moral and ecological values, condition for development | 981 | |||||
4149 | The article deals with the peculiar properties of the hierarchical system of comparison, including the specific functions of its components. The structure and semantics of comparative syntagmatic correlations as a means of fulfilling the above-mentioned functions have been analysed. Keywords: hierarchical system, general comparison, particular comparison, degrees of comparison, syntagmatic correlations | 981 | |||||
4150 | The article deals with the conjunctions as if/as though functioning as markers of intellectual being presence. The conjunctions in question can introduce utterances describing situations that are not true. Keywords: concept, game, counterfactual modality, assumption, the seeming | 981 |