# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4001 | This article deals with the problems connected with modern teenagers’ ability to work with text information. The analysis of senior schoolchildren’s creative works allows state a low level of their speech culture. We can see mechanical memorizing of texts, inability to work with a task and a speech production, which makes the necessity of constructing such a methodical system of handling the information in which certain knowledge and acquired experience permeate pupil’s own ideas and become sensible due to this. Using a literary text as a bearer of moral spirituality and as an example of a speech production will allow paying attention to the development of the ability to act and to think creatively, to make up original speech productions, to stimulate teenager’s speech culture during the process of teaching. Keywords: speech experience, perceiving, comprehending, text information, speech culture, texts, creative works, speech production | 1100 | |||||
4002 | The article deals with the problems of modelling the process of the formation methodical system of future teacher in the university. The author presented the corresponding structural dynamic model which consists of the target, content, process and criteria-effi cient units. The article gives their characteristics. It is shown the ways of implementation of the presented model. Keywords: structural and dynamic model, future teacher, methodical system | 1100 | |||||
4003 | The article deals with testing the model of forming a professional-creative position of the future architect and designer within the discipline of “History of Culture and Arts” in college. It defines the principles that underlie the model and describes the contents of training modules. The article describes the features and results of mastering each training module, as well as the model as a whole. Keywords: professional attitude, pedagogical model, a cultural history, methods of teaching | 1100 | |||||
4004 | In this article, results of investigation of prevalence of beer addiction among adolescents with account for age, gender and educative aspects are introduced; association of peculiarities of development of identity of the personality in adolescence with formation of early forms of addictive behaviour (beer addiction) has been shown. Keywords: beer addiction, early forms of drug addiction, adolescence, personal development, mental growth, identity, statuses of identity | 1100 | |||||
4005 | The article views the lexeme ‘proverbial’ in the aspect of the language symbolism. Some examples demonstrate how this lexeme correlates with the proverbs, sayings, phraseological units and separate words that convey culturally significant information. Keywords: culturally significant information, paroemia, proverb, saying, phraseological unit, symbol, leхeme ‘proverbial’ | 1100 | |||||
4006 | The article deals with the species composition and structure of the population inversion of malarial mosquitoes in Central Europe: Germany, Poland, Belarus. In the studied samples there were revealed two species Anopheles: A. messeae and A. maculipennis. There was set inversion polymorphism and XL-3R-shoulders polytene chromosomes of A. messeae. The authors discuss regularities of the composition and the frequency of the inversion of options depending on the region of Europe and the characteristics of local environmental factors habitats. Keywords: malarial mosquitoes, karyotype, inversion, homozygote, heterozygote | 1100 | |||||
4007 | The article considers the role and place of the visual text in religious rituals, its interaction with other elements of the religious ritual and the role of the broadcast of religion in the cultural environment. On the example of Orthodoxy we deal with the visual text in the structure of religious ritual, aspects of its interaction with the verbal text, the role of visual text in spreading the religion. The conclusion is made about the indissoluble unity of the visual text with other elements in the religious ritual, dynamic interaction with them, as well as the priority role of the visual text in the translation of religion in culture. Keywords: religious ritual, visual text, verbal text, sacred space, religious culture, Orthodoxy | 1100 | |||||
4008 | In the article pedagogical aspects of Olympic and Paralympic education at elementary school are considered. Systematic classes on the Olympic and Paralympic subject positively influence social orientation of younger schoolchildren in the course of physical training, if the occupations are consecutive and logical. Keywords: Olympic education, Paralympic education, younger schoolchildren, physical culture, social orientation, socialization | 1100 | |||||
4009 | The article focuses on the possibility of implementing multisubject approach in pre-school education. The author draws attention to the fact that multisubject interaction can ensure the development of the personality of each child and development of his/her personality in the organized interaction in the educational process. Keywords: pre-school education, multisubject approach, subjectivity, dialogue subjects, interaction | 1100 | |||||
4010 | The article is dedicated to the relevance of promotion of information and communication technologies in the educational process, benefits of using them as well as the idea that blended learning is an innovative form of teaching methods. Also the article deals with the issue of compatibility of full-time division and e-learning education, advantages and disadvantages of both forms and the additional opportunities of blended learning for students of nonlinguistic specialties. The extension of the methods and techniques for teachers and the learners with the help of educational internet-resources (hotlist, multimedia scrapbook, treasure hunt, subject sampler and web quest), technologies Web 2.0 (blog, wiki, podcast) in combination with the full-time division in teaching foreign languages to students of non- linguistic specialties is offered to advance motivation of students. Forms of organization of the Internet communication (synchronous and asynchronous) and the purposes of their use for teaching foreign languages are described. Keywords: information technology, e-learning, blended learning, student motivation, learning foreign languages | 1100 | |||||
4011 | The article considers the formation of “professional competence” term. Corresponding psychological and pedagogical literature was reviewed, correlative terms were analyzed. On the basis of information received the correlation between terms “professionalism”, “professional readiness” and “professional competency” was revealed and presented. Also, scheme presenting correlation of above mentioned terms was introduced. Specific features of professional competency of teachers working with disabled children were considered and analyzed. The structure of professional competency of such teachers was determined and presented in tabular form. Major components of professional competency revealing through three aspects: cognitive, practical and personal were identified and presented. Relation of these components formation ensures professional readiness of a teacher who works with disabled children. Keywords: professionalism, pedagogical excellence, professional readiness, professional competency, children with disabilities | 1100 | |||||
4012 | The paper presents the results of involvement of future mathematics and physics teachers in independent scientific research activity in conditions of realization of competence approach. In the case of such approach the competence is a general capability which is checked and created in activities. It is based on knowledge and allows the person to establish connection between the system of actions for successful problem solution. During the educational process, the formation of elements of competencies at implementation of curriculum is carried out by means of maintenance of the studied subject. The course of the differential equations has great opportunities for forming of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics and physics, however the existing education guidance, according to the theory of differential equations, are obviously not oriented to form the competencies. Besides modern development of technology, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, economics and other sciences is impossible without the use of differential equations. The solutions of Clairaut-type equations with a special right-hand part found in the paper are a new result in the theory of partial differential equations. In turn the organization of independent scientific research in the framework of the course of differential equations promotes the main goal of professional competencies of future mathematics and physics teachers, namely forming the professional competencies being ready to use theoretical and practical knowledge in science and education. Keywords: differential equations, professional competencies | 1100 | |||||
4013 | The article reveals results of the onomasiological approach to analyze corpora of Tomsk realionims elaborated in Russian. This article covers issues of a great importance such as onomasiology as a study of designations where linguistics forms can stand for a given concept, idea, and object, theoretical components of an onomasiological approach to categorize required vocabulary segments. Moreover, the research also considers various realia classifications elaborated since 1950s that are crucial for modern linguistics and widely spread. The article anticipates detailed and careful examination of such classifications and criteria of their formation and elaboration to select the basic one. In accordance with the research, the most reliable classification has been selected and applied during systematization and categorization. In such a manner, an onomasiological approach and the one realia classification specified in the article became the basis to systemize realionims associated with Tomsk and Tomsk Region in compliance with corresponding classification groups. Furthermore, the article defines thematic content of realionims` corpora dedicated to Tomsk and Tomsk Region. Thus, the article reveals statistic data and quantitative parameters of lexical groups that have been selected by continuous sampling method, analyzed and systemized by means of an onomasiological approach and realia classification selected during research. Keywords: onomasiological approach, Tomsk realionims, realionims corpora, thematic groups, classification of realionims, hard-to-translate endemic units, parallelization of corporas of different languages | 1100 | |||||
4014 | The article deals with the activities of the Imperial Mineralogical Society (IMO) since its inception in 1817 until the separation of the state structure – the Geological Committee in 1882; рeriodization of the stages of the company’s activity is given, experience of cooperation with the state is shown. The main sources of research are the materials of the St. Petersburg branch of the RAS archive, where the IMO foundation was postponed. The prerequisites for the interaction of the scientific society (IMO) and the state structure (Geological Committee) in the field of geological research are considered in the article. Mechanisms of interaction of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee in the field of mineralogy and geology in the last quarter of the 19th century were prepared by the already established model of IMO’s relationship with the state; in the article channels, forms and results of this interaction are analyzed. Financial support by the state of the Imperial Mineralogical Society was based on the personal connections of its leaders, the article points out specific merits in this direction. The article presents quantitative results of various areas of joint research (members of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee). The results of this study make it possible to identify the directions of the IMO and the Geological Committee, understand the prerequisites and mechanisms for productive cooperation, and make proposals for improving the interaction of the state and the scientific community. Keywords: Geology, Imperial Mineralogical Society, mineralogy, science, scientific societies, state, society, management, geological committee, civil society | 1100 | |||||
4015 | Detterer A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 2 (5). P. 33-36 . | 1099 | |||||
4016 | Zotkin A. O. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 76-77 . | 1099 | |||||
4017 | . | 1099 | |||||
4018 | The role of popular educational societies of naturalists and doctors at the Tomsk Imperial University, Siberian engineers, the Tomsk Department of the Russian Technical Society, legal society, the society of studying Siberia is represented in the paper in development of cultural processes in the Tomsk prov-ince in the period of XIX-XX centuries. | 1099 | |||||
4019 | The article analyses volume, country, branch and regional structures of direct foreign investments into the economy of Russia. It suggests working out the strategy of attracting the investments into the produc¬tion sector of economy, which excludes discrimination of foreign companies. | 1099 | |||||
4020 | The problem stated in this article is highly critical in our opinion. It is determined by the fact that currently the society is facing the situation when our young generation due to the absence of events positively influencing on them is included in the “life of robbery, violence and alcoholic abuse”, how terrible it could sound. At-risk children represent a serious danger. That’s why the author of the paper suggests solving the problem of children with deviant behavior through attracting them to physical and sports activities | 1099 | |||||
4021 | Joint action of active groups of gibberellins (GA) and brassinolide (BL) on growth and development of plants Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Landsberg erecta has been studied. It has been, that the presowing treatment of seeds the 10-9М BL reduced duration of phases of an ontogenesis of plants, accelerated growth vegetative and reproductive organs and increased seed production at plants of wild-type Ler and of mutant ga4-1. Exogenous BL in part compensated a lack endogenic GA1/4 at a mutant, enlarging the common length of shoots and restoring seed production of a mutant up to a level of wild-type. This effect might be connected with on account of augmentation of quantity of side shoots, quantities of pods, lengths of pods and quantities of seeds in pods | 1099 | |||||
4022 | The article has the summarized materials of the experimental work on organizing the problem teaching in higher education. The article contains the ways of the planning of educational process at physics lessons at the “Technology and Professional Pedagogical Education” Department. The results of the experiment on testing and installation the problem teaching technology are presented. The author of the article is Nikitina Elena Urievna the assistant of the chair of physics of the Biysk State Pedagogical University named after V. M. Shukshin, the post-gradient student of the chair of pedagogy | 1099 | |||||
4023 | The article reveals the necessity and the content of the innovative-educational designing in the higher school. The algorithm of actions of the innovative-educational process’s subjects is given. The technology of innovation’s designing in the higher school is described. Keywords: innovation activity of institute of high education, pedagogical monitoring, innovations | 1099 | |||||
4024 | This article presents results of the author in research about elaboration and realization the program by forming competence to solution problems among schoolchildren in the organization process of joint activity of children, children and the teacher. Keywords: teacher’s program, competence to solve problems, forming competence, joint activity | 1099 | |||||
4025 | The article outlines the notion of methodology of integration in educational process and argues for necessity of application of the integrated approach to teaching a second foreign language in a linguistic university. Keywords: methodology, integrated approach, second foreign language, linguistic university, linguist-teacher. | 1099 | |||||
4026 | At this article there is analyses the potential of interaction profile schools and Tomsk universities for increase the quality physical education schoolchildren. Keywords: interaction, potential, physical education, increase the quality, the region of innovation | 1099 | |||||
4027 | The article considers the organizational forms, content, conditions and principles of pupil’s professional orientation to education activity of pedagogical profile classes, developing in Russian secondary schools in 1990–2000. Keywords: specialized education and professional self-determination, comparative characteristics of general admission and graduates of the teacher training classes | 1099 | |||||
4028 | The question of religious identity of Tomsk region, the concept of “religion”, “churched”, define the criteria of religious identity. Analyzed the level of representation and the prevalence of religion, and the degree of involvement of the population of Tomsk region in religion and observance of religious traditions. Keywords: religious identity, representation denominations, the prevalence of belief, observance of religious traditions, tolerance, rooted religious traditions and celebrations | 1099 | |||||
4029 | In the article there are analysed two allied cultures of the II millennium B. C. The attention is paid to the qualities of “the action” and “the statics” in the ornamental design of these cultures. These qualities determined the measure of the similarity and of the distinction between researching archaeological cultures. The basic method in this research is the method of symmetrometria. Keywords: Alakul culture, Fyodorovo culture, ornamental design, “the action”, “the statics”, symmetrometria, chronology, territory | 1099 | |||||
4030 | The article highlights the experience of the program development and technological map designing for Bachelors of Social Work educational practice within the requirements of the FSES for Higher Professional Training and for major “social work in the system of social services” in particular. There defined goals and objectives of the practice, its content and projected results of modules mastering are revealed, the main students activities are characterized and the criteria for assessing their personal and professional achievements are provided in this paper. Keywords: educational practice, module-rating technology, content, projected training results | 1099 | |||||
4031 | The essence of public relations, which is a permanent participant of man’s life and his requirements in a comfortable house leads to the need of the state supervision over the process of sustainability of housing and communal services of municipal services. In fact, at all times, as now, there was a need in accommodation, supply of urban water and fuel, cleaning and street lighting, organization of transport, household and other services. The current situation is not an exception, and it is developing in the formation of the new economic and political structure of the Russian society. Keywords: housing and communal services, rates, government regulation, public utilities reform | 1099 | |||||
4032 | The article deals with the notions of “empathy” and “cross-cultural empathy” which are viewed as the basis of cross-cultural understanding. The author outlines if it is necessary to distinguish between “cross-cultural empathy” and “empathy” as well as if the quality is inherent or acquired. The article also focuses on the importance of crosscultural empathy development in adolescence nowadays and what methods are appropriate for that. Keywords: empathy, cross-cultural empathy, adolescence, cross-cultural dialogue | 1099 | |||||
4033 | Discusses the development of ideas about gender and sexual education of children of preschool age in our country during the beginning of the 80’s to late 90-ies of XX century. This period is characterized by the weakening of the state power and reduction of ideological and social control. This has led to active penetration of foreign scientists’ ideas in the domestic pedagogical theory. The interest of the Soviet researchers to gender issues has increased. The education reform contributed to the implementation of preschool educational institutions alternative programs that have created positive conditions for the development and implementation of systems of sexual education of children of preschool age. Keywords: moral-sexual education, children of preschool age, gender, sex-role socialization, parents, family | 1099 | |||||
4034 | In the article we cited a fragment of the analysis of the semantics of the derived dialect verbs to study pragmatic aspects of the linguistic meaning. For the material of the study served the substantive dialectal verbs, collected by continuous sampling from the “Dictionary of Russian dialects of Transbaikal” and “the Irkutsk regional dictionary”. To study the semantics of the verbs we used the technique of propositional analysis. It is determined that cognitive models in the formation of functional and characterizing naming units are of different kinds. Functional names are characterized by orderly and clear formulas of propositions. They result through the reference to an object, an instrument or a place of purposeful activities. We gave the examples of verb propositions of the thematic group “Interpersonal relations”. Characterizing verbs of this group are the result of motivation by the name of any reality and can have mono- and polipropositional structure. For nomination of the situations related with the human relationship both the subject and the object of a proposition are important. Propositional structure characterizing the items can include assessment and emotive modes. Described idiomaticity of derivatives and the factors causing it. Revealed that different degree of the studied frazeological units may depend on the semantics of motivator: its multi-dimensionality (the scene) or polysemy. Preproposition names have the highest degree by increasing individual transformation. Such verbs are usually formed on the basis of metaphorical and metonymical models. The presence of metaphorical names is explained anthropocentricity of the group and the specific discourse. Unconventional method of linguistic unit formation allows you influence not the mind, but the emotions of a person. Keywords: proposition, semantics of the derived word, dialectal vocabulary, metaphoric models, metonymic models, evaluative vocabulary, subjective modality, idiomaticity | 1099 | |||||
4035 | The article describes and analyses the Russian educational paradigms in the context of their historical shifts in relation to the objectives, content of education, representatives of major educational concepts and pedagogical technologies. Two historically developed in Russia educational paradigms are considered: traditional and humanistic. Analyzed traditional pedagogical concepts and pedagogical models of contemporary humanistic paradigm of Russian education: student-oriented, competence-based, subjective-personal, personal-oriented network and sense-activity. Presented the goals, objectives, content, benefits and drawbacks of the existing and further developed by the Russian scientists pedagogical concepts of the XX–XXI centuries. Traced and justified the historical transition from traditional to humanistic educational paradigm. The necessity of the consideration and integration of traditional methods and technologies of Russian education that have proven efficiency in the formation of conceptual-cognitive thinking necessary for student-centered development, education and training of the individual is shown. As a result of the the content-historical analysis, the article presents positive aspects and shortcomings of traditional knowledge-centered paradigm and outlines the main difficulties of the implementation of modern humanistic educational paradigm within the framework of existing educational models. The authors came to the conclusion about the necessity of harmonization of technologies, concepts, and assessment of results according to the tenets of the two main (traditional and humanistic) historical Russian educational paradigms. Keywords: education, educational paradigms, Russian education, pedagogical technologies | 1099 | |||||
4036 | The problem of mortality and the experience of death is one of the most urgent for a person. Each culture offers its own solution. In the Ancient Greece of the era of the classics, mysteries were the means of the lifetime experience of death, among which the most widespread were the Eleusinian sacraments. The emergence of the mystery phenomenon is connected with the specificity of the ancient Greek religion, which was a kind of complement in the form of rituals to existing mythological subjects and never turned into an essential cultural dominant that would determine all spheres of life of ancient Greek society. The Eleusinian Mysteries, which arose on the basis of the agrarian myth of Demeter and Persephone, allowed people to survive death without dying, while still alive, and thus not only include it in the circle of being, but also get hope for a better posthumous fate. In this case, the mysteries are more connected with the myth than with the actual Greek religion. They acted as illustrations to the myth, ritualizing it. The problem of the lifetime experience of death with the help of the Eleusinian Mysteries will allow us to understand better the specifics of the ancient Greek culture of the classical epoch, and the findings can be used in the preparation of courses on the history and culture of ancient Greece. Keywords: Ancient Greece, Eleusinian Mysteries, sacraments, myth | 1099 | |||||
4037 | The article is devoted to revealing poorly studied cognitive mechanisms of color naming in Russian and Chinese on the basis of lexicographic and Internet sources, and the national corpus of the Russian and Chinese languages. Derivative secondary colorants denoting tertiary chromatic colors have been analyzed. Cognitive color naming models related to the cognitive macro model “color plant” have been identified. This allows us to conclude that the color picture of the world reflects diverse experience of man’s knowledge of the plant world in all its forms. Ways of replenishing the color naming system of this type have been defined. The color naming systems in the Russian and Chinese languages with respect to the type of cognitive modeling being analyzed are basically the same. The authors have found out universal cognitive color naming models of Russian and Chinese, among which the most productive ones are the models “color flower”, “color fruit of the plant”, which indicates the similarity of thought processes realizing color naming. National features of the color picture of the world are manifested in the presence of specific nominations of color shades in both languages. These nominations reflect cultural characteristics of Russian and Chinese native speakers as well as peculiarities of the color semantics of interlingual equivalents in the languages. Quantitative and qualitative differences of Russian and Chinese derived color lexical units confirm the idea that the color naming is the reflection of the natural and cultural space of the ethnos. Keywords: cognitive modeling, color naming, coloration, Russian, Chinese | 1099 | |||||
4038 | Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of addressing the problem of political education of military personnel under contract at the present stage of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this research is to substantiate the ideas that serve as the basis for the development of the concept of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a discipline. Material and methods. The material of the research is normative legal documents on the organization of political education in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as materials of pedagogical research devoted to the development of concepts of educational disciplines in General and their content in particular. The analysis of these materials allowed us to formulate the main ideas of the concept of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a new academic discipline in the political education of military personnel, the organization of the process of its development. The concept reflects the conditionality of the political consciousness of military personnel under contract by the nature of their military professional activities, the form of participation in the system of relations inherent in their professional group. The research is based on the theoretical provisions of the activity approach to the construction of pedagogical processes, the subject-subject paradigm of building pedagogical interaction in professional teams, and the competence approach to the selection of the content of professional training. Results and discussion. According to the developed concept, the purpose of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a discipline is to form the military personnel’s competencies necessary to perform professional tasks with political content; subjective images (personal meanings, meanings and relationships) that form the cognitive basis of the political consciousness of military personnel. The concept assumes active inclusion of military personnel in the system of public relations and phenomena of state military policy. The selection of material is based on the General purpose of training a specialist, the system of cognitive goals and opportunities of the discipline. Carried out conceptualization focuses on the need for leading, core concepts (ideas) in the course content; definition of the basic (invariant) core and variant parts of the content of the training modules, to correlate this material with the level of cognitive activity of students; allocation of consolidated problems of professionally-oriented nature, the resolution of which requires knowledge and skills in the academic discipline; select content and determine the scope of a training module, selection of methods of cognitive activity. The use of «content nodes» of educational material (conceptual, worldview, subject-image, activity) allows us to specify the control and evaluation system aimed at checking the formation of military personnel’s competencies under the contract in solving a set of educational and professional tasks. Conclusion. The developed concept serves as an indicative basis for solving the problems of developing the political consciousness of a military serviceman under a contract. The results of the research allow us to clarify the ways and means of forming the political consciousness of conscripts during the period of changing ideological priorities in professional education and training of military personnel. Keywords: maidenhood, dialect, traditional culture | 1099 | |||||
4039 | . | 1098 | |||||
4040 | Manankova R. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 4-5 . | 1098 | |||||
4041 | Zarubina O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 5-6 . | 1098 | |||||
4042 | In the article the authour considers functioning of the French language, national structure of characters, motives of war, captivity, death, the category of reason and the purpose as components of the Tolstoy’s «Text of the Enemy»; interprets moral and metaphysical values of these and other elements of this text. | 1098 | |||||
4043 | In the article by L.A. Dyrkova the concept of national revival of Russia suggested by A.I. Solzhenitsyn is investigated. In the article, special attention is paid to constructive and real strategy of national development which, according to the writer, will help to lift the country from crisis during the post communistic period. | 1098 | |||||
4044 | The article is devoted to the phenomenoiogical structure of the Russian prose of the second half of the 19,h century. After characterizing the essentials of the problem raised the article turns to defining the strategy of the systematic description of the phenomenology of the Russian prose concerning plot, genre and position of the author. | 1098 | |||||
4045 | In the article an influence of mentality on personal intensional activity is considered. The mentality is presented as social and personal formation representing itself as criterial bases of intensional activity development. The mentality is considered as contensional and dynamic feature of regulative processes as well. Basis structure components of mentality which are directly connected with the personal intensional activity are specified. The positivity of determination of personal intentional activity development by mental experience components is presented as the hypothesis of the investigation | 1098 | |||||
4046 | Berezina N. A. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2008. Issue 4 (78). P. 87-89 - Keywords: keywords_eng | 1098 | |||||
4047 | In article the comparative aspect of development of the graphic and speech activity as sign-symbolical systems at children's age is considered. The comparative analysis of the generation of the sign-symbolical function at the senior preschool children with the general speech underdevelopment and the children with the normal speech development is carried out. The assumption of the use of symbolical possibilities of graphic activity in the correctional purposes for elimination of the general speech underdevelopment is stated. Keywords: graphic and speech activity, sign-symbolical system, isographic modeling, children with the general speech underdevelopment. | 1098 | |||||
4048 | We consider massive p-forms in arbitrary D-dimensional curved space-time. Quantization of these models has been performed. The massive theories of p-forms do not possess gauge invariance, in contrary of massless theories. We restore the gauge invariance in massive p-forms models with help of the multi-step Stuckelberg procedure and we evaluate the effective actions. The result is presented in terms of d`Alembertians acting on p-forms. Keywords: quantum fields in curved space-time, antisymmetric tensor fields, p-forms, gauge field theories, effective action | 1098 | |||||
4049 | The article deals with the terms “civil society” and “local community”, it reveals their common etymology, functional definitions, signs of civil society in local communities are given, the criteria for the structuring of local communities based on civic initiatives and application of social engineering in the formation of civil society in local communities are determined. Keywords: local community, civil society, local self-management, civil initiatives, structuring of local communities, social engineering, public associations | 1098 | |||||
4050 | The article is based on the archive material dated as back as 1920–1930s. The central point of attention is the mechanisms of the cultural change among Selkup people at the critical time for the Russian economy. It was found out that the fi shing traditions and customs of the Selkup population underwent material change because of the new social and economic relations that appeared at the time. As a result of the changes the Selkup economy integrated greatly in the economy of the Soviet society. | 1098 |