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4301 | The eld of a rotating inclined magnetic dipole is studied. One rst integral of motion and some particular solutions of equations of motion for a charged particle in this eld are found. The effective potential energy of a charge is studied. It is shown that the effective potential energy in the corotating reference system has six stationary points, which correspond to circular motion of a charge. Keywords: magnetic dipole, electromagnetic eld, inclined rotator, charge, equations of motion | 957 | |||||
4302 | This article addresses the problem of coding existential negation in Siberian languages exemplified by eastern dialects of Khanty and central dialects of Selkup. On the basis of the reviewed data, main strategies of existential negation in each language were identified, followed by comparison using a typological method. Keywords: existential sentences, negation, Siberian endangered languages, typology | 957 | |||||
4303 | The article contains the analysis of means used by American and Russian students to express pre-sequenced advice indirectly. The results of the research with the use of questionaries show that American students use indirect means of expressing pre-sequenced advice more often than Russian students. American students use assertives more often than commissives and expressives, especially at official and inofficial relationships between communicators. In contrast to that, Russian students tend to use expressives amd commisives along with assertives, especially at inofficial relationships. Keywords: contrastive pragmatics, directive speech acts, pre-sequenced advice, indirect communication | 957 | |||||
4304 | The article deals with the investigation of the problem of precompetitive training of young athletes practicing Wushu as an element of the system of sport training. It gives the description of the program of the training process of the young athletes practicing Wushu in precompetitive monocycle, which is developed by the authors and based on computer technology. Keywords: system, system of sport training, precompetitive monocycle, young athletes, wushu | 957 | |||||
4305 | The article is devoted to the detecting of the influence of family life and political image of the Russian ruling dinasty in the XVI–XVII centuries on maintaining of autocracy and weakening of kinship ties within Russian family. Keywords: Russian state, ruling dinasty, patriarchal type of family, evolution of marriage and family relations | 957 | |||||
4306 | The article considers the language categorization of the sun in Old English and Old Icelandic poetic texts. Figurative (metaphoric) components which show the relation of the analyzed denotatum to the category of the animateness/inanimateness are revealed. Keywords: Old English, Old Icelandic, category, categorization, cognitive metaphor, category of the animateness/inanimateness, sun | 957 | |||||
4307 | The article substantiates the need for a project competence in teacher’s personal resource. It is noted that fixed in the federal state educational standard of higher education requirements for students’ project competencies involve the selection of adequate to the content of these requirements methods of pedagogical work on their formation. The paper reconstructs the experience of developing the project competence of philology students in the process of organizing educational events in the practice of collaboration between tertiary and secondary educational institutions. An empirical model of such interaction, the joint production of innovative developments, has been revealed using humanitarian research methods. Educational precedent gives grounds to say that the position exhibiting the project competence of students, can be formed in the active development of their content through educational events; means of formation of competence – participation in the trial-search activities of different content: educational-project in the framework of the lesson laboratory; design and research within the presentation at the conference. Keywords: project competence, interaction, educational event, joint production | 957 | |||||
4308 | The article is devoted to revealing poorly studied cognitive mechanisms of color naming in Russian and Chinese on the basis of lexicographic and Internet sources, and the national corpus of the Russian and Chinese languages. Derivative secondary colorants denoting tertiary chromatic colors have been analyzed. Cognitive color naming models related to the cognitive macro model “color plant” have been identified. This allows us to conclude that the color picture of the world reflects diverse experience of man’s knowledge of the plant world in all its forms. Ways of replenishing the color naming system of this type have been defined. The color naming systems in the Russian and Chinese languages with respect to the type of cognitive modeling being analyzed are basically the same. The authors have found out universal cognitive color naming models of Russian and Chinese, among which the most productive ones are the models “color flower”, “color fruit of the plant”, which indicates the similarity of thought processes realizing color naming. National features of the color picture of the world are manifested in the presence of specific nominations of color shades in both languages. These nominations reflect cultural characteristics of Russian and Chinese native speakers as well as peculiarities of the color semantics of interlingual equivalents in the languages. Quantitative and qualitative differences of Russian and Chinese derived color lexical units confirm the idea that the color naming is the reflection of the natural and cultural space of the ethnos. Keywords: cognitive modeling, color naming, coloration, Russian, Chinese | 957 | |||||
4309 | The urgency of establishing the essence of the term “competence-oriented task” is determined by the orientation toward achieving substantive, meta-subject and personal results of education in the secondary school educational practice. This category, widely used in pedagogical science and educational practice, does not quite justifiably relate to the concept of a task of a practical nature. The establishment of the specificity of competence-oriented tasks is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the positions of different authors, not only in understanding this category, but also in the semantically close to it concepts of “contextual task” and “situational task”, and also in connection with the modern interpretation of the learning task as a means of forming integrated educational result. The conclusion is drawn on the understanding of competence-oriented tasks as the tasks that, along with the formation of the subject competences of the student, determine the development of such qualities that determine the ability and readiness for independent cognitive activity, that is, the qualities whose totality determines the concept of cognitive competence. Examples of competence-oriented tasks are considered. Requirements to competency-oriented tasks in teaching mathematics are formulated. Proceeding from the structural and content features of cognitive competence as a significant component of an integral system of personality characteristics of a school graduate, the requirements that must be met in competence-oriented problems of school mathematics are established. Keywords: competence-oriented task, contextual task, situational task, learning task, cognitive competence of the learner | 957 | |||||
4310 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of the lack of textual solutions that meet the emotional needs of modern students in school visual space. Texts in the educational space of schools are a flexible, multifunctional tool with which one can not only make the school more attractive, but also is able to conduct dialogue with students and their families. This dialogue is aimed to form loyalty to the rules of interaction between the individual and society, norms of environmental behavior and disposition of their resources, respect for other people; subjective position in educational activity. Materials and methods. The materials of the study were photos and videos of visual environment elements of modern Russian schools. The main method used in the process of researching text-based solutions in the space of educational institutions is qualitative and quantitative analysis. In some cases, the subject of analysis was not only images, but also texts. The article proposes a classification of visual solutions used in the school space (8 types of texts) and describes the method of group interviews as a tool for studying school visual solutions. Fixation and attribution of school texts was carried out in collaboration with students - teenagers. Results and discussion. The study reveals the content, style and authorship of interior design elements in modern Russian school. The article substantiates the possibility of using the process of creating “school texts” for the development of “flexible skills” of students. The modern visual environment of the Russian school is largely focused on the “preservation” of the traditional school structure, which provides a formalized perception of the school as a place where “educational activities are organized”, and the life and development of a person’s personality does not occur. Conclusion. To develop and implement these solutions, it makes sense to combine the efforts of specialists in the field of design, pedagogy, ergonomic psychology, philology and linguistics. The results of the study indicate a shortage of professional solutions in the design of modern school space. The article suggests ways to overcome these deficits in the framework of interaction between participants in the educational process. Keywords: visual text solutions, text design, school space design, educational environment | 957 | |||||
4311 | Mozhaeva G. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 19-22 . | 956 | |||||
4312 | Sannikova L. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 8-9 . | 956 | |||||
4313 | . | 956 | |||||
4314 | Zagrevskaya A. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 47-48 . | 956 | |||||
4315 | . | 956 | |||||
4316 | Noskov A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 3-17 . | 956 | |||||
4317 | 956 | ||||||
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4319 | Vorobyev N. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 58-60 . | 956 | |||||
4320 | Vladimirov O. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 32-36 . | 956 | |||||
4321 | This paper presents a comparative research of analytic philosophy and phenomenology. The problem may be formulated such; is there a presuppositions for a productive dialogue of the traditions? Sameness of themes and plurality of methods of the traditions give a possibility to answer to this question: «Yes». A some points of the dialogue are: using of semantic analysis for phenomenology; using of intentional analysis for analytic philosophy. | 956 | |||||
4322 | The article deals with the periphery of the functional-semantic field of infancy in the English language. The periphery of the analyzed field consists of the lexical means, verbalizing features, that specify the essential and basic characteristics of babies; dialectisms, archaisms, slang and stylistically coloured means as well as phraseological units. Keywords: categorization, semantic category, functional semantic field, periphery | 956 | |||||
4323 | The paper deals with theoretical and methodological bases relevant to development and health preservation of a person in the system of lifelong education. The bases were introduced in the process of philosophical and psychological literature analysis. Theoretical and methodological bases are meant for the implementation of the following:anthropocentric, system-based, person-oriented and psychodidactic – system psychologic-pedagogical approaches; principles of mind and activity unity, unity of mind, person and activity; set of actions and communication is pedagogically proved which is supposed to provide an active interrelation of a developing personality with its social surroundings;three interrelated components of the human being development – socializing, individualization, personalization; self-actualization of learners individual peculiarities that is considered to be their self-education and self-development. Keywords: anthropocentric, system-based, person-oriented and psychodidactic – system psychologic-pedagogical approaches; principles of mind and activity unity, unity of mind, person and activity; health preservation. | 956 | |||||
4324 | The possibility of forecasting the need is considered in the article for specialist with higher professional education depending on the level of the economic development of the area. Determination demand for specialists was conducted on basis of economic and mathematical modeling with the use of multifactor regression models. Keywords: higher professional education, forecasting need for specialist, preparation specialist, regional market of the labor, perspective need, economic modeling, correlation analysis, regression equation | 956 | |||||
4325 | It is considered the photon scattering by channeled positron. The process cross-section in reference frame moving with longitudinal positron velocity has been found. The angular distribution of scattered photon has been investigated. It is shown that there are three possible ways of photon scattering with positron transverse energy increasing, decreasing and without of changing positron transverse energy. Keywords: positron channeling, continuous potential, photon scattering, Compton effect | 956 | |||||
4326 | This article has sumed up study of books in German from Zhukovsky’s private library with his marginalia. It’s the first research work to cover the question how Zhukovsky as a reader perceived the volumes of the Prussian general I. M. von Radovitz, who was not only his friend but also the romanticist’s last years’ prose hero. Keywords: Russian classic writers’ private libraries, V. A. Zhukovsky, J. M. von Radowitz, Christian emblems | 956 | |||||
4327 | The article is dedicated to support actuality of the creation a concept of the home museum in a modern Russian family. As a communicative space of family leisure the home museum not only performs the museum function (security, axiological, research, communicative, recreational, aesthetic, educational), but also helps to heighten the image of the family, tradition continuity, to preserve genuine family potential. The main part is assigned to the younger generation. Keywords: the home museum, the concept of the home museum, functions of the home museum, the communicative space of the family leisure | 956 | |||||
4328 | The article identifies the preconditions, leading destinations of the methodological base for creating a modern system of additional vocational teacher education in the emerging network society. Keywords: adult education, methodological approaches, pedagogical conditions of andragogical approach realization | 956 | |||||
4329 | Research of the notion “alter-globalization” in various fields of its use shows that alter-globalization is a phenomenon of social reality. Alter-globalization is the result of interaction between individuals. This interaction is based on the generally accepted principles, laws, and social representations, that dominant in society at a particular stage. It is a topical subject of researches in social philosophy. One of the possible analysis methods in the philosophy of alter-globalization is investigation of “superorganism”, or social units consisting of a set of collectively manageable agents acting in concert to achieve its goals. The study of alter-globalization as social reality can determine the degree of its interaction with different philosophical currents and ideas. Keywords: alter-globalization, globalization, social reality, protest movements, neoliberalism | 956 | |||||
4330 | In this article we are talking about linguodidactic and methodical potential of specialized lexicographical sources – dictionaries of slang units. It emphasizes the importance of data dictionaries for a foreign media – secondary language personality, mastering the Russian language as a foreign language. It is emphasized that the introduction of foreigners with dictionaries of jargon and their active use in educational activities, and everyday social and interpersonal communication contribute to effective adaptation of the alien within the Russian linguistic culture, effective development of lexical resources of the modern Russian language. These lexicographical publications are the basis of learning of the Russian youth slang by the foreigners who are actively using them as sources of material collection as the reference books contain extremely valuable information regarding the interpretation of the meaning of words and connotative components of these values. Fixing the unit in slang dictionary suggests mandatory setting of the correct accent, specification of the value, using the contextual features and connotative shades of meaning, which is also largely helps an alien as a secondary language person in his language practice to study Russian as a foreign language. In the course of questionning the informants in the audience of foreign undergraduates from China the author highlighted and justified a number of parameters which determine linguodidactic, didactic and methodological value of this type of dictionaries. Keywords: secondary language personality, Russian as a foreign language, language competence, linguocultural competence, jargon, youth jargon, slang expression, dictionary | 956 | |||||
4331 | The article deals with the question of teaching engineering students to professional foreign vocabulary in relation to the joining “Initiative CDIO” which is an innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers. The framework provides students with an education stressing engineering fundamentals set in context of Conceiving – Designing – Implementing – Operating real world systems and products. Active learning is an essential part of the syllabus, which is supposed to engage students directly in thinking and problem solving activities. It defines the problem of using professional vocabulary in speech in solving problems and cases. The article gives the definition of a lexical skill; its significant features both situational correlation and communicativeness are necessary in formation and development. It discloses the specifics of professional lexical skill formation, presents the examples of phrases important for engineering students to master speaking. As a result, it suggests implementing exercises based on a widening rhythmic group, which is a short phrase – a thought consisting of some logically connected phrases where a key phrase is repeated in every sentence. A widening rhythmic group possesses all the qualities as any other statement. It means it has the aim to explain, to persuade, to give arguments. Exercises based on a widening rhythmic group can be used in different activities: speaking, reading, listening, and writing. The article proves the effectiveness of these exercises; it demonstrates the examples of widening rhythmic groups. Keywords: World conception CDIO, engineering students, active learning methods, professional foreign vocabulary, lexical skill, widening rhythmic group | 956 | |||||
4332 | The article deals with basic periods of formation and development of communicative stylistics of text, which has been growing at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University since 1992 at the department of modern Russian and stylistics (from the end of 2017 the department of the Russian language). Peculiarities of this scientific school and factors that defined its dynamics in scientific context of linguistics at the end of XX – beginning of XXI century are described in the article. In the light of the ideas of the communicative paradigm of linguistic knowledge, in the nineties and early 2000s, the achievements of related sciences are formed that fall under the traditional and functional stylistics, functional lexicology and the theory of the communicative text: the main directions of the communicative stylistics of the text: on the verge of linguistic pragmatics – the regulative theory, on the verge of psycholinguistics – theory of text associations, on the verge of philological hermeneutics – the theory of semantic expansion of the text. Each of these areas of communicative stylistics is aimed at researching the effectiveness of dialogue between the author and the reader with the use of text. The main is the systemic and active approach to the text as a form of communication and the phenomenon of idiostyle of the language personality, which is “left” outside the text. Ideas of communicative and active approach to the text, which are realized in works of this trend, were called for the methods of teaching the Russian language. The basic periods of communicative stylistics of text development are due to new tendencies in language and speech research, connected to extension of units of analysis and to intensification of cognitive and discursive aspects of textual activity, expansion of empirical base of researches, that includes at the beginning of XXI century poetic, advertising, epistolary, media discourses. Cognitive and media vector of development is typical for modern communicative stylistics of text. It is obvious that there is the necessity of further expansion of empirical material associated with genre and style variety of up-to-date media communication, elaboration of typology of informational and media language personalities, research of cognitive aspects of their idiostyle as well as perfection of methods of different types of texts’ analysis in perspective. Keywords: communicative stylistics, regulative theory, theory of textual associations, theory of semantic expansion of text, tendencies and periods of scientific school development, text, language personality, idiostyle | 956 | |||||
4333 | The main traditional and modern approaches to the research of a simple sentence structure are considered. In traditional linguistics the simple sentence is studied from positions of the logical, psychological, structural and functional approaches. The logical approach having come from Aristotle’s works operates with terms of logic: a subject, a predicate which are considered as components of a thought structure. The psychological approach goes back to works of neogrammarians. In the psychological approach a sentence is considered as linguistic expression of combination of psychological concepts in perception of a speaker and as the instrument of generation of these concepts and their binding in perception of a listener. The structural and functional approach includes the theory of actual division of the sentence, the theory of communicative dynamism and the theory of informative structure of a sentence. The actual division means division of the sentence into the starting point (basis) of a statement and the core of a statement. According to the adherents of the second theory, there is communicative dynamism in each element of the sentence and the degree of communicative dynamism is directly connected with the status of this element in the theme and rheme structure of a sentence. According to the third theory, informative structure of a statement and thematic structure are different, though they are interconnected by the levels of communicative and semantic structure of a statement. The researches on syntax in cognitive and functional aspects as well as study of the sentence structure from positions of generative grammar are widely spread in modern linguistics. Keywords: simple sentence, structure, communicative division of a sentence actual division of a sentence, informatiove structure of a sentence, argument structure | 956 | |||||
4334 | Gorbunova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 21-23 . | 955 | |||||
4335 | . | 955 | |||||
4336 | The paper deals with the problem of teaching the foreign languages in Tomsk in XIX-XX centuries with cultural develop¬ment of Siberia and formation of social consciousness of the local population. Intensive teaching of the foreign languages in the Tomsk province dates back to foundation of the Tomsk University and an increase of secondary general and special edu¬cational institutions. | 955 | |||||
4337 | Seredenko I. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 28-30 . | 955 | |||||
4338 | The article conciders with the ethnocultural aspect of literary education in the schools of the Republic of Khakasia. In this article the importance of the use of the ethnocultural aspect in teaching of literature in the national school is presented. Keywords: ethnocultural, methodology, principles, dialogue, world building | 955 | |||||
4339 | In the article a comparative analysis of three types of lectures is given: traditional lectures, lectures with Power Point Presentations, lectures with gaps and computer presentations. It is shown that the use of lectures with gaps allows optimization of delivering lectures. Keywords: methods of teaching mathematics, lectures, computer presentations, lectures with gaps. | 955 | |||||
4340 | The paper presents a comparative analysis of the components of adaptive pedagogy and inclusive education. The authors draw attention to the fact that the proven model of adaptive pedagogy in municipal education system as implementing the principle of accessibility for children with special educational needs is not universal. The implementation of the adaptive model of pedagogy in practice, as well as an analysis of its components shows that inclusive education is a broader concept and phenomenon. The tasks of building inclusive education activities coincide with the municipal educational system at present in terms of quality and accessibility of educational services. Keywords: inclusive education, adaptive pedagogy, children with special educational needs, organizational and pedagogical environment, characteristics of inclusive education | 955 | |||||
4341 | The paper outlines the main patterns of negation in the endangered Eastern Khanty dialects of Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty negation is coded primarily by the negator of two types, indicative/declarative YntY and imperative дl. In terms of the position of negative marker, Eastern Khanty shows consistent preference of preposing. Concerning the morphosyntacic symmetry of negatives, Eastern Khanty appears predominantly symmetrical, showing no morphosyntactic variation between affi rmative constructions on one hand, and negative constructions on the other, while main variations in the marking negation concern imperatives and existentials. Keywords: endangered languages of Siberia, areal typology, language documentation | 955 | |||||
4342 | The article enlightens the peculiarities of creating a letter of confession in the virtual discourse, describes its linguistic and stylistic peculiarities. It is concluded that the major function of a letter of confession is the phatic one. Keywords: a letter of confession, virtual discourse, phatic communication | 955 | |||||
4343 | The article considers the use of ven national games in a nomadic camp for the indigenous Northern children Keywords: nomadic camp, game, children, culture, development | 955 | |||||
4344 | We consider massive and massless p-forms in arbitrary D-dimensional curved space-time. Quantization of these models and evaluation of effective actions have been performed. Results are presented in terms of d'Alembertians acting on p-forms. The massive theories of p-forms do not possess gauge invariance, in contrary of massless theories. The gauge invariance is restored with help of multi-step Stuckelberg procedure. Comparising effective actions of classically equivalent theories (massless quantum theory of p-forms and theory of (D-p-2)-forms, massive quantum theory of p-forms and theory of (Dp-1)-forms), we demonstrate a quantum equivalence of corresponding models. A zeta-function excluding zero modes has been used. Keywords: quantum elds in curved space-time, p-forms, gauge eld theories, effective action, quantum equivalence | 955 | |||||
4345 | The article is devoted to the etymologic and semantic analysis of the word ‘heart’ in Selkup, along with the wordformation capability of the word. Keywords: Selkup, somatic vocabulary, denomination of heart | 955 | |||||
4346 | A review of grounds, determining the synthetic structure of understanding is presented in the paper. The problem of knowledge principles and their competence never lost their relevance. The syncretism of the studied reality model gives reasons to believe that exactly retential-protential factors and its constituent are the basic elements both for a world picture and for a world structured. The retential and protential conditionality of the world model is formed by the world phenomenon. Keywords: intersubjectivity, understanding, retentiality, protentiality, E. Gusserl, model, V. Solovyov | 955 | |||||
4347 | The implementation of the competence approach in secondary vocational education involves determining the type of the future expert, identification and formulation of the list of competencies, which one should have. We used the functional analysis of the professional expert. Keywords: secondary vocational education, competence approach, educational standards | 955 | |||||
4348 | The article is devoted to the analyzes of the modernization changes of the Russian Federation education system. It provides theoretical justification of the main criteria of the information age – the leading role of information in social development. It shows the role of the formation of the knowledge economy in the process of Russia’s accession to the international economic community, especially the adaptation of Russian education to international standards. Keywords: information society, postindustrial society, knowledge economy, Federal state educational standard, education act, Information technology, communications technology, competency, theory | 955 | |||||
4349 | In the article, the facial expression constituent of the non-verbal conceptualization of envy in Russian linguistic culture is considered. The major components of the mimic stereotype of envy are specified; ways and means of their language representation are analyzed and systematized as exemplified in literary texts. Keywords: emotion conceptualization, non-verbal conceptualization, facial expression, mimic stereotype, kineme | 955 | |||||
4350 | The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern ethno-cultural education. It gives an attempt to reveal the specifics of ethnic culture: the presence of cultural and historical traditions of the ethnic group: features of religion, values of family life and daily life through rituals and traditions, aesthetic values of language, manifested in folklore. The features of the inclusion of ethnic culture in educational institutions of ethnic society and to its implementation are shown. This paper is the result of the analysis of ethnological and educational literature. Results of the study contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of ethnic culture in the life of the surrounding society and the formation of ethnic self-consciousness. Keywords: ethnic culture, ethno-cultural component, society | 955 |