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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2001 | The present article is devoted to the problems of forming the institutional model of the justice belonging to the reconstruction period within the system of the juvenile justice; research of the social and cultural resources of the society, necessary for its effective functioning. | 1057 | |||||
2002 | The paper defends the thesis that discovering of basis of interaction of social and natural science is limited by special version of philosophical approach to problems of scientific investigations. That version bases on the idea of scientific knowledge wholeness insolubly conflicting by its nature. The process of interaction is real expression of such wholeness of conflicts in toto. | 1057 | |||||
2003 | In article the biographies of two European governors of the beginning of the XVIth century – French king Francis I (1515–1547s) and duke Ulrich of Wurttemberg (1498–1550s) are analyzed. On the basis of comparison a attempt to reveal connection of gender behavior with the common identity, and also with specificity of modernization processes in various regions of Europe is done. | 1057 | |||||
2004 | Paper is devoted to development of a problematics of student’s crises, their interdisciplinary analysis from positions medic-psychological preventology mental health. The theoretical aspect of development of a problem includes the analysis of phenomenology and psychosocial and existential roots of crisis, a role of personal resources and psychological mechanisms совладания in overcoming crisis, a role of crisis in spiritual development and transformation of the person. The practical aspect is presented by definition of main principles and priority strategy of the psychological help to the students experiencing crisis, in structure organized in educational space of high school of psychological service | 1057 | |||||
2005 | The author of the article conducts the analysis of discurse of four epochs (the second half of the XX century), which, anyhow, present in our lives in the from of texts, mental reflections, ascriptions and other social artifacts. The Main milestones for social-philosophical analysis in genesis of studied phenomenon become periods "sixties", "seventies", "eighties" and "nineties" years of Russia | 1057 | |||||
2006 | The article reflects problems of the scientific investigations defended in the Dissertation Council D 212.266.02 at Tomsk State Pedagogical University (opened since 2003) for PhD in the field 09.00.08 Philosophy of a science and technique. The Dissertation Council became the first regional scientific department which was authorized to hold scientific defeats for PhD in the following fields: 09.00.08 Philosophy of a science and technique (philosophical sciences) and 09.00.13 Religious studies, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture (philosophical sciences) Keywords: Dissertaion Board D 212.266.02, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, speciality 09.00.08 Philosophy of Science and Technics (philosophical sciences), speciality 09.00.13 Religious studies, Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture (philosophical sc | 1057 | |||||
2007 | This article is devoted to the exposure of the nature of the phenomenon of cognitive activities position as achievement of psychological development of children in primary school. The author analyses various scientific positions of research workers, discovers the nature of this phenomen, the cognitive interest, jou in learning process, person's analysis, morals and will-powers characteristics. Keywords: cognitive activities position of the age, the cognitive interest, jou in learning process, person's analysis, morals and will-powers characteristics | 1057 | |||||
2008 | At the system level the basic contradictions of open educational process of the basic training of engineers is described. The cause-effect relationships are analyzed and the key problem of raising the creative preparation of engineers and the quality of engineering education in general is identified. Keywords: development, education, creative activity, the contradiction, the key problem. | 1057 | |||||
2009 | . | 1057 | |||||
2010 | Productivity of Lactuca sativa, variety Moskovsky parnikovy growing in protected cultivation under fluorescent film luminescent with maximum of 615 nanometers is studied in dynamics. Change of conditions of plant cultivation by fluorescent film promotes accelerated growth, development and productivity improvement of Lactuca sativa relative to plants growing under unmodified film. Increase in productivity of Lactuca sativa in 1.5 times under fluorescent films is determined by increase in ratio IAA/ABA and decrease in content of АA in plants, and also conjugated with change of enzymatic activity of aboriginal soil microflora. Keywords: Lactuca sativa, protected cultivation, fluorescent films, productivity, hormones, ascorbic acid, soil microflora | 1057 | |||||
2011 | The article reveals aspects of interaction in two directions: science of translation and cross-cultural communication. The direction of this article is theoretical and practical. On one side, such notions as the linguistic personality, cultural and linguistic personality are refined. Much attention is devoted to the place and function of three types of competences (linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistical as components of foreign communicative competence) in the process of the formation of the cultural and linguistic personality. On the other side, skills, which development leads to optimum translation and formation of the cultural and linguistic personality are observed. Keywords: cultural and linguistical personality, translation, foreign communicative competence, the linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistic information | 1057 | |||||
2012 | In article it is shown, that the methodology philosophical essencialism, which as reasoning starting point takes a human nature as an ontologic reality, and considers all phenomena of culture as a human nature objectivization, is immanent to philosophical thinking. Keywords: culture, civilization, philosophical essencialism, human nature | 1057 | |||||
2013 | In the article the problems of management with material stocks at the metallurgical enterprises are allocated; directions of increase of efficiency of functioning of the industrial enterprises; preconditions of development of the system of management are shown by material stocks; the author’s treatment of the concept «operational cycle» is offered. Keywords: management, inventories, metallurgical industry, operational cycle, financial cycle | 1057 | |||||
2014 | The article is the result of theoretical evaluation of the problems of ethno-cultural education. The questions of the maintenance of ethno-cultural formation and its influence on the new generation are mentioned. Keywords: ethno-cultural education, national pedagogies, traditional Russian culture, national policy of the state | 1057 | |||||
2015 | The article shows that Russia is embodied both general and specific features and regularities of the world historical process. Russian objective was to ensure that society as a whole, there were conditions for the establishment of uniformity of social time as a powerful catalyzer in accelerating the processes of social and political relations. Russia has developed largely civilizationally, geographically, socio-culturally and politically as a separate territory, which formed a kind of content and composition of stable mechanisms for the reproduction of economic, cultural and political processes. Post-Reform Russia was a country that persistently rush into the future, but kept looking back in time, with fairly “easy” step over the present. Keywords: modernization process, reform, counter-reform, constitutionalism, liberal-conservative synthesis | 1057 | |||||
2016 | The article reveals one of the key requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard to the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general and secondary general education - the formation of communicative competence of students. As mandatory skills that ensure the communicative nature of the individual, the FSES emphasizes the ability to consciously use speech tools in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs, to plan and regulate their activities; ability to use oral and written speech, monologic contextual speech. The content of communicative competence is the ability to set and solve a certain type of communicative tasks that is the use of the acquired knowledge, skills, and skills of speech activity in practice. The importance of development of communicative skills and abilities for successful socialization, adaptation and self-realization in the society is noted. The notions “communicative actions”, “communicative abilities and skills”, “communicative competence” are specified. The necessity of teaching the genre composition in view of the FSES requirements to the formation of the communicative competence of the students is substantiated. The results of experimental work on the formation of genre-communicative skills of students on the example of teaching essays as a genre of writing are presented. Teaching essays is chosen as a key to provide a modern man with necessary skills in his speech practice. The presented method of teaching essay is built on the activation of the personal experience of students. In the learning process, spe cial methods for the development of associative thinking, traditional and non-standard methods of developing communicative abilities and skills are used. The developed and tested technique allowed to get a high level of communication abilities and skills of high school students. Keywords: communicative actions, communicative abilities and skills, communicative competence, genre composition, essay | 1057 | |||||
2017 | The article is devoted to the research of features of professional education of legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation. Discusses general issues of formation of legal consciousness as a form of social consciousness and the specific features of the education of the professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as future officers, whose professional activity is closely linked with law and order, indicates that cadets of higher education institutions of national guard troops of the Russian Federation are carriers of specific professional legal consciousness, represented by a set of legal knowledge generated values and due to the specific military service personal and professional experience. The process of education of professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as future advocates and enforcers, is considered in indissoluble communication with their legal education and legal culture. Examines pedagogical and educational conditions for the formation of a high level of professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation in the personality-oriented education model and principles of competence approach in education. Keywords: legal consciousness, professional legal consciousness, peculiarities of cadets’ professional legal consciousness, legal education, legal culture, personality-oriented model of education, competence approach | 1057 | |||||
2018 | Introduction. The concept of a toponym as a marker of the geographical space and the role of toponymy in the scientific system are revealed. The role of the toponym included as a component of the phraseological unit and the cultural value of these idioms are determined. The relevance of the research, its purpose and novelty are substantiated. Material and methods. The research material is the phraseological units of the modern English language with a toponym as a component (213 units). The methods of the study are the statistical method and the method of the linguacultural analysis. Results and discussion. Toponymic phraseological units reflect and verbalize the various segments of the objective reality including the material and spiritual world of a personality. Toponymic phraseological units reveal a person’s attitude to the reality surrounding him/her, a person’s attitude to the people near him/her and the attitude to self. They also analyze the external and internal aspects of the personality, focusing the view on the appearance of a man or woman, on his/her voice, on gait, on mental state of mind, on the moral qualities and the character of a personality. The image of a personality creating by phraseological units can be positive or negative one. Conclusion. Any toponym (especially if it belongs to the “native” culture) has a national identity. It reflects (except the historical, territorial and geographical peculiarities of the nation), the national mentality, character, and specific features of the people’s life. The English phraseological units with a toponym as a component reflect the national identity as well. These idioms are divided into two large groups: 1) those which show the material comforts of the everyday life and 2) those which tell us about the inward habits of the people. Toponymic phraseological units of the second group include six subgroups. Subgroups including the idioms reflecting the people’s attitude to the social reality and to the other people prevail. Keywords: geographical space, phraseological unit, idiom, toponymy, toponym, toponymic phraseological unit, material comforts, inward habits | 1057 | |||||
2019 | The problems of some Buddhist psychological practices and their previous religious formations are considered in this article. They influenced forming of the Buddhist philosophy and were reflected in the human life, the daily arts, not only representing direct reflection, but also producing in fluence on formation of a world-outlook and philosophical aspects of the creative personality. | 1056 | |||||
2020 | There are various different descriptions of Randall-Sundrum (RS) braneworlds. Here we present a unified view of the braneworld based on the gradient expansion approach. In the case of the single-brane model, we reveal the relation between the geometrical and the AdS/CFT approach. It turns out that the high energy and the Weyl term corrections found in the geometrical approach merge into the CFT matter correction found in the AdS/CFT approach. We also clarify the role of the radionin the two-brane system. It is shown that the radion transforms the Einstein theory with Weyl correction into the conformalty coupled scalar-tensor theory where the radion plays the role of the scalar field. | 1056 | |||||
2021 | In the article the serious historical review of research works on the problems of development of school and pedagogical science in Siberia is presented. | 1056 | |||||
2022 | The article is concerned to the problem of future primary school teachers professional training for museum and pedagogical activity. The preparedness forming model of future school teachers for using museum pedagogic means in primary school is present. The model basic substantial components were revealed. Keywords: museum pedagogy, primary school teacher, professional training, preparedness forming model, preparedness components | 1056 | |||||
2023 | The article is devoted to business education at high school. The aim of business education is to develop pupils' business culture through advertising projection. The facultative practical work «Bases of advertising activity», first, helps to pupils irrespective of the future speciality to develop business abilities. Secondly, to fix business values. Thirdly, to master the conceptual device on bases of advertising activity, to get basic knowledge, skills necessary for orientation and existence in the modern market world, to create bases for further study of economic disciplines in Universities. In a result to generate business culture. Keywords: business culture, advertising projection, advertising, facultative practical work, business, pupils of high school, pedagogics | 1056 | |||||
2024 | The article considers features of improvement of professional skill of teachers in the field of informationcommunication technologies on the basis of the free software. The authors focus attention on the methodical aspects raising efficiency of process of improvement of professional skill. | 1056 | |||||
2025 | In this article the linguistic analysis of the word-building unit “death” in Selkup dialects is performed. The author suggests that the word-building perfectly reflects cultural features of the concept “death.” Keywords: word-building, concept “death”, Selkup dialects | 1056 | |||||
2026 | The article enlightens ways of intensification the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language to the groups of students from China and Vietnam. The grounds for intensification are the inter-language correlation, discovering common cultural patterns and peculiarities of the teaching process in these countries. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, inter-language correlation, cultural identity, educational peculiarities of the countries, teaching process. | 1056 | |||||
2027 | The article covers peculiarities of citation which actualizes the author’s intention in Old Russian texts. Structural characteristics, functions and types of citations are considered. Different aspects of the author’s attitude towards a «strange» word and the specific character of its use in Words by Cyril of Turov. Keywords: citation, Old Russian text, author’s intention, Cyril of Turov | 1056 | |||||
2028 | In the article there are analyzed features of realization of media concept oil in small print press of the oil-extracting region. It is proved that a world modeling potential of concept in a subdiscourse of the regional newspaper is caused by latent opposition of values of traditional country culture connected with the oil factor installations of civilization and urbanism. Keywords: media concept, world modeling potential, media discourse | 1056 | |||||
2029 | Based of the first introduced into scientific use of archival materials of the criminal case the article considers the activity of the member of the security authorities, the head of the NKVD city department of Tomsk during the “Great Terror”, I. V. Ovchinnikov. Keywords: political repression, NKVD, Siberia, Tomsk | 1056 | |||||
2030 | Perspective direction in common range of insufficiently explored problem of Russian history is the study of Russian soviet everyday life history. This statement fully applies to its regional component - the history of the Stavropol Territory. The article is devoted to daily routine leisure of the people of our country in the 1930ies. The author analyzes such types of leisure as reading, sport, movies, self-education, groups culture in the background of economic, political and demographic processes of the country and the region in the 1930ies. As noted in the article all these forms of spending free time were politicized and ideologized. Through the development of mass culture, sport, organization of recreational facilities and rural clubs, the government established total control over the private life of its citizens. Various methods were used for this purpose such as censorship in press and movies, control over the activity of libraries, unification of citizens in all kind of organizations and clubs, and the orientation of young people to “right” leisure with the the help of propaganda, press and cinema. As a result leisure and leisure time turned into not free, regulated by the government. Leisure time was replaced by alcohol consumption (drinking of alcohol) and drunken behavior which became a norm of life, especially in nomenclature 1930ies. Keywords: Russia, native history, Soviet everyday life, education, leisure, culture, literature, cinema, sports, country club, Stavropol region | 1056 | |||||
2031 | Сareful study of the rich experience of the Russian and Soviet higher schools is required in modern conditions of reforming the Russian educational system. Such a study will allow to take into account the mistakes of the past and to find the roots of modern problems, and also to formulate the most optimal ways of the current modernization. The need to study the dynamics of the development of the Soviet higher school is due to the scientific and historical relevance of the topic. Analysis of statistical data, archival records management showed that the development of higher education in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s was ambiguous and contradictory. On the one hand, during this period there is an increase in the quantitative indicators of the output of specialists, the number of higher education institutions is increasing and the number of specialties is expanding. On the other hand, the system of higher education was subordinated to the needs and opportunities of the state planned economy. The state purposefully expanded the training of personnel for the extensive development of production. The growth in the number of specialists with higher education was achieved due to an increase in admission to correspondence and evening departments. Decrease in the financing of education by the end of the 1980s. gradually led to the obsolescence of the material and technical base of universities, to a decrease in prestige, both university professors and graduates who did not find a decent job in their specialty. All this deformed the system of higher education and adversely affected the development of the Soviet state and society. Keywords: history of higher education, higher school of the USSR, soviet students, higher school teachers, distance learning, work in the specialty | 1056 | |||||
2032 | The article presents the analysis of economic reforms and the development of market relations in the Far East and Zabaykalye during the second half of the 90-s of the XX century. The general trends of the social and economic development of these regions are determined. | 1055 | |||||
2033 | In article is given analysis many-sided stratum humane knowledge and cognition as basis philosophical rational and philosophical of science from theory of cognition Aristotle, Plato, F. Bouterweck c.a. The article contains appraisal of basic category and basic operation as axiomatic, systematic, logic of basic operator's development, logic constructing of philosophy of science. Philosophy rationale is given consideration in conjunction of philosophy general as a historical consequence of development. | 1055 | |||||
2034 | The system of the considered phenomena - the world outlook - presumes the building of the integrated system by its diagnostics. The base for its development will be the structural components, which are distinguished by us in the process of theoretical and methodical research. The system of valuation of quality and degree of formation is set by the criteria system of the separate components of the world outlook formation and of the phenomena in the whole as well. The constructed system must satisfy: - changes in the school education in the context of transformation of cultural and educational demand on the part of the society; - regularities of the world outlook phenomena formation; It will ensure the consideration of the psychological, age and personal abilities of the people tested. | 1055 | |||||
2035 | The article analyses the early lyrics of the poet taking into account his mature creative work. Sounds-images are looked upon as the echo of the legend «On the mis¬sion of a singer» so they are considered as very mean¬ingful for the poet's work as a whole. Moral and aesthetic problems are cleared out, and special attention is paid to the problem of the hero's choice: either to heed the sound of the demonic inspiration or to follow the voice of the Almighty. | 1055 | |||||
2036 | The article considers questions of interhemispheric asymmetry of brain with reference to the children with speech pathology. The author provides the data of his own research concerning character and extent of types of lateral organi¬zation of motor and sensorial functions among children with motor alalia. The article shows the frequency of prevalence of work with left-hand at this group of children, Keywords: - | 1055 | |||||
2037 | The article reviews method and technique of research used by Yu.I. Ozheredov who applies integrated approach to study genesis of indigenous peoples of Western Siberia. Linguistic analysis of the river name Kionga has many flaws and defects that materially disprove the conclusions. Such a linguistic analysis is to be based upon presence or absence of sound alternations between the indigenous languages and not upon single cases of resemblance between assimilated forms in Russian. | 1055 | |||||
2038 | Protection of workers' personal data is a novelty of Russian Labor Law. There is no unanimous opinion about principles of that activity. This article analyzes possibility of fixing principles of protection workers' personal data in Labor Code and offers their definitions. | 1055 | |||||
2039 | A specific writer's revision of sacral and mythological, as well as historical variants of "father and son" model is shown in the article by the example of figures of Apollon Apollonovich and Nikolai Apollonovich Ableukhovs. | 1055 | |||||
2040 | The article is directed to actualize the problems of moral development in the context of educational process such as a contemporary crisis of culture, a role of universal moral values, a concept of spirituality as a base category of moral development, a problem of ethical relativism. | 1055 | |||||
2041 | In given article concept «zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols»is considered, the research of zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols, directed on construction of their typology. The received results of research show that the given typology can identify shown and discover latent intentions of zhiznetvorchestvo. Keywords: symbol, zhiznetvorchestvo, zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols, strategy of zhiznetvorchestvo, intention of zhiznetvorchestvo, archaetyp, typology | 1055 | |||||
2042 | . Keywords: . | 1055 | |||||
2043 | Were measured spec1f1c methane fluxes that are representative for some peatland landscapes of Western S1beria forest-steppe. Spec1fic methane fluxes of forest-steppe eutroph1c m1res are very close to the same fluxes 1n subta1ga. Probability d1stribution of specific methane flux has following parameters: 1st quart1le/med1an/3rd quartile = 0.53/1.99/ 6.03 mgС GH4-m 2-h 1. Methane fluxes from bog lakes are close too, as in subta1ga they are estimated at tens and first hundreds of mgС GH4-m 2-h 1. Probability d1stribution of specific methane flux in riam: 0.00 / 0.09 / 0.21 mgС GH4-m 2-h 1. Annual methane em1ss1on from Western S1ber1a forest-steppe (estimated on the model Bc5) 1s 0.36 MtСH4/year that form 5 % reg1onal em1ss1on. Keywords: methane emission, peatlands, Western Siberia, forest-steppe | 1055 | |||||
2044 | The article analyses major models necessary for ungraded school teacher training in the context of the pedagogical school, the specific feature of which is that the models are focused on social competence development of a future teacher in such educational institutions. The article defines the notion of social competence, techniques for its development and efficiency monitoring. Keywords: the notion and structure of social competence, social competence monitoring in the context of pedagogical secondary vocational education. | 1055 | |||||
2045 | This article is the result of theoretic study of reserves of management quality improvement of pedagogical research in regional educational politics. The system of estimated indicators of management quality is examined. Keywords: pedagogical research management; management quality; criteria and indicators of management quality of pedagogical research | 1055 | |||||
2046 | The author shows the model for the development of didactic pedagogical conditions necessary to identify the activation of cognitive self-employment, contributing to an effective mathematical preparation of students. The model includes a didactic system SES, objectives and learning outcomes, teaching materials, teacher, student, teacher conditions of three hierarchically subordinated levels: 1 – methodological, 2 – methodical, 3 – content-organizational and motivational and volitional. Keywords: model, the technology of instruction, didactic system | 1055 | |||||
2047 | The article deals with the possibility of networking in various social education institutions and socialization of young people in contemporary Russian society. Networking is fulfi lled through the implementation of programs of education and socialization of students, which is the main component of the overall federal education standards of the school. A social networking project, integrating educational resources of the social environment serve as the mechanism. Keywords: program of education and socialization, social project, social partners in education, social and personal competence of students, educational resources of the environment | 1055 | |||||
2048 | In the novel by V. Pelevin there ironically reinterpreted the genre clichй dystopian novels of the 20th century, played upon their images, plot lines and motifs. For example, the motives of the “old house”, manuscript, struggle based on the confrontation of individual and collective, spatial isolation, etc. are shown. All this evidences the viability of dystopian rootedness and tradition in modern literature. Keywords: dystopia, utopia, novel, a genre template, the motive of the manuscript, parody, V. Pelevin | 1055 | |||||
2049 | The article deals with the French tourist discourse that is one of the kinds of the institutional discourse. Its complex discursive nature generates a variety of speech genre forms. The speech genre is considered to be an analysis unit. Keywords: tourism, discourse, speech genre, functional style, analysis unit | 1055 | |||||
2050 | The article deals with the issues of improving the system of professional development of teachers “Art” in the context of the current requirements for the training of competent professionals. Keywords: improvement of professional skill, post degree pedagogical education, professional competence of the teacher of art, polyartistic approach | 1055 |