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1 | The author has analyzed the experience of organizing the competition of children’s research, formulated the problems of research organization with younger children, and identified common problems in the organization of child study. Keywords: productive activity, research activities of junior schoolchildren, the competition of children’s research, training of teachers | 1294 | ||||
2 | The article deals with the questions of the organization of the project activity in primary school: differences of project activities from research; it reveals the concept of «research project,» describes the design skills of junior school children and their compliance with universal learning activity. The author reveals basic problems of the organization of the project activity in the primary school. Keywords: design of the junior school, research project, design skills of younger students | 1335 | ||||
3 | The article discusses the importance of motivation, teacher’s position, especially the organization of children’s research activities at different stages of education: preschool, primary, secondary and high school. Determines the results of the children’s research activities: formation of the research activities and the cognitive interests(preschoolers), formation of research skills and new cognitive motives (younger students), formation of research competences and research positions (middle and high school unit). These results orient teachers to the continuity in the organization of research activity of children while preserving the specificity and value of each phase. Teachers describe the position of children in the study. It varies from the organizer and head position to the position of coordinator and assistant. Motivation of students in children’s research change during training: cognitive interest (preschool children), social and cognitive motives (younger students), cognitive motives (older students). These results help teachers to see continuity in the organization of children’s research. Keywords: children’s research activities, the continuity in the organization of children’s research | 851 | ||||
4 | The article presents the problem of children’s education in the academic discipline “Environment” in modern elementary school. Currently, there is a new federal state educational standard of primary education in the Russian Federation. It gives teachers new opportunities for the use of the course “Environment” for the development of children. The article provides an analysis of the resources of this discipline to achieve the learning outcomes in elementary school. New educational standard has three groups of educational outcomes: substantive results, metasubject results, personal results. All three groups of results were the basis for the analysis of the resources of the discipline “Environment.” The article describes the features to achieve these results by means of the course. In particular, it describes the nature of the content of the discipline at this stage, taking into account the changes of substantial lines at different stages of development of the discipline in the past. Shows the features of the use of problem methods and techniques at the lesson “Environment”, describes its problematic structure. Great importance is attached to the possibility of organizing research and project activity of students in the study of the discipline “Environment”. These activities correspond to the content of the course and can successfully form children’s universal educational actions. Keywords: educational discipline “Environment”, standard of primary education, problem-based learning, research and project activity of students, educational outcomes | 1204 | ||||
5 | In the article the author examined the views of scientists on the problem of choosing the topic of the study and described the requirements for choosing the topic of children’s research: accessibility, interest and benefit for the child. The text of the article contains a description of the mistakes that children make when formulating the title of the topic of the latest research. Semenova N. A. singles out the peculiarities of preschoolers’ research activity, she describes the approaches to the selection of the research topic in the kindergarten, reveals the differences between the spontaneous and specially organized research activity of preschool children. The article presents approaches to the selection of topics for educational research in primary school. Enumerated educational tasks, which the teacher solves when choosing the topic of children’s research activities. The author of the article proposed a method how to identify and formulate these criteria for choosing the topic of his research by junior schoolchildren in joint activities with the teacher. He provides the results of the analysis of the themes of children’s research works performed by junior schoolchildren and submitted for the contest “Create, Explore, Try” at Tomsk State Pedagogical University for seven years. The researcher makes a conclusion about what topics and why are claimed by the pupils of the primary school. Keywords: research topic, choice of research topics, competition of children’s research works | 1189 | ||||
6 | Introduction. Currently, educational institutions have experience in organizing children’s design and research activities. The interest of schools convincingly shows the demand for these activities. Long-term observations and experience of cooperation with educational institutions of the city of Tomsk and the region made it possible to identify urgent problems in this direction. Purpose of the research: analysis of problems in the design and research activities of children and the search for approaches to their solution. Material and methods. The study used reports from teachers from 23 schools (Tomsk and the Tomsk region). They were presented at the regional scientific-practical conference «Organization of research and project activities of students in educational institutions» (Tomsk, December 17, 2020, Tomsk State Pedagogical University). We conducted a survey (63 teachers). Results and discussion. Based on the analysis, we identified problems: teachers do not distinguish between the concepts of «project activity» and «research activity»; there are no uniform criteria for project activities and research activities of students; there are no successive ties in the organization of project and research activities at different levels of education. Conclusion. The solution to these problems can be: 1. Creation of a project group for proactive teachers. They can develop uniform criteria for the design and research activities of children for the city and region. 2. It is necessary to update the content of training students at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. There should be a course for teaching students to work with projects and research on children. Keywords: project and research activities of students, organization of project and research activities of children at school, criteria for project and research activities of children, continuity | 802 |