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1751 | The article views the history of the archaic plot that has become a “Russian myth”. Its interpretations by Russian writers, from Pushkin’s “Poltava” and Gogol’s “Terrible revenge” to works by V.V. Nabokov, B.L. Pasternak, L.M. Leonov reflect the process of artistic self-knowledge of Russian nation, its deep ideas about good and evil dialectics | 1127 | |||||
1752 | The article is focused on significance of E.G. Yudin’s methodological researches for technical aesthetics development in our country. It is a context of dramatic life history of this outstanding philosopher Keywords: recollections about E.G Yudin, methodology of activity, All-union scientific-research institute of technical aesthetics, methodological research of design, methodological research of ergonomics | 1127 | |||||
1753 | The objective of the investigation was study of influence of negative emotions on mental health of women under family crisis. Psychocorrective work with these patients. Keywords: divorce, problem family relations, family crisis, behavioral disorders, correction of problem behavior | 1127 | |||||
1754 | The article includes analysis of clothes change motive and its main functions in “Peter I” novel by A. N. Tolstoy. This motive plays an important part in the development of the plot, in the revelation of the nature and the acts of the characters. The author of the work appealed to deferent episodes of the novel, where there are such functions of clothes change motive as socio-cultural, political and psychological, and uncovered their special features. Keywords: Peter`s I epoch, clothes change motive, costume, costume details, clothes, “poteshnyy” (lit. “fun”) world of Peter I, functions of clothes change | 1127 | |||||
1755 | The article is devoted to the diagnosis of professional competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions in the field of intellectual development of children. The logic of this article identifies and describes the competence, components, quality indicators and the degree of formation of panel СID. The urgency of professional competence is determined by social inquiry provide quality preschool education and modern landmarks of the Federal State Requirements for the basic structure of the educational program of preschool education in the process of intellectual development of pre-schoolers. Keywords: professional competence of the teacher of preschool educational institutions in the field of intellectual development of pre-schoolers, the competence of professional competence of teachers pre-school in this area, their components and indicators of quali | 1127 | |||||
1756 | Every modern person is a part of the media communication in which a specific discursive ideology is formed. This type of ideology largely determines the worldview of contemporary members of discourse, and also forces prepared scenarios and behavioral patterns on the participants of communication. This ideological mindset has the influence on everyday life of members of discourse. The object of analysis of this research is discourse of radio. Studying the ways new discursive ideology is formed will allow us to reveal cognitive world models, which are reproduced in the discourse and to define the role of a discourse personality in creating the form and the content of the discourse of radio. The process of formation of new discursive ideology is reflected in the system if contemporary interactive genres. Discourse allows us to use a variety of factors while analyzing the ideology: mental, psychological, pragmatic, gender-based and others. Ideology is a result of the positioning of the subject in the discourse of radio and is revealed in the language organization of its existence, which requires a complex approach comprising all the aspects of the stated problem. Such methodology allows us to reveal the principles of discursive ideology formation and the models of speech behavior of the discourse personality; to determine the structural and functional peculiarities of new speech genres of the media-discourse and internal and external mechanisms of formation of the discursive worldview in the communicative space of the discourse of radio. Keywords: discursive person, discursive practice of media, interaction, communicative interaction, discursive worldview | 1127 | |||||
1757 | The article is devoted to the description of temporal lexis units with short duration meaning such as: moment and instant. It contains comparative analysis of their semantic distinctive features, variants of using and nuanced, contextual interpretation. The work touches upon the question of their semantization and metaphorization in the text. The paper deals with the description of the fixed collocations with phraseological meanings, which function in modern languages. The author characterizes fixed collocations as phraseological units, discusses the issue of their place in the system of modern phraseology and also presents a brief analysis of phraseological units based on temporal lexis of short duration. Structural and semantic transformations in lexical and phraseological units to a greater extent are determined by the national-cultural component that can be described as complex phenomenon that deals with a number of aspects. The material is presented from the point of view of anthropocentric paradigm and national-specific picture of the world. It provides a brief overview of the issue on the material of English, French and Russian. Comparison of semantic space of different languages gives us the possibility to identify universal human values in reflexion of the world around, and at the same time it permits us to find out something particular and ethnical. Keywords: short duration periods of time, non-metricity, temporal indicators, moment, instant, cultural linguistics, national-culture specific | 1127 | |||||
1758 | In this paper the author considers two approaches to understanding the game role in the study process. There are the games that could be the means of study activity activization as well as the means of teaching. Special atten¬tion is paid to the role of the game for preschool children during study process. The author aims to emphasize the importance and ne¬cessity of using mental games for preschool children in class which favour creative abilities of children. The names of mental games are listed in this paper. The author gives a detailed description of some games. The conditions of the game conducted are presented. Keywords: - | 1126 | |||||
1759 | The paper presents the comparative research of the dynamics of intellectual development of basic school pupils under condition of three educational models: corrective, traditional and enriching model of education. The conclusion about evident influence of educational factor is proved (depending on the model of education), namely enriching model of education, over the intensive growth of convergent, divergent and stylistic properties of pupils’ intellect during all the period of adolescence. | 1126 | |||||
1760 | The article deals with substantiation of experimental research of lexical regulative macrostructure of a text of fiction. The content of the article points to determination of consequence of variative lexical repeats in its organization. The ways of regilativity in poetic text on the basis of using experiments are analyzed. | 1126 | |||||
1761 | You can compare how the thoughts about the public good are changing, if you consider theoretical constructions of different philosophers and the sociologists which represent systems of the relations between state and human society, developed in a certain social and economic, political and cultural contexts. These theoretical constructions (models) reflecting various scientists’ views on the problem of relationships between state and human society demand a substantiation – definition of certain norms (moral, legal, religious) on which these mutual relations are based on. The author makes an attempt to define internal logic of movement from one model to another and to find out, how changes in political and philosophical idea and moral philosophy are interconnected. | 1126 | |||||
1762 | The article presents the use of pedagogical designing as instruments of creation and installation of technology of realization of system of professional restorative-prophylactic training of physical training teachers. The article gives the structure and the contents of parts of the technology: conceptual part; perspective; organizational; methodical and diagnostic parts. Special attention is given to the construction of technological chart of methodical part of the technology. Keywords: Pedagogical technology, structure of technology, contents of technology, system; restorative-prophylactic training, pedagogical designing, physical training teacher. | 1126 | |||||
1763 | The problem of actualization and enrichment of personal experience of pupils by means of specially designed texts is investigated in the given article. The types of the educational texts promoting the attraction of subject experience of pupils, making active their emotional - estimated experience, developing intuition are allocated. The examples of such educational texts on one of the major themes of a school course of mathematics “ratio and proportion” are given in the article Keywords: intellectual education, personal experience, in detail - practical experience, intuitive, implicit knowledge, emotionally - estimated experience | 1126 | |||||
1764 | The article deals with the peculiarities of syntax and rhythm in the poems of the 19-th century English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins. Special attention is given to the analysis of Sprung Rhythm created by Hopkins and its constituents. Keywords: Hopkins, syntactic ambiguity, Sprung Rhythm, juxtaposed stresses, rhyme, alliteration | 1126 | |||||
1765 | The article considers systematization results of German words with changeable stress. Peculiarities of accent modifications for words of different parts of speech are defined. Special attention is given to morphemic structure and other features of unstable lexics in relation to its materiel aspect. Keywords: the modern German literature language, binary oppositions of word accent variants related to different parts of speech | 1126 | |||||
1766 | The article presents the analysis of poetics of miracle on the material of the last novel by L. Leonov “Pyramid” in religious significance of the motif dating back to the texts of the Bible. The study focuses on intratextual links of the motif with other Bible’s motifs in “Pyramid.” Keywords: motif of miracle, tradition of research, the novel “Pyramid”, context, typology of miracles, the levels of the plot | 1126 | |||||
1767 | There are numerous concepts of time and the points of view on a problem of perception of time as a result of longterm scientific researches, philosophical discussions and reflections in a science and philosophy. This article analyses and generalizes the major modern approaches which have arisen last years as a result of researching and comprehension of a problem of time and forms its human perception. Keywords: time, perception, temporal worlds, system evolutionism, nonlinearity, emergence, singularity, temporality | 1126 | |||||
1768 | The article describes excursus of using of metaphor in pedagogy in the late 20th century – in the early 21st century and its perspectives. The capabilities of metaphor as methodological means for solving some educational problems are in low demand. In this regard the understanding of pedagogical capabilities of metaphor seems to be promising at the level of technologies, methodical steps of their using. The author of the article differentiates the most used terms “pedagogic metaphor” (A. F. Zakirova and others) and “didactic metaphor” (M. A. Akhmetov, Ye. A. Musenova, D. Trunov, A. A. Pligin, V. E. Pugach, E. N. Dzatkovskaya and others) in publications. The functions of metaphor are determined. The article considers the classification of didactic metaphors. It discusses promising directions of using of pedagogic and didactic metaphor. The object of the article is to describe demand and perspectives of using of pedagogic and didactic metaphors in pedagogy. Keywords: metaphor, pedagogic metaphor, didactic metaphor, transdisciplinary knowledge | 1126 | |||||
1769 | Introduction. The concept of a toponym as a marker of the geographical space and the role of toponymy in the scientific system are revealed. The role of the toponym included as a component of the phraseological unit and the cultural value of these idioms are determined. The relevance of the research, its purpose and novelty are substantiated. Material and methods. The research material is the phraseological units of the modern English language with a toponym as a component (213 units). The methods of the study are the statistical method and the method of the linguacultural analysis. Results and discussion. Toponymic phraseological units reflect and verbalize the various segments of the objective reality including the material and spiritual world of a personality. Toponymic phraseological units reveal a person’s attitude to the reality surrounding him/her, a person’s attitude to the people near him/her and the attitude to self. They also analyze the external and internal aspects of the personality, focusing the view on the appearance of a man or woman, on his/her voice, on gait, on mental state of mind, on the moral qualities and the character of a personality. The image of a personality creating by phraseological units can be positive or negative one. Conclusion. Any toponym (especially if it belongs to the “native” culture) has a national identity. It reflects (except the historical, territorial and geographical peculiarities of the nation), the national mentality, character, and specific features of the people’s life. The English phraseological units with a toponym as a component reflect the national identity as well. These idioms are divided into two large groups: 1) those which show the material comforts of the everyday life and 2) those which tell us about the inward habits of the people. Toponymic phraseological units of the second group include six subgroups. Subgroups including the idioms reflecting the people’s attitude to the social reality and to the other people prevail. Keywords: geographical space, phraseological unit, idiom, toponymy, toponym, toponymic phraseological unit, material comforts, inward habits | 1126 | |||||
1770 | This article is devoted to the analysis of the first work of literature by famous Russian writer L. Leonov. The motif of brothers in the novel «The Badgers* is observed in the context of mythopoetic tradition. | 1125 | |||||
1771 | This publication continues the articles’ series that describes the shor word formation structure. It is dedicated to the examination of the derivative stem – one of the components of the word formation structure. The subject of our study is the expressive and the content plans of the derivative stem in Turkic languages, based on the Shor language, one of the insufficiently studied Turkic languages of South Siberia. In this article the author also analyzed the influence of the ground word on the lexical meaning of the derivative word formation and word formation affix assign. It also contains data about history and present condition of the research in the shor word formation along with bibliography on the shor word formation. | 1125 | |||||
1772 | In the article the typological research is being described. The correspondence between typological functions (socionics) and the management functions is found out. The author proves the advantage of the team manage¬ment in comparison with the individual management style. | 1125 | |||||
1773 | The paper outlines the types of discourse-pragmatic functions and kinds of propositional-semantic content associated with the Loc-marked Agent constructions in Eastern Khanty. Selected methodology includes contrastive morpho-syntactic and contextual analysis of the narrative corpus, attending to the information structure and linguistic meta-data. Based on discourse analysis, it is hypothesized, that a wide cognitive faculty facilitating the structuring of information and specifying the roles of the participants, governs the choice of grammatical means, i.e. the construction types. It follows from the analysis of pragmatic, semantic and grammatical features of interacting discourse participants that specific system’s grammatical resources identify with certain pragmatic-semantic properties. The Loc-Agent constructions are prototypically used to express the events with more than one argument with competing topicality. The Loc-Agent constructions (agented passive and “ergative”) manifest a parenthetical shift in centrality of the discourse referents, where a secondary topic referent is competing with the primary agentive topic. This is expressed by temporary promotion of the secondary topical referent to the Loc-marked S grammatical relation. N.V. Polyakova. The Concept ‘Home’ and its Linguistic Representation in Selkup and Russian. The article considers peculiarities of linguistic representation of the concept “Home” in Selkup in comparison with Russian. | 1125 | |||||
1774 | The author analyses Russian Criminal Procedure Code (RCPC Автор анализирует нормы УПК РФ, устанавливающие основания для возвращения уголовного дела прокурору. Предлагается расширить норму статьи 237 УПК РФ и учесть случаи, когда неправильная квалификация деяния, вмененного обвиняемому, возникает при отсутствии вины сотрудников органов предварительного расследования (т.е. речь идет об объективно правовых деяниях). ) regulations about the terms of returning case to the public prosecutor. There is the offer to add to the Article 237 RCPC and to consider situations when wrong qualification of the “criminal” act arises without the fault of investigator (“impartially legal acts”). | 1125 | |||||
1775 | The epoch of computer technologies brings new opportunities of linguistic investigation of fiction. Computer selection of linguistic units greatly accelerates processing of the material and provides mathematically accurate data. The opportunity of analyzing massive texts allows a diachronic investigation of linguistic units in a fiction text. Application of computer methods to linguistic analysis of a piece of fiction gives additional information for the description of author’s style, characters and idea. | 1125 | |||||
1776 | The development of spatial representations of junior teenagers in the conditions of transition to an information society assumes the use of dynamic visualisation of geometrical concepts by teaching geometry. Keywords: spatial thinking; dynamic interpretation; multimedia support; types of operating of images | 1125 | |||||
1777 | In this work was analyzed nature of lateral thinking, was reveal specify developments and feature of formation citizenship in legal training at students of different courses. Is investigate communicative complex, are opened structure and form lateral thinking, are represent possible variants activization of the given thinking in legal education Keywords: personaly-intellectual potential, civil position, lateral thinking, creative, predictability, education standard, personaly-orientated training, integrative-activate approach, personal potential | 1125 | |||||
1778 | Under the conditions of innovation-oriented social practice of XXI century the success of a child as a potential representative of “creative class” is the most topical educational result. The article reflects innovation experience of pre-school educational institution dedicated to the search and approbation of ways of children’s success development. Keywords: Innovation, success, mission and idea of development, content of education, principles and methods of success pedagogics | 1125 | |||||
1779 | The author considers the typical approaches of teaching of painting in various schools of architecture and design within the limits of the undergraduate degree. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of teaching painting at the initial (propaedeutic) grade level. In the article some methods of training at the course of painting within the limits of the propaedeutic approach, developed by the author on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the scientific and special literature, and the results of experimental studies is described. Keywords: Bachelor, propaedeutics, painting, teaching methods | 1125 | |||||
1780 | Productivity of Lactuca sativa, variety Moskovsky parnikovy growing in protected cultivation under fluorescent film luminescent with maximum of 615 nanometers is studied in dynamics. Change of conditions of plant cultivation by fluorescent film promotes accelerated growth, development and productivity improvement of Lactuca sativa relative to plants growing under unmodified film. Increase in productivity of Lactuca sativa in 1.5 times under fluorescent films is determined by increase in ratio IAA/ABA and decrease in content of АA in plants, and also conjugated with change of enzymatic activity of aboriginal soil microflora. Keywords: Lactuca sativa, protected cultivation, fluorescent films, productivity, hormones, ascorbic acid, soil microflora | 1125 | |||||
1781 | The philosophical concept of historical development created by Alexander Bogdanov (1873–1928) on the basis of general organizational science (tectology) laws is considered. The comparison of the Bogdanov’s concept with Hegel’s philosophy of history and historical materialism of Karl Marx is carried out; the strong and weak parties of the organizational method to an explanation of historical process are analyzed. The modern philosophy of «the end of history» developed by F. Fukuyama is criticized. Keywords: “the end of history”, philosophy of a history, development of a society, dialectics, Marxism, tectology, organizational laws. | 1125 | |||||
1782 | Тhe article is the result of study of the development and implementation of information technologies in the educational process for the independent work of students. This article consists of the results of the experimental study of training system with positive feedback for timetabled and independent work of pupils. Keywords: educational system, independent work, the effi ciently of studying | 1125 | |||||
1783 | In the article on is traced history of study of azerbaijanian children’s folklore, its translation into Russian and publication in “The collection of materials for description of districts and tribes of the Caucasus”. Keywords: children’s folklore, “The collection of materials for description of districts and tribes of the Caucasus”, oral literature | 1125 | |||||
1784 | The paper considers interjections in the framework of the theory of speech acts. Different approaches of foreign linguists to the description of the illoсutionary purpose in interjection’s utterances are analyzed. The ideas of Anna Wierzbicka about the absence of illocutionary purpose in this type of utterances as consequence of their spontaneity was criticized by D. Wilkins and T. Wharton. These researchers adduce arguments in favor of illocution’s presence in interjections and argue that the extent of illocution varies from interjection to interjection, depending on the degree of it’s linguistics or paralinguistics. On the basis of discursive analyses data I argue that above-mentioned regularity contradicts the obvious language facts. The first fact is that the same interjection can be used in various types of speech acts, and another one is that the subclass of volitive interjections has an evident illocutionary purpose in spite of its strong extent of paralinguistics. In this paper I propose new solution to the interpretation of interjections within the speech acts theory, which is based on the understanding that non-controversial description of interjections can be achieved on the base of recognition of their interactional character. An interactional character is understood in this case as subject-subject or object-subject forms of speech behavior which take place at the moment of interjections uttering. Such approach allows to overcome the restrictions of numeral interpretative theories which are relevant only for prototypical emotive interjections. The understanding of interactional nature of interjections speech acts allows us to elaborate the theory that can be used as theoretical basis for all subclasses of interjections. Under this approach all types of interjections could be qualified as behabitives that had been characterized by J. Searle as reactions to behavior of other people. Within the offered classification there is a need of a reinterpretation of the term “behabitives”. This category has to be expanded from traditional etiquette speech acts to all types of utterances containing emotive and volitive interjections. Keywords: interjections, speech acts theory, illocutionary purpose, expressive speech acts, behabitives, emotive interjections | 1125 | |||||
1785 | . | 1124 | |||||
1786 | In article is given analysis many-sided stratum humane knowledge and cognition as basis philosophical rational and philosophical of science from theory of cognition Aristotle, Plato, F. Bouterweck c.a. The article contains appraisal of basic category and basic operation as axiomatic, systematic, logic of basic operator's development, logic constructing of philosophy of science. Philosophy rationale is given consideration in conjunction of philosophy general as a historical consequence of development. | 1124 | |||||
1787 | A specific writer's revision of sacral and mythological, as well as historical variants of "father and son" model is shown in the article by the example of figures of Apollon Apollonovich and Nikolai Apollonovich Ableukhovs. | 1124 | |||||
1788 | The research of different historical aspects of the Russian enterprise, understanding of its role and perspectives of its development at present is one of the most important directions in study of the given phenomenon. This is a more actual problem in connection with the tempestuous revival of entrepreneurship in present Russia. In given foreshortening studying the problem in its regional aspect presents unconditional interest, in particular, consideration of particularities of forming and activity of large bourgeoisie and the merchants on Far East in the second half XIX –at the beginning of XXth centuries. This article is dedicated to consideration of the most important questions, connected with peculiarities of the development, activity and economic interests of Far Eastern business circle, large firms, moreover not only Russian, but also foreign. | 1124 | |||||
1789 | The article deals with the analysis of the reasons of expending the meaning of the noun «toddler» as well as psychological reasons of describing adults by means of the nouns «kid» and «boy». | 1124 | |||||
1790 | In work content, directions and methods of research of mental health of students are presented. The research model of translation of theoretical conceptual model of primary preventive maintenance of mental health of students in a direction of the prevention of pathogenic development of existential crises in empirical which is designed as a medical-psychological problem is presented. Principles and methods of the psychological help to the students experiencing crisis are defined | 1124 | |||||
1791 | Prose of Maria Zhukova represents high quality fiction, which enriched Russian literature of 1830–1850 years by new collisions and plots, contributed to accumulation of psychological devices of picturing inner life of a person and especially woman. Her creative efforts contributed to entering the opinion about a woman as most sensitive spokesman of the epoch into social consciousness. Together with other talented representatives of “female” literature she contributed to changing of social opinion about role and purpose of a woman. Keywords: female prose, gender, fiction, literature process | 1124 | |||||
1792 | The article reveals characteristics of modern scientific development and necessity of taking into consideration an ethical component of science related to it. According to it author specifies the role of religious reasoning in bioethical area, in particular, position of Russian Orthodox Church in regard of scientific research conducted at biomedicine. Keywords: bioethics, science and morals, religion | 1124 | |||||
1793 | The article deals with the problem of religious tolerance in Tomsk media; addresses the subjects of articulation and attribution of religious tolerance and intolerance. As a result of the number of references is the dominant denominations, which have a negative or a positive attitude to foreign religions. The analysis allows us identifing the media as teams representing the Tomsk tolerant attitude to confessions. Keywords: religious tolerance, religious intolerance, religion, media of Tomsk | 1124 | |||||
1794 | Two tasks of innovation management require its methodological solution. Those tasks are effective selection of asymptotical target and management of generation of unexampled innovations. Methodological strategies of solving these tasks can be put as dilemma. Constructive solution of this dilemma is based at “Semiotic Attractor” conception. The concept became a synthesis of the philosophy of process, results of methodological research related to information phenomenon as a process and results of fundamental research of non-linear dynamics and semiotics. The concept expresses conditions of organization of states meeting nature of managed system's attractors. This “Semiotic Attractor” is realized as an occasion – occasion of random selection and occasion of unexampled innovation's generation. Organization of conditions leading to occurrence of similar occasions is relevant to solution of innovations management tasks. Solution was obtained on basis of four interdependent conditions: 1) innovations management is management of targets; 2) phase states of targeted situations set by semiotic means exclusively; 3) information mechanisms of self-organization require intermediary situation to be formed which should be dependent on asymptotical target; 4) verbalization of asymptotical target should represent current intermediate situation. The latter does not mean concealment of final targets but meet requirement for future should be open for the future innovations. Selection of final target is a choice between aspirations of altruism, perfectionism, hedonism or utilitarianism. Keywords: “semiotic attractor”, “revolution in symbolism”, nonlinear dynamics, occasion, characteristics of information, model of semiotic dynamics | 1124 | |||||
1795 | Introduction. The problem of improving the quality of education actualizes the issues of assessment and development of the educational conditions in educational organizations in order to ensure the equal educational opportunities for all students. Material and methods. We used the SACERS international scales for studying the educational environment in Moscow schools. Located in eight areas of Moscow 58 structural units of educational complexes (sample) took part in the survey. Results and discussion. Such items as interaction between the parents, the teachers and the administration of the school, the variability of the education programs and extracurricular activities, good conditions for the professional teachers’ development showed the great result. At the same time, there are some confines in providing the necessary conditions for training and development for the students with special educational needs. It was established that schools differ in providing equal educational conditions. The greatest differences are in such components of the educational environment as the organization of extracurricular activities, additional education and the subject environment for various types of activities, the creation of conditions for training and development of the students with special educational needs. Schools with a higher quality index of the educational environment have homogeneous educational conditions that provide relatively equal access to the quality education in comparison with the group of schools with a lower quality index of the educational environment. Conclusion. The quality of the educational environment in Moscow schools achieved in the participants’ interaction in the educational process, the organization of the educational process and the creation of the conditions for the professional development for teachers. Keywords: quality of education, educational environment, educational conditions, educational environment quality index | 1124 | |||||
1796 | The author analyzes the forms of representing the phenomenon of the crowd in Maxim Gorky's literary works and publicism at the start of the XXth century as well as the ways of organizing the narrative situation and the typology of narrators. It is cleared out that the contradic-tive attitude of the writer to the phenomenon of the crowd is solved by means of creating a special artistic method which is characterized by his contemporaries as «pseu-do»- or «romantic» realism. | 1123 | |||||
1797 | The new communicative-pragmatic paradigm in linguistics makes possible the study of internal laws determining the selection and adequate usage of words in communication. The present article focuses on pragmatic feautures of derivats in political discourse. Significant attention is given to the mechanism of selection and usage of word-formation units relevant from the point of speaker’s communicative intentions. | 1123 | |||||
1798 | Sociology of religion has been conceptually and theoretically isolated for a long time. The situation has changed at 70es with actualization of NRM theme. On the one hand, there were recruited new explanatory models from the adjoining sociological spheres – conflict theory, sociology of medicine, theory of the economic activity. On the other hand, academic community was polarized because of specific character of area of study on the strength of question about the religious phenomenon researcher’ professional ethics. The most part of the article is dedicated to the review of dominant interpretation systems in the sociology of religion. The key deduction of the article is a positioning of researcher’s state and potential level of the objectivity in religious studies as a central methodological issue in the sociology of religion. | 1123 | |||||
1799 | In the article the following positions are stated. Urgency of studying and development of cognitive activity of teenagers at modern school. Substantiation of rationality of use of ecological activity for development of cognitive activity of teenagers. Essence of development of cognitive activity. Experience of development of cognitive activity of teenagers during ecological activity on the basis of one of rural schools of Siberia | 1123 | |||||
1800 | The models of historical and pedagogical formation of teachers’ professional competence in rural ungraded schools in the Russian Federation are analyzed in this article. These models can be realized in two lines: training for rural ungraded schools and organizing of professional teachers’ development for this type of educational institution. Keywords: professional teachers’ education, formation of professional teachers’ competence in rural ungraded schools in Russia. | 1123 |