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1001 | This article deals with the concept of developing critical thinking as an educational technology as well as competences developed with its help. The author presents methods and procedures with practical examples and recommendations for their effective application in the English language teaching process. Keywords: critical thinking, teaching techniques, English language teaching | 1187 | |||||
1002 | In the scientific-methodical aspect the methodical comment exists in two basic forms: as a type of information-methodical products and as an expert evaluation. Both forms are significant and necessary for theoreticians and practitioners of the educational process. In this article methodical comment is examined as a means of development and evaluation of the professional competence of the teacher of a foreign language. The most appropriate base (informative material) for methodical comments in the course of teachers’ training is proposed (methodical statements, quotes from scientific and educational literature, a description of the methods, techniques, methods, forms of teaching, educational activity results). Examples of tasks from foreign textbooks, which can be considered analogous to methodological commentary and author’s examples of methodological comments are provided. Such tasks were developed by the author of this publication for National Students’ Olympiads on the methods of foreign language teaching “Foreign language (English) and methods of teaching it” (Tomsk, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2016), and their use has fully justified their scientific and methodological value as a form of evaluation of professional competence of foreign language teachers. The criteria of evaluation of the methodical comments are given (pithiness, validity and completeness of the comment, actuality of the comment in terms of matching the realities of modern language education, knowledge of professional terminology, examples as a support to the comment, observance of time limits). Keywords: methodical comment, professional competence, means of development of professional competence, foreign language, foreign language teacher | 1187 | |||||
1003 | Author undertakes an attempt to follow the activity of peda¬gogical high schools of Siberia in the field of organization of research work on archival materials of high schools and periodicals. | 1186 | |||||
1004 | In article the basic results and prospects of the further researches of specific features and mechanisms of perception of time in Tomsk the state university are discussed. It is shown, in particular, that the perception of time is system process in which it is possible to allocate five consecutive stages clearly shown in dynamics of ERP and cortical of interactions. Character of these interactions essentially depends on an initial condition and specific features of the person. Between characteristics of perception of time and levels cortical interactions there are statistically significant connections which character depends on a stage carried out perceptional tasks. | 1186 | |||||
1005 | The article is devoted to the possible application of new descriptive research methods, corpus linguistics methods in particular, within the research of the Chulym Turkic language at the Department for Indigenous Languages of Siberia, TSPU. | 1186 | |||||
1006 | The article deals with the narrative forms in the stories by E.I. Zamyatin created in 1910s-20s (pastiche of folklore, fancy and impressionistic narrations), which produce a metatext as a way of modernist narration. | 1186 | |||||
1007 | The discourse of the French and Russian Fashion catalogues analyzed in the article has a complex nature been formed in the complex interaction of discourses of Fashion, advertisement and mail. The structural-linguistic approach to the analysis of the fashion catalogue characterizes it as a structural unity and a macrostructure. The cognitive-semantic analysis considers the Fashion catalogue as a micro world, as a model of life style and family traditions. The lingual stylistic analysis determines the inner hierarchy of the Fashion catalogue as a unity of styles and genres, as a complex stylistic continuum. | 1186 | |||||
1008 | This article examines questions of the special training of social teachers for the fulfillment of professional responsibilities. The professional portrait of social worker is built on the basis of different classifications of social types | 1186 | |||||
1009 | The article has points of actual questions of professional pedagogical preparation. Author presents theoretical aspects of being ready future teachers for making pedagogical activity and the text competence as a part of this preparation. The authors opinion about forms of organization educational process in the pedagogical university | 1186 | |||||
1010 | The article, which is devoted to 500th anniversary of Dostoevskys clan and 185th anniversary of his birth, analyzes the functions of “precious memories” about childhood that express the author’s belief in the transformation of man. Similar functions of such episodes are found in books by other Russian classical writers (such as L.N. Tolstoy and I.S. Turgenev) | 1186 | |||||
1011 | The reviewer regards the research of different types of a tale narration and the mounting of meta-text structures in the famous writer’ prose as the values of the monograph “The works by E. Zamyatin in the context of narrative strategies of the first third of the 20th century” written by M.A.Khatyamova | 1186 | |||||
1012 | This article is about specific process of time perception (future, present and past) in different social-cultural system. The importance of time is dependent on the different view points of people's origin respectively culture. Nowadays time concept is more important and complex than in the past. Applying post-non-classical methodology and information-synergetic approach we analyze dynamics of utopian ideas depending on perception of time. The main problem is a contradictory role of utopia in Russian culture. This research was supported by grant RFBR № 08-06-00109 Keywords: information-synergetic approach, specificity of time perception in different cultures, socio-cultural systems, dynamics of utopian idea, role of utopia in Russian culture. | 1186 | |||||
1013 | In virgin and residual (1 m) peat under permanent cereal grasses of reclamated site of lowland bog ecosystem activity of catalase was defined in 1993, 2002 and 2008 in dynamics. It is shown, that activity of this enzyme is defined by local meteoconditions, peat temperature, level of swamp waters, presence of nutrients (in the form of mineral fertilizers). The reclamation of the developed site (since 1986) has not caused essential increase of fermentative activity in all terms of researches, only in 2008 the tendency to its increase was teethed. The soil of a virgin fallow and soil of experiment site are characterized by comparable sizes of activity of catalase, possibly because residual peat is the lowermost horizon of before not drained virgin soil. Keywords: marsh ecosystems, virgin soil, reclamated soil, enzymes, catalase, biological potency, peat, manurials, grasses | 1186 | |||||
1014 | The article discusses issues related to the use of computer technology on the lessons of the geometry and the role of visual thinking in this process. The survey of the most popular computer programs on geometry. Based on the analysis of psychological-pedagogical and educational literature the author proposes to consider an electronic textbook on Stereometry. It is based on the visual presentation of information. Keywords: geometry, stereometry, visualization, electronic textbook, computer technologies, visual thinking | 1186 | |||||
1015 | The problem of development of administrative competence of heads of new type from the point of view of new requirements to the head of modern school, the charismatic leader who is the manager in formation, ready and capable to the initiative and non-standard administrative decisions is considered. Components of this administrative competence, the characteristics reflecting its display on four levels of development in the conditions of additional vocational training come to light. Keywords: additional vocational training, administrative competence of heads, system-creative thinking, the manager of formation, administrative decisions, the charismatic leader. | 1186 | |||||
1016 | The problems of updating the system of additional professional education of teachers in the conditions of its systematic development are considered. The models of the personified and individualized professional development of educators for the solution of problems of modernization of the general and pedagogical education are offered. Keywords: professional development, additional pedagogical education, modern technologies of training, innovative models of professional development, remote forms of education, network interaction of educational institutions of the general and pedagogical education | 1186 | |||||
1017 | The article discusses the features of holding the all-Russian athletics competitions and determination of the level of sportsmenship among the persons with locomotor system diseases. Marked insufficient total number of participants, the predominance of men over women, boys against girls, the number of participants of the championship over the participants of the championship of Russia. Many champions and winners of the championship and the primacy of Russia show mediocre results. There is no competition in many athletic disciplines. Only 12 % of the finals was not less than 6 members, which is a necessary requirement for assignment of the sports discharges in case of their implementation. For a significant number of medals there were no contenders. Many potential participants were unable to reach these competitions because of problems with financing. It is especially difficult to reach Cheboksary for the participants from remote regions of the Russian Federation. On the basis of analysis and generalization of the data the authors revealed the necessity of improving the normative-legal base, regulating the participation of persons with persons with locomotor system disease at all-Russian and regional competitions in athletics. Keywords: athletics, persons with locomotor system desease, championship of Russia, the Protocol and the provisions on conducting competitions, sports categories | 1186 | |||||
1018 | This article reviews the results of relevant studies conducted in the latest research works of Russian linguistics and devoted to the linguistic specificity of Internet communication as a subject of Internet linguistics. The article also touches upon various actual approaches to the general definition of the concept of Internet communication and summarizes the results of a number of works related to the study of specific linguistic features of some certain genres of the Internet communication. The author pays special attention to the important stylistic characteristics and structure of popular within Internet users and researchers genres including “forum”, “blog” and “chat”. Keywords: Internet linguistics, Internet communication, genres, phatic communication, communicative hedonism | 1186 | |||||
1019 | The University is training a competent educational specialist with a high level of general and professional culture with knowledge of fundamental concepts of methodology, theory of education and management, with a systematic understanding of the pedagogical problems aimed at a creation of a future teacher’s individual style of pedagogical activity. It is also the basis of the trainee’s future success in professional activity. | 1185 | |||||
1020 | In article questions of methodology of management by culture of the organization in a context of a formed postindustrial society are investigated. The basic problems in methodology of management are connected by culture of the organization to lack of system researches of it of area. The social-philosophical approach is connected to use of the basic philosophical categories and elements of the system approach. As an actual practical and scientific-theoretical task transformation of organizational culture as heritages of an industrial epoch in corporate culture which is a product of a postindustrial epoch is determined. | 1185 | |||||
1021 | The article describes the students’ independent work as a factor of their innovative thinking formation. Due to that it is suggested to change the approaches to the tutorial and methodical work. The share of the independent work in the educational process should be increased. Keywords: education, independent work, innovative thinking, student’s work | 1185 | |||||
1022 | This article is devoted to the problem of competitiveness forming among university graduates. We have given the definition of a competitive specialist and made up the model of competitiveness of University graduates. In our research work we have proved the dependence of competitiveness level from the quality of higher education, from successful management of competitiveness forming of University graduates. Keywords: competitiveness, higher education, graduates | 1185 | |||||
1023 | The ancient Indo-European system of noun declension was based on the division of substantives into groups according to the stem-building suffix. The ancient division of all objects of reality into two big classes (animated vs. inanimated) was reflected in the system of noun declension in the ancient Indo-European. The ground for grouping nouns into different types of declension was the common semantic principle of the ancient stem-building suffixes. Ancient substantives were semantically united on the basis of their treatment by the ancient people according to their role and place in the surrounding reality. Keywords: ancient Indo-European system of noun declension, stem-building suffix, semantic principle, category of animateness / inanimateness, gender differentiation, ethnocultural importance | 1185 | |||||
1024 | In the article the problem of transition to the model of kindergarten teacher’s personality-cantered interaction with children is touched on. The authors mention reasons of complicating, among them – the lack of psychological readiness of kindergarten teachers. Components of readiness are detected; some possible ways of its forming are suggested. Keywords: personality-cantered interaction of kindergarten teacher with children; barriers in realization of personality- cantered model of interaction; psychological readiness of kindergarten teacher to interact with children. | 1185 | |||||
1025 | The possibility of approval “education science is applied philosophy” is based on the belief that philosophy is a science; philosophy is the science of values; culture is a system of transcendental values; there is an exact match between education and culture. In the article we trace the evolution of philosophical belief in these statements and polemic on these questions between the Russian representatives of a Neo-Kantianism and philosophy of life. Keywords: pedagogy as applied philosophy, philosophy, science, culture, values, Neo-Kantianism, philosophy of life | 1185 | |||||
1026 | The article opens potential opportunities of inclusion of interactive technologies in educational process of students with disabilities in the conditions of inclusive approach. Today an important role in the system of teaching pupils with disabilities is given to the interactive pedagogical technologies, the implementation of which is provided by a provision of the Federal state educational standard. The main benefit of interactive technologies is availability of productive stimulants of cognitive and motivational interest of the students including belonging to the designated category. The greatest productivity and educational effects at different education levels of students of this category has the technology of interactive educational quest game, characterized by the high methodical and adaptation potential which allows children with disabilities to be included in educational process. As linguo-didactic material is provided the fragment of tasks of the telecommunication project quest game “A travel around the country of the Russian language”, adapted for the pupils with disabilities of the 5–7th classes. The article provides the allocated and tested in practice stages and the compulsory provisions of the organization of the work on quests at the Russian language classes for the specified category of students are also provided. Keywords: interactive forms of learning, class activities, inclusive education, students with disabilities, methods of teaching Russian, quest game, Federal State Educational Standard | 1185 | |||||
1027 | The author research the social and psychological factors that determine violent juvenile delinquency. Among them: negative influence of the environment, violence to the juvenile, disadvantages in the educational institutions and leisure centers for children. | 1184 | |||||
1028 | The article is devoted to the problems of teaching English as a second foreign language (after German). It surveys the main principles of third-language teaching and discusses the possible ways of developing speaking skills. There has been an attempt in the technology to combine the two aspect sides of speech (fluency and accuracy) with the third one – pronunciation. The solution of the problem lies in the proper organization of the material, the item of which is a bilingual communicatively-intentional block, built around two texts: German and English. | 1184 | |||||
1029 | The paper describes a conception of “standard model” for methane emission from the mires of West Siberia. The “standard model” is a complex of (i) methane flux probability densities distributions for typical ecosystems of all natural zones, (ii) period of CH4 emission for all zones, and (iii) fraction of wetland area for all zones. We present experimental data (methane fluxes in forest-tundra) which are the components of “standard model” Aa1. The medians of methane fluxes from palsе, oligotrophic hollows, peat mats and poor fens are 0,14, 1,12, 11,86 and 1,28 mgC•m-2•h-1 accordingly. All abovementioned values relate only to “period of methane emission” which is 120 days in forest tundra. Keywords: methane emission, West Siberia, forest-tundra, palsе mires | 1184 | |||||
1030 | Currently, the most crucial social order is to prepare specialists with a number of professional and general cultural competencies. The ability for lifelong learning is one of them. It implies, firstly, the presence of skills to surf the surrounding information, secondly, selectively choosing the professionally significant material and, finally, sharing it in situations requiring precise solutions. Due to the avalanche of information and communication technologies in our up-to date life, students have a great possibility to satisfy their specific interests in the process of individual reading in a foreign language. Within it, the professionally-oriented foreign language reading skills are posed to be essential in the global network. Thus, the main goal of the present paper is to describe the teaching methodology of professionallyoriented foreign language reading, developed and based on the theoretical research results. The established methodology of teaching includes four main blocks: basis (the aim and objectives set), methodology (education approaches, principles and pedagogical conditions establishment), content (speech and language material work out) and result (the list of developing skills). These blocks determine the substantive and structural side of learning. The observed conditions were reflected in the electronic tutorial aimed at reading skills’ developing (roughly-referential, assign-informative, produce-informative) to work with professional texts in the technical university. The effectiveness of the proposed method is clarified and evaluated in the consistent steps of education that supply and model every next stage. As the result, the illustrated methodology provides appropriate pedagogical conditions for efficient teaching and studying. Keywords: electronic tutorial, professionally-oriented reading, foreign language learning, methodology, technical university students | 1184 | |||||
1031 | This article is devoted to the analysis of interactive methods of training and their opportunities in the context of students’ professional competences development. The author characterizes and describes the functions of the main interactive teaching methods, substantiates the need for their implementation in the university, as well as analyzed methods of carrying out interactive lectures, case technologies, business games, brainstorming and also the possibility of using the educational technology “Portfolio”. Using these methods the author proposes to solve such problems as motivation for learning, optimal mastering of educational material, teaching to teamwork, to tolerance to others‘ point of view. According to the author, they allow students to move from passive learning to mastering competencies in situations of professional activity, which undoubtedly improves the quality of student preparation. The article examines the influence of the specified methods and technologies on future professional activity of students. The aim of the article is to consider the methodological and organizational features of interactive training methods implementation in educational process of future teachers and influence of the specified methods and technologies on future professional activity of students. The basis of the research is formed by personal and activity and competence-based approaches to training. The analysis of interactive teaching methods, their interpretation and processing for use in the educational process of vocational education institutions was carried out. Keywords: interactive methods of training, development, professional tasks, inclusion in activity, portfolio, case technology, business games, brainstorming | 1184 | |||||
1032 | In the context of the competence modernization of higher professional education, domestic and foreign practices of social education are analyzed. The importance of harmonizing existing and new approaches to practice-oriented training for forming bachelors’ social competence sphere as a practice-oriented construct is emphasized. Researchers’ positions on practice organization, students’ inclusion in systematic volunteer activities, students’ ensuring regular contacts with the professional community are compared. Author’s definition of practice-oriented training as a systemic innovation that integrates all the links in the educational process is given, that is: goals, content, methods and technologies, organizational forms and taking into account environmental factors - the priorities of regional social development and technology of social interaction at the local level. The advantages of a practice-oriented approach for the social education results are noted. Empirical data describing the limitations of the existing training system in achieving the practical preparedness of future social workers are given. Proposals for improving the system of practice-oriented training, taking into account its organizational, managerial, didactic and psychological-pedagogical aspects are formulated. In particular, we are talking about the establishment of a professional development environment in the university; the orientation of all types of inclass and extracurricular students’ activities to produce a specific socially significant product; the implementation of the polyphonic didactic system based on the technologies of contextual, project, product-oriented learning, communicativedialogical and gaming; the inclusion in the curriculum of practice-oriented modules and the representation of content in the form of competence tasks; ensuring proactive social workers’ professional adaptation and expanding teacher’s functional repertoire. The presented material contributes to the improvement of the theory and methodology of vocational education in social work. Keywords: social education, practice-oriented vocational training, bachelors, social sphere, university, employer, professional competence, practical preparedness | 1184 | |||||
1033 | The article regards approaches to the interpretation of the semantics of denominal adjectives. One of the issues is to draw a demarcation line between the relational and qualitative adjectives that are the results of different types of derivation – syntactic and lexical. Another issue is to describe all possible types of denominal adjective contextual meanings and to regard the factors that determine their realization – formal-semantic and cognitive. | 1183 | |||||
1034 | The article devoted to results of comparative motivology development at the last twenty years. In the article the contribution of comparative motivology workings-out into descriptive motivology and comparative linguistics is examined. | 1183 | |||||
1035 | The results of investigations of the surface modification and alloying of metallic materials with the low-energy (up to 40 keV), high-current (up to 40 J/cm2) electron beams (LEHCEB’s) of microsecond duration are presented. The results of simulation of non-stationary temperature fields induced in the LEHCEB’s affected zone are given. The particularities of the structure – phase transformations into the surface layers of irradiated materials are considered. It is shown that the irradiation in the surface melting and initial evaporation modes allows to decrease noticeably the surface roughness and to clean it of harmful impurities. In the near-surface layers quenched from the melt the metastable structure – phase states are formed. These states in the aggregate with the surface smoothing and cleaning provide the enhancement of some surface-sensitive properties, such as, electric strength of vacuum gaps with electrodes made of austenitic stainless steel, fatigue properties of titanium alloys, wear resistance of high-speed steel and hard metals. It is shown that pulsed melting of the film-substrate systems allows to realize the efficient surface alloying | 1183 | |||||
1036 | The article formulates theoretical grounds of ethnocultural education development. The conceptual basis of ethnocultural education is considered in the categories “ethnicity - nation”; “culture – upbringing - education”. Enthnopedagogy is represented as mechanisms of national self-consciousness formation. The article analyzes the condition and changes in ethnocultural education in the north of Tomsk region. Keywords: ethnicity, nation, traditions, culture, upbringing, education | 1183 | |||||
1037 | The article presents one of the pedagogical contemporary problems: the formation of professional skills of students. The outdoor practice is chosen as the way of professional skills formation Keywords: methodical outdoor practice, organization of methodical outdoor practice, methodical skills | 1183 | |||||
1038 | In work are presented results to approbations to mathematical model calculation hydrograph of spring high water on timber and waterlogging catchments on method D.A. Burakov. Their are offered its modifications, taking into account particularities of the processes of landscape, running on surfaces of catchment and in its of streamming network. On example 6 small rivers are shown capacity to work this model and is determined borders to its applicability. Keywords: waterlogging catchment, afforesttation, hydrograph of spring high water, water yield, quality of the forecast, водность year, volume of the high water, layer of the sewer, micro landscape , reach travel curve, optimization, water balance | 1183 | |||||
1039 | The article considers the efficiency of the pension system from a position of welfare of the average pensioner, and taking into account the load upon economic entities and economy as a whole. For the assessment of current pension systems the author offers a methodology using the principles of human development calculation. The analysis is carried-out for such countries as Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden reveals unsatisfactory values of the offered indexes and low efficiency of pension systems. Keywords: pension system, index, efficiency, replacement rate | 1183 | |||||
1040 | The theme of love is analyzed in G. Shcherbakova’s school narrative «You would not even dream». The peculiarity of the author’s interpretation of love is revealed through the analysis of the organization of the plot, the system and images of characters, narration, allusions. The analysis of the personnosphere of the story allowed to distinguish the types of characters, depending on their understanding and attitude to love: pragmatists and romantics who sacrifice and selfishly demand reciprocity; disappointed and believing in the life-giving power of love. The semantics of love is revealed in character dialogs and includes such meanings as a disease that causes pain, destroying belief in reciprocity and into yourself, the fire that attracts and destroys people (Kostya, Zoya); epidemic / madness / natural disaster, the triumph of the natural-biological over the social (the school director), the manifestation of the socio-biological needs of people not to be lonely (Vera, Misha); exalted feeling, gift, meaning of existence (Tatiana, Romka, Julia). The plot lines of the characters demonstrate that the choice of the model of relationships and understanding of love is due to various factors, among which the presence / absence of experience (positive or traumatic), personal values. An essential role in revealing the theme of love is played by references to classical world literature: to William Shakespeare’s play «Romeo and Juliet», to Pushkin’s novel «Eugene Onegin» and Leo Tolstoy’s «Anna Karenina», and to Chekhov’s works. Correlating yourself or others with the characters of literature, and your life - with the plots of works becomes a way of self-reflection and self-determination. G. Shcherbakova avoids edification, but invites readers to dialogue and self-determination. But, ultimately, as the most appropriate to the concept of happiness described by mutual love, which is not reduced to sexual attraction and social need in the family. The author proves the unproductiveness of both pragmatic and idealistic understanding of love: the first deprives the life of the spiritual dimension, the second - does not allow reconciling dreams with reality, realizing themselves. Finally, G. Shcherbakova, making the final of the story open (we do not know whether the hero survived or not), rejects the identification of love and life peculiar to people at a young age (as modern Romeo and Juliet show). To find mutual love is a great success, but to keep it is everyday work, a greater feat than death (like Shakespearian lovers or Anna Karenina). Keywords: teenage literature of the second half of the twentieth century, G. Shcherbakova, school novel, theme of love | 1183 | |||||
1041 | The relationship between objective conditions and subjective specific features of the individual is regarded in the article. In this interaction a person is centered as unique and multisided phenomenon. Different human activities in a diverse spheres of life are highlighted that have either direct or indirect influence on person’s health. It is emphasized the leading role of objective conditions in the person’s choice of a definite lifestyle towards health. At the same time, healthy or unhealthy lifestyle is strongly mediated by personal values and preferences and addresses individual social and spiritual experience. | 1182 | |||||
1042 | The author of this article discusses possibility of understanding the essence of pedagogical partnership in real educational practice as practice of predetermined functional inequality. The article considers practical steps from the idea of pedagogical partnership as desirable educational value to pedagogical partnership as educational reality. Thus, an attempt is made .0 substantiate the necessary conditions for development and establishment of pedagogical partnership in educational practice: identification of professional value» of a teacher and high level of his/her speech skills of self-expression and personal feedoack. | 1182 | |||||
1043 | The article considers and gives the analysis of «loyally» as one of the central concepts arising in interaction cf the man and organization. The concepts «social position» and «attitude» as basic definitions in relation to concept «loyalty» are allocated. The definition cf loyalty as social - psychological state is given. The factors determining loyalty of the man in a society are considered, the conceptual model of loyalty is constructed. The author makes the conclusion, loyalty acts as a multiparametrical multilevel and an integral psychological phenomenon, which can be studied only t trough revealing of interrelation of the sum-total of influencing it factors and indicators of the state describing sufficiently enough its empirical manifestations. | 1182 | |||||
1044 | The article is devoted to the problem of differentiation of the levels in poetic text. The author writes about necessity to distinguish the rhythmical and emotive levels. Poetic text is considered like communicate-pragmatic structure. | 1182 | |||||
1045 | In the article the author follows the return process of Soviet legislation in the international law area to the generally accepted standards and international customs that Bolsheviks refused having come to power. The process was determined by the need to build relations with the world. Soviet diplomatic and consular law from the very beginning resided democratic features both: by the privileges and immunities determination of representatives, its heads and staff and by their rights to free relations with government, with other diplomatic and consular representatives of the state. | 1182 | |||||
1046 | The article gives a scientific and practical insight into the system of conducting Teachers Professional Competitions in Kemerovo region (Russia). The author analyzes and shares experience of Kuzbass Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute in organizing such competitions and gives practical advice. The article will be beneficial both for organizers of the Teachers Professional Competitions and the participants as it offers special recommendations and manuals | 1182 | |||||
1047 | Tynyanov’s conception concerning «Yevgeniy Onegin» (not the motion of events but the motion of verbal masses) laid the foundation for making theoretical assumptions on message forming components of the text which are exhaustively presented in the book «The problem of Poetry Language». The concept differentiation structures of the poetic language such as unity and closeness of the verse series, dynamism of speech material, successive process of speech in verses suggested by Tynyanov in his «The problem…» represent Onegin’s text as a new form of poetic novel and within it – the conceptual status of the word deformed by verse. The paper deals with the instances of contiguity of «The problem of Poetry Language» to Pushkin’s novel implicitly forming the perspectives of investigating poetry semantics. Keywords: poetic novel, tex’s eguivalent, rhythm, conceptual status of the word, structures of the poetic language | 1182 | |||||
1048 | The article reviews biological spectrums of life-forms under the Runkier’s system in the urban cenoflora of the right bank of Novosibirsk and their dependence on the degree of anthropogenic transformation of associations of synanthropic vagetation. It has been educed that in the range of a digressive-demutative succession of plants, with the increase of the anthropogenic load increases the rate of therophytes; with the decrease the rate of hemicryptophytes increases, and the biological spectrum comes close to the natural for the natural floras of the region. Keywords: vegetation, association, coenoflora, Novosibirsk, succession, Raunkier, life-form, biological spectrums | 1182 | |||||
1049 | The article is devoted to use regulation skills and components of self-control with a view of increase of readiness of pedagogical university students to realization of professional work. In the given research the approach, developed in the laboratory of the Russian Open Society, is used. The author of that method is academician Konopkin O. A., The author proves that under condition of formation of self-control there develops professionalism. Keywords: conscious self-control, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction, professionalism, regular skills | 1182 | |||||
1050 | The author touches the topical problems of modernization of the system of higher education in Russia, peculiarities of spreading Bologna process and Russia including into World Trade organization (WTO) Keywords: modernization, bachelor, master, specialist, Higher education, Bologna Process, globalization, World Trade Organization (WTO) | 1182 |