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1551 | The article deals with studying the notions “stereotype”, “ethnocultural stereotype” and “national cultural stereotype” in cultural linguistics. The juxtaposition of archetypically meaningful stereotypes of two cultures is made as a result of linguocultural comparative analysis of phraseological units containing gastronomical terms, which have been singled out in the Russian and French languages. The general (universal) and specific (unique) stereotypes reflecting peculiarities of Russian and French cultures are determined. Keywords: stereotype, ethnocultural stereotype, phraseological units, gastronomical terms, comparative analysis, universal stereotypes, unique stereotypes, the Russian language, the French language | 1140 | |||||
1552 | The article is based on the fact that lexicographic materials reflect the features of concept both in diachrony and in synchrony. The dictionaries with the initial capacity of lexicographic materials provide people with the opportunities to see the semantic and derivational efficiency of the concept and its segments in full, because the lexical meanings fixed in the dictionary for a long period are what people have in mind when they use the word to communicate in a wide variety of circumstances. Happiness is one of the most important categories of consciousness, through which a national conceptual picture of the world is built, recognized and widely spread. In this article, we use the comparative analysis method to disclose different concepts of happiness from the root in the Chinese language and the Russian language. It is concluded that such values as, for example, predestination and inevitability, out of control and volatility, success, high degree of happiness, pleasure, and satisfaction are characteristic of both languages, while the definitions of „a part of life”, „get out of trouble”, „be saved from trouble (calamity)”, „pray for happiness”, and „perfect expectations” are peculiar only to the Chinese language, and the „fate”, „prosperity” „earthly bliss”, „share” and „good fortune” – exclusively to the Russian language. Keywords: semantic and derivational productivity, lexical meaning recorded in the dictionary, destiny, national conceptual picture of the world, comparative analysis method | 1140 | |||||
1553 | In the article the analysis of functioning of Tomsk Teachers' Institute during the period of the World War I is presented made on the basis of archives documents. The main problems of organization of the learning process in the Institute under the conditions of war times are disclosed. The changes in the faculty staff, students' structure, peculiarities of job placement of graduates are examined as well as the situation of military mobilization of students in the period viewed. | 1139 | |||||
1554 | The pedagogical technologies of health-protective education at all stages are grounded on principles of complex social-culture education, natural-scientific and physical education; inclusion of problems of health education in the program of learning of various hu¬manitarian and natural-scientific disciplines, and as a result-creation at school united «health-protective environment». The development and implantation In the education process health-protective technologies of education allows to raise the level of pupils' health, promotes warning and correction of health disorders and, at the end, provides the development of educa¬tion quality. | 1139 | |||||
1555 | Means of regulativeness in Z. Gippius texts in connection with their genre specific are shown. Contrast is considered as the basic means of the organization of Z. Gippius’s poetic texts and as the peculiarity of her authoric style. | 1139 | |||||
1556 | Politics as a sphere of human activity is realized through political communication, which is characrerized by a special system of lexical means, namely political vocabulary. In this work we aim at undertaking semantic analysis of political lexis, classifying and describing its constituents | 1139 | |||||
1557 | Four types of individuality differing in extro-vercy, neuro-tism, functional asymmetry, vegetative regulation and activation of central nervous system are marked out. The author argues that these types are characterized by different success in operator's adaptation. | 1139 | |||||
1558 | The article addresses the usage of authentic advertising German texts and methods of applying them in teaching of German. | 1139 | |||||
1559 | This article is about influence of contemporary family’s crisis on the fulfillment her basic functions. Creation of conditions for graduation, upbringing, education and socialization it children are major problem of family. To use possibility of social actives the educational potentiality of family, we should know its general components. The author considers means and structure of notion “educational potentiality of family”, suggests using it diagnostic indexes. | 1139 | |||||
1560 | The paper considers the problems of word building in the sphere of names of professions in the German language. The most common descriptive means of word building were analyzed: the author considered structural peculiarities of different descriptive means of word building in this sphere, taking into consideration their functional characteristics. | 1139 | |||||
1561 | For the first time full morphological description of all age stages of new species of malarial mosquitoes of the Maculipennis Complex - Anopheles artemievi Gordeev et al., 2004 are represented. Peculiar features which help to identify An. artemievi in sympatric zones from another member of Complex - Anopheles messeae Fall., 1926, - are given | 1139 | |||||
1562 | The article presents the results of evaluating the effectiveness of using structured forms of electronic means of teaching. High effectiveness of using structured teaching means particularly in the form of «electronic case» is demonstrated. Keywords: structured Forms of Electronic Means of Teaching in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education System; «electronic case» | 1139 | |||||
1563 | The article presents the materials of sociological research carried out among the student youth of Novosibirsk. The author considers the problem of the formation of reproductive purposes of megapolis youth and analyzes the factors determining them. Special attention is given to understanding of the reasons of disagreement of the desired and expected number of children. The article also considers the role of family in the formation of reproductive purposes that is especially important at the contemporary stage of society development. | 1139 | |||||
1564 | The article discusses the problem of the color term murasaki (purple) in the Japanese modern tanka poetry comparing with the same poetic methods from the classical poetry. The objects of the research were the works written by such authors as Masaoka Shiki (1867–1902), Yosano Tekkan (1872–1935) and Yosano Akiko (1878–1942). Keywords: Japanese poetry, modern tanka poetry, Japanese, semantics of color terms | 1139 | |||||
1565 | In the article we distinguish a great number of universal symbols in humoristic and satirical folklore and literature: certain types of characters, space and temporal models, plot motifs, etc. In Saltykov-Schedrin’s satirical prose the universal comicity manifests social and historian evil – powers which are opposite to rationalistic (enlightenment) progress. The article is devoted to interpreting universal comic symbols in the works by Saltykov-Schedrin. Keywords: operacional2no-as an active focus of educational process, the unified model, of technological culture. | 1139 | |||||
1566 | The scientific revolution of the end 19th – beginning 20th century had a great importance on the formation of Platonov’s world-view. Especially it refers to the Einshtein’s Theory of Relativity and the connected with it polemics about “the ethereal wind”. Platonov studied these conceptions in the beginning of 1920-s as a student of the physical and mathematical faculty, then he was interested in this matter like a philosopher and a man of letters. The article depicts some ways of reflection for these two theories in Platonov’s stories. Keywords: creativity A. Platonov, poetic language, the substance of existence the theory of relativity, theory of the ether, quantum, the electron, the gravity, radio the evolution, time and the space | 1139 | |||||
1567 | The article deals with three characters in the play by E. Zamyatin “Flea” – the Chaldeans, which primarily indicate the proximity of folk theater. There were analyzed their functions in different areas of action. Keywords: folk theater, reincarnation, multifunctionality, act, character, personage, E. Zamyatin, flea | 1139 | |||||
1568 | The paper focuses on the participation of the Selkups in the Great Patriotic War. The main emphasis is on establishing of the Selkup pre-war population in the area of Narym and the number of their casualties in the war. Following analysis the author concludes that the large casualties of the Selkups at the front have led to high-quality demographic changes and became one of the reasons that caused irreversible cultural change in the postwar period. Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, demography, military casualties, cultural change | 1139 | |||||
1569 | This article investigates the nature, characteristics of corporate ownership and corporations as an economic entity, taking into account the achievements of the modern concept of economic sociodynamics, institutional theory, theory of property. The state is seen as a strategic coordinator of the activity of the market, key functions, which – maintain a positive structural and institutional economic reforms to achieve the objectives of society, increasing the public domain. Keywords: corporation, corporate ownership, the implementation of state-owned, public goods | 1139 | |||||
1570 | World identity crisis has attacked Russia with all its strength. In the conditions of globalization and world integration modern Russians are losing their social identities struggling with demonstration of their belonging to sustainable social groups. The formulated problem as well as the substantial question of patriotic education and the meaning of the “patriotism” notion can be solved by means of visual components of traditional culture used in formation and development of rites and rituals in modern society. The given point is confirmed by the analysis of visual components of Epiphany bathing, “St. George ribbon” action, “Immortal Regiment” project, Pancake week festivities and other traditions being formed nowadays. Keywords: world identity crisis, self-identification, social identities, traditional culture, patriotic education, epiphany bathing, traditions and rites | 1139 | |||||
1571 | In the article the results of the RFBR project № 10-06-00313 “Attractive Management: Methodological Principles of Managing Complex Systems' Dynamics” are presented. On the basis of these results the prospects of the application of informational-synergistic approach for researching the instruments of modern management and identifying the attractors of sociocultural dynamics are justified. Potentials of semiotic diagnostics to identify the negative consequences of the modern ways of management are presented (the result of the RFBR project № 14-06-00440 “Developing the ways of applications of nonlinear dynamics research methods to detect the attractors of self-organization of social systems”). Keywords: modern theories of management, informational-synergistic approach, attractors of sociocultural dynamics, semiotic diagnostics | 1139 | |||||
1572 | The article proves education modernization on the basis of constantly developing information and communication technologies (ICTs) influencing modern education environment formation. The purpose of the article is to reveal and prove the innovative pedagogical searches in the field of constantly improving ICTs in global education. It presents the results of studying the new sources of the educational environment. It establishes that the new educational environment sources which are distance education, learning centers, workplace learning by the means of modern ICTs, home learning with the Internet are actively forming and developing in modern education. It describes the co-evolution development manifestation of education system as the objective process which consists in that from all the possible transformations of these or those elements of an education system remain only mutually compatible (mutual combination of traditional education, electronic learning and distance education technologies). The article gives the examples of ICTs use in the process of knowledge acquisition both in the educational institutions, and in the new educational environment sources (learning centers, workplace learning by means of modern ICTs, home learning with the Internet). The author comes to the conclusion about synergetic effect manifestation in a new shape which gets the education focused on the lifelong learning. Modern education assumes the active use of Internet and the digital technologies (for example, electronic learning and distance education technologies) in teaching and learning, change of teaching and learning model and knowledge preservation model, management of the students of their own educational trajectory and learning activity. ICTs get the teaching process ahead for a framework of traditional educational institutions, and cause the emergence of the new sources of knowledge acquisition. Keywords: information and communication technologies, new educational environment sources, distance education technologies, electronic learning, education modernization | 1139 | |||||
1573 | Osmolovskaya I. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 6-12 . | 1138 | |||||
1574 | In this paper we show that the entropy of a cosmoiogical horizon in topological Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter and Kerr-Newman-de Sitter spaces can be described by the Cardy-Verlinde formula, which is supposed to be an entropy formula of conformal field theory in any number of dimension. Furthermore, we find that the entropy of a black hole horizon can also be rewritten in terms of the Cardy-Vertinde formula for these black holes in de Sitter spaces, if we use the definition due to Abbott and Deser for conserved charges in asymptotically de Sitter spaces. Such result presume a weli-defined dS/CFT correspondence, which has not yet attained the credibility of its AdS analogue. | 1138 | |||||
1575 | In the article education is considered as a social and cultural phenomenon.The author presents some results of the research of the contemporary social cultural situation and defines the factors for the society development which influence greatly the professional activity of the teacher (the growth of significance of knowledge, the openness of the informational environment and the formation of the new cultural type of personality). | 1138 | |||||
1576 | We have investigated ja-, jM-stems and found that they are characterized by the semantic unity. On the whole they denote animate objects of the real world or objects played the relevant role in economic life of the Germanic people. There are nouns marked by these stem-building markers, which express possession. Such nouns have the meaning of pertaining to something or somebody. We might conclude that the consonantal marker -j- is the characteristic of nouns of all three genders, therefore it didn’t relate to the grammatical category of gender, which was formed later. As the marker is rather old (Corbett), the original meaning of -j- was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. it was the marker of animateness. This is determined by the semantic and etymological analyses of the Gothic ja-, jM-stems. It is possible to subdivide the Gothic nouns of ja-, jM-stems denoting animate things in perception of ancient people into six groups: 1) nouns denoting people and their occupation; 2) nouns of relationship; 3) nouns denoting animals and plants; 4) nouns denoting realities bound up with a person or animal; 5) nouns in any case pertaining to a person and his activity; 6) nouns denoting natural phenomena. | 1138 | |||||
1577 | The article analyzes modern economic mechanisms of the environment protection, which are supposed to be used in the Russian Federation. The ecologic taxes for emission polluting substances to the atmosphere, taxes for wastes and taxes for breaking the norms are analyzed in details. The money given for ecological needs are researched | 1138 | |||||
1578 | The article considers the functional displays of the epistolary discurs as specific form of communicative – speech practice. The function of dialogue is analyzed as a basic one, a number of private functions is investigated. The author draws a conclusion about multifunctionality of the letters – the property shown in the sphere of interpersonal communications and making genre-stylistic feature of this type of discurs . Keywords: the communications, epistolary discurs, epistolary text, function of the text, communicative installation, communicative strategy of the text, pragmatical potential of the text | 1138 | |||||
1579 | The article gives the analysis of present-day domestic training courses for methodical training of a foreign language teacher. These training courses are grouped according three categories. Parts and themes, aim orientation, groping specifics and kinds oftasks, additional materials, advantages and disadvantages are analysed. Generalized disadvantages ofmethodical training courses are described. Keywords: a foreign language teacher, training course, teaching books, methodical training, professional training, foreign language teaching | 1138 | |||||
1580 | In this article V. P.etsuha’s interest in Shukshin’s work can be explained by exceptional literariness of his work, perfection in epic form, close attention to lives of ordinary people. Appeal by the master of contemporary ironic prose to works of “the last Russian classicist” can be linked to the author’s preferred genres and everlasting interest in studying Russian national character. Keywords: contemporary Russian prose, postmodernism, ironic, genre, anecdote, absurd, paradox, Russian national character. | 1138 | |||||
1581 | The theory of a radiationless dissociation of exciton in a semiconductor with the indirect forbidden gap is developed. It is shown that in GaAs, GaP and Ge under a pressure the main mechanism of exciton decay is the short-wave phonon-assisted scattering inside the conduction band. Keywords: The theory of a radiationless dissociation of exciton in a semiconductor with the indirect forbidden gap is developed. It is shown that in GaAs, GaP and Ge under a pressure the main mechanism of exciton decay is the short-wave phonon-assisted scattering i | 1138 | |||||
1582 | The paper deals with morphological means of expression of unreal modality in Nenets, their functional distribution in modern Nenets and their probable diachronic evolution. Keywords: Nenets, verb morphology, modality | 1138 | |||||
1583 | The issues of competitiveness of the educational organization and the underlying factors and criteria influencing it are discussed. Highlights the main approaches in the evaluation of the competitiveness of the organization. Keywords: education, competitiveness of educational organization, evaluation of service quality | 1138 | |||||
1584 | The paper considers the stages of formation and the consistent development of the network model for extracurricular and vocational training of teachers applying on-line and distant learning technologies in a case of studied experience of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Extracurricular and Vocational Education “The Open Youth University”. All studies take into account the increasingly complex coordinate system of Russian State Educational Policies in the field of staged development of State Educational Standards at implementation of extracurricular and after-school enrichment programs. This research evaluates the principles of the model content formation and potential for its development applying different regulations, as well as the possibility of individual projects increasing the efficiency of network activity at the priority directions of Science and Technology Creativity of Youth. It demonstrates a new and relevant component of the network model in a form of portal support as well as the network component of the self-developing community of advanced pedagogical experience in a case of definite active web sites. This article attempts to examine the discussed network as a main factor actively influencing almost all education components. It presents the ranked research results of this network advantages evaluated by the teachersparticipants of the community. It presents the revealed challenges for further network development in contemporary conditions. Keywords: network model of extracurricular vocational education, on-line and distant learning technologies, Russian state educational coordinate system, extracurricular and after-school enrichment programs, science and technology creativity of youth | 1138 | |||||
1585 | The article is devoted to the problem of folklore plot representation. The author analyzes the plot “three stolen princesses”. The above mentioned plot is regarded to be one of the most ancient and frequent not only in folklore but also in the world literature. The description of this plot according the Aarne-Thompson classification is the following: the hero is of supernatural origin and strengths, with two extraordinary companions he comes to a house in the woods, the hero follows the monster through a hole into the lower world, he conquers several monsters and rescues three maidens, he presents a ring and marries one of the princesses. The peculiarities of this plot representation are analyzed in Russian folk tales and Selkup fairy tales. In most Russian folk tales all episodes of the plot are described: the hero travels from place to place, fights with monsters and finally finds his bride whom he marries. On the contrary, in Selkup fairy tales this plot is usually shown in a simplified form. Alongside with “three stolen princesses” plot several other plots are represented in Selkup fairy tales: “magic runaway” plot, “magic ring/object” plot, “a dragon slayer” plot, etc. Complex composition and mixture of different plots is a characteristic feature of Selkup prose folklore. The author comes to the conclusion that Selkup folklore is a complex linguistic phenomenon influenced by folklore traditions of neighbouring ethnic groups. Comparative folklore studies provide important information about plot origin and ancient ethnic worldviews. Keywords: folklore, “three stolen princesses” plot, composition, motive, episode, character, Russian folk tales, Selkup fairy tales | 1138 | |||||
1586 | The author is meditating upon a problematic period of the Russian history, when artistic texts come foreward as concepts of national cultural thought. Within the framework of this idea she interprets «The duck hunt», a play by A.Vampilov, and V. Erofeev's poem «Moskva-Petushki» created in 1968. | 1137 | |||||
1587 | This article is dedicated to discription of the speciality of mentality of the people from China, India y Islamic countries and its reflection in the folc music of this countries and also in the world classic musical culture. | 1137 | |||||
1588 | The paper analyzes the crisis of modern education caused by the gap between the present-day education system and life conditions of the society, the reasons which have caused this crisis, probable ways to overcome the crisis. Its overcoming, in the author’s opinion, should be based on overcoming professional isolation and cultural limitation, and oriented at dedeveloping the itegral, harmonious person. The objective opportunity of overcoming the crisis is based on the processes of integration proceeding on all levels of social life and education. | 1137 | |||||
1589 | The purpose of the paper is to highlight the main features of the category of distribution in time and determine the basis for typological analysis of the selected Ket verbal derivational categories. On the one hand, the main semantic features of the Ket category of distribution in time are considered, on the other hand the attention is paid to the means of the description of these features. The analysis presented in the paper shows that the main feature of the semantic category of the verbal quantity is the split into two derivational patterns. The first pattern ‘iterative’ includes the opposition of multiplex and full-cycle verbs, the second pattern ‘semelfactive’ involves only one semantic class of verbs (sound production verbs), moreover it is based on the oppositions within two cognitive categories plexity and state of boundedness. | 1137 | |||||
1590 | The article is devoted to the presentation of the category of space with the help of adverbs. The world of Scandinavian mythology is based on two projections – horizontal and vertical. It is not known exactly what model was the initial and both models are represented in the language. Location adverbs occupy the basic place among different means of presenting category of space and reflect the practical activities of a man. | 1137 | |||||
1591 | Chetina E. M. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 8 (71). P. 152-153 - | 1137 | |||||
1592 | True article is devoted to functioning of an author's metaphor in art texts Mayakovsky, Block, Yesenin, Prishvin. Use of names of fauna in structure of a metaphor is old tradition of Russian poetry and prose. Animistic metaphor is especially active in poetry of the beginning of XX century. Special a particular this type of a metaphor in poetry Mayakovsky, Yesenin, Block differs. In prose Prishvin use animistic metaphors with other semantic filling proceeds. Keywords: Metaphor, animism, the name, rate, semantics, poetry | 1137 | |||||
1593 | Breast cancer in developed countries affects as a minimum every tenth woman. It is practically always accompanied by psychotic disorder, which considerably aggravates the course of disease, impeding setting a good therapeutic contact with a patient, negatively affects the quality of life and impairs prognosis. Hence, the knowledge of the above mentioned characteristics enables to carry out psychological correction aimed at real improvement of life quality of breast cancer patients. Keywords: breast cancer, mastectomy, psycho-sexual and personal changes | 1137 | |||||
1594 | The article deals with strategic guidelines of professional mobility formation of technical university students, due to ongoing changes in economy, development of new technologies, changes in the employment structure. Problems of professional mobility formation in the historical respect are regarded; promising targets for its development are identified. Keywords: professional mobility, humanization, personality, competence, continuing education, Bologna process | 1137 | |||||
1595 | The article is dedicated to analysis of Masonic symbolic as the element of Gnostic philosophy tradition in “Master and Margarita” novel by M. A. Bulgakov. The Mystic literature, which was known to the writer, provides the source of model of the universe in artistic work. Motif of saving knowledge, being joint for Masonry and Gnosticism, is revealed in text, determining novel’s ideological and artistic originality and defining heros’ roles: master – pneumatic, destined for esoteric knowledge discovering, Margarita – mystery wife and guide to transcendental world, Woland – harbinger, organizing initiation ritual. Master’s inner conflict is defined by confrontation between herald of truth endowment and material world’s captive weakness. Keywords: literary study, Russian literature of the twentieth century, Gnosticism, Masonry, philosophy | 1137 | |||||
1596 | The article is published with financial support of RGNF within the scientific project No. 15-14-70005 a (р) “Works of the Siberian writers and the Siberian subject in literature of the XX–XXI century for children and youth”. The article presents the analysis of results of biennial work (2015–2016) of the research staff of the department of literature and methods of teaching of TSPU and the accomplices over the grant issues “Works of the Siberian writers and the Siberian subject in literature of the 20th–21st century for children and youth”, supported by the Russian humanitarian scientific fund and the administration of the Tomsk region. It reveals the relevance of the objectives and the novelty of the research of poetics and the perspective of the Siberian literature for children and youth, the systematization of data, the study of the biography and creative work of the little-known to the reader modern writers of the Siberian region. Describes the results and the prospects of further work on the perspective put by participants of the grant. Keywords: children’s and youth literature, Siberian writers and poets, literary history, cultural-educational space, poetics | 1137 | |||||
1597 | This paper deals with dark and phantom energy in the tachyon and sub-quantum models tor dark energy. We obtain that the simplest condition for such a regime to occur in these scenarios Is that the scalar field be Wick rotated to imaginary values which correspond to an axionic field classically. By introducing analytical expressions for the scale factor or the Hubble parameter that satisfy all constraint equations of the used models we show that such models describe universes which develop a big rip singularity in the finite future. | 1136 | |||||
1598 | In the Yeniseian languages modifying words are distinguished as a single class, in which items display similar functional (they attribute nouns and verbs) and have the same morphological characteristics (they are non-inflected in the attributive function and inflected in the predicative function). The class of modifying words is represented by three big semantic groups: temporal, local and qualitative modifiers. The article will provide a classification of qualitative modifiers in the Yeniseian languages: Ket, Jugh and Kott. | 1136 | |||||
1599 | The article considers the necessity of philosophical basing of modern pedagogical conceptions, which are adequate to the postindustrial, informational level of culture and civilization development. Under the conditions of multiculture of modern information-communicational society the role of philosophical – world outlook component of pedagogical culture of the teacher of the XXI century increases, which let him clarify himself, orientate himself in the complicated sphere of modern education, which is based on the different methodological, philosophic-theoretical and pedagogical basis. The article shows the role of philosophical chair of TSPU in solving the problem of forming philosophical - world outlook culture of future teachers. | 1136 | |||||
1600 | The article is dedicated to the problem of educational content and objectives of education. The author considers modification of content in the historic context up to its recent state. Dynamic changes of the modern society entail changes in all aspects of social life, especially in education. The main issue of the article is who should define educational content? In the ancient world this was done by philosophers, during the Middle Ages by the Church, and starting from the Age of Enlightenment it was done by the State. Nowadays this function belongs to society. It causes some problems related to the statement of goals and controlling educational content. Solution of these problems involves elaboration of mechanisms allowing every member of society to participate in these processes. | 1136 |