# | Article | Downloads | |||||
5001 | Statistical analyses of the temporal and spatial variations of cloud-to-ground lightning (lightning discharges density, polarity of lightning strokes, peak current lightning flashes) in moderate latitudes of Northern hemisphere are introduced. The database of the investigation of more 10 million of lightning strokes in Germany covers the period 1995–2006 years. Keywords: lightning flashes, lightning discharges density, peak current lightning flashes, positive and negative lightning strokes | 1061 | |||||
5002 | The paper considers the steps taken by regional authorities for creation of school boards in West-Siberian school district. The author distinguishes early organizational measures consisting in determining structure and functions of School Boards. Keywords: history of education, West-Siberian educational district, school boards, reform | 1061 | |||||
5003 | This article is devoted to one of the most important problems – the activity of the service of methodic help to the pedagogues of preschool educational establishments in aesthetic upbringing of children of the senior preschool age. It’s necessary to innovate the contents of aesthetic relation to the world of children of the senior preschool age in preschool educational establishments, to join the children to ecclesiastical valuables formed by mankind. Keywords: children of senior preschool age, aesthetic upbringing, aesthetic relation to world, a preschool educational establishment (kindergarten) | 1061 | |||||
5004 | The creative works of the Tomsk rock leader of the late 1980s – early 1990s V. Shestakov are considered in the given article in order to describe the lingvo-cultural originality of the regional infosfer. The poet’s discourse is seen in the aspect of the reflection of Siberian punk subculture in it. Born in the years of perestroika, the Siberian punk embodied in poetic texts own tragic vision of the social reality of the USSR in transition and clearly outlined protest not only against the official ideology, but also against the absurdity of the world order as a whole. A striking example of Tomsk Siberian punk version was the creation of the group “Children of Obrub” and its leader Viktor Shestakov, in whose poetry such traits as hypertrophic nihilism, pessimism, nonconformism, and acute social orientation are embodied. These features are characteristic of Siberian punk subculture as a whole, they originally refracted in a peculiar system of symbols and images inherent idiostile of creative language personality of Tomsk rock poet. Keywords: regional infosphere, creative linguistic personality, Siberian punk subculture | 1061 | |||||
5005 | Tragedies “Medea. Material” H. Mьller and L. Razumovskaya's “Medea” are written at the same time, in the early eighties of the XX century, and raise similar problems. The problem if the power at Mьller is interfaced to a problem of fault and historical memory. Future loss for heroes of the tragedy – a consequence of their crimes in front of Colchis, requital for shed blood. Understanding of the power by Razumovskaya's heroes are realized through opposition of social functions of the hero and the tsar in which the first is unconditionally disinterested, resolute, selfsacrificing while the second can be the strategist acting in interests of the city, or the liar. Medea's love, conducting it to crimes, also is treated differently. In questions of a ratio corporal and spiritual in love authors act as successors of various cultural traditions: German modernism and Russian of “ascetic materialism”. Also in article features of a genre of texts of Mьller and Razumovskaya under whose feather the tragedy receives modern sounding are considered. Keywords: postdrama theatre, modern drama, tragedy, genre, mythological plot | 1061 | |||||
5006 | The article considers the problem of improving the quality of teacher training to correctional work with children with disabilities in the cognitive component and the criterion of social intellect. The question of becoming a professional identity is studied in terms of creating a reference model of the expert system as professionally important qualities, abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for successful implementation. One of the main problems is the lack of education and lack of preparedness of specialists, in particular, clinical psychologists and educators. The study revealed that the majority of the ezamined is characterized by an average level of social intellect, and a high level of readiness for the second year of studies reaches a very small number of students. Teachers-psychologists are only half ready to correctional work with children with disabilities according to the criterion of social intelligence, because a cognitive component of psychological readiness corresponds to values of low and intermediate level. Keywords: cognitive component, professional training, social intellect | 1061 | |||||
5007 | The article focuses on the analysis of syntactic organization of epistolary texts from the perspective of regulativity theory, developed in the framework of the communicative style of the text – a new and promising direction of functional stylistics. Regulativity is understood as the ability to manage through the text the reader’s cognitive activity. The key thesis advocates judgment that the regulativity as a universal text-forming feature has specifics of its manifestation in the letters – the most relevant for the type of epistolary texts, due to the peculiarities of epistolary communication sphere. The factors determining the specificity of epistolary regulativity include: distance character of communication between the addresser and the addressee, bound by the written form of verbal contact, the special role of extralinguistic factors (аuthor of the target installation, the nature of the relationship communicants, thematic and situational context, genre form), informality and ease of dialogue, his lack of preparation, automatism, spontaneity. We should particularly mention the factor of polidiscursivity of epistolary. For the material served the private letters of the representatives of Russian creative intelligentzia of the ХХ century (M. V. Nesterov, F. I. Chaliapin, V. I. Vernadsky, M. I. Tsvetaeva, Yu. M. Lotman, V. S. Vysotsky, D. D. Shostakovich), characterized by the presence in their speech of the rich palette of regulatory assets and syntactic structures. This is largely due to the brightness of the personalities of the communicants, originality of idiostyle of each addressee and syncretic and stylistic properties of their letters. Among the most significant regulatory syntactic means include: simple, one-piece, incomplete, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, homogeneous terms, word order, and various forms of transfer of another’s speech. The list of assets of poetic syntax highlighted antithesis, oxymoron, comparison, graduation. Keywords: epistolary text, writing, Russian intellectuals, communicative style of the text, regulativity, syntactic text units | 1061 | |||||
5008 | The article consideres the possibilities of computer tests developed in the system “Iren” and training environment MOODLE. Describes the types of training tests: practice tests, theory tests and home task tests. Provides the basic types of test tasks in both systems: multiple choice (with one or several answers), completion, matching, ordering and classification tasks. It is shown that both systems are a powerful tool in preparation of the tests and in testing. Considers in detail such differences in the preparation of the tests in the system “Iren” and MOODLE, which are important in creation of educational tests in mathematical disciplines, such as: the introduction of variability in tasks by setting a random numeric values using mathematical formulas, the ability to create tasks connected by the same numerical parameters. The problem of both systems consists in the lack of accessibility for students. Keywords: training test, test program, the program complex “Iren”, training environment MOODLE | 1061 | |||||
5009 | Today one of the topical problems of the state level remains the placing of orphans and children left without parental care in a new family. The Institute of foster parenting needs to be explored from the perspective of interdisciplinary approach. In this regard the issue of psychological and pedagogical readiness of adoptive parents to a new member in foster families (on the example of Lipetsk region) is being considered. Presents the analysis of the results of numerous domestic and foreign studies, which define «foster family» and identifies the reasons that prevent parents from accepting a child in their family. Special attention is paid to the problem in the Lipetsk region: the indicated number of government programs, activities and projects aimed at strengthening the family institution and childhood, as well as providing the family placement of children-orphans and children left without parental care. Gives the definition of the notion «psychopedagogical readiness of the host parents» as a combination of their personal qualities: the desire to increase the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the field of education, age and individual characteristics of children; realization of the potential to create favorable conditions for the adequate development of foster children; development of skills to show love, affection and care needed by people at any age; possession of expertise, i.e., competent upbringing of the child (children). Describes the results of experimental work with prospective parents - prospective adoptive parents, guardians, trustees. It is concluded that in the Lipetsk region have been created favorable conditions for the preparation of the host parents to a new member of their family. Keywords: foster family, host parents, foster children, the willingness of the parents, motives, willingness, psychological and pedagogical readiness for a new family member | 1061 | |||||
5010 | The article poses the problem of reading place determining as a speech activity type in the original texts translating process from a foreign language to the native. Requirements΄ increasing to the translation skills mastering level by students of linguistic specialties determines the need for relevant knowledge actualization. This applies to both the translation general theory and certain specialized issues. The theoretical significance of the research is that the work presents a new approach to reading role understanding in translation activities. The read text-original meaning understanding mechanisms and the secondary text content formation by foreign language means from the translation process positions are presented. The foreign-language texts comprehension process occurs in a linguistic framework through the thematic words, conditional endo-lexis, asymmetry, emotional-evaluative components selection. Also, when reading, it is proposed to use strategies such as implicit information decoding, text information explicating, lexical and syntactic selection, forecasting. The proper implementation of these strategies further influences the harmonization of the original text meanings and the translation. From the properly organized foreign-language text reading process depends on the strategy choice for text translating, whether it is a translation note, paraphrase, interpolation. The research results can be used to develop understanding effectiveness increasing methods in written texts translating and translation theory courses. Keywords: reading, translation activities, reading mechanisms | 1061 | |||||
5011 | The article focuses on the special aspects of radio text, which are determined by the polycode nature (verbal and non-verbal) and play a significant role in this function of the interactive element and potentials of digital broadcasting (combination of WEB and audiovisual practices). The paper considers radio text as a product of the system of sociocultural, social and communication technical contexts. The analysis of radio speech considers the role of the author, the role of the addressee, the listening rule (casual, spontaneous auditing in background). The rule of listening is considered as reconstruction of discursive parts of creation of the final product. Discursive parts are levels of organization of radio text (institutional – media, local – media channel, personal – cognitive and communicative models of realization of the author and the addressee). Discursive practices are part of communicative event in complex social interaction. Discursive analysis gives a sense of polystructure and polyfunctional basis of the radio text. Discursive analysis introduces the role of the author, the role of the addressee, the value orientation, the semiotic aspect of realization of interaction, the tonality of interaction, the index of persuasion intentions. As a result, the picture of the world is reflected in a unique communicative and speech model of the discourse manifested in the effects of both institutional and personal impact on the recipient. Keywords: modeling of the world, radio text, communicative model, interaction, author and addressee, discursive worldview, axiology | 1061 | |||||
5012 | Sysoyeva L. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 44-45 . | 1060 | |||||
5013 | Prozumentov L. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 25-28 . | 1060 | |||||
5014 | The authors of the article examine the problem of personnel administration. The principles of financing state and nonstate higher education institutions are compared. To solve the problem of optimal tuition fee the authors study the social status and financial position of the families of students. The tuition fee is directly linked with the income level of the population. In order to increase the efficiency of labor the premium form of payment was fixed, the new authorized establishment with corresponding posts was worked out and the new directions for the personnel were developed. | 1060 | |||||
5015 | The authors of the article consider main problems of enterprises in Russia and also the reasons of their appearance. One of the main reasons is the lack of planning. The decision of this problem could be, in authors' opinion, building of imitating models of an en¬terprise for a definite period. | 1060 | |||||
5016 | This article is devoted to creation of system calculation and analysis of central heating tariffs, defined basic objects, main regulations and functional filling of creating of such type of systems. Such system implantation permits to retrench routine operations of input and data processing, efficient conducting data archive. | 1060 | |||||
5017 | The article considers the mechanism of organizational designing ICS (integrated corporate structure). The purposes, principles and stages of creation ICS, including timber industry enterprises are selected. The distinctions of the approaches to orgprojecting and creation ICS are disclosed. The generalized circuit of stages of creation ICS is offered | 1060 | |||||
5018 | Didactic vocational training of students in the course of an individualization of training demands use of more optimal methods. Keywords: individualization, problem tasks, programmed grant, control of knowledge, informative interest, thinking | 1060 | |||||
5019 | The article deals with research of features of social-cultural integration of immigrants at comprehensive school, the conditions defi ning its effi ciency are proved. Keywords: student-immigrant, student-aboriginal, social-cultural integration, criterion social-cultural integration | 1060 | |||||
5020 | The publication examines the key borrowing of Russian culture in the heroic in the most important stage of the Russian aristocracy. On the example of Roman culture receptions set of “Roman valour” and mechanisms for its effect on the world outlook of Russian noblemen. Keywords: heroism, valour, reception, the aristocracy, the Roman valour | 1060 | |||||
5021 | In the present paper the possibility of measuring general relativistic effects on the orbits of the inner Jupiter’s satellites are discussed. We consider for Amalthea J5 the question if the PN components of orbital precession can be isolated from the far larger Newtonian precession. The results of several numerical simulations have shown that all larger contributions of Newtonian perturbations can be modeled and subtracted out. Keywords: celestial mechanics, perturbation theory, satellites dynamics, relativistic effects, Jupiter’s satellites | 1060 | |||||
5022 | In the paper associative algebras and Jacobi identities, which appear after introduction of commutator and write down in the form of double commutators for arbitrary three elements of a given algebra, are considered. We show that in any associative algebra there exist identities, which are written in the form of single commutators for any three elements. From these identities one can derive the Jacobi identities but not the contrary. It allows us to speak of fundamental (basic) identities existing for any associative algebra. Keywords: associative algebras, commutator, Jacobi identities, generalized Jacobi identities | 1060 | |||||
5023 | The article presents the problem of existential experiences of the developing personality. A theoretical overview of research terminological analysis is made. The notion of existential crisis of identity in ontogeny, reconstructed in the space of self-determination is analised. Keywords: Identity, existential crisis, developing person, ontogeny | 1060 | |||||
5024 | The article considers the questions of the use of educational tests for the formation of the skills, systematization of knowledge and monitoring the results of teaching mathematical disciplines at National Research University Higher School of Economics – Perm branch. Presents the technology of the use of educational and methodical complex consisting of multilevel thematic tests according to the main sections of the course of the higher mathematics. The author shares the experience of using tests in teaching of a course of the higher mathematics in an economic university. It is proposed to use the educational tests not only for monitoring the results, but as a training tool for systematization of knowledge and organization of independent activity of students, including their out-of-class work. Keywords: teaching mathematics at higher school, systematization of knowledge, independent work of students, testing system, test tasks | 1060 | |||||
5025 | The article provides the results of scientific research in which the problem of social and professional adaptation of graduates of organizations of professional and craft education is solved. The author of the article created the methodological basis of the socializing approach to training of a craft profession allowing to strengthen a social role of the pedagogical system directed to forming and development of a value system and the social behavior inherent in handicraftsman-businessman. Presents the system of principles and provisions of the socializing approach to training of a craft profession which provides the managed socialization process. The system allows to develop and reform the system of professional education performing training of handicraftsman-businessman in different types of craft. The author states pedagogical conditions of planning of value-oriented pedagogical management which are the potential for further theoretical and applied researches in the field of professional socialization of various social groups. The process of socialization is shown as the sequence of stages, having passed which the pupil handicraftsman masters the social values and standards of behavior. For this purpose the author developed the concept of adjustment of curricula to the purposes of integration system and valuable and social role model of handicraftsmen entrepreneurs in social and pedagogical system of professional education. Considers the concept of adaptation of competence-based model of the master to a context of social and psychological activities. Keywords: socializing approach, handicraftsman-businessman, system and valuable model, value-oriented management | 1060 | |||||
5026 | The article deals with topical for up-to-date media communication tertiary texts, named so by the author. These texts are reactions to primary and secondary media texts. According to regulative theory as one of the trends of communicative stylistics of text it analyses the regulative potential of tertiary media texts, including typical and more spread regulative means, regulative structures, means of regulativity and regulative strategies, which determine pragmatics of media communication members; reveales the factors, which influence efficiency of this process. Comments to primary and secondary texts from the site of radio station “Echo of Moscow” to the interview of K. Kosachev in April 2017 are the material of the research. It was determined that there is a dependence of regulative potential of tertiary media texts not only on individual peculiarities of its authors (level of their speech and common culture, specificity of world’s view, psychological and cognitive qualities), but also on such factors as informational area (site, in which the text is placed); subjects of primary media text; informational field of author’s and journalist’s language personalities including their value orientation; genre peculiarity of tertiary media text; media channel of connection owing to which efficient reaction on opinions of other Internet users is realised. It was revealed that value modality of tertiary media texts of comments genre is connected with dominating of emotional and valuation vocabulary including invectives, usage of different means of influence, including tropes, phraseological units, aphorisms. Among the regulative structures means of repetition (with citing of opponent’s statements or a primary text’s author) and a contrast for an opposing your own opinion to others is rather spread. The typical for tertiary media texts means of regulativity are the principles of simultaneity and vectors in the text activity of communicants. According to regulative strategy the most frequent strategy is an explicit strategy of intensifying and convergent type with predominance of the logic of expressing emotions. The results are of great interest for the theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of text. Keywords: media communication, media text, media discourse, tertiary media text, regulative theory, regulative potential, informational and media language personality | 1060 | |||||
5027 | Kozlov Yu. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 43-46 . | 1059 | |||||
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5029 | Panova E. V. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 28-32 | 1059 | |||||
5030 | On the basis of presented universal developed physics and mathematical model of internal chamber proc-esses a number of numerical researches concerning the analysis of particularities of the large - sized rocket motor transition to the steady - state regime was carried out. A number of significant SRM problems (such as optimization of large rocket motors start-up; gas dynamics of filling and ignition of elastic stagnation zones; ignition pressure transient in solid rockets initially filled with water and modeling of rocket motors packet transitions to the steady - state regime) were solved. Results of internal chamber modeling are pre¬sented, analyzed and discussed. | 1059 | |||||
5031 | The results of investigation of the fullerene C60 ground state electron structure obtained with the use of model spherical-symmetric potentials of electron-nuclear interaction are presented. The following models: the rectangular potential well, the potential of the uniformly charged sphere, and the potential “in a chosen direction” are used in the calculations. The new potential “in a chosen direction” has been used for the first time, so that the corresponding results are of the most interest. We suppose this potential takes into account, to a certain extend, the real geometry of the molecule C60 and the screening of the nuclei Coulomb field by the inner-shell electrons. The single-electron energies are calculated in both Hartree and Hartree-Fock approximations for the averaged term configuration of 60 outermost valence electrons. The inner-shell electrons are included effectively into the molecular ionic core. The parameters of the potential are chosen to provide the best correspondence of single-electron energies and the experimental ionization thresholds IP1=7.58 eV , IP2=11.50 eV. The calculation showed a good agreement between the calculated results and experimental data. All that will allow utilization of well-developed methods of the theoretical atomic physics to investigation of spectroscopic properties of highly-symmetrical molecular clusters | 1059 | |||||
5032 | We show that the symmetry algebra of asymptotically at four dimensional spacetimes at null innity in the sense of Newman and Unti is isomorphic to the direct sum of the abelian algebra of innitesimal conformal rescalings with bms4. We then work out the local conformal properties of the relevant Newman-Penrose coecients, as well as the surface charges and their algebra. Keywords: Gauge-gravity correspondence, Gauge symmetries, Asymptotic symmetries, Conformal symmetry, Central extension, Surface charges, Newman-Penrose formalism, GHP formalism | 1059 | |||||
5033 | The renormalization of general gauge theories curved space-time backgrounds is considered within the Sp(2)-covariant quantization method. It is proven that gauge invariant and diffeomorphism invariant renormalizability to all orders in the loop expansion and the extended BRST symmetry after renormalization is preserved. Keywords: Extended BRST symmetry, Sp(2) quantization, general covariance, renormalization | 1059 | |||||
5034 | In this article the position of the woman in the environment of the ruling elite in France and Germany in the first half of the 17th century is considered based on the available data in modern historiography. It’s focused on the questions of specificity existence of the ruling elite, as political representation, institute of regents, female court and others. Keywords: France, Germany, the first half of the 17th century, the female ruling elite | 1059 | |||||
5035 | We consider the problem of professionally oriented training foreign language of the non-linguistic specialties lecturers as well as the phenomenon of “multimedia,” that can act as didactic means, facilitating faster and higher quality than the traditional means of teaching foreign language professionally oriented communication. Keywords: informational technology, multimedia, adult learners, the English language, training, professionaloriented communication | 1059 | |||||
5036 | According to the authors of the article the fundamental criterion of psychological and didactic approach to learning is a combination of the principle of the structural organization of the individual as a unique hierarchically organized psychological system with the principle of individual approach, implemented in relation to the person in the course of training activities. On the basis of the psychological and didactic principal of learning activity the authors developed and implemented a computer program, which is to identify the foreign students' learning activity style in Russianlanguage educational environment. The computer program is implemented in the form of web- based application of modern software solutions for network applications. Keywords: the system of psychological and didactic education principals, learning activity style, information system, web-application | 1059 | |||||
5037 | We develop a universal general gauge-invariant method of Lagrangian construction based on the BRST approach for half-integer higher spin fields interacting with constant electromagnetic field in Minkowski space of any dimension. No off-shell constraints for the fields and gauge parameters are imposed from the very beginning. Keywords: higher spin fields, BRST approach, fermionic fields | 1059 | |||||
5038 | The article contains the analysis of the images of toys in the works of Siberian writers of the beginning of the XXI: the story-tale “Princess Agashka in the Land of Unknown Animals” by S. K. Danilov, “Pegasus” by V. V. Shkalikov, “The Year of the Princess Bukashka” by Yu. S. Burkin. A toy, which has the oldest origin and combined ritual sacral, playful, psychological functions, is one of the classic images of children’s literature. All these properties are reflected in different ways in the works of the Siberian authors. In the story-tale by S. K. Danilov the old toys serve as assistants, guides, custodians of knowledge, as a mirror image of the inner world of Agashka, and also personify the state of abandonment and desolation, thereby contributing to the formation of important personal qualities of the main character. Old dolls, personifying true values (kindness, friendship, charity) are contrasted with Cindy dolls, symbolizing the values of the era of consumption. Overcoming the temptations associated with the problem of choosing life ideals, Agashka leaves the Playground of the Land of Unknown Beasts and goes to the real world with a personality. In the “Pegasus” by V. V. Shkalikov in the image of a wooden saltcellar are found the oldest solar images-symbols (winged horse, bird), which have important cultural and historical significance. The act of creating a toy made of natural material leads to the awakening and, in a literal sense, the revitalization of inanimate material, becomes the impetus for inducing heroes to search for the meaning of existence. In the cycle of stories by Yu. S. Burkin “The Year of the Princess Bukashka” the toys perform an important function of the amulet. In addition, references to classical children’s literature-works by L. Carroll, S. K. Lewis, A. N. Tolstoy, Sasha Tcherny, A. Barto, etc. are found in the works of Siberian authors. Keywords: S. K. Danilov, V. V. Shkalikov, Yu. S. Burkin, “Princess Agashka in the Land of Unknown Animals”, “Pegasus”, “The Year of the Princess Bukashka”, children’s literature, images of toys | 1059 | |||||
5039 | The article is devoted to the study of the anthropomorphic components that could be found as compound elements of the proper names in some languages of Ob-Yenissey area. In folklore, proper names are closely connected with culture and traditional life; they can reveal the pre-scientific understanding of human society, philosophy and religion. A distinctive feature of the folklore of the indigenous peoples of Siberia is that such characteristics of humanity as anthropomorphism and gender are possessed not only by people, but also by animals, gods, spirits, which is primarily reflected in proper names. The study of Khanti folklore helped to reveal some repeated lexemes or parts of lexemes that could be called anthropomorphic markers. E.g. iki – is used to denote masculine, imi – is used to denote feminine. Such anthropomorphic components with the similar meaning are presented in the Selkup language: ira – means old man, kota – means old woman. In the Ket folklore one can find such lexems as: ket/get – human, deng – people, bat – old man, hun’ – daughter, hyp – son, am – mother, bam – woman and some others. The same lexemes were also found in some other Siberian languages, e.g. in Nganasan: Tәmuŋku – bәjkaa (mouse-oldman). The study of anthropomorphic components in the folklore makes it possible to show, that the anthropomorphism was common for native Siberian people. It was expressed in the transfer of physical properties and psychological qualities of a person, on the inanimate objects, as well as on living beings and supernatural creatures. Keywords: anthropomorphism, proper name, Siberian languages, folklore of Ob-Yenissey area | 1059 | |||||
5040 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the associative potential of precedent texts in media discourse. The relevance of the analysis is due to the communicative-activity approach to the study of language, in line with which the precedent texts act as a means of communication of the author and the addressee, accumulating quantum of cultural information and stimulating the complex of associations in the mind of the addressee. The aim of the article is to precise the specificity of textual associations of precedent phrases in media discourse. Material and methods. The types of associative links of precedent texts are considered on the material of the texts of periodicals Komsomolskaya Pravda, Izvestia, Trud, as well as electronic information portals. The study was carried out in line with the associative course of the communicative stylistics of the text. Results and discussion. The analysis made it possible to reveal typical extralinguistic associations of precedent texts, among which are the name of the author, the title of the work, the name of the character. The associative field of the precedent text includes figurative, thematic, situational, cognitive associations, stimulated both by the precedent text itself and by the topic, the recipient text genre. The results of the study may be of interest in the implementation of such courses as Stylistics, Philological Analysis of the Text, Text Activity in Different Areas of Communication, etc. Conclusion. The analysis showed that the associative field, stimulated by the precedent text, contains a complex of linguistic and extralinguistic associations, which are important for understanding both the precedent utterance and the recipient text. The precedent text, as a rule, has associative support in the recipient text and is a means of organizing the cognitive activity of the reader. Keywords: precedent text, precedent phenomenon, communicative stylistics of the text, publicistic discourse, text associations | 1059 | |||||
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5042 | Volodinskaya S. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 14-18 . | 1058 | |||||
5043 | Vidyakina V. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 80-81 . | 1058 | |||||
5044 | On the material of the diary, letters, archive of the poet there is made an attempt to reconstruct a route and character of his travel to Bavaria. The communication with well-known writer Jean-Paul, the perception of Albert Darer’s works and a heritage of German Revival in Nuremberg, the reflections of the modern fine arts in Munich – is inextricably related with romantic outlook of the Russian poet. Zhukovsky’s pilgrimage to Bavaria displays not only his love towards Germany but also the important part of his art development | 1058 | |||||
5045 | Along with the habitual factors influencing pedagogical process, forming a pedagogical situation lately is becoming of more importance. There are such factors as personal factors, a factor of increase of speed of the processes, and a factor of visual representation of training. Each of the above designated factors makes essential changes to the content of education. Keywords: individual characteristics, personal factors, increase the speed of processes, virtualization training, predictive thinking. | 1058 | |||||
5046 | The article focuses on the experience of the development of on-line English for special purposes complex based on Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) intended for students who need foreign language skills for special purposes. It ensures complete motivation through interesting and enjoyable language activities and tasks that are developed by means of interactive media and multimedia technologies. Keywords: on-line educational English for specifi c purposes complex (ESP), Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE), foreign language for special purposes, interactive media, multimedia technologies, motivation | 1058 | |||||
5047 | The paper suggests and proves the leading theoretical foundations for training a social teacher of family profi le, it also justifi es remote network technology of its preparation. Keywords: training teachers of family social profi le, distant education technology | 1058 | |||||
5048 | The process of personal and professional formation of students includes teaching and educational component. There is a significant difference in the formation of professional identity of students of full-time and part-time offices. The use of a personalized approach to the organization of the educational process extramural students contributes to the quality of the training of future teachers, professionals. Keywords: self-monitoring, personalized education, crisis professional self-identity education, teaching and learning process | 1058 | |||||
5049 | The notion of cognitive structures on the example of the confession discourse is defined and some of the cognitive peculiarities of communicants participating in this discourse are described in this work. There are examples of the confession discourse in Russian and English languages. Keywords: discourse, communicants, cognitive structures, cognitive peculiarities | 1058 | |||||
5050 | The paper is devoted to origins, some directions, methods and first results of the state prohibition policy during the Perestroyka. The current study focuses on Tomsk and Tomsk region during the Perestroyka period. The archive materials of the Documentation Center for Contemporary History of Tomsk Region, as well as the information from the All-union, West Siberian and local periodicals provided the basis for the research. The paper reveals the most important state measures by Tomsk Communist and Komsomol leaders and the role of region periodicals as a major set of sources during the Perestroyka. Keywords: anti-alcohol campaign, the Perestroyka, youth policy, periodicals as a historical source, Tomsk and Tomsk Region in 1985 | 1058 |