# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1001 | The article is dedicated to the studies of the conception of poetic work, characteristic of the Mandeistamm's early poems Original methods of singling out of the key concepts of associative semantic fields are used. The author of the article states the importance of the idea of the organic unity of poetry, music and nature, which is reflected on the associative levels in close interaction and intersection of associative semantic fields of those concepts. The principal significance of the idea of «relation*, «unity» and «synthesis» for the early stage of the poet's creative work is singled out. | 1282 | |||||
1002 | The article is based on the analysis of current approaches to management, regulatory and legal framework of education, shows ways to identify organizational and pedagogical conditions for effective management of educational systems. It is noted that the basis for efficient management of educational systems that target the installation of the Russian education system and the selected management approaches to managing the organization as a whole. Keywords: education, management, organizational and pedagogical conditions | 1282 | |||||
1003 | The article examines teaching methods aimed at developing students’ intercultural communicative competence whilst studying interpretation using collaborative activity pedagogy developed by G. N. Prozumentova. A special attention is paid to description of three collaborative activity organization models (authoritative, leadership, partnership). Authoritative model corresponds to closed collaborative activity which depends solely on the educator without any go-aheadedness of the learner; leadership model corresponds to “adressed” collaborative activity which implies a certain dialog between the educator and the learner, thus a certain independence of the learner; partnership model is associated with open collaborative activity involving a full-scale dialog between two equal partners - the learner and the educator. The partnership model is presumed as the most effective way of forming students’ intercultural communicative competence since it allows the partners to develop their own meanings, to grow personally and to encourage mutual personal enrichment. The educational experiment designed to develop intercultural communicative competence included different types of translation and interpretation exercices. These learning tasks were classified as either reproductive, constructive or creative which corresponds to three collaborative activity model types. The research has proved that the co-organisation of all three models with an emphasis laid to open (partnership) model has found to be the most effective way of developing students’ intercultural communicative competence as well as their interpretation skills. Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, interpretation, translation, translation pedagogy, collaborative activity pedagogy, collaborative activity model | 1282 | |||||
1004 | The article raises the issue of the complex integration process within the European Union: while the Europeans attempt to build an ideal state, they also wish to keep their own identity, the unique nature of their nations. Thus the issue of national identity is closely bound to the defense of the national state, of the national patrimony within a globalized world | 1281 | |||||
1005 | The article is devoted to use regulation skills and components of self-control with a view of increase of readiness of pedagogical university students to realization of professional work. In the given research the approach, developed in the laboratory of the Russian Open Society, is used. The author of that method is academician Konopkin O. A., The author proves that under condition of formation of self-control there develops professionalism. Keywords: conscious self-control, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction, professionalism, regular skills | 1281 | |||||
1006 | The article reveals the essence of the innovative capacity of the introduction of a program «Community» to the educational process of physical education in the municipal pre-school educational institutions. The authors reveal features of the conditions of the program «Community» in the process of physical education in junior pre-school education, taking into account the integration of activities, based on a single subject. The positive effect of the introduction of the program «Community» is confirmed with the results of pedagogical experiment. Keywords: «Step by Step», the program «Community», physical education, the younger preschool age, preschool education | 1281 | |||||
1007 | The possibility of approval “education science is applied philosophy” is based on the belief that philosophy is a science; philosophy is the science of values; culture is a system of transcendental values; there is an exact match between education and culture. In the article we trace the evolution of philosophical belief in these statements and polemic on these questions between the Russian representatives of a Neo-Kantianism and philosophy of life. Keywords: pedagogy as applied philosophy, philosophy, science, culture, values, Neo-Kantianism, philosophy of life | 1281 | |||||
1008 | The statistic data of bankruptcies and the dynamics of gross national product are analyzed in the article, an attempt of revealing their interrelation is undertaken. The Russian bankruptcy system is impacted by institutional factors, not by macroeconomic ones. Keywords: bankruptcy institute, an economic crisis, dynamics of gross national product | 1281 | |||||
1009 | The description of the concept of electronic training by means of technology of avatars is provided in article. Basic elements of this concept are connected with application of virtual reality and possibility of the pupil-teacher interaction in the avatar-avatar or the pupil-avatar formats on the basis of the elements of artificial intelligence. The functions used in this system have to provide full maintenance of training in the discipline chosen by it. Implementation of this concept will allow not to completely replace the main traditional forms of education, but to diversify training elements, and also to make this process highly technological. Keywords: educational process, technology of training, electronic training, avatar, training environment | 1281 | |||||
1010 | In the article deals with the problem of development of the value orientations of primary school students. Pedagogical sense of concept "value orientation" implies mastering of surrounding reality, acquisition of vital reference-points. One of terms of development of the value orientations is implementation of cultural-educational projects that supposes an address to the cultural values of society. The article describes descriptions of culturaleducational projects. The author presents basic content, and also results of the pedagogical research conducted in schools of Komi Republic, that was directed to the exposure of dynamics of development of the value orientations of primary school students in the process of implementation of cultural-educational projects. The conclusions made by the author in relation to efficiency of the model of introduction of cultural-educational projects in school practice are confirmed by high research results of the experimental work. Keywords: cultural-educational project, development of value orientations, cultural heritage | 1281 | |||||
1011 | Author undertakes an attempt to follow the activity of peda¬gogical high schools of Siberia in the field of organization of research work on archival materials of high schools and periodicals. | 1280 | |||||
1012 | The motive of "Prodigal Son" as the embodiment of the Christian behavioral model, which serves as a criterion for contemporary life evaluation in works by F.M. Dostoevsky is analyzed in the article through the consideration of his epistolary, publicistic and artistic discourse. | 1280 | |||||
1013 | In the article the usage of SWOT-analysis for manage¬ment reserve is explored. As an outer environment the professional activity is being examined, as an inner en¬vironment - the personality of a candidate for manage¬ment reserve. | 1280 | |||||
1014 | The questions, concerning states of health of pupils at transition from a comprehensive school to HIGH SCHOOL with a different level of impellent activity (IA) are studied not enough. Carried out research has shown, that physical working capacity and a functional condition of IA. Keywords: healt, impellent activity, cardiovascular system, physical working capacity, pupils from a comprehensive school and HIGH SCHOOL | 1280 | |||||
1015 | Innovative approaches in teaching high school students to provide the first aid are considered in the article. The proposed approaches involve complex application of different methods, techniques, and training tools in the teaching process. The students also obtain theoretical knowledge and practical skills that they master themselves after the teacher demonstrations using an algorithm recorded by teacher on audio media. Innovative approaches allow one to create a new educational technology that enhances learning of high school students to provide the first aid in emergency situations. Keywords: emergency, first aid, teaching methods, algorithm of the first aid | 1280 | |||||
1016 | The article deals with the E. Zamyatin’s image of England and his relation to English people formed within his two-year stay in England. The writer’s letters, diaries, narrative biographies and articles served as the material of this research. Keywords: E. Zamyatin, image of England, narrative biography, journalism | 1280 | |||||
1017 | The article is the result of the analysis of historical and educational literature and archive materials. It describes for the first time the peculiarities of labor education at institutions of public charity in the Yenisei province in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The authors determine the specific features of the charity in the Yenisei province and the characteristics of their labor education. Keywords: labor education, orphans, the system of charity, Yenisei province, late XIX – early XX centuries | 1280 | |||||
1018 | The study is devoted to links of the work by F.A. Abramov with the literature tradition of ancient Russia. The author examines some episodes of the novel «Ноте» in the context of agiography of the Russian North. The analysis depicts the plot dependence from as well as the influence of the ethical ideal of the folk orthodoxy on the author's notion of the positive character. | 1279 | |||||
1019 | The article is devoted to the problem of educational space organization within the framework of competence approach in education. The characteristics of educational space are suggested. The emphasis is made on the technology of such space creation in a higher educational institution. Keywords: keywords_eng | 1279 | |||||
1020 | The category of deviation is expressed by some broad-meaning words, their meanings divided into four groups. The semantics of the above-mentioned words may be made more specific by analyzing their contextual correlations with lingual units representing the concepts which are included in the field of deviation. Keywords: norm, deviation, lexeme, category, meaning | 1279 | |||||
1021 | In the research the regularities, charactarizing the influence of personal, organizational and social factors on socio-psychological adaptation of a student in the university, by the example of Tomsk state pedagogical university. Keywords: educational identity, existential crisis, professional self-determination, mental health | 1279 | |||||
1022 | The article deals with the reasons of such definitions as comedy, comic elements, comicality, culture of laugh (“smehovaya kultura” – M. Bahtin). The author reviews the development of comic, comicality and specifies their functions in the plays by M. Bulgakov (“Days of the Turbiny”) and N. Erdman (“The Mandat”). Keywords: comedy, comicality, culture of laugh (“smehovaya kultura” – M. Bahtin), drama, action, hero, function, M. Bulgakov, N. Erdman | 1279 | |||||
1023 | This article is the result of a theoretical study of comparative constructions in the Shor language. This study gives a complete description and comparative analysis of the etymology of singularities of analytic performance comparison чилеп, шени, ош›аш in Shor and other Turkic languages (Altai, Khakas, Tuva), structural-functional classification of comparative constructions in the simple sentence in the Shor language and definition of synonymy postpositions. Keywords: postpositions, comparative particles, types of comparative constructions, comparison standard and comparison subject, comparison indicator, synonymy postpositions | 1279 | |||||
1024 | The article describes exercises using the names of city of Abakan at the Russian language lessons. The use of local language material can enhance students’ cognitive interest to study the regional characteristics of the Russian language. Keywords: regional lexicon, language norm, linguistic geography and culture, sociolinguistics, linguistic didactics, urbanonyms | 1279 | |||||
1025 | This article reviews the results of relevant studies conducted in the latest research works of Russian linguistics and devoted to the linguistic specificity of Internet communication as a subject of Internet linguistics. The article also touches upon various actual approaches to the general definition of the concept of Internet communication and summarizes the results of a number of works related to the study of specific linguistic features of some certain genres of the Internet communication. The author pays special attention to the important stylistic characteristics and structure of popular within Internet users and researchers genres including “forum”, “blog” and “chat”. Keywords: Internet linguistics, Internet communication, genres, phatic communication, communicative hedonism | 1279 | |||||
1026 | Currently, the most crucial social order is to prepare specialists with a number of professional and general cultural competencies. The ability for lifelong learning is one of them. It implies, firstly, the presence of skills to surf the surrounding information, secondly, selectively choosing the professionally significant material and, finally, sharing it in situations requiring precise solutions. Due to the avalanche of information and communication technologies in our up-to date life, students have a great possibility to satisfy their specific interests in the process of individual reading in a foreign language. Within it, the professionally-oriented foreign language reading skills are posed to be essential in the global network. Thus, the main goal of the present paper is to describe the teaching methodology of professionallyoriented foreign language reading, developed and based on the theoretical research results. The established methodology of teaching includes four main blocks: basis (the aim and objectives set), methodology (education approaches, principles and pedagogical conditions establishment), content (speech and language material work out) and result (the list of developing skills). These blocks determine the substantive and structural side of learning. The observed conditions were reflected in the electronic tutorial aimed at reading skills’ developing (roughly-referential, assign-informative, produce-informative) to work with professional texts in the technical university. The effectiveness of the proposed method is clarified and evaluated in the consistent steps of education that supply and model every next stage. As the result, the illustrated methodology provides appropriate pedagogical conditions for efficient teaching and studying. Keywords: electronic tutorial, professionally-oriented reading, foreign language learning, methodology, technical university students | 1279 | |||||
1027 | In this article we study traditional costume of the native peoples in Siberia on the basis of the analysis of some empirical element in the human mentality typical of traditional culture. The production of costumes is conditioned by the climate and some natural peculiarities of the area; it is also characterized by a rational approach to the choice of materials. In the process of our investigation we found out some similarity in the constructions of costumes. The costume represents an adaptive way of transformation of some existing forms of costume. This transformation is possible due to some natural cultural conditions as a result of cultural diffusion and the development of new cultural forms. The rational element s in the costume construction performs some practical functions and is conditioned by some naturals in the life of the ethnos. | 1278 | |||||
1028 | The paper is aimed at grounding egalitarism and social stratification as costruction social problems, through application communicative and fenomenology methods. | 1278 | |||||
1029 | In virgin and residual (1 m) peat under permanent cereal grasses of reclamated site of lowland bog ecosystem activity of catalase was defined in 1993, 2002 and 2008 in dynamics. It is shown, that activity of this enzyme is defined by local meteoconditions, peat temperature, level of swamp waters, presence of nutrients (in the form of mineral fertilizers). The reclamation of the developed site (since 1986) has not caused essential increase of fermentative activity in all terms of researches, only in 2008 the tendency to its increase was teethed. The soil of a virgin fallow and soil of experiment site are characterized by comparable sizes of activity of catalase, possibly because residual peat is the lowermost horizon of before not drained virgin soil. Keywords: marsh ecosystems, virgin soil, reclamated soil, enzymes, catalase, biological potency, peat, manurials, grasses | 1278 | |||||
1030 | The article describes the students’ independent work as a factor of their innovative thinking formation. Due to that it is suggested to change the approaches to the tutorial and methodical work. The share of the independent work in the educational process should be increased. Keywords: education, independent work, innovative thinking, student’s work | 1278 | |||||
1031 | This article analyzes various textbooks in mathematics for students of humanitarian faculties, to determine compliance with their content functions of the modern textbook. Keywords: textbook, mathematics, function of the textbook | 1278 | |||||
1032 | The problems of updating the system of additional professional education of teachers in the conditions of its systematic development are considered. The models of the personified and individualized professional development of educators for the solution of problems of modernization of the general and pedagogical education are offered. Keywords: professional development, additional pedagogical education, modern technologies of training, innovative models of professional development, remote forms of education, network interaction of educational institutions of the general and pedagogical education | 1278 | |||||
1033 | The article is dedicated to the problem of literary development of preschool children. The need for children to read is being revealed in the article. The short historical aspect of a question is analysed. Features of “reading” are analyzed. Features of “reader's development” and “literary development” taking into account positions of different authors are analyzed in more detail. The diagnostic technique on studying of level of literary development of elder preschool children age is described. Results of stating experiment are presented. Results of the carried out experiment are proven to be acceptable to a model of literary development of children. Keywords: literary development, the reader’s development and interest, perception of the belletristic literature, reading, project activity, integration | 1278 | |||||
1034 | The article is devoted to comparative social and psychological analyses of portrait features of first-year students studying at Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev. Studies social characteristics, motives of choosing the university, attitude to teacher’s profession, expectations from pedagogical process and future professional activity, specific characteristics for the first-year students’ career group. The most important factor determining the success of professional training is students’ motivation, their interest to teacher’s profession. The main result of the experiment is orientation of first-year students to become a qualified professional of high level, that will provide them with great success at the beginning of their working way. Entering Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev is a way for first-year students to realize their vital aims and plans. The students are eager to get education, which will help them to become specialists in the changing conditions of professional activity, to admit these reforms. Students’ achievements and results are reflected in their personal portfolio. First-year students formulate an order for personal growth trainings, which help to develop the competence to change quickly and adapt to new working conditions. Forming of such competences will simplify students’ acceptance of the new social conditions. Also they hope that their achievements and activity in different spheres of students’ life will be appreciated. The research helps to define the direction of developing a set of measures: to adopt first-year students to educational process at pedagogical university aimed at formation of professional pedagogical values of students of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev. Keywords: first-year students, motives of choice, adaptation, satisfaction with results, career group | 1278 | |||||
1035 | Planning, including lessons’ planning, is an integral and meaningful component of the teacher’s professional methodical training. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) in the system of secondary education, the training of future teachers in lessons planning is substantially updated and acquires special significance. Teachers that carry out this training should take into account and critically comprehend both positive innovations and shortcomings in the standards, be able to scientifically interpret them, explain to students the possibilities of minimizing the methodological shortcomings of FSES; know contemporary scientific and practical achievements on problems of planning lessons in a specific subject area; to apply methodically adequate and effective methods of training on planning. This article is devoted to teaching the planning of a foreign language lesson in the context of FSES as a scientific-methodical problem. Some critical remarks concerning FSES are mentioned; the results of methodical studies on the implementation of foreign language education in the context of FSES are summarized, the scientific-methodical problems of teaching the planning of the foreign language lesson in accordance with the requirements of FSES in the framework of methodical training are described, and the tasks of this training on ensuring the quality of training for lesson planning are formulated. The article outlines the problems that, in the opinion of the author of this article, require methodical comprehension and solution. Keywords: foreign language lesson, lesson planning, training to planning, methodical teachers’ training, Federal State Educational Standards | 1278 | |||||
1036 | The paper treats the problems of development of such teacher’s quality as competence. The situations which help to identify a competent math teacher are described. Only highly efficient teachers took part in the experiment: teachers, who have won Soros stipend; teachers engaged in intellect-consuming models of teaching; teachers with the highest level of qualification; teachers, engaged in research activity and the like. The experiment showed that an open cognitive position is the leading feature of a competent math teacher who works on the basis of psychologically oriented models of education. It is possible to form an open cognitive position of a would- be math teacher within the frames of a discipline «Psychodidactics » on the basis of integrative project tasks. | 1277 | |||||
1037 | Requirements are led to quality artificial bedding rocks and to the basic component for their manufacturing - to peat. Ways, technologies and short characteristics developed VNIITP the equipment for manufacture bedding rocks are given. Keywords: soils, ground, components, peat, quality, the equipment | 1277 | |||||
1038 | In the paper the author has specified such definitions as a speech style and speech act. The author has introduced a thorough analysis of the following speech styles: business talk and business phone talk. Each speech style has been decomposed and commented upon; their content has been studied in details and provided with examples. Keywords: speech style, minor speech style, speech act, types of business communication, business talk, business phone talk, communicative situation. | 1277 | |||||
1039 | The article addresses the objectives of mathematical education, the role of tasks in teaching mathematics and their ability in the development of cognitive interest. In studying the subject «Mathematics and Computer Science» the author proposes to use the task. They should have several options for solutions and be focused on a joint study of these sciences. Keywords: mathematics, computer science, tasks, cognitive interest | 1277 | |||||
1040 | The article considers intercultural interaction as the order of modern communities, and the goal of the professional educational space - to develop highly efficient tools and techniques that contribute to their development - is relevant and in demand. The role of the foreign language as a means of intercultural communication is undeniable. But it is not sufficient to have just speaking skills on household topics in foreign language for successful communication on professional issues. The key point in the preparation of a professional is the formation of vocabulary system in a certain area in the target language. The article covers the widespread ways of automating the development and use of terminological dictionaries in future engineers foreign language teaching. Creating automated electronic dictionaries and terminology data banks allows you to receive the necessary information about the terms and concepts referred to them with the help of computers, in other words certain specific areas or activities are displayed in a systematic form that helps extracting accurate and adequate information from comprehension of the actual information through the reading of original texts in the professional field. The analysis of literature on the creation of educational terminological dictionaries has identified features which could have pedagogical value in the future engineers foreign language teaching, for example, dictionary creator’s collective activity, the aim and the result (training trilingual glossary of terms), and it can be used as a means of students’ reading skills verification. Keywords: foreign language, mobile dictionary, terminology, engineering education students, professionallyoriented language | 1277 | |||||
1041 | The article deals with the renamed notions constituting the bulk of the vocabulary of the German language of today. The problem of interaction and influence of the two opposite-oriented linguistic tendencies – such as the economy of language means on the one hand and the urge for expression on the other – on the appearance of renamings in the German language is illustrated by the examples of metaphorical and borrowed renamings as well as the renamings bearing the traits of sociolectics and general linguistics | 1276 | |||||
1042 | In operation the attempt of a substantiation of the approach gives, on the basis of which enables of the rigorous description of information systems gaining and handling the information as fashions. Each information system can be divided into two basic parts – passive and fissile. The passive part is plurality of fashions included in a composition of information system, which by her are handled and are stored in it. The fissile part consists of material structures of information system – functionals, which are engaged in processing of fashions. Such approach termed by iconodynamics, in particular, enables for the description of information processes in mentality of the man and animal. | 1276 | |||||
1043 | The paper reviews the archaic inflection model – suppletive, and identifies the status of the hetero-stemic units, forms of the same word, as heteronymic or suppletive forms, depending on their systemic correspondence to the sets of irregular verbs; illustrates the need to differentiate the process of supplitivism from the resultant suppletive state, and the role of the latter in defining the productivity of morphological categories in Modern German. | 1276 | |||||
1044 | Cultural-historical periodization of the early Iron Age in Surgut Ob’ river basin developed by J.P. Chemyakin is viewed in the article. The author of the article raises an objection against the names of the stages of Kulay culture of the Iron Age of the region. The analysis of the periodizations of the epoch of the yearly Iron Age of Ob-Irtysh basin shows that extracted by the archeologists cultural formations are synchronous just in part. Formation of Kulay culture in Surgut Ob’ river basin is connected with penetration of migrants whereas in Narym Ob’ river basin Kulay culture has autochthonous basis. This peculiarity of the early stage of the region’s epoch should be reflected in its name and the name of the early stage of Kulay culture should stay the same as it is in literature. | 1276 | |||||
1045 | The article presents data of psychodiagnostic study of marital and family attitudes of contemporary youth in the context of gender differences Keywords: marriage, youth, marriage and family structure systems, role expectations, role demands, family values, role adequacy | 1276 | |||||
1046 | In the article the love lyrics of the poet of the first Russian emigration of Nikolay Otsupa is analyzed. The early poems of the poet created from 1918 to 1926 and comprising the first collections by N. Otsupa “Hailstones” and “In the Smoke” are considered. Keywords: emigration, love, lyrics | 1276 | |||||
1047 | The article explores the role of memory in the marginal subcultures (role playing games, historical reconstruction). It discusses distinct concepts “memory” and “history”. The author analyzes the meaning of memory for individuals, based on the information and synergetic approach. There were actualized the research directions of the symbolizing of bioethics and its importance in the philosophical and anthropological dimensions of modern culture: on an example of the principle of “do no harm” (RHF grant # 12-03-00198). Keywords: marginal subculture, memory, history, information and synergistic approach, bioethics, do no harm | 1276 | |||||
1048 | The article deals with the peculiarities of the representation of the concept “Family” in lexicographical sources and in linguistic consciousness of Russian and English-speaking respondents. The generality and specificity of family perception and its members in the section of ethno-cultural and gender aspects, based on the analysis of the free associative experiment are examined. It is revealed that the Russian “feminine” linguistic consciousness is different from the “male” one, and that in the Russian associative field adjectives are dominated, while men have reactions expressed generally by nouns. In the men’s associative field the gender stereotypes of social roles are analyzed and the opposite perception of family members in correlation with biological sex and age. Keywords: linguistic consciousness, lexicographical meaning, concept, associative field, gender | 1276 | |||||
1049 | The given publication is devoted to the analysis of the historical literature of the end of XIX the beginning of XX on problems of professional pedagogical education in Russia. The author points out the periods in studying the problems of the history of national education and gives their detailed characteristic. | 1275 | |||||
1050 | The author of this article discusses possibility of understanding the essence of pedagogical partnership in real educational practice as practice of predetermined functional inequality. The article considers practical steps from the idea of pedagogical partnership as desirable educational value to pedagogical partnership as educational reality. Thus, an attempt is made .0 substantiate the necessary conditions for development and establishment of pedagogical partnership in educational practice: identification of professional value» of a teacher and high level of his/her speech skills of self-expression and personal feedoack. | 1275 |