# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3501 | A distinctive feature of contemporary linguistic research is its engagement with language actualization processes. This point finds its foundation in F. de Saussure’s conception distinguishing language, speech and speech activity which has given rise to various new trends with the purpose of exposing and examining the sense generating mechanisms of language in work. Analytical perspectives comprise a diversity of problems including the psychology of perception, interpretation and assessment of various phenomena, conventions of societal structures and communication modi. This originates a new interdisciplinary problem-solving plane with a new subject termed “discourse”. The phenomenon complexity and, consequently, the multiplicity of qualification and classification criteria bring forth a discord in the term (as well as the phenomenon) interpretation. There springs up a necessity to define its (the term and the phenomenon) status, correlations with other objects of linguistic analysis, such as text, genre, register. All these points, as well as the problem of term coinage and usage are in the focus of the article. Keywords: discourse, text, genre, style, register | 1132 | |||||
3502 | This work develops the statements of works [1–3]. Author’s experience of teaching disciplines for the students studying in the direction of training «Applied informatics» is generalized. Some questions of techniques of teaching discipline «Document science and documentary ensuring management» are considered. The main directions of further research are considered. They consist in highlighting the activation of interdisciplinary links between disciplines aimed at forming the professional competencies of students. It is planned to continue modernization of the developed materials of the electronic courses intended for support of independent work of students in the study of disciplines. It is important to develop tasks for independent work which would promote increase in interest of students in studying of materials of the discipline. In addition, we are developing the funds of evaluation tools in the form of test questions, questions for credit. It is concluded that the use of e-course materials contributes to the formation of professional competence of future graduates. Further goals on educational system development are also discussed. We are going to continue developing electronic educational materials, reference books and seminars. These materials will be used for the formation of professional competence of students who are training in the direction of «Applied Informatics». The article presents the results of using the developed methodological materials. Besides, the results of testing of students in the section «Document and System of Documentation» are analized. Keywords: field of professional activity, office-work, document, electronic document management systems, DIRECTUM | 1132 | |||||
3503 | The article deals with the analysis of Chinese proverbs and sayings found in the periodicals of the Russian Far East. Geopolitical location of the Russian Far East and recent growth of trans-border contacts with neighboring Asian countries make considerable influence on people’s minds and people’s perception of life. This makes the research timely and appropriate. Methodology of the research is based on the interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of ethnic proverbs and sayings which circulate in a different culture or a different language. The authors provide cross-cultural analysis of Chinese proverbs and the ways of their presentation in the Russian mass media. The pragmatics of citation of a Chinese proverb/saying in the Russian discourse proved to be determined by intelligibility of the proverb/saying to Russian readers. In some cases authentic ethnic imagery of the Chinese proverb/saying is pragmatically preserved. It makes reference to the wisdom of the Chinese ancient civilization more evident, and serves as an effective way of reasoning in a newspaper article. Special attention is drawn to cultural factors influencing the form and the semantics of Chinese proverbs in the Russian discourse. Parables and myths which stand behind almost all Chinese proverbs and sayings are lost in the Russian discourse, and Chinese proverbs are sometimes substituted with a Russian analogue. The authors of the article describe functions and pragmatics of Chinese proverb usage in a new cultural environment. In mass media of the Russian Far East Chinese proverbs realize a wide range of functions, among which the most relevant are informative, argumentative, phatic and appellative functions. Implementation of the above mentioned functions depends on cross-cultural pragmatics. Keywords: Chinese proverbs, functional paremiology, pragmatics of proverbs and sayings, mass media discourse, cross-cultural studies | 1132 | |||||
3504 | Language is an essential element of culture and it is possible to transfer cultural information via language. Meanwhile, cultural changes affect the development of the language elements such as grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and usage. Therefore, the study of a culture cannot be complete without learning the language in which cultural codes are transmitted. Proverbs are an important part of the language. The contents include moral values, lifestyle, traditional culture and many other aspects. They demonstrate some ethnic cultural values, reflect the inner world of the people. There are many Chinese proverbs showing the traditional ideas of marriage and the right choice of a spouse. The family as a unit of society is an important carrier of continuity and the development of national culture. This article discusses the importance of family life and the meanings of marriage based on the analysis of some typical related Chinese proverbs. The characteristics and special features of Chinese traditional family and marriage values can be represented in these proverbs. The deep structure of the proverbs indicates the need to preserve stability and harmony in the family and marriage, which is one of the most crucial values identified and substantiated through long history. This paper suggests that traditional Chinese people have been paying great attention to the family life and quality of marriage. It emphasizes that when choosing a spouse, moral qualities were considered more seriously than outer appearance. Besides, the positions of the husband and wife should be roughly equal in terms of social classes, financial conditions and educational backgrounds. Proverbs conveys the traditional ideas that men take the leading and dominant roles in family life. By analyzing Chinese proverbs about marriage and family relationships, one can gain further understanding of the traditional Chinese view of marriage and love. In Chinese society at the beginning of the 21st century, traditional values are still the resources for people to develop the new concepts of relations between spouses and such research meets the requirements of the social development of modern society. Keywords: China, proverbs, culture, cultural values, family values, marriage concept, language mentality, linguistic and cultural analysis | 1132 | |||||
3505 | . | 1131 | |||||
3506 | The influence of the light correcting films of various compositions on vital activity of sprouts of cabbage was researched. For this purpose the technique of comparative trials was completed. The technique consists in cultivation of sprouts of cabbage in hothouses by a size 1x1x0,6 m, covered by different films with a control of plant's metrics. Is shown, that usage of films with various physical properties renders considerable influence on metrics index under them of cabbage's sprouts. The composition of the light correcting Alms permitting of cabbage's sprouts in a closed ground in locale of Western Siberia without padding heating and lighting and to reduce period of cultivation on 10-15 of days is defined. | 1131 | |||||
3507 | The standard model of the program of the economical and social development of the subject of the Russian Federation was worked out by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation according to the instructions of the Russian government with an aim to improve the process of elaboration, confirmation and realization of the programs concerning the economical and social development of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The standard model has the form of a recommendation and it is built to provide the methodological unity of regional programs and their agreement with the state strategy of the economical and social development. | 1131 | |||||
3508 | In the present article the authors disclosing the genesis of the definitions «quality of education» and «educational techniques» lead the reader to the following final thesis: «the quality of education» as the quality of any other product can be planned. But only a thoroughly planned and strictly fol¬lowed educational technique can guarantee the achieve¬ment of this result. Keywords: - | 1131 | |||||
3509 | This work offers the mathematical model of a number of insured people of a pension fund in a form of the infinite two-faced non-markovian system of queue systems. The research work in stationary re¬gime of queue system showed that distribution is two-measurement Poisson distribution with impendent components. | 1131 | |||||
3510 | This research work is devoted to the problems of the prophylactic of the antisocial teens turning aside behavior. In this research work the condition and reason of teens’ disruptive behavior are under analysis. The foreign and native experience of the prophylactic of teens’ disruptive behavior is considered. The contemporary situation with teenagers is considered to take into consideration the essential changes of criminal arranging in the country and state-political conditions and social-economic reorganization in the last period. The matching of the resource and methods pedagogical modification of antisocial teens’ disruptive behavior was realized on the basis of leading up pedagogical investigations | 1131 | |||||
3511 | The article characterizes the conceptual basis for modernization of rural ungraded schools in Russia based on a comprehensive analysis of this type of educational institution. Keywords: concept, ungraded school, state educational policies, ways of modernization. | 1131 | |||||
3512 | In the article studying the zooplankton of the pool of the river of Chulym are summed up and it is underlined that for the first time for this region there are 129 kinds and 29 subspecies from which 52 kinds and 10 subspecies are specified for the first time for Western Siberia and 4 kinds – for Russia. Zooplanktonic complexes of sites of the pool bottom, average both headwaters and distribution of characteristic kinds of a zooplankton on these sites are considered. Keywords: zooplankton, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda, zooplanktonic complex, distribution, specific variety | 1131 | |||||
3513 | The paper argues in favour of the development of the research skills in students of the profi led classes, reviews the notions of “environment” and “cultural environment”, and analyzes the establishment, constitution and functional features of the cultural creative environment in the context of humanitarian gymnasium. Keywords: environment, cultural creative environment, terms of formation and functioning of cultural creative environment, forming the readiness of profi le students for scientifi c activity. | 1131 | |||||
3514 | In this article we handle an actual complex problem of succession in education of schoolchildren when they transfer from elementary school to secondary one. The analysis of the methodical literature has allowed the author to discover the basic directions of realisation of succession in training to the mathematician at elementary and basic school. The author managed to highlight the main conditions of readiness of students to teaching in the primary school. | 1131 | |||||
3515 | The article deals with the problem of teaching of foreign language in modern primary school. The results of the research in the form of questionnaire of teachers in primary schools show some contradictions. Teachers understand that it is necessary to change the process of teaching because the aim of teaching is changed according to the new Standards. On the other hand, they are not ready now to change methods of teaching and organizing forms of educational activity of pupils. Keywords: Federal state educational standards, modern educational technologies, organizing forms of educational activity of pupils, the aim of teaching | 1131 | |||||
3516 | The results of the investigation of biological activity of eutrophic peat deposits Turochak bog are presented in the article. Microbial biomass and enzymes activity (catalase, invertase), which characterize the basic biochemical properties, are estimated. Concentration of microbial biomass was recorded to decrease as the degree of decomposition and reduce light-hydrolyzing substances. Peat deposit Turochak bog full-depth biological activity. Keywords: bog, peat deposit, biological activity, microbial biomass, enzymes, catalase, invertase | 1131 | |||||
3517 | The article presents the main concepts associated with transdisciplinarity objectivity in school education. Possibility of realization of transdisciplinary approach at a geography class by means of technology of development of critical thinking through reading and writing is shown. Keywords: transdisciplinarity objectivity, transdisciplinarity public work, transdisciplinarity knowledge, transdisciplinarity skills, transdisciplinarity results, technology of development of critical thinking through reading and writing | 1131 | |||||
3518 | The authors studied soil microbial activity in oligotrophic, eutrophic and mesotrophic peat bogs of Siberia by method of substrate-induced respiration (SIR). Intensity of microbiological processes depends on the type of peat bogs and hydrothermal conditions. The average for vegetation period 2013, the highest microbial biomass was observed in oligotrophic peat bog of Vasyugan (4,16 mcg/g dry peat, with limits – 1,66–8,28 mcg/g d. p.). The minimum value of microbial biomass was recorded in mesotrophic peat bogs Kutushskoe (3,29 mcg/g d. p., with limits 0,78–6,94 mcg/g d. p.). Eutrophic bog Tagan on the microbial biomass took an intermediate position (middle – 3,74 mcg/g d. p., limits – 0,41–13,43 mcg/g d. p.). Investigated bogs can be arranged in the following order of intensive basal respiration: eutrophic bog Tagan > oligotrophic bog Vasyugan > mesotrophic bog Kutushskoe. It is fixed that in spite of genetic differences all bogs had the stable ecophysiological status. Functioning of microbial communities of peat bogs is within natural variability, and indicates their environmental sustainability. The eutrophic bog Tagan is not resistant to environmental factors. Keywords: Siberia, peat bogs, microbial activity, substrate-induced respiration (SIR) method, microbial biomass, basal respiration, metabolic quotient | 1131 | |||||
3519 | The authors consider the problem of lack of teachers’ design competences in the design and organization of inclusive educational space. Scientists define the problem as the shortage of forms and techniques that allow the teacher to achieve positive outcomes in inclusive education. Within the anthropological approach by means of humanitarian studies, the authors attempt to understand the subjects of organization of joint activity of teacher and students in an inclusive process. The article considers pedagogical possibilities of the use of dialogue in inclusive education. The authors demonstrate the ability of this form of joint activities to help students be implemented in inclusive learning to be successful within their individual capabilities. The authors discuss dialogue in interaction with other forms of cooperative activities (lesson assignment, lessonproblematization), describe an educational precedent for the use of dialogue in inclusive educational space. The authors present the content of the pilot training project, characterize the system of lessons on the study of the novel of F. M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and punishment” in the tenth grade. The project recorded the special role of the teacher in the dialogue. He is also a partner and an organizer of joint activities: that is, occupies an ambivalent position. This position is organized through pedagogical techniques such as card primary meanings, keywords, and algorithms activities. The dialogue is organized through various technologies: multimedia, games and problem-based learning. Their use allows the teacher to update the individual meanings of participants in inclusive education. The criterion of successful participation in the educational project is the development of subjectivity of students. A similar development is recorded in the framework of individual standards for each student involved in the educational project. Keywords: dialogue, collaborative activity, inclusive education, the subjectivity of students | 1131 | |||||
3520 | The article is devoted to the explanation of the actuality and innovation of the issues of complex linguistic study of Laowai network jargon – the language of Russian expats in China Internet communication. On the background studies of the Russian language in Eastern countries and Russian-Chinese frontier, discusses the history of the issue. The author proves the uniqueness as compared to the historically previous and compared to other contemporary bilingual (e.g. English-Russian), the situation of interaction between Russian and Chinese cultures in the discourse of virtual Russian Diaspora. The expats have no plans for assimilation in new community and the situation of a balanced linguistic partnerships between typologically radically different languages with approximately equal reputational status determine the specifics and dynamics of the reception of the Chinese language and culture. Chinese ksenonims in laowai substandart have a dual functionality. On the one hand, they, being jargon lexical substrate, perform all inherent in the jargon vocabulary of functions: identification, password, evaluative, expressive, creative. On the other hand, being other cultures lexical substrate, they are the main guides to the world of language, which has secondary cultural orientation, language, turned into the area of foreign language culture. A comprehensive analysis of the language network communication of Russian expats in China has great potential from the perspective of Internet linguistics and discourse studies, contact and comparative linguistics, cultural linguistics and intercultural communication, studies of the Russian language abroad and jargon studies. Keywords: the language of Russian expats in China, laowai network jargon, the language situation, the Russian and Chinese linguistic culture, ksenonym | 1131 | |||||
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3523 | Fedorova E. V. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 25-27 | 1130 | |||||
3524 | The article «The Instability of the Gender Category in Kamchatsky dialects» presents the analysis of the gender category of general Russian and dialect nouns functionating in Kamchadals’ dialects. The aim of the article is to point out the differences in the distribution of the whole totality of the nouns marked in the dialects among gender classes. In this work the nouns are classified into four groups: I. General Russian words, the gender category of which is common in the dialect language and in the literary language (LL). II. General Russian words, the gender category of which doesn’t coincide with the LL and the dialects. III. General Russian words with the «roaming» gender category in the dialect speech. IV. The dialect nouns, the gender category of which differs from the LL. | 1130 | |||||
3525 | Multi-purpose computer class in specialized school for deaf and deaf-mute children is an independent sub-program. Its purpose is to build pedagogical and educational process on the basis of new information technologies using domestic and international experience. This task includes development of conceptual framework of modern computers and information technologies use, as well as organization of pedagogical and educational process | 1130 | |||||
3526 | Monitoring of educational achievements of pupils is the important making part of large-scale experiment. The information on preparation of pupils on different subjects characterizes efficiency of spent experiment. To receive the objective information on preparation of learning experimental schools, for example, on physics it is impossible. That in conditions of experiment to receive this information, monitoring educational achievements of pupils on subjects at experimental schools is necessary | 1130 | |||||
3527 | The paper is devoted to the exploration of the concept of the information culture of a personality and the evolution of its meaning. The author analyses various aspects of this concept, the stages of its development and tries to find the reason for the absence of unified approaches to the subject | 1130 | |||||
3528 | The article considers the peculiarities of the regional food-market development, the role of the renewable nature resources. It analyzes the formation of the system of renewable resources management among the subjects of the Russian Federation. The directions of increasing the efficiency of the system are figured out | 1130 | |||||
3529 | The article is devoted to the problems of formation of a director’s profession on the home scene and screen. The author analyses the development of direction’s traditions in theatre and cinema at the turn of ХIХ and ХХ centuries, considers the conformity of the truth of historical actions with the ways of its reflection by art means on the material of screen arts; analyzes the basic theoretical and practical problems of director’s art. Keywords: system of graphic means, the director, montage, decorative space | 1130 | |||||
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3531 | The four-dimensional flat Friedman universe filled with ideal fluid with a nonlinear inhomogeneous equation of state depending on time is considered. The equations of motion are solved. It is shown that in some cases there appears a quasi-periodical universe. On the other hand, such dark fluid models may also describe quintessence-like cosmic acceleration. The appearance of future singularities resulting from various choices for the input parameters is discussed. Keywords: темная энергия, космологическая сингулярность, космическое ускорение | 1130 | |||||
3532 | The article introduced the analysis of existing computer aided tools and resources that are used in teaching foreign languages; their didactic capacity is defi ned; advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. Particular features of integration these tools in teaching foreign languages to technical students are described. Keywords: information technologies, information technologies in teaching foreign languages, computer aided tools, foreign language teaching to technical students | 1130 | |||||
3533 | The article contains the analysis of concepts of scientific and technical creativity in order to find out its connection with magic. The author comes to the conclusion that magical and scientific-technical creativity processes have cultural-historical, linguistic and semantic-containing connections. Keywords: scientific-technical creativity, magic, theurgy | 1130 | |||||
3534 | The paper presents an analysis of the programme of networking, implemented by Kuzbass Regional Institute of Development of Vocational Education for providing schools with information resources, access to educational content, ICT facilities and training services at any workplace; presentation of multimedia training courses, creation of digital learning materials, etc. Keywords: model of networking of educational institutions | 1130 | |||||
3535 | The article deals with the peculiarities of implementing politeness as a pragmatic category in pre-sequenced advice, depending on the age of communicators, their social status and relationships between them. The results of investigating Russian and American socio-cultures show that in Russian socio-culture explicit performatives are the most polite if there are offi cial relationships between interlocutors; interrogatives and assertives are the most polite if there are unoffi cial relationships between interlocutors. In American socio-culture when there are null and offi cial relationships between interlocutors, assertives with the modal verbs could and might are the most polite, and when there are unoffi cial relationships between interlocutors assertives in the subjunctive mood are the most polite. Keywords: contrastive pragmatics, politeness, directive speech acts, pre-sequenced advice, socio-pragmatic factors | 1130 | |||||
3536 | The article deals with the development of professionally important qualities of future civil engineers, that are formed during university studies. The author reveals the essence of the process, highlights key professional qualities engineer, justifies their development in training. Keywords: professionally important qualities, the process of development of professionally important qualities, mentally properties, functionally and operating machinery | 1130 | |||||
3537 | The problem of intonation, style and understanding of leading a meaningful intonation is impotent in musicology, performance, teaching practice. Harmony, rhythmic figuration, all right, shape up intonation semantics in music, a symbol of the musical intonation of speech, symbols of national musical culture are the main carrier of the expression of meaning. Awareness of the author explains the role of intonation hearing approaches in teaching courses “Theory and History of Music Education”, “Music psychology and psychology of music education”, “Accompaniment class”, “Musical culture of Khakassia” by Bachelor of Music in N. F. Katanov Khakassia State University. Keywords: intonation, poetics, music, musical language, musical speech, communication, education, competences | 1130 | |||||
3538 | In the article on the material of poetic discourse of I. Severianin, represented by a collection of poems “Gromokipyaschy Cup” (1913), the author describes types and kinds of lexical regulatory structures based on the stylistic devices of syntactic parallelism. General tendencies and idiostylistic peculiarities, which are used by the founder of egofuturism are observed. These regulative structures do not only provide connectivity of the text and its fragments but also are important for understanding of the meaning at these levels. Keywords: poetic text, egofuturism, regulativity, lexical regulative structures based on the stylistic device of syntactical parallelism | 1130 | |||||
3539 | The article considers the institutional design of social responsibility mechanism through the relationship between the institution and formal rules, as well as culture, traditions and values. It is ascertained that the institutional design “with the foundation” is the preferred strategy, because it allows using the evolutionary process of human and social development. Keywords: social responsibility, institution, institutional design | 1130 | |||||
3540 | The article is devoted to the formation of new words in the Russian language of the eastern emigration of the 20–40s of the XX century. The object of analysis is the new words which appeared in the Russian language of the Eastern abroad as a result of word-formation. First of all different morphological means of word-formation, variety of suffixal and affixal methods and compressive word-formation are under examination more often. Word-formation models and their activity in the Russian language of Eastern abroad are investigated on the material of the Harbin journal “Rubezh” which has been published in Harbin since 1926 till 1945 years, memorial sources by I. Dyakov, E. Taskina, E. Shirinskaya and others, and works of art of Russian Eastern countries. Conditions for the functioning of the Russian language in Harbin of the first half of the twentieth century are seen as unique, contributing not only to preservation but also to the full functioning of the Russian language in Manchuria. The article analyzes 45 new lexical items created in the language of the eastern countries: Nouns (77.8 per cent of appellation of total new words), Pronouns (17.8 per cent), Verbs (it is only one word in our work), Adverbs (it is only one word in our work too). Keywords: Russian language of Eastern abroad, Harbin, word formation, word-formative model, affixation | 1130 | |||||
3541 | The article focuses on the actual problem of programming training for students. A prerequisite for successful learning is the formation of algorithmic thinking. One of the necessary conditions for its formation is the independent solution of tasks of varying degrees of complexity, so during programming training it is important to pay special attention to the organization of independent study. Essential assistance in the organization of self-guided work within the programming training can be provided by the use of special software tools that allow to check the correctness of the developed program automatically. We propose an approach based on the use of the specialized system ‘Ejudge’, which allows to check the correctness of the training program. This system is networked, deployed on the server, work with the system, which is implemented via web interfaces, can be conducted both by the administrator and by users, in the role of which students and teachers act. This technology provides additional opportunities in the organization of training. On the one hand, the trainee can work with the system from any place in which access to the Internet is provided. At the same time, all actions of the trainee are recorded on the server, and are accessible to the teacher. The skills of working with such a system are also necessary for participation in academic competition on programming. Keywords: programming training, algorithmic thinking, testing systems, evaluation tools, olympiad problems | 1130 | |||||
3542 | Introduction. The study of the literature for children is a topical direction of modern humanitarian thought, requiring an interdisciplinary approach, joint efforts of philologists, methodologists, librarians and teachers. Aim and objectives. The aim of the work is to analyse the methodical and methodological approaches, developed in different regions of Siberia and Ural, to the study the regional literature for children; to reveal problems and prospects in this area. Materials and research methods. Expert evaluation, expert analysis. Results and discussion. The analysis of the expert opinion on the developed practice literary study of local lore in different cities of Siberia and Ural has allowed us to select a number of pressing questions. These questions include: the criteria of regional (birthplace, temporary/constant residing place of the author, specific cultural code in the text specifying one or another region e.g. toponyms), quality evaluation of the artistic level and pedagogical potential of the works of the authors, the problem of the search and the assignment one or another region to the authors). A separate research problem is in the lack of printing editions of the texts of modern regional authors published on the Internet or on the contrary, in the lack of text-through versions of books on the Internet that complicates the research and educational literary regional study work. The consideration of the addressee (children) raises additional questions concerning not only regional but also the children’s literature as a whole (differentiation of the childhood and adolescence, a distinction of the children’s literature and the literature belonging to the children’s reading list). And it directly concerns techniques of studying of the Siberian and Ural literature (the criteria of selection of texts for studying at school, the choice of books for certain age, the development of methodological support and the assignments corresponding to the certain level of literary education of school children etc.). Conclusion. As an example of the positive experience of the solution of these issues, the methodological literature created on the basis of the scientific educational centres of pedagogical higher schools of Barnaul and Tomsk is given. Keywords: children’s and youth literature, literary history, literary study of local lore, teaching methods of the regional literature for children | 1130 | |||||
3543 | Lysenko G. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 29-35 . | 1129 | |||||
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3545 | Prozumentov L. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 9-13 . | 1129 | |||||
3546 | Zarubina O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 21-24 . | 1129 | |||||
3547 | The article tells about particular features of social-cultural transformation of the contemporaries. A large role of informational condition of civilization at present is outlined, which allows to tell about trends of establishing the open society as a type of the society which follows the industrial one. The genesis of the idea of the open society and particular principles of its culture are examined. | 1129 | |||||
3548 | The role of the problem as a means of development of creative thinking is considered. The conditions in which the elements of the educational environment become the task for a student are analized. The dependence of the result of solving the problem on motivation and corre¬sponding change of functional state of students organism is shown. The ways os development of the nud for crea¬tive activity are grounded. | 1129 | |||||
3549 | The historical experience shows that the clanation of people is possible not only in gene engineering, but also by the social reorganization, by the souiiessness of people in the capitalist society of general consumption. This very problem caused the environmental disaster of the planet, it was settled that the spirit of a man is a form of synthesis, it binds together the highest senses of the spiritual life and the consciousness of a man. It was found out that onesided development of one of the poles of the spirit leads to the formation of soulless highbrows on the one hand and senseless crowds of people living by instincts, archetypes of individual collective unconsciousness (the experience of fascism and Stalinism) on the other. A man's soul in predominant of the spiritual life of a man, being the main to determine the consciousness of a man. This constitutes the freshness of the work. | 1129 | |||||
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