# | Article | Downloads | |||||
901 | The semantic structure of a word and phraseological unit is analyzed from the point of view of cognitive and discourse paradigm as a synergetic unity of intrinsic and extrinsic content of the language sign. | 1287 | |||||
902 | Economical activities under globalization conditions are bonded to high competition, which demands professional competences from the specialists of economics profile. The direction for professional training is the model of a specialist in a key of professional competences. The integrated technique of training and original integrating didactical game assist the formation of them. Keywords: professional educational; economical globalization; specialist model; professional competences; integration didactic game; integral readiness coefficient | 1287 | |||||
903 | . | 1286 | |||||
904 | The article deals with the existing definitions of fluvioglacial deposits that are chiefly developed in the mountain lands. It also points out the main contradictions in field and laboratory diagnostics of fluvioglacial deposits contained in the fact that lithologic criteria for such diagnostics do not exist in the nature. It refers to all the facies of fluvioglacial deposits in the pre-glacial zone. The absence of lithologic criteria of distinguishing between the so-called fluvioglacial and mountainous alluvium is explained by the structure of all these deposits. It is conditioned by hydrodynamic peculiarities of the floods in which they are developed. Pre-glacial fluvial sediments undergo the process of laying many times both immediately by the glacier margin and under the glacier itself. Thus, it means that according to the well-spread classifications all the melt-water deposits (except pre-glacial lake deposits) should be called «alluvium». Besides, it often happens that some forms of a principally different genesis-diluvial origin-would be taken for the deposits of melt glacier water. The former it their turn have been formed by cataclysmic (i.e. - temporary) floods from ice-dammed lakes which outburst. Unclear diagnostics of water deposits leads to the difficulties in defining criteria to seek alluvial placers. The article shows the place of diluvial deposits in the row of other genetic types of loose sediments. The second part of the article deals with the energy essence of the diluvial morpholithogenesis from the points of natural risks. | 1286 | |||||
905 | The University is training a competent educational specialist with a high level of general and professional culture with knowledge of fundamental concepts of methodology, theory of education and management, with a systematic understanding of the pedagogical problems aimed at a creation of a future teacher’s individual style of pedagogical activity. It is also the basis of the trainee’s future success in professional activity. | 1286 | |||||
906 | In this article one of the important problems of school education – formation of cognitive motives is touched upon. For more profound understanding of the problem new details are given to the definition of the motive. All categoriesof the motives are described in the article. Conditions and factors of formation of the motives are marked as an essential point of the problem. | 1286 | |||||
907 | The author of article considers an urgency of the organisation of educational system on the basis of student's self-management. In article the short description of modern concepts of education is given. Contradictions in the organisation of nonlearning activity in professional educational institutions are revealed, and also concepts of nonlearning activity, self-actualisation, socialisation of students, student's self-management are formulated. The model of the organisation of nonlearning activity on the basis of student's self-management on an example of Prokopevsky industrially-economic technical school - the winner of the All-Russia competitions «Models of student's self-management» in 2006, «On the best organisation of activity of bodies of student's self-management» in 2007 is considered. Results of research of efficiency of introduction of model of nonlearning activity on the basis of student's self-management in the given educational institution are resulted. Keywords: education, self-actualisation of the person, student's self-management | 1286 | |||||
908 | The article deals with the description of the technique of training pupils to the solving of problems on construction on a plane and in space by a method of geometrical places of points in frameworks of the activity approach by means of allocation of the generalized method of the solving of problems by the given method and its purposeful formation. Keywords: a method of educational activity, stages of formation of a method, a method of geometrical places of points. | 1286 | |||||
909 | The article deals with the phenomenon of language choise in the aspects of language culture and sociolinguistics upon the example of the exoglossic development character of literary German since 1950 due to assimilation to American English. Keywords: language choise; prestige language; forced and reflected types of language choise; subjectivity of language election | 1286 | |||||
910 | In the clause we consider N. Erdman`s interludes to Shakespeare’s play “Two Gentlemen of Verona” in comparison with the original scenes. In particular, we argue that the carnival nature of the laughter of Shakespeare’s interludes gives way to humorous pathos of Erdman`s scenes. Keywords: Erdman Nikolai, interludes, Shakespeare William, “Two Gentlemen of Verona”, a comic, humor, carnival laughter, the language of carnival forms and symbols | 1286 | |||||
911 | The questions assess the level of formation of informational competence of college students, identify indicators and evaluation criteria, developed requirements for each level of information competence and test tasks open, analyzed the results of testing of college students. Keywords: core competence, information competence, level of formation of information competence assessment tools of information competence | 1286 | |||||
912 | Scientific and theoretical approaches to the problem of studying the features of creative activity of children preschool age with strong speech disorders are concerned. The methods of studying the peculiarities of connected speech and verbal creativity in the process of reading literature works are suggested. The paper presents the analysis of the experimental results, which prove the effectiveness of using the correctional-pedagogical technology of developing the verbal creativity of preschool age children with strong speech disorders. Keywords: text, strong speech disorder, creative activity, verbal creativity, connected speech, literature work | 1286 | |||||
913 | The article is devoted to the methodological problem of formation of historical linguistic competence of the foreigners studying the Russian language. The current researches on this issue are generalized. The work systematizes some main Pro and Contra factors of the inclusion, extent, methodological appropriateness of the historical linguistics lessons and tasks in the system of Russian training of foreign students. It represents the argumentation that the historical linguistic commentary is the optimal and the most effective form of teaching of the history of the Russian language for foreign audience. Some cases of its rational use are researched. In particular, one of these cases deals with the techniques of Russian words semantization. Etymological analysis is an effective method of semantization, which deals with the living connections of the word. Conscious awareness of the Russian language actualizes a conscious study of non-systemic facts of the Russian phonetics, grammar and spelling. Historical linguistic commentary for foreign audience also has great cultural potential. The internal form of the words allows understanding the Russian language consciousness and receiving objective information about Russian culture. Another actual problem is the adequate perception of authentic texts as products and representations of its era. The article results may be used in linguodidactics, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language and the practice of teaching the Russian language to foreign students. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, historical linguistic commentary, non-systemic facts of language, semantization of foreign words | 1286 | |||||
914 | The article considers one of the actual problems of modern school education – the formation of a graphic culture of teachers, which in modern conditions is the process of mastering the graphic language, the skills of operating graphic information and the ability to use graphic culture in different areas of educational activity. Different approaches of scientists and teachers to the problem are analyzed, the main contradictions confirming the formulation of the problem of the formation of graphic culture of schoolchildren are determined. The authors identify one of the ways to form the quality of the student under study – the use of art-technological design as a means of forming graphic culture of students. As the main activity, the project activity is considered as an innovative component that contributes to the accumulation of graphic information and the development of graphic skills of students. The article provides the analysis of the conceptual and terminological apparatus-the concepts of “project”, “design”, “project activity”, “creative activity”, “creative project”. The results of the initial survey actualizing the necessity of forming the studied quality are presented. Discusses the art-technological design, its nature, definition. The use of art technology in the educational space as a means of forming a graphic culture of schoolchildren is focused on expanding the level of cognitive activity, the development of creative abilities and awakening to in-depth study of subjects. Keywords: learning, technology, graphic culture, and graphic language, art technology, education, information culture, art and technological design of the art technology | 1286 | |||||
915 | One of the modern translations of the drama by A.P. Chekhov « Three Sisters» made by Thomas Brasch to German is the object of the research. The article views the interpretation of the motives of the drama, where the translator ignores the innovatory principles of the Russian writer’s plays, thus returning the drama to the traditional scheme based on the characters’ relations, and accentuates its comedy-absurd re-understanding | 1285 | |||||
916 | The article is devoted to the attempt of reconstruction of origins of gender behavior of the French ruling elite of the Early Modern period. On the grounds of the materials saved up in modern medievalism, the author points out a number of the significant moments connected with matrimonial praxis in the elite’s sphere, the social status of gender and their resources of power, behavior of the rulers and their environments in private sphere. Keywords: modern medievalism, France in the Middle Ages, ruling elite, gender attitudes, symbolical «capitals», behavioral installations | 1285 | |||||
917 | The theory of distance education of B. Holmberg based on empathy and the theory of transactional distance of M. G. Moore are analyzed in the article. The humanistic approach realization in foreign theories of distance education is considered. The invariant characteristics of humanistic approach in distance education are determined. Keywords: a humanistic approach, a theory of distance education, distance education, empathy, transactional distance, personal relations, dialogue, structure, learning autonomy, student-centered teaching | 1285 | |||||
918 | In the article the maintenance and principles of the choice of “analytical” methods of the organization of group work in training are considered. Special attention in the article is paid to conditions of application of such “analytical” methods of the organization of small group work: problem solved methods, knowledge building education, project based learning, training seminar and “a case study”. Keywords: Intensive business training, training, methods of small group work, analytical methods of small group work, principles of a choice of methods of the organization of work in groups in training | 1285 | |||||
919 | In this paper the authors based on the analysis of historical and pedagogical literature attempted to uncover the basic features of the organization of social education in Russia in the early twentieth century (in pre-revolutionary period and the period after the revolutionary events of 1917). Keywords: social education, social care training, children’s organizations, scouts, pioneers | 1285 | |||||
920 | The results of enzyme activity in peat deposits of eutrophic bog Tagan in natural and anthropogenic conditions are described. It was stated that in the anthropogenically transformed deposits there are more active hydrolysis of carbohydrates, with the participation of invertase. In the natural peat deposits more intense humification processes of organic matter. Keywords: peat deposit, enzymes, biochemical activity, agrosilviculture | 1285 | |||||
921 | The article analyses etymology of the lexical unit “Paralympics” in the English language over a period of 1950–2017 years. The analyzed lexical unit initially meant sports competitions for athletes affected by paralysis but since 1950-s its meaning has undergone substantial changes due to the extended program of the Paralympic Games. Currently “Paralympics” does not only mean an athletic event for sportspeople with various disabilities, this lexical item is also used to designate the movement uniting able-bodied and disabled athletes, politicians, journalists, etc. It is directed at creating comfortable and friendly environment for people with impairments, helping them realize their potential, involving them in various not necessarily sports activities. The authors have identified new potential for using the productive prefix para- , which was originally a Greek preposition, to designate Paralympic events and disabled athletes, redefined the meaning of the prefix throughout the evolution of the designator (from the idea of an impairment to revealing impressive abilities of para-athletes sometimes exceeding those of able-bodied sportspeople), provided the data on distribution regulations of using the prefix in modern English language and forecast probable expansion of its intensional meaning conformable to expanding content level of the lexical unit “Paralympics” designator. Keywords: lexical unit «Paralympics» in the English language, etymology, de-etymologisation, blending, prefixation, renaming, expansion of intensional meaning | 1285 | |||||
922 | The article is devoted to additional methodical preparation of the students V of a rate to work in conditions of profile school on the basis of development and realization of a special rate: Profile training and preparation of the future teacher. In clause there is a speech about changes in a society connected to them by new tasks of education, about functions of profile school, her of a history in Russia. The contents of a special rate is given, the questions considere during realization of a rate are designated. Given clause will be useful both teachers, and students of pedagogical high schools interested by a problem of preparation of the teacher’s staff for work in conditions of profile training | 1284 | |||||
923 | In this article is dicussed the algorithm (succession) of stages and levels of moral development and their characteristics are presented in. The main stages are: moral development (influence) and self-upbringing. Moral development comprises the following levels: ethic, the level of politeness, breeding, morals. The stage of self-upbringing is introduced by the level of intelligence, culture, spiritual level. Attention is paid to the fact that moral development of a personality is a long-time, complicated, multilevel with a lot of aspects process. | 1284 | |||||
924 | The concept of “the social potential of the youth” is seen as a set of interrelated characteristics, reflecting its personal creative social resources that this social group and each individual strives to develop and realize in social practice to translate it in humanistic values and ideals. The social potential of the youth includes the willingness of young people to fulfill social roles and functions, the social and cultural experience of social groups and of each individual, his social competence, the need and readiness for self-realization in social practice, initiative, responsibility, citizenship, moral ideals and values, social subjectivity. Formation of social potential is a function of the institutions of training and education as social entities, as subjects of state-legal construction; it is based on socio-cultural traditions of education, taking into account the social and cultural environment as necessary ethical, moral and spiritual principles, on the involvement of children and young people into social practice; on social control as an integral socialization of the individual. Education is carried out in concrete historical conditions as a result of the existing social relations and ways of life of the society. The main criterion for its implementation and realization is the degree of correspondence of the qualities and properties of a person to life requirements. On the one hand the development of the potential of young people involves the creation of favorable conditions for the development of young people’s capabilities, improving the living conditions and the quality of the social environment, on the other hand – the increase of competitiveness of the potential of the youth throuth development of social sectors of economy. The tool that can solve the problem of the formation of the social potential of the youth is the social pedagogy. Keywords: social potential, the youth, training, upbringing, personal approach, kinds of activities | 1284 | |||||
925 | The relationship between objective conditions and subjective specific features of the individual is regarded in the article. In this interaction a person is centered as unique and multisided phenomenon. Different human activities in a diverse spheres of life are highlighted that have either direct or indirect influence on person’s health. It is emphasized the leading role of objective conditions in the person’s choice of a definite lifestyle towards health. At the same time, healthy or unhealthy lifestyle is strongly mediated by personal values and preferences and addresses individual social and spiritual experience. | 1283 | |||||
926 | The article represents one of the series works «Phraseological Transformations in Speech and Text» which investigates mechanism of transformation of form and different semantic components of phraseological units in order to achieve stylistic effect. The content of the article shows the changes in grammatical, evaluative and emotional semantic components of phraseological units in the aspect of peculiar to these units system features which determine the possibility of this kind of transformation. | 1283 | |||||
927 | It was studied effect of activation of M-opioid receptor (OR) on the tolerance of isolated perfused rat heart to global 45 min ischemia and 30 min reperfusion. In vivo pretpeatment with selective M-opioid receptor agonist DAMGO (0,1mg/kg intravenously) increased tolerance of isolated perfused rat heart to ischemia and reperfusion. This effect was completely abolished by pretreatment with the M-antagonist CTAP. Addition of DAMGO and DALDA to the perfusion solution in a final concentration of 170 nМ before ischemia had no cardioprotective effect. However, addition of DALDA to the perfusion solution in a final concentration of 33 nM also decreased creatine kinase levels in the coronary sinus effluent. Keywords: M-оpioid receptors, isolated heart, ischemia, reperfusion | 1283 | |||||
928 | In the article on the basis of long-term researches the data about the role of fresh-water molluscs in food of fishes in the reservoirs of Siberia is generalized. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of food Coregonus, Acipenser and some Cyprinidae fishes from the pools of the rivers Ob, Enisei, Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma and from the reservoirs of peninsulas Yamals, Gydansky and Tajmyrsky are given. Keywords: Molluscs, Coregonus, Acipenser, occurrence, food, Ob, Enisei, Tajmyr, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma, Subarctic region, Arctic regions | 1283 | |||||
929 | The paper investigates sound images in Lermontov's lyric poetry. The authors point out that the sound ac- quires a special methaphoric symbolic meaning in the artistic system of the poet and subdivide it into sound images (sound-farewell, sound-wellcome, sound-death, sound-high perseptions, etc.). Sound images in their psychological as well as philosophic symbolistic mean- ings in Lermontov's lyrics are analysed. | 1282 | |||||
930 | This article deals with cultural-historical analysis of the phenomenon of the responsibility in its correlation with freedom individual properties (qualities) of personality (such as duty. conscience)and its working definition. | 1282 | |||||
931 | In the article the theoretical and practical study on the formation of university teachers’ emotional exhaustion is presented. Keywords: emotional exhaustion syndrome, symptoms, personality, professional deformation. | 1282 | |||||
932 | The program of development of the pedagogical competence is the publication of Tazina Klarisa Alexandrovna, an English teacher of the highest qualification who has been working as a teacher at the secondary school for more than 25 years. The program contains theoretical problem of modern pedagogical competence and all Us distinguishing professional skills. One of the important features of the program is the determination of this very notion «pedagogical competence» from the standpoint of modem pedagogical science. Special attention is drawn to the question of analysis of the lessons. The program may be recommended to all teachers of the secondary school and students of pedagogical institutes. It may be used in every day pedagogical practice. | 1281 | |||||
933 | The article is devoted to the problems of teaching English as a second foreign language (after German). It surveys the main principles of third-language teaching and discusses the possible ways of developing speaking skills. There has been an attempt in the technology to combine the two aspect sides of speech (fluency and accuracy) with the third one – pronunciation. The solution of the problem lies in the proper organization of the material, the item of which is a bilingual communicatively-intentional block, built around two texts: German and English. | 1281 | |||||
934 | This article is devoted to the most important and actual problem as the development of village schools with limited number of pupils. The solution of nowadays problems depends on modernization of the village schools, municipal and regional educational systems. These problems are connected with the beginning of finance according to the number of pupils, branch payment, implementation of pre-schooling education, profile learning, etc. The main way of the development of NLVS (Number Limited Village Schools) is the staff (teachers who work with pupils of such schools). The article gives the analyses of the staff resource (in the Tomsk region), highlights the main contradictions of teaching skills development, and points out the conditions necessary for pedagogical competence. The authors offer the description of the concrete experimental action and the results of the competence development in such groups of specialists. Keywords: keywords_eng | 1281 | |||||
935 | The article represents some items of teaching process efficiency theory, complex model of teaching process efficiency improving for students of technical colleges and institutes of higher education and the results of its approbation. Keywords: Pedagogical conditions of using automatic means of students’ cognoscible activities | 1281 | |||||
936 | Nowadays, according to the economic growth and work performance growth, a request for qualification of labor class becomes stricter. Due to this fact the requirements for professional and applied fitness trainings for employees change. Job analysis, which reveals a list of physical qualities for potential railway employees were represented. Methods and means for physical trainings, which were introduced into curriculum, were suggested. Special tests indicating the level of professional and applied fitness trainings and required physical qualities for railway students were elaborated and implemented. Keywords: professional and applied fitness trainings for students, professional fitness, professional activity, physical fitness for railway employees, tests, job analysis | 1281 | |||||
937 | Bilingualism is a multifold complex problem, that is why, it is a subject matter for the whole range of sciences. Bilingualism is a subject of special interest for speech therapy, because it causes appearance of lasting specific speech mistakes. Keywords: bilingualism, speech mistakes | 1281 | |||||
938 | The article describes the method of working with the linguistic dictionaries of different types in elementary school. The importance of this topic is conditioned by the need to develop verbal-logic thinking of junior schoolchild, which is impossible without a sufficient amount of words - operators of cognitive processes. For this reason, an important place in the new standards for primary education is given to training to work with dictionaries. The authors point to the factors affecting the formation of skills of work with dictionaries, namely: teachers do not form the conditions under which a child should use a dictionary; teachers do not have sufficient preparation for such work; There are no reasonable technologies for working with dictionaries. Meanwhile, the ability to use reference books is a universal educational action, every student should have this ability. The ratio of the dictionary and the information contained in it to the value, knowledge of dictionaries of various types, and how each of them can be considered is a manifestation of this ability. In this regard the authors identify phases of work with dictionaries in primary school, the conditions of effectiveness of this work, describe the set of learning actions with dictionaries. Requirements for modern dictionary for a junior schoolchild include, in particular, quantity limitation, the actual structure of the Glossary, a close connection with the educational-methodical complex used in this class. Special attention is paid to the methods of work with monolingual, spelling and orthoepic dictionaries, which are basic for junior schoolchild. Keywords: primary school, metasubject results, learning skills, linguistic dictionaries, methods of work with the dictionary, features of dictionaries of different types, dictionaries for primary school children | 1281 | |||||
939 | The author of the article is analyzing images and motives of «The Poem without a Hero» and «The Prose about the Poem» by Anna Akhmatova. They trace to shaman myths and notions which underlie the legend about the mission of a singer, his poetical inspiration. They can be seen in the composition of the first part of «The Poem without a Hero» in traveling of the memory into the world of the dead, the presence of the images of dances, the motive of conjuring. It is known that Akhmatova had an idea of changing the poem into a kind of «dancing action with singing from behind the scene. All these made it possible for Anna Akhmatova to call her poem «shamanics». | 1280 | |||||
940 | The author investigates philosophical poetics as the model of the tradition of hermeneutics and phenomenology. The article shows that the conception of mythos in the poetics of Aristoteles includs the ethical (katharsis) and existential (tragedy) aspects of the poetical understanding. The author notices the similar structure in the understanding of existential phenomenology. However the event of understanding includs as well the being to the death here. According to the author it is the base of the philosophical poetics. In this way the author interprets the whole philosophy of hermeneutics, phenomenology and existentialism. | 1280 | |||||
941 | The article is devoted to studying the functional assimilation of the words of foreign origin in the Russian language using the Tomsk literary monuments of the XVII Century. The general collocations of borrowings are considered in connection with their semantic, morphological and syntactical peculiarities as their movement to the implementation of collocation potentials of native Russian words. | 1280 | |||||
942 | Honesty, Openness, Unselfishness, Love, – at the individual, interpersonal and international levels – are the principles, which allow to establish peaceful inter-group communication and to resolve the conflicts, which are making a significant impact on peoples’ lives. The morals is the ground for all kind of human activities, and there must be little doubt that our future itself depends on the level of each person’s adherence to moral principles. As numerous historical examples show, an armed solution to the conflict can only put an end to the violent phase of conflicts but not to resolve them. This is especially clear when we examine the cases of ethnic and gender conflicts. The cardinal change of psychological and moral atmosphere, the formation of principles of global ethics in the system of interstate and interpersonal relations should facilitate the achievement of the final goal of the elimination of such conflicts. The global ethics are based on the idea that our future safety depends on the changes in human culture. However, the modern state of human culture can be determined as one in a deep crisis, and this crisis is first of all a moral one. This observation is of the major global ethics’ humanitarian value. | 1280 | |||||
943 | Main purpose of weight regulation in sport is to get advantages in power in comparison to rivals in the concrete weight category during competitions. The purpose of study was to develop and ground practicability of forming readiness of wrestlers to competitions in the limits of the elected weight category, directed to the achievement of the increased emulative capacity to work. Within the framework of the scientific study was determined that regulation of weight among athletes is a pedagogical problem, however in sport biopedagogical regulation of weight is used. By experimental way rational borders of reducing weight were determined , the factors of advantage in power on weight categories and formula of calculating advantage in power by reducing weight into the concrete weight category were concluded. Designed and by experienced-experimental way were approved strategies of reducing weight and recovering the power possibilities of athlete after before-competition regulation of weight by preparing and participation in competitions. Keywords: regulation of weight of tel, power advantage, recovering the power possibilities. | 1280 | |||||
944 | The article considers the problem of interaction with training college students who are considered to be maladjustable because of their negative social experience of communication. The article presents the detailed description of the experience of teenagers inclusion in socially-significant activity through their involvement in dramatic performance and charity. Keywords: theatrical pedagogics, maladjustable teenagers, socially-significant activity | 1280 | |||||
945 | In the work a short review of formation and development of the system of historical education in teacher training colleges, universities and academies of Siberia in the 30s of the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century is presented. Siberian region is considered within the limits of the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation established now and on the territory, mainly, coincides with the Siberian Federal district. Keywords: historical education, pedagogical higher school, the historian, the expert, Siberia | 1280 | |||||
946 | The article is devoted to the project of education in the development of universal educational actions. On the example of studying the theme “Sequence” there are various types of educational texts, which are directed to development of the project activities of the students at the lessons of mathematics. Keywords: method of projects at mathematics lessons, educational texts, regulatory, cognitive and communicative universal educational actions | 1280 | |||||
947 | In the work that is devoted to the study of human body semantics the heterogeneity of corporality is considered through the notion of body boundaries. The material for analysis is Eastern-Slavic mythological tradition diversified in folklore, literary texts; language system bearing culturally significant typifications; peculiarities of ceremonial practice. The topic of boundary, which rises from the fundamental perceptions of consciousness about heterogeneity of space, is projected on the microcosm of a human body. In symbolic anatomy it is possible to outline the inner boundaries that structure a body from inside, and external ones that fix the boundaries of structures that go outside. Keywords: traditional culture of the Russians, body, symbolic anatomy, body boundaries, myth, folklore, linguistic consciousness, ritual | 1280 | |||||
948 | The problem of gender peculiarities of speech aggressiveness is regarded on associative, textual, and dialogic levels. It is underlined that the speech aggressiveness has specific peculiarities connected with various psychological mechanisms of speech functioning, language consciousness, and individual peculiarities of speech codes of a language personality. It is concluded that the degree of the manifestation and the form of the speech aggressiveness is conditioned by sociocultural factors. The object of the research presented below is the peculiarity of masculine and feminine aggressive discourse represented in oral and written speech of a man. | 1279 | |||||
949 | Adolescence crisis (pubertal period) in school education practice is synchronised with the transition from the primary stage of education to the secondary one. Which is perceived by schoolchildren as a stressful process. This complex creates a very unfavourable back-ground for the further formation and development of teenager’s personalities and can provoke different complications, including psychological deviations. Studies of this problem made it possible to separately assess this crises on pact as well as on complex. Experiments’ results allowed to distinguish four system factors that characterise endogenic (genetic) causes as well as the role of pubertal and school crises and their synchronisation in the processes of adaptation and deadaptation at this age. | 1279 | |||||
950 | The article formulates theoretical grounds of ethnocultural education development. The conceptual basis of ethnocultural education is considered in the categories “ethnicity - nation”; “culture – upbringing - education”. Enthnopedagogy is represented as mechanisms of national self-consciousness formation. The article analyzes the condition and changes in ethnocultural education in the north of Tomsk region. Keywords: ethnicity, nation, traditions, culture, upbringing, education | 1279 |