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1201 | In the given article there is a study of property crimes in Russia in the XIX–XX centuries, it’s share in the all criminality value and peculiarities. The author analyses types of the offended property crimes, peculiar properties of the criminals, level of repeated commission. | 1165 | |||||
1202 | In article theoretical bases of integrative-modular teaching are presented. The author addresses the differences of innovative technologies of traditional training; opens structural elements of module and components of integrative- modular teaching of students of institute of higher education Keywords: technology of education, innovation, technologies of traditional training, integrative-modular teaching, module, educational element, rate | 1165 | |||||
1203 | In this article the questions of interconnection of political parties and democracy as a political regime are analyzed. The democratic and authoritarian tendencies intrinsic to parties as ones of key political institutes of modern states are analyzed by the author of this article. Keywords: political parties, democracy, institutes | 1165 | |||||
1204 | The article deals with the issues related to the formation of students’ social competence in rural school. There are described ways and means of its formation. Keywords: formation of social competence, rural school | 1165 | |||||
1205 | In the article on the basis of the archival data the question of the number of prisoners in Siberia in the years of the Civil war is considered, it was also analyzed the composition of the prisoners, considered the structure of criminal and political crime in 1918–1919. Keywords: the penal system, inmates, political and criminal crime | 1165 | |||||
1206 | We considered migration processes typology from the educational perspective and presented some relationships between the concepts “study migration” and “educational migration”. On the basis of the analysis of education programs we made a list of approaches to the organization of educational migration in educational practice of foreign institutions of higher education. Keywords: migration, study migration, educational migration, educational trip | 1165 | |||||
1207 | In the article deals with the problem of development of the value orientations of primary school students. Pedagogical sense of concept "value orientation" implies mastering of surrounding reality, acquisition of vital reference-points. One of terms of development of the value orientations is implementation of cultural-educational projects that supposes an address to the cultural values of society. The article describes descriptions of culturaleducational projects. The author presents basic content, and also results of the pedagogical research conducted in schools of Komi Republic, that was directed to the exposure of dynamics of development of the value orientations of primary school students in the process of implementation of cultural-educational projects. The conclusions made by the author in relation to efficiency of the model of introduction of cultural-educational projects in school practice are confirmed by high research results of the experimental work. Keywords: cultural-educational project, development of value orientations, cultural heritage | 1165 | |||||
1208 | Novozhilov E. D. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 18-31 . | 1164 | |||||
1209 | The article is dedicated to one of the types of syntactic connection, which has not received its grammatical status as yet. Structural, semantic and communicative peculiarities of explanatory constructions are described in the present paper. According to the conclusion made by the author explanatory connection is represented in constructions of this type on the level of simple sentence. | 1164 | |||||
1210 | The present article is dedicated to the description of different ways of realization of one of the key archetypes of the poet's creative work - «life - motion» - in the lexical structure of the poetic texts of I. Brodsky. On the basis of the communicative study of the lexical means some prominent peculiarities of the poet's ideostyle are found out. | 1164 | |||||
1211 | Peculiarities of causes for education at Tomsk State Training University on speciality “Padagogics and Psychology“ (day-time and distance forms of education) are are discovered in this article. Predomination of definite motives of education, changing of them according to the age and year of education, as well as study at distance department are discussed here too. | 1164 | |||||
1212 | The article deals with irony which, being one of the milestone characteristic features of Romanticism, in fact acquired the status of a Romantic outlook. Bonaventure in his novel ‘Nachtwachten’ (‘Night-watch’) creates by means of irony a unique intertextual reality, which in its turn is both food and basis for cross-cultural discourse between early and late Romanticism. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the novel anticipates the «ironical modality» of the 20th Century. | 1164 | |||||
1213 | Research from bogs of Korelia permission value agrometeorologica and hydrotermed regimen on bog. Increase duration period with temperate 5-1000C, increase precipitation and it distribution creation favourable condition from agriculture Keywords: Bogs, drainage, South Korelia, agrometeorologica regimen, hydroterme regimen. | 1164 | |||||
1214 | Authors studied an impact of selective ligands of cannabinoid (CB) receptors on the contractility of the isolated perfused rat heart during global ischemia and reperfusion. A perfusion by solution containing the selective CB-agonist HU-210 exacerbated a cardiac contractility dysfunction. This cannabinoid decreased the left ventricular developed pressure, the maximal rate of contraction and relaxation of the heart during reperfusion but had no effect on the heart rate and the end diastolic pressure. Negative inotropic effect of HU-210 was transient and disappeared after 5 min reperfusion. The pretreatment with the selective CB1 receptor antagonist SR141716A and the selective CB2 receptor antagonist SR144528 had no effect on the myocardial contractility during reperfusion. In conclusion, the present results indicate that CB receptor stimulation can exacerbate reperfusion contractility dysfunction of the heart. Endogenous cannabinoids are not involved in the development of myocardial contractility dysfunction during ischemia/reperfusion of the heart. Keywords: cannabinoid receptors, cardiac contractility, ischemia, reperfusion, isolated heart | 1164 | |||||
1215 | First, based on extensive statistical analysis of the material there are highlighted key issues and specific processes of reproduction of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the 1960–80s. That deepens the understanding of the nature of demographic processes in this region. | 1164 | |||||
1216 | The article is devoted to the analysis of cultural and genetic circuits of Neolithic and early metal (copper age) of the Upper Ob basin, presented in the national historiography of the second half of the 1970-ies – the beginnings of the 2010-ies. The work, as the second part of the synthesis of historiography research, includes a substantial characteristic of the third and fourth historical stages. The third stage (the second half of the 1970-ies and the first half of the 1980- ies) is linked to the research by V. I. Molodin. The fourth stage of the historiography of the second half of the 1980-ies – the beginning of 2010-ies) is represented by the works by V. I. Molodin, V. A. Zakh, J. F. Kirushin, V. V. Bobrov and N. Y. Kungurova. The genetic linkage of modern concepts with theoretical practices of the 1950-first half of the 1970-ies is considered. The conclusion concerning the existence of lines of scientific continuity, which caused a long coexistence of several mutually exclusive cultural-chronological schemes, is drawn. Keywords: historiography, neolithic, eneolithic, early metal, Upper Priobye | 1164 | |||||
1217 | The article contains the description of different forms and methods of work with the concept in text activities in the process of formation and development of linguistic-cultural competence in students in grade 10, drawing on the methodological research and teaching experience of the author. Keywords: linguistic-cultural competence, concept, concept-oriented technique, cultural text, text activities | 1164 | |||||
1218 | The concept of “the social potential of the youth” is seen as a set of interrelated characteristics, reflecting its personal creative social resources that this social group and each individual strives to develop and realize in social practice to translate it in humanistic values and ideals. The social potential of the youth includes the willingness of young people to fulfill social roles and functions, the social and cultural experience of social groups and of each individual, his social competence, the need and readiness for self-realization in social practice, initiative, responsibility, citizenship, moral ideals and values, social subjectivity. Formation of social potential is a function of the institutions of training and education as social entities, as subjects of state-legal construction; it is based on socio-cultural traditions of education, taking into account the social and cultural environment as necessary ethical, moral and spiritual principles, on the involvement of children and young people into social practice; on social control as an integral socialization of the individual. Education is carried out in concrete historical conditions as a result of the existing social relations and ways of life of the society. The main criterion for its implementation and realization is the degree of correspondence of the qualities and properties of a person to life requirements. On the one hand the development of the potential of young people involves the creation of favorable conditions for the development of young people’s capabilities, improving the living conditions and the quality of the social environment, on the other hand – the increase of competitiveness of the potential of the youth throuth development of social sectors of economy. The tool that can solve the problem of the formation of the social potential of the youth is the social pedagogy. Keywords: social potential, the youth, training, upbringing, personal approach, kinds of activities | 1164 | |||||
1219 | The article under consideration presents an experimental material demonstrating effectiveness of the model of professional trend. The model corresponds to the demands of humanization of physical training education. The authors give a full description of the valuable sphere providing a conceptual attitude of future teachers to professional pedagogical activity based on humanistic ground. | 1163 | |||||
1220 | The main function of a political speech is to influence its recipients. This article is devoted to the study of means and peculiarities of emotional persuasion used in political rhetoric as emotions play a big role for a mass audience. | 1163 | |||||
1221 | The article presents transformations of the figures of Marilyn Monroe and Carmen in the plays “Our Decameron” by E. Radzinsky, “A School for Emigrants” by D. Lipskerov, “Carmen is alive!”, “Murlin Murloe” by N. Kolyada | 1163 | |||||
1222 | The article deals with the culture-based approach to working out the theoretical basis of choosing a profession by the pupils of the national school of the Republic of Khakasia; the conditions of a successful choice of a profession are stated. Keywords: the choice of a profession, the culture-based approach, national culture, the cultural - educational space of a school, value orientations, the conditions of a successful choice of a profession | 1163 | |||||
1223 | The article is devoted to the analysis of special museum-pedagogical literature as a new type of publication among a wide range of museum editions which had appeared in Russia in 1990ies. The article reveals specific theme of museum-pedagogical publications, investigates dynamics of publication activity of museums, defines the centers of publication activity in Russia. Keywords: museum-pedagogical editions, dynamics of publications, center of publication activity | 1163 | |||||
1224 | The potential of computer-based testing for teaching mathematics in high school is discussed. It is shown how a teacher can make tests to help students to understand new material. Practices on problems solving and self-assess of the results of student’s studies are also treated. On the basis of the software system «Iren» the various options for testing and quiz’s preparation are described. Keywords: teaching mathematics in higher school, quizzes, software system “Iren”, testing organization | 1163 | |||||
1225 | The article provides elaboration of the typology of Russian ceramics of the Altai territory, based on functional, structural, regional characteristics. Keywords: Altai, Russian, ceramics, types, functions, form, name | 1163 | |||||
1226 | The author makes an attempt to make a share of contribution to the research of the pivotal component of the problem of civic population evacuation – the evacuation of population from Stalingrad and the accommodation of the evacuees at the Siberian land. The article shows the peculiarities and hardships of the situation of the city of Stalingrad, which became the centre of evacuation processes in the South of the country due to its geographical and economical situation, transport development. The paper gives the analysis of the reasons for the belatedness of the mass evacuation held in the city, evacuation of the highly qualified cadres and their families, the ways of solving complex problems of accommodation of the arrivals form Stalingrad in Siberia. The paper makes a special emphasis on the issue as the specialists from Stalingrad arrived in order to build the large plant Transmash, which was to produce diesel engines for tanks, the production of which had been terminated at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. The papers shows the system of measures undertaken for solving this accommodation problem, highlights that it required the development of the special plan, creation of staging points, organizations of food, medical and social services, mobilization of transport organizations. In spite of many hardships the task of providing the arrived people and their families with living accommodations was solved. Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, Stalingrad, Barnaul, evacuation, Krasnyy oktyabr’ (Red October), Barrikady (Barricades), Traktornyy zavod (Tractor Plant), Transmash | 1163 | |||||
1227 | The author explores one of the directions of Russian orthodox – true orthodox Christian. In this article it is considered reasons of its origin, emergence in Siberia, dogma and cult, communications with state power. | 1162 | |||||
1228 | The article is dedicated to the problem of speech culture of folk and peculiarity of its interpretation in entries of motivational dictionary, antonymous dictionary, dictionary of figurative units of language | 1162 | |||||
1229 | Geometric model organization of human value sphere for different level of mental health was researched. The Rokeach value survey and method multidimensional scaling with analysis of configuration of subjective space were used in the model. | 1162 | |||||
1230 | It is in this article undertaken the attempt the examination of some phenomena of the anomalies of children’s development, connected with the disturbance of psycho-motor and vocal development, and their comprehension in the context of new ideas about the essence of ontogenesis. The analysis of literature data and results of its own studies on the problem of the interrelation of the development of engine and vocal functional systems in the normal and disrupted ontogenesis is conducted with the support to the basic condition of the theory of psychological systems. Questions of psycho-motor insufficiency with the system underdevelopment of speech are examined. | 1162 | |||||
1231 | Design activity is the integrated component of the developed and structured system of professional music education. The organisation of design activity of students of faculty of arts with the use of multimedia technologies within the limits of disciplines of specialisation promotes formation of skills of informative and research activity at realisation of the basic theoretical and practical knowledge on subject and to intersubject domains. Keywords: design activity, integration, disciplines of specialisation, multimedia technologies. | 1162 | |||||
1232 | Modern theoretical methodological approaches to the concept “tolerance” are analyzed. The results of research of tolerance development of teenagers in the conditions of association of additional education are presented. Keywords: tolerance, teenage age, personality development | 1162 | |||||
1233 | This article deals with the main aspects of tourism branding and the problem of its creation. Tourism territory branding which described in the article includes the cluster approach. The role and the characteristic of this approach is given here. There is also the general description of difficult moments in formation of Tomsk region brand as tourist destination. Keywords: territory branding, tourism brand, cluster approach, image of destination, errors of destination branding | 1162 | |||||
1234 | The paper tells about socio-economic conditions of drug business in Colombia in the last decades of XX cen¬tury. Main constituents of Colombian drug symbiosis are analyzed. The activity of cartels, the pressure of economy on criminality and political failure in organizing struggle against drug traffic are considered as well. | 1161 | |||||
1235 | Republic: Analysis of the Regulations and Practice of Application The author researches regulations of the Criminal Procedure Code of Azerbaijan Republic, which determine the procedure of initiation of criminal proceedings, gives the information about its application’ practice and opinions of specialists about sophistication of that regulations. | 1161 | |||||
1236 | In clause the problem of environmental contamination by the industrial enterprises and ways of its decision is considered. Authors offer to develop the economic mechanism of preservation of the environment at a regional level. For the effective decision of environmental problems it is offered to allocate from the economic mechanism of wildlife management preservation of the environment in the separate mechanism for increase of a management efficiency by nature protection activity of the industrial enterprises. The basic tools which are supposed to be involved, are: ecological insurance, leasing and system of progressive payments. The mechanism should raise interest of the industrial enterprises in decrease in negative influence on an environment | 1161 | |||||
1237 | The present article is based on the materials of PR-education committee report “Port of Entry”. British-American origin of PR, tendency towards globalization and fusion in educational sphere, appearance of PR-specialty almost in 200 universities of Russia make it important to introduce the basic issues of the report to the native lecturers. This article reproduces the opinion of American colleagues on PR-education in the USA at the end of the 20th Century and on it’s development in the 21st Century | 1161 | |||||
1238 | Rogover E. S. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 8 (71). P. 156-157 - | 1161 | |||||
1239 | The article represents the results of the empirical research devoted to a problem of interage interaction of teenagers. Interage interaction is considered by theoretical positions of social constructionist and social identity theories. It is shown, that teenagers are characterized by a high level of age tolerance which influences current of interaction with those age groups, which have limited experience of interaction (children and older persons). The interaction with other social groups is based on other social categorizations, besides age. The basis of subjective differentiation to estimations of interaction with various age groups is the status-role inequality of these groups. Keywords: interage interaction, age ingroup, age outgroup, age stereotype, age tolerance | 1161 | |||||
1240 | The poetics of anecdote in V. Voinovich’s novel about soldier Ivan Chonkin, a novel-anecdote genre, myth and anecdote interaction in the article are considered. The anecdote is analyzed as main genre-constituting of a novel component. Keywords: anecdote, poetics of anecdote, novel-anecdote, anecdote and myth in the novel | 1161 | |||||
1241 | In the article the ways of associate petroleum gas utilization on the oil fields of Tomsk region and problems of its effective use are studied. The payment for the negative influence on the environment and economic aspects of the associated petroleum gas utilization on the oil fields of Tomsk region are analyzed. Keywords: associated petroleum gas, utilization, oil fields, oil and gas business | 1161 | |||||
1242 | The article provides definition of “communicative style of language personality” notion. The communicative style of M. Y. Ganapolskiy., “Echo Moskvy” radio presenter, will be described. The peculiar features of his language behaviour, communicative tactics and strategies, communicative roles, general communicative tonality of his public discourse will be given. Keywords: language personality, communicative style, communicative tactics and strategies, communicative role | 1161 | |||||
1243 | The description of the concept of electronic training by means of technology of avatars is provided in article. Basic elements of this concept are connected with application of virtual reality and possibility of the pupil-teacher interaction in the avatar-avatar or the pupil-avatar formats on the basis of the elements of artificial intelligence. The functions used in this system have to provide full maintenance of training in the discipline chosen by it. Implementation of this concept will allow not to completely replace the main traditional forms of education, but to diversify training elements, and also to make this process highly technological. Keywords: educational process, technology of training, electronic training, avatar, training environment | 1161 | |||||
1244 | This paper is the continuation of the one, called «Russian Patronymics», published in this Journal earlier [1999, № 1 (10), p. 43-46]. The classification of lexical couples «genus-totem» is considered in it, that is very significant to understand bases of Russian ancestral anthroponymics. Some tens of Ants tribe of genera (one of 9 Great Rus' tribes), in which were established ornithological totems, have been considered. Objective characteristics, distinguished the Russian ancestral (generic) names from ungeneric, are enumerated here. On the example of the surname Ivanov it is seen, that this surname is characterized by all generic signs. The history of its arising is narrated in verbal stories. A number of old priest genera of Ants is named. | 1160 | |||||
1245 | Contemporary Teacher: Training, Experience, Competence | 1160 | |||||
1246 | The paper treats the problems of development of such teacher’s quality as competence. The situations which help to identify a competent math teacher are described. Only highly efficient teachers took part in the experiment: teachers, who have won Soros stipend; teachers engaged in intellect-consuming models of teaching; teachers with the highest level of qualification; teachers, engaged in research activity and the like. The experiment showed that an open cognitive position is the leading feature of a competent math teacher who works on the basis of psychologically oriented models of education. It is possible to form an open cognitive position of a would- be math teacher within the frames of a discipline «Psychodidactics » on the basis of integrative project tasks. | 1160 | |||||
1247 | This article is devoted to the value aspect of technologization of pedagogical activity. Development of educational technologies promotes constant construction of pedagogical reality, formation of pedagogical ideals and definition of educational results. The two aim-points "an educated man" and "a competent man" allows speaking about valuable maintenance of modern education and possible consequences of construction in pedagogical activity. Keywords: values, «a educatedman», «a competent man», educational technologies, construction | 1160 | |||||
1248 | The problems of school libraries in providing access to information and education space for participants of educational process are described in the article. Lines of school libraries activity for advancement reading, library and information service to pupils and students in the electronic environment of Ural region are presented. Keywords: information and education space, information net of education, school libraries, corporate library projects, information culture, key educational competence | 1160 | |||||
1249 | The article outlines the notion of optimization of educational process and works out new ways of raising affectivity of teaching a second foreign language in a linguistic university. Keywords: optimization, second foreign language, linguistic university, linguist-teacher | 1160 | |||||
1250 | The apostasy analysis is presented in the article as one of the attributive characteristics of the existential consciousness by F. M. Dostoevsky, reflecting specifics of experience and judgment by the writer of the crisis processes of the present and overcoming of absurdity of existence of the person. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, author, existential consciousness, attributive characteristics, apostasy, axiology, Orthodoxy, atheism, reflection, “frontier situation”, “epoch-making character”, “Demons”, “A Writer`s Dairy” | 1160 |