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2351 | The article is devoted to the violence in the family. As an example the author takes one of the families living in Tomsk. In this family the objects of violence is a ten year old boy. The author defines the goal to bring this problem up to date, to consider it in different aspects. Keywords: violence in family, crisis centre, social aspect, legal aspect, pedagogic aspect, research aspect, Board of under-ages affaires and their rights protection, administrative infraction | 1094 | |||||
2352 | The complex model of HKE for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive school has got a specific difference from the previous models, because it satisfies the specific educational needs for children with weak health (bronchial asthma), health keeping and strengthening with high educational results such as training level, general and high-quality school results. Besides this model develops the culture of pupils to take care of their own health. The collaboration of teachers, psychologists, physicians and parents provides the effective health support for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive schools. Keywords: health keeping education, sanatorium classes, health keeping area, area of personal development of pupils, the complex of diagnostical medical and sanitation measures | 1094 | |||||
2353 | The article is devoted to the reviewing of pedagogical-panoramic thinking characteristics of a modern teacher as the basic of professional competence. The content of the notion “new pedagogical thinking” is also analyzed, its types are marked. Keywords: basic competence, new pedagogical thinking, pedagogical-panoramic thinking | 1094 | |||||
2354 | The article considers the linguistic ways of «Creator» concept objectification in Prigov’s poetic texts. The methods of conceptual analysis are here applied. The given research is a fragment of concept analysis; as a result of it certain cognitive indications have been formulated, dominant senses of some poetic fragments and the whole texts have been revealed. Keywords: conceptual analysis, «Creator» concept, cognitive indication, cognitive classification indication, key lexeme, representative, idio-style | 1094 | |||||
2355 | The article deals with the functions of those types of promotion, which aesthetically staticize an image of the recipient in Anna Akhmatova’s early works. The types of promotion most typical for the author are revealed in this work. Keywords: addressee, esthetic actualization, types of extensions, stylistic methods | 1094 | |||||
2356 | The accounting form as one of the insufficiently known parts of the ancient pre-literate culture is the subject of this article. The classification of some typical accounting forms principles is presented; the conclusion about the fundamental accounting forms’ features is drawn by the author. Keywords: pre-literate societies, accounting form | 1094 | |||||
2357 | The article is devoted to organization of specialized education by means of online education in rural ungraded schools. Online education means flexible combination of independent cognitive activity of students with the help of different sources of information, online and regular interaction with the leading teacher of the course and group work. Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, online education. | 1094 | |||||
2358 | A specific character of G. Hauptmanns drama “Die versunkene Glocke” in Russia at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries is observed. Dominating appraisal of Russian literary criticism about German playwright‘s work of literature and a degree of the insight into the authors conception are developed. The pattern of foreign work of literature entry into the culture of our country is deduced. Keywords: critical reception, symbolism, romanticism, neoromanticism, “new drama” | 1094 | |||||
2359 | This article deals with the phenomenon of open joint action as a special type of interaction between the teacher and the student. The subject of consideration is the word semantics “open”, and the characteristics of opening joint educational content. Justifi ed the allocation of the action as the basic units of educational content in elementary school. Keywords: open, the openness, the opening joint program, the communication, the opened and closed systems | 1094 | |||||
2360 | In the article the one of varieties of norms that are in semantics of language units reflected is investigated in the aspect of modes of expression and conditions of manifestation in verb meanings. The reasons of non-reaching and exceeding the norm of action`s effectiveness are ascertained and also connection between parametrical and axiological norms on the one hand and logical varieties of antonyms on the other hand is revealed. Keywords: parametrical norm, axiological norm, scalaris-antonymous complex, non-reaching the norm, exceeding the norm | 1094 | |||||
2361 | The article examines the main issues related to human constitutional characteristics in psychology and pedagogy. The analysis of literature relevant to this subject allowed revealing the topical problems of the constitutional types and mapping out the most important courses for further scientific research. Keywords: asthenic, athletic, body constitution, constitutional types, mesomorph, picnic, somatotype, ectomorph, endomorph | 1094 | |||||
2362 | The article presents the model of formation of informational competence of the senior educator of preschool educational establishment It describes the principles of organization of the process of formation and conditions of their implementation. The blocks which were allocated in the studied process are characterized. The article presents the criteria for determining the level of development of information competence, which are described on the basis of three levels. Keywords: senior educator, informational competence; informational competencies; formation; the model of formation; formation conditions; levels of formation of information competence | 1094 | |||||
2363 | Interrelation between Tajik proverbial corpus and peculiarities of national mentality, not discussed earlier, is considered in the article. Key features of Tajik/Persian mentality have been distinguished and highlighted by scoping literary review on the problem. The strata of 950 Tajik and Persian proverbs was searched to find characteristic features of national psychology and analyze them to discover specific peculiarities of world outlook and national ideology. Features of national mentality, verbally fixed in folk phraseology, specify psychological portrait of Tajik ethnicity and discover possibilities of national language to add important details to understanding of national culture and historical development. Keywords: national mentality, culture, Tajik language, proverbs | 1094 | |||||
2364 | The article reflects the problem of science education, which manifest themselves in school and in higher school. In particular, these problems are common to the schools and universities of Tomsk. The problems are manifested by the facts: poor results at final exams in school (average point at the final examination in physics is not high, for Tomsk it is slightly higher than in Russia in whole); weak natural-science preparation of pupils identified in the serious study; lowering of the pass mark for the students of technical faculties of leading universities of Tomsk. In addition, in the above studies was found low practical and technical preparation of students, which affects the training of engineers. The authors analyzed the proposals to solve the manifested problems. Part of the proposals concerns the introduction of a propaedeutic course of natural-science for pupils of 5–6 classes. The authors believe that such training is more effective in the study of the course, built on the basis of the most important natural subject – physics, rather than on the basis of integrated natural sciences course. Propaedeutic study of the subject, built in a certain way, contributed to the appearance of the motivation to study it. The process of such training is presented as an elective course (shows the program and, in part, the ways of working with students), where students are introduced to the great discoveries and the engineering, and consumer applications of these discoveries. The course is built on the basis of a joint discussion of the problems, updating of knowledge of students about the scientists and the benefits of their discoveries, the organization of observations and execution of simple model experiments. As a result, students gain some practical, technological and information skills. The article shows the positive results of the students, the appearance of their motivation to study physics. Keywords: problems of science education, strengthening of practical training of students, development of interest in physics, elective course for students of grades 5–6 | 1094 | |||||
2365 | The paper is devoted to the study of the phraseological units which denote age in the Chinese language. The analysis of such phraseological units is coherent with the main principle of the language athropocentricty when a human being is made a cornerstone of modern linguistic studies and a starting point in analysing the language phenomena. There are a lot of fixed phrases in the Chinese language which are connected with the semantic sphere of age. But nevertheless the analysis of the phraseological units according to different age groups hasn’t been carried out yet. In the present article the author analyses phraseological units which name childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. The conclusion is made that there are some characteristics which are peculiar to the Chinese language and Chinese linguo-culture. These peculiarities are determined by the belonging of this national and cultural community to the eastern type of culture. And these distinctive features are expressed in the existence of a large spectrum of phraseological units which denote the age of a person through the whole life span. These phraseological units add expressivenss, figurativeness, profoundness, flexibility to the Chinese language. They express folk wisdom which has been received during the long history of China. Keywords: age, phraseological units, childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood, old age | 1094 | |||||
2366 | The author of the article makes an attempt to prove that the true characters of Zabolotsky's poem are nei¬ther elements of nature, nor Gods of the antique Panthe¬on, but two great poets of the XIX and XX centuries Fjodor Tjutchev and Velimir Khlebnikov and co-opposing paradigms of their poetical languages. | 1093 | |||||
2367 | The research material, connected with the evaluation of the formation of the attitude of the students of the Faculty of Physical Culture concerning the measures of rehabilitation and preventive measures in the structure of the duties of the experts of different profiles and specialties is represented in the present article. | 1093 | |||||
2368 | The paper deals with the problem of the variant as a component of the phraseological model in the three genetically related Germanic languages. The analysis of the phraseological units leads to singling out a number of isomorphic and allomorphic variants within the frames of English, German and Swedish phraseology. | 1093 | |||||
2369 | Stem-building markers became the formal factors of the declensions only in the course of time. Originally, they were not indifferent to the semantics of the nouns and joined to certain names only. The comparative analysis of nouns with consonantal elements -j-, -w-, -n- in Gothic convinces us of the ancient origin of the markers -j-, -w- as the morphological structure of the word allows to reveal earlier elements. Every stem-building marker with a consonantal element possesses its specific feature and expresses more concrete lexical meaning. The original meaning of the consonantal markers -j-, -w- was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness but they lost this meaning. Only the marker -n- has kept the meaning of animateness, and vowel markers show the grammatical gender. | 1093 | |||||
2370 | The article devoted to the model of future teachers patriotic upbringing, based on principles of succession, tolerance and altruism. To control the work of the system the authors suggest monitoring based on qualitative and quantitative criteria to determine the results at every level and opportunities of patriotic upbringing further correction and prognostication. | 1093 | |||||
2371 | This article presents two problems. The first is to show the importance of recognition of spiritual factor determining in the policy of cooperation between states; to formulate proposals for documents of the United Nations, UNESCO and other public organizations, realizing initiative of peaceful nonviolent existence of people. The second is to show real opportunities of educational system in preparing for nonviolent style of life. | 1093 | |||||
2372 | The article describes place and role of farmers of the US Midwest and pripisnoi (bonded) peasantry class of Kolyvano-Voskresenskiy (Altai) region in the first half of the XIXth century. The politics of the government and Cabinet towards farmers and peasants households is analyzed. The author points out behavior stereotypes of the agrarians of the both countries and relates the given case to a comparative study of American farmers and Altai peasantry class tactics and adaptive behaviors for households in comparable surroundings founded on fundamental characteristics of agricultural households – justice, labor and worthy life. | 1093 | |||||
2373 | The article deals with the factors, influencing the decisions about dismissal in labor law of the beginning of the XX Century. The reasons of rejecting a number of grounds for dismissal are analyzed. The norms of dismissal by the employer’s initiative are considered | 1093 | |||||
2374 | This paper deals with the results of scientific conference devoted to the well known philosophy and pedagogy S.I.Gessen’s memory. Some modern forms of the postgraduates research training in Tomsk government pedagogical university are presented. Keywords: scientific conference, education philosophy, pedagogy, school of young scientist, modern education | 1093 | |||||
2375 | In the article we examine questions about development of teacher's copyright interactive tutorials – sites. We’ve done an analysis of the use of computer technology in traditional teaching methods. Analysis is based on the information of regional competition of copyright lessons using computer. This competition has been holding in Tomsk region for four years. In the article we explore the problems of use computer technology on the lessons at the present stage of development of education. We put special emphasis on the possibility of the use of information technology within the system of personality-developing training. We discuss the issues of designing the structure of interactive computer tutorials. We presented the description of constructor, which is intended to create copyright sites. Keywords: interactive tutorials, web-sites, computer technologies, regional competition, personality-developing training, tutorial structure, electronic constructor | 1093 | |||||
2376 | The modern frequency of changing technologies demands correction of methods in concepts of training. More often Russian employer-companies realize that they are responsible for getting necessary specific knowledge and skills of their employees. Experience of companies in the field of power industry as one of the most striking examples in building corporative system of staff training are considered in this article, methods of its monitoring and estimation of efficiency are also analyzed. | 1093 | |||||
2377 | The article proves the stages of the development of pedagogical education as socio-cultural phenomenon that were caused by the logic of all-Russian policy of the development of educational institutions network and the changes in the public policy relative to the remote territories colonization, as well as internal socio-cultural processes of the region. In different periods these factors have differently influenced on pedagogical education giving us an opportunity to speak about it as a result of socio-cultural development of Western Siberia. Keywords: region, pedagogical education, Western Siberia, teachers' training, educational policy, socio-cultural development | 1093 | |||||
2378 | The article describes the proven divergent models for teachers’ training for small schools at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. These are “Methods of Teaching of Educational Areas and Systems”, “Teaching in Ungraded Schools”, “Specialized Education in Ungraded Schools”, “Management of Ungraded Schools”. Keywords: models for teachers’ training for ungraded schools, technologies of vocational education. | 1093 | |||||
2379 | In the article the sound (inclusive musical) content of the A. P. Chekhov’s drama “The Three Sisters” is considered. The sound and musical constituent of the drama is researched in the aspect of its ontological problems range: as representing the own world image of the play. The work is studied in the cultural context of the time of its creation that allows exposing the originality of Chekhov’s art ontology. Keywords: Chekhov, world image, sound, music, rhythm | 1093 | |||||
2380 | In the article the stress in the central and southern dialects of the Selkup language is described. The research is based on the material collected during field work with last speakers of these dialects, processings of the material of the A. P. Dulzon archive and the analysis of the language of the first Selkup books. In the course of research it is revealed that in all southern and central dialects of the Selkup language there were systems paradigmatic accents, which can be described in terms “dominant” and “recessive” morphemes. The basic differences in various dialects consist in stress position, basically in marks of suffixes. Keywords: stress, morphology, Selkup language | 1093 | |||||
2381 | The article is devoted to synonyms study as one of the phenomena of speech culture. Great attention is paid to the synonyms with the metaphorical internal form. Their semantic features and stylistic passport, caused by the motivational form and motivational value are analyzed. The associative nature of figurativeness and its influence on the differentiating potential of components of a synonymic number are considered. Specificity of functioning of the investigated units in the text is traced. Keywords: the metaphorical internal form of a word, figurativeness, synonyms | 1093 | |||||
2382 | This article is devoted to modern Ufa prose, the analysis of the story of a talented Ufa artist and writer P. Khramov, the originality of the plot, the composition, imaginative system, the system of techniques used by the novelist in his story “Coenobite”. Keywords: Ufa prose, story, hero-narrator, mythologema, principle of contrast, aphoristic, retrospective of the space-time coordinates, gallery of female characters, irony | 1093 | |||||
2383 | The paper identified the timing and content for the main stages of development of public-private partnership for human capital accumulation based on the innovative development of domestic industry. There is a result of the author’s practical testing methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of corporate investment in human capital at the Joint Stock Company “Siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises” (Seversk, Tomsk region). There are recommendations for the integration of the nuclear power industry enterprises of the Russian Federation in a public-private partnership for the accumulation of human capital. Keywords: human capital, investment, efficiency, innovation development, public-private partnership | 1093 | |||||
2384 | Efficiency of the lymphatic drainage massage of the lower limbs in comparison with a classical massage is studied in the article. A greater reduction effect of a lymphatic drainage massage in a pre-contest period of skiers is revealed. Keywords: rehabilitation means, lymphatic drainage massage, skiing | 1093 | |||||
2385 | The article observes the problem of genesis of the concept of «nationalism» in culture. The following prerequisites of the genesis of the concept of nationalism are dentified: the formation of the concept «their», the concept «foreign», the emergence of the concept of the nation. It is concluded that the concept of multidimensionality of the nation and it is derived from the concept of nationalism, which accounts for the complexity of the definition of the concept in scientific discourse at the level of everyday consciousness. Keywords: nationalism, concept, concept of nationalism, concept «ours», concept «foreigner», nation, ethnicity, nationality, genesis | 1093 | |||||
2386 | The article deals with the theoretical questions of the individual mechanism of criminal behavior within the frame of the interdisciplinary approach in philosophy, psychology, sociology and criminology. These questions are considered through the prism of addiction defining the perception and evaluation of specific life situations as a problem (conflict) and actualizing the harm as a way of overcoming it. In the context of addiction the postulate of crime is substantiated as a result of interference of personality characteristics on the one hand and the impact of specific situations on the other hand. Keywords: mechanism of criminal behavior, deviant behavior, addictive behavior, addiction | 1093 | |||||
2387 | The article considers the development of the future educators training concept, based on the actual value and goal orientations in the development of the continuous pedagogical education. The article describes the value-attitude constituent and theoretical content of the concept. The practical content of the concept represents the processes of pedagogical support of the students’ activities within the integrated educational space of higher pedagogical, general and additional education systems. Such processes include pedagogical probation which comprises educational and work experience internships for the pedagogical higher education institution students. The internships are supervised by the mentors from among the leading educators who work at different levels of educational system. The theory and practice of situation and context based learning and subject-to-subject approach are taken as a basis for educational processes developed within the pedagogical concept. This provides the active involvement of future teachers in professional and quasi-professional situations and in solution of the problems arising within the situations. The creation of the integrated educational space is aimed at the support of a wide range of practice oriented forms and kinds of activities of future teachers in process of performing by them their professional tasks. The creation of such space in educational process of higher education institution is provided by the work of the Center for Additional Physical, Mathematical and Natural Science Education. Further perspectives of the research are connected with the construction of the practical content as a component of the discussed educational concept and the study of the concept’s verification results, which would allow to develop a full and substantiated understanding of the process and results of the pedagogical support in the training of pedagogical university students with the use of the potential of higher, general and additional education integration. Keywords: pedagogical concept, continuous pedagogical education, professional standards of pedagogical activity, practice based approach, pedagogical support, training of future teachers | 1093 | |||||
2388 | The main functions of foreign languages in the history of cultural development in Russia, such as political, international, professional, cultural-educational and ideological ones are analyzed by the authors in the article. It is proved that it's impossible to from a cultural, international and educational society with a man in its center without knowing foreign lan¬guages. | 1092 | |||||
2389 | The paper outlines the relativization strategies employed by Eastern Khanty, an endangered underdescribed Finno-Ugric language spoken in Western Siberia. The notion of subordination employed here is confined mainly to morphosyntactic criteria such as clausal embedding and the use of non-finite verb-forms. The approach involves a synchronic analysis of structural patterns and functional-semantic features of relative clauses in the general functional theoretical framework. These syntactic constructions are also considered diachronically revealing the paratactic character of the Khanty complex sentences. The analysis is based on the Khanty narrative corpus, reference-grammars and dictionaries. The paper includes the analysis of morphosyntactic structures coding relative relations and other cases having different morphosyntactic manifestations, but the same underlying cognitive structure. | 1092 | |||||
2390 | The authors of the article offer ways to improve quality of education and make specialized education in ungraded schools readily available by means of providing of online forms of education and implementation of innovative educational programs Keywords: education, ungraded school, state educational policy, teachers extended training, online education tutor, specialized education, innovative educational programs | 1092 | |||||
2391 | The article presents the comparative analysis of the accent characteristics of underived nouns in Tundra and Forest Nenets dialects. It is concerned with the correlation between Tundra Nenets stressed and unstressed vowels of the first syllable and first-syllable vowels in Forest Nenets. Keywords: Nenets, the Yamal dialect, the Canin dialect, forest Nenets, tundra Nenets, stress | 1092 | |||||
2392 | The article deals with the category of inclusive/exclusive in Altaic languages: special sets of pronouns and nominal and verbal forms in Manchu-Tungusic and Mongolic, forms of augmented and minimal inclusive in Turkic imperative paradigms. A special attention is paid to the structural patterns of building inclusive. All-Turkic multi-plural personal pronouns having more than one affi x of plurality in their morphological structure as well as collective-dual pronouns in Yakut are characterized according to their ability to express inclusive/exclusive semantics. Keywords: exclusive, inclusive, minimal and augmented inclusive Altaic languages | 1092 | |||||
2393 | The article considers issues of the cognitive potential of the foreign neologisms in the Russian language on the material of Siberian business documents of the 17th century. The author finds out the realization directions of the cognitive potential of Siberian borrowings demonstrating the features of the national and regional worldview. Keywords: historical lexicology, dialectology, borrowing, foreign vocabulary, Middle-Ob dialects, business written language of the 17th century, cognitive potential | 1092 | |||||
2394 | During the last decades relationships between a doctor and a patient changed considerably due to a number of reasons including technicalization of medicine. In the article philosophical and methodological aspects of those changes are examined. Critical analysis of autonomy concepts implemented in modern medical practice is given and in the ways of its management. The problem of setting patient’s autonomy borders is raised. The paper presents some results of the project RFBR № 10-06-00313 “Attractive Management: Methodological Principles of Managing Complex Systems’ Dynamics” and grounded in the draft statement of the problem RFH № 12-03-00198 “Bioethics as a form of Self-consciousness of Modern Culture”. Keywords: bioethics, patient autonomy, technical model, information model, paternalism | 1092 | |||||
2395 | The article considers forms of adaptive behaviour that are fundamental for the sociogenesis, that is, for the evolutionary process, during which cognitive abilities have been formed. The decisive role in this process belongs to the artifi cial phylogenetic human activity, which gave the start sociogenesis and appearance of cultural forms of social behaviour. The synthesis of these forms of activity is the result of the development of symbolic and evolutionarily new human mental abilities. Keywords: adaptation, activity, behaviour, sociogenesis | 1092 | |||||
2396 | We study the particle number production and its time variation using non-equilibrium quantum eld theory. We study the model proposed by Hotta et.al. [1] for particle number production with a heavy neutral scalar and a light complex scalar. The interaction Lagrangian contains CP violating phase and particle number violating interaction among the scalars. The particle number violating mass term is also introduced, which splits a complex scalar into two real scalars with small non-degenerate mass. Therefore, the term generates particle and anti-particle mixing. We study the long time behavior of the particle number production rate. Keywords: particle number production, non-equilibrium quantum eld theory | 1092 | |||||
2397 | The article represents an attempt at academic understanding of interconnection between the teacher’s personality potential and spiritual values within the framework of the present-day system of education. Keywords: spiritual values, teacher’s personality potential | 1092 | |||||
2398 | The article considers the method of tectological system analysis which was developed by Alexander Bogdanov (1873–1928) for research of complex social, economic and political processes on the basis of natural sciences regularities. The author compares Bogdanov’s method with other later created forms of system analysis and estimates their comparative effectiveness in the sphere of historical events and forecasting of social crises. States the fact of some tectological key regularities adoption in the process of L. von Bertalanfi’s general system theory and N. Weiner’s cybernetics development. Shows the methodological limitation of the general system theory, cybernetics and I. Prigozhin’s synergetrics which can’t be applied for researching transformational processes in social, economic, political, cultural and ideological spheres of society’s life. Proposes an essentially new concept of historical process as an organized sequence of the facts unified by functionally chained causal relationships, the very existence of them which excludes multiplied interpretation of the events recorded in historical sources. The author proves that such perception of social reality (essential characteristic of which is a historical process) caused the hyper-crytical attitude to Bogdanov’s method of tectological system analysis om the part of scientists of the 20th and 21th centuries, though the heuristic potential of Bogdanov’s theory for historical events research remains high. Keywords: history of science, tectology, system analysis, forecasting, historical process | 1092 | |||||
2399 | The main tendencies of forming the professor corps of the Tomsk State University in 1917-1945 are considered in the given paper. They are proletarianization of the teaching staff, ide¬ological conciliation with the Soviet power, awarding ranks and academic degrees without defending theses; promotion, planning in training scientific staff. The work was performed due to financial support of RGNF (project Na 00-03-00239). | 1091 | |||||
2400 | One of the most important problems of modern education is analyzed in the article. The authors are sure that in situation of economical destabilny Russia is in want of a teacher of high political and world view culture and civil fortitude. | 1091 |