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4901 | . | 1067 | |||||
4902 | The process of economy market model perfection is based on the activation of innovative activity, embodiment of scientifically technical development results in manufacture, creation of new technological processes and reorganization on modern scientifically technical basis of all branches of goods production and sphere of service. During last twenty years the higher school all over the world is in a condition of seraching the adequate answer to “XXI Century questions”. The creation of innovative universities will allow to solve the problem of disbalance between demand for the basic products of universities activity and opportunities of universities | 1067 | |||||
4903 | From Ed. From editor // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2008. Issue 4 (78). P. 5-7 | 1067 | |||||
4904 | The article regards the essence of a pedagogical model called “The Imagetechnology Model of Leadership Practices”, which is realized by the help of the subject “Imagiology”. The author proposes a variant of upbringing leader’s qualities by realization of the above mentioned model. Keywords: Leader’s qualities; Imagiology; The Imagetechnology of the Leadership Practices; a basic conception of leading; a verbal image; “kinesics” (Greek) image; “gabitar” image | 1067 | |||||
4905 | The article rums some aspects of analysis of the methodology of clusters formation and development in modern market economy. The anther examines the main directions of clusters influence on market competition. Keywords: clusters, structure, competition, innovational economy, completion connections, coordination, computability. | 1067 | |||||
4906 | In this article the author made the folklore analysis and classified the plots of Khanty prosaic texts collected and translated into Russian by Steinitz in 1936. The author applied a new approach to folklore classification, based on plot action. Keywords: khants, classification, folklore analysis, motive, plot, action, text | 1067 | |||||
4907 | The article is devoted to the problem of the organization of individual work of pedagogical higher school students in the process of teaching practice at the educational institution. According to the author, the pedagogical technology of self-actualization, (A. A. Leontev, V. P. Bespalko, M. V. Klarin, etc.), which forms the ability to informative independence and activity, will allow to provide the creative character of independent activity of students Keywords: independent activity, technology of self-actualisation, teaching practice at the educational institution, informative independence, creative activity | 1067 | |||||
4908 | We consider the simplest non-Abelian tensor gauge theory, which is called Freedman-Townsend model. Using the method of quantization of reducible theories we construct total action of the model under consideration. Also, following more convenient method for simple models we reproduce result which coincide with obtained above one. Keywords: тензорная калибровочная теория, метод Баталина-Вилковыского, приводимые теории, модель Фридмана-Таунсенда | 1067 | |||||
4909 | The article deals with strategic guidelines of the professional mobility development of technical major students due to ongoing changes in the economy, development of new technologies and changes in the structure of employment. The problems of professional mobility in the historical aspect are regarded; promising targets for its development are identified. Keywords: professional mobility, humanization, personality, competence, continuing education, Bologna process | 1067 | |||||
4910 | The paper considers the essence of the axiological component of university teachers’ professional autonomy and reveals its role in the structure of professional autonomy as a competence of the modern university teacher. The results of the questionnaire survey on the axiological component of teachers’ professional autonomy are described and analyzed. Keywords: university teacher, professional autonomy, competence, axiological component | 1067 | |||||
4911 | The author investigates a semiotic function of religious architecture. Sacred building (a temple) is a specific visual semiotic unit, fixing main religious and cultural content. The concept of “sacred place”, shifting from temple to the city, translates local historical meanings and related visual markers on a habitable environment in general. Methods of architectural design of sacral topos in the national culture are investigated on the example of the most important sacred buildings. Three semiotic paradigms of sacred meanings transfer in architecture are identified: the transfer of ideas, the image transfer and the copying. Keywords: architecture, religion, culture, semiotic transfer | 1067 | |||||
4912 | The first step of the problem solving process is problem identification and problem statement. Existing problem analysis models are overspecialized. The article substantiates the approach to building a universal analysis model of a wide range of problem situations, regardless of context and subject fields. The main approaches to the problem analyzing process are mapped; key factors related to the efficiency of the problem to task transformation are identified. It is shown that the model developed on the basis of cognitive approach meets the requirements for the design of a universal problem analysis model. The hypothesis of the research is that the use of this model will allow to develop a complete orientational basis of action of problem to task transformation, regardless of context of the original problem. Keywords: problem solving, problem situation, task, orientational basis of action, psychology of thinking | 1067 | |||||
4913 | Introduction. The comic aphorism is usually considered in the framework of parody forms, although its genre potential is much wider. Comic aphorism as a genre form is one of the super-small genres, widely spread in satirical and comic journals and play important role in periods of mass interest in publications of this type. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this work is to determine the place and functions of aphorism in the Russian satire of 1905-1907, to identify poetics and typology of aphorisms in this period, which allows us to make theoretical and historical-literary conclusions concerning comic aphorism as a genre form. Material and research methods are based on a frontal study of the available corpus of sources, including satirical-humorous Russian magazines of 1905-1907. The article explores the comic aphorism as a genre, as separate text written with the corresponding author’s intention. The historical-typological and historical-functional approach and the structural analysis provide an opportunity to identify the role of context in the poetics of satirical aphorism and the main models of construction of aphorism and cycles of aphorisms. Results and discussion. Comic aphorism is included into the system of comic genres both functionally and conceptually. The opinion expressed in the form of aphorism is dictated as authoritative and rational. Aphorism allows to achieve the highest possible level of generalization and satirical typing by minimal means: at the potention of the genre form and its conventional perception. Context plays an important role: the author’s intention requires an appropriate reader’s reception. In most cases, the genre form of aphorisms in magazines of 1905-1907 was clearly marked: the genre setting was expressed in the definition given by the author or the editor, which set the appropriate reader’s perception. Another form of fixation is the declared connection with the corresponding literary tradition (K. Prutkov). Conclusion. The main intention in aphorisms of 1905-1907 is not parody (like Prutkov) but satirical. Among the subjects of satirical aphorisms are almost all spheres of the state and social order. Aphorisms also concern persons and situations that had a great resonance. The subject of the statement can become the object of satirical image: most often, such comic aphorism is created as a direct speech. Theoretical contribution. The research proves that comic aphorism as a genre must not be considered as only a parody form. It is one of the ultra-small genres that are widely used in satirical and humorous magazines in Russia and play a particularly important role in the periods of mass interest in publications of this type. The wide spread of comic satirical aphorism in 1905-1907 is determined both by the formal structure of satirical magazines, which widely used ultra-small genres, and by the genre possibilities of satirical aphorism, which acquires a bright, sharp and universal character. The content of the statement combines accusatory pathos, comic intention, a high degree of generalization and the associated axiomatic categoricity. Self-incriminating statements are put into the mouths of real public figures who become the target of satire. Practical significance. The results of the work would be used in the studying of Russian literature of the 20th century, Russian satire and in lecture courses on the theory and history of satire and aphorism as genre. Keywords: aphorism, satire, sarcasm, satirical magazines, the First Russian revolution, comic, Kozma Prutkov, P. Potemkin | 1067 | |||||
4914 | Introduction. The necessity to search for the new ways of foreign languages teaching in a technical university makes a technology for working with video resources urgent today. Video resources come to be an effective way increasing the students’ motivation to foreign languages learning. Aim and objectives. The author aims at a scientific justification and description of practical ways to use video resources to increase motivation for learning foreign languages among students of technical universities. Material and methods. The work is based on the provisions of regulatory documents that determine the guidelines for teaching foreign languages in technical universities, the provisions of the technology of working with video resources, which is especially relevant in language education today, and the methodological focus of the organization of teaching the discipline “Foreign Language in Professional Activities”. The author works out and implements a complex of foreign language lessons with the use of video resources for students and carries out a methodical experiment aiming at estimating the method efficiency for increasing technical university students’ motivation to foreign languages learning. Results and discussion. Following the technology of video resources use in the learning process the author presents the stages of the work organization and gives the examples of the tasks on each of the stages for the students in the field of technical specialties. The article presents the methodical experiment results which prove the efficiency of video resources use for increasing students’ motivation to learning a foreign language. The author also mentions the conditions of organization of such work with students which gives positive results. Conclusions. The work with video resources in the digital age is an efficient way of technical university students` motivating to learning the foreign language for both general and specific purposes. The process of study based on video recourses should be systematic and thoroughly organized by the teacher. Keywords: foreign language in professional field, video resources, technical university students, motivation, stimulation of interest | 1067 | |||||
4915 | Zagrevskiy V. O. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 20-23 . | 1066 | |||||
4916 | Evolution-sinergetical paradigma, as the basis post-nonclassic of the strategy of knowledge, is included into the program of the course "The Concepts of Modern Natural Sciences". The description of computer laboratory work is devoted to the important phenomena and concepts, connected with this paradigma. Ferhjust's dynamics, giving submission about a possible character of the dynamic behaviour of complicated systems circumscribed by the nonlinear equations is investigated and visually emerging in such systems of periodic oscillatory processes passing in an unpredictable random behaviour is demonstrated. | 1066 | |||||
4917 | The article «A Conceptual Basis of the World Eco¬nomy Theory» by V.S. Tsitlenok offers initial principles, realization of which, according to the author, will help to outline structure levels of the theory, implement the conceptual analysis and create a forecast model of the probable development of the world economy. | 1066 | |||||
4918 | The rational use of cemented carbide cutting tools is impossible without knowledge of physical phenomena which occur in cutting. Among all physical processes, contact processes which take place on contact surfaces between tool and chip, and also between tool and work material are most important. In this chapter different contact conditions are analyzed. Experimental results obtained relate to contact parameters and their dependencies on cutting conditions. Experimental equipment and method of contact load measurements are described | 1066 | |||||
4919 | In the article the essence of a personally-oriented education is reviewed from the point of a creative psychology connected with music. The article states that musical activities in a secondary school must be based on the principle of an active creation reflected in its all the forms beginning from the musical perception to getting the musical habits and reaching the original emotionally-important results during the simple types of musical improvisation and creation | 1066 | |||||
4920 | The article is devoted to the diachronic study of verbal vocabulary based on the example of the complex analysis of verbal units, which compose the group of the verbs of move horizontally in the contemporary English. The general meaning of the article is the classification of the verbs of move horizontally as the fundamental criterion of the isolation of semantic subgroups and the historic-etymological analysis of the lexical units of this subgroup in the system of historical evolution. Keywords: etymological characteristic, semantic characteristic, genesis, etymology, the semantic structure of the word, the verbs of move horizontally, gipersema, hyperonym, movement, giposema, a synonymic number, linguistic indicators, a comparative-historical met | 1066 | |||||
4921 | The article is an attempt to contribute to the research of extremely important constituent of evacuation problem – transportation of population from frontline area to the West Siberian rear area. It performs the analysis of the railroad transport condition just before the war time, which can be characterized by the transport’s insufficient mobilization readiness, the lack of the common and consistent operational transportation plan for the cases of military actions what was the reason of additional difficulties in its work in the tragic conditions of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The article describes the actions taken for railroad transport reorganization which were connected with the beginning of the military operations on the Siberian main railway lines, the hardships of the work performed, the enemy’s forces striving to paralyze the evacuees transportations, mistakes, violation of the rules set for the reception and dispatch of trains with the evacuees, the cases of incoordinate actions of the railroad work services and evacuation points. The author considers the emergency actions which were taken by the State Defense Committee, The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks, the The Council of People's Commissars of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Evacuation Council and local authorities for the overcoming the disadvantages and errors, for the expediting advance of echelons with the evacuees and their results. The authors came to a conclusion that railway transport and its staff accepted the main burden of the evacuees transportation to the region. West Siberia received more than a million of the evacuees and saved them from the fascist enslavement and death. Keywords: railroad transport, the Great Patriotic War, evacuation, evacuees, emergency actions | 1066 | |||||
4922 | Knowledge of professional terminology is one of the most important indicators of the general professional competence of a teacher, including teachers of foreign languages, who should master corresponding professional pedagogical terminology in a foreign language. The given paper reviews the concept and the structure of “terminological culture”. The author of the paper gives his own definition of “terminological culture”. Moreover, the paper states and describes leading basic principles (pedagogical conditions) of developing terminological culture among foreign language teachers such as: work with professional educational monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, using of terminology training tasks, work with professional authentic texts (in Russian and foreign languages). Keywords: terminology, terminological culture, foreign language teacher, professional pedagogical terminology, terminology training | 1066 | |||||
4923 | Introduction. The importance of the poetics of intertextuality in the novels of the modernist writer Lena Eltang has been repeatedly emphasized by critics and researchers. The appeal to the intertext increases the semantic density of the narrative, serves to convey the specifics of the consciousness of Eltang characters that exist in parallel in the realities of social relations and culture/texts. Material and methods. Intertextual and motivational analysis based on the works of I. Smirnov, M. Gasparov, B. Gasparov, and I. Paperno was applied. Also, the theoretical basis of the research is the works of folklorists and psychologists devoted to the motivational structure of folklore tales about an orphan girl, the plot of initiation (O. M. Freudenberg, E. N. Eleonskaya, R. Efimkin, etc.). The research material is Lena Eltang’s novel “Stone maples”. The purpose of the work is to identify the semantics and functions of the fairy-tale intertext in Lena Eltang’s modernist novel “Stone maples”. Results and discussion. The analysis of the novel allowed us to establish the correspondence of the plot logic of the novel to the motivational structure of the magic and literary fairy tale illustrating the stages of initiation. But, firstly, unlike a fairy tale, the Eltang novel is a prose of a “stream of consciousness”, focused on the disclosure of the inner world of a person. Secondly, the complex subject organization of the novel text, compared to the fairy tale, allowed Eltang to build allusions to fairy tales of different subtypes (about female and male initiation) in the storylines of different characters. The main character of the novel Sasha Sonley is building an association of his life with a fairy tale. In its storyline, it is important not only to match the archetypal plot, but also to try to change it. Despite individual efforts, the fate of the central heroine is built in accordance with a fabulous invariant about an orphan girl (in which the author’s, supra-personal will is manifested): mother’s death, loss of father’s protection; con frontation to stepmother; rivalry with stepsister; victory of the stepdaughter thanks to a magical means (maternal amulet), which also contributes to the search for the groom. The function of the mother’s talisman in the novel is performed by Travnik – “secret notebook”, which combines the diary and the set of recipes for traditional medicine. It is perceived as a channel of communication with the deceased mother, plays a key role in finding the intended. Conclusion. Despite efforts to “rewrite” the fairy-tale narrative, Sasha is forced to go through the entire archetypal plot of initiation before rebirth, restoration of harmony. In the spirit of modernism, based equally on the achievement of psychoanalysis and cultural archaic model, the plot of initiation of the heroes of the fable is built in accordance with a folk tale, but this outwardly-event outline corresponds to the inner story is psychologically complex living of its late maturity, separation from feelings of guilt towards parents and resentment toward them, parting with the past for the future. Keywords: modernism, literature of Russian emigration, intertext, fairy-tale images and motifs, initiation, Lena Eltang | 1066 | |||||
4924 | Introduction. This article considers lexical and semantic neologisms in socio-political texts and their semantic subgroups. The theoretical and practical significance of the research is presented. The purpose of the article is to analyze neologisms in socio-political texts, divide them into groups and subgroups; define the most widespread methods of neologisms formation in English. Material and methods. The research material was taken from American and British magazines and information sites: CNN, The Guardian, the Daily Beast, the Washington Post, NBC News, Chicago Tribune, The Independent, Forbes, the Sun, Spectator, NY Post. Results and discussion. The current types of neologisms in modern socio-political texts (lexical and semantic neologisms) are defined. Lexical neologisms are completely new words that were not used earlier in the language. Semantic neologisms are those words that previously existed in the language, but which have acquired new semes. They serve various stylistic purposes and their use depends on the functional style of speech and context. The analysis of practical examples reflects the relationship between these two types of neologisms. The most frequent group is lexical neologisms. Of the 60 identified neologisms, 76.6 % (46 lexical units) belonged to the first group and only 23.4% (14 lexical units) to the second. In the sphere of socio-political texts, 4 semantic subgroups are identified, in which lexical neologisms are most often used. The subgroup “Political relations” includes 16 neologisms, “Public relations” – 15, “Personal life and human life” – 12 neologisms, and the smallest number of neologisms found belongs to the group “Internet and technology” – only 3 analyzed neologisms. Neologisms of the second group can be attributed to gender neologisms, that is, reflecting the increased interest in gender studies, feminism and gender equality in recent years. Conclusion. Lexical neologisms predominate over semantic ones in socio-political texts (76.6 and 23.4 %, respectively), however, semantic neologisms predominate in socio-political texts. The main method of forming lexical neologisms is productive word-formation models (prefixal and suffixal methods). Lexical neologisms in the analyzed texts can be divided into 4 subgroups: “Political relations”, “Social relations/ ecology”, “Internet and technology”, “Personal life and everyday life of a person”. Most often, neologisms are used in the first and second subgroups. Keywords: neologism, socio-political text, classification, method of formation of neologisms, lexical and semantic neologisms | 1066 | |||||
4925 | Obukhova E. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 14-15 . | 1065 | |||||
4926 | . | 1065 | |||||
4927 | Kravets I. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 15-18 . | 1065 | |||||
4928 | The article dwells upon the problems of the morphemic articulation of the verbal word in Selkup. There are two structural elements in the verbal word: stems and affixes. Byword-building and form-building verbal stems suffer appreciable changes. Among them are: abbreviation of vowels' length in stem, reduplication or weakening of consonant on bound of the first and second syllables, elision of the final vowel and consonant, augment of verbal stem, interchanges of the final vowels of verbal stems. | 1065 | |||||
4929 | This article considers peculiarity of realization of stereotypical metaphorical models connected with rethinking of the conceptual property of «solid» in Russian picture of the world and in M. Tsvetayeva’s lyrics. | 1065 | |||||
4930 | The complex analysis of poetics by M. Tsvetaeva’s poem «The Wound Sang in the Prince’s Breast» (1924) in I.E. Loshchilov’s article shows, how tragical experience of the poet – the participant and the witness of Russian revolution is originally transformed in composition, rhythmic, phonetics, verbal material of a verse. He also reproduces the components of the semantic and figurative complex « shooting from the bow», going back to «Tale of Igor’s Campaign». | 1065 | |||||
4931 | Methods for development of skill of self-supervising in study activity at lessons in Physics are suggested. A variety of methods are considered which allow the students to verify the obtained results. The methods are classified into number of groups dependent on approach. A number of problems as examples, along with a particular method of self-control are invented | 1065 | |||||
4932 | In article physiological reaction of an organism to action of the stressful factor reveals. Authors offer to consider influence of stressful situations on formation of adaptation of an organism to factors of environment. Keywords: stress, polistim, dostim, noradrenalin, serotonin, gistamin, timys, a spleen, lymph nodes, white not purebred rats | 1065 | |||||
4933 | This article contains information about the complex insects that form and inhabit leaf mines in the forest-steppe of European Russia (Middle Volga). Mines of moths of the genus Phyllonorycter (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) described as an example. Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Trombidiformes associates with leaf mines these moths. Keywords: leaf mines, leaf-mining moths, parasitic wasps, eulophids, host plants, entomofauna, invasive species | 1065 | |||||
4934 | Work over a pre-text stage of reading for detailed comprehension of a foreign scientific and technical text in teaching of an academic informative abstract writing is observed in the article. The attention is given to the exercises in finding key-elements, text prognosis in sense and linguistic levels. Keywords: pre-text stage, text stage, reading for detailed comprehension, external and internal text arrangement, comprehension, text prognosis. | 1065 | |||||
4935 | Relationship marketing is designated as a modern paradigm of marketing. At a theoretical level, the importance of building relationships with customers is proved. Customer retention is indicated as a priority compared to their involvement. We propose a number of terms in the relationship. Reviewed and analyzed three models of the stages of relationships. We also identify the classification of the relationships and conditions for the existence of relationships between customers and employees and / or the company itself. Keywords: relationship marketing, marketing customer relationships, interpersonal relationships, non-personal “matey” relationship, the type of relationship, personal touch | 1065 | |||||
4936 | The article considers some issues of organization and content of practical components of theoretical disciplines for training bachelors (designers), it indicates possible ways of realization of interdisciplinary links; there are examples of some practical tasks, it presents conclusions. Keywords: bachelor, design, methods of vocational training, theoretical preparation, practical tasks | 1065 | |||||
4937 | The mechanisms of formation of the semantic structure of the individual composites in the German language in order to describe the process and characteristics of German seme-building are considered. The compound words with the first component- “selbst” serve as an example. Keywords: composites, seme-connection, lexico-semantic variants, the tops of nests | 1065 | |||||
4938 | An important instrument of the increase of bank activity efficiency is its logistization. In the article we suggest the logistic model, where a bank is considered as a micro-logistic system and bank activity is considered as a set of different flows of useful resources (a material flow (vec_M); a financial flow (vec_F); an informational flow (vec_I); an energetic flow (vec_E); a flow of transport vehicles (vec_T); a manpower flow (vec_W); a service flow (vec_U); a flow of innovations (vec_N)), which interact, influence each other, depend upon the present market conditions and evolve, corresponding to the changes of inner and outer conditions. In the article, we do the research of these flows’ structure, using the logistical approach. In the research we represent a flow as a certain function, having two components: the scalar one (P0 – a concrete kind of useful resources) and the vector one (vec_P0 (t, z) – the orientation of the flow in space and time). Thus, a flow is: vec_P = P0*vec_P0 (t, z) v r . A special attention is paid to the financial flow, its structure and process of forming. We represent, that the necessary condition of forming any kind of a flow is presence of other flows. Then, in order to provide a normal functioning of the cash flow in a bank we need the following vector components, which could assure its forming and circulation: financial, informational, energetic, manpower (personnel), innovational and service components. The mathematical expressions are worked out to describe this process and to give us the opportunity to define the source of costs and to optimize the cumulative expenses in order to minimize them. Keywords: commercial bank, logistic analysis, financial flow, bank logistic system, cumulative expenses | 1065 | |||||
4939 | The following article describes different approaches to such a notion as an economic cluster. Also the article represents the problem of the lack of a unified definition of economic cluster and the approach to an economic cluster understanding. Moreover, this article depicts the place which the cluster approach takes in terms of government development. The main advantages of use of cluster approach in modern conditions are considered. We speak about main aspects of cluster policy as the form of territorial and industrial production organization and regions development. We also mention the characteristics which define the main differences in cluster typology. Keywords: economic cluster, the cluster definition, development of the region, typology of clusters, globalization, cluster policy, cluster structure, regional economy | 1065 | |||||
4940 | This article analyses the russian emigre poet Nicolay Otsup’s poems. In his emigre works death becomes the main motif. The 1930th Otsup’s works reflect the spiritual crisis of emigration, the hard search for God and His essence. Otsup borrows a lot from G. Ivanov and G. Adamovich, and at the same time his poems are deeply individual. Poet’s existential sufferings have religious connotations and thus lack the last feeling of despair. The 1930th works contain incipiency to religious notion, that is characteristic of his 1940th–50th years’ works. The poets’s route from “the philosophy of tragedy” to “philosophy of hope” explains his postwar fate and Otsup’s creative works, poet explains the sufferings, on the verge of the disaster he finds love of life. Keywords: Russian emigre Literature, lyrics of N. Otsup, motif of death and existentialism | 1065 | |||||
4941 | In the historiography the process of formation and development of Russian national organizations, as well as their participation in the restructuring and the dismantling of the Soviet system is poorly studied. Studies show that during this period they participated in the struggle against the CPSU and leftist movements, providing support for the “right” for liberals and democrats, advocating in their programs the need to abandon the planned economy and the multinational state. The analysis of works of nationwide historiography allows us to conclude that the use of Western Siberia materials and involving them in the context of Russian national research organizations is not enough. The authors studying the problem at the national level used primarily governing body documents and materials on the activities of Russian nationalists in the European part of Russia. Researchers from Western Siberia in relation to 1980's examine the activities of “Memorial” and “Memory” to 1990's, in fragments studied activity of the Russian National Union (ROS), the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), the Russian Public Movement (ROD), the Congress of Russian Communities (KRO) and Russian National Unity (RNE). Western Siberia, one of the few regions in which conducted the analysis of the organizations that declared themselves as Russian national that makes it possible to study the activity of these organizations in order to their political doctrine. Keywords: Russian nationalists, etatists, national discourse, historiography, political life of Western Siberia, monarchists, the Russian Orthodox Church abroad | 1065 | |||||
4942 | The article discusses the formation of psychology of literary creative work, especially the initial stage. The formation is considered as an independent research area in Russian and international science. We show that the formation of psychology of creative work in Russia in the last third of 19th century – first half of 20th century was determined by major developments in such areas as theory of literature and scientific psychology. Additional cause of the formation was the specific status of Russian classical literature in social life. In addition, we represent a wide range of points of view, which reflect the dominant approaches to determination of the substantive aspect of the discussed phenomenon. The psychology of literary creative work is defined as a branch of scientific knowledge that studies the processes of the writer’s reflection of reality and the implementation of the processes in a specific art form. The psychology of literary creative work uses the methodological principles of either psychology or other related disciplines such as theory of literature, linguistics, aesthetics, and others. To sum up, the analytical review of articles, devoted to the issue, convincingly demonstrates that the formation of psychology of the literary creative work as a scientific field took place at the junction of various sciences and concerned studies of the creating subject and products of the subject’s activities. Keywords: creativity, literary creative work, theory of literature, art, writer, psychology, psychology of literary creation, psychoanalysis | 1065 | |||||
4943 | Introduction. The multiethnic environment of the school can act, on the one hand, as the basis for the manifestation of tolerance, interethnic interaction, and on the other hand, a high degree of ethnic identity of students can cause interethnic conflicts and hostility to representatives of a different nationality. The formation of the personality of a younger student takes place in the context of socialization, which is characterized by a desire for success and social recognition, social activity, which are indicators of social success. Various kinds of contradictions arise between ethnicity and the achievement of the social success of elementary schoolchildren in multinational classes. The aim of the study was to study the features of social success of younger students of polyethnic classes. The objectives of the study were to determine the formation of components of social success of primary school students, to establish differences between the components of social success of the ethnic majority and minority, to identify the ratio of socially successful and socially unsuccessful students of polyethnic classes. The sample was made by primary school children of 2 and 3 classes with a multi-ethnic composition (n=182), which is represented by the main ethnic group – Russians and an ethnic minority consisting of students of different nationalities. Diagnosis of social success was carried out using the methodology of sociometry (J. Moreno), questionnaire of interpersonal relations “My class” (Yu. Z. Gil’bukh) testing motivators socio-psychological activity of a person (N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Kozlov, G. M. Manuylov). The parametric student t-test was used to compare the social success of students of different ethnic groups. Results and discussion. Experimental research has established the levels of formation of the components of social success of elementary schoolchildren of multinational classes: the prevalence of favorable sociometric status (stars, the preferred), achievement of success, tendency for affiliation, the school life satisfaction, low conflict and lack of solidarity, mainly among representatives of the ethnic majority. The features of the social success of primary school students of multiethnic classes are the differences in conflict, solidarity, and the tendency to the affiliation of the ethnic majority and minorities. In the total sample of elementary schoolchildren of multinational classes, by the positive indicators of socially successful students, twice as many were identified as socially unsuccessful. Conclusion. It is emphasized that the social success of primary school students of multi-national classes is not due to national affiliation, but other social and personal characteristics. The study enriches and complements the pedagogy of primary school, the theory and methodology of education of younger students with new data on the socialization of the child’s personality in the system of interethnic interaction, the features of social success of students at the stage of primary education. The study of these aspects is necessary for primary school teachers working with a multi-ethnic composition of students to develop intercultural interaction and communication among younger students, the formation of a tolerant attitude to representatives of other ethnic groups, understanding ways and means of achieving social success. Keywords: primary school children; multi-national classes; success; social success; ethnic majority, ethnic minority | 1065 | |||||
4944 | Introduction. Additional education has a high potential to influence the musical and creative development of children. One of the integrative forms of educational activity is the school theater, in which the versatile creative abilities of students are updated: musical (vocal, instrumental), dance, plastic, acting, verbal and dramatic, etc. The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical and methodological grounds for the development of musical and creative abilities of children of primary school age in the process of theatrical activities carried out in the conditions of additional education. Material and methods. To identify the status of the problem of musical-creative development of children in terms of further education and its solution used the method of analysis of psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature and empirical methods, allowing to develop and test creative task for the participants of the musical-theatre group. Results and discussion. The study clarifies the content and structural components of the concept of “musical and creative abilities”, including General musical, special musical (cognitive, performing, creative) and individual creative abilities of children (empathy, artistry, emotionality, imaginative nature of thinking, etc.). Methodical recommendations for teachers describe the phased organization of classes in the school theater (motivational, content and procedural components), the most effective methods of musical and creative development of students, based on the age and individual characteristics of younger students, as well as consistent with the synthetic nature of the musical theater genre and the collective form of co-creation of the teacher and students. Conclusion. The development of musical and creative abilities of primary school students by means of school theater depends on the organization of the educational process, based on the complex application of creative tasks aimed at the formation of each structural component of these abilities separately, as well as their synthesis. An effective form of instruction in school theater from the point of view of additional education of children is rehearsal of musical and theatrical performances, in which not only the musical, creative and cultural development of the personality of students takes place, the formation of a group of like-minded people. Keywords: school theater, musical and creative abilities, musical and theatrical performances, additional education | 1065 | |||||
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4947 | The modern requirements to the professional from the side of society and new technologies are considered in the article. The necessity of simple and accessible technologies which based on the methodology of creation is settled in the article. The criteria of creation and reproduction in the pedagogical process are suggested and its organization in the creative educational technology is based | 1064 | |||||
4948 | The analogy of application as a link between various sections of mathematics for the purpose of development of students’ mathematical thinking is studied in the article. Keywords: analogy of application, algebra, geometry, systems of linear inequalities, polyhedrons. | 1064 | |||||
4949 | The author describes the pedagogical conditions of educational process in the system of continuous professional education. The authors reveal specifically the reduction of continuous education in conjunction primary, secondary and higher education. Keywords: continuous professional education, pre-university training centres, secondary education, higher education, vocational education. | 1064 | |||||
4950 | The possibility of application of the common didactic principles which are put contemporary by classical and modern pedagogy; in process studying of thematic block “Consciousness” is considered in this article. A number of the methodical receptions realizing principles of scientifi c character, availability, presentation, code conversion, unity concrete and abstract is offered. The author considers that the prospects of the decision of the problems of scientifi c character of the statement of the given theme are in demonstration of possibilities of philosophy are mentioned to work with experimental results of the natural sciences. A number of psychophysiological experiments is consider, and modes of work with them in a student's audience are described. Keywords: socialization, foregoing social environment, student’s idea of personal happiness | 1064 |